Baker Mayfield Felt Like “A Piece Of Dirty Laundry”

July 12th, 2024

Happiness in Tampa for Baker Mayfield is about a lot more than his new three-year, $100 million contract.

It’s about feeling at home off the field (he says he’s looking to sell his Texas property and raise a family in Tampa), as well as with a team that appreciates him, Mayfield told The Mike Calta Show this week.

Mayfield sounded bitter about his treatment from the Browns and Panthers, and especially appreciative of all things Buccaneers.

“You’re having a lot more fun when you’re not getting shipped off to different places like a piece of dirty laundry, I’ll tell you that,” Mayfield said. “So when I got embraced in Tampa, it made a world of difference. I’ve always played ball to enjoy it. I mean, it is a game. Yes, it is my job, but I love it so much. So I’ve always worn my emotions on my sleeve and so, let people embrace that. And that’s why I’m so excited for having more years to come in Tampa for people to just get to know me a little bit better, truly realize that’s not just a show on the field. That’s who I am when it comes to the football aspect. I love it. I’d do anything for our team and our locker room guys know that.”

Joe hopes and expects Mayfield will be as authentic as he seems to be when it comes to his fire for the game. Some players have a way of losing their edge once they get their first huge contract.

Mayfield added how much he looks forward to building more chemsistry with his teammates this season. Not fighting for a starting job in training camp should be huge in that department.

33 Responses to “Baker Mayfield Felt Like “A Piece Of Dirty Laundry””

  1. Buc1987 Says:

    Go Baker go!

  2. HC Grover Says:

    Awwwww, poor multimillionaire.

  3. Kwame Richardson Says:

    That’s my quarterback. Go Bucs.

  4. Dude Says:

    Will the production ever match the passion? Steve Smith & I are waiting to find out.

  5. BucsFan55 Says:

    take that motivation and use it against our opponents Bake

  6. SenileSenior Says:

    Baker Mayfield is the real thing. It appears that he is a “ bornl leader”.

    Go Bucs! Win now!

  7. Defense Rules Says:

    Dude … ‘Will the production ever match the passion?’

    That’s always the bottom-line question IMO. In Baker’s case, he’s shown that he has the right Team-First attitude & the leadership qualities to be a Top-10 starting QB in this league. He obviously has talent or he wouldn’t have won the Heisman & been the #1 pick back in 2018. In his NFL career, he’s experienced musical coaches and less-than-optimum surrounding talent, but I don’t see that as an issue now. Time for Baker to put it all together & lead this team to the Promised Land.

  8. GoneGator Says:

    “Will the production ever match the passion? Steve Smith & I are waiting to find out.”

    Steve Smith the Baker hating dumbass from Carolina? That dude is so stupid it’s literally funny 🤣


    Sounds like Tampa & Baker are a perfect match to me.

    A year or 2 from now all the talking heads will be reporting on the big story of how Baker has changed the trajectory of his career from cast off to top franchise (top 10? top 5?) QB and exceeded expectations. And yet, no matter how successful he, or the team with him as QB is, there will be "fans" in the comment section here bitchin and whining about him as our QB.

    Psychology and chemistry are underrated and important and we seem to be building a real TEAM in TB. Everybody (that matters) is buying in and feeling good about our chances to improve and be contenders. THAT, and a willingness to do the work needed will go a long way. The disrespect will just add more fuel to the fire 🔥 and help us get where we want to go faster!


  9. Bucs And Them Says:

    If Mayfield stays healthy this year, I think he will be even better this season. If he & Coen mesh, our offense will force the naysayers to change their tune. We need to get the nasty back into our offense, starting with the o-line. We’re not quite as loaded roster-wise as the upper echelon teams but, we’re getting closer with the pieces we’ve added the last two off seasons. If we have another strong draft next year and keep finding good undrafted guys along with it, we’re building something good that will last. Licht & his staff have been quietly retooling this team very effectively in my opinion. This year we have a nice blend of veterans and young guys that are smart, high character ‘love football’ guys that are showing the effort to do the extra things to hone their games. This is going to be an interesting season. Can’t wait!

  10. Bojim Says:

    It won’t go to his head.

  11. Dave Pear Says:

    It’s all there.

    Todd needs to Bowl and Baker will Bake.


  12. Citrus County Says:

    Excluding TB12 because that was an entirely different circumstance, no other QB that I have seen float through Bucs harbor has emanated the qualities of confidence, leadership, sincerity, and desire such as Baker Mayfield. I have not observed (from my perch) another QB win over the locker room, front office, community and fans in the way Baker has in just the short time he has been here. His humble and appreciative nature is obvious. He seems to be devoid of a temperamental nature and out of control ego.

    For those that can’t accept these facts and support the man, shame on you.

    I truly hope Baker and Liam Coen can gel together and become something special.

    Baker is a “class act”.

  13. Citrus County Says:

    I forgot to add; we are lucky to have him.

  14. BucsfaninOregon Says:

    Getting Baker out of the scrape heap may be Leight’s best selection- -drafts or FAs. I was pleased when they got him for nothing, his performance in 2023, and his signing a 3-year deal. He’s good for the Bucs.

  15. Citrus County Says:

    Furthermore; who cares what ranking pundits and charlatans put on him. He is OUR Quarterback and so far has done nothing to deserve less than a #1 ranking.

  16. Citrus County Says:

    Take me out to the ball game,
    Take me out with the crowd;
    Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jack,
    I don’t care if I never get back.
    Let me root, root, root for the home team….

    It’s a shame all the so called “transplants” can’t do that.

  17. Fred McNeil Says:

    I never understood what happened in Cleveland. I know he was badly hurt in 2021. My son is of the opinion that he refused to be benched. I’m not buying that. If the coach sits you he sits you. What I understand even less is replacing the guy with a total pervert who already sat out a year and was facing a long suspension. That fish stinks from the head down. Carolina is another incompetent team. The owners there must summon the ghost of Screwy Hughie Culverhouse with a ouija board before making decisions. The Rams were just mailing it in. Now that he has a team I’m sure he will do us proud.

  18. The Truth be Told Says:

    We are so lucky that he fell into our lap after TB12 and limited options. He is STUD and this team will be competitive the next 10 years because of him. Let’s get Baked! Go Bucs!

  19. Citrus County Says:

    Baker displays high character. High character and low character will always clash.

  20. Jeagan1999 Says:

    Let’s F’ing Bake, people!

  21. Citrus County Says:

    I don’t think Baker just “fell into our lap”. BA loved him and wanted him, as did Todd Bowles, and and in the end so did Licht and the Glazers. When everyone wants you, everyone will support you. Baker knows he has found a home.

    TB12 not retiring after the super bowl almost killed that opportunity (in my opinion) and started an unbelievable chain of events. But I think Baker knew along where he was truly wanted and the delay only adds to his grateful and appreciative attitude.

  22. EEK Says:

    Dude played hard
    Can’t say he didn’t earn the love

  23. infomeplease Says:

    He earned the respect of all Bucs fans last season. Of course he still hasn’t got that. Another good season and post season may solidify his stay here. LFG!!

  24. Citrus County Says:

    I’m curious. Was Liam Coen interviewed for the OC job along with Dave Canales and others?

  25. heyjude Says:

    That is our QB Baker Mayfield. Humble, wears his heart on his sleeve, and is transparent. No drama. We are so lucky to have him. To think the Browns shipped him off for Watson. What a huge error in judgement on their end. Their loss, our win.

  26. Jake been there since the beginning Says:

    Baker had to throw the ball a lot, if they can keep him out of the dirt.

  27. Ron Says:

    Play like a SOONER Baker ,enjoy the game as you did playing for all of SOONER NATION!! We believed in you then & we believe in you now . Show them why you were the greatest walk in to ever play the game. Prove to all the doubters why you were the Heisman trophy winner and the number one draft. You have been mistreated during the early years of your career. Now you do have a home go Bucs SHAKE N BAKE

  28. Drunkinybor Says:

    Baker running from the cops when he was a kid at least to me was hilarious 😂 He tried ro get away and that cop tackled him like a hall of famer. The guy has changed a lot and basically has just grown up. I haven’t heard a whisper of trouble since then. That’s what alcohol can do to people. I personally love the wild side. As far as thevstreet side. I won’t he would have my back in a brawl ko doubt about it. He will ride for his guys and that means something. Players can tell when q.b.s are faking tough and just talking coach speak to them. Bake hangs our with the lineman and prayers on defense. I love the guy and im Especially grateful Licht loves these types of players.

  29. Matt_PcAfee Says:

    Let Todd bowl? 🤣🤣🤣

  30. Bakersbucs says Says:

    Dude says I say Dude is a dud

  31. go dawgs Says:

    thank god! and to think Trask could of been the starter here…

  32. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    You know who else wear their emotions on their sleeves??? All the fanbois/goils! They get all in their emotions because not every Buc fan is in love with him like they are. They are the biggest reason it’s hard to be fully impressed with Baker. Baker is a good dude but some of his rah rah antics come from being a try hard as a short qb, having to compensate for that he had to work harder than other more physically gifted and athletic players. The man is a baller and can be fun to watch at times until he gets his happy twitchy feet. Until he can put together a 2nd season IN A ROW with better play than last year i will not fully support him. Being among the tops in only the 4th quarter but only coming out with a 9-8 season says a lot about him even though we all knower its not all his fault. If he would play better the whole game his stats would be phenomenal and we’d be in the Super Bowl

  33. D Cone Says:

    Cleveland and Carolina were willing to do like most teens and leave the Dirty laundry in a pile.

    At both teams Mayfield was benched and asked for a trade and to be released. His being shipped around was from his own doing and now he wants to play victim?