Adam Schefter Sends Baker Mayfield Gifts

July 16th, 2024

Baker Mayfield and Adam Schefter at an August practice last season.

So once upon a time, Joe worked for newspapers where it was strictly forbidden to accept a gift in any form from any entity remotely involved with whatever a reporter was covering.

Outside of a media buffet or bag lunch at a sporting event, taking something of value from a company or source was potentially worthy of termination.

It was considered a violation of media ethics, which may or may not exist on a wide scale in 2024. Joe isn’t sure.

But what about the flip side?

What if the media throws gifts in the direction of the people they might be covering, like a city government reporter handing a stack of gift cards to the mayor’s administrative assistant? Or a reporter handing the superintendent of schools a pair of Bucs tickets as a thank you (wink, wink) after writing a big story? Or what about a Bucs reporter buying a Bucs player a limo ride (something Joe actually did about 13 years ago)?

Joe’s not sure where those lines might be drawn.

But what’s now clear is that ESPN super insider Adam Schefter buys gifts for Baker Mayfield.

Joe’s going to take a not-so-big leap and suggest Schefter has many other big name players, coaches and team officials on his annual shopping list.

Mayfield addressed this on Pardon My Take, as hosts Big Cat & PFT Commenter noted they get Christmas gifts from Schefter.

“Adam and I actually are close,” Mayfield said, noting he trusts Schefter with information he wouldn’t share elsewhere.

“He’s one of the media members you can actually trust, that if it’s off the record, it’s not going anywhere. Like he actually will keep it close to the vest. … He’s a good dude. … He sent us baby gifts, too, Christmas gifts, everything.”

Schefter always has rock solid Bucs information, long before Mayfield arrived. In addition to his relationship with Bucs general manager Jason Licht, Schefter has a hometown bond with Bucs assistant GM Mike Greenberg, who once was a guest on Schefter’s podcast.

It’s awfully interesting how Mayfield has so many great relationships with media types and is seemingly disliked by others in the industry. And many of the latter are the ones who picked the Bucs to be a miserable team last year — and to be worse this year than their 9-8 record of a year ago.

18 Responses to “Adam Schefter Sends Baker Mayfield Gifts”

  1. Citrus County Says:

    Perhaps jealousy rages among the unwashed and untrusted.

  2. Donnyd Says:

    Who cares what the media says, we (Joe) knows better. Baker was the perfect QB to take over (not replace) the GOAT. His “little man” Syndrome and his “Lunch pail” attitude fits us here in Tampa Bay. We just wanna chilled, enjoy life in paradise, and love our Bucs!. Go get’m Baker! Go Bucs.

  3. infomeplease Says:

    A little something something for a little something something! Not unlike that Supreme Court judge taking that $450,000 recreational vehicle from a “friend” who was presenting a case before the Supreme Court! If he can do it, there’s no such thing as bribery anymore!

  4. BAKERSBucs says Says:

    Hay if I had the Xtra cash I wud send him & his family a baby gift like good people do he ain’t bob menendez

  5. Austin Says:

    Guess they just suck at their jobs lol

  6. garro Says:

    “media ethics” That is a true oxymoron these days Joe.

    I think you just made the legend Tom McEwen laugh in heavens press box though.

    Go Bucs!

  7. heyjude Says:

    Unsure how the NFL rules are laid out for players receiving gifts. Since it has nothing to do with his actions on the field, it should be fine. These are baby and Christmas gifts. I am betting many fans from Cleveland and here sent gifts for their baby too, along with other players that the fans love. Baker isn’t alone on this. The organization I work for has strict rules about accepting gifts and I have handed back many gift cards. But it is totally different circumstances.

  8. Win in the Trenches Says:

    Good point s donnyd

  9. Permanently Moderated Says:

    There’s always one that has to interject politics into a sports discussion. Get a hobby, dude.

  10. Dadgumit Says:

    Quid pro quo, is quid pro quo. There is no reverse. NFL now has grounds for an investigation. Loose lips sink ships.

  11. Dude Says:

    E! news

  12. Confido75 Says:

    No offense, but the media as a whole is a joke and cannot be trusted. The fact players are taking gifts from the media is a big problem for the NFL and team ownership. If it were me, I would not allow any player to accept gifts from anyone, unless pre-approval was provided. Also, no interviews without approval. I thought BM was smarter than this, but goes to show how young and immature these players are.

  13. Marky Mark Says:

    Shefter should be sent to jail for bribery and acting as agent for a sports team he is supposed to be covering in an unbiased fashion. Just like that Democrat Senator from New Jersey being sent to jail for treason.

  14. Marky Mark Says:

    Infomeplease they finally got it right convicting that crooked Blue state New Jersey Democrat for selling secrets to Egypt.

  15. JK Says:

    7/17 News lol

  16. infomeplease Says:

    Marky Mark, all crooks should go to to jail if convicted by a jury of their peers!!! Lawyers twisting the laws so that a trial never happens or the case is in the courts indefinitely is not right! Let the cases stand on the merrits of those who’s actions are being questioned, then decided by a jury. That’s the American Way!! Any other way is Un American!! USA USA USA. Not China!! Not North Korea!!

  17. infomeplease Says:

    Correction, the American Way as seen by Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, et al!

  18. unbelievable Says:

    @infomeplease – didn’t you hear? They ruled that bribes are now totally okay, so long as payment is made after the deed is done.

    I’m sure it’s just a total coincidence that they ruled that way after being caught taking bribe after bribe after… ah, I’ve said too much already.