Want The Truth? See Todd Bowles.

June 14th, 2024

Todd Bowles

Todd Bowles is no Jack Nicholson, but he can handle the truth.

Or he can dish it out.

Interesting nugget yesterday from Buccaneers rookie center Graham Barton during his visit to SiriusXM NFL Radio.

Barton talked about the coaching ways of Bowles and noted his head coach has more than an open door policy. It’s also an open communication policy — if a player wants to hear it.

“He told us, ‘If you want to know where you stand, if you want to know how I feel about you, just come ask me. I’ll give you the truth,'” Barton said. “You know, he’s not afraid to say what he believes in where we’re at as a team. And he’s very honest, I think, in that approach. Obviously, I have a limited experience with him, but there’s a reason they’ve had some success over the past few years. I think he’s definitely a huge part of that.”

Joe thinks this is one reason Bowles seems to be so respected and liked by players. Nobody ever seems to leave the Bucs and then crap on Bowles.

Being truthful with players is a fantastic way to keep a team together.

19 Responses to “Want The Truth? See Todd Bowles.”

  1. stpetebucfan Says:

    It took me far too long to learn about the truth and Lies. Specifically I heard stuff like Mark Twain’s famous pronouncement, ““There are 3 kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.”

    Some truth in that but FWIW one absolute truth I’ve learned in my life is which lies are the worst and more specifically which LIE is the worst you can tell.

    It’s the lies you tell yourself!!! If you can be honest enough to think about it remember those lies. They never benefit you and can really wreak havoc.
    Self awareness and honesty are essential to a successful life IMHO.

    Bowles seems to get this and it also seems to rub off on his players which is a truly EXCELLENT trait to share!

  2. JustVisiting Says:

    Amen to that, stpete: the lies we tell ourselves do more damage than just about anything else in life.

  3. Dave Pear Says:

    Todd is a 10 out of 10 in the character category.

  4. heyjude Says:

    2nd that stpete. Excellent comment.

    Bowles is a class act. Agree, Joe, that is why every single player respects him.

  5. realistic-optimistic Says:

    “He told us, ‘If you want to know where you stand, if you want to know how I feel about you, just come ask me. I’ll give you the truth,’”

    Funny that it’s a two-step process. He won’t tell you the brutal truth unless you ask for it. Makes me wonder if DWhite ever “asked.”

  6. Buccaneer rick Says:

    Finally a lil respect on the guys name love the article hope this season plays out right somewhere in 13-4 range no less than 10 wins for sure we got player that are ready to go in the draft well at least 1st threw 4th are team was ok last years we patched up some holes in the roster I believe we should have a deep run threw playoffs

  7. BucsFanSince1996 Says:

    My respect for Bowles just doubled with what was said by Barton. @Dave Pear, I agree with what you wrote about his character. He’s a 10 out of 10.

    I hope he’s worked on strengthening his weaknesses as a HC (such as with clock management). I’d like to see him succeed and stay here for years. He has a great staff when it comes to developing players. If our new OC turns out to be great then I like the direction this team is heading. We need to have another boat parade. LFG!!

  8. Ol' Boy Says:

    Yeah right. He talks out of both sides of his mouth. Just look at last year and what his lies brought out Mrs Godwin’s claws. There were others. I personally don’t put stock in his words.

  9. ModHairKen Says:

    I think Bowles is really getting comfortable, and with age and experience (including how to stay focused int he middle of last year’s funk) coupled with his always strong character, along with a new OC and a second year with Baker, and this team is headed to the Super Bowl.

    But I also said 11-6 last year (thank you Defense in Houston and home against Atlanta for making that not happen).

  10. GP Says:

    I agree with your take but would suggest that the lies told to you (or I) by someone in a position of trust, are just as bad in as much as, if uncaught, they can alter your perception of the reality of a situation. So being open to the possibility that someone you trust could be lying to you is quite important as well.
    Trust but verify.
    Also a lesson hard learned.

  11. BucVoyager Says:

    I don’t think he double speaks. I think he tries to give his players some latitude to explain their own situations. I applaud him for not putting his players on blast. By that same token, being totally honest and upfront with players is very respectable.

    I seem to remember Gruden being the exact opposite of this. Doesn’t matter how good of a coach you are if your players don’t respect you or your word, you will lose their trust and loyalty.

  12. Beeej Says:

    If the players don’t respect the coach, the team will never go anywhere, that doesn’t seem to be a problem for us

  13. Rod Munch Says:

    If he’s such a truth warrior, what was all the flak last year with Chris Godwin and Devin White?

  14. Dave Pear Says:

    What any of these guys tell the press is a whole different standard. This article is talking about how Todd is one on one with his players, not what he tells the press.

  15. BucsFanSince1996 Says:

    Rod Munch Says:
    If he’s such a truth warrior, what was all the flak last year with Chris Godwin and Devin White?
    Barton quoted Bowles as saying:
    “He told us, ‘If you want to know where you stand, if you want to know how I feel about you, just come ask me. I’ll give you the truth,’”

    I’ve not seen any evidence that he’s lied to a player. But he’s an NFL coach, and there’s no way he’s able to be absolutely truthful with the media and no way he’s able to make every single player on the roster 100% of the time.

    He’s been a father figure for Devin White and I’m confident that he was truthful with him, but he did his best to protect him when speaking to the media.

  16. stpetebucfan Says:


    Talk about a no win situation. First Bowles was not the OC. He was the HC and plenty here believe he should have given up his DC duties to free his time to be a more effective HC. Certainly adding OC duties to his already full plate would not have been effective. So Canales was the one playing Godwin out of position and calling all those stupid dives into a line that was inferior. Notice Canales/Bowles, I hope Canales since again Todd is too busy to mess with the offense, finally figured out where CG14 should line up.

    As for DW45 the lies told to him didn’t come from Bowles. I give DW the benefit of the doubt and hope his agent was the one who totally misled him. Having said that I would be surprised if he wasn’t the absolute example of my first post and was telling himself lies. If he didn’t wish to listen not much Bowles could have done other than starting Britt which of course he eventually did!

    I HEAR all the folks who beotch about Bowles horrid clock management and concede that has been his major flaw. The rest is pretty much petty beotching.

  17. BucsFanSince1996 Says:

    Dave Pear Says:
    What any of these guys tell the press is a whole different standard. This article is talking about how Todd is one on one with his players, not what he tells the press.
    ^^^^^ Exactly!

  18. Bosch Says:

    So Bowles is a truth guy? Yeah right. Did he tell the truth about his clock management in the Detroit game? Has he ever admitted he made a mistake? Has he ever taken responsibility for anything that went wrong?

    Bowles is a truth guy when it is convenient that he a truth guy. He is weak!

  19. GP Says:

    LOL stpete
    I didn’t think you’d respond
    Because you would have to admit that you lie to yourself frequently about your various biases.
    But, you are still right when you say that those are the most damaging to yourself and the people around you.
    Some truths are hard to swallow