Tristan Wirfs Found Success At Left Tackle (Video Style)

June 21st, 2024

Film breakdown.

Look, the only thing Joe remembers about blocking assignments after playing (some) offensive line in high school was “In, on, linebacker.” Remember that, Joe’s coach said, “That’s over half the battle.”

Fast forward and 20-plus years ago Joe was told by a high school coach who played offensive line for the Gators that said, after he put Joe on a whiteboard, “You have the basics down but blocking is a little bit more advanced now.”

So when a former NFL offensive lineman breaks down Tristan Wirfs, who is Joe to pretend to know more about the film?

In the video below, former NFL offensive lineman Brian Baldinger of the NFL Network took to Twitter and did a video breakdown of Wirfs against the Lions and stud pass rusher Aiden Hutchinson. Wirfs rocked Hutchinson’s world.

Baldinger went on to explain how tough it is going from right tackle to left tackle but by the end of the season, Wirfs played like he’s been a left tackle all his life.

Baldinger even went on to say had Wirfs not played at the level he displayed late in the season, Baker Mayfield wouldn’t have had the strong games he had in the playoffs.

Joe is stoked to see how Wirfs kicks ass this fall.

13 Responses to “Tristan Wirfs Found Success At Left Tackle (Video Style)”

  1. Dave Pear Says:

    Too bad Goedonkey and the three interior matadors couldn’t follow his example.

  2. Let em Bake Says:

    tristan got beat up a sack on baker in the Indy game. I cant recall Baker getting blind-sided all year from the left..

  3. Derek Says:

    Why the heck is it taking the Bucs so long to sign him

  4. kgh4life Says:

    @Dave Pear

    Did you actually watch the games? Judging by your statement it’s clear you have no idea what you’re talking about. Goedeke was the least of the Bucs problems. The weakness of the bucs oline was the interior. Why do you think they drafted Barton?

  5. garro Says:

    Imagine a decent LG next to him. That would be awesome. Looks like we are gonna be stuck with backup level LG this year again though.

    Go Bucs!

  6. Leopold Stotch Says:

    Love watching online breakdowns. Thanks Joe!

  7. heyjude Says:

    Great video! Sometimes we miss or forget these gems from the games. Wirf definitely owned Aiden Hutchinson. And Aiden is an impressive player most of time too. Hope they secure Wirf’s contract soon!

  8. bucnjim Says:

    At 27 seconds someone is thrown around like a rag doll. Can’t tell if it’s Otten or someone from the interior line. Not a good look though!

  9. #99 the big fella Says:

    Dave pear , you obviously post just to read your own comments.. Luke was definitely a beast .. just another negative nancy

  10. JimBobBuc Says:

    Is another player in the league setting the market for Wirfs, maybe Licht and Wirfs are waiting on someone else to sign to set the market?

  11. LANshark Says:

    @bucnjim… that’s Otten. He’s not getting tossed. He’s supposed to come down the line and trap that player, but he’s late and behind him, and dives to try to make the play. So yeah, still a BAD effort, but not getting tossed.

  12. Dave Pear Says:

    In the Lions game, Goedonkey was exposed. The only thing was, because he was playing to the right of three dudes holding capes, he looked better. Although he does hide his holding well, I give him that.

  13. OMFS Says:

    Hahaha football guys are such neanderthals.

    He had to learn to do “Everything backwards”.

    It’s your Left vs your Right for chrissakes!!!!!!