Todd Bowles Speaks (A Little) About Randy Gregory
June 13th, 2024
Addresses AWOL Randy Gregory.
In his final news conference before training camp, Bucs coach Todd Bowles had a few words to say about AWOL Bucs team leader and iconic pass rusher Randy Gregory.
But very few words.
Monday, Bowles didn’t say much at all other than to say Gregory’s absence from mandatory minicamp was unexcused. Yesterday, when Bowles was asked if he spoke to Gregory, Bowles basically said nothing, deflecting the question.
Today, Bowles acknowledged Gregory blew off all three days of minicamp — unexcused. Bowles said things “are fine” but he qualified that statement as “right now,” which Joe interprets as Gregory is in Bowles’ doghouse, as he should be.
“We’ll take it day by day,” Bowles said. “Right now, things are fine. Obviously, it’s unexcused, so things will be taken care of that way. We’ll get to training camp and go from there.”
Joe has to guess that if Bowles was remotely sympathetic to whatever reason tGregory blew off mandatory minicamp, Bowles would at least try to make an excuse to suggest everything’s OK. Bowles sure didn’t go that route.
In the past few days, Joe has seen commenters make analogies for Gregory to Antonio Brown, Haason Reddick and/or even Tom Brady for crying out loud. Not only are those analogies downright dumb, they’re obnoxious and make Joe ill.
Yeah, Brady blew off a week of training camp but it was excused — and he sure as hell was around for mandatory minicamp. Besides, it’s Tom freaking Brady. Who had more street cred than him?
Brown? Child, please. If not for his mental illness Brown would be a sure-fire, first-ballot Hall of Famer. The guy had crazy sick talent. And he was such a cancer the Bucs won a ring with him. The team should have a handful of Browns on the roster if that means a ring.
Reddick? He’s holding out for a new contract. That all of a sudden makes him a pariah? Really? He’s one of the better pass rushers in the game. He, too, has street cred.
The oft-suspended Gregory, who last week filed suit against the Broncos and the NFL for not allowing him to get stoned whenever he wants to heal with THC, is a JAG. The guy this decade has averaged fewer sacks per season than Joe Tryon-Shoyinka.
If JTS held out of minicamp, people would be screaming from the rooftops for the Bucs to launch him. Unlike Gregory, JTS has an unblemished resume away from the field.
What exactly has this Gregory done in the NFL to warrant the Bucs bending over for him? Teams don’t mind bending rules or perhaps looking the other way so long as they have earned street cred.
The only thing Gregory has earned as far as Joe can tell is for Bowles to wave goodbye to him.
Joe just doesn’t know why, with such a good young, Bucs locker room makeup, the team would want to introduce a guy like this Gregory into their tight-knit abode.
This has all the makings of another Swaggy Baker/DeSean Cancer destruction of an otherwise strong locker room. That cost people their jobs if not careers.
Is Gregory really worth the roll of the dice?
Joe would much, much rather see the practice snaps that otherwise would go to Gregory go to Markees Watts or weekday warrior José Ramirez. At least with those two guys, there may still be a Bucs career in their futures.
June 13th, 2024 at 3:31 pm
Still questioning the thought process behind bringing Gregory in. Seems obvious he’s the only experienced vet that would agree to sign for the number the Bucs were offering, but seems like a better option would be to wait until after Wirfs was signed and using the extra money then to address OLB depth.
June 13th, 2024 at 3:42 pm
The guy swindled us. I wonder if you will get the 1.5 million guaranteed with no intention of playing or showing up.
June 13th, 2024 at 3:45 pm
This doesn’t make sense. We have all good guys on this team. Gregory doesn’t fit.
June 13th, 2024 at 3:46 pm
June 13th, 2024 at 3:50 pm
@Scott: That’s what I believe, Gregory played the Bucs. The guaranteed money is likely why he has not already been cut. Bucs are probably trying to figure a way to cut him without paying him the guarantee, or at least reducing it.
June 13th, 2024 at 4:00 pm
Licht took a gamble on a low-cost vet with pass rush upside. He’s not in the same category as Swaggy and DeSean; they both had much bigger contracts than Gregory, and both had multi-year contracts. They gummed up the works a lot more than this Gregory situation.
The Bucs can keep him til final cuts for all I care. Let him teach our OLBs anything he knows about hand usage, first step, leverage, bend, whatever he can contribute. Then release him before the season starts.
June 13th, 2024 at 4:03 pm
Send out a nationally televised psa that the organization doesn’t stick with losers who dont show up for work and cut him
June 13th, 2024 at 4:05 pm
Brown has a serious mental illness. It’s sad. When he was on point for the Bucs … When he was Good AB … EVERY PLAYER said he was hands down, no comparison the #1 hardest worker on the field each and every day. He was great on Sundays until he wasn’t. His per game stats are all-time great.
So no, AB and Gregory don’t belong in the same sentence (except this one). Gregory was never even good, let alone great. He was never dedicated. He was never worth anyone’s time. Gregory is and always has been an addict. Keeping Gregory employed all these years has simply fueled his habit.
The only sad thing here is the Bucs are keeping a spot from someone who is trying hard to realize their dream.
June 13th, 2024 at 4:28 pm
You get on the phone with the chargers and work out a trade for Bosa…. problem solved
June 13th, 2024 at 4:45 pm
Great take on all of it. Good for Bowles honesty today.
Agreed, AB was an excellent player. This is a different scenario from Gregory. Brady tried to help AB too. Sadly, all the people in the world can help you, but if you don’t want it at that time, it doesn’t happen. Unfortunately, that happened to AB. It’s too bad really. Never will forget when AB flew in on the hot air balloon for the Raiders training camp! Everyone laughed until we didn’t. He then had difficulties with the helmet. So much was going on with him at that time.
I also agree with SlyPirate. Due to Gregory, a spot is not there for someone else who is working hard to have their dream in the NFL.
June 13th, 2024 at 4:46 pm
How are we sure there is a problem? A revitalized Vea, an outstanding rookie Kancey entering his 2nd year…on the outside YaYa and Braswell with some vets capable of eating up some snaps.
I’m not sure why there is so much panic? First and second year players are not household names, it take some time. Patience grasshoppers!
June 13th, 2024 at 4:51 pm
Maybe the Bucs will keep him on the roster and just keep fining him in training camp if he doesn’t show until they recoup the $1.3 guaranteed he is due? Think Jason is done with guy, just looking for the right time to cut him. Why did Jason sign this Clown? Honestly I’d rather have JTS on the roster than Gregory.
June 13th, 2024 at 5:01 pm
In Bowles’ speak, he doesn’t sound like a happy coach. Not sure what’s going on here.
This is just as mysterious of a situation as The Case of the Missing Diagnosis on Jensen a few years ago.
My spidey-senses are tingling. We’ll see what comes of this. Later, apparently.
June 13th, 2024 at 5:02 pm
“If not for his mental illness Brown would be a sure-fire, first-ballot Hall of Famer. The guy had crazy sick talent. And he was such a cancer the Bucs won a ring with him. The team should have a handful of Browns on the roster if that means a ring”
I would pass on a team with a handful of players like Brown. Great talent for sure, but his attitude and actions, in Tampa and his several other stops across the NFL. Would be a very tough sell to me. TEAMS need teammates who are ALL IN not ALL ABOUT ME. Yes sadly he has some mental issues. I do wish him well in his battle to win against this.
But seriously a handful of players like AB every season for a Super Bowl, would be a difficult ALL IN attitude to construct or sustain. Without many issues in house that are to difficult to yearly overcome. A group of players ALL IN with an aggressive passion to play and be the best they can be within their TEAM. Is who we have been bringing in.
June 13th, 2024 at 5:04 pm
Joe Says : Brown? Child, please. If not for his mental illness Brown would be a sure-fire, first-ballot Hall of Famer. The guy had crazy sick talent. And he was such a cancer the Bucs won a ring with him. The team should have a handful of Browns on the roster if that means a ring.
OK, I’m a child. I never downplayed AB’s talent or contributions to the team. He is one of the best at his position. My point was that players with “issues” can be disruptive to the team in many ways. Those issues most certainly have some effect in the locker room.
AB was a problem “child” from the moment he was signed. There were lawsuits and various accusations, fraudulent vaccine cards, and one very embarrassing scene that that exemplified his “issues” and no doubt made the Glazers cringe. Everyone knew it was coming and he didn’t disappoint.
I disagree with the suggestion that a team loaded with social misfits, nut cases, perverts, or (in the case of a particular tight end in NE and from UF) murderers, just for the sake of winning should be the example for the children looking for athletes to emulate.
Mental illness is just that, an illness. People with that illness should be treated.
If you were on trial would you want to appear before a Judge with a mental illness ?
In the old days alcohol was prevalent throughout pro sports but that was before social media. Many of our childhood heroes played games while drunk or hungover. But as children and teenagers we did not know that.
Things have changed. I suggest most of the owners don’t want players with “issues” even it would mean some great play.
If a player with a mental health problem of any sort can be effectively treated and can contribute positively to the team without distraction, let him or her play and more power to them. There are likely players like that are playing today but they are not causing distractions. Let them be good examples not bad examples.
June 13th, 2024 at 5:27 pm
Bucben61: Nobody is giving up a nickel bag of ditch weed for Gregory.
June 13th, 2024 at 5:44 pm
Joe Says : Joe just doesn’t know why, with such a good young, Bucs locker room makeup, the team would want to introduce a guy like this Gregory into their tight-knit abode.
This has all the makings of another Swaggy Baker/DeSean Cancer destruction of an otherwise strong locker room. That cost people their jobs if not careers.
Is Gregory really worth the roll of the dice?
Joe also said, just a few paragraphs earlier :
The team should have a handful of Browns on the roster if that means a ring.
In one article you made both these statements.
Child Please.
June 13th, 2024 at 6:05 pm
If JTS held out of minicamp, people would be screaming from the rooftops for the Bucs to launch him. Unlike Gregory, JTS has an unblemished resume away from the field.
No, no they wouldn’t Joe.
Nobody cares about JTS.
June 13th, 2024 at 6:09 pm
When you have extreme talent, you can be an a$$wipe and somewhat get away with it because of field production (MeShawn Johnson, Warren Sapp, anyone?)
When you are marginal at best, the same behavior is, ahem, career-limiting.
June 13th, 2024 at 6:10 pm
I care about JTS until the Bucs sign someone better.
June 13th, 2024 at 6:10 pm
8 years in league and only 22 sacks who gives a s@&$!! He’s worse than gaines Adams rip.
June 13th, 2024 at 6:17 pm
You’re being contradictory, Joe. You’re begging the Bucs for pass rush, then you’re advocating launching a pretty decent pass rusher. And this group of players still basically won the Super Bowl. I don’t think Randy Gregory is going to magically infect the team, especially since his attitude has never been a problem, it was his personal choices/needs interfacing with antiquated NFL rules. I understand your concerns and I fall on the “this is a jackass move, Randy” spectrum, but if management & coaches & players are ok with keeping him on the team for now, I don’t know why you’re panicking.
June 13th, 2024 at 6:25 pm
I don’t know what Gregory’s reasons are for missing a mandatory camp. But in effect he just flipped off the team that gave him another chance. If he had a good reason, need or excuse, he may have been accommodated.
Ability or lack thereof is irrelevant. He had an employment contract.
June 13th, 2024 at 6:33 pm
Kick freaking rocks. This dude is a waste of time and honestly, an embarrassment. So too many people who would love to have been given the opportunity(ies) he’s had. Insane! I got injured my 11th and 12th grade year in HS, got suspended from all sports my 10th grade year due to me not reporting that I had moved and continued going to my school out of zone. This is after making varsity my freshman year. I chose to go to the Navy and said goodbye to my football life. That being said, I literally had freaking nightmares throughout my 20’s and 30’s about playing football. Being in the locker room, dressing out, putting my pads in my pants, the smell of field grass, the heat, drinking water from a hose, the nicknames, the feel of a ball in my hands. The dreams (nightmares) tormented me. Missing out on the thing I feel in love with at 9 years old to this day sticks with me. To hear this Jackwagon not taking his opportunity serious and realizing how much of a blessing it is to be in this position is sickening. Cut his arse now. We got depth.
June 13th, 2024 at 7:03 pm
This decade Randy Gregory averaged less sacks per season than Joe Tryon-Shoyinka. That’s when the NFL allowed him to play. So no, Joe does not believe Gregory is “pretty decent.” Certainly not good enough to buy him leeway.
June 13th, 2024 at 7:06 pm
I think the only reason the Bucs brought Gregory in was as a “break glass in case of emergency” off-season. In other words, he would have played if they didn’t get someone in the draft. Now, he’s superfluous, especially with the off field shenanigans.
June 13th, 2024 at 7:11 pm
Another mental lightweight. Seeya.
June 13th, 2024 at 7:15 pm
Cobraboy Says:
June 13th, 2024 at 6:10 pm
I care about JTS until the Bucs sign someone better.
But would you scream from a rooftop about him?
June 13th, 2024 at 7:21 pm
In fairness I’ll take a swipe at myself. I have posted that I looked up to badass players like Butkus and Nitchske. I was a kid looking up to them as real tough men and hardnosed football players in a game of real men. I knew nothing of their personal lives. I could only view them from their play on the field. I just wanted to be a real man. I wasn’t aware of the personal lives of many of the players I admired in Baseball, Basketball, or Football. I was a kid. I didn’t know of the debauchery and wild antics. Kids today are aware of everything.
So, having a wholesome team without misfits and malcontents is the right thing to do for the kids and society as a whole.
June 13th, 2024 at 7:24 pm
@Doosh: I don’t think I’ve ever screamed from the rooftop about any player.
@ Citrus: another great player, I mean GREAT, who was a real asswipe as a person: Tommy Nobis. He should be in the Hall of Fame for his play. I’m pretty sure he’s in the Hall of Jerk.
June 13th, 2024 at 7:26 pm
@ Citrus: If they win first, then being a good person is a real bonus.
I mean, you could have a full team of Mr. Softies, and they’d never win, but they would be good losers.
June 13th, 2024 at 7:45 pm
I know of Tommy Nobis. I grew up in the Atlanta suburbs. I don’t want any team of softies. I want tough guys that can kick a.. ” because I wasn’t gifted with those talents but that is the way I would play if I could, tough, generally fair, but not dirty unless it was reciprocal and necessary to win.
Generally speaking and overall the NHL has tough guys and very, very few character related issues that come to the public forefront.
Someone should do a study on character related problems in all of sports.
June 13th, 2024 at 7:47 pm
Cobraboy , you here in Citrus now ?
June 13th, 2024 at 8:16 pm
We never know What is going on with The players Obviously there was a reason he couldn’t make it And it’s unexcusable But at the end of the day We’re not living their life they’re people just like us There could be something major going on with him We’re not here to judge Trust me If he’s not the player the Buccaneers need he won’t be on the team come Game one
June 13th, 2024 at 8:27 pm
Cobraboy Says:
June 13th, 2024 at 7:26 pm
@ Citrus: If they win first, then being a good person is a real bonus.
I mean, you could have a full team of Mr. Softies, and they’d never win, but they would be good losers.
What kids see and adults see are different. Take Gerald McCoy. He was a multiple pro-bowl defensive tackle in the NFL. No matter your perspective that is a badass. He raised a good family and was by all accounts a very good man. But he liked superhero cartoon characters and once helped an opposing team player to his feet by offering a hand up to him.
So perception is reality. McCoy was treated very unfairly. But who would you want your kids to emulate ? McCoy or AB ?
June 13th, 2024 at 8:30 pm
Daniel Hammond Says:
June 13th, 2024 at 8:16 pm
We never know What is going on with The players Obviously there was a reason he couldn’t make it And it’s unexcusable
There is no obvious reason for him not to be here. It’s unexplained and unexcused. He flipped off the team.
June 13th, 2024 at 9:25 pm
They took a flyer on him, if it doesn’t pan out oh well.
As for his lawsuit, he’s merely trying to get back the fine because he did what every single resident of Colorado is completely within their rights to do and what he did was prescribed by NFL doctors.
Besides, the NFL doesn’t even test for THC anymore.
So his lawsuit is good one, BUT probably stupid since he should be focused on the field. The guy is supposed to be an elite pass rusher and he has not done one single thing in the NFL since entering.
As for Joe saying he would take a team filled with Antonio Browns… You are out of your mind. He is a cancer.
He is not the reason reason they won the Super Bowl. If he didn’t exist, they would’ve still won the Super Bowl.
June 13th, 2024 at 10:00 pm
Yeah, they’re just doing what they have to do legally, in order to get outta paying him. Hopefully, they can work it out to where he doesn’t count against the cap tho, since he hasn’t even ‘sniffed’ the field. The extra cash/cap space along with the extra room created when Wirfs re-signs, could really come in handy sometime, down the road. Maybe, some help on the OLine… Maybe, a STUD EDGE Rusher… A BEAST MLB’er… A possible trade deadline deal, giving up a 5th or 6th, for a true #1 TE, when we’re sitting at 7-1/6-2!?
June 13th, 2024 at 10:58 pm
I would say Gregory has the most street cred in the league. Just go down on skid row and all the drug dealers know “My Man Rowdy Randy”
June 14th, 2024 at 12:03 am
he shouldn’t get the 3 strikes and you’re out rule…because in a sense, he’s a f#ck up…
so he should be entitled to a 2nd strike…
he should have a 2 strikes and your outta here rule…
he now has one strike…
so i would say the guy is halfway down the plank already…
let’s see how it goes…
should keep things a little interesting right about now
June 14th, 2024 at 12:38 am
I think the Bucs need to cut him and get their money back. He did nothing to earn it if he isn’t even willing to show up to work.
I don’t think any court would suggest that he should get to keep the signing bonus for doing absolutely zero. That’s what’s in the Bucs standard contract they need to corrected for the future and hire better contract lawyers.
So long Gregory, we never got a chance to even see you in underwear football.
It’s sort of reminds me of when 1960s baseball minor star Cardinals CF Curt Flood got traded and he didn’t like the destination so he sued Major League baseball. The team that traded for him in good faith got screwed over since he didn’t play for them. That was really about the end of his career and he spent a lot of time with his lawsuits.
Sounds like Randy Gregory’s career is over. Bucs need a free app the roster spot, remove the distraction and find someone who is actually interested in helping the team win this year.
June 14th, 2024 at 2:33 am
I agree 1,000%. This guy has “I’m a problem” written all over his forehead. I couldn’t believe they signed him when they did. Hope they realize the mistake and cut him.
June 14th, 2024 at 3:48 am
AB can’t be compared because he is an asshat with mental illness and was a better player?
Ok, so better players get a pass? That is part of the problem Joe! These Divas have gotten a pass for their entire careers by coaches and others.
I played with a dude who had great talent (also an asshat diva) who never learned to read and consistently got a pass. They did him no favors in the long run Joe. Real life with it’s rules always shows up and spoils the parade. Sad because he had real Pro level talent.
Come on man!
Go Bucs!
June 14th, 2024 at 4:58 am
I misunderstood a lot with this whole thing and looked into it more. This does go back to Gregory attempting to get an accommodation from the league for his prescribed/alternative medicines. In Colorado. Some meds that help patients dealing with nausea and vomiting during cancer treatments, pain…, and was denied. He also asked for therapeutic use and was denied.
Doctors can prescribe opioids and highly addicted drugs such as hydrocodone, oxy and others…, but not the alternative ones. Insurances don’t pay for them so the patient pays for them out of pocket. At the time with the Broncos, he was on THC and another drug to cope with his social anxiety disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder. NFL players are no longer subject to suspensions for THC positive drug tests. But fines apply. So, they are paying for their health insurance, their alternative drugs, and fines.
PTSD is caused from a prior experience that was dreadful for them, a dangerous event in their life. Not knowing what happened in Gregory’s life I am cutting him some slack on this. Anyone of us could go through something life-changing and not want to go on opioids, but would like an alternative instead. You just never know what can happen tomorrow.
I now think Gregory is fighting for others in the same place he is at. There are many in society and in the NFL (not just players) with anxiety, depression, OCD, social fears, disconnect, borderline personality, and so many other mental disorders. Plus, add in the pain from playing sports and jobs that put a toll on your body. Not to forget injuries, surgeries… And if they already have a mental disorder it would become even worse from fighting for the right drug to take for it. That has to mess you up. Never having taking any major drugs, I didn’t understand, but can empathize with someone that is only trying to get adequate help to do their job. How many others have faltered in the NFL due to these same reasons? How many are still playing? It isn’t just Gregory. It’s bigger than that now.
The NFL will probably stand their ground on this, but then again they could look like they really care for their employees and set a precedent.
June 14th, 2024 at 6:41 am
He can’t sue the league AND report to camp at the same time?
Cut him yesterday.
June 14th, 2024 at 6:56 am
If JTS was a no show for the entire season, I am not sure I would notice she he is invisible when playing.
With that said, release Gregory so he can join Swaggy in humping palm trees.
June 14th, 2024 at 7:35 am
I used to use THC quite frequently and one thing I can assure it does not help is social anxiety.
I’d get so stoned I just wanted to stay inside.
I know it dose have many other therapeutic benefits but that ain’t one of them.
June 14th, 2024 at 7:52 am
Really?! Because weed is so hard to find? He must be in LA’s most famous homeless encampment? SMH
Such a bubba take.
June 14th, 2024 at 9:17 am
Gregory’s battles with the league and their drug policies have nothing to do with the fact that he signed an employment contract with the team. The Bucs were surely fully aware of the situation.
He flipped off the team. Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, he gotta go. (Prizzi’s Honor)
June 14th, 2024 at 5:50 pm
Nickel bag of ditch weed going for 1.5 M