Pat Kirwan Ranks Bucs With Best Safeties

June 7th, 2024

Former Bucs scout explains.

We are entering List Season.

It usually begins Memorial Day weekend — gee, what happens this weekend? — and goes into full effect after minicamps close down and NFL players scatter the globe only to be seen when training camps open in late July.

List Season.

Former Bucs scout Pat Kirwan and former Bucs quarterback Jim Miller, co-hosts of “Movin’ the Chains” heard on SiriusXM NFL Radio weekday afternoons, already have a head start.

As far as the duo is concerned, the Bucs’ safeties are the league’s best. Kirwan pointed out that based on last year’s stats, All-Pro Antoine Winfield and Jordan Whitehead (then with the Jets) combined for 219 tackles. That’s a boatload of tackles.

“They check every single box,” Miller said about the Bucs’ dynamic duo.

“[Whitehead and Winfield] didn’t miss a game, didn’t miss a start,” Kirwan said.

Kirwan also pointed out Bucs coach Todd Bowles was so confident in his safeties (even with Whitehead playing for the Jets), the Bucs only carried three safeties on the roster.

It’s hard for Joe to quibble. When one of your starting safeties is an All-Pro and the other is a bone-rattling tackler who forces fumbles, what more do you want in your starting safeties?

15 Responses to “Pat Kirwan Ranks Bucs With Best Safeties”

  1. BillyBucco Says:

    Probably only keep 3 again with Tykee being able to play both. Might see a lopsided roster favoring Offense this year. Especially if they keep 7 receivers, 4 TEs and 4 RBs. Don’t know how it will work out, but safety is the strongest position on the roster. You need more CBs anyway and if they can play safety that’s a bonus.

  2. Dave Pear Says:

    Man. Jim Miller looks like he’s really let himself go.

    Lay off the chicken fried chicken and grits, Big Jim! Maybe find a treadmill.

  3. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    I catch their show often on my lunch break, I love the point system they use to break down position groups. Pat Kirwan is brilliant but he should have never handed in the Bo Jackson card. lol

  4. garro Says:

    If Kirwan said it you can take it to the bank.

    Good thing he got away from CNNSI.

    Go Bucs!

  5. Scotty in Fat Antonio Says:

    So is it me or is it every time people talk about how injury free a position group or player is for the Bucs have, he or they all of a sudden have injury issues?

  6. teacherman1983 Says:

    We will lose a good DB this year.

    How many DBs can we keep?

    We are too deep.


    Tykes Smith

    Bryce Hall

  7. Proudbucsfan Says:

    Who the hell are you to Judge Dave pear ? Maybe Jim Miller has a medical issue like a bad thyroid or some underlying condition that keeps him from losing weight. I’ll speak for Mr Miller, keep your mouth shut d bag.

  8. drdneast Says:

    if the Bucs don’t get an effective pass rush we are going to see in real time that even great safeties can’t stop an even average passing attack. Maybe then all of these morons who keep calling for the Bucs to draft DB’s will shut up once and for all.

  9. Seattle Buc is back in TB Says:

    Why did the Jets let Whitehead go?

  10. Dave Pear Says:

    Wow. Proudboyfan sees another fattie and gets all feisty. Hey, I just read a blurb that proposed anyone who loves baseball would be a failure in another sport.


  11. JoeyBuco Says:

    NY didn’t really let Whitehead go, he was a free agent and he wanted to go back to Tampa. He’s said and he’s told multiple teammates the same.

  12. garro Says:

    Please stop feeding the troll
    If you stop feeding them they eventually go feed their sickness elsewhere.

    Go Bucs!

  13. Proudbucsfan Says:

    True words garro, I do need to ignore them and not feed the sickness.

  14. Dave Pear Says:

    Proudboyfan – he’s talking about you.

  15. Dave Pear Says:

    The sickness is actually that loving baseball makes you a horrible prospect for a Buccaneers draft pick. Don’t want any of those sickies on the Bucs. Proudboyfan special.