Devin White: “Lawyer” Ways Sank Him In Tampa

June 6th, 2024

Joe’s glad Devin White is playing for the Eagles.

The Bucs got a Super Bowl out of White’s late-season and postseason heroics three years ago and that’s enough for Joe to call him a great Tampa Bay draft pick. But White’s time was up in Tampa. His play declined steadily over the past two seasons and that was matched by his penchant for excuses.

White might call it self-reflection and maturity, but Joe’s over it. Joe is more than willing to watch White enjoy the back end of his career somewhere else.

This week, more excuses flowed from now-bearded White during his news conference at Eagles minicamp.

Joe broke the story in March that Todd Bowles said White “needed a change of scenery.” Yesterday, a Philly reporter told that to White and replied that if that’s what Bowles said, then he believes it.

White talked about Bowles still checking in him and being a father figure.

So what happened last year? White shed additional light. He called 2023 “life-humbling” and said he was “trying to be their guy,” referring to the Bucs.

The 2019 first-round pick also explained that he was too much of a businessman and a litigator than a football player.

“I feel like if you have fun, the business side will take care of itself. And that was my first time being in a business situation and I don’t think I handled it well,” White said. “I handled it more like a lawyer than I should’ve been just a football player. And now I’m just back to being a football player and smiling every day and just being a light around the building, just being someone everybody can count on.”

So does this mean White was a frowny, moody cloud at times around One Buc Palace last season? Sounds like it.

Most players have the maturity to handle a contract year and pending negotiations. White did not.

The Bucs were wise to move on and Joe wishes White well. He tried real hard and will go down in history as one of many players that peaked early (and it was glorious!) but didn’t fulfill his potential.

52 Responses to “Devin White: “Lawyer” Ways Sank Him In Tampa”

  1. ^^mtn^^ Says:

    Nice article Joe

  2. Dude Says:

    Priorities all fncked up, if you focused on being the best player you could be you, then you’d be presented with the offers you felt you deserved. Instead, you reacted with emotion and threw class, patience and faith in the org out the window. Don’t wish him bad, but if he plays like he did last year in Philly those fans & local media are going to give him the opposite of brotherly love.

  3. ATLBuc Says:

    I hate that it took him being traded to figure that out. There were many veterans on the team whose example he could have followed. Evans, David, Godwin, Mayfield and Winfield were also in contract years. All balled out and were resigned.
    The reason why he could not follow their example is the reason he’s not here.

  4. WinBuc Says:

    White’s Fathers Dying = Excuse
    Brady’s Wife Leaving = Give him a pass (blame leftwich for poor offense)

  5. BucsFan55 Says:

    too bad he is actually someone you can’t count on

  6. WinBuc Says:

    No O-line upgrades = Rashad White is trash

    If you’re sick of it Joe… we are too. Write some new stuff for Pete’s sake. Your same old takes are getting old Joe(L)

  7. WinBuc Says:

    We don’t know if his father used to handle his business stuff for him. Hence the business reference, but losing that and dealing with injury he did not put up his best year. Hence Coach TB saying he needed a change of scenery and still checking in on him as a “father figure” it’s more to it sometimes. It’s funny when you guys make up your mind on things and continue to write from slanted perspectives.

    Go Bucs!!

  8. David Says:

    A lesson for all rookies, focus on being the absolute best football player you can be. Hit the books, hit the weights, hit the training room.
    The business side of things and whether or not your “the man“ will take care of itself if your play is good enough.
    Must make sure you have a good manager/agent so you can ignore the business side of it

  9. ^^mtn^^ Says:

    Don’t forget that right after he was drafted, made the statement that he was after a six figure contract.

    That was telling.

    He would do well to broaden his perspective on life & do some maturing.

    He may still overcome some of his limitations.

    Losing his dad no doubt affected him too

  10. Anderson Says:

    Say whatever you want about white but i will always appreciate hes performance in the 2020 playoffs and super bowl. Which is the reason i will never call him a bust.

  11. dmatt Says:

    One would think the past AB drama would’ve been a life long lesson for DWhite.

  12. heyjude Says:

    Thank you for the information, Joe.

    Kudos to Todd for being the father figure that Devin needs now. Losing a loved one can do a number on your emotions, especially when it is sudden. There is never real closure and you have your own regrets. His dad was only 45 years old and it happened while he was in custody in Louisiana. Devin’s brother died in 2011. That has to do a number on your mental health. Sounds like a different scenery was best and hopefully he can find some answers for himself now.

  13. BucU Says:

    Don’t forget that right after he was drafted, made the statement that he was after a six figure contract.

    Actually he said he wanted a 100MIL contract. 9 figures but who’s counting at this point?

  14. BucU Says:

    Except me? LOL

  15. heyjude Says:

    Devin’s one year contract with the Eagles is worth up to $7.5 million. Not quite $100 million. Life-humbling.

  16. ^^mtn^^ Says:

    Oh yeah, “if 6 were 9”, lol

  17. Irishmist Says:

    A good lawyer knows that you have the right to remain silent. And that that’s almost always the best policy.

  18. JustVisiting Says:

    “A man who is his own lawyer has a fool for a client.”

    Worrying about contract terms is what agents and managers for.

  19. Upstate NY BUC Says:

    Better tell him to go back to LAW school and learn how to cover… Excuses… Go Britt!!

  20. 2023 Surprised the Hell out of me Says:


  21. D Cone Says:

    2023 $$$ worked out to $1 Mil per INT and $11700 per tackle.

    1 Mil up front 2.5 Base Salary, 1/4 Mil work Out Bonus and 1/2 Mil Per Game Roster Bonus is a step back but certainly not Chump Change.

    With Eagles new additions like Bryce Huff it could be a double digit sack year for White. He still has the wheels. Hopefully Bucs won’t be at 2-2 and going into week 5 with a backup QB.

  22. SlyPirate Says:

    White shined when LVD was in his prime and Suh, Vea, JPP and Shaq were creating havoc. White was in bonus spot. The stars around him allowed White to make a splash play or two. When the lights were on him, he couldn’t produce.

  23. Dewey Selmon Says:

    White has 100 millions excuses. Money was his motivation unlike his mentor #54. Wish him well.

  24. SC Bucs Fan Says:

    Can’t wait for the excuse when he washes out in Philly.

  25. RBUC Says:

    D White wasn’t exceptional in coverage in college yet the Bucs still drafted him as a high 1st rounder. It’s rare that ILB position command a big contract like $100 million ESPECIALLY in Tampa(D Brooks had to holdout to get a respectable contract) valuable lesson learned by a young man in his 20’s! NOW if Wirfs had made statements how he wants a certain dollar amount or else MOST that frequent this site would have a TOTALLY different take. Bottom line is if a player is perceived as someone needed and can’t easily be replaced fans don’t care how he handles things! For the record I have yet to see Wirfs used as a dominant lineman to run behind!!

  26. SlyPirate Says:

    I remember White saying, “I’m holding out for $20M a year.” He got $7M? I think.

    Better than Winston.

    In Winston’s last year he said, “I’m going to make $30M a year!” A week later the Bucs signed TB12 and the best offer Winston received was $1.1M as 3rd string on NO.

    BTW, What was up with Winston and the number 30 that year?

  27. MRRR Says:

    When he was playing well he was one of the best. Unfortunately, he was only playing well 1/4 of the time (last season). I’m with Joe though, he helped us win a Super Bowl so I will always be a fan.

  28. SB~LV Says:

    I can’t help but to feel sorry for him.
    He just doesn’t get life .
    I hope he has a great financial advisor and doesn’t make the mistake so many players do, accustomed to the big money and think that it will be like that forever.

  29. Cobraboy Says:

    He should have shut his mouth and just played.

    Alienating your boss when you are replaceable is a fool’s play, especially when your play is decidedly sub-optimal, and you can’t play pass D worth a darn in a passing league.

    Just another case of 4.4 feet and 6.0 brain…

  30. PowerOfPewter Says:

    Wut? What sank White wasn’t contract negotiations, it was lack of performance and effort.

  31. anyhony Says:

    WinBuc Says:
    June 6th, 2024 at 1:44 pm

    No O-line upgrades = Rashad White is trash

    If you’re sick of it Joe… we are too. Write some new stuff for Pete’s sake. Your same old takes are getting old Joe(L)

    Does Not speak for me Joe!!!

  32. drdneast Says:

    That’s why players hire agents, to do the lawyering and negotiating for them. The good ones, like Winfield stay out of it. I’m sure White had an agent, he just chose not to listen to him or tried to do his job for him in public. His choice, his decision.

  33. Beeej Says:

    Bet DW makes pro bowl this year

  34. Greg Says:

    We always have to remember D White is 26 years old. I don’t think I would have handled that situation well either at 26.

  35. Drunkinybor Says:

    I remember one of hid goals before the draft was to be the first 100 million dollar L.B. I whined when he said that but was thinking he would have to earn it which would actually be a good thing. We’ll he didn’t earn it then complained and moped around. Meanwhile his back up outplayed him and he got 96 million less than what he thinks he’s worth ouch.

  36. Bowles4President Says:

    This makes me feel a little better about him. I didn’t expect him to publicly own up to how 2023 went down. He screwed up, but rather than doubling down (which is pretty popular) he accepted responsibility.

    Him and Shaq are two former Bucs it would be cool to see return to their former glory, regardless of the helmet (except the saints).

  37. Lars Tatersalad Says:

    In the immortal words of Hank Hill, ” don’t play lawyer-ball, son!”

  38. Bucben61 Says:

    Maybe he can find in Philly what he couldn’t find here…wish him the best… except when facing the bucs

  39. Trey Alderson-Cloutier Says:

    Does White not realize that it’s his agents job to negotiate his contract? SMH man..

  40. Ultra ClodHopper Says:

    Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer

    “I’m just a simple caveman. I don’t understand these things called ‘negotiations’ and how they work.”

  41. SenileSenior Says:

    I hope he does well in Philly …but not when we play them.

    Go Bucs!

  42. Rich Says:

    Slypirate is spot on…a has been who never really was!!!! He wasn’t bad just last year…he’s been bad the last 3 years and absolutely lived behind the talent of those playing in front of and along side him. He is not a good football player…PERIOD!!!! Not to mention his incredibly high opinion of himself….he wasn’t and isn’t among the top 75-80 LBs in the league….so overrated!!!!

  43. Matt_PcAfee Says:

    Bearded White lol

  44. Spanky Edwards Says:

    White was a great asset to the bucs franchise. No doubt about it. Let’s be clear tho, he tried to leave the season before last and the management would not let him. So keep a player on payroll by force that’s clearly unhappy in that franchise. Why not let him go, take away from the overhead which the bucs clearly have. It was out of spite. Bucs lost money. Gained nothing. Now everyone is crying good ridden when they could have gotten rid of white 2 seasons ago if the management was so unhappy. I’m a lifetime Succaneers fan and even I thought it was stupid to keep a player on salary that was so adamant to leave. “Tail end of his career” more like a bunch of prideful 6 figure individuals being vindictive.

  45. Dave Pear Says:

    Diva is as Diva does. His “100 million dollar” act before he was drafted turned me off immediately. Then his playoff run had me thinking, hmmm, he might earn it.

    The “earn” part is what he missed. Three games don’t earn you anything other than the right to produce for another 30 games or so. That didn’t happen.

    I suspect lack of proper coaching, particularly waiting way too long to hold him accountable for his freelancing, poor tackling technique and lack of hustle, also encouraged him to think he was the 100 million dollar man when in fact he’s the 100 million turd clown. Good riddance and I don’t give a fork if he succeeds in Philly or not.

  46. Brian in St Pete Says:

    The guy loves the glory but not the game. He will simply go on the long list of “what should have beens” that have (dis)graced the halls of One Buc. Addition by subtraction.

  47. Dave Pear Says:

    I don’t remember if the Eagles game is at home or not. If it is, Bucs should introduce their offense so the Eagles introduce their defense. That way Diva can hear the loudest booing ever experienced by a Diva in sonic history.

    I so want that misguided horse dude to experience more humbling experiences, so many that his career reaches the crossroads after the 2024 season.

    Then maybe someone (Bowels? Dungy?) could reach him and get through to him on what it really takes to be successful in life. His god-given talent is his curse because it’s helped him get away with all his flaws for this long.

    Good luck, Nick Siriani. You’re gonna need it.

  48. garro Says:

    Wow Joe this dude still does not get it. Maybe Bowles doesn’t either.

    His play other than the last 3 or 4 games in our SB run was not good and when you add in all the antics, excessive theatrics, refusal to take coaching…When you are constantly out of position for three plus years, how could it be anything else… Then the pay me top money or I sit?

    Todd! If you truly care about Devon the person tell him the truth about his ass.

    Go Bucs!

  49. Oneilbuc Says:

    I wish him the best Devin White was injured last year and unfortunately it was a contract year. I hope the bucs made the right decision by letting him walk because KJ Britt can’t cover at all . And I’m saying White was was great at it either but he did make some splash plays. He did catch a couple of ints and with that D line in Philly it’s a strong possibility he’s going to ball out!!

  50. Mike C Says:

    Uhhhhh Winbuc, I think you forgot the part about Brady being FORTY-FIVE EFFIN YEARS OLD!!!!

  51. Dave Pear Says:

    Osqueel making excuses for another bad attitude, lazy, self centered player. What a surprise.

    Again, if the girl really believes her tribble, she should be demanding the HC be fired.

    Baseless opinions are a wonderful thing when you live in a closet in mom’s bedroom.

  52. Mike C Says:

    Just like 3 huh oneilbuc