Baker Mayfield Sees An Invigorated Chris Godwin

June 4th, 2024

So Chris Godwin played about one-third of his snaps in the slot receiver position last year yet folks at One Buc Palace are good at making it sound like he didn’t play there in 2023.

It’s sort of an odd phenomenon.

During the Tom Brady years, Godwin lined up in the slot about 55 percent of the time over three seasons. For the math-challenged, that means Godwin didn’t line up there 45 percent of the time. And he was terrific in those roles.

Godwin is versatile, but it sounds like he’s just happier being a slot-first player. Godwin talked about his love for the position last month.

Today at One Buc Palace, Baker Mayfield offered a peak into just how happy Mayfield is to be back as a slot-first player in Liam Coen’s new offense.

“You know this offense is one, though, that we’re going to everybody around. But this one really gives Chris a chance to, you know, the stuff that he’s really, really good at, he’s going to be doing a lot of. He’s more comfortable in it,” Mayfield said. “And you can just tell, body-language-wise, talking to him about it. He loves it so far. … It’s good to see him back where he’s best.”

Joe appreciated Mayfield’s candor and Joe will offer the unpopular take among Bucs officials that Godwin was an unhappy player last season.

That doesn’t mean he wasn’t giving his all, but his professional satisfaction was lacking. The evidence is there from all angles.

Now the question is whether Godwin can bounce back to being the more dangerous receiver he was in past years. If that happens, then Joe looks forward to seeing the Bucs in playoff games and Godwin liking his new 2024 Bucs contract.

13 Responses to “Baker Mayfield Sees An Invigorated Chris Godwin”

  1. Jeffrey Becker Says:

    palmer not gonna get many looks on slants i guess. too bad it’s something i think would work and work often

  2. Fred McNeil Says:

    I’d love to see the old Godwin in the slot. Ya know how you can smell the summer rains coming a good while before they actually arrive? I smell victory in the air. It’s a beautiful sensation. I will feast well this year.

  3. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Liam Coen’s offense will average 6+ points more per game this coming regular season over last year and it will be fun to watch.

  4. JimBobBuc Says:

    It’s a win-win for both the passing and running game to have Godwin in the slot. He’s our best, maybe only, WR who is fearless blocking at the LOS. He’ll do well on the quick slants of course, but he’ll be a killer on the option routes with his experience reading defenses. Chris seems excited and I think Mariah put him in a really tough off season workout program.

  5. unbelievable Says:

    You don’t have to be lined up in the slot to run a slant…

  6. Defense Rules Says:

    Joe … ‘If that happens, then Joe looks forward to seeing the Bucs in playoff games and Godwin liking his new 2024 Bucs contract.’

    OK Joe, I’m hooked: did Godwin sign a ‘new 2024 Bucs contract’?

  7. Beeej Says:

    They just need to give Palmer the occasional dump off, he’ll break them eventually

  8. SB~LV Says:

    Recovery time last year

  9. heyjude Says:

    Really excited about this season. It sounds like Coen is well accepted and the offense is coming together stronger. Love Mayfield’s straightforwardness about Godwin and others too.

  10. garro Says:

    Baker you need to help your buddy out and just throw him the ball instead of worrying only about Mikes Yards and TDs. That was embarassing.

    Go Bucs!

  11. Dave Pear Says:

    Godwin doesn’t get 1000 yards without Baler targeting him. Cmon now.

    If there’s an issue it’s the red zone and Godwin TD production. But that’s also where Mike should excel.

    Looking forward to Baler stepping up from a very good season to an even better one.

  12. lambchop Says:

    Just how happy Godwin is to be back you mean.

  13. Bakersbucs says Says:

    Let’s just say seems everyone is happy except that jackass Garro says