“You’re Never Going To Do It”

May 29th, 2024

Tristan Wirfs

So four years ago, left tackle Tristan Wirfs weighed 320 pounds. Now he plays at a mean and lean 360 pounds.

The things he and Bucs strongman Luke Goedeke do in the weight room are hard to imagine.

The bar is ridiculously high and Bucs second-year guard Cody Mauch has no problem being humbled by it.

Mauch said yesterday that he heads to One Buc Palace, where Wirfs and Goedeke do their dirty work, and just tries to keep up in the gym.

“Those are great guys to lift with. Trying to just keep up with what Tristan’s doing, you’re never going to do it but it’s kind of a good goal to have. You know, just keep up with him,” Mauch said. “Hanging around with those guys and just really dialing in to what they have on the workout card and just doing that to the best of your ability.”

Joe loves hearing this kind of stuff. It’s organic leadership. No rah-rah, chest-pounding, just dedicated beasts welcoming the young guys to follow their manbeast paths.

41 Responses to ““You’re Never Going To Do It””

  1. BucVoyager Says:

    That is great to hear. Hopefully our brand new center does the same.

  2. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    They got a pair of diamonds with Papa Wirf and Goedecke. Checked back in with big Cody snd Graham the man. This OLine is gonna be unbelievablly great this year. Licht has 4 solid young starters, a couple vet guards with Barton and Sua, and the Best. Damn. 6th Man. With Robert Hainsey. A+ work Mr Licht

  3. Capt.Tim Says:

    Love our tackles, and have high hopes for Mauch.
    Barton will be incredible, once he spends a year or two hanging out in n NFL weight room.

    Wanna hear how klein is doing.
    Any word, Joe?

  4. Dew Says:

    PFF rated our 2 tackles best duo in the NFL

  5. The Fighting Schianoes Says:

    I saw enough from Goedeke last year. We’re set at T for years to come.

  6. JimBobBuc Says:

    I really like Goedeke’s fire. He’s always sticking up for his teammates, getting in the face of defenders at the end of the play. He’s been smart about it with few to no penalties. I hope that attitude wears off on Mauch, Barton, and others.

  7. Mark A Swygert Says:

    The contest does not always go the strongest…. But that’s the way to bet.

  8. BucsFan55 Says:

    Goedeke’s play was a great surprise, did not think he would do that well at RT but he was good. Gone are the days of Kenyatta Walker and Jeremy Trueblood.

  9. Buccos Says:

    There was a huge disparity between our tackles and the other interior linemen. This year we should be good right down the line if we can avoid injury. It should be nice to see how Mayfield plays with some time in the pocket and a running game hopefully

  10. teacherman1983 Says:

    Hainsey might get cut.

    Brederson might take his job.

    Sua and Klein are clearly much stronger than Hainsey.

  11. Casual Observer Says:

    Agree that is a great story. Wirfs is a rare commodity in this sport. All round player.

  12. SlyPirate Says:

    BucsFan55 Says:
    Kenyatta Walker and Jeremy Trueblood.


    OMG! Trueblood … That guy looked and moved like Frankenstein.

  13. Ol' Boy Says:

    … Now, about that contract, Mr Licht…

  14. BucVoyager Says:

    Jeremy “Hands to the face” Trueblood

  15. Defense Rules Says:

    teacherman1983 … ‘Hainsey might get cut.’

    Uhhh, don’t think that’s even a possibility. I think he’s the only experienced Center in the OLine group as of right now. Undoubtedly not the strongest, but there’s a lot more to being good at your position than just being strong.

    Remember Jeremy Zuttah? Played for us from 2008-2013, then signed with the Ravens & started for them from 2014-2016. Not very big (6’4″ & 303 lbs) for an OLineman, but he was smart & turned that into a nice 9-year NFL career starting 95% of the games he played in after his rookie year. Not that shabby for a 3rd Round pick (like Robert Hainsey).

  16. Hodad Says:

    Barton said he couldn’t wait to start lifting with the boys. This is why OTAs are important. Young teams like ours need that extra bonding time. The schemes are to complex to absorb with 2 extra weeks of camp.

  17. Dave Pear Says:

    It would be great if Goedonkey actually made blocking his best skill. I have to admit, he gets away with holding more than any Bucs OL maybe ever. His ability to conceal holding is a great attribute but if he learned how to block it would be better.

  18. geno711 Says:

    Wirfs and Goedecke look like a great way to start your Offensive line. Let’s see if the inside guys can keep up.

  19. Buc1987 Says:

    Rob Schneider “you can do it”!

  20. 74 Bucs Fan Says:

    With big Barton, and Cody up to 315-320 – that power should open some holes and keep us baking. Need a thumper at LG – who’s it gonna be? If the 6th round fridge can only play RG, then jump on over to LG Cody.

  21. Beeej Says:

    “Dave Pear Says:
    May 29th, 2024 at 4:39 pm
    It would be great if Goedonkey actually made blocking his best skill. I have to admit, he gets away with holding more than any Bucs OL maybe ever.

    The other possibility might be that the refs don’t agree with you on what constitutes holding

  22. Terry ONeal Says:

    I think our OLine will absolutely ricck this year. Throw these guys in and may the best men win!!

  23. Dave Pear Says:

    They definitely have a chance to improve. Last in rushing for two straight seasons when the head coach wants the rushing offense to drive the team is problematic. Maybe under Bowels head coaching expertise they can be 30th in the league this season.

  24. ChiBuc Says:

    What a difference a yr makes. I recall the beat down Goedeke took on this site, as a rookie. A ROOKIE. Hopefully, those who feel entitled to set unrealistic expectations for rookies and then proceed to judge and bad mouth 20 year old men transitioning into a new career can learn to appreciate the fruits of patience. And btw, it is incredibly juvenile to create disparaging insults with people’s names (e.g. Goedonkey), like elementary school juvenile

  25. WhatTheBuc Says:

    I believe I saw that Opeta was one of the strongest guys in his draft class as well.

  26. Pablothepoolboy Says:

    ChiBuc: Right on Washington, 100%

  27. Bucben61 Says:

    With this bigger faster stronger on-line the bucs are going to be better at running passing converting 3rd downs…this team looks to be much improved on both sides of the ball

  28. Boge Says:

    It’s pretty incredible what Jason has done to the oline. We’ve got 4 players that could be together for the next 6 years or more.

  29. adam from ny Says:


  30. adam from ny Says:

    yes…beasting…the OLine squad shall be beasting

  31. Dave Pear Says:

    ChiBuc, thank you for the admonition, for reminding everyone how forum rules call for righteous maturity. I feel so ashamed for thinking this was a site to have fun, talk smack, all while sharing observations about the Bucs. No room for juvenile behavior around here. Since this place is only for serious adult behavior, I submit my apologies to Goedonkey, Toad’s Bowels, Diva White, and others I have smeared with juvenile alliteration.

    Have a great day, you pompous snotty-nosed heap of parrot droppings .

  32. Matt_PcAfee Says:

    They are men

  33. Cobraboy Says:

    Walker? Trueblood?

    I bet most don’t remember Charles McRae.

  34. Cobraboy Says:

    ChiBucs: why not chastise the Joe’s for juvenile nicknames?

  35. garro Says:

    Im thinking Wirfs may want to slim it down a bit this year. Maybe limit the wear and tear of carrying around that much weight. 360 is alot for anyone even Wirfs.

    Go Bucs!

  36. Bucfan Says:

    Keep Bowels 100% away from play calling on offense & making the game plans and the Bucs will win at least 10 games.

  37. Mike C Says:

    THIS! will be the reason for any Buccaneer success this season.

  38. ChiBuc Says:

    Dave Pear: I’m betting as a child you enjoyed pulling the wings off of butterflies. Now, you’ve graduated to hurling insults all day online, hoping to be heard and seen. You occasionally offer insight with some $5 words, whic is quickly overshadowed by a ten yr old wit. Sure, colorful locker room banter and opinions add to the fun, but you are a black cloud of vitriolic negativity. You should rest assured that we hear your cries for attention and we see you, sarcastic and bitter

  39. infomeplease Says:

    Stronger OL = more yrds per play = more first downs = more scores = more Ws!! Sounds good to me!

  40. garro Says:

    BTW please don’t feed the trolls.

  41. Dave Pear Says:

    Clinic – you’re the kid everyone had fun with by putting the “kick me” sticky note on their back side. “Pulling wings off of butterflies “ — LOL , ya sure.

    I got the idea from Silence of the Lambs. You do remind one of Clarece Starling. About the same sense of humor as she had.