“That’s Where It Could Crumble For The Bucs”

May 21st, 2024

Joe always pays a little extra attention when Tampa native (Alonso High) and eight-year NFL vet Leger Douzable, who played for Todd Bowles with the Jets, is talking Bucs football.

Douzable is a growing voice on CBS Sports and SiriusXM NFL Radio.

Looking at the Tampa Bay schedule for CBS, Douzable was laser focused on the section of the Bucs’ season that will require big-boy pants, stellar coaching and quality football to earn Ws. In Weeks 7-10, the Bucs will face the Ravens, Falcons, Chiefs and 49ers, respectively.

All but the Chiefs game is at home and the Bucs, Joe believes, need to win two of those three home games.

“That’s where it could crumble for the Bucs in regards to if they could be back-to-back NFC South champs,” Douzable said. “I think that is going to be telling for their season right there.”

If Tampa Bay can emerge from that stretch 2-2 — and into their Week 11 bye — Joe likes the Bucs chances to close the season 5-3.

Douzable doesn’t share Joe’s confidence. He picked the Bucs to finish 9-8, one game behind the Falcons.

Overall, Douzable thinks the Bucs didn’t do enough in free agency and he thinks Baker Mayfield might have a hiccup due to the absence of 2023 offensive coordinator Dave Canales.

32 Responses to ““That’s Where It Could Crumble For The Bucs””

  1. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    If the Chiefs would have signed Mike, LVD, and Winfield the analysts would have lost their minds, but since the Bucs resigned them it not a “Big Splash,” in free agency. Doesn’t make sense.

  2. Senor Harry in Costa Rica Says:

    I won’t disagree with the lack of adding quality players in FA. But Canales’ contribution as OC is way over rated. I base this on the Bucs incredibly bad running game and his push to run the ball so much on 1st and 2nd downs in spite of this. Sure, maybe the Bucs did not have the greatest OL, but a successful run game, even an average run game can be designed. Canales did not seem to have that skill.

    I predict Canales sinks like a rock as HC with the Panthers. Way overrated.

  3. Cobraboy Says:

    Canales is a placeholder in Carolina, like Radio was a placeholder in Tampa.

  4. gp Says:

    6 and 4 at the bye is definitely possible with our talent, minimal injuries, and reactive coaching. 4-3, dare I say 5-2 to finish… puts us back in the playoffs at least.

  5. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    It’s very easy to see why analysts predict better things for the Falcons and the Bucs to do about the same.
    For me, its all about the possibility of the Offense improving with help in the interior Oline, a 3rd WR & a RB. Add Coen & we may have something.

    i think the defense holds steady and may surprise if we have something in Chris Braswell.

  6. Defense Rules Says:

    TBBF … ‘its all about the possibility of the Offense improving with help in the interior Oline, a 3rd WR & a RB. Add Coen & we may have something.’

    That’s it in a nutshell TBBF. The Bucs have POTENTIAL, but that doesn’t equal performance, until you win, and win consistently. We’ve got a bunch of youngsters who we’re counting on to do well in this offense AND defense, and until they show that they can perform at a high level on the field we won’t get any respect.

    Bucs have 2 BIG things going for us that’ll make the difference in that regard that no one seems to ever mention: (1) relatively strong FIELD LEADERSHIP to help keep our youngsters focused; and (2) a seasoned COACHING STAFF, for the most part. Drafting quality talent is the first challenge, but getting it to perform on game days in a TEAM context is an even bigger challenge IMO. I’d prefer our field leadership & coaching staff over the others in the NFC South every day of the week.

  7. SlyPirate Says:

    Atlanta has a really hard start to their season. The Bucs have a really easy finish. If the Bucs sweep them, ATL’s playoff hopes will be finished by week 8.

  8. Jerseybuc Says:

    The falcons hype is comical at this point. New losing record HC. 38 year old QB coming off an Achilles. Wasted 8 th overall pick. What am I missing here

  9. Buc4evr Says:

    Addition by subtraction. Losing Canales was a win for the Bucs. Getting rid of White and Shaq was another win for the team. Glad everyone is on the Falcon’s bandwagon. Just more bulletin board material for the Bucs.

  10. Alanbucsfan Says:

    Barton, McMillan and Irving will have Bucs fans forgetting about Canales soon.

  11. Bakersnumber1fan Says:

    I’m looking at 5-5 come the bye and then finishing the last 7 either 6-1 or 5-2 kinda going on a run towards the end like last year.

  12. JimBobBuc Says:

    It will be a very tough stretch. Even if they lose all four they can
    Still go 10-7 but need resilience coming out of that stretch.

  13. Jeffs grandpa Says:

    He means back to back to back to back nfc south champions

  14. ATLBUC Says:

    Senor Harry in Costa Rica Says:
    May 21st, 2024 at 8:10 am
    I won’t disagree with the lack of adding quality players in FA.
    We added two HOFers Evans and Winfield

  15. Brian in St Pete Says:

    If we can go 2-2 in “the stretch” our basement is 10 wins. Take it to the bank.

  16. stpetebucfan Says:


    Your post reminds me of one of my favorite sports movies of all time, “Jerry McGuire”. I agree with you. “Show me the money”. Show me the W’s.

    Or Richard Marxx top 40 hit…”It don’t mean nothing till you got it on the dotted line.” It don’t mean nothing until games are actually played and WON.

    Still at least Buc fans have potential to cheer for, not always the case historically.

  17. BillyBucco Says:

    The Dave Canales thing is way overrated. Lets not forget we didn’t score a single opening drive TD. That’s ALL on the OC IMO. We won’t know until we see them play, but it’s quite possible we were handcuffed by Canales instead of helped.
    I think he did great with Baker, and his attitude, but Coen is an upgrade when actually calling plays on schedule while watching the game and determining what is needed next.

  18. Fred McNeil Says:

    After the bye I think we have a good chance of winning out.

  19. Fred McNeil Says:

    And honestly, I wasn’t all that impressed with Canales.

  20. Dude Says:

    “I think he did great with Baker, and his attitude, but Coen is an upgrade when actually calling plays on schedule while watching the game and determining what is needed next.”

    The 11 on the field still have to do the legwork and having some ownership in your work is pretty important. I’m sure the players knew they stunk on the first drive, quarters, and halves of games and still not much improvement. We had the same slow start problems with Brady & Leftwich the yr prior, so if that doesn’t prove the players play as big a part in making particular playcalls effective than idk what does.

  21. Buchen61 Says:

    Sept. 8 WASHINGTON …win
    Sept. 15 at Detroit ….loss
    Sept. 22 DENVER …win
    Sept. 29 PHILADELPHIA ….loss
    Oct. 3 at Atlanta …win
    Oct. 13 at New Orleans …loss
    Oct. 21 BALTIMORE …win
    Oct. 27 ATLANTA …win
    Nov. 4 at Kansas City …loss
    Nov. 10 SAN FRANCISCO …loss
    — bye week —
    Nov. 24 at N.Y. Giants….win
    Dec. 1 at Carolina ….win
    Dec. 8 LAS VEGAS ….win
    Dec. 15 at L.A. Chargers …win
    Dec. 22 at Dallas Ll…loss
    Dec. 29 CAROLINA …win
    Jan. 4/5 NEW ORLEANS -win

  22. Dude Says:

    Licht literally just said the plan is to build through the draft and use FA to suppliment the roster, but these guys also aren’t grading the fact we’ve got players waiting in the wings at alot of different position looking to earn expanded roles on their sides of the ball. we’ve got a huge IOL competition from LG-RG. More offseason fluff

  23. Booger Says:

    I believe I just heard Keyshawn say that he predicted the Bucs to WIN the Division!!!! And, he now believes that Baker is at least “as good as” Cousins. He has not been THE biggest “Baker-lover” through the years, either. Skip sure has been. If the Bucs have a strong season and win, then they’ll get a lot of coverage there, with those guys. You already know the Cowboys will be 80% of the show (and ‘unwatchable’) as usual, but the Bucs will probably get more coverage there than anywhere else, nationally.

  24. Let em bake Says:

    1. Canales and panthers will surprise many this year. They will win 7 games. 2. Niners will take a step back this year. 3. Falcons easier schedule a daunting roadblock , but Bucs will win the south at 9-8, winning tiebreaker. Sam darn old cpoy. Vikings shock league, win nfc north ( easy comparative schedule).

  25. BakerFan Says:

    I still stand by the Bucs need too and will sweep the division. It is really the easiest part of their schedule. Everybody on the national level says the division stinks so why not set that expectation to sweep.

  26. Dave Pear Says:

    The Bucs are 18-19 under Todd’s head coaching prowess. History says Todd is a losing head coach for two franchises. His teams always – always – start slow. No touchdowns on first possession in 2023, meanwhile, defense coughs up a score to opponents on first possession.

    But at least his team comes out super flat in the most critical games and in the most importantmmoments of a critical game.

    It could all crumble for the Bucs at any time.

  27. BakerBucs says duh Says:

    WTF else wud u expect from Dave pear u r a 1st class POS

  28. MCWAY Says:

    The running game was slightly better in 2023. Look at some critical games. That game at Altanta was huge, especially the game-winning drive. Baker couldn’t hit Evans nor Godwin most of that game. White.and Edmonds getting big runs saved our bacon. And how many times were the Bucs able to run out the clock with a small lead (Green Bay, Carolina twice).

    If we improve on that, it’s a 4th-straight division title for the Bucs.

  29. Pieraduck Says:

    Baker can beat any QB, any defense. any team no doubt. He’s already proved that. He’s a warrior fighter. If he is in the right winning invincible mind set. Someone, a coach, a team mate, his wife or himself has to bring that invincible energy out of him every week and Tampa Bay will win another super bowl.

  30. Brandon Says:

    Losing Canales was win win. Get rid of coordinator that was way over his head fir 75% of last season and give him to Panthers to make sure they continue to suck.

  31. PowerOfPewter Says:

    I think the Bucs will go 1-3 in that four game stretch, but rally after the bye week and go 6-1. Overall record 10-7… prob puts them in a tie for Div title. I doubt 10 wins gets a wild card spot.

  32. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Baker can beat any team any defense??? Please come up for air from up under his jockstrap, lack of oxygen is causing you more brain damage. By his record he can’t and against good defenses, he crumbles like a cookie. To think he’ll bring us another super bowl is laughable. Fanbois are such clowns.