“Really Good At Everything”

May 31st, 2024

“Look, Glazer, they love me out there.”

Joe loves hardcore draft analysts that don’t slap grades on their analysis in the aftermath of the NFL’s April extravaganza.

Joe much prefers a reasoned look.

One was forthcoming about the Bucs’ draft from NBC Sports film guru Chris Simms, the former Bucs quarterback and Patriots assistant coach.

Tampa Bay’s draft haul this year was among those Simms really liked (he liked about half the drafts in the league), as he dove into his favorites on Unbuttoned.

“Unbelievable pick at No. 26,” Simms said of center/guard Graham Barton after diving into the Bucs’ need on the offensive line.

As for second-round pick Chris Braswell, the edge rusher out of Alabama, Simms sounded like he wanted to give Buccaneers Ring of Honor general manager Jason Licht a standing ovation.

“Big, physical really good football player,” Simms said. “It’s not going to be 16 sacks a year but he can be your starting defensive end for a long time and be really good at everything and always have eight or nine sacks.”

Nickel cornerback/safety Tykee Smith out Georgia (Round 3) also got a solid mark from Simms — “attitude and will tackle” — but he was more high on fellow third-round pick Jalen McMillan. “[McMillan] is well rounded, can do it all at receiver.”

Annually, Simms does a deep dive into running backs classes prior drafts, and he noted that Bucky Irving (Round 4) was high on his predraft list.

Simms did not quibble with his co-host’s assertion that Licht has crushed his second consecutive draft.

Ira Kaufman Talks (Too?) Complex Defense, Jamel Dean, Rachaad White’s Bar, Jason Licht Scrutiny, And Much More

21 Responses to ““Really Good At Everything””

  1. infomeplease Says:

    Can’t wait for September!! Seeing is believing!! 😎

  2. J Says:

    I heard a rumor Braswell has extremely heavy hands (some say the heaviest on defense?) and that’s a big reason people are so high on him before the pads come on. Again, not sure how factual that is, but it was mentioned on a Real Bucs Talk podcast.

  3. Gbobucsfan Says:

    LFG !!!!

  4. Fred McNeil Says:

    I do believe we will me improved on both sides of the ball.

  5. Captain Dan Lawrence Says:

    Looks like an excellent draft!

  6. WiscoJoe Says:

    My absolute favorite part about Licht is he consistently spends premium draft capital on the big uglies on both sides of the ball. Football is a simple game… the team with the best big guys usually are pretty damn good.

  7. Saskbucs Says:

    You could tell Braswell had a lot of power up top just from his draft highlight reel. His long arm move was pushing tackles, he probably relied on it too much but if he can add some moves to that one, I hope that analysis of consistent 8 sack guy is spot on. Right now it looks like another great draft. Gonna see contributions from 5 guys this year, at minimum. If Klein, Culp and DeLoach can stick… we have a ton of exciting youth on the squad.

  8. 74 Bucs Fan Says:

    Awesome draft it appears. If Klein can eventually man a guard spot – oh boy. Would love nothing more than to see all 3 IOL be maulers with attitudes. Flank that with a pissed donkey and the Wirfs mountain – shhhheeeiiittt.

  9. HC Grover Says:

    hoop de Doo

  10. Capt. Tim Says:

    I think its a fantastic Draft. Alot of young players that will helpin areas of need

  11. Dave Pear Says:

    Licht is best in class.

    C’mon Todd – right now you’re like Rooster in Top Gun Maverick. Way behind.

    Rooster caught up. Will you?

  12. BillyBucco Says:

    Well Canalysis is gone so that should help.
    I heard Coen is great at adjusting on the fly and Dave was great at adjusting his fly.

  13. garro Says:


    Usually don’t bother with anything Simms utters. But did read this one. He actually got some of this right. Wow!

    You are way too kind Joe. Film guru now? Really?

    Me thinks Simms has been writing his own press blurbs. Being a former Buc QB from his era is not exactly a great endorsement either Joe. His claim to fame is a busted spleen.

  14. MadMax Says:

    Jason, his staff and this site make a very good team….the more brains involved in the collective (those who are proven), the better we are baby 🙂

  15. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    All a qood head coach needs is:

    Quality Staff
    Quality QB

    If Coen turns out to be a good OC, then Bowles will suddenly turn into a premiere head coach.

    If Coen is not good, or if Baker Mayfield is not good this year, Bowles may be fired.

    If Mayfield get injured and Trask starts, and ends up being elite, then Bowles should be fired.

    With all of that out of the way, I think…

    …that this team has all the makings of a top contender:

    Bowles is a very good DC. Probably to…7?
    Licht has assembled a good defensive unit.

    Coen…I get the feeling he will be very good.

    Baker Mayfield…I really hope he excels and stays healthy. I was pretty skeptical of him last year, and he still has a lot to prove…but he showed strong potential in the last quarter of the season.

    Licht, once again, has built a quality offensive line…one that has the potential to be the best OL in team history (though they have a long ways to go to get there). With this OL, once it gels, Mayfield will have the best chance for success.

    If Mayfield fails, whether due to talent or injury, then Trask will also habe a great chance to succeed.

    And if both fail? Whoever we draft or sign next year will come into a prime situation.

  16. heyjude Says:

    Every day we see more and more what great draft picks we have and how much they will blend well with our veteran players. Coen is an added bonus as our new OC too.

  17. stpetebucfan Says:


    I’ve been enjoying your posts! A warning however. Keep up posting like this and you’ll be banished from #teamnegative! LOL Somehow I feel that doesn’t bother you.

    It’s hard right now to be on #teamnegative. The season will start, injuries, losses, and bad luck will arise perhaps giving #teamnegative something to work with.

    Right now however…The Bucs are almost a miracle. They mortgaged the farm to get that second SB. Who can fault that? Certainly not me. They not only went into salary cap hell common for SB winners they paid dearly for the services of the GOAT. Was he worth it? Again absolutely how often do you have a chance to get a SB. But did he cost BIG TIME? Again absolutely!

    As the joke at the GOAT’s roast correctly chided…geez Tom you came back one more year to go 8-9 and all it cost you was your wife and kids!!

    The entire final season cost the Bucs. Brady’s off season dalliance with the Raiders and Dolphins…where did he really WANT to play. Contractually he didn’t have that choice. He wasted the preseason trying to undo the damage he had already done to his family. His heart never seemed to be in it. The Bucs were left for dead!!! No QB, and salary cap hell!

    Somehow, the Bucs not only survived but now find themselves in DECENT shape heading into the ’24 season despite the mess left by Brady.

    Chris Simms has Baker as 15th best QB in the league. That is a fair off season prognostication. But what if Baker continues to improve? Actually more importantly what if the team around Baker improves dramatically on both sides of the ball. Is that really so hard to imagine? Much improved OL, two solid RB’s, two great WR’s with a draft pick forecast to become great as well. New OC…

    Brad Johnson was the 5th ranked (statistically) QB in the Buc’s first SB year.
    But in that off season where would Brad have been slated in the QB hierarchy.

    Was he ahead of 1.Peyton Manning 2.) Tom Brady 3.) Brett Favre 4.) Donavan McNabb and a bunch of other guys in the mix like Daunte Culpepper, Aaron Brooks, Trent Green, Matt Hasselback and a slew of other mid level QB’s?

    I LOVE Brad Johnson. He was a GREAT athlete, how many guys can play DI basketball at a school like FSU as well as football. He was drafted in the freaking 9th round. I always felt like Brad was underrated!

    What if Baker is underrated? What if all this youth movement is the REAL DEAL on both offense and defense? If that turns out positively it’s going to be a VERY long year for #teamnegative!!!

  18. heyjude Says:

    Thank you and right back at you, stpetebucfan!

    Absolutely agree, the Bucs are almost a miracle. We are right there looking in and soon other teams will need to look out for us.

    When I commented about the roast and Tom allowing others to talk about his ex wives but not Kraft, I had a few people disagree with me about it. That is okay, we all have our own opinions. However, I knew it would come back to haunt him and hurt his children. And it did.

    I really liked Brad Johnson too and also his Fantastic Sam’s commercials! And didn’t he get hurt while moving furniture at his house? Just a regular guy. Baker is the real deal too.

  19. geno711 Says:

    Brad Johnson was indeed 3rd in passer rating in his 2002 year with the Bucs. However, he was not in the top 10 in passer rating any other year and he had as many years in the 20’s.

    Both his pro bowl years were with the Bucs.

    I did not know be played basketball at FSU, thanks for sharing that.

  20. SenileSenior Says:

    I think I get it about #teamnegative. LOL I will use it from now on.

    Meanwhile …

    Go Bucs!!!

  21. SlyPirate Says:

    We’re going to see 4 really good rookie contributors …
    Barton (C) – Starter. Run and pass blocking will be vastly improved
    Braswell (OLB) – Rotational. 8 sacks.
    Smith (DB) – Rotational. I’m most excited to see this guy. Just a game wrecker.
    McMillian (WR) – Starter. He’s going to be a surprise. Godwin v2.