Enjoy Yet Honor Memorial Day

May 27th, 2024

Joe is never comfortable with the greeting, “Happy Memorial Day.”

It’s not meant to be a happy day.

Joe adores summer. Women wear less and the beer tastes better. Most important, it’s not cold. It’s all good.

It also helps that the summer is traditionally bookmarked by three-day weekends, with America’s birthday right smack dab in the middle.

If you are like Joe, at some point today you will grill raw meat and crack open several beers. If you are fortunate, then you are watching glorious bikinis from a boat in the Gulf or at the beach. If so, saluto!

But please take a moment today to remember the men and women who paid the ultimate sacrifice to allow us to guzzle beer, ingest mass quantities of meat and throw (digital) rocks at each other when discussing our beloved Tampa Bay Bucs. A U.S. flag, small or large, on your property or apartment deck is a great touch, too.

Remember that heroes didn’t come home.

Yes, our day at the beach is brought to you by those who hit the beach and never left it, whether it was at Normandy, Iwo Jima, Anzio or so many, many more.

27 Responses to “Enjoy Yet Honor Memorial Day”

  1. Delusional Intelligence Says:

    I concur.

    My favorite cartoon to symbolize this day. – Just click my name.

    And regardless of your political leanings. I think we can agree on the following.

    Q: Who is the largest holder of American Debt?

    A: Throw your pie charts & graphs away. It’s the American Soldier.

  2. OHBucFan Says:

    As the video states at the end: Thank you to all who have served.

  3. Joe in Michigan Says:


  4. SB~LV Says:

    The gripping melancholy has lifted but it is always a somber few days of reflection….

  5. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Unfortunately these days most have zero skin in the game…….didn’t serve…no other public service….and, of course didn’t give all. The least that can be done is to take a moment to recognize those that did.

    Thanks so much Joe for bringing this message.

  6. Allen Lofton Says:

    We are a great nation because of them

  7. gp Says:

    Thank you for helping to put the proper perspective on this day

    No matter what your opinion or position, they paid for it.

  8. Paratrooper Buc Says:

    As a fifth generation soldier, I was raised that this is a solemn day but you do want to enjoy it as a thank you to the fallen. As you eat, play and have fun, you remember those who have their lives so that I and my family could have this moment. It’s a bit tricky. You want to pay respect but enjoy the freedom we have in their name. Well that’s how my grandfather who fought in WW2 and my father who fought in Vietnam choose to “remember but celebrate” this day. Thanks for posting this Joe.

  9. Socal Bucs fan Says:

    Thank you for the post. Thank you for all that made the ultimate sacrifice to maintain our freedom.

  10. Max Says:

    The ultimate sacrifice? Lol there hasn’t been a draft since Nam and I don’t think those invasions are what lets us go to the beach. You don’t need to do the corny fake patriotism anymore buddy. Let’s salute all the homeless vets and children killed so some idiot can drink a beer.

  11. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Max needs a history lesson on World War II, obviously.

  12. Alvin Scissors Harper Says:

    As someone who never served, and who would have made a terrible soldier, my respect to all the Veterans that peruse this website. I have represented a lot of clients who served and are now 100% disabled, many with PTSD. Joe, you are correct, “Happy” Memorial Day is totally inappropriate. I tell people, “have a safe Memorial Day.”
    Again, I salute all our Veterans, and especially those who made the ultimate sacrifice, including a good buddy of mine who lost his life at 29. As you enjoy a day of vacation, we can all take at least a little time out and reflect what this day is all about.

  13. Mike Johnson Says:

    Let us not ever forget those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for this great country. And may God continue to bless those soldiers like myself who have seen war close up and survived.

  14. Geno711 Says:

    We/I salute the people who served. But today is for those that gave their lives for the rest of our nation. So much respect for those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms.

    I will always remember.

  15. Aceofaerospace Says:

    Have a solemn Memorial Day.

  16. SB~LV Says:

    27thMASH ,ChuLai
    95thEvacHosp , Danang

  17. gp Says:

    I saw this on a bumper sticker but it’s appropriate.

    “Kneel for the fallen, Stand for the flag.

  18. Dave Pear Says:

    My dad’s oldest brother was a B-17 pilot in WW2. He was shot down and killed over Munich on his last mission. He could probably have bailed out but he navigated the plane to save the rest of his crew, as reported by the 6 crewmen he saved. A real hero whom I never met.

    Thanks to my uncle.

  19. Capt.Tim Says:

    Well said Joe.
    Thank God for the Men and Women willing to die for the freedoms and principles this Country stands for.
    Not so long long ago, the majority of Americans viewed this country as a beacon of Freedom. An example of a country were all the Governed had a voice.
    Im not sure how many people still feel that way. Despite alot of misgivings. I still believe it.
    But thats not what matters. I had a great uncle who died during D-Day. Alot of Young men died horrible deaths that day.
    Lost family in Korea. An Uncle in Viet Nam.
    My Brother was in Desert storm Thru Desert Sword.

    I know they believed in the promise of this democracy.
    Today has been a day my family always spent remembering them.

    So, my Brothers and Sisters in the JoeBuc family, hope you enjoy your day, and spend some time appreciating what we have, and those who believed in it enough to fight and die for it. In the End, they had the Courage to stand for something.

    God bless our Victorious Dead, and God Bless America.

    And Im gonna enjoy a freedom, and tell Max to go F himself.

  20. OHBucFan Says:

    We honor these men and women by doing what most of them would be doing IF they had made it back. We honor them by remembering them as we eat, drink and yes celebrate the freedom that they died for. Thanks to each and every one of them for their ultimate sacrifice.

    Joe, just left AMI as the weekend was beginning. Glorious week of weather and smiled as I left the island Saturday morning, watching the long line of the next batch of lucky souls coming on.

    What a great start to the summer!

  21. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Thank you to those who sacrificed all for our freedom.

  22. heyjude Says:

    Well said, Joe. Thank you. 🇺🇸

    Also hold in great respect all the families, friends, and others that lose someone that served and will forever think of them, especially on this dignified day.

  23. Hunter's Crack Pipe Says:

    Aceofaerospace Says:
    Have a solemn Memorial Day.


    Capt.Tim Says:
    And Im gonna enjoy a freedom, and tell Max to go F himself.


  24. OrlandoBucFan Says:

    This day really makes you appreciate the men and women willing to fight for something bigger than them. My family and I are in Hawaii right now on vacation and we had the honor to visit the U.S.S. Arizona memorial yesterday. It’s surreal to know around 900 men are entombed in that ship. The park ranger said it best when he reminded us tourists that on the morning of December 7, 1941, the sailors and Marines on the Arizona had no idea that it would be their final day. Appreciate today and love someone.

  25. ‘79 Defense Says:

    Nicely stated, Joe.

  26. Jmarkbuc Says:

    All gave some
    Some gave all

    One claimed bone spurs and called those above “suckers and losers”

    Never forget.🇺🇸

  27. Mike Johnson Says:

    May God almighty continue to shine his grace on this great country. Guys, you Don’t know how great we are until you have spent time in uniform overseas. And Rest Peacefully to those men and women who died in service to America. You are not forgotten.