Todd Bowles: Kyle Trask “Helped” Baker Mayfield Make The Pro Bowl

March 3rd, 2024

Key cog in Bucs’ 2023 success?

Did Kyle Trask outplay Baker Mayfield in training camp? Maybe. Did Trask outplay Mayfield in the Bucs’ worthless preseason games? No. Did Mayfield have a strong year? Absolutely.

The babies still whining about Trask not starting really need to crawl back under their rocks and go back to bed with their Tim Tebow dolls. It is beyond tiresome and frankly asinine to still bawl about Mayfield starting.

Trask not beating out Mayfield for the starting gig wasn’t for naught. Last week in Indianapolis, Joe asked Todd Bowles if he thought the Mayfield-Trask competition in preseason hurt Mayfield because he lost valuable time with the first team, or if it helped him overall? Bowles believes Trask pushing Mayfield helped make Mayfield.

“I think it helped him because he appreciated Kyle, and they competed against each other,” Bowles said. “I don’t think it was a matter of getting less reps with the first team. I think [Mayfield] saw a guy that was coming for his spot that played very well.

“Kyle came back [after spring workouts] and he was night and day during the summer, and I think it pushed Baker. I think Baker pushes himself anyway, but it’s always good to have competition.

“I think it helped him become the quarterback he is right now.”

Trask did improve, drastically. In his previous two years, Trask barely looked like he belonged on an NFL roster. Joe doesn’t know what magic pixie dust former Bucs offensive coordinator Dave Canales used on Trask but from the OTAs to training camp, it was like someone kidnapped Trask and replaced him with someone who could start if need be.

But as Joe wrote many times last spring and summer, the only way Trask was going to beat out Mayfield was for Trask to play so head and shoulders above Mayfield that there would have been no way Bowles could have pulled Trask off the field.

That didn’t happen. And Mayfield led the Bucs to within a couple of heartbeats of the NFC title game.

Anyone who still thinks Trask, who has no current trade value, got screwed is simply delusional and struggles to live in reality.

Stop the whining. Just stop it!

88 Responses to “Todd Bowles: Kyle Trask “Helped” Baker Mayfield Make The Pro Bowl”

  1. Tony Marks Says:

    “Trask did improve, drastically. In his previous two years, Trask barely looked like he belonged on an NFL roster”

    That right there is what makes the Traskites so delusional. They in fact claim his work at UF is what indicates he would be a great NFL Qb if gifted starts. So in other words he had what it takes to be in the NFL from college days. If that was the case then why didn’t he look like an NFL Qb for two years?

    The whole conspiracy of Bowles and Brady against Trask ( Brady allegedly pushing him back to QB3) goes down the drain.

  2. Montana Says:

    The bottom line is we just don’t know. Trask has not had opportunity yet. He was never gonna beat out Brady. He played Mayfield even in training camp last year.

  3. Tony Marks Says:

    Montana Says:
    March 3rd, 2024 at 11:22 am
    He played Mayfield even in training camp last year.

    and then lost in preseason when games against other teams came up. What teams in the NFL give starts to rookies just because they are drafted? This “he has to have starts to see” is silly stuff in the NFL. In the NFl you need to show your coaches you are ready in order to get starts not the other way around.

  4. Capt.Tim Says:

    You mean that Trask isnt a hall of famer, being held down by a horrible, league led conspiracy?
    I thought trask DESTROYED Mayfield in training camp. At least one day.

    Thank you Joe. Your site needed that. The traskovites were so far removed from reality, that it was starting to get embarrassing for all of us.

    Now we can get to the business of real Buccaneer news,without every post being hijacked by traskovites, professing their love and devotion to a future insurance salesmen.
    And Others and I dont have to spent time making fun of them!

  5. Bojim Says:

    I like Trask but Mayfield should definitely start.

  6. Buc1987 Says:

    traskovites = 3 or 4 posters.

  7. OlBoy Says:

    Actually, we do know. And have known. Kyle Trask is a backup QB for a team in the NFL. When it’s all said and done, he can always say he made it.
    There are worse gigs in life.

  8. Go Bucs Says:

    Joe? Blaine Gabbert 2.0? If so, we’re in a great place for a back up!

  9. Usedtocould Says:

    Wasted pick

  10. Marine Buc Says:

    Seems like Trask’s football career has followed this type of pattern.

    He didn’t start in high school. Was invited to tryout for UF and got a scholarship. Then he sat the bench at UF for several seasons and improved enough to earn the starting gig and played very well.

    Time will tell if he is able to earn a starting NFL job but as long as he is a Buc he has my full support.

  11. Slacker Says:

    Well if this is all true, why would you waste a big contract on Mayfield?

  12. Allbuccedup Says:

    Trask was cursed going to any organization that cannot develop quarterbacks never have and never will.

  13. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    The occult of Trask does not approve this message!!

  14. Mike C Says:

    “Wasted pick” yes because having more than one person on the roster that can throw the ball is silly…….

  15. Since76 Says:

    I agree licht said that the competition was close but baker beat him out. Baker was not consistent last year to very end. So licht failed on Trask. Who was close to Mayfield talent by lichts words. Time to move on in search of a franchise QB. This team is talented enough to carry another cast off QB to the play offs just like last year. Go bucs!!!!!

  16. BakerBucs Says:

    I like Trask as he is on the side line calling the plays to baker in the live game it was ment to be!

  17. D Cone Says:

    Trask didn’t help as much as Purdy, Stafford, and Prescott not playing.
    Joe should know about playing with dolls. FYI. That Mayfield doll in your hand is not a doll. Flesh tone must have thrown you off.

  18. AlabamaBucsFan Says:

    Whether Trask is on this team or on another team, I think he is going to surprise a lot of people. Everyone doubted or second guessed Mayfield and surprise, he is now commanding $40 mil. Maybe the Bucs should pass of Mayfield and see what Trask has to offer.

  19. TF Says:

    Trask might as well been a rookie last year. You can count the number of minutes Trask got reps behind Brady and Gabbert. IMPOSSIBLE to judge Trasks value. Do you think OC’s Leftwich and Canales and Lewis and a checked out Christensen gave him 3 seconds of attention. Not to mention 3 different systems. If Trask was drafted by any of 20 or so other teams in football, he already would have had a legitimate chance to start! Joe you cannot DISPUTE that fact. How can you judge Trasks development with the MESS of revolving, offensive coaching staff members during Trasks career and not to mention the BRADY affect.

    The world KNOWS Brady hated having “young” future backup QBs holding his clipboard. Hence Gabbert. Trask never had a shot. All these constipated thinking sheep fellow Bucs fans posting the same regurgitated take. Trask surely is a bust because he wasn’t even good enough to beat out Gabbert. All these expert Bucs fans declaring his career dead before he even got COACHED. Yes look the Bucs AMAZING history of drafting and developing QBs. Until he gets coached by a team that has a legitimate history of developing QBs, I’m not declaring his career dead. Look at OUR footballs team 45 year history of not being able to develop QBs or misjudging them completely even.

    Hey fun trivia quiz, Who is the first QB in the HISTORY of SEC football to throw for 4 TDs in 5 straights games? Give you a hint, his name starts with a Kyle and ends with a Trask. He skipped his Sr year people. If he had NFL coaching and a chance, he can be better than 10 other starting QBs out there. Stop giving our organization too much credit for being the judge of QB talent. Hey also The college years Trask started, his His college accolades were better than Brock Purdy. Give him a coach!!!! And finally I can’t stand the Gators so I have ZERO Gator “Bias”.

  20. Usfbucs Says:

    @Tony – not saying Trask should get the start but teams do draft and start guys all the time sometimes for years that shouldn’t be starters. In some cases guys especially at QB are given multiple opportunities with different teams to start when it’s clear they aren’t starters.

    To me still the most frustrating part about Trask is that we wasted a second round pick. We would have been better served drafting any other player.

  21. BakerBucs Says:

    the next question is he still calling in the plays next season for baker? what was Kyle pay check last season? If anyone knows plz

  22. Tony Marks Says:

    “Joe should know about playing with dolls. FYI. That Mayfield doll in your hand is not a doll. Flesh tone must have thrown you off.”

    Only ten year olds don’t realize they are coming across as ten years old when they write just like ten year olds.

  23. BakerBucs Says:

    Who listens to Alabama posters just look at b.young nough said

  24. BakerBucs Says:

    Yes well I didn’t get that doll thing WTF is that bout is that like LBGTQ+++ garbage

  25. BakerBucs Says:

    Trask career?

  26. Joe in Michigan Says:

    TF Says:
    March 3rd, 2024 at 12:53 pm
    If Trask was drafted by any of 20 or so other teams in football, he already would have had a legitimate chance to start!
    Let’s use some logic here…If your theory was true, wouldn’t there be an NFL team, any NFL team, willing to trade for Tr@sk? Do you think Jason Licht was lying when he basically said there’s ZERO trade interest in Tr@sk?

  27. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    “Joe asked Todd Bowles if he thought the Mayfield-Trask competition in preseason hurt Mayfield because he lost valuable time with the first team, or if it helped him overall? Bowles believes Trask pushing Mayfield helped make Mayfield.”

    Yeah, right. Decision was made. Bowel is a liar…and frankly, it’s insulting that he thinks we’ll all for it.

    When Trask started playing well in the Preseason, Bowels made sure he switched to playing with street guys so he would not outshine Mayfield.

    I do not blame Mayfield for this…I just don’t like the lies.

  28. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Tony Marks Says:
    March 3rd, 2024 at 11:21 am

    “Trask did improve, drastically. In his previous two years, Trask barely looked like he belonged on an NFL roster”

    “That right there is what makes the Traskites so delusional.”

    Except that the thing you quoted was the opinion of Joe, not facts. Also, Trask was not permitted to practice with starters under Arians.

  29. Hodad Says:

    Anyone who thinks Mayfield had us s heartbeat away from the NFC championship is the delusional one!

  30. TF Says:

    Joe in Michigan,

    Nope because “where” is the NFL tape on Trask? He barely has ANY tape because of Brady. That’s my point, Bucs wasted 2 years developing him. If Trask had tape it would have PLENTY of trade suitors and it would be low compensation, prove it in pre-season type trade you speak of. It does not mean the “league” views him as a bust. Teams are just playing the financial, salary cap with low risk high reward game. The Bucs colossal ineptness with developing QBs has pointed Trasks career onto this path at this point.

  31. AlabamaBucsFan Says:

    BakerBucs Says: “Who listens to Alabama posters just look at b.young nough said”

    Born and Raised in Tampa…..let say you. Moved around in my adult years due to the Military.

  32. Tony Marks Says:

    Usfbucs Says:
    March 3rd, 2024 at 12:55 pm
    @Tony – not saying Trask should get the start but teams do draft and start guys all the time sometimes for years that shouldn’t be starters.”

    Sure when they are first round picks and considered to have the skills to be franchise QBs. Now show me the Qb that no one considered worthy of the first round pick where a coach or organization had other competent and healthy options but said

    “oh wait lets risk 4-6 games and start this guy to see if he can hack it”

    In every such case the QB had to show he was ready in practice or someone got injured.

  33. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    “The babies still whining about Trask not starting really need to crawl back under their rocks and go back to bed with their Tim Tebow dolls. It is beyond tiresome and frankly asinine to still bawl about Mayfield starting.” – Joe

    The fan in Joe is coming out, lol.

    Speaking only for myself, as I have said countless times on this website, if the quarterback competition had been a truly competition, I would have felt more comfortable with the decision.

    But it wasn’t, and the Bucs can keep saying it was…and sure, some fans will (have) start to believe it because they have heard it so often…but it won’t change the true facts.

    Bowels lost credibility with me by lying. He knew who he wanted to start from the get-go. Trask could have been phenomenal in preseason and it really would not have made one bit of a difference…it would have just made Bowels put on more of a show choosing Mayfield.

    And in the preseason, when Trask started looking good, Bowels made sure the starting offense was quickly pulled out and stuck Trask with street guys to make him look bad.

    So far as Tim Tebow…I personally do not even care about him, nor have I ever. I do not watch college football, outside of the occasional highlight.

    But…Mayfield is pretty much Johnny Football without the behavior issues…so…

    …truth is, Mayfield can earn my respect. He actually has earned a little. But he has not shown this ‘greatness’ some seem to think he has.

    Last year he had a so-so season. He was up and down constantly. Maybe Trask CAN do better, maybe not. And at this point I would not let him start over Mayfield just yet. But Trask got a raw deal. No way around it.

  34. 1976 Says:

    Since76 Says: “I agree Licht said that the competition was close but Baker beat him out. Baker was not consistent last year to very end. So Licht failed on Trask.”

    You could not be more wrong.

    First, Licht did not say that Mayfield beat out Trask. What he said was: “It really was a close battle. There were times during camp last year that I thought Kyle was ahead of him.” That Licht did not say Mayfield won is intriguing. He left open the possibility that in his mind Trask won but Bowles went with Mayfield’s experience.

    Second, given that Trask had no experience whatsoever before the 2023 training camp playing or even practicing with the Bucs starters (as Licht has confirmed), that Trask beat out/played even with a 6th-year first-round pick means Licht may have hit the jackpot with his pick of Trask. Bucs World – the organization, the media, and the fans – is just too dysfunctional for us to know what exactly we have in Trask right now.

  35. Jeffs grandpa Says:

    Gaytor bois won’t like this

  36. 1976 Says:

    JBF: “Did Kyle Trask outplay Baker Mayfield in training camp? Maybe.”

    In two of your articles after training camp ended you wrote that Trask had in fact outplayed Mayfield in training camp, but that it wasn’t by such as large margin for Bowles not to go with Mayfield’s experience.
    Joe never scored every aspect of camp practice from a QB perspective. And Joe never wrote that as it related to the totality of training camp. Specific days, sure. –Joe

  37. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    Competition makes everyone better. To say anything different is stupid.

  38. 1976 Says:

    Why all the panic over every compliment directed at Kyle Trask? Deep seated biases much?

  39. Rod Munch Says:

    The triggered Baker Bois are having a meltdown. LOL!

  40. Tony Marks Says:

    Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Except that the thing you quoted was the opinion of Joe, not facts.

    We know. No one has any facts besides the Trask Cultites.

    the coach has no facts though he sees the player in practice.
    Brady had no facts but allegedly wanted Trask as a number 3.
    The Joes see the open practices but they have no facts.

    They all agree on the first two years in particular but only trask-never-seen- the-practice dreamers like you have the facts.

    Par for the course with any conspiracist junkie.

  41. HC Grover Says:

    They are going to trade him.

  42. Jack Clark Says:

    Flag football “Helped” Baker Mayfield make the Pro Bowl MVP

  43. ChiBuc Says:

    Baker won, balled, and now gets paid. Done. But Joe needs to turn it into The Bachelorette rife with drama, insult, and tears, sans content. Vapid

  44. Go Bucs Says:

    People saying Trask never had the opportunity is so ridiculous! He didn’t beat out an aging QB in Tom Brady and a journey man in Baker Mayfield in practice were it matters most for him. Stop with the nonsense. Trask is our new and cheaper Blain Gabbert, and that’s a great thing moving forward. GoBucs

  45. JD Still Says:

    “You people stop disagreeing with me!”, really Joe? Your attempt at Gas lighting is beneath you and it ‘s not going to change anyone’s mind or silence anyone , ( I do believe the 1st amendment covers opinion columns too), we saw what we saw , the competition was a farce , the fix was in , the incentives mentioned in Mayfield’s contract and none in Kyle’s contract proves that , in the preseason games , when one quarterback gets to play with the starters and only throws little dinks and dunks for one measly series and the other quarterback only gets to play with the second and third third teams and beyond , contrary to how we were told the “ competition would be conducted fair and square “ and it wasn’t , that’s another indication of the fix being in, and the last preseason game , which we were told would be each quarterback getting a half in the final competition against the Jets never happened, Mayfield wimped out and didn’t play , even when John got hurt and Kyle then had to play basically the whole game,( which gave him many more opportunities to make mistakes , which he didn’t do, and actually won the game!). They tried everything they could to try and make separation and give the advantage to Mayfield and none of it worked, and Mayfield was then gifted the starting position , and barely led us to a .500 season with only one game and three field goals by McLaughlin saving us from a losing season, that’s what anyone actually paying attention saw , and all the gaslighting in the world will not change that .

  46. G-Buc Says:

    Having a solid “Plan B “ at the most important position in the game… is a great position to be in. Dare I say, maybe not such a wasted pick?!

  47. G-Buc Says:

    Only way the Bucs trade Trask is if he gets out played by a rookie.
    But what will his value be then?

  48. WillShark Says:

    Don’t be surprised if Trask is our QB come training camp. Baker being our guy come August is an assumption. Mike E will go to KC or the Jets. Baker knows this. Baker will take as much money as he can for the welfare of his family and I don’t blame him. Maybe it’s the Bucs or maybe not. He’s not going the Super Bowl any time soon with the Bucs, so, why not leave and try somewhere else for more money? Cause the Bucs are the end all? Apparently players think the organization sucks according to the survey that just came out. Go look it up for yourselves. It most certainly didn’t paint a rosy picture. There was no way Trask could start last year because of the offensive line. He would’ve been murdered. They went with Baker and it worked. Baker is not the guy to take us to the promise land. He’s not good enough. I love him and he will get paid but no way take us deep with the current roster. Problem for us is there is no one better in Free Agency right now so teams will pay big for him. Kirk Kousins isn’t better than Baker. No free agent QB is better than Baker. Bakers agent knows this and he will get paid and possibly move on. My point on all this is don’t be so fast to shiat on the boy from Florida.

  49. 1976 Says:

    “Joe never wrote that as it related to the totality of training camp. Specific days, sure. –Joe”

    You did, Joe. After training camp ended, you wrote:

    “For Trask to get the QB1 gig, Joe believes, he had to out-practice/play Mayfield by a lot. He outplayed Mayfield a little in training camp.” – August 13, 2023

    “Trask was out-practicing Mayfield. Not by a lot, but a little. Not enough to be knighted the Bucs starter if the two were competing based solely on their play.” – August 15, 2023 AGAIN, totality of training camp is not what Joe was referencing. –Joe

  50. Show Me the TDs Says:

    Please stop complaining/making things up. So easy NOT to read here. –Joe

  51. Oneilbuc Says:

    JD. That was a great statement bro because it is the truth. You told the whole truth about what happened in training camp. And nothing you said was wrong but the truth hurts the Baker fan boys !! Good take bro I agree with you a 💯 persent!!

  52. Leopold Stotch Says:

    A little harsh Joe. Besides, didnt one of you question what the staff was doing with Trask during the Brady years?

  53. Tony Marks Says:

    1976 Says:
    ” That Licht did not say Mayfield won is intriguing. He left open the possibility that in his mind Trask won but Bowles went with Mayfield’s experience.

    🙂 this is a classical example of delusional thinking. You are so invested in your own view that you have lost touch with basic facts of reality .-In your case the simple rules of the competition.

    Just like most NFL QB1 competitions the rules are exceedingly clear. The HC coach is the judge and makes all final decisions as to who is QB1. Its no different than any judge decided contests (eg figure skating )

    The end.

    SO Licht has no reason to repeat who the winner was five months later when the rules indicate clearly It was and is Baker Mayfield by the rules. Todd doesn’t have to go with the non winner. Thats totally silly. HE DECIDED who the winner is.

    and with that fact of reality your whole argument goes down the drain.

  54. Tony Marks Says:

    1976 Says:
    ” That Licht did not say Mayfield won is intriguing.”

    🙂 this is a classical example of delusional thinking. You are so invested in your own view that you have lost touch with basic facts of reality and the simple rules of the competition. Just like most NFL QB1 competitions the rules are exceedingly clear. The HC coach is the judge and makes all final decisions as to who is QB1.

    SO Licht has no reason to repeat who the winner was five months later when the rules indicate clearly It was and is Baker Mayfield by the rules. Todd doesn’t have to go with the non winner. That’s totally silly. HE DECIDED who the winner is.

  55. Gene Says:

    At this point in listening to the talk, I say Baker should sign with Atlanta and the BUCS can start Trask…problem solved! I can root for Atlanta in the playoffs next year easily enough! 😁🤯😎

  56. Tony Marks Says:

    JD Still Says:
    March 3rd, 2024 at 2:02 pm
    the competition was a farce , the fix was in , the incentives mentioned in Mayfield’s contract and none in Kyle’s contract proves that ,

    See? this is why most of the fan base and the media considers you people silly. Thats not only not proof its just dumb. They are two contracts made at separate times , by separate agents and one under a rookie contract and another to a free agent.

    Baker’s agent negotiating some incentives in there because of his low for a veteran base salary is proof of nothing. It just shows how desperate you are to find anything to support your delusions.

  57. Beeej Says:

    According to Ira: (Baker got better as the season progressed)

    “During their 4-7 start, the Bucs averaged 19 points. During their 6-2 finish, the Bucs averaged 24 points as Mayfield threw 17 TD passes and only five interceptions. In two postseason matchups, he threw for a combined 686 yards and tossed three TD passes each game.”

    I’m not sure why you want to move on from that

  58. Don'tBmad Says:

    I said it last July….KT is trade bait tip he ain’t. And now….he ain’t even that

  59. 1976 Says:

    I just had a revelation. Since Trask had no experience before the 2023 training camp playing or even practicing with the Bucs starters – as Licht has said – the fact that Trask beat out/played even with/played close to a 6th-year first-round QB means Licht may have hit the jackpot with drafting Trask. Unfortunately, the Bucs have screwed up royally Trask’s development by never playing him in a game with the starters – not even in preseason! – so nobody knows what exactly we have in Trask right now.

  60. Joe in Michigan Says:

    1976: If your “revelation” had any fact behind it, another NFL team would want Trask. Did you hear Jason Licht say no team has asked about Kyle Trask in a trade? Please, stop embarrassing yourself with your “revelations”. 🙄

  61. 1976 Says:

    @Joe in Michigan

    Learn to read. Everything I wrote is factual. And, I did hear Licht say it’s too early for another team to ask about Trask. Why would that be? Think. Because they know they Bucs cannot and will not entertain trade offers on Trask unless Mayfield is signed. Stop embarrassing yourself.

  62. unbelievable Says:

    Trask hasn’t gotten “screwed”…

    He was just a complete waste of a 2nd round pick…

  63. 1976 Says:

    @Joe in Michigan

    What in my comment is factually inaccurate? Nothing, that’s why you fail to identify anything false.

    As for Licht, why, yes, I heard him say it is too early for any teams to inquire about Trask. Now, why would that be? Can’t figure it out? I’ll help you. It’s because any team interested in Trask knows the Bucs cannot even consider trading him unless and until Mayfield is signed, which hasn’t happened yet. Thanks for playing.

  64. Tony Marks Says:

    1976 Says:
    March 3rd, 2024 at 4:24 pm
    “as Licht has said – the fact that Trask beat out/played even with/played close to a 6th-year first-round QB”

    all your lies don’t fool anyone with common sense. Licht never said any of that . what he said was at rimes Trask was ahead. Try long distance running for an education. They guy who “at times” is ahead can still lose the race by 200 yards. In fact the guy with an early lead almost never finishes in 1-3.

    Baker left Trask in the dust by the first preseason game where trask looked rattled and threw and int.

  65. HC Grover Says:

    Trask has done what the Bucs want him to do without a complaint. Not one.’
    He was ready to step in if Mayfield was hurt. He does not whine. He just does what they pay him to do.

  66. Bucsmarley Says:

    Love all the Trask haters. Judging a guy who hasn’t had the opportunity yet. Every rookie qb has to take his licks on the field to progress not in underwear football. Look at Bryce young. Terrible last year but has gained the necessary experience. Like I have said numerous times. We know what baker is. We have seen him for 6 years in the nfl. A streaky .500 qb that many fans are ok with. Love going from Brady to settle for average. Maybe just maybe Trask will be something or not. But until given the opportunity I’m tired of the hatred to a kid that was fantastic in college and has been a true professional since coming to the Bucs. Don’t worry Kyle you will get your opportunity eventually and then we can cast judgement

  67. Conner50 Says:

    Joe you gotta be a fsu or georgia fan. Also quit saying Mayfield had us a heart beat away from nfc championship game when he threw the pick that ended our season. There was no competition either, when they signed mayfield they knew he was gonna start. They wanted a qb who has played and had experience plain and simple. You like ragging on trask and talking so highly about mayfield who is not elite. People on this site make it out like Baker is like Mahomes or something which is not the case.

  68. Beeej Says:

    “1976 Says:
    March 3rd, 2024 at 4:40 pm
    Beeej Says: “In two postseason matchups, he threw for a combined 686 yards and tossed three TD passes each game.”

    You conveniently forgot the 2 interceptions, one with the Lions game on the line. Up and down. Mr. Inconsistency.”


    The only QB’s who didn’t throw a picks were Mahomes and Goff. You would get rid of Jackson, Love, Stroud?

  69. Gene Says:

    I agree with Bucsmarley…(looks around for who said that) Trask is untried, could become the next “Brock Pretty” or not. The BUCS aren’t going to bet their season on it though. With a few more players, maybe he gets some 4th qtr time this year, who knows? I don’t really see any Trask hate here though, he’s just unproven and apparently still under development. “Starting QB” is a fairly weighty responsibility.

  70. Joe in Michigan Says:

    1976: In your comment, you stated that Licht “may have hit the jackpot” with Tr@sk…You don’t really believe that do you? Either you completely made that up (lied), or are completely out of touch with reality.

  71. Joe in Michigan Says:

    1976: What was your name before taking this one? You didn’t just show up, being the ultimate Tr@sk fan boy that you are…Why did you change your JBF handle? Because you embarrassed yourself? YOU’RE STILL EMBARRASSING YOURSELF! 🤡

  72. Mark Plant City Says:

    Morale will not improve until we get more response threads about Trask!

  73. ^^mtn^^ Says:

    “Tony Marks Says:In the NFl you need to show your coaches you are ready in order to get starts not the other way around” & in another article you commented:”Its the job of an NFL caliber QB to earn the right from your coaches based on practice”


    It happens, believe me.

    At least according 49ers owner at the beginning of a 20 minute YT vid.

    He said Purdy was better in camp than their 1st & 2nd string QBs but because they were drafted higher & made more money, Purdy remained QB 3
    search “Jed York: Brock Purdy was the 49ers’ Best QB in 2022 Training Camp”
    per Kyle Shanahan

    Trask remains a question mark but strongly believe the potential is there

    Since ’76

  74. Tony marks Says:

    ^^mtn^^ Says:

    He said Purdy was better in camp than their 1st & 2nd string QBs but because they were drafted higher & made more money, Purdy remained QB 3″

    THANKS!! You just proved me right and yourself WRONG.

    “One week into training camp during the 2022 pre-season, 49ers head coach Kyle Shanahan told 49ers CEO Jed York that he thought Purdy was the team’s best quarterback”

    HE then said though he was QB3 ” But I think Brock will end up being our quarterback”

    He then started in 2023

    Thats a rookie QB THAT IMPRESSED coach IN PRACTICE just as I said

    You need to learn how to read. I said nothing about a rookie QB starting right away in the league. I said a QB has to convince his coach which Purdy didi IN PRACTICE.

  75. Tony marks Says:

    “Trask remains a question mark but strongly believe the potential is there”

    There is no question mark with his coach . Trask failed to do what Purdy did with Shanahan – he convinced his team in PRACTICE he was the guy and they looked to him by the next year.

    Trask has sat on the bench for THREE YEARSa nd rght now the team is trying to sign another guy as their answer.

    So the comarison to Purdy is a fail and proves my point.

    Again THANKS!!

  76. RGA Says:

    This is the idiot Joe commenting here, not the logical one.

  77. RGA Says:

    Let’s saddle the franchise with a long term 40 mil a year contract to an average QB when you have a younger QB that played toe to toe with him on the roster for a fraction of the cost. 40 mil buys a lot of free agent talent.

  78. Capt.Tim Says:

    Ryan Griffin became a multimillionaire, and never got his uniform dirty.
    Trask is gonna play here one more year,,and retire without ever getting hurt. And with enough money to keep him happy the rest of his life.

    He will be 3rd string this year. Woolford already knows Coen’s system.
    Plus Woolford is a much better QB.
    Trask will play a lil in the Preseason- then hes on coast the rest of his career.

    Thats whays gonna happen. Like Ryan- Im happy for him.
    Its not Trask- its the Traskovites that are delusional and annoying

  79. Beeej Says:

    TY David

  80. Capt.Tim Says:

    Well, guess they didnt hear you. Somehow, they think this article validates the Noodle armed kid.

    Its a form of insanity. Instead of thinking they are Napleon- They think Kyle Trask is Terry Bradshaw.
    Guess we will hear for one more season

  81. Marky Mark Says:

    Nfl backup QBs are well payed by normal people standards and dont get beat up.

  82. RGA Says:

    Capt Tim, If you listen to Ira Kaufman’s podcast, he equates Mayfield to Brad Johnson. An adequate QB that needs hall of Famers and possible hall of Famers such as Sapp, Brooks, Barber, Lynch and Rice on the roster. Mayfield is not a QB that can unilaterally win games for his team like a guy as Brady has.
    I agree 100% with IRA. A minute and a half in the 4th quarter against Detroit and Mayfield throws the ball directly in the hands of a Detroit defender. I don’t think many Bucs fans had faith he could take the team down the field, the result was not surprising.
    Mayfield is a decent, average QB, is this the guy you want long term under center? While there may not currently be a guy on the roster that is better, if this franchise wants to win championships, they must continue to look for better.

  83. Posey99 Says:

    Another fan prediction… pretending as if they know what we have in Trask… who hasn’t played. Its a “I know more than you” competition with the fans, but nobody told you to crawl under a rock during the Johnny football craziness. (Actually they probably did lol)

    Be nice, Joe. It’s not that hard. Every fan dreams of drafting the next great franchise QB. It’s a present under the tree that hasn’t been unwrapped. Maybe it coal, maybe it’s not.

  84. Joe in Michigan Says:

    RGA Says:
    March 3rd, 2024 at 8:58 pm
    Let’s saddle the franchise with a long term 40 mil a year contract to an average QB when you have a younger QB that played toe to toe with him on the roster for a fraction of the cost. 40 mil buys a lot of free agent talent.
    Sorry RGAy, the Bucs obviously (and smartly) think different than you. Hahaha

  85. ^^mtn^^ Says:

    Tony marks Says

    LOL @ irony

    since ’76

  86. Dave Pear Says:

    Trashk holds a clipboard almost as well as Mike Glennon. Almost.

  87. TF Says:

    Go Bucs

    To say Trask didn’t beat out “Brady” or “Mayfield” “IN PRACTICE WHERE IT MATTERs MOST” took every shred of credibility out of anything ever written. Brady? Bahahahah. The GOAT, “aging or not”. This isn’t pee wee football. it’s delusional to think Trask had ANY change before last year to get reps. Also ask Allen Iverson about “practice” Heck if practice is, where half the time it’s 3/4 speed at best, and controlled with red jerseys worn by QBs is where spots are determined, we should just discontinue ALL preseason games. They make no sense. Let’s just double up practices and determine starters. I’m now just gonna skip right past your comments in the future. Trask is the product of an organization that cannot develop QBs. Never could. Thats okay though because we set the bar for defense but for anyone to say Trask is a bust already just isn’t very objective, people making that assertion generally cannot think without bias, and it also shows some people on here wear a veil of ignorance. But hey, that’s what makes this exciting. Agree to disagree.

  88. Drunk Bucs Fan Says:

    “Mike E will go to KC or the Jets. Baker knows this. ”

    Nailed It!! LOL