Todd Bowles Addresses K.J. Britt Versus Devin White

March 30th, 2024

New horse versus old horse.

Joe already shared Todd Bowles talking about how former Buccaneers savior linebacker Devin White needed a change of scenery.

But are the Bucs as good or better without him? Joe went there with Bowles this week.

Bowles and company have had months to dissect the film and assess defensive play with White at inside linebacker and then with Britt, who replaced White in the starting lineup late last season.

So Joe asked Bowles point blank whether the level of play was as good or improved with Britt versus White, the two-time Pro Bowler.

“I don’t know if it improved,” Bowles began. “Communication-wise we were there. They’re different types of players. You know, K.J. is a downhill player; Devin is a sideline player. And Devin was nicked up some. I thought the energy was there with K.J. because he’s such an enigmatic guy that he consumes everybody. Devin is also. I just thought the timing was right. He earned his playing time. He practiced like a pro every day. We look forward to him being one of our leaders this year. You know, I wish Devin the best, talked to him when he [signed with] Philly. He knows what he has to do. He’s still one of the greatest talents in this league and I wish him the best.”

Another at the Bowles roundtable breakfast in Orlando followed up to ask about Britt being slower than White.

Bowles flashed a hint of frustration with the question.

“We’re not running the 40 [yard dash], so he’s a football player,” Bowles said. “You gotta get around him and use your speed. And K.J., what he lacks in the two-steps in the speed department, he makes up for being in the right place and understanding the game. So, you can play fast and not be fast, and you can be fast and not play fast. K.J. is one of those guys that’s not very fast but he plays fast, so we’re comfortable with that.”

Joe loves how the Bucs have been developing defensive backs since Bowles arrived in 2019, and it sure feels like they’re on the cusp of producing similar results with inside linebackers with Britt and second-year man SirVocea Dennis.

At outside linebacker/edge rusher, well, Joe’s going to stay positive and applaud the standout rookie season of YaYa Diaby last year.

25 Responses to “Todd Bowles Addresses K.J. Britt Versus Devin White”

  1. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Britt and Dennis are the reasons the Bucs don’t have to draft a ILB high or at all this year. Britt outplayed White and Dennis steps into being our 3rd middle LB. Having already drafted pieces like this at certain positions is what has been keeping the Bucs still so close

  2. Toad Bowels Says:

    Interesting Article, Joe.

    Do you think Bucs need to draft another ILB for depth and to be ready for the future when LaVonte David can no longer play

  3. I remember 21 Says:

    At least he can count on KJ being where he’s supposed to be. When you design a defense, you don’t want an opening you didn’t account for, especially right in the middle of it. DW45 freelanced pretty often, and what did we get out of it? Way too few splash plays. I don’t know that I’ve seen someone with that much experience so consistently take bad angles. Yes Devin is fast, but other NFL players are fast too, and he’s not that much faster to make up for being out of position or taking terrible angles. There was really no excuse for Devin’s attitude and effort this year (just a lack of professionalism), but the one caveat I will give him is this: I think the last two seasons, he wasn’t allowed to play to his strengths in bowles’ schemes (similar to our man CBs being forced to play charmin soft zone). I’m sure he’s convinced himself he’s in a better situation and so be it. Really there was no choice to be made between Devin and KJ, the contract that Devin wanted was a pipe dream of a joke and no owner or GM was gonna come close to giving it, as evidenced by the kicker money deal he signed.

  4. firethecannons Says:

    I sure liked Sirvocea Dennis film from Pitt–hope Bowles gets him on the field and he blows up. He was living in the backfield back in the day.

  5. jarrett Says:

    at the rate that Jason Lit has been hitting on draft picks

    its hard to criticize a move where the coach decide he’s ok with KJ at linebacker

    i’mma real miss our superbowl guys like D.White and Carlton Davis but atleast they were replaced by our own draft picks

    its a bucs life

  6. Capt. Tim Says:

    I remember 21,
    Yup. Perfectly said. Despite his all world talents, Devon White was a liability to the defense. Just a complete lack of discipline. K J Britt is exactly the opposite.
    But I would liked to have seen Devon used as a pass rusher more often. The kid was jet propelled when chasing a QB.

  7. Pickgrin Says:

    “He’s still one of the greatest talents in this league”

    Wow – you know when the coach who benched you and who had zero interest in re-signing you says that – you F’ed up badly.

    What a waste of God given talent…..

  8. Capt. Tim Says:

    Not Says
    Thanks for Spell checking me.
    Now go F off.

  9. Defense Rules Says:

    Great article & great insight Joe. Thanks. Love what TB said about Britt … ‘And K.J., what he lacks in the two-steps in the speed department, he makes up for being in the right place and understanding the game.’ Have this gut feeling that Todd will be using KJ quite a bit differently than he used Devin. And that’s probably a good thing for the middle of this defense.

    Still, I’d like to see us draft a ILB in the 3rd or 4th Rnd. KJ reminds me of Kevin Minter for some reason; very dependable & in the right place but lacks the ‘range’ and thus flexibility (?) that TB seems to love in his ILBs.

    Jury’s still out on SirVocea Dennis IMO in terms of him eventually being LVD’s replacement (5th Rnd picks are usually 5th Rnd picks for a reason?). He suited up for 13 games last year, but only got in on 101 def snaps. Ended up with 13 tackles, 11 of them solo (always concerns me when a preponderance of a LB’s tackles are solo tackles). Did get a lot of S/Ts time though (213 snaps).

    Oh and I’m glad you’re staying positive on ‘outside linebacker/ edge rusher’ Joe. We’ve got a looong ways to go until Game 1 kicks off. I’m actually putting my HOPE in not just Todd Bowles, but also in George Edwards. He’s had a remarkable 26-year career NFL IMO and if anyone can get better production out of this OLB/DE group, it’ll be him. Word is that he did a pretty good job with Micah Parsons when he was with the Cowboys in 2020-2022.

  10. MadMax Says:

    well the previous post went nowhere…guess im not allowed to say ffff many fffs to Devin after i lobbied so much for us to draft him….whatever

  11. MadMax Says:

    You were let go for a reason Devin…its just not working upstairs…low iq, sorry.

  12. BillyBucco Says:

    Capt Tim shows complete class once again.
    That’s a pretty easy name to spell.
    In fact I don’t know if Ive ever even seen the name Devon. Lmao.
    You managed to spell it wrong tuice I mean Twice.

  13. CleanHouse Says:

    If he’s one of the greatest talents in the game- it is a failure of management and coaching- which I’ve said all along. What a disappointment.

  14. I remember 21 Says:

    @ DR

    I had the same thought about the KJ = Minter comparison, but I do think KJ is a bit quicker and better overall. I too was hoping for more from Dennis, but he did have some injuries if I recall. I still have high hopes for him, especially with another year of tutelage under LVD (very cerebral like LVD). Unfortunately, I don’t think we have a 3rd or 4th to spare for ILB this year. As far as I’m concerned, bowles should still be on thin ice, and if the season goes the way I’m expecting it to, he should finally be gone. Even if that’s not the case, I think he’s a little worried it is. All that to say he’s in win now mode, not stock guys that are gonna contribute years from now.

  15. All_da_way Says:

    Dennis was making splash plays in all of off season activities last year, so he fits the bill for what the Bucs want for a LVD replacement.

    Having Britt shut down gimmick short yardage runs teams try to use outside of the tackle box is great. This is because the Bucs are already a good run defense so Britt makes them even better when he is on the field.

  16. KrisKringle Says:

    “In fact I don’t know if Ive ever even seen the name Devon. Lmao.”

    don’t laugh too hard bucco… DevOn Kennard, also a linebacker with the Cardinals.

  17. PewterStiffArm Says:

    Joe, this Reddick thing is really bothering me. I am not saying that I know more than our General manager but sweet Lord, an opportunity slipped out of our hands. Hassan was staring at us for weeks, atleast we don’t play the Jets this year. Without a solid pass rush KJ will be running sideline to sideline.

  18. Bucsalltheway Says:

    Wait until it’s 3rd and long and Philly needs a stop and boom right over Devin whites head lol as a rusher he can be great coverage please cover your eyes

  19. Otown Bucs fan Says:

    Devin or Devon started out pretty darn good. I think he just rested on his laurels. Has he lost his fire? I guess we shall see. Good luck Dev.

  20. Buc1987 Says:

    I think it’s Devin.

  21. Dewey Selmon Says:


  22. BringBucsBack Says:

    Devin White

  23. stpetebucfan Says:

    There’s speed, there’s “functional speed” and there’s “show speed”.

    DW45 certainly had speed. That SB year he converted it to functional speed and was amazing. Then he just became fast…so what if you overrun the play…or let a QB juke you out of your jock at the goal line when you arrive.

    Since DW45 showed what he COULD do in the SB year one has to wonder where that went? Nicked up…perhaps sometimes but overall he just seemed unmotivated even before the off season contract dispute.

  24. Larrd Says:

    “I thought the energy was there with K.J. because he’s such an enigmatic guy that he consumes everybody. Devin is also.”

    Say what?

  25. Rod Munch Says:

    High energy guy, gives 110%… the classic, try hard guy who knows where he’s supposed to be, but is a half-step too slow to get there.

    If they’re actually planning on starting Britt… ooof.

    I hope I’m wrong, I got nothing against the guy, but man, he just looks too slow to my eye.