Shaq Barrett Will Keep His Tampa Home

March 24th, 2024

Bucs sacks king Shaq Barrett took his crown to Miami to sign with the Dolphins, but he’s not pulling up his Tampa roots.

Barrett made that very clear on CBS Sports Radio last week during his chat with Zach Gelb. After five years with the Bucs and settling with his wife and kids in Tampa, Shaq is happy to stay playing in Florida and will not relocate his family.

Shaq said he’s happy his nanny can stay employed and his children can keep their home school teacher. Shaq famously put a call out on social media for a home school teacher during the pandemic and, apparently, it all worked out. He said his family would stay with him in Miami every other week during football season.

So if you see Shaq around Tampa this spring and summer, and probably a little in the fall, you’ll know why.

Of course, this makes Joe wonder whether Shaq could be a trade target of the Bucs if he’s playing well with the Dolphins but Miami is struggling badly at the trade deadline.

18 Responses to “Shaq Barrett Will Keep His Tampa Home”

  1. ModHairKen Says:

    Good for this community. He’s a very good father and husband.

  2. Marine Buc Says:


    Thanks for the extra property tax revenue…

    Just insure the pool alarm works now.

  3. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    Hopefully shaq bilingual. He’s gonna need to be in miami where english is certainly the second language. Welcome to Miami mang.

  4. LouisFriend Says:

    Whichever ‘Joe’ is working weekend duty is certainly hitting the hard stuff if he thinks the Bucs would trade assets for someone they’ve just released. Be honest “Joe”, are you an intern stuck working the Sunday shift?

  5. unbelievable Says:

    Some of you are real scumbags jfc

  6. JD Still Says:

    Reading between the lines , it seems , Maybe Shaq was pushed out and maybe he did’nt want to go , sounds like he has a bit of a chip on his shoulder, for someone who gave so much of himself and his family , to this team and community , that’s not good .

  7. SRQ Bucs Fan Says:


    Please don’t go away mad at JBF

    Please just go away

  8. Proudbucsfan Says:

    Marine Buc, I don’t know what kind of person you are but if we were in a Bar and you made a comment to me like that I would smash and reroute your nose.

  9. Esteban85 Says:

    I think he meant ensure, either way it’s a Dick thing to say.

  10. LouisFriend Says:

    SRQ – I call it like i see it. Don’t like it? Snuggle your emotional support kitten and deal with it.

  11. darengibo Says:

    There are trolls and there are negative Nancy attention seekers all over this board. With all that said, your comment was in so bad taste and definitely not needed. I don’t know anyone could think it in their own head but you post it.
    We all know you wouldn’t say it in person, so congrats on being so tough online.
    If you truly were a marine, I am even more embarrassed for you and ashamed of our military.

  12. BridleOaksBuc Says:

    There have been a lot of disgusting posts on this here website. That is the most shameful and disgraceful post ever. I’m surprised Joe let that one in here. I am often intrigued by your posts. Never again. Karma…

    I’m going to ask Joe to take that one down. Too painful for others on here that may have lost a child.

  13. Matt_PcAfee Says:

    What a phallus!

  14. EternalSon Says:

    Best wishes to Shaw and his family. To all.

    Ps: MarineBuc, you have always seemed to be a solid poster. Trying to take your comment in the most positive way… Not sure it needed to be said.
    But trust at the end of the day you mean well.

    Go Bucs!!!

  15. EternalSon Says:


  16. heyjude Says:

    Good for Shaq and his family. Their needs come first and staying in Tampa is the best way. And you never know, he could be back.

  17. DeRobbins Says:

    THe marines, so strong, we couldn’t find a use for them on the beaches of normandy.

    Seriously Marinebuc. buc off.

  18. PbnJ Says:

    However it could happen, Shaq returning to Tampa to wrap up his career would be great. The emotional up and down moments make the journey whole and Shaq finishing that journey in pewter and red is the proper ending to his career.

    Go ground some jets & comee hom safely.