Analysis: Bucs Are The Slimy Saints

March 31st, 2024

Short window?

Former Bucs coach Dirk Koetter had a cool saying when the NFL trade deadline passed each season. And it seems to apply to the Bucs currently.

“Our guys are our guys,” Koetter would say. The suggestion was that it is highly unlikely a stud player can be found on the sidewalk late in an NFL season. So the Bucs will pretty much win and lose with who was on the roster. (Yes, Joe realizes the Bucs had an absolutely punishing running game in 2015 picking right tackle Gosder Cherilus and center Joe Hawley off the street in August and September, respectively.)

Dan Pizzuta of seems to think Koetter’s words could be used with the Bucs right now. And that makes them the slimy Saints.

With the financial commitments and age of some key players, the Buccaneers are kind of like the Saints in that they’re in with this version of the roster. Unlike the Saints, there is a bit more upside in those players.

This idea is sort of related to an article Joe typed last week about perception. The perception is the Bucs, while they did a good job of keeping their talent, didn’t improve in free agency. It’s a fair question.

Pizzuta seems to think the Bucs are in a win-now mode. Joe could agree with that; just look at the contracts.

Mike Evans is on a two-year deal. Baker Mayfield is on a three-year deal but there is a big-time get-out-of-jail card for the Bucs after the second year.

Lavonte David is on a one-year deal. Chris Godwin’s a free agent next spring. Joe Tryon-Shoyinka is likely entering his final year of his contract (does anyone expect the Bucs to trigger his fifth-year option?).

So many critical puzzle pieces for the Bucs are on short-term deals. This is why Joe was so bananas to trade for edge rusher Haason Reddick. Sure, the Bucs could and maybe should draft another edge rusher, but rarely do rookie edge rushers make a difference. The Bucs need production now.

So yeah, Joe thinks the Bucs are beginning a two-year window. As a result, the future is now.

40 Responses to “Analysis: Bucs Are The Slimy Saints”

  1. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    When I read the title of this article it made me vomit.

  2. Stuck Says:

    I don’t get it Joe?

  3. Cometowin2 Says:

    Happy Easter. Jesus lives!

  4. Buchen61 Says:


    We don’t make a play(who knows maybe we did) on Reddick and we’ve become the saints

    Yesterday it was we need to draft a QB in the 1st ????

  5. SB~LV Says:

    It’s always some version of the article above

  6. Buchen61 Says:

    Why was I moderated for disagreeing Joe?

    Makes no sence

  7. Alanbucsfan Says:

    The Bucs need production now

    Based on his last 7 games last year, you’re not getting production out of Reddick
    – and Hoping he returns to previous production is just that- Hope
    Bucs were correct to pass on Reddick

  8. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Who is this Haasan Reddick that Joe keeps talking about?

    And i really don’t like comparisons of players…..but especially not teams……the Saints are the “Slimy Saints”……and we are the proud & mighty Tampa Bay Bucs…..there is no comparison.

  9. Capt.Tim Says:

    Happy Easter All. He is Risen.

    What a horrible comparison! Anybody but the Aints!

  10. Defense Rules Says:

    Dan Pizzuta … ‘With the financial commitments and age of some key players, the Buccaneers are kind of like the Saints in that they’re in with this version of the roster.’

    Horsepuckey! Bucs aren’t even close to mirroring the slimy Saints. For 1 thing, Saints have NINE players on their current roster age 30 or above; Bucs have THREE. For another, the Saints dug out of their 2024 hole by heavily mortgaging 2025 (they’re now MINUS $74 mil in CAP space for 2025, BEFORE their sizable Dead CAP is figured in). Bucs in comparison are PLUS $80 mil in 2025 CAP space (also before Dead CAP is figured in). Some BIG differences right there.

    Gut feel is that someone should tell Pizzuta that there are 32 not 33 NFL teams and that he needs to work on his math.

  11. JimBobBuc Says:

    Yeah we have a window and that’s why I want a OL drafted early that will play well now, not another 3rd round guy like Hainsey that might take a couple years to develop.

  12. Jerry Says:

    Teams are starting to churn players in other words why pay a guy a ton of money when you can draft a replacement. Bucs keep players they can’t replace as easily , free agency is a miss leading term . Most teams overpay for free agents if the team that allows them to reach free agency shows there not worth there value. Kirk cousins is a prime example in the league 12 years on his 3rd team is a good quarterback but never talented enough for a long term deal.

  13. Ugotrobbed Says:

    HE’s alive! Go Bucs!

  14. Donald G Says:

    I agree with the 2 year window. Thats all I agree with. Enoy this beautiful Easter day everyone !!!

  15. Mort Says:

    I don’t track your metaphor. Happy zombie Jesus day tho I guess.

  16. Duane in Sanford Says:


  17. bucsfaninOregon Says:

    I’m with JoeBob on this one. The Bucs are full of geeat players (ME13, CG, LVD, etc.) that may likely not be Bucs in 3 years. No time to drafty another Plan 9 like JTS. Draft a high percentage (to start and contribute) OL.

  18. bucsfaninOregon Says:

    Uh, great players.

  19. geno711 Says:

    Good stuff from DR on the difference of ages between Bucs players and Saints players.

    By the way, it looks like Philly was so intent on getting rid of Reddick that they took a 21.5 dead cap hit this season just to trade him. I thought, people thought that Philly had a great GM. If so, why are they letting that kind of talent go and taking that big of a cap hit.

  20. Irishmist Says:

    Well, if JC can rise from the dead, maybe JTS can too.

  21. MelvinJunior Says:

    I don’t buy that, at all. I don’t believe the Bucs are in just a “two-year window,” or anywhere close to being. The FO knows this, too. The Bucs currently, stand as having the 19th-20th best odds to win the Super Bowl this year. And Just ONE ‘EDGE-Rusher’ wasn’t moving ANY needle. I don’t believe they’ve even hit their ‘window’ yet… They are building for a MUCH longer ‘window’ that THAT. I believe they are still ‘rebuilding’ their roster with (cheap) youth and speed towards the future, while still trying to compete and sell a few tickets. I don’t look at the ‘re-signing’ of Mike Evans, as being evidence of some type of ‘all-in’ move. I mean, what else are you going to do with him… You just gonna let him WALK!? No. You’re going to hold onto your most valuable assets, if for anything else, you can ‘move him’ later on down the road… If need be (&/or) if the opportunity was ever to arise. And, for LaVonte David… What are you going to do!? Tell HIM… “NO, we don’t want you at a ‘team friendly’ discount deal, and NO, we could care LESS if YOU want to retire as a BUC.” The Fans LOVE HIM, which equals more ‘butts’ in seats. This is STILL a rebuild. 💯 – and, I think they did NOT ‘pick-up’ JTS’s 5th-Year Option… I think they already ‘declined’ it. But, they still might be able to… Idk!?

  22. BigEd Says:

    How dare this pissuta,(sic) compare the Bucs to the slimy aints , and shame on you,
    JoeBucsFan??, for allowing this clown on your site ! I,for one have had my fill
    of some of these so-called experts, that you have allowed on this site to trash
    the Bucs ! When we get no respect from the N.F.L., or Las Vegas, JBF comes
    in and stirs the pot with this drivel! Don’t forget the Bucs have 3 back-to-back
    NFC South titles and the only NFC team to go to playoffs 4 years in a row !!
    “GO BUCS” !!

  23. MadMax Says:

    The AINTS will never be us….lol that wish will never come to fruition

  24. Ricki Says:

    To answer your question Joe, we did get better by getting rid of CD and DW.

  25. Lt. Dan Says:

    Let’s be clear – then I can get back to my grill and those six racks of ribs. I’m no JTS fan. But listening to coach Bowles rave about JTS’s “joker status”, I’m willing to bet his fifth year option does get triggered. Assuming the coach is still here after this upcoming season.

  26. Olboy Says:

    Boo hiss, Joe. Eff the saints and the eagles. For life.

    And happy renewel/easter, except my ancestors weren’t of the desert goat herding tribes. Mine are from the north, although , through brutal persecution, it was forced on many.

  27. Cobraboy Says:

    I prefer the “win now” mode vs. rebuilding.

    Coulda been the other way of Mayfield screwed the pooch, but Licht has pulled off multiple coups.

  28. Oneilbuc Says:

    Yes Jesus lives and I think Him so much for saving me !!

  29. Bucnjim Says:

    It’s actually called staying competitive while rebuilding! Even though we aren’t currently the Chiefs, we can hang with just about every NFL team. Thank you Licht for giving this fan base something to cheer for!

  30. portnoy100 Says:

    JoeBob – That was my name from the love of my life for 3 years – I would have eaten a yard of her fecal debris just to get next to her. As far as she was concerned, I was her eunuch. My first kiss 3 years into the relationship confirmed it- she did not believe in platonic anything from me. Hosta la Vista. The best 3 years out of my mind and no football thoughts. Now at 86, memories of JoeBob are temporary, with smiles, and easy to slip back into Bucs Fan mode. Go Bucs

  31. CrackerBall Says:

    It’s important to keep the good players we have… our cap situation does not allow a for a shopping spree, so any additions makes the Draft become our best friend for 2024.

    The price of our Championship comes due.

  32. MelvinJunior Says:

    Exactly right, “Bucnjim!” We were really blessed last season & it was greatly appreciated… Definitely, NOT ever taken for granted. Everyone seems to be soooo ‘bipolar’ – all panicky one moment, and then “Super Bowl Contenders with a 2-YEAR Window,” the next. LoL. Just. CHILL. It is still MARCH. Last season JUST ended, only a couple of months ago. We are in the middle of a rebuild. So, let’s just see what happens with the draft first, before getting all bent out of shape. As long as, we have a successful draft, and that our current ‘youngsters’ take their games up another level or two, while staying ‘healthy’ again… Then, they’ll have a good shot at winning the Division. But, it’s all on Baker tho… It’s Bakers Time To BAKE. He can either, show that HE IS the true “Franchise Quarterback,” he says he is… Orrrr, JUST ‘another guy’ (above average/middle of the road/3rd/4th tier QB), who needs a loaded roster and great players/talent around him.

  33. Towered Says:

    I guess getting hits is solely about keeping the waters agitated this time of year. Not a great practice for maintaining integrity, but it’s a popular response in this 20 percent over comp world.
    Maybe you should just rank running back hairstyles.

  34. View from 132 Says:

    So our grand plan is win if we can, and then to draft Manning to start the rebuild?

  35. Mark Says:

    Absurd comparison. The saints were the oldest team in the NFL last year, the Bucs were the eighth youngest. The Saints are in the hole in 2025 by $80M in terms of effective cap space, the Bucs have $55M in cap space. The Bucs have no long term financial commitments to any players over 30 years old except Mike Evans.

    None of this means the Bucs will have a better record than the Saints, and none of this changes the very real challenges in building a Super Bowl contender from where the team is today. But, the Bucs = Saints take is another product of a super-lazy national writer who can’t even be bothered to do five minutes of research.

  36. MadMax Says:

    How did that Jaboo boohoo work out for those dummies….where is he even at now?

  37. stpetebucfan Says:

    That was such an amazingly ignorant take as evidenced explicitly in D.R.’s post that I had to go to the 33rd team to find out who they are. Greg Cosell is a guy used to respect but if he’s partnered with such a totally uninformed putz as Dan Pizzuta he’s dropped a notch.

    I tend to think of the Falcons as a more obvious comparison. It’s been pointed out how young the Bucs are but the Falcons also have a load of young talent and of course a similar QB situation. I know personally I think the Falcons are a bigger challenge than the Saints.

  38. #99 the big fella Says:

    You can definitely tell it’s slow in the nfl right now

  39. MelvinJunior Says:

    YES. Pretty much, “View from 132.” It is called REALITY. Being… It is what it is. You CAN’T just ‘wish-it’ to happen… You CAN’T just force-it and MAKE-IT happen. It is just ‘where’ we ARE, right now!!!! Reality.

  40. Marky Mark Says:

    I like the Aints better than the other insulting nick names