Report: Bucs Hard At Work Trying To Bring Back Mike Evans

February 26th, 2024

Contract talks update.

As this post publishes, Joe is preparing to hop a flight to Indianapolis as the combine is underway today.

Yes, Joe means the combine, not the TV show. Joe doesn’t give a rat’s rear end about the glorified indoor track meet of a TV show — it ain’t football! Joe will be back in Tampa the day after that nonsense begins.

Tomorrow at noon Bucs AC/DC-loving general manager Jason Licht is scheduled to address the assembled NFL media from a podium at the Indiana Convention Center. There, Licht should update talks talks between the team and the greatest receiver in Bucs history, Mike Evans.

However, Jeremy Fowler of BSPN had sort of a sneak peek. Yesterday, Fowler appeared on SchlockCenter to offer NFL fans insight into the negotiations.

Last week, NFL insider Jordan Schultz of Bleacher Report indicated Evans and the Bucs are “far apart.” Of course, the free agency dinner bell doesn’t ring until March 13 (after a couple of days of legal tampering). So, “far apart” in February before the combine — where NFL suits eat, drink and kibitz with player agents at the NFL’s winter festival in Indianapolis — really doesn’t mean a whole lot.

Fowler seemed to indicate that the negotiations are no longer that far apart, but Fowler also suggested Evans does want to test the open market to see what teams want to throw cash in his face and learn how much they want to make it rain.

Fowler said it is clear Evans wants to retire as a Buccaneers legend. And that the Bucs are scrambling to re-sign him “in a major way.”

So the Bucs want him back. And Evans wants to be back. Then in Joe’s eyes there is no reason why the two cannot agree quickly.

33 Responses to “Report: Bucs Hard At Work Trying To Bring Back Mike Evans”

  1. bob in valrico Says:

    Mike has compiled a long term record of success here and has earned the right
    to be rewarded by the Bucs. Big contracts are often followed by injuries, but Mike has proven to be durable and answers the bell week after week. With a 15.9 yard per catch and 13 Td’s, last year was one of his best seasons. Credit Baker for getting the ball to Mike to make things happen.

  2. Bojim Says:

    They need to pay him well. He deserves it. I think that both sides,need to be flexible. Mike shouldn’t price himself to high and leave us behind and JL and company need to make magic once again. Pretty sure they will make it happen.

  3. Leighroy Says:

    Assuming Licht isn’t lowballing Mike, if he truly wants to be a buc for life and isn’t just saying that, then he needs to resign to a fair deal. Any further delay and he’s lying, and it’s all about the money.

    Which on its face would be fine, this is his last chance to cash in so I don’t begrudge the man, but don’t patronize the franchise if you’re truly just looking for the largest bag of cash available and it’d only be nice to you if it was in TB.

    I think Licht will offer him the most of what he responsibly can to still construct a roster. This decision will entirely be on Mike’s shoulders to put his signature where his mouth is.

  4. Capt.Tim Says:

    Gotta be optimistic!
    Love to see mike and Mayfield working magic again next year.
    We have the Money. Jason Licht has the skills.
    If Mike Wants to retire a Buc Legend- then he Will.

    I think we keep our guys. Im really interested to see who we add!
    A few Good signings, a few good draft picks,
    Our Bucs could be real powerhouses for years to come!

    Id love to see Mike add a couple more Buccaneer Superbowl rings to his collection

  5. heyjude Says:

    Agree with all comments above. Looking forward to hearing more this week. Hoping for Evans and Mayfield to stay with the money they both deserve.

  6. Baking with Evans Says:


  7. ModHairKen Says:

    Licht had his chance last summer. Mike turned into Nvidia.

    So now you have to pay, Licht. Get it done. Then sign Baker. Then tag Winfield.

  8. Lt. Dan Says:

    @Leighroy: Spot on.

  9. Mac Says:

    This was Lichts first draft pick. Not a chance he let’s Evans walk. He will make sure he finishes his career in Tampa!

  10. BucsFan Says:


  11. Truth be Told Says:

    Baker and ME will both be signed before Free Agency opens up next week and they will franchise Winfield. RELAX. Pass Rush, Pass Rush, Pass Rush.

  12. Allbuccedup Says:

    Its all about the money no loyalty just money on both sides. If you don’t believe that you must live on fantasy island.

  13. Allbuccedup Says:

    If it ain’t football why is Joe going to Indianapolis? I like watching the combine there is no football to watch so its better than watching the depressing news shows.

  14. Beeej Says:

    I know if rather burn down my house than ever move again

  15. Steven007 Says:

    This is good news. Except for doosh. Or is it ultra? Anyway. Not sure why this. Joe hates the combine workout so much. I DVR the entire combine every year and then after the draft I’m able to watch individual workouts of all the players we drafted that participated. I love doing this. And I actually love watching the other players who will become the next stars in the NFL as well. But that’s just me.

  16. Bobby M. Says:

    Mike wanted to avoid playing last year with no extension in place…..Bucs didn’t seem to be overly concerned about resigning him so now Mike has every right to see what he’s worth. This is likely his last big cash grab so it’s good business for him to see what teams will offer. I’m a firm believer this will ultimately come down to guaranteed cash, that’s what the player knows is theirs. Bucs will likely match nearly any guaranteed value. I think the Texans, Panthers and Jets could be willing to splurge. Raiders don’t seem interested in trading Adams and Jets want another big time receiver for Rodgers… will be interesting.

  17. Dom Says:

    Optimisticbakerfan shaking in his boots

  18. Cobraboy Says:

    My gut says this is a lot of intentional drama. Evans has always been an afterthought in the NFL, but creating FA drama has more eyeballs being aware of his excellence.

  19. Boss Says:

    I wish him well and hope someone else throws him wads of cash. would love to meet up with him in the playoffs

    I could see AW getting a pick off him deep

  20. First Name Greatest Says:

    Meh, so much BS in the NFL offseason, I really don’t pay much serious attention to the NFL until after the draft.

  21. Tony marks Says:

    ModHairKen Says:
    February 26th, 2024 at 7:06 am

    So now you have to pay, Licht. Get it done. Then sign Baker. Then tag Winfield.

    Nope . If you want better leverage you sign Baker FIRST after convincing him to take a bit less so you can sign Mike ( which Baker has indicated he is willing to sacrifice). then you tell MIke you can come up a bit becasue Baker took a hit in salary for him.

    Much harder to not sign when his QB took a pay cut for him.

  22. Capt.Tim Says:

    Lmao! Absolutely!

  23. SlyPirate Says:


    We need to get beyond our current player contracts so we can start focusing on leveling up.

    We need a C, LOG, S, MLB, DE. Load up and get in the chase.

  24. Mike Johnson Says:

    LMAO here. Somebody says Mike is making it all about the money? Well, Why Shouldn’t he? He has earned that right. The man is getting long in the tooth. And this is his last chance for a big payday. To hell with a hometown discount. Make your paper Mike! I know I would.

  25. Leighroy Says:

    Mike Johnson, I think you missed the point. Evans has indeed earned the right, but if you’re publicly on record about wanting to retire a Buc, then you have to be willing to negotiate to field a competitive team. That’s the baggage you’re resigning up for to have that privilege.

    If you want your cake, fine. If you want to eat it, fine. But you can’t have your cake and eat it too. Licht cannot dump 30mil a year just to keep a future HOFer, and then expect to reign everyone AND improve the roster.

    You guys want new C, LG, S, MLB, DE – so do I. Just be prepared to get rookies in all those positions. The salary cap, and awkward positions with star players is a feature of the NFL, not a bug.

    To all those who say continuously kicking the can down the road is working for the Saints, I ask you this: Is it really? Do they look like contenders post-Brees? Spotrac has them currently 36mil over the new ‘24 cap and 53mil over the projected ‘25 cap. They are not a positive role model, lol.

  26. Timbucs2 Says:


  27. vadertime Says:

    The problem is the cap. After the GOAT era, Tampa got hamstrung in the cap. However, from everything I am reading there is some cap space clearing up and we might get more room by cutting some veterans loose. The big problem is if they give Mike a big contract, will they have enough left over to keep Baker or we do we go back to square one with a new QB under center? Cheers. Go Bucs.

  28. Rod Munch Says:

    You take care of Winfield, who is a future HOF’er, and you take care of Mike, who is a future HOF’er. Then you sign David, who is a future HOF’er.

    Then, after taking care of those three future HOF’ers – you see what is left for Baker.

  29. shale Says:

    Deal is done. Not announced yet as the Mayfield deal is close as well. Not sure if they are waiting for a dual announcement or what.

  30. heyjude Says:

    A dual deal announcement would be awesome!

  31. ScottyMack Says:

    Evans is right in wanting to see what he is worth. More power to him. That said, he’s not going to go with whatever team gives him the most money. If the Bucs sign Baker, Evans will sign with the Bucs if they come within a few million/year of the best offer.

    My only quandary is, what comes first, the Baker or the Evans? Not sure either signs without the other, so it almost seems like a conference call is needed between the agents, players and ownership/GM.

  32. David Says:

    Listening to LVD the other day and I sleep easier now. Seems obvious ME13, Baker, and LVD are all coming back!

  33. Chris l Says:

    Joe you get yourself all worked up over such small things like the combine they show on tv. And you kvetch about fans moaning and make that sound on the podcast imitating their bellyaching. Isn’t that the same? Have a big storm and just relax