Odds Where Mike Evans Plays In 2024

February 20th, 2024

Vegas says…

Joe hates to bring this depressing nugget. Alas, Joe lives in the real world and truth isn’t always pleasant.

With the news yesterday from Jordan Schultz of Bleacher Report that the Bucs and the best wide receiver in franchise history, Mike Evans, are “far apart” in talks to return to Tampa Bay, reality hit Joe.

There is a solid shot that the Bucs might gather this spring for OTAs and Evans won’t be on the team. Joe isn’t suggesting Evans is gone but Schultz’s news tells Joe to brace for the possibility.

And so too are the bookmakers.

Per Bookies.com, there is a 25 percent chance Evans suits up this fall for Houston. Where do the Bucs come in? They have the next-best odds at 23 percent. Kansas City has an 18.2 percent shot, per the bookies at Bookie.com.

Joe isn’t sure how the Chiefs could afford Evans unless they rework Pat Mahomes’ contract. Joe has all along believed that if Evans does leave, he’s Houston-bound. He really could get Houston over the hump to a Super Bowl.

Yes, Joe still holds hope that Evans and the Bucs can come to terms.

31 Responses to “Odds Where Mike Evans Plays In 2024”

  1. Delusional Intelligence Says:

    ¿Franchise Tag?

  2. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Mike isn’t going anywhere.

    Jordan Schultz? Whatever.

    Every year we hear or read all these predictions, and the almost never happen.

    So, here are my predictions:
    Mayfield, Evans and Winfield will remain Bucs.
    Devin White will have to test the market.
    Lavante David is 50-50 on retiring, but if he plays it will be as a Buc.

  3. sasquatch Says:

    I still think he wants to finish in Tampa, all things being equal. The Bucs want him to be here. Simply a matter of putting an acceptable contract on the table. The Bucs have to know that letting Evans leave is the beginning of a rebuild. Mayfield won’t re-sign with us, and without a QB and Mike Evans, our offense is sunk. It’s a rebuild.

    So, unless they’ve decided to go down the path of a rebuild, I can’t see them letting Evans walk. I just don’t think they wanna go through a rebuild.

  4. Paratrooper Buc Says:

    If he wants money, he go to Texans.

    If he wants glory(best shot at another sb), he will go to chiefs on a pay cut one year deal. Just like Brady brought talent at a discount to win, Mike could do it for one year.

    If he wants familiarity, he will stay a buc with slightly less money than the Texans can give and a different glory with the Bucs fans immortalizing him.

    I believe he will be a HOFer but how fast is up in the air. The chiefs give him more “respect” by fans and sports outlets. Texans are more likely than Bucs at the moment for the “respect” for that HOF glory. Bucs…we are the Bucs and as we all know and Joe has pointed out repeatedly , we don’t get much respect which hurts Mike’s HOF timeline. I hope he stays but the man has to do what’s best for him and his family.

  5. SB Says:

    This sounds like a fair assessment of the situation to me.
    I just hope we beat Houston out.

  6. Anon Says:

    These odds don’t make any sense. You could bet the top 3 options and be guaranteed to not lose money.

  7. Obvious Says:

    Yeah, Mike is broke. He “needs” to go elsewhere for his “family” because he can barely support them…. BULL! Not interested in buying that ” golden calf” B.S. to start with..

    Or It’ll hurt his “credibility” to get into the HOF if he stays…. BULL” Everybody KNOWS who Mike Evens is by now and More Importantly, the HOF voters SURELY DO! Just ask Benedict Arnold how that worked out for him…. Besides, some on here would suggest that it just can’t happen otherwise……. BULL! First off, if you’re sporting Mike’s undeniable stats, YOUR IN! MANY PUNDITS that are not loyal buccaneers fans identify him as “future hall of famer Mike Evens” these days! He is DEFINITELY NOT AN UNKNOWN. Further proof are a couple off the top of my head, HOF’s such as Brooks, and Sap. FIRST BALLOT “BUCCANEER” HOF’s!

    So stop acting like he “has to leave” in order to go to the HOF! LIES!

    If Mike leaves, I’m sorry to say that it looks like BAD DECISION MAKING more than Anything Else! He leaves, his PERSONAL FAN BASE takes a SERIOUS HIT! He is BELOVED here in Tampa Bay and it WILL LOOK BAD ON HIM…..

    It’s his call but MAKE NO MISTAKE! Michael Evens is FAR FAR AWAY FROM BROKE AND NEEDS THE MONEY!;That’s a bad joke for one. And he will CERTAINLY BE a FIRST BALLOT HOFer one day. He Doesn’t NEED to go ANYWHERE for that!

    It isn’t about the money. And if it is………. Then like MANY have already pointed out, he’s NOT the Michael Evens that MANY thought he was… It’ll be a bad look no matter how you slice it.

    Needs the money.. yeah right!

  8. optimisticbucsfan Says:

    Mike’s made $110 mill off the Bucs. He owes us nothing and we owe him nothing.

    That’s fine. He’s not more important than the team.

    Period. We’ll be fine. Mahomes did fine after Tyreek left.

    It happens. WR’s are divas. So he plays a few years somewhere else. He’ll still go into Canton as a Buc.

  9. J Says:

    Evans has proven himself to Tampa and to the fans by restructuring his contract multiple times to help shape the future. If someone wants to pay him a a boat load of cash for his services, for the first time in his life, he has every right to take the money and run. He gave us his blood, sweat, and tears for too many years. He’ll probably retire a Buc, be inducted to The Ring of Honor, and then HOF eventually. He’s a shoe-in, imo. Go get your payday, Mike!

  10. SB Says:

    I think he comes back. Most of the microwave and especially the internet generations get their jockstraps or panties in a wad too quickly today.
    It is gonna be what it is. Learn to relax.

  11. J Says:

    He’s made a ton of money, as optimistic pointed out, off of Tampa. He doesn’t need the money, but this is the last time in his CAREER that he’s going to get a top dollar offer. Most of the time I would have that pov that someone’s greedy for taking the money and bolting, but if anyone ever deserved to take it, it’s ME.

  12. optimisticbucsfan Says:

    @ J – restructuring is actually to the benefit of the player. It changes his salary into a one time bonus…all cash, all up front instead of weekly checks. You’re think of deferring money…Brady did that. NOT mike. So simmer down.

  13. HC Grover Says:

    Oh Well.

  14. heyjude Says:

    It will be bad if Evans does leave. He will be truly missed if that happens. And similar to others, my favorite player.

    I was thinking Houston too, and also the Patriots and Dallas that are not on the list, but I am not a bookie. Unsure if Chiefs really need to get any better. However, they do want the SB really bad next year. Evans has made QBs look good since A&M Texas, and I think that will be part of which team he goes to. Mahomes already looks great.

  15. FrontFour Says:

    Mike’s been paid well and has made a lot of money. And he’s a HOF’er. If he’s looking for top dollar then just go, don’t break the bank in Tampa. I am so tired of “do what’s best for his family”. No one in Mikes family will ever have to work again, whether he makes another $20m a year for three years or $30m. That’s PER YEAR folks. If he bolts for the big money then he’s just another money grubbing fraudster and not the guy I thought he was.

  16. heyjude Says:

    Mike is a great guy. It’s not only what he does on the field but off the field for the Tampa community. He has been giving back for many years. He deserves the money. It’s been a long time coming. I am hoping he stays with the Bucs. On the other hand, he and his family deserve to be happier wherever they may go. I will always be a big fan of his no matter where he goes.

  17. BucU Says:

    Like frontfour said If Mike is looking for top dollar come hell or high water then we’ll say thanks for everything and good luck in your next endeaver.

  18. BucfaninMi Says:

    Bingo Front Four! He’s already set for several lifetimes!

  19. BigD Says:

    The Bucs and Mike knew yesterday’s contract void date was coming. We can only assume the Bucs made a reasonable offer within the constraints of the cap space they have, Mikes age, his late problem with drops, and the other players they need to sign. It just seems that a team first mindset would want more money available to build a better roster. This looks like Mike is an already wealthy guy that’s only interested in more wealth, not a better Bucs team.

  20. DBS Says:

    Nice to see an idiot on this page. Mike did restructure his contract several times to help this team. And that was way before Brady ever came here.

  21. doolnutts Says:

    J – Your comment doesnt make since. Restructuring doesn’t cost the player anything he didn’t give us anything. It lowers the cap number and spreads it over the back end years of the contract the player still get paid. It is NOT a pay cut.

  22. DBS Says:

    Where did anybody say Mike took a PAY CUT? Mike proved to be a team first man by restructuring his contract to help with the cap situation. Now he wants top receivers money he thinks he is worth. That’s what we hear. More then he has been offered. Get it?

  23. Beeej Says:

    I’m sure everyone in Atlanta was bummed when Julio left

  24. Hodad Says:

    The Chiefs let T Hill walk, and still won the SB. Mahomes makes the receivers look good, not the other way around. Why would they pay Evans, and not Hill. They won’t. Texans are the only other team that would make sense. My guess is even they would rather draft a young receiver to grow with Stroud.

  25. tbc 1 Says:

    Just remember Jenson all it takes is one slip and with his age done for not only a year but his best days behind them. He will be gone as The buccs gave there best shot and came up empty the only question will be is Mayfield going to stay now that Evans is gone or will he jump ship as well. There is always Justin Fields sitting on the side lines-I am a big Baker fan but this team has other issues other than signing him to a huge contract.

  26. Thisisouryear!! Says:

    Mahomes does make his receivers look great but mikes the opposite. He made Johnny football, Glennon, Jameis and now Mayfield. He’s a go to receiver. He’s a difference maker. Very hard to replace.

  27. Duthsty Rothdes Says:

    On the Lombardi podcast, he was saying that the Texans are in cap hell for the upcoming season

  28. Cobraboy Says:

    If Evans and Mayfield play elsewhere, time to clean house 100% and start from scratch.

    That potential day has been lurking in the shadows for a while now…

  29. CTBucs Says:

    Give him the same contract he last signed. 5 years, 82m. A million a game to close out his career as a Buc. If he turns that down, then see ya, thanks for your decade Mike.

  30. PbnJ Says:

    Let Evans leave with our best wishes.

    Let Chris assume the #1 receiver role…for now.

    Draft a WR in round 1. The WR class is very deep.

    Enjoy the competition for snaps between the holdovers and our new 1st round pick. If Licht gets it right, the new guy is easily #2 but the competition breeds excellent backups from the field.

    Very much enjoy a drastic drop in big plays being blown up by a Mike Evans drop.

    Hope the new guy does a tenth of what Evans did for the community.

    Bottom line: do we want to win games or feel good about the heart of a player when the local news shows him at a youth camp he’s sponsored? Evans is demanding money he isn’t worth to the Bucs.

  31. BillyBucco Says:

    You guys saying restructuring is to the BENEFIT of the player don’t know squat. The only money you can count on are guarantees. Period.
    It absolutely HELPS the team because bonuses can be prorated over several years and gives the team more cap space.
    You are delusional and quite ignorant if being a fan of this team you don’t understand kicking the can by now.