Lavonte David Said He’s Ready To Play, And That May Mean A New Team

February 29th, 2024

Amended plans for 2024.

Recently, Bucs legend Lavonte David did a local sports radio spot where he said if he plays again, it is either the Bucs or retirement. Apparently, that has changed.

David appeared today on “Good Morning Football,” seen weekdays on NFL Network. There, David said while he wants to retire a Bucs linebacker and desires to play, he does not rule out playing for a team other than the Bucs in 2024.

“Throughout the season and in exit meetings… [the Bucs] said how they’d love for me to be back and I’d love to be back as well,” David said.

David pointed out that doesn’t mean it is the Bucs or an AARP membership. He began the interview by saying he’s “ready to play.” He later added that could include wearing a uniform other than pewter and red.

“You never know what can happen,” David said. “There is a lot of mutual respect [between] me and the Buccaneers organization. A lot of things have to happen. You just never know. You never know.

“I would love to retire [as] a Buccaneer. … I’m not naive to the fact that somebody else could probably come swoop me up. I would obviously like to finish my career in Tampa Bay.”

David admitted there hasn’t been a bunch of communication between him and the Bucs yet. Joe suspects that his appearance today was organized by his agent to demonstrate to the Bucs that David won’t accept just any offer the Bucs make.

42 Responses to “Lavonte David Said He’s Ready To Play, And That May Mean A New Team”

  1. DrmanTX Says:

    LVD is a legend and hope he can continue to play for the Bucs. He is still quick and a fantastic leader and tackler.

  2. Allen Lofton Says:

    Lavante David will be signed by the Bucs. He’s still playing at an elite level. Teams pay elite players, if not, another team in the hunt for a Super Bowl win will pay him.
    Pay him and have him retire a Buccaneer.

  3. lambchop Says:

    As I said, Ronnie and TKraz fed him that line about Bucs or retirement. It was a horrible interview for that reason alone. After being spoon fed that response, what was Lavonte going to say?

  4. Boss Says:

    love his statement and wording. sounds like a smart dude

  5. SB~LV Says:

    [You have zero clue what news is. David appears on a popular national TV show and very publicly walks back his previous statement of Bucs or retirement. For a possible Hall of Famer to say while using a pretty huge platform that he may play for someone else other than his original team, the Bucs, is pretty important news. Sorry if this irks you. — Joe]

  6. Greg Says:

    His agent was probably none too happy with him undermining his negotiating position.

  7. BUCman Says:

    [Joe correctly quoted Lavonte David. — Joe]

  8. donuts Says:

    Greg nailed it. Its all about the Benjamins.


    His agent over-estimated David’s value on the last go-round of FA; Now he’s older and teams won’t overpay for someone who is long-in-the-tooth

  10. Defense Rules Says:

    Salary to professional athletes represents RESPECT far as I’m concerned. The Bucs showed Shaq respect when they released him early so that he could potentially latch on with another team rather than just low-ball offer him.

    Personally I think that’s all LVD is looking for. He’d love to retire as a Buc, but not by playing for free. A low-ball offer on the part of the Bucs would be disrespectful to a player who’s been their captain for many years and who put up great stats in 2023 despite his age.

    I have every expectation that LVD will play for at least 2 more years here and retire as a Buc.

  11. CleanHouse Says:

    Agent got to him

  12. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    I hope he gets signed by the chiefs.

    I love the guy enough to hope he gets another ring, and it won’t happen here.

  13. Tony marks Says:

    Yeah this is defintiely a change but I think its more agent and business related than a real chage of heart.. “We might lose him to another team” keeps the negoitiatons where they ought to be from an agent perspective and market value.

  14. SB~LV Says:

    Lol.. David ain’t gonna play for another team!
    Love to irk the whomever is irked with clickbait lol
    If Lavonte signs with another team you can ban me!

  15. Vanessa Anne Says:

    We absolutely have to do everything we can to keep LVD here.

    We need his presence… not only on the field, but in the locker room too.

    We’ve all seen what he can do once the ball is snapped. No need to rehash that. But it’s his experience and maturity that can help nurture some of the younger guys along behind the scenes, as well.

    Fair enough, that his agent probably got to him and told him to say that as a way of strengthening his negotiating position. You can bet his agent will also entertain offers from other teams, and you never know… one of them could be sweet enough for him to jump ship.

    Still, we need this guy back. By and large, the 2023 rookie class showed great promise. But, they still need another year or two to grow into their positions. We need LVD to help with that… on the field and behind the scenes during practice, OTA’s training camp, etc.

    If he chooses to retire, that’s a different story. Losing him to another team? That would be akin to a circular firing squad…

  16. D Cone Says:

    Reggie Whites last contract in Philly averaged 1.5 mill/year and signed a 4 year deal with the Packers for 4.25 mil/year.

    Teams play the loyalty card to get older players to work for less. Great One’s tell them ‘Suck It’ and move on.

  17. heyjude Says:

    Thank you for reporting this Joe. Wow, I sure hope we can keep Lavonte. Sounds like there are other things going on.

  18. Bojim Says:

    Another team would definitely love him. Need him to be a Buc!!

  19. Hodad Says:

    Miami is a real possibility.

  20. BakerBucs Says:

    good luck LVD they will pay u market value like most teams due

  21. BakerBucs Says:

    have u ever heard the old saying twilight years?

  22. Obvious Says:

    For some out there, I think you’re being a little naive. He Was probably pigeon holed initially but then, I believe he agrees (to a point) that he meant it in the first place.

    It sounds like exactly what Joe suspects. I suspect the same. Buccaneers are possibly to the point of insulting as to a last contract. Taking advantage of his loyalty or Anyone’s is the Fastest way known to man to lose that very loyalty!

    He probably feels like he has at the least a couple of good years left in him and by the way he’s playing, HE CERTAINLY DOES and can STILL DO quite a bit of damage to and For any organization he suits up for.

    Lavante David HAS THE ADVANTAGE HERE…..

    We are already loosing Devin White (which is Not a great lose YET SUBSTANTIAL) We simply DO NOT HAVE A REPLACEMENT FOR DAVID! Especially one that won’t cost MORE THAN what David would have excepted for a short contract. Sure… there are a couple you could TRY TO REPLACE David’s impact with BUT….. IT WILL NOW COST US even if it is David that we retain.

    There ISN’T ANYTHING that Lavante David Doesn’t Know about this defense! HE IS THE VERY HEART OF THE DEFENSE! If not him then WHO?

    I got a Bad Feeling that SOMEBODY has SCREWED UP BIG and got bigger than this bucs actual britches! ~we don’t nor can we replace David ~ THERE IS NO ONE ELSE! In otherwords….. WE DON’T HAVE A LINE BACKER CORP WITHOUT LAVANTE! WE SIMPLY AND ACTUALLY DON’T HAVE ONE!


    It already seems the Dragon has awakened and has One Eye Open and determining whether it should go ahead and wake up to have the snack that just stumbled into it’s lair! I can tell you that it seems once the dragon has one eye open, IT ALREADY TOO LATE! Hopefully Licht jumps all over this and makes the man happy because if the Leader of All Things Bucs gets Psd Off then We Have a Real Problem!

    It just seems SO MUCH of what’s going on could have been avoided. Now Lavante? Our season coming is really turning into a giant IF before it even has a chance to be born. Feels like sloppy management because It Is. And I’m a heavy Jason Licht supporter.

    Jason……. Fix This NOW!

  23. Usfbuc Says:

    I expect the Bucs to sign him, this is just all a part of the dance.

  24. ModHairKen Says:

    Licht, sign him.

  25. TampabayDJ Says:

    Definitely agent talk.. I listened to him last week when he said it’s Bucs or nobody ! He said it is a great honor and accomplishment to play for the same team your entire career, and he was talking about Evans doing the same, but he can’t speak for Evans, only himself. It’s Bucs or retirement

  26. cmurda Says:

    If LVD plays for another team, there will be hitmen sent to One Buc Palace. You don’t want to know what happens if M.E. plays for another team.

  27. Dave Pear Says:

    JL pull out the Magic GM Cap Wizardry and get-r-did.

  28. TampabayDJ Says:

    @Obvious- WOW, that was a little over the top there . No team has signed anyone yet .. The Combine just got going a few days ago, and that is where teams talk to agents. They will get to LD ,and LD already said that he knows the team must get Evans and Baker figured out first. I heard it from his mouth on the radio. You speak of doom , gloom, and dragon lairs ?? This is all agent tactics so they can get a few more dollars in their pockets. Bucs will have all their FA signed before they hit the market.

  29. Says:

    Not sure where money & respect meet in any job market. In football, money is paid for production. If the team does not think that there will be production in the future, money will not be paid. It is very simple. Respect is a fleeting word in any job market, where money is being paid. In by gone years, respect was earned. Nothing to do with money!

  30. DeRobbins Says:

    the quote you provided in that story did NOT say that. I’m confused.

  31. Bucsboi239 Says:

    I hope Lavante and Mike both get paid and among the league’s highest paid at their position! As a lifelong Bucs fan I think both players should be selfish and not give Tampa a hometown discount so they can have a huge payday which for both players will probably be their last… This could have all been avoided of our front office would have prioritized both Tampa legends because there is no way to justify Carlton Davis and Jemel Dean having 100 million dollar contracts combined while LVD and MIKE aren’t signed!!!

  32. richbucsfan Says:


  33. Paratrooper Buc Says:

    Agree with those who say this was a move by his agent. He wants to be a buc for life but wants to get paid. Hard to leverage for more money if no one else makes an offer.

  34. David Says:

    MUST sign him. LVD has a couple more pro bowl level years left.

  35. Dave Pear Says:

    Maybe now that he doesn’t have to worry about Diva White screwing up his assignments every play while also looking after his own work, he will turn in his best year yet.

    Sign him, get-r-did.

  36. Brandonbucc Says:

    Love David. Gotta show him some love.

  37. Obvious Says:


    Are you “assuming” that Lavante David won’t walk if insulted? I gotta tell you that some of you are a little more confident than I that Lavante David wont put his locker location where his mouth is. Some of you seem to feel that David is a TOOTHLESS DOG, including No Bite.

    I whole heartedly DISAGREE with the don’t take him seriously crowd! I just saw LAVANTE DAVID “HIM SELF ~ PERSONALLY” make it CLEAR that apparently he has changed his mind…. Seems there is a New Wrinkle. He just doesn’t seem to be the type of man as to “Plays Games” with the type of threats he just made.

    I didn’t see his agent making the statement. I DID however see Lavante David himself make a Clear and well Thought Out declaration as to his thoughts and potential intentions.

    In my view, as the current line up sits, Lavante Is in the cat seat and quite frankly if he’s not satisfied, I could see him flipping a devistating finger at the “Organization” as he starts to entertain offers from all interested parties. Which I personally believe would be MANY even at the end of his career. The Man Is A Weapon! PLUS he’s an Encyclopedia of Buccaneer defensive know how…

    I do believe it’s more about respect than anything else and whether it’s a ploy or he’s a Serious as a Heart Attack, this situation should Not Be dismissed as a nothing burger and dealt with swiftly with perhaps a much more “reasonable, respectful, and fair” amount of compensation for the Buccaneers Legendary Weapon.

    Think it’s a toothless dog huh? I SURE hope you’re right. But if I were Jason Licht, I WOULDN’T BET ON IT! If he wants an extra million, Give it to him and make him happy because in David’s case, as Well As at this juncture, THE JUICE IS WORTH THE SQUEEZE ….

  38. bucsnboltsnmanu Says:

    To all the people saying PAY MIKE!

    Pay LAVONTE!

    Too many fan biases on here to have logical discussions.

    Maybe Evans can come down some so we can sign Baker, Winfield, the kicker and David.

  39. Obvious Says:


    I think you point is spot on if it’s just a ploy.

    Personally, I don’t think it’s a great idea to let this linger one way or the other. It’s a bad look and the Bucs would be fools to push the envelope over probably “very little”.
    This type of thing just muddies the water even more and with so much undone, this “should be” wrapped up quickly.

    Great point though…

  40. Bucsboi239 Says:

    @bucsnboltsnmanu There is no logical situation under the sun where Mike Evans or Lavante David should take less than market value especially at this stage in their careers when another max contract probably won’t happen! Our front office prioritized Jamel Dean and Carlton Davis when there were better corners on the market and their salaries combined are around 100 million, so Mike and LD should get paid even if it’s not in Tampa! As a life long Bucs fan I feel like these 2 guys should be selfish since the organization didn’t make them a priority this year because both deserve to be amongst the highest paid players at their position… They have both been elite and durable their entire career, Mike accomplished this year what has never been done before and Lavante is all pro thru and thru and Tampa should honor that or another organization will!!!

  41. Bucfan1988 Says:

    There is no way in hell LD54 is playing anywhere else besides Tampa.

    He made base salary of $4.5MM last year…
    He had a PHENOMENAL year.
    He deserves a raise…

    I’m thinking 2 year deal for $13MM ……

    Adding extra year could give a little cap flexibility as well….

  42. Buc king Says:

    3 year deal for 22mil n incentives..let him go out on his own terms and as life long buc..
    I would be extremely sad if any of these players left the bucs…Evans wirf Winfield David Godwin vee..
    Those are my favorite players on the team evans n David being my favorites and who I have multiple jerseys of.

    It would devastate my belief in the bucs franchise if either got out the building.
    Sometimes legacy matters more then money.

    I would cut so many people before losing them