Ian Beckles: Why Should Baker Mayfield Leave Where He Is Loved?

February 25th, 2024

Should say put?

Calm down, Kyle Trask people.

While riffing about the Bucs and free agency on his podcast “In the Trenches,” former Bucs starting guard and current local radio personality Ian Beckles just cannot figure out why Baker Mayfield would want to leave the Bucs in particular, and the Tampa Bay area in general.

Beckles had heard a rumor that the team formerly known as the Belicheats might make a run at Mayfield.

Beckles said Mayfield is putting roots in the Tampa Bay area and that he and his wife are active in local charitable causes. And coming off a career year where he nearly got the Bucs to an NFC title game when no one thought that was possible, Beckles thinks Mayfield would be crazy to break up something that finally has his career arrow pointing up.

“I don’t know why Baker Mayfield would think that the Patriots are more appealing than Tampa Bay Buccaneers,” Beckles said, shaking his head. “First of all it is in New England. We’re in Tampa Bay. Eeehhh. I’m not going there. Not if I don’t have to.

“They don’t have more talent than us. You just came from a system that you know now, although it is going to change a little bit.

“You know the coach. You know the fanbase. You go to New England, you throw a couple of bad passes, they are going to hate on you.

“Baker Mayfield can come back here and just play OK and you will still love him.”

Beckles makes a few good points. Outside of the occult that demands a guy who has thrown three completions in three years start over a guy who came “this close” to getting the Bucs to the NFC Championship, most Bucs fans embrace Mayfield.

His personality seems to have endeared himself to the Bucs’ fan base: scrappy guy who has no hesitation to put his shoulder down and run through linebackers if necessary for a first down.

Why, now that he has his career finally turned around and most teams didn’t want him, would Mayfield want to bolt to a team with lesser weapons?

Beckles is right. Mayfield would be crazy to leave the Bucs. That is unless the Bucs don’t franchise Mayfield and creepy Bob Kraft is allowed to make Mayfield an offer he can’t refuse.

39 Responses to “Ian Beckles: Why Should Baker Mayfield Leave Where He Is Loved?”

  1. MadMax Says:

    Staying home, but he needs to pull a Brady and he knows that. Gotta leave room for us….. many mouths to feed.

  2. Tb bolts Says:

    New OC… and Mike Evans / Chase McLaughlin (who won half of our games of the 23/24 season) possibly gone… Baker could look completely different next year. And yet it only opens up more excuses to be made for him like we saw all season long. Baker will take what Tampa offers him because most teams in this league know he’s garbonzo on any given day. Garbage time stat padding doesn’t earn you a franchise tag. Sorry Baker jock washers

  3. heyjude Says:

    What are the Patriots going to do with Mac Jones? It does seem as if they would go for Baker, Fields, Wilson… It will cost them to keep Jones too. He didn’t do well under Belichick, but he could better next season with Mayo.

    Baker wants to stay here, but it scares me that we have heard only crickets so far, no deal.

  4. Tony marks Says:

    Steelers are the only team I see Baker saying “interesting” because of the prospect of being right there against the Browns ever season.

    Only if the BUcs somehow disrespect Baker woudl I see Atlanta.

    Pats look like the kind of situation Baker would run from. They are not winning for awhile and everything will be the QBs fault under the shadow of Brady even more.

  5. SufferingSince76 Says:

    Some of you people are taking your Mayfield hate to illogical conclusions. The back and forth is elementary school childish nonsense. Are you Bucs fans or not?

  6. Oneilbuc Says:

    Why do you guys use the word hate so much for a player you like when someone tells the truth about them? I don’t think people really hate Baker Mayfield if the bucs are any other team is willing to over pay for Baker ain’t no body going to be mad at Baker for getting his money. In fact if the bucs gives Baker Mayfield a 200 million dollar contract and he takes it who’s going to say Baker was stupid to take that much money? No one will knock him for taking it in fact they would say he would be stupid not to take it. But we care more about the team and if the bucs over pay for Baker Mayfield it will hurt the team in the future. This is a good quarterback draft class and it would be stupid not to draft a quarterback this year for a quarterback you know is average at best. And that doesn’t mean he’s a trash quarterback but to win with Baker we have to hope the division is bad again just to make the playoffs. And that’s not a good thing !

  7. 2023 Surprised the Hell out of me Says:

    Good G M s do not let there best players walk out the door….

  8. Ethan Says:

    “Baker Mayfield can come back here and just play OK and you will still love him.”

    True. Because we’re the dumbest fan base in the NFL. We love .500. Especially if it keeps an alligator off the field.

  9. Fansince76 Says:

    Bake isn’t going anywhere except under center for the Buc’s for the next few years so all these articles by other cities are just wishful thinking and nonsense.

  10. Ethan Says:

    JOE: “the occult that demands a guy who has thrown three completions in three years start over a guy WHO LOST IN TRAINING CAMP TO THE GUY WHO HAS THROWN THREE COMPLETIONS.”

    There, fixed it for you, Joe. You keep forgetting that.

  11. Gipper Says:


    You write with such certainty that “….to win with Baker we have to hope the division is bad….” That is just cheap nonsense from a guy pretending to be a studio analyst who knows little about football. To win with any QB, the most important criteria is to keep him upright in the pocket and prevent him from getting mauled like Baker was versus the Lions. Hutchinson had clean shots twice in that game where he wasn’t touched by a lineman, tight end or a back. For once in his career, would like to see Baker protected by an offensive line the way Goff was last year with Detroit.

  12. Allbuccedup Says:

    Mediocrity is what this fan base is. Mediocre coach Mediocre quarterback with a Mediocre gm.

  13. Hodad Says:

    New England has the third pick in the draft, and could easily move up to #1. They ‘re going to draft a QB. They’re starting over with a new coaching staff, bringing in Baker makes zero sense. New England isn’t a vet QB away from contending.

  14. JimBobBuc Says:

    Last offseason, I predicted Baker would throw a ton of interceptions this past year and the Bucs would finish way below .500 Thankfully I was wrong, as were a lot of people out there, even Bucs fans. I was optimistic that Canales would improve the offense by bringing in the Seattle system.

    Canales disappointed much of the season, running White up the middle for two yards on first down seemingly all the time. Baker had a lot of third and longs to face. The OL struggled with Feiler losing his starting job, and Hainsey getting pushed around. The Bucs had a terrible running game. The Bucs were 10th worst in the NFL in pass drops. Despite these challenges, Baker’s stats showed he’s in the 11-18 range of QB’s.

    Coming out of the Bye Week, the offense stank. I never heard a good reason why it happened. The players need to take a hard look at that, and turn it around this coming season. If we had come out of the Bye Week with even a slightly improved offense, it would have been great.

    People rightly point out that Baker ended the Detroit playoff game with an INT. Baker also threw a TD to Otton that should have won the Texans game too. To me the jury is out on Baker’s 4th quarter performance.

    Give Baker an incentive laden contract around the 11-18th best in the league. Let’s hope that Coen, the OL, and the receivers support him.

  15. Marky Mark Says:

    He is not loved here including you who were vicious in the middle of the season..Really Tampa does not deserve Baker. Vikings looking good.

  16. Marky Mark Says:

    Jimbobbuc remind me to never take betting or investment advice from you. If you are so wrong all the time why do you bother to say anything at all? Evans lost the Lions game by letting a perfect pass go through both hands that landed right in A DB,s hands. Sign that guy up for receiver.. Baker tied the Falcons game 1 at the end and the Defense blew it. Baker has an elite play off stat sheet over 4 games.

  17. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Allbuccedup Says:
    February 25th, 2024 at 7:44 am
    Mediocrity is what this fan base is. Mediocre coach Mediocre quarterback with a Mediocre gm.
    This, coming from someone who would REALLY have to improve to have mediocre posts! 😂🤣😂🤣😂

  18. SenileSenior Says:

    Mayfield ha the grit of the likes of John Elway and Bret Favre. His “intangibles” and his demonstrated leadership are what endears him to hardcore Buc fans.

    I too did not know what to expect from him but I wanted him to succeed for the sake of the Bucs. I want him back.

    Go Bucs!

  19. Bucs'n'Bucks Says:

    Joe….just write a generic article “Everyone Wants Baker!”
    I’m so tired of all this speculation. Just sign somewhere and get this over with!

  20. Bucs'n'Bucks Says:

    Might as well write the same article and insert “Mike!”

  21. EternalSon Says:

    I leaned Trask after preseason.

    Went with Mayfield, and I supported that.

    Didn’t take long to see why they liked him. Great leader, players like to play for him and with him, inspires teammates. That’s a big deal.

    Go Bucs!!!

  22. Beeej Says:

    “Ethan Says:
    February 25th, 2024 at 7:23 am
    “Baker Mayfield can come back here and just play OK and you will still love him.”

    True. Because we’re the dumbest fan base in the NFL. We love .500. Especially if it keeps an alligator off the field.”


    Are you implying the only reason the Bucs didn’t win MORE than 9 games was Baker?

  23. Joe Says:

    Joe….just write a generic article “Everyone Wants Baker!”
    I’m so tired of all this speculation. Just sign somewhere and get this over with!

    Gonna have to suck it up a few more weeks.

  24. BillyBucco Says:

    Troy Franklin 1st
    Jalen McMillan 2nd
    Johnny Wilson 3rd
    Then maybe Baker can see another WR besides Mike Evans.
    Oh yeah and a C, LG, TE, RB, Edge, LB, CB and SS.
    Then”Ship” off Bowels in the “Bowles”.
    Problem solved.

  25. tgoodwin Says:


  26. mg Says:

    Mandarin Bob is in love with Mac Jones, he has incredible hands.

  27. Capt.Tim Says:

    No way that Licht lets Baker walk. Im sure hes told Baker that he will match any offer Mayfield receives in Free Agency. That keeps Mayfield. Evans may be tougher, but we have the money and means to keep all of our Free agents.

    The real question is- who are we signing from other Teams. If we can sign a Pass rusher, WR, and RB I would.
    Also need a Backup QB and a safety.

    Then we draft Another Pass rusher, a Center, and a guard.

  28. sasquatch Says:


    I think you mean cult, Joe.

  29. BakerBucs Says:

    Ethan & David we all know it’s u David cause u r post r the same u can change u r post name but the commentary is exactly the same bs we have seen all season welcome moron glad to hear the same stupid post day in day out until the next 1 maybe ask u r counterpart Ethan if he has learned any new techniques and will up i r game cause it really sucks so far.i am injecting on behalf of baker keep up the good nonsense it’s so ghetto

  30. BakerBucs Says:

    Allbuccedup says,drop the B add an F what does that spell EXACTLY rite

  31. Oneilbuc Says:

    Gipper. I know more about football than you do that’s why I can see why Baker Mayfield is a average quarterback. Just look at his whole career he had 2 average season in 6 years. This was his best season in 6 years with right at 4,000 yards in 17 games with 28 TD and 10 picks and this is his best season? It took the bucs 17 games to close out the worse division in the NFL and it was Antoine Winfield Jr who single handed won at least 2 games for us so we could make the playoffs. It was not Baker that lead us to the playoffs it was Winfield Jr that did. If the bucs give Baker franchise quarterback money it will hurt the team long term. If they don’t bring Evans back with Baker we ain’t making the playoffs. And that’s a fact!!

  32. Tony marks Says:

    Oneilbuc Says:
    February 25th, 2024 at 3:38 pm
    Gipper. I know more about football than you do

    LOL kids today. They think if they say somethig it makes it true.

    Look it up kid. 4 out fo 6 seasons bake averaged 4066 adjusted per game layed . This last year was no biggie for Baker

    The difference in numbers comes down to playing in seasons with less gamea with the Bowns

    You lose.

  33. Since76 Says:

    Oneilbuc…..you have to read the headline to understand these baker boys……it’s literally what it means. They are offended true or false if it’s not flattery towards their man. Lol

  34. BakerFan Says:

    Apparently the author of this article has never read the comments. I see a lot of hate on Baker in the comments

    If Baker was ever to walk on water these haters would post “Look Mayfield can’t swim”

  35. Gene Says:

    I don’t know Sasquatch…The Trask lovers may just be Satan worshippers! That’s about the only people crazy enough to want to lose their playoff caliber QB for Trask…Satan worshippers or SAINTS FANS, either way “occult” kind of fits. Looks like ETHAN and TB BOLTS are the high priestess and serving girl for the gathering! 😆

  36. Gipper Says:


    In a month Baker will be making around $40million a year. In a month, well, you still will be Oneilbuc hoping that someone takes you seriously. Doubtful in your case that will ever happen.

  37. Oneilbuc Says:

    Gipper. I know you can’t take my comments seriously because you are blinded by Baker Mayfield. Your rose color glasses have blinded you to the truth that Baker Mayfield is a average quarterback. If the bucs pay him franchise quarterback money it will hurt us in the long run but I’m guessing you don’t care about that because you are not a real bucs fan, you are a Baker Mayfield fan so that’s all you care about. I just rewatch some of the games and Baker Mayfield is not elite at all. He’s Garden Michew and he will not have a good year without Mike Evans. It’s really time to move on from guys like Baker Mayfield and just grab a rookie quarterback and build around him like all the other winning teams does.

  38. Woodenman Says:

    Baker boys need to know just because someone does not like Baker does not mean you are a Trask fan. In fact the majority of people who do not like Baker are probably not Trask fans

  39. jarrett Says:

    As a bucs fan, Baker is not loved here

    he had an average season, he’s overrated at this point and still unproven