Haason Reddick Says He Never Asked For A Trade

February 14th, 2024

Ian Rapoport of NFL.com shared Sunday that the Eagles gave veteran outside linebacker/edge rusher Haason Reddick permission to seek a trade.

Speaking yesterday, the news seemed to surprise Reddick as he told Jordan Schultz of Bleacher Report that he never asked for a trade.

Why is Joe bringing this up? Well, the Bucs sure do need an edge rusher. And grabbing a guy like Reddick, 29, would be a huge addition.

Reddick, who enters the final year of his current contract, said he’s ready for whatever happens. He told Schultz he’s happy in Philadelphia (he played college ball at Temple). He added that he knows the NFL is a business and is prepared if he is on another team next month.

Joe reached out to an Eagles beat writer Joe knows for background of what’s going on. He told Joe there is no doubt Rapoport’s report Sunday was a plant by the Eagles. Why would they do this?

Well, E.J. Smith of the Philadelphia Inquirer believes the Eagles are shopping Reddick because they won’t be able to afford to re-sign him.

Would Joe want Reddick wearing pewter and red this fall? Hell yes!

In each of the past four seasons dating back to his last year in Arizona, Reddick has double-digit sacks.

Reddick was drafted by the Arizona Cardinals in 2017. And who was part of the braintrust that drafted him? Cardinals general manager Steve Keim, a very close friend of Bucs AC/DC-loving general manager Jason Licht, as well as former Cardinals and Bucs Super Bowl-winning coach Bucco Bruce Arians.

31 Responses to “Haason Reddick Says He Never Asked For A Trade”

  1. The Truth be Told Says:

    Pass Rush. Pass Rush. Go Bucs!!

  2. Boss Says:

    why do we always seem to buy high and sell low?

    when was the last time we launched a highly paid player that was worth a trade?

  3. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    These articles about players we can’t afford is like showing Mercedes commercials to people in a line for unemployment benefits.

  4. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    Always wanted to ready JoeEaglesFan. Thanks!

  5. Beeej Says:

    I’d be in favor of trading CD3’s salary for his

  6. stpetebucfan Says:

    Love more pass rush that’s for sure. But as always the question…can the Bucs afford him? Is there any chance they can get one in the draft and get a bargain for a few years?

    Here is where I just trust JL. Serenity prayer grasshoppers.
    Patience to accept what you can’t change.
    Courage to change the things you can
    And the wisdom to know the difference.

    In this case I use 1 and 3.

  7. BakerFan Says:

    I laugh at the Bucs fans….. always looking for a bargain love to see the makeup of the Tampa community, I believe I have a good idea since you guys want a lot for nothing.

  8. JimBobBuc Says:

    No cap space. Next…

  9. BakerFan Says:

    JimBobBuc Says:
    February 14th, 2024 at 9:40 am
    No cap space. Next…

    It is a trade, meaning you would be trading 1 contract for another most likely. Which he has one year left on his deal. Edge Pass Rush is highly needed.

    Good article Joe, but trades are difficult.

  10. A Bucs Fan Says:

    The Bucs don’t have the money to spend until at least 2026.

  11. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Boss Says:
    February 14th, 2024 at 7:48 am
    why do we always seem to buy high and sell low?

    when was the last time we launched a highly paid player that was worth a trade?

    Shaq Mason, last year.

  12. Bojim Says:

    Well, not everybody can be cool as you bakerfan.

  13. Conner50 Says:

    Rather draft Chop Robinson if he falls to 26 or take Jonah Elliss in the second round than spend money on Reddick

  14. Hodad Says:

    Why are we even talking about this guy? He’s 30, and wants a mega deal. We can’t afford what he wants to begin with, plus we’d have to give up draft picks. The Bucs would never pursue him, so why are we making like this could, or should happen? It’s not.

  15. sasquatch Says:

    We do not have cap to bring this guy in. Do the friggin’ math. If you get Mayfield, Evans, WInfield under contract for next year, we’re done with big contracts. Add in David and McLaughlin. Where the h3ll is the money coming from? We’re trying to get out of cap hell and here we are talking about ways to put ourselves back in… And giving up draft picks for a 30 year old? Utter stupidity.

  16. DBS Says:

    People didn’t mind reading it when JPP or SUH were possible. We need an edge rusher.

  17. Beeej Says:

    Licht seems to usually find a great talent at bargain basement prices –see Shaq, JPP. I expect of we sign a FA pass rusher, it’ll be someone in that category

  18. Proudbucsfan Says:

    Hodad I agree with you and BakerFan GTFOH this is a Bucs fan site. I like Baker as our quarterback but go start your own Baker fan site and take all your Baker ball gurglers with you.

  19. BakerFan Says:

    Proudbucsfan Says:
    February 14th, 2024 at 12:03 pm
    Hodad I agree with you and BakerFan GTFOH

    This is about a TRADE, you damn morons can’t see past NO CAP SPACE. It does not have to be for draft picks, it could be getting rid of one of those high price CB’s that can’t catch an interception in their back yard.

    BTW, what world do you live in where you could ever tell me what to do. LOSER

  20. GottiDog052084 Says:

    …..or, as an alternative, kind of a sleeper FA that is younger and will cost half or less of what Reddick will cost….. Frankie Luvu

  21. PewterPride Says:

    Great point on CD3, I would offer him and a 5th round pick to the Igels.
    Philly needs all the DB help they can get to try and keep pace with the Cowgirls and the Bucs very young DB look pretty impressive all with high ceilings for the future, plus a couple FA and a few in the draft to bring in and you won’t miss CD3 presidents at all.

    Imagine the Bucs D with Kancey, YaYa, Reddrick, KJ and Winfield as cornerstones for the future and add in pieces around them and the Bucs Defense looks pretty elite for years to come.

    LFG!!! Fire them there Cannons…… TAMPA……..B A Y

  22. PewterPride Says:

    Or better yet send CD3 and JTS to Philly for Reddick, solves 3 problems in one trade.

  23. Stanglassman Says:

    Does Reddick not understand that it was the Eagles brass that leaked the ‘He wants a trade’ rumors? They want to move on from him and get some compensation. 22 million cap hit at 29 is not a good combo. His contract was really a 2 year deal this last contract year is not gonna happen. New contract or trade.

  24. PewterPride Says:

    Hey Joe what am I blackballed from leaving comments on your forum?
    I’ve been a huge fan of yours since day one and is my favorite blog for the Bucs,
    I haven’t used foul language or bullied anyone on here ever, what’s got you so pissed at me that you keep deleting my comments all the time, what did I do that I can’t use my freedom of speech to leave very good and thought provoking messages?
    I don’t understand Joe

  25. Defense Rules Says:

    Much as I’d love to have a Reddick or Burns because our pass rush needs help, CAP space is the stumbling block. Bucs won’t know what we can afford until AFTER we re-sign the ‘meat-and-potatoes’ group (Winfield, Evans, Mayfield, LVD & McLaughlin). And to do that, we’ll have to first do a LOT of fancy contract restructuring, release several players, and HOPEFULLY do a new long-term contract for Wirfs to clear CAP space.

    Looks like our best bet right now to improve our pass rush is to draft the absolute best OLB available at #26 like Turner, Robinson or Braswell, OR go the DE route with someone like LSU’s Jordan Jefferson (6’4# & 317 lbs) in Rnd 2 to increase inside pressure. That should be our highest priority.

  26. kaimaru Says:


    We didn’t trade for JPP in the final year of his contract, did we?

  27. Usfbucs Says:

    Pewter it happens to everyone at times. I have been getting censored and then it goes away then it comes back again. It’s the boys coming for you!

  28. Usfbucs Says:


  29. BUCman Says:

    Giving a guy entering the wrong side of 30 the long-term mega contract he is asking for would be a huge mistake. There is almost always a huge dropoff in an edge rushers production once he crosses that threshold.

  30. Esteban85 Says:

    Would be nice! I see us drafting a rookie edge rusher. We need that cheap deal if we hope to resign our 5 free agents

  31. David Says:

    Would love it but not sure what they can give up and can they afford to re-sign him to a 4 year deal?