Baker Mayfield The Deep Thrower

February 16th, 2024

Underrated arm?

This really surprised Joe.

When the Bucs signed Baker Mayfield last March, he really wasn’t known for throwing a lot of deep passes, or at least long passes. Turns out, the numbers suggest that was a bad rap.

Given some Bucs records and marks Mayfield established last year, folks ought to consider him more of a deep-ball threat.

The Bucs have had really strong-armed quarterbacks going all the way back to Doug Williams — and more recently Jameis Winston and Tom Brady.

Yet consider these numbers: Per the Bucs’ 2023 season-in-review release, Mayfield finished with 7.1 passing yards per attempt. That’s third-best in Bucs history.

In the playoffs, Mayfield had — in two games — 8.9 passing yards per attempt, That’s a Bucs postseason record.

Yeah, Joe admits having Mike Evans helps. Guess what? Brady and Jameis also had Evans.

So maybe Mayfield’s arm is better than what most folks initially believed? Or is it that the Bucs just had the weapons for Mayfield to show off his arm strength.

62 Responses to “Baker Mayfield The Deep Thrower”

  1. Ethan Says:

    His 7.1 Y/A ranks 15th out of 32 quarterbacks. Once again, average.

  2. NutterBuccer Says:

    Well 30 to 35 million a year is average pay for a qb these days
    Pay the man. He’s a leader, baller, Dawg,, whatever you want to call it. Everyone that thinks it’s OK to get rid of him must of forgotten what pre brady looked like. Jason licht is no dumby, he will do what’s best for the bucs short and long term and that is to bring some consistency to the bucs qb position, and a guy the team loves.

  3. Ethan Says:

    His AIR/A (air yards traveled per attempt) was 4.2.

  4. Gipper Says:

    Mayfield has thrown the longest pass( ball in the air) in NFL history. It happened when he was with the Browns on a Hail Mary where the ball was incomplete but was in the air over 75 yards. Even if you forget his ability throw “bombs”, few in the NFL van match Mayfield on his ability to throw deep “seam routes” or deep out routes. No less authority than Josh Allen has recently said that Mayfield has one of the strongest arms in the NFL. In recent Super Bowl, MaHomes was throwing short passes underneath to Kelce. Joe ought to interview John Dorsey, the man who selected both MaHomes and Mayfield, and ask him which of the two has a stronger arm.

  5. Lt. Dan Says:

    “So maybe Mayfield’s arm is better than what most folks initially believed?”

    Who amongst us remembers the old QB competition from the early to mid 90’s. If a QB chucked it 65- 75 yards he was considered to have a cannon. In a game in 2020 Baker threw a hail Mary over 70 yards v. the Ravens. So yea – he’s got a strong arm.

  6. catcard202 Says:

    This may be because Baker just took less check downs…As he was willing to move around & let plays develop down the field.

  7. Jack Clark Says:

    Deep passes are passes thrown more than 20 yards downfield before it is caught. Calling anything less than 10 yards a deep pass is a ridiculous. Mayfield needs to get better at throwing deep passes to receivers not named Mike Evans

  8. Beeej Says:

    “Ethan Says:
    February 16th, 2024 at 7:42 am
    His 7.1 Y/A ranks 15th out of 32 quarterbacks. Once again, average.

    Ethan Says:
    February 16th, 2024 at 7:47 am
    His AIR/A (air yards traveled per attempt) was 4.2.”

    That was the scheme, short passes mixed with (albeit unsuccessful) runs (though as the season wore on he started chucking longer passes to Evans)

  9. Pickgrin Says:

    “having Mike Evans helps” – LOL – Ya think?

    “maybe Mayfield’s arm is better than what most folks initially believed?” – Baker can throw the ball about 70 yards so his “arm strength” has never been a question.

  10. Mike Anthony Says:

    “he really wasn’t known for throwing a lot of deep passes, or at least long passes.”


    Every once in awhile you guys write things that reveal how little research you do on certain subjects you write about. One of baker’s signature plays in Cleveland was a roll out and strike deep (something Canales utilized very little of) so Yes he was ‘known for ” thowing a good share of deep passes. They are all over his Browns highlight reels.

    Josh Allen did not say recently Baker had a cannon because he didin’t see it very often.

    Please refrain from statements that say or imply what everyone knew about baker or thought about him. 75% of the time you are just misreporting

  11. Mike Anthony Says:

    @ gipper

    these things are CLEALRY seen over and over again in Browns games 2018- 2020 and yearly Baker Highlights . readily available on YOutube. It baffling that people writing in media haven;t even done that level of research so they can make the homer observation that its BUc’s weapons that just brought it out.

  12. ocala Says:

    Baker has outstanding arm strength.

  13. BakerFan Says:

    Haters Hate…. no matter what happens they will just say “yeah but….” Some just can’t be happy or convinced.

    BTW, all teams have weapons. Weapons that are equal or better than Mike Evans. You people need to watch NFL football, not just a Bucs game.

  14. Bucs Guy Says:

    Doesn’t matter except to stat geeks. Look at Ws.

  15. Bucnjim Says:

    I could see his arm strength right away, but it also got him in trouble. He’s so geared up early in games that he’s throwing 100mph crossing patterns. If he can temper the adrenaline the receivers would be able to catch and run with the ball instead of trying to handle the fastball.

  16. Bojim Says:

    Agree with Bakerfan. Say something good about him and half dozen people are picking at him. “Yeah, but….”.

  17. Bucnjim Says:

    I am looking forward to getting him signed for the near future. He is the answer at QB while we rebuild.

  18. RiggedNFL Says:

    Faker throws interceptions in key moments in the few playoff games he’s been in.

    Only in the dreck that is the NFC South could such a player thrive.

    Go ahead and throw millions at the guy.

    I’ll be here saying I told you so after he gets Bowles fired.

    And also, the NFL is completely rigged.

  19. Joseph C Simmons Says:

    Dude’s got a cannon. It doesn’t look like it because he can’t flick it with his wrist like Aaron Rodgers or Jordan Love–Mayfield needs to be on platform to throw–but he can sling it when he needs to.

  20. Gipper Says:


    Would take you three seconds to confirm via Google longest pass in NFL history but you don’t want to robbie formerly known as david. Get back on your medication.

  21. JimBobBuc Says:

    No doubt Baker has a strong arm. His deep ball touch could be better. He tends to throw fly routes long and too flat, without enough air under the ball. If we get Baker and Evans back, they need to work on the fly routes, Palmer too.

  22. stpetebucfan Says:

    I’m sorry but I thought this story was about Baker’s arm strength.

    So rather than accept that as a fact some here wish to deride the accomplishment as influenced by so much YAC that’s Baker’s stats were artificially pumped up.

    So what? What is your point? Are you criticizing that stat or the conclusion that Baker has a strong arm. Does that mean you also Think Josh Allen’s opinion and statement that other NFL QB’s admire Baker’s arm strength is hooey?

  23. Gipper Says:

    Mike Anthony,

    Most of these guys have an agenda to push. In the non sport national media most just repeat what the so called paper of record The New York Times writes. There is little actual reporting going on in the US which is why stories get repeated over and over until they become “fact.” The Russian collusion story is the most prominent recent example. There was a fake “book” on Mayfield that those of us who have followed his career know wasn’t true. The sports media reported the nonsense repeatedly until it became “fact.” In 2023 they act surprised by Mayfield’s performance. Those who of us smeared as “fan bois” expected Mayfield to perform well. Wherever he lands next year we expect he will perform even better.

  24. Lt. Dan Says:

    “And also, the NFL is completely rigged” Huh?

    And this just in, ” Bigfoot was spotted piloting a UFO over the waters of the Bermuda Triangle whilst in the company of The Cat in the Hat allegedly search for The Loch Ness Monster.”

  25. Tony marks Says:

    Lt. Dan Says:

    And this just in, ” Bigfoot was spotted piloting a UFO over the waters of the Bermuda Triangle whilst in the company of The Cat in the Hat allegedly search for The Loch Ness Monster.”

    you forgot to adpat the claim to JBF comment section

    ….and its because Baker Is too short and middling.

  26. Brandon Says:

    Mayfield has one of the top all-time throws on record at the Combine. His MPH are right up there with some of the best all-time. It’s readily apparent, he has a very strong arm… can he throw deep? It takes more than a great arm to throw deep. It takes a ton of timing, but also familiarity with the players… I think in year two he will be better at throwing deep.

  27. The Truth be Told Says:

    Besides the time when Brady was here, when can the Bucs have ever said they had a top 12 or better QB? The fact that we now have Baker and if we bring back Evans and solidify our pass rush, we will be a competitive playoff team for the next several years. Pass rush, pass rush, pass rush.

  28. Robert Says:

    dude has an arm… I will give him that. If anything he needs to do better delivering catchable balls. no need for a 90 mph fast ball on a lot of his throws. His touch on delivering the balls needs to be addressed. that and reading the field presnap and not locking in on evans is my only reservations on him. which are valid.

    we do not need another JW in that aspect, but I would ut him in the same character category as JW. Seems like a classy dude with moxy that needs some finess. I’m all for signing him as long as it does not break the bank.

  29. DBS Says:

    robbie you and Ethan just need to talk to each other now. You can answer yourself like you use to.

  30. BakerFan Says:

    JimBobBuc Says:
    February 16th, 2024 at 9:36 am
    No doubt Baker has a strong arm. His deep ball touch could be better. He tends to throw fly routes long and too flat, without enough air under the ball. If we get Baker and Evans back, they need to work on the fly routes, Palmer too

    You just described Lamar Jackson, not Baker Mayfield. Look at those passes deep to Mike Evans in the Lions game, also the Eagles game to Godwin. Those passes were not on a rope at all.

  31. Glass Half Full Guy Says:

    I can’t find the site with the “deep ball touchdown” numbers (20+ air yards that went for a TD) but I remember Mayfield was at or near the top along with Tua throwing to Tyreek Hill.

    Saw it a couple of weeks ago but I’m too lazy today to scour the web this morning. Maybe someone can dig it up. Or not. I need more coffee

  32. JustVisiting Says:

    Josh Allen may not be the Oracle of Delphi, but if he says Baker has a cannon, safe bet he knows what he’s talking about.

  33. a horse with no name Says:

    If his 7.1 Y/A is third-best in Bucs history but middle of the pack in the NFL that’s not a good look for the Bucs is it now?

  34. Let em bake Says:

    Allen and mayfield threw with each other at the 2018 combine. Allen’s arm was a tad stronger than bakers. All others were behind these two , Lamar included.

  35. Buccaneer rick Says:

    Team friendly deals all around

  36. Citrus County Says:

    Reexamine all the early career similarities and size between Mayfield and Brees.
    Reexamine the toughness of Mayfield and Brees.
    Reexamine the leadership of Mayfield and Brees.

    Baker IS “our Drew Brees”.

    Some just do not want to see what is right before their eyes.

    We are lucky to have Baker Mayfield and he is lucky to have the Bucs.

  37. vadertime Says:

    Baker was a rocket launcher for an arm. If you go back and look at his college footage, you’ll see him throwing deep. It just could be that the Browns, Panthers and Rams restricted him from throwing deep. Now that he is in Tampa with weapons like Evans, Godwin and company he can keep being a deep threat in the NFC South. We definitely need to sign him to a 3-4 year contract. Do our best to keep Evans. Bowles still needs to go. He can’t take us back to the Superbowl. Go Bucs.

  38. Chief Says:

    4 years, $150 million. $100 million guaranteed.

    That will be fair and still a bit of a discount for the team.

  39. Gene Says:

    Robbie says:
    A. I’m a pessimist.
    B. Facts don’t even get used in my statements.
    C. I can steer any conversation to the negative.
    D. Even when we went to the playoffs the world was dark and our QB was terrible.

  40. Hodad Says:

    Don’t believe your lying eyes, Joe’s trying to convince you Baker is a good long ball thrower. He’s not. Think Joe is Bakers agent sometimes.

  41. Joe in Michigan Says:

    robbie Says:
    February 16th, 2024 at 9:01 am
    Gipper Says: “Mayfield has thrown the longest pass( ball in the air) in NFL history. It happened when he was with the Browns on a Hail Mary where the ball was incomplete but was in the air over 75 yards.”

    I call BS. But even if true, so what? Feleipe Franks threw one longer than 75 yards in a college game and it was complete. Franks is now a tight end for the Falcons. Mayfield would be a tight end too but he’s a midget.
    Robbie aka David: You sure like to talk about college, training camp, and preseason football a lot, don’t you? Is it because that’s THE ONLY PLACES your favorite player Tr@sk has done anything? Hahahahaha

  42. BAKERSBucs says Says:

    Jackass clark says or maybe the route runners need to improve the route running capabilites since baker is more than capable of hitting the rite route instead of running into the their own team mates u people get up in the am & decide u r going to b a complete douchebags? Cause u r good at that

  43. BAKERSBucs says Says:

    Really I saw many games his long ball was as pretty as anyone’s like the GB game with (158.3 perfect pass rating) only 3 qb did that this year,I also remember the playoffs they were a thing of beauty also against the jags so get u r facts straight.plz post facts not made up facts

  44. BAKERSBucs says Says:

    So 6’1″ is a midget can u believe what a real midget feels like when u say stupid stuff like that

  45. Bucsmarley Says:

    Those numbers are very misleading. Baker does not throw a very good deep ball
    His numbers are inflated for Yac.

  46. Bucsmarley Says:

    He’s honestly had maybe a dozen decent throws over 20 yards

  47. Beeej Says:

    did some googling on fantasypros.

    On passes of 50+, Baker had 5, tying him for 4th in the NFL

    On passes of 40+, Baker had 12, 2nd in the NFL

    On passes of 30+, Baker had 22, tying for 4th in the NFL

    On passes of 20+, Baker had 60, 5th in the NFL

    Not too shabby by any measure

  48. Beeej Says:

    Oh, his average pocket time was 2.4 (Mahomes was 2.5)

  49. Joe in Michigan Says:

    The most comical thing about the Tr@sk fan boys slamming Baker is Tr@sk’s longest completion in his NFL career is 9 yards. Nine. Yards. Not even enough for a first down! 😂😂😂😂😂

  50. Marky Mark Says:

    Not sure what the Browns did to poison the waters but the media turned on Baker and really just flat out lied about the Bakes. He proved em all wrong this year.

  51. Marky Mark Says:

    Great job Beejsays

  52. RGA Says:

    Mayfield is terrible at down field accuracy. He had Mike Evans to help his stats. All this hype about Mayfield needs to be curbed a bit by his 18th ranked QBR rating. He’s no bum and he’s no Joe Montana either. He’s a very capable and average QB. If you strive for average then he’s the guy, if you want to compete for a Super Bowl, continue to search for a stellar franchise QB.

  53. Beeej Says:

    David, HOW many names do you HAVE?

  54. garro Says:

    It has been frustrating to see overthrows to a wide open Evans regardless Joe. No NO No I am not getting into the drops debate!

    Those stats do not take other things in to consideration either Joe as with many “stats” you can interpret the per attempt numbers to mean something it has very little to do with.

    Accuracy for Mayfield would have been questioned alot more if some of those passes he tossed to the opposing team had actually been hauled in. He did struggle with accuracy some Joe. Regardless of the YPA stat.

    Go Bucs!

  55. George Nostej Says:

    It’s hard to throw deep when you are running for your life as Mayfield has had to do with many of his mediocre OLines.

  56. Davyboy Says:

    You Baker haters can yap all day long but one thing you can’t change is according to the NFL QB Index Baker is rated #9 in the league. That’s better than 23 others. Maybe that’s why he is a pro bowl QB?? Talk about denial. What exactly do you boys want? Patrick Mahomes? Well in 2020 Baker had him beat if not for one of the worst no calls in history. And Mahomes, 2 games later won the superbowl. Here’s a fact: some people are NEVER satisfied. Yap on

  57. Davyboy Says:

    2016 Oklahoma vs Texas Tech- Total combined offensive yards, a record 1,708. Both teams had 854 yards of total offense. Mayfield 27-36 for 545 yards, average yards per throw 20.18 and a record 7 touchdowns. Yes he can throw deep. Who was the qb he beat that day, Mahomes 66-59. Mahomes-52-88 for 734 yards, average yards per throw 14.1. 88 attempts…
    Believe it or not but you have to have a good coach to allow/make a players talent come out and Baker has had 8 coaches in 6 years. Not the best situation for anybody. But he has persevered and Canales and Bowles brought that talent out last year. The result is a #9 rated pro bowl QB-hee hee

  58. Gipper Says:


    You are right of course. When confronted with your facts, then Hate Brigade will tell you that Texas Tech had a bad defense. These guys will tell you how bad Mayfield is when he delivers multiple Super Bowls for the Steelers. When the facts are o your side pound on the facts. When the truth is on your side pound on the truth. When you have neither the facts or the truth on your side, pound on the table.

  59. Davyboy Says:

    Mayfield completed 75%
    Mahomes completed 59%

  60. Beeej Says:

    I’ve been meaning to see if I can find the replay on youboob, sounds like a good watch

  61. Davyboy Says:

    One more thing to keep in mind. Baker has been an over achiever his whole life. He wasn’t good enough to play division I football so he walked on. He was/is the only walkon in the history of college football to win the Heisman. His arm wasn’t an NFL arm. He has the record for the longest throw in a game. He won the precision passing contest against all the other pro bowl qb and all the other records/accomplishments he has set with his arm. I really could go on but I won’t. The point being , don’t ever bet against Baker Mayfield because he will beat you just because you told him he couldn’t. And he is the consumate team player. He just told everybody he would take less money to ensure Evans got paid what he was worth, just to get him back next year. Now be honest, when was the last time you heard anyone say that? He did that to better your teams
    chances of winning. Come on now, how can you not get behind a guy like that?? If you can’t you either just don’t like him no matter how good he is or you don’t like the Sooners or you don’t like a good underdog story. And who don’t like a good underdog story, so….

  62. Student of the Game Says:

    Gipper, I think with Lamar demanding a trade Baltimore is more of a threat than Pittsburgh for Mayfield if Evans is not signed. Baltimore can get whatever they need for Lamar and buy Mayfield to throw to All Pro Andrews (OU teammate) …boom Super Bowl.