Working With Baker Mayfield’s Injuries

January 12th, 2024

Bucs OC Dave Canales.

There is no doubt that Bucs quarterback Baker Mayfield was less than 100 percent on Sunday.

If the eyeball test didn’t enlighten you, the NextGen Stats should have.

So earlier today Bucs offensive coordinator Dave Canales was talking Mayfield and his injuries. Yes, both his sore ribs and his messed-up ankle.

As far as last week in Carolina, while Canales didn’t deny he may have adjusted the gameplan due to Mayfield’s ribs and his ability (or lack thereof) to throw, Canales seemed to think the wind affected Mayfield’s passes as much if not more so his ribs.

“First, let’s give credit where credit is due,” Canales said in lauding the play of Carolina’s defense. “It was windy. It affected some of the things.

“I thought we had a chance with Mike [Evans] on a big touchdown early on. Ball kind of got hung up a little bit. … We all have to be accountable for throwing and catching and executing.”

When asked specifically how much Mayfield’s injuries have or will play a role in the gameplan that Canales crafts for the Eagles on Monday night, Canales admitted he has to be mindful of what Mayfield can do physically.

“We have to definitely see what his mobility is like,” Canales said. “We still have a couple of days to see how he moves around.

“That will definitely be a factor in what types of plays that are called. I will be aware.”

Last week Joe asked Canales about Trask possibly playing if Mayfield’s injuries were too severe to be effective. Canales then replied, “He will be ready.”

This week, Canales said that Trask is getting more snaps, just in case he has to go to the bullpen.

“Absolutely,” Canales said of Trask getting more snaps with the first team this week. “We’d love to make sure he is prepared. You never know what can happen. Baker has been a warrior.”

The way the Bucs played, or didn’t play Sunday it almost seemed in retrospect borderline irresponsible for Mayfield to play against Carolina. Yes, the Bucs were backed into a corner. They had to win.

So Joe gets why Mayfield played.

With the hits and the ankle injury Mayfield suffered, it may have screwed him up for the Eagles playoff game.

When columnist Ira Kaufman asked Canales what was giving Mayfield more trouble, his ribs or his ankle, Canales grimaced, audibly sighed, shrugged his shoulders, and shook his head before saying, “Both are a concern.”

Might it be Trask Time in Tampa?

69 Responses to “Working With Baker Mayfield’s Injuries”

  1. adam from ny Says:

    his new nickname should be:


  2. adam from ny Says:



  3. realistic-optimistic Says:

    “it almost seemed in retrospect borderline irresponsible for Mayfield to play.”

    It absolutely was. But that’s not a retrospective opinion. Some of us made that argument before gameday.

    The key to beating PHI is to attack their pass defense. So of course our HC and OC are planning to start a wounded QB who proved last week he couldn’t hit passes over 10 yards. Please tell me I’m not the only one who sees this nonsense. That’s bad coaching.

  4. infomeplease Says:

    Should be interesting.

  5. Hammerhead Says:

    I believe the head coach made a grievous error in not allowing Trask to play any real game snaps this year even in mop up duty. Now in the biggest game of the year where our starting qb is hobbled and may not start we have his backup with zero opportunities to have any game experience under his belt this year.

  6. Dave Pear Says:

    Yeah let’s put Mike Glennon Junior out there for his first ever start, in a playoff game.

    If another QB starts it should be Wolford. He has game experience and can see the field beyond his first read.

    Baker is playing, unless he wakes up dead Monday.

  7. donuts Says:

    I saw the videos from Rock Riley at todays Buc practice…Baker looks fine. Lets roll!

  8. Mike Johnson Says:

    Baker is banged up more than they are letting on. He will be about 70% if that.

  9. Lt. Dan Says:

    I was at the game in Carolina last week. It was freaking windy. I saw that a dude that was supposed to skydive into the stadium was cancelled. When I was watching warm ups, I noticed that McLaughlin’s kicks really stalled when kicking into the wind. Yea – the wind was an issue.

  10. Bobby Says:

    Belichick is now available. Carrol is no longer the HC in Seattle. Mike Vrabel is available as well. Monken will be available too. Not to mention the future HCs that are going to be fired by other teams in order to get these big name coaches, that will be available. Glazers want a name. Belichick and Licht and the Bucs make too much sense in my opinion. Can you imagine the National spotlight the Bucs are going to get if Belichick is the Bucs HC in 2024-2025 while he is chasing Shula’s all time wins record. The Glazers need to go get Belichick. Whatever it takes to get him.

  11. HC Grover Says:

    Give Trask a chance.

  12. OlBoy Says:

    Canales – “We have to definitely see what his mobility is like,” Canales said. “We still have a couple of days to see how he moves around.

    “That will definitely be a factor in what types of plays that are called. I will be aware.”

    Gotta know which side he’ll be handing off to more often? Mobility is a thing but how about him getting the ball in the air with some zip and accuracy. How are his ribs?

  13. BakerFan Says:

    Joe Buc…. please don’t feed the animals, they pester everyone enough.

  14. PSL Bob Says:

    No comment.

  15. Let em Bake Says:

    Quick slants to Godwin, check downs to White, Dink and Dunk ala Brady may be just enough to win..the deep ball is nice, but not crucial. If we put some super glue on palmers hands…then lets throw him a couple…

  16. Since76 Says:

    I didn’t see any difference in Mayfield’s play from pre Green Bay game. Same stats including points. Pre Green Bay the defense plays lights out or we lose. That is the 2023 bucs game plan.

  17. Warrenfb12 Says:

    I like Baker and I am not in the Trask camp. I don’t see how starting a Mayfield that looks like the one last week would be a better option than a healthy Trask. Mayfield couldn’t get the ball downfield at all due to injury and had a few near interceptions. If he can’t throw it, Trask should start.

  18. Miller5252 Says:

    I’m not a Trask fan at all. But….. if last weeks Mayfield performance was due to the injuries he has, then I’ll quote Lee, someone needs to be the adult and sit Mayfield. No way last weeks Mayfield beats the Eagles.

  19. Jeffs grandpa Says:

    0.0 chance trask plays if baker can walk

  20. Obvious Says:

    Bakerfan says,
    Joe PLEASE lie to everyone and pretend baker is walking on water because “as my name suggests” I have no identity otherwise.
    Sorry dude. That dribble is just too easily squashed!

    Hopefully Baker IS in great shape. Since Bowles has MADE SURE that All other qbs on the team are as deaf and dumb as possible, And if Baker isn’t ok, and Trask nor Wolford is in game shape, Bolwes should be TOSSED OUT OF THE BUILDING AT THE CONCLUSION OF THE GAME FOR COACHING MALPRACTICE!!! PERIOD……..

  21. m milligan Says:

    BM ready to go, will out rush hurts.

  22. bill Says:

    yo Joe….17 games in everyone is banded up.

  23. Tb bolts Says:

    Injured baker will throw a pick or two and fold in the pocket… aggravating his injuries. From there it’ll be nothing but running and a check down here and there. Only when the game is completely out of hand will they even consider pulling baker…. For the first time… the entire season. Amazing job by the coaching staff and baker. Have fun out there. And the baker brigade will be sure to let the excuses fly come Monday night. Grab the popcorn boys.

  24. Marky Mark Says:

    The videos on X show Baker looking fine today.

  25. Timbucs2 Says:

    If it’s Trask time, then it’s also Tahiti time for the Bucs.

  26. BillyBucco Says:

    I agree if Baker gets out of bed he is playing.
    Got my best laugh all year from the Bowles making sure every other QB is deaf and dumb LMAO.

  27. Defense Rules Says:

    Joe … ‘Might it be Trask Time in Tampa?’

    Sneaky good bottom line Joe.

  28. dmatt Says:

    Tb bolts,
    You hit the nail on the head. Bowles will wait until the game is out of hand then pull Mayfield. You can rest assure the Eagles will have a backup plan for Hurtt if his finger becomes a problem. Eagles will play out of desperation mode n be more aggressive than their previous game against us due to recent losses n disappointing their fans. Bowles will do nothing to counter. His mindset is run n play defense then post conference he’ll say we gotta coach better n players gotta play better.

  29. No Mercy Says:

    Eagles are much more banged up than us. We are playing with house money. If we can’t get the job done against a super injured and demoralized eagles squad, I don’t see how bringing Bowles back is anything but a waste of time

  30. BakerFan Says:

    Tb bolts Says:
    January 12th, 2024 at 6:23 pm
    Injured baker will throw a pick or two and fold in the pocket…


    If that doesn’t happen will you shut your stupid pie hole with your nonsensical post

  31. JD Still Says:

    I remember in a playoff game more than a decade ago now , Packers against the Vikings , Bret Farve was still playing for Greenbay and had been hurt the weeks before and was attempting to play that way. Do you think the Vikings took it easy on him? No way! They tried harder than ever to put him out of the game! It really looked like they were trying to kill him! No exaggeration!The Playoffs are a whole different world ! Everything goes! If the other team smells blood in the water , they will go for it ! If you let an injured player into such a game you are endangering him and his career , but hey, as long as you win , right?

  32. Greg Says:

    Every NFL team has a back up QB for a reason. If Baker cannot execute the full game plan we are hamstrung. This is not the Panthers we are playing. IMO a 100% Trask is better than. a 70% Baker. Baker is iffy on long balls when 100%. With that said we know the HC is stubborn to a fault.

  33. Lynchmob47 Says:

    If Baker plays and is good what do say…Baker is the man.
    If Baker plays and is bad what do you say…ohh ots his injuries
    If trask goes in and balls out, what fo you say…see trask is great
    If trask plays and is horrible what do you say….see he stinks.

    Who it at fault for all this mes and hate towards both QB?
    I hope we win no matter who plays and I hope Todd gets fired no matter what…

  34. NDoGS burner Account Says:

    If Baker isn’t 100% I say they go with John Wolford. He’s got playoff experience and looked great in preseason.

  35. RGA Says:

    Enough with the whining about Mayfields injuries, if he’s hurt the bench him and play the other guy who just might be better.

  36. RGA Says:

    Ndogs is an idiot

  37. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    The pests showed up after your gawd was signed Bakerfan you troll. Fakerbois have turned this sight into a joke. Philly will feast and Baker will limp around trying not to get hit.

  38. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Kill your crying fakerbois

  39. IrishTony Says:

    Oh crap! Pete Carroll to the Bucs! Jesus totally makes sense! I

  40. IrishTony Says:

    Canales as OC
    Bowles as DC
    Carroll as head coach OMG!

  41. WyomingJoe Says:

    I lived in Philly for a few years and I know one thing for certain. Many of the whiners, losers and haters on this site are so wretched, so disturbed that they’d make great Eagles fans. And I consider Eagles fan to be the worst in the world.

    Stop crying! You underestimated Baker and the Bucks from the beginning of the year AND NOTHING HAS CHANGED.

    Keep winning Baker.

  42. IrishTony Says:

    Ok forget about Bowles as DC. That won’t happen.

  43. WyomingJoe Says:

    If Baker gets re-signed, Trask should be traded. Maybe he can get a shot somewhere else. Wolford is more than adequate as QB-2. And NO, I’m not trying to bust the b*pls of Trask fans.

  44. HiredGun Says:

    Seriously, please become football smart or go comment on the vogue site, the lot of you….

  45. Tony Marks Says:

    Baker will not be as banged up as last game. He indicated that he did not
    reinjure the ribs so he is going on two weeks healing from that. The .ankle he said on Wednesday is getting better every day . SO he has an additional five days.

    Still under the circumstances you would like to see Trask in there but who knows? There’s been some question about his smarts so does he understand the offense?

    They sure do seem committed to starting him only if Both Baker ‘s arms fall off.

  46. Robbie Says:

    So yall would rather just lose this game and out of the playoffs then start Trask? I can’t wait for baker and his bandwagon fans are gone so we can get back to playing exciting football games that are fun to watch, mayfield is just so blah and painful to watch. Out kicker, our defense got us to the playoffs along with Godwin and Evans who made that boring qb look good!!! If mayfield plays he’s definitely not a good leader!!

  47. Tony marks Says:

    DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:
    January 12th, 2024 at 8:35 pm
    The pests showed up after your gawd was signed Bakerfan you troll. Fakerbois have turned this sight into a joke.


    More like we rescued it. However dont worry man – even after Baker is gone many of us will still be here . Mayeb Baker has a cousin or a nephew we can back as Qb1 because


  48. Tony marks Says:

    DAVID as Robbie Says:
    January 12th, 2024 at 10:21 pm
    So yall would rather just lose this game and out of the playoffs then start Trask? I can’t wait for baker and his bandwagon fans are gone so we can get back to playing exciting football games that are fun to watch,


    Hey man . I promise if Baker leaves I will stick around and support our QB1

    as long as its John


  49. Mike Says:

    Is Baker goes down who will step up at QB??

  50. Lakeland Steve Says:

    I like how some think it was bad coaching to let Mayfield play last week. I have said this before and will say it again. They see Trask every day in practice. If they were confident in Trask ability to go in and play better than a 50% Mayfield they would have. Obviously we wasted a second round pick on a guy who the Bucs don’t believe in as a backup QB. If Gabbert were still here I bet they would have played him last week. Let’s face it Trask can’t beat out a 50% capable Baker Mayfield or he would have been in there.

  51. Dave Pear Says:

    Lakeland Steve – I’ve been wearing out the same point and agree. Goobers who saw Trask playing with NFL caliber skill players against waitresses and nuns while he was at Florida think he’s Dan Marino. But the ones who get paid to decide grade him exactly as you’ve framed it.

    Sucks for them to have blind faith in Mike Glennon Jr. Not even that good actually.

  52. Tb bolts Says:

    You clowns don’t realize one person decides if baker sits.. and thats baker. He is going to go out there in a wheel chair if he can. But heart and grit do not amount to success… it’s a team game. Most people in the NFL have heart and grit. Bowles is going to let hobbled baker go out there and stink it up so long as he chooses. Only when the seasons over and the game is completely out of reach will bowels pull bake. Because at that point baker won’t cry and demand a trade… they’ve already been playing up the injury excuse for weeks now. Bowles gave baker the helm of the ship the day he handed… yes handed.. him the starting job. Even if he’s going to drive the pirate ship straight into the rocks.

  53. Tony Marks Says:

    Tb bolts Says:
    January 13th, 2024 at 2:56 am
    You clowns don’t realize one person decides if baker sits.. and thats baker.


    You calling people clowns when you literally just demonstrated you are clueless as to how the NFL works is hilarious. You have Tom Brady rental derangement syndrome. Only he and maybe two other guys in the league get/got to decide by themselves to stay on the field.

    Baker was on that field last Sunday because Bowles wanted him out there. Period. It will be the same person deciding who starts Monday evening.

  54. heyjude Says:

    I like Pete Carroll and his iconic gum chewing on the sideline. Canales did work with him before as an assistant, 2010. In the past, the Seahawks did not pursue Baker. So there is so much there.

    Baker will play Monday night. I agree with some others that he probably shouldn’t have played last week. We won by field goals. His ankle was injured in 2022 as a Panther, so it may be reoccurring. He is our number one QB and hope he comes out aggressive, quick throwing the ball, and on target. We can win this.

  55. flogrown Says:

    I just realized the Bucs have completed 3 NFL regular seasons without letting their second round quarterback selection play a single series with the starters in a game. Not even in preseason. And now that quarterback may be needed in a playoff game. WTF kind of quarterback development is that?

  56. Tb bolts Says:

    Anthony it’s bowels who gives midfield the choice you absolute goose. Can’t believe I have to spell this out for you.

  57. Tony Marks Says:

    Tb bolts Says:
    January 13th, 2024 at 6:21 am
    Anthony it’s bowels who gives midfield the choice you absolute goose. Can’t believe I have to spell this out for you.


    Who plays is an NFL coach’s decision.

    Go buy NFL football for Dummies

    and get a tutor to explain it to you.

    See the kind of mentality Traskies have?

  58. go dawgs Says:

    please do me a favor and make sure someone flattens Trasks car tires at his home so he cant make it to the game Monday night! If he even sniffs the field its draft conversation by the 3rd quarter. Go Bucs, Go Baker!

  59. tbc 1 Says:

    wolford if baker cannot go.

  60. Tb bolts Says:

    Georgia and sooner fans on here talking about everything EXCEPT their idol chinstrap beard baker. He came up empty in two do or die games and come monday night its put up or shut up. Yeah I’d be avoiding that conversation too if I were you guys. Baker and clutch performances go together like oil and water. Enjoy the show girls!

  61. Bosch Says:

    Carrol is not available. He has been retained as a consultant by Seattle.

  62. realistic-optimistic Says:

    They see Trask every day in practice. If they were confident in Trask ability to go in and play better than a 50% Mayfield they would have.

    First of all, if this were true, they should/could have released or traded him. They also could have made him 3rd string. None of that happened. He is the backup. If they have no confidence in him as the backup the blame falls on them again for making him the backup. But this comment is not about who the backup is. It’s about how poorly the starter is playing.

    Second, I’ve seen enough poor player evaluation from Bowles and staff to not trust their decisions. I’ll trust my eyes when watching players on the field.

  63. maccafan Says:

    People like “Robbie” are just comical. When Baker plays well it is all due to Evans and Godwin. Notice “Robbie” does not mention anything about one of the worst running attacks in NFL. The same defense he seems to love blew the Texans game when they could not keep Texans from scoring with 45 seconds left and ball on their own 25. If the Bucs had won that game, Baker could have spent last Sunday holding the clipboard. Please name me one NFL QB that throws for over 4,000 yards does not have a big-time receiver. Start Trask, that is a great idea for playoff game. Play a guy who is 3-10 23 yards in his entire NFL career. You only start Trask if Baker is still hurting bad and can’t play at all.

  64. Dave Pear Says:

    Trask is bad enough from what the coaches have seen, they’re afraid he’d lose the game during mop up duty.

  65. orlbucfan Says:

    Same old negative garbage yet again. Sigh….. Trask and the other QB are warming up with the first team offense. This confirms it. Thank god, Gabbert is gone cos he STUNK! Worse than Mike Glennon. Weather may be a factor, too.

  66. Dave Pear Says:

    Gabbert >>> Trask

    Glennon > Trask Pretty much anyone that could sit up, take nourishment, and accept a snapped football is better than Trask.

  67. Sacker58 Says:


  68. Brandon Says:

    “Sorry dude. That dribble is just too easily squashed!”

    Sorry, my man. The word is DRIVEL. it’s basic English. I thought it was obvious…

  69. Oneilbuc Says:

    Brandon,Sacker, Dave . And yet Kyle Trask out played Baker Mayfield the whole training camp so what that tells you about Baker Mayfield? Lol 🤣🤣 we have proof that Baker wasn’t even better than Kyle Trask lol 🤣🤣!! The bucs must draft a quarterback Baker Mayfield is a average to below average quarterback and he’s proved that his whole career.