Weekly Dining Made An Impact For Baker Mayfield

January 24th, 2024

Hardcore Bucs fans know how dining habits have a strong place in team history.

Former rock star general manager Mark Dominik was obsessed with player-server communication. Ex-Bucs head coach Greg Schiano was psychotic when it came to meal temperature. And who could forget the downfall of the 2014 offensive line — no barbecues.

There are other examples, and one new one popped up yesterday on the Buccaneers Radio Network.

Head coach Todd Bowles talked about how Baker Mayfield won over his teammates with hard work and consistent efforts to bond.

“He got to know the guys personally, which was a big hit. He ate with the guys weekly, offense and defense” Bowles said.

That kind of approach and bond-building is what gives Joe hope that Mayfield won’t try to stick it to the Bucs when it comes to negotiating a multi-year contract with Tampa Bay. At some point, those relationships mean something. And it’s obvious the Bucs won’t be seeing a lot of roster turnover this offseason.

Regardless, whether Mayfield plays next season on the franchise tag or with a new contract, he’ll have a lot more money to pay for teammates’ meals. He may even follow the lead of his good friend Gerald McCoy.

25 Responses to “Weekly Dining Made An Impact For Baker Mayfield”

  1. Boss Says:

    “And it’s obvious the Bucs won’t be seeing a lot of roster turnover this offseason.”

    insert tim allen ruuuuh???

  2. Dave Pear Says:

    After Bowels failed to adjust against the Lions, and let his defense get abused like a cheap hooker at a bachelor party, and then failed to stop the clock to give his team a chance, I would expect most of the free agents to look real hard at offers from legit contenders.

    If Licht wants roster stability, he needs to dump Bloweszo immediately and hire Harbaugh.

  3. Let Em Bake Says:

    This California boy needs to visit Tampa. Golf, great food, and the Bucs..Who could ask for more?

  4. Not Says:

    Dave Pear Says:
    January 24th, 2024 at 1:08 pm
    After Bowels failed to adjust against the Lions, and let his defense get abused like a cheap hooker at a bachelor party

    ohhh the memories, but they’re never cheap, cuz they know they can ask for as much as they want from a bunch of drunks, you’re talking about having a game of rugby right ?

  5. BakerFan Says:

    So everybody does not want Baker to stick it to the Bucs, but are willing to have the Bucs stick it to Baker…. I call hogwash, Glazers have billions and it is time to pay up and damn the salary cap. Pay the money or get creative.

  6. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    Thank God it wasn’t Crab Legs

  7. Not Says:

    We are not finding any QB better than Mayfield for next year. BM knows our system (provided Canales stays), he knows our WR’s, he doesn’t know our RB1 cuz we don’t have one yet, but that’s easy to learn. Doesn’t really matter what he gets paid, $30MM or $40MM, it’s the going rate, it’s possibly one extra player we can or can’t have, but what is the other option, Trash ? Cousins, likely staying in MN and likely equivalent outcome. Unless we want Trash to play (NOT) or a Wentz equivalent, BM is our option for next year so cost doesn’t matter.

  8. Beeej Says:

    Half the idiots on this board demanded we cut/trade every remaining quality player, fire Bowles, fire Licht and start all over. Turns out we were 3-4 upgraded positions from another Super Bowl, (as some of the BRIGHTER amongst us prophesized….)

  9. Statisticly Insignificant Reader Says:

    Hey Joe, lets see a flash pole of fans wishing Baker to return. I believe the naysayers will be in the minority by a long shot.

  10. AMI_Chris Says:

    IMO, Mayfield is an average to slightly-above-average NFL QB. I think the Bucs 2023 performance would have been much different in the NFC South glory years of Newton, Brees and Ryan, versus this year with Young, Carr and Ridder. That being said, I don’t see a clear upgrade available. And there are definitely some teams for whom Baker WOULD be a clear upgrade. In this league, you have zero chance for success with anything less than an average QB. So unless the Bucs are certain that Trask is the next Brock Purdy, it’s time to pay Mayfield.

  11. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Very little roster & coach turnover next season……I guess that’s a good thing.

    Our younger players become more experienced….and if Canales stays,the offense won’t need to learn a new system.

    Players that need to be paid…..Mayfield, Evans, Winfield, LVD & don’t forget McLaughlin.

  12. Bradley Brown Says:

    I don’t understand why Dave canales would want to leave after one year as an offensive coordinator, to become a head coach on some crappy team somewhere else? Everybody on the Buccaneers overachieved this year, there’s no reason why they shouldn’t come back and build off that next year

  13. SlyPirate Says:

    Bradley Brown Says:
    I don’t understand why Dave canales would want to leave after one year as an offensive coordinator, to become a head coach on some crappy team somewhere else?


    Money. 1 of only 32 positions in the entire world. A chance to fulfill his dream.

  14. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    Sort of crazy how Baker takes over the conversation isn’t it?

  15. Bojim Says:

    I think Mayfield will be a Buc next year. Franchise tag or contract.

  16. Pete Says:

    Carolina may have the worst owner in the league. He’ll have a better option later.

  17. WyomingJoe Says:

    Baker is not an average or slightly above average QB. Never has been. He’s a good QB who has the chance to be VERY good. A solid organization means everything. He may have finally found one!

  18. stpetebucfan Says:

    Baker was earning ten million a season in Cleveland from COMMERCIALS!

    TEN MILLION! It was reported that was actually part of the problem. Understandably old vets resented a young kid coming in and earning more than their entire salary in off field ventures!

    Fast forward…Baker knows the drill. He made those tens of millions because he was a Heisman Trophy winner…first guy to take the Browns to the Playoffs and win on the road in DECADES! He needs more success. But he knows from actual experience how many more $$$ are available outside of his contract with the Bucs…IF he succeeds.

    I agree with this piece. HOME is where the heart is which is why I savage arseholes who move here from somewhere else but refuse to bring their hearts with them, rooting for opposing teams. If Baker’s heart is truly in Tampa…if he wishes to cash in and ENJOY all those relationships he’s formed, IF he wants his best shot at success…(make it to the Conference Finals) so that once again he can begin to earn the elephant $$$ available outside of football for successful QB’s…he WILL find a way to compromise.

    I’m becoming more optimistic simply because when all is said and done resigning Baker is a classic win-win for Baker AND the Bucs.

  19. stpetebucfan Says:

    @All Traskers

    IF Baker does not resign I’m with you guys!!! Why anyone would wish to blow such a huge wad of draft capital on a 50-50 project at best when a 2nd round pick who clearly showed significant improvement this past off season is just dumb.

    I preferred Baker because of his achievements and experience, doesn’t mean I’ve given up on Trask. In fact if the Buc DO resign Baker, his balls to the wall style will make Trask VERY valuable since the odds of Baker going through two seasons without missing only what..1-2 snaps…are remote IMHO.

    I like Baker! I like Trask! I like the Bucs QB room right now.

  20. BAKERSBucs says Says:

    AMI_cris says if baker is average he looked pretty f***good in the playoffs if he is average OMG we don’t need a regular season schudule just go straight to the playoffs & a couple months ago guys just like u were saying j.hurts was a top 5 qb you know it all don’t know diddly.they been praising cj stroud since day 1 he looked like a rocky rooky last Sunday see what some real experience looks like after u got some time in the NFL baker is prime example of test of time he b 28 & clearly on the rise he looked awesome on Sunday spin that like a real democrat jackass

  21. BAKERSBucs says Says:

    If baker gets 30 mill with the bucs this year maybe all the good guys on this site not including the haters we can ask joe to put in for tickets for our next home playoff game 2025.this way we all know that 1 buc plaza really reads these post & we deserve those damn tickets.

  22. Bucfan Says:

    With bowels coming back next season and the other teams in the NFC improving, doubt next year will be fun to watch.

  23. Kenneth Christensen Says:

    can someone tell me why they think Baker is a average QB what has the quarter backs for buffalo Dallas and the other quarter backs that are making the big bucks an not gone to a super bowl why are they deserving big paychecks and Baker is not

  24. Keith Says:

    Taco Bell before a game. If Mayfield throws a interception he can blame it on being delirious from the gas fumes. It might also keep him from being sacked with defenders not wanting to cross the line.

  25. GottiDog052084 Says:

    @Kenneth Christensen
    Off topic…..do you have a brother named Glen?