Todd Bowles: “We Were Just In A Daze”

January 1st, 2024

Taking the next step.

Todd Bowles had a clear message this afternoon at his somber day-after chat with local media.

The Bucs coming out super flat in a huge game yesterday had nothing to do with effort.

“Effort’s there. I thought we started slow,” Bowles said.

Frankly, Joe can’t buy that the effort from the Bucs was first rate. Did the Bucs look like a hair-on-fire, physical-across-the-board team to you?

Bowles continued: “We just were in a daze the first quarter and a half before we can get anything going, and by then it’s too late against a good football team.”

Joe doesn’t get why Bowles thinks the “daze” ended midway through the second quarter. In fact, the Bucs offense gained a total of -10 yards on its final two drives of the first half. And the slimy Saints scored 10 points in the second half of the second quarter.

There’s a lot Joe doesn’t understand about what happened yesterday.

89 Responses to “Todd Bowles: “We Were Just In A Daze””

  1. Bubby Says:

    Todd just does t have it and never will. Great… we’re a mediocre 8-8.

  2. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Team taking on the personality of its coach “dazed & confused”

  3. Mike C Says:

    Did Tony have to tell 99,55,47,40 to play hard? At some point players have to look at themselves in the mirror.

  4. Boss Says:

    just in a daze.. lol

    employee misses a week from work, shows up the following monday..

    hey bossman says I was just in a daze bro, I’ll try again this week.


    Boss: no you wont!

    Cmon glazers!!!

  5. Rayjay1122 Says:

    The Bucs are an exhausting team to pull for. Honestly I really can’t say anything else about them. They just exhaust me.

  6. The Truth be Told Says:

    Some guys are just not good head coaches. He is one of them.

  7. Rich Says:

    Bowles is a walking sleeping pill. His presence instill absolutely no enthusiasm, motivation etc. In addition, he never gives a solid answer to any of the softball questions posed by the local media….I’m totally sick and tired of hearing his same old BS….

  8. Crickett Baker Says:

    It was like a nightmare. It was like it never should have happened. I don’t even recall a pass going to Rachaad. The entire game (plan) sucked canal water. I think the Saints used voodoo again.

  9. Buc4evr Says:

    Coaching was also in a daze. Play calling by Canales was horrible. Running on second down and long when they were down and the defense getting destroyed. Canales needs to get a HC job somewhere else and the Bucs need a real OC. The guy is as bad as Bowles. Hope coaching is changed next year. Even if the Bucs win the division they won’t make it past the wild card round. Stupid decisions by the coaching staff makes a mediocre team worse.

  10. Bubby Says:

    We’re in an odd situation. Winning next Sunday will set this organization back another 2 – 3 years.

  11. SB~LV Says:

    We can say that
    We don’t want to hear it from the coach!
    Have you noticed Bowles uninspiring speech and stating the obvious.
    I’ll stop there but I wanted him gone after the bye week of 2022 … so here we are in January 2024 and nothing has fundamentally changed.
    Bowles fails miserably in the art of coaching!

  12. BucsFan Says:

    Burn the game tape and scheme better for Panthers. Note to Bucs fans traveling to the game-DO NOT SIT UNDER THE OWNERS SUITE.

  13. Jgar Says:

    I’m going to try the “ I was just dazed “ defense with my boss Monday after I wasn’t prepared.

  14. jugheadfla1 Says:

    No one has floated this yet, but is it in the realm of possibility that Bowels chooses to resign/quit/retire after this year? Mainly so he can take the time to watch his son play in college? He just doesn’t look like he wants to do this anymore and frankly none of us want to watch this any more. Just curious

  15. Paratrooper Buc Says:

    White is done. He just doesn’t have the football knowledge to be effective and his athleticism isn’t enough to compensate anymore. He will not get a good contract with us or anyone.


    Good one about the owner. That man deserves to be miserable.


    It would help that he goes on his own accord. The defense isn’t consistent and he hasn’t fixed the gaps in the zone. As for HC, he seems to cherish hoarding timeouts and not adjusting.

  16. Beeej Says:

    Read something interesting–NFL teams are allowed 14 padded practices per season, and 11 of those must happen in the first 11 weeks, which leaves just 3 for the remaining 7 weeks. Their coach used one of THOSE on Wednesday, just to prepare for this game. This might have something to do with them owning both sides of the line of scrimmage

  17. Mike Johnson Says:

    Sad thing is, Todd wins Sunday and he keeps his job. Bowles just stands there on the sidelines dazed..along with his plyers. I mean Carolina beating us just might be a good thing? Puts us and Bowles out of our misery.

  18. Jiminfk Says:

    Go Panthers! Please win so the Glazers may realize they need to find a new H/C. IF Bucs win they will be stuck with Bowels for another year.

  19. CleanHouse Says:

    Mike C how dare you say anything to call out the team. Loser

  20. Tucker Says:

    Lol one Saints padded practice had little to do with the bucs trying to do things they are not good at continually or lack of motivation at home to lock up a sorry division. This teams effort is inexcusable this late in the season with so much on the line tired of the same old excuses from Todd the team may like him but he isn’t much of a leader if this is the fire he inspires.

  21. Nick2 Says:

    Wow biggest game of the year in the coach can’t motivate his players unbelievable

  22. Since76 Says:

    I don’t know why but this team has no motivation sometimes. Tryon was literally slow jogging after the running back. It was obvious he didn’t want to catch him. There must be no accountability for loading on the team. He is a frequent offender. But what do I know maybe that shuffle was his full speed.

  23. BucsFanSince1996 Says:

    It seemed that they WERE in a daze and came out of it with about 10 minutes left in the game.

    Maybe the Saints infiltrated One Buc Place and put Valium in all the Gatorade before the start of the game.

  24. BigPoppaBuc Says:

    A Christmas hangover? Did the Bucs spend all week reading their headlines about how hot they were and how they could make a run? Did they think the Saints had cashed it in and had no interest in a fight? Or is five in a row just too much to ask from this team? I have no clue, because as soon as I think I do they prove me wrong. Rollercoaster season for sure.

  25. Boss Says:

    is bowels going to retire???


    He’s been retired a couple years now!

  26. Bosch Says:

    Bowles had a clear message????? It was anything but clear! He should have been fired in 2021!

  27. Ufc Says:

    I think all these guys party too much.
    And read their press clippings. It’s been a problem with thus team for years. No motivation in key moments and it’s like they have to get embarrassed to wake up. Personally I’m over it. If you can’t prepare and be a pro, gtfo. Lack of effort, and the game planning was trash. Both sides. You stubborn idiots, goimg right back to the same sh** that created a losing streak. It’s a trend bc Todd does this sh** all the time. Big cushions no pressure on the qb. Terrible tackling
    Offensively running straight up the middle out of shotgun over and over. Dumb penalties. Stupid misuse of Godwin, you name it. I’m like you can’t be this stupid can you dave? You put up 30 plus points a game then go back to the same f**img offense that almost got you fired. Make it make sense. Yall played like absolute p***** who were scared. And ya I’m talking right to everyone on that staff and team. Absolute scared gutless p*****

  28. DFW Buc Says:

    Hey Todd don’t they pay you to have your coaches, team ready to play with the fire to get the job done? It’s called motivational leadership. This average at best team is exactly who YOU coached up to be like you.

  29. Mike C Says:

    Clean house, I see you didn’t resolve to not be a TROLL this year…. ohhh wait you aren’t a troll you claim…. however your first post of the year is TROLLING SMH get a life bro.

  30. CleanHouse0 Says:

    #CLeanHouse #CLeanHouse #CLeanHouse

  31. NJbucs23 Says:

    Aren’t we all stoked for eagles bucs crap fest for round 1?

  32. HC Grover Says:

    What an idiot. That is all. This explains everything. His pre game pep talk sedated the team.

  33. HC Grover Says:

    New Buc fight song…Everybody Must Get Stoned

  34. DFW Buc Says:

    HC… Thank you for the laugh.

  35. Jerry Says:

    Bubby Says:
    January 1st, 2024 at 12:57 pm
    We’re in an odd situation. Winning next Sunday will set this organization back another 2 – 3 years.


    Sunday may not even matter what the Bucs dol. The Saints losing to the Falcons is very possible (they would love to spoil the Saints chances), thus we back into the division title that no one wants.

  36. adam from ny Says:

    someone must have spiked the gatorade with melatonin…

    or they passed a jumbo blunt around the locker room before the game…obviously canales and bowles took pulls too…

    or my most conclusive conclusion was they as a group were told to throw the game for whatever reason…yeah i was saying to myself a bunch of times in the 2nd quarter, “why are they throwing the game?”

  37. CleanHouse Says:

    Mike C- not a troll, just think the team sucks, and thought so well before you figured it out, because you’re not too smart

  38. SED14 Says:

    I’m still mentally dazed today after being at the game yesterday and watching Sleepy Todd aka Mr Uninspiring and Unprepared fumble f*ck his way though yet another loss to the Smelly Saints. God I hate losing to them, especially at home, and especially with ZERO fire, ZERO fight, ZERO urgency and ZERO passion from our team out of the gate. Just like our massively unprepared and uninspiring emotionless, gutless, weak leadership head coach.

    And anyone who still defends him and his complete lack of preparation, game planning and in game tactical adjustments are delusional. We will never be more than a .500 team with Mr Uninspiring and Unprepared at the helm.

  39. Rod Munch Says:

    Lose on Sunday, and Bowles and Baker shouldn’t even be allowed on the team plane back to town as they should both be gone.

    If you’re a Baker Boi, and you have an issue with that, then that says everything about you. If you don’t have confidence in Baker to get a W, with the playoffs and a new deal on the line, vs the worst team in football, then how can you possibly claim he’s worth keeping around, or even mention the idea that he’s a franchise QB.

    Stop the excuse making that I’m already seeing, and if you have confidence in Baker, tell everyone to ‘RELAX’ that Baker has got this.

    The fact that isn’t happening, instead I just see the Baker Bois talking about how he got hit hard late in the game and is probably injured and that’s why he might not be that good on Sunday, it’s just pitiful.

    Have some confidence in your man in the clutch if you’re going to be such annoying pricks for the entire year.

    I’ve already said if Baker bounces back, gets the team into the playoffs, plays well and wins a home playoff game, then even I’d say bring him back next year, maybe he’s not the guy I think he is and he’s turned a corner on his career. So Baker Bois, why not build a bridge and come out and say if Baker bombs vs the Panthers, he’s not the guy who you thought he was and should be shown the door as you can not rely on him on key situations. What do you say?

  40. UGotRobbed Says:

    TB seams clueless…what an embarrassment!

  41. dbbuc711 Says:

    I think Bowles realizes that yesterday sealed his fate on getting let go

  42. Aubpierce Says:

    What an ignorant statement from a totally incompetent coach. I have been a fan since 1976 and never wanted the Bucs to loose, but because of his statement I will be wishing, hoping, and praying every day for the Bucs to loose. It is the only way Bowles is fired.

  43. Rod Munch Says:

    Jerry Says:
    The Saints losing to the Falcons is very possible (they would love to spoil the Saints chances), thus we back into the division title that no one wants.


    If the Saints lose, and the Bucs lose, then the Falcons win the division.

    Going through the NFL Playoff Machine scenarios on ESPN, I couldn’t find any way the Bucs get into the playoffs with a loss, none.

    I’m seeing various places claiming the Bucs could still backdoor in with various combos of the Packers, Vikings, Rams and Seahawks losing, but the Playoff Machine says that isn’t the case, and it has a ton of credibility.

  44. Mark hardt Says:

    Baker,s box score was actually pretty good. I blame Canales for not going all pass no huddle with a few draw plays starting with the second series 3rd quarter. Going forward i would put in a random no huddle drive in the first half as a change up.

  45. ElioT Says:

    A good coach snaps their team out of a “daze”.

    God this guy is a total bozo.

  46. Rod Munch Says:

    On a different note, why is the Outback Bowl so empty? That crowd looks like it’s from a Bucs-Panthers game in 2015. Kind of pitiful.

    I wonder if it’s the name. If someone asked me if I wanted to go to the Reliaquest Bowl, I’d think it was some 86th rate bowl and say hell no. But if they said Outback Bowl, I’d know it’s one of the good bowl games, and would at least consider it.

    Joe, you should sponsor a bowl, call it the Tampa BSPN JoeBucsFan Bowl brought to you by Bill Currie Ford. Tell them BSPN stands for Bucs SPorts Network.

  47. SED14 Says:

    Hey Joe? Why aren’t my comments showing up? My last one said “awaiting moderators review? or something like that?

  48. MadMax Says:

    Im moving on to the draft…we’re one and done with this dazed bozo!

    How about that Bo Nix today so far….im telling you, we should target him. Get Baker back if he’s cheap on a two year deal and let Nix adjust well and then start playing him in his second year while Baker is the backup.

  49. David Says:

    Baker Fans including Rod Munch please go away and keep your your pro Baker for another day. Your trash Baker had 44 yards in the first half and less than 100 yards and double digits scoring in the most of the first halfs throughout the season.

    Toilet Bowl is done in Tampa as a HC. His fate and Baker’s future was sealed after one of the most embarrassing games in Tampa history.

  50. David Says:

    Baker fans say, keep Toilet Bowl and re-sign Baker if he defeats Panthers and let them go if they lose. LOL

    How deceiving that is coming from trash Baker fans as they know Bucs are at almost 100% to defeat the worst team in NFL.

    NO Baker fans, your boy and toilet bowl are done after yesterday game getting booed by the entire stadium.

  51. D Cone Says:

    Coaching Staff didn’t throw one pass or run the ball at all. All Bowles has said since Camp is protect the football. Eliminate penalties. Of the 50 plays ran by the Bucs they turned it over once every 12.5 plays @ 8%. One penalty every 10 @ 10%..

    When players do something to hurt the team every 5th time it touches the ball it definitely does not point to coaching. Not to mention additional bad throws and drops.

    For a leader to get up at the podium and start by saying it was a bunch of little things says plenty. Bad throws, Interceptions and Fumbles are not little things.

    Zaire Alexander got benched a game before the most important game of their year for making a bonehead mistake. Team responded and played a great game with very few dropped passes. Doubt Alexander will make that mistake again although there are some talented but stupid people on the field at any given time.

  52. Rod Munch Says:

    David – You need to work on your reading comprehension.

  53. MadMax Says:

    @Rod Munching David Rod….I still want Baker to come back, he plays with heart and has dog in him…both of you have admitted that, even though i ignore most of your posts…..ive NEVER been a bozo Blowes fan…the thing is Bakers shoulder injury could be the end of his career. I think thats the same bad shoulder. He wont be the same and will probably cringe when he’s about to get tackled instead of fighting out of it. I dont know, that remains to be seen.

    But the Blozo coaching staff has to go…

  54. Seattle Buc is back in TB Says:

    Todd can call it whatever. . They were flat and playing defense behind the sticks on passing downs again. Offense was playing chexk down charlie slop.

  55. Capt. Tim Says:

    “theres a lot Joe doesnt understand . . .”
    Its easy. We are a one dimensional offense. We cant run the ball. Its not a secret. Everyone knows it. The Slimy saints knew it.
    The defense just hands the slimy saints a 17 point lead.
    Sooo, How do we try to come back? Obviously, we have NO CHOICE BUT TO PASS! No easy. The slimy saints arent playing the run. At all. They are laughing at Hainsey and Stennie trying to block.
    Can we go to our TE? Noooo. Otton decided to drop everything thrown to him yesterday.
    So they doubled White, Godwin, and Evans.
    Its that simple.
    What choice did we have

  56. Architek Says:

    This guy never has answers or tactical/strategic responses.

    I’m almost rooting for Bucs to lose to get him outta here.

    How about that sorry “a” defense he trots out weekly!

  57. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    The good that came out this game was at least the refs didn’t decide the outcome. Which is becoming a rarity these days in the nfl. Its not the first time that the saints just simply took us out back and put a good ole fashioned butt whoopin on us.
    Another good thing is at least we decide our destiny. Thats big this time of year.

  58. Beeej Says:

    I do not believe I would put Rod in the “pro Baker” camp. David has the singlemindedness of a 12 year old

  59. Alvin Scissors Harper Says:

    I sure hope Bowels has to win a playoff game to keep his job. Baker remains under evaluation. He’s not getting 30M, I don’t think. I would consider a 2 to 3 year contract and would also draft someone this year. Cam Ward from WSU just declared. I’m not in anyway saying he’s the answer, but he’s projected as the 12th QB off the board. He ain’t bad.

  60. Alvin Scissors Harper Says:

    Yup, Bowels is in a daze on the sidelines because he’s a cigar store indian.

  61. Citrus County Says:

    Alvin Scissors Harper Says: Yup, Bowels is in a daze on the sidelines because he’s a cigar store indian.


  62. JD12 Says:

    Here is a bright idea……how about you call a fricken timeout in the first half for a change and get everyone focused and out of this so called daze. Seriously, how big of a f-ing clown is this dude?? What an awesome strategy, lets see how big of a hole we can dig ourselves into so it is almost impossible to come back. The fact this dude is a coach in the NFL is hilarious.

  63. optimisticbucsfan Says:

    This is a poor quote from the head coach

  64. Cobraboy Says:

    Maybe I’m too Old School and out of it. Maybe the game has passed me by and I didn’t know it. Maybe I’m asking too much.

    But I always thought the #1 mission of a head football coach at any level is to keep your team out of a “daze” whether in a game, practice, weight room, or anywhere.

    Teams take on the personality of the coaches. IMO, Bowles is in a “daze” himself.

  65. Cobraboy Says:

    At least Bowles doesn’t use the “We just weren’t in sync™.”

    Not to say “daze” is lamer than “not in sync.”

  66. jehzsa Says:

    Bowles needs a steady dose of Panera’s “Charged Lemonade”.

  67. HC Grover Says:

    I think he is an Egyptian….Mummy.

  68. HC Grover Says:

    Folks….the glorious loss to the Panters or playoff game will not guarantee the firing of Bowles. The owners and Fambly are not football people. Watch and learn. They will take the easy way out and keep him. They want a steady NFL income to split the loot. .500 is like an annuity.

  69. Rod Munch Says:

    MadMax Says:
    January 1st, 2024 at 3:29 pm
    @Rod Munching David Rod….I still want Baker to come back, he plays with heart and has dog in him…both of you have admitted that


    I don’t know, I think Bruce Gradkowski played with more heart.

    In any case, I don’t care about heart or dogs, I want a QB that scores points, entertains me, and wins games.

    Again, if Baker can brush off this week, and return to his Fitzmagic like run of 2 good games in a row, and take care of the Panthers and then win a home playoff game, he’ll at least have the ‘winning’ part of that formula, and that is the most important thing. I absolutely do not believe after 5 3/4ths season he suddenly turned it around because he had 2 good weeks, but if he can have lets say 4 good weeks out of 5, and do it at the most important time of the year, I’m willing to have my mind changed.

  70. Bobby M. Says:

    In the game that secures so much for your season, this is what Bowles produces. A “dazed” effort to go along with poor game plans from the coaches. Bowles is not “the guy”. The Bucs in no circumstance would have ever hired Bowles as HC other than the scenario where Arians quits just before the season starts. He’s mediocre in results and personality. There’s nothing “commanding” about Bowles….everything is what it is. If the Bucs can keep this roster and attract Harbaugh or Monken….why would they ever stick with Bowles? I honestly think they are looking for a reason to fire him.

  71. HC Grover Says:

    Winning the playoff game is not in the picture. Having the game is the goal. Until u understand this u are lost. Next year the goal is winning NFC Souuth at the lowest cost. Another playoff game. Bowles will be back.

  72. BucU Says:

    When EVERYBODY sucked that’s coaching. No other way around that. If you can’t motivate you can’t be a successful HC in this league. A terrible loss with so much on the line. I’m back to voting ZERO confidence in the next poll.

  73. Saskbucs Says:

    A daze! Haha in the biggest game of the year. Way to go Todd! Get this clown outta town. The Saints are an average to poor team. Way worse on paper than the Bucs. They understood what was on the line, came out with hate in their hearts for the Bucs and dominated. Their effort was A+ and the Bucs weren’t close to matching it outside a few players. C- for effort from the team and a big ole F for you Todd.

  74. UKBuccaneer Says:

    Rod Munch Says:

    So Baker Bois, why not build a bridge and come out and say if Baker bombs vs the Panthers, he’s not the guy who you thought he was and should be shown the door as you can not rely on him on key situations. What do you say?


    In a QB driven league, it’s about putting the best guy you can out in the field. Bake right now is the best guy we have. Depending upon what happens in the off-season, he may or may not be the best guy we have next year.

  75. J Says:

    Rayjay1122 said it best. This team is exhausting to root for.

    I’m still a fan, but it feels like EVERY time we’ve possibly turned a corner, it’s a brick wall.

  76. orlbucfan Says:

    J, you can always quit being a fan. This team who was supposed to be a bottom feeder in their Division is in position to win it. I’ve been a fan for a long time, and I know they’ll win the Division. First time Bucs will have won back-to-back Division titles. When they won the SB 3 years ago, they had to play road games until the SB. It was in RJS. Aints won the NFC So. that year. So, they have done well when you look at the obstacles this tear.

  77. Jmarkbuc Says:


    Bottom line, this team is thin and/or sub par at most every position. Especially the coaching position.

    That’s on Bud Licht.

    His 30 % win rate over 10 years is the only stat that has meaning. The whole front end needs a revamp. What scout thought JTS was a good idea?

    Congrats to Mike Tomlin for NEVER having a losing season. Again. That’s a coach and an organization.

  78. Rod Munch Says:





  79. steele Says:

    Well, give him credit for putting into words. Dazed. And confused.

  80. Hey mang Says:

    The continual lack of an explanation for performances like this are not a comfort

  81. Heath Hunt Says:

    I can agree with the sentiment that there is a possible ceiling with this staff but wondering what HC would change this roster into a legit SB contender?

  82. EricTheViking Says:

    Best thing for the NFL was for the Bucs to lose. Makes a moribund division sadly worth discussion. Remember, it’s a QB driven league in their own words. On Sunday the script was to make Carr the hero. Now both NFC South games are relevant on week 18. Coincidence???

    Money rules everything. Bowles is just a sad tragic clown.

  83. D-Rok Says:


    “We understand we were in a daze, and we will try to correct that going forward.”

    After the Panthers game: “We weren’t in a daze this week, but as we understand it, we lost because we were confused. We will correct that before the first game next year.”


  84. Jmarkbuc Says:


    Most anyone with a faster pulse and the ability to lead people. This bloated, incompetent staff has to go.

    It’s time for a new direction, from the Front office on down..

  85. Pewter power Says:

    before we can get anything going, and by then it’s too late against a good football team.

    BOWLES I HATE YOU AS A COACH. Don’t know you as a person but the more you talk the dumber we get.

    It’s never too late until the click says zero you useless coach and yea a good team but not a great one. No effort wasn’t an issue with the players but it damn sure was an issue for coaches all week long coming up with that pathetic excuse for a game plan. Annoying AF. You don’t deserve playoffs or a head coaching job doing just enough to get into the playoffs by beating below average teams

  86. Tony Marks Says:

    Rod Munch Says:
    Baker Bois, why not build a bridge and come out and say if Baker bombs vs the Panthers, he’s not the guy who you thought he was and should be shown the door as you can not rely on him on key situations. What do you say?


    LOL why should we even entertain bailing you out Mush? You lost . Suck it up. According to your projections months ago he was never supposed to have this good a season .

    Your are like an out of luck gambler that lost his house, all his savings and all his assets but wants to put down an all or nothing bet with only the family dog as your backing….lol

    Theres only one way the bucs can lose to Carolina. WE ALL KNOW that way and it has Nada to do with the offense but the defense and in particular our swish cheese secondary

    Now last time I checked Bake doesn’t play defense. So with that caveat ( that the defense plays well) and that Canales returns to his pass opened up offense of packers and Jags I’ll do better


    IF that ain.t good enough for you then – you can pound dirt – like you have all season long.

  87. Mark hardt Says:

    After the first series if your team is in a daze run the no huddle to provide a spark. If you get 10 points down run the no huddle until you score than go back.

  88. JD Still Says:

    OK , I will say it because it needs to be said, I agree the team looked dazed and confused, lackadaisical if you will, What happened between the last weeks game and this weeks game that could have caused such a change in attitude? Looking back , the only thing I saw was the article that said Todd Bowles and Mayfield were long time friends going back to Mayfield’s days at Oklahoma and implying Bowles actively pursued the signing of Mayfield and that their really was no quarterback competition , that the fix was in , Mayfield was going to get the gig no matter how well Trask played, which empirically appears to be the case as the stated metrics of the competition , continued to change as Trask continued to outperform Mayfield, protecting the ball, fewest turn overs, accuracy of throws , culminating in a head to head competition in the final preseason game against the Jets , that never occurred , because for some unexplained reason Mayfield did not play in , leaving Kyle to play the entire game with none of the starters ,( which Kyle still won), can anyone ever remember such a fixed,”competition”, ever being held on any other professional team? Normally , players trust that if they play the best they get the position and rightfully so, but what happens when that trust is broken between players and coaches because of favoritism or other factors? Does the team become Dazed ? Confused? Lackadaisical? Wondering what’s going on and beginning to question the motives of those in charge? Would You in a similar situation?

  89. unbelievable Says:

    As if you needed any more proof that Bowles is clueless and incompetent.

    No, the effort wasn’t there.

    No, you did NOT start playing well in the 2nd quarter.

    Yes, your ENTIRE team, save for maybe Mike Evans and Chris Godwin, got bullied and pushed around ALL. GAME. LONG.

    Toilet Bowlzo strikes again.