Todd Bowles: Nothing Beats Experience

January 9th, 2024

Adapting to playoff intensity.

So this week will be eye-opening for five Bucs starters.

How good of a job did Bucs AC/DC-loving general manager Jason Licht and his staff do in the draft and finding undrafted free agents? The Bucs have four rookies starting, five if you count a slot corner, on a division champion.

That’s pretty good.

But one thing those rookies don’t have but will come Monday night is playoff experience.

That seems to be at the forefront of their minds, too. Joe chatted with Calijah Kancey last week and he said he has had all sorts of teammates try to coach him up to prepare for the playoffs.

Kancey told Joe he was instructed that the playoffs are totally different. The speed of the game is much quicker and the players, much more physical and intense.

Bucs coach Todd Bowles said the only way the rookies will truly know what playoff football is all about is to play in playoff games.

“I think [the concept] helps them because they don’t know, and they haven’t been there,” Bowles said. “I think it’s exciting for them. You can only get there by getting experience, and everybody that’s been there has to have been a rookie, second-, or third-year guy at some point.

“Some guys go through eight [or] nine years and don’t get there. I know it took Lavonte [David] a while to get there, but these guys don’t have to change anything they’re doing.

“They matured at the right time, they’re playing fast, they’re playing hard, and they should it should be exciting for them, and I want them to enjoy it.”

The best way to face intensity and speed is to match the intensity and speed.

With nearly a quarter of the starting roster being rookies, we should find out fairly quickly Monday night how YaYa Diaby, Christian Izien, Cody Mauch, Trey Palmer and Kancey adjust and adapt.

Hopefully, it won’t take too long.

55 Responses to “Todd Bowles: Nothing Beats Experience”

  1. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    If the Bucs defense dominates…….then bucs will win for sure….

    Cause if we see another performance from Baker and the offense like we’ve seen the last two games…..the bucs will be screwed on offense again.

  2. bulldog Says:


    There, fixed it for Todd.

  3. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    With good coaching, there should be no discernible difference between a regular season game and a playoff game…….you give your best effort, regardless.

    So, we are supposed to believe that players are slack and kick it up a notch for the playoffs…

    Sure, it’s human nature to be more motivated….

  4. ModHairKen Says:

    Here come the Trasky Nancys.

  5. SlyPirate Says:


    Philly is getting tons of bad press. Few are picking them to win Monday Night. Bowles has won two consecutive NFCS Championships but now he’s coaching for his life because he’s “supposed to win.”

    If the Bucs lose everyone will look more closely at Todd’s resume …
    >5 losing seasons. 1 winning (barely 9-8).
    >1 win over a +.500 team.
    >2 playoff losses.

    50/50 if Bowles survives a Cowboys-like loss to Philly (31-14 and at 18-0 halftime).

  6. realistic-optimistic Says:

    “You can only get there by getting experience, and everybody that’s been there has to have been a rookie, second-, or third-year guy at some point.”

    This doesn’t just apply to playoff games. Imagine if Diaby had started all year. Imagine if Trask got any playing time at all over his 3 years in the league. Imagine playing Merriweather instead of Neal. Imagine playing Britt instead of DWhite.

  7. BillyBucco Says:

    Well if Baker can’t go, those Nancy’s will be correct in wanting some playing time for Trask. You get him experience at this point JUST because he is a BACKUP. BAKER is obviously hurt. If he comes out, you better hope Trask is ready.

  8. Beeej Says:

    We were dominated in the trenches on both sides of the ball last time, I hope that part comes out a little better

  9. Bucfan1988 Says:

    ModHairKen Says:
    January 9th, 2024 at 9:14 am
    Here come the Trasky Nancys.


    Yep, don’t you love us 😬!!!

    Let me correct you, we aren’t Trask fans.
    We just want to see if he had boost the QB position over the garbage we’ve seen the last 2 games. And about 14 of the 17 games we’ve seen this year overall….

  10. Defense Rules Says:

    Right now the Bucs have 13 rookies on their 53-man roster plus 10 more 2nd year guys. Add to that 7 more 3rd year players & 6 4th year players and that’s 36 players on their 1st contract. IOW over two-thirds of the Bucs’ roster is still on their initial contract.

    A sizable percentage of those guys are starters (at least 14 by my count) which says a lot about drafting AND player development over these past 4-5 years … while most of this coaching staff has been here. Fans can b1tch about Todd Bowles & this staff all they want, but so many youngsters ready to play on the big stage is quite a feat IMO. We’ve got a reasonable base to build on in the coming years in my opinion, and that’s super important.

  11. Yar Says:

    Don’t be satisfied with just matching it, bring more.

  12. realistic-optimistic Says:

    We’ve got a reasonable base to build on in the coming years in my opinion, and that’s super important.

    Completely agree @DR. My concern is paying $30+ mil for the QB production we’ve gotten this season. At $4 mil he’s fine, at $30+ mil, the “reasonable base” is broken. Paying that kind of money for this kind of production is not wise. It would probably mean we can’t keep Evans. It would mean possibly losing Winfield. It would hurt the team too much. Either play Trask on his rookie deal or draft a QB and play them on a rookie deal. We are not in a position to sink money into QB.

  13. Tony marks Says:

    bulldog Says:
    January 9th, 2024 at 9:06 am

    Where did Bowles indicate experince makes up for lack of talent?

  14. Jonbucfan Says:

    I’m sooooo sick of hearing about Trask on this site. Give it a rest.

  15. Defense Rules Says:

    realistic-optimistic … That’s why I doubt that the Bucs will re-sign Baker for a $30 mil (or up) deal. Simply put the Bucs don’t have the bucks. That’s also why I believe that Bowles & Canales are trying to build an offense that doesn’t rely on anything more than an ‘average QB’ (whatever that translates to nowadays). Strong defense? For sure. Strong offense? Nice if it comes along, but second priority in Bowles’ eyes IMO.

  16. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    If Licht wants to re-sign Mayfield he can find the $. Evans and Winfield too. There are all kinds of cap games a team can play and the Bucs have some skilled cap magicians on staff

  17. Bucnjim Says:

    Defense Rules always a voice of reason Thanks! With the amount of young players on this team along with the cap space we are having a pretty good year. I’ve always wanted the Bucs to be a team that could rebuild and still stay competitive. I think they’ve accomplished that this year.

  18. Bucfan1988 Says:

    Jonbucfan Says:
    January 9th, 2024 at 10:13 am
    I’m sooooo sick of hearing about Trask on this site. Give it a rest.

    Jon, you’re gonna keep hearing about Trask everyday until he gets an opportunity to play to see what we have in this kid…….

    Sorry man, you can blame Bowles for the “cult of Trask” that’s developed. Should have seen him in the Packers & Jags games in the 4th quarter at least 🤷🏻‍♂️

  19. realistic-optimistic Says:

    If Licht wants to re-sign Mayfield he can find the $. Evans and Winfield too. There are all kinds of cap games a team can play and the Bucs have some skilled cap magicians on staff

    Licht CAN work some cap magic, but why? That stuff should be reserved for when you are very close, not when half your roster is 1st or 2nd year players. We still have 2 more years of dead cap to clear, as well as a bunch of expiring contracts. There’s no reason to keep adding to the debt right now. You don’t just burn away your future for no reason. That’s what NO does every year.

  20. Weebs10 Says:

    Realistic Optimist with Brady’s cap hit we technically paid about 30 mil for our starting qb this year. I’m hoping for a 25 mil per year deal for Baker

  21. Canabuc Says:

    I am not a Trask Reuther but I do feel he should have played last game. Yes it was a must win and if he started and was ineffective we could have pivoted to Baker.

    But if he was merely adequate and we won last week 9 to 0 with Trask at QB ( could he have been much worse than Mayfield was?) ,we would have had a rested Baker with an extra week to recover his rib injuries and with no ankle injury.

    Now we likely will have to see Trask at some point against an Eagles team in the playoffs with no meaningful snaps this season.

  22. Canabuc Says:


  23. Bucfan1988 Says:

    Not sure how much cap magic we can work this year if another team snags Mike Greenberg from us as their new GM 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️…

    That guy’s scary amazing…..

    Carolina already requesting an interview I guess???

  24. realistic-optimistic Says:

    “I’m hoping for a 25 mil per year deal for Baker”

    You don’t care if it comes from the Bucs or another team. Just so your boy gets his bag. I hope he gets it too. Just not here.

  25. Bucfan1988 Says:

    R-O, I think Mayfield will get an offer of that magnitude somewhere, but yeah, hope it isn’t from us.

    We have some major contracts to deal with (Evans/Winfield/Extending Wirfs/Lavonte)……..

    Play Trask in 2024 and draft QB (Penix)….
    That’s my hope..

  26. WyomingJoe Says:

    Bucfan1998: Over 4,000 yards passing and 28 TDs (could have EASILY been 33 if not for the drops). How could a QB have those numbers if he stunk in 14 out of 17 games as you indicated? TIME TO GET REAL!

    Your hatred for Baker is clouding your rational judgement. If you had any to begin with.

  27. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Baker had 3 dropped TDs this season. This is true. Baker also had 10-12 dropped INTs this year. We can add both to his stats if you want.

  28. D Cone Says:

    Hope they have enough experience come Monday. Bucs are 23rd in Yards allowed and Jax just fired it’s DC and his defense gave up less.

    For using the Blitz the 3rd most in the league the results are lack luster.

    25th in Hurries.
    24th in Knock Downs
    9th Sacks
    19th in Pressure

  29. WyomingJoe Says:

    Re-sign Mayfield. Trade Trask (he deserves a chance to try to play somewhere). Draft/trade for a center, guard and a D-End.

  30. Bucfan1988 Says:

    WyomingJoe Says:
    January 9th, 2024 at 10:58 am
    Bucfan1998: Over 4,000 yards passing and 28 TDs (could have EASILY been 33 if not for the drops). How could a QB have those numbers if he stunk in 14 out of 17 games as you indicated? TIME TO GET REAL!

    Your hatred for Baker is clouding your rational judgement. If you had any to begin with.

    Bro, why do you think I have hatred for Mayfield???
    I want the Bucs to succeed man!!

    Don’t bring up TD drops because I could COUNTER your response with the number of dropped interceptions by defenders as well. For instance, Carolina dropped THREE throws this past weekend for interceptions. Dont go there, you’ll lose….

    Despite his numbers, Mayfield doesn’t pass the eye test. Do you ever notice how difficult he makes it to get first downs??? And he’s missing reads to wide open receivers it seems like every game.

    I was open to bringing him in and wanted him to be the guy, but I don’t think he is….we will be a middle of the road team with him. Maybe I’m spoiled after having the GOAT for those 2 good seasons, but I want more for the Bucs than average.

  31. WyomingJoe Says:

    Realistic: EVERY QB has possible INTs dropped. You’d see that if you were paying attention during games. And with Palmer’s stumble it was 4. With some “very good” catches it could be as much as 6 TDs!

    Stop hating Baker. Start paying attention.

    Keep winning Baker.

  32. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Every QB does indeed have possible INTs dropped. This is correct. Every QB also has possible TDs dropped. This is why we don’t usually count either when compiling stats. But, if you want to count the dropped TDs, we also have to count the dropped INTs. Only fair.

  33. WyomingJoe Says:

    Once again Realistic, start paying attention to the number of possible INTs dropped by D-backs.

    And who are you kidding? Your hatred for Baker is obvious.

  34. Tony marks Says:

    Bucfan1988 Says:

    Jon, you’re gonna keep hearing about Trask everyday until he gets an opportunity to play to see what we have in this kid…….


    Nah we’ll get rid of the talk in under year. HE is only under contract for anothr year and if he rides pine half way into next season you all will be toast talkng about him.

    In fact if our Baker Bois leader Todd Bowles gets another year you all are toast right then and there 🙂 🙂

  35. realistic-optimistic Says:

    I have no opinion whatsoever about Baker outside of his football contributions. I don’t know him. He’s not my friend. I know absolutely nothing about his personal life. There’s definitely no hatred for the guy. I’m only evaluating his QB production.

  36. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    I just don’t understand. The talking heads of football are saying sign Mayfield and draft a QB. Do they not know what lurks on the Bucs bench? Trask the Magnificent waits

  37. Bucfan1988 Says:

    Tony, honestly I expect Trask to ask to be released or traded this offseason. It wouldn’t surprise me in the least……

    Sean McVay might jump on him in a heartbeat.

    Trust me, if we sign Mayfield and Trask shows worthy play with another team, I’ll be sure to post it for you 😏😬

  38. Angry Since Kickoff Says:

    Trey Palmer could light up the playoffs if Baker can hit him down the field. Dude can run.

  39. ScottyMack Says:

    I can’t imagine a single team lining up to trade for Trask. Sure, someone who is desperate might sign him off waivers, but this notion that he has any trade value at all is orange and blue delusion.

  40. OlBoy Says:

    If Baker is still hurt as badly as he was this last game then he needs to be benched. That performance won’t get us anywhere. If he is still hurt, then the only decision that should be made is Trask or Wolford. We know what we have in both of our backups. We have backups. One of them gives us a better chance if Baker can’t go.

  41. TexasBuc 1776 Says:

    I like Baker personally, he’s gutsy and loves to play. Is he worth $30M a year for 3 or 4 years, I have my doubts. For the guy who said we should have played Trask last game, are you crazy? If Bowles lost that game he would have been fired IMO, no way was he risking that.
    Against the Eagles, it will be won or lost in the trenches and they whooped us there last time. Will need an exceptional effort from our guys.

  42. Bucco Bruce14 Says:

    This is why I hate making the playoffs when we don’t belong there. Now the Glazers are going to bring Bowles back and have another dismal season in 2024.

  43. Glass Half Full Guy Says:

    The playoffs are definitely faster and more physical. Not that the players are running faster but the pace of the game tends to increase and the game clock seems to wind down more quickly as a result.

    The physicality is a bit more because the “refs let them play” allegedly allowing DBs to be more physical in coverage, but with all of the scrutiny on refs right now (or should I say still?) I wouldn’t bet on them not being “flag happy”.

    I just hope Canales has a more up-tempo game plan in mind and has some plays he’s been “saving” to keep the opposing D guessing.

    I don’t think the game Monday night will be too big for our young guys on D. I do worry about Palmer. So much promise early on but he’s been a total disappointment so far. I hope he snaps out of it. If not, I hope Moore gets more snaps.

  44. Bucfan1988 Says:

    TexasBuc1776, there are a bunch of folks that said Bowles should have played Trask last game against a 2 win team playing for nothing. These folks include Baker supporters as well some can try & heal and be ready for a playoff game…

    Yeah, we’re crazy!!! Don’t know if Trask could have matched that 20/32 for 137 yards and 3 dropped interceptions by Carolina…🙄🙄🙄

  45. orlbucfan Says:

    Why do teams have backup QBs? To replace the starter when he’s too hurt to play. I have a feeling we’ll see Trask sometime Monday night. I don’t have a dog in this fight; I just want the Bucs to win (somehow).

  46. Defense Rules Says:

    OlBoy … ‘If Baker is still hurt as badly as he was this last game then he needs to be benched. That performance won’t get us anywhere.’

    I agree with you. Trask should start, BUT … be prepared to bring Mayfield in off the bench IF the situation warrants, providing of course that he’s well enough to play. Obviously if Trask is doing well, the situation wouldn’t warrant replacing him.

    Philly’s an even more physical DLine than Carolina was. We all know that they’ll be looking to knock Mayfield out of the game as quickly as they can. And with bad ribs & a bad ankle, it won’t take much to limit his effectiveness even more than it’s been limited already. Rather than play that card too early, let’s see what Trask can do at the start of the game. He MIGHT surprise everyone IF Canales can come up with a game plan that plays to his strengths (and I’m sure that Canales knows what they are by this time).

    The Eagles are susceptible on defense, against both the pass AND the run. They gave up 428 total points this year (25.2 PPG average). But it’s actually considerably worse than that. Their BYE came a tad over halfway through the season. Prior to the BYE, they gave up 195 points in 9 games (21.7 PPG). After the BYE, they gave up 233 points in 8 games (29.1 PPG). The fewest points that they gave up in the season? Yup, 11 points … against US. Doesn’t say much for our offense at that time.

    Eagles had the worst pass defense in the NFL (ranked #32 in Pass Attempts Against with 652 and #31 in Passing Yardage Allowed with 4296 yds … over 250 Passing Yards/Game Allowed average). Interestingly their run defense looks a lot better (ranked #5 in Rushing Attempts Against with 410 and #10 in Rushing Yardage Allowed with 1758 … over 100 Rushing Yards/Game Allowed average). But that rushing yards allowed would’ve surely been MUCH higher if their pass defense hadn’t been so bad (opponents attacked the weakest part of their defense?).

    Bucs can beat these guys, but not if our offense performs like it did in these last 2 games. Nor like it did the first time we played the Eagles this year. We need MORE offensive production (aka, MORE POINTS SCORED) and an injured Baker can’t give us that. Especially since his injury obviously impacts his ability to make the intermediate & deep throws THAT REPRESENT THE STRENGTH OF OUR OFFENSIVE ATTACK. Start Trask & if he can’t git er done, THEN bring in Mayfield in relief.

  47. SteveK Says:

    Defense Rules,

    Spot on as usual, love reading your stuff for years on here.

    I am afraid Bowles will remain loyal to the injured QB, and if we lose the QB can’t physically perform, then it will officially put an end to the tenure of Bowels in Tampa.

    I want to win more than anything. If we lose and baker looks severely limited, then Bowels is toast.

    I hope Bowles isn’t afraid of the unknown and also remembers it’s ok to use 1st half timeouts.

  48. Bucfan1988 Says:

    DR – your position makes total sense but here’s the issue.

    Bowles has decided to pin his whole career by riding Mayfield. Bowles hasn’t used common sense in any of the other games giving Trask some opportunity & to experience when it wouldn’t have hurt the game’s outcome (Jags & Packers)…

    Last week when Baker injured the ankle on top of the ribs, they should have liked him and put Trask in. Or simply should have started Trask to let Mayfield rest & heal for the playoff game….

    Bowles’ ship is tied to Mayfield so if Mayfield starts and has a similar game to this past weekend, and Bucs get blown out, they need to clean house with the coaching staff and move on. Blow it up!

  49. Dave Pear Says:

    The cultists who are pining to see what Trask can do – for the 1,093rd time, apply for a job at One Buc. The coaches players suits and staff have all seen what he does every day for three years.

    The truth is, they know what they have in him, and a one armed one legged Mayfield gives the Bucs a better chance to win than Trasque.

    You want to see what he can do? Go watch tape of Mike Glennon. Same guy.

  50. Tony marks Says:

    Bucfan1988 Says:

    Trust me, if we sign Mayfield and Trask shows worthy play with another team, I’ll be sure to post it for you


    Please do . I would LOOOVE to root for Trask

    just not on the bucs because his fans sucks.

    Rams is not a bad take because they have had some awful backups. PLus with the love the rams have for baker if stafford retires Kyle can back up for baker again for old times sake.

  51. Bucfan1988 Says:

    Tony, but that means the Rams would have to grab Baker from the Bucs, haha…

    Honestly, I think if McVay got hold of Trask, he’ll be Stafford 2.0

    I could see him killing it with the Rams.
    Would hate to see that…

  52. Frank Pillow Says:

    Coach has all the intensity of a marshmallow.

  53. Jonzee Says:

    If Trask didn’t win the job, why is all the Madden GM and couch potato coaches always trying to get the guy of the kid…. At the end of training camp the OC said that Trask only mastered pieces of the offense. The head coach said that Baker gives us the best chance to win Theu watch the dude practice every doggone day, I trust that they know what he has. That should be the end of the Trask talk….

  54. Let ‘em bake Says:

    Second – guessing Bowles on this site is interesting. He apparently deserves zero credit for winning a division, while all the “ experts” didn’t see this team winning five games. If… if the Bucs make an unexpected playoff run, some here will still find fault. But, a site like this lets us all play “pretend” coach, gm. “ wisdom is known by her children”, and some of us have played this game more accurately, predicting a division win, a successful baker, ( not benched , like many here boldly claimed). Weve tempered our expectation, knowing this is a young team ( second youngest in nfl ) . We know any victories from here on are gravy. New qb , new oc, new system. Licht knows this team is just a few pieces away . Two years from top tier … enjoy the journey with baker 😊

  55. Tony Says:

    Nothing beats experience. But yet we let JPP go. We let Suh go. I’m sure there’s a couple others I missed. Could probably use both of them right now (of course Tom).