“The Glazers Are Very Private About These Things”

January 6th, 2024

Two members of Team Glazer.

It’s rare to hear a media member employed by the NFL mention the word “Glazer” when it comes to football decisions.

It’s almost like it’s written in contracts that Team Glazer is off limits, including on-screen images and owners-suite video on game broadcasts. So Joe felt compelled to share when NFL Network/NFL.com reporter Tom Pelissero hopped on The Rich Eisen Show this week and talked about Todd Bowles’ potentially shaky job security.

“The Glazers are very private about these things. The usually move swiftly the night of or day of the final game,” Pelissero said, referring to Team Glazer firing coaches.

Bowles will be on very shaky ground, Pelissero believes, if the Bucs are upset tomorrow by the Panthers. Joe believes Pelissero also may put the Bucs among the clubs wanting to see how the Bucs perform in the postseason before rendering a verdict on their head coach.

Immediately after talking about the Bucs, Pelissero referenced “teams that may have some questions marks if they don’t advance far enough in the playoffs.”

Joe can’t predict Team Glazer moves, but Joe does know Team Glazer wants an entertaining and hope-inspiring product for all Buccaneers fans.

If the Bucs play a nail-biter with the miserable Panthers and win 23-16, and then get clobbered in the playoffs, then why exactly would Team Glazer not be interested in exploring replacement head coach options?

(For the emotional types, “exploring” is the keyword.)

43 Responses to ““The Glazers Are Very Private About These Things””

  1. Davenport Says:

    Bowles will never win a Super Bowl. He simoly doesn’t have the ability to get a team to play at a consistently high level.

    Why keep him and delay the inevitable?

  2. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    Who’s the next head coach? Which quarterback are we drafting?

  3. Beeej Says:

    We aren’t drafting any qb’s without using picks to trade up. As evidenced by the Saints game, we have many deficiencies, too many for the reincarnation of Joe Montana to fix

  4. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Bobby Slowik or Ben Johnson at HC, please. And Michael Penix at QB. C’mon Glazers, make it happen. Stop tripping over ourselves with the current pairing.

  5. Mike Johnson Says:

    Bring back Chucky.

  6. BucsBeast Says:

    The GAME has changed. The days of the dominant defenses is basically over.
    The rules are designed for high scoring games. Bowles is an old school guy that isn’t willing to change to the times. We need an offensive guy that creative. That can keep the clock ticking while putting up 30 points a game.

  7. Since76 Says:

    Imagine that….. actually interviewing candidates to find the best available.

  8. D Kilmer Says:

    While not trying to be a pessimist, I can see the Bucs easily losing this game. Why?, Well it is what the Bucs do right!! Nothing comes easy,the loss to the Saints last week paints the picture perfectly.
    With that said you have to give credit somewhere, the Bucs have actually won 8 games somehow, mainly to other bad teams., However, they have won more than I predicted, which was 6. I guess most of that credit goes to Mayfield , who while not incredible has played better than most thought.
    I agree with someone who said coach Bowles is not at the same level as Dungy, Arians or Gruden, he just isn’t . However, you must admit Bowles and his staff are coaching a team full of holes. They have 1 safety, to overpaid corners, a poor guard and center, no real tight end.,poor middle linebacker play.. So what could any coaching staff do with all those deficiencies!
    When looking at the whole picture, Bowles like the team has not been great, but given the lack of talent at so many positions, I don’t see how ownership could have expected more to be honest. On the other hand probably the best scenario for the team is that the Bucs lose Sunday, the Bucs move uo in the draft get the franchise qb they have never had to go with a new coach and staff, as the fans are never going to accept Todd Bowles as the head coach

  9. Paratrooper Buc Says:

    The Bucs lose tomorrow and Bowles is likely done and I don’t think Baker will get a good enough offer to stay as other teams will give more money or years. If Bucs win decisively (3 scores and starters are out by 4th quarter and win first playoff game then Bowles is back and Baker gets a better offer. As for the offer for Baker it will be a short one like 2-3 years and likely base of $25-30 million per year with incentives. However, some teams may offer $30-40 million, or more years or more guaranteed. I agree with many that Bowles isn’t the answer. However, people on here think Baker isn’t good at all and I think he is worth a contract. Who would replace him? Russel Wilson for league minimum then demand $35-39 million the following year? If it were me. Sign him 2-3 years. Build up the Oline and fix our defense issues and if Baker still isn’t enough then see who is a better option. If we don’t sign Baker he will be signed elsewhere and making way more than 4 million next year.

  10. Bucsfan951 Says:

    This Bucs fan says explore away! Time to get new leadership in the locker room.

  11. I remember 21 Says:

    Davenport stated the case very succinctly. Let me elaborate a little. bowles either gets fired after this season, or after another season of uninspiring, underperforming football. I don’t need to see another season of bowlesball. I sure hope the Glazers don’t either. What part of this team is trending up? MAYBE parts of the offense? But all I keep hearing is how bowles has nothing to do with the offense, so are we gonna give him credit for that? Would the offense regress if bowles is let go? That’s a laughable concept. Every cliche you can think of applies here. Get rid of him a year “early” rather than a year too late. Just like sad, broken down Scam Newton always bellyaches about with QBs: Is bowles one of the 32 best football head coaches in the world? Because make no mistake about it, that’s what we’re talking about here. There’s all levels of football: college, CFL, XFL, Arena, high school, etc. The NFL is the pinnacle. Maybe there’s a case to be made that bowles is one of the 32 best HCs in the world, but I’ve sure never heard it and I DAMN SURE would never believe it. So what are we doing here? He’s not young, he’s not going to evolve at this point. He is what he is and he just doesn’t measure up.

    @ realistic optimist

    Those are some nice coaching options. My preference is Todd Monken with Bo Nix under center. Now THAT would have me excited to watch some Bucs football. I think that would be the kind of exciting, inspired football the Glazers could be proud of.

  12. BrianBucs Says:

    If the Glazers do decide to give Bowles another year all they are doing is just delaying the inevitable.
    I personally like Bowles but the NFL is a big money business and the Bucs will never win anything big with Bowles as head coach.

  13. Mark Says:

    If the Bucs lose to the Panthers, the Glazers’ choice is simple: fire Todd Bowles.

    Carolina is a shambles, an utter train wreck. They would be worthy of our pity if they weren’t so contemptible and debased. A loss to them would be 100% attributable to coaching malpractice. This team has the talent to crush the Panthers. Following hard on the heels of losing to the thrice-damned Saints, Bowles must be cashiered.

    Yes, he was given a hard situation to manage, and in some ways the team has exceeded expectations. But every week the Bucs are at a clear disadvantage from a game planning standpoint. That, plus too many instances of the team spitting the bit, apparent coddling of non-performers like Devin White, and internal dissent have doomed this team to mediocrity.

    It’s a shame…there are lots of people about to lose their jobs, because one man can’t shed his stubbornness and adjust to the reality of the modern NFL.

  14. SB~LV Says:

    Hopefully it’s a 1pm start so we can move on

  15. Tye Says:

    Todd’s resume speaks for itself…
    His teams could never beat the top quality teams….
    Barely beat the average teams half the time…

    NO wise man would waste his money going to spend half the day in the blazing hot sun, 100 degree weather to watch an average team come to Tampa and out coach Todd for the hundredth time…

    Retaining Todd is a BAD investment!….

  16. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Who would replace him? Russel Wilson for league minimum then demand $35-39 million the following year?

    I’ve seen this argument a few times. Why does he need to be replaced with another retread? The reason this league can’t get 32 quality starters is because 1/3 of the teams keep trotting out these mid QBs year after year rather than put unknown QBs on the field. Bridgewater, Trubisky, Tyrod Taylor, Mayfield, Tannehill, etc. These guys are not winning SBs unless they end up on a team with a historic defense. If one of them is the best you can do for your team you’re better off plugging in an unknown and giving them an opportunity.

    Too many teams would rather play for the middle with average-quality known QBs than take a chance on an unproven QB, regardless of draft stock. Or they’re too scared to draft a QB because it comes with risk. You don’t find gems unless you mine for gems. Quit rolling with journeymen. Quite throwing money at average (at best).

  17. BucsFan Says:

    How often may you get the opportunity to sign a Harbaugh or a Bellichick? That is the real question here. Providing you could sign one of those two then it is Bye Bye Bowles.

  18. Alvin Scissors Harper Says:

    Bowels will NEVER win a Super Bowl as a head coach. In terms of QB’s mentioned in this string above, Bo Nix is never gonna make it as a good starting NFL QB. He runs a gimmick offense at Oregon. Michael Penix may be the best pure passer, given time, since Dan Marino. I’ve watched Penix a ton since his first season at Indiana. However, there are some real injury concerns. For new coaches, I’m on the Monken train. I have no interest in Belichick and very little interest in Jim Harbaugh. Now his brother, sure.

  19. Tonyboy Says:

    With a coach like Todd Monken getting some invertviews I think we shouls be looking at him

  20. ModHairKen Says:

    Tomorrow will be epic. Win and make the playoffs. Lose — to the worst team in the NFL — and massive turnover.

    Every coach and about 15 players, maybe more, will be impacted by a loss.

    No one, nary any, will have an ounce of sympathy for a group that can’t beat the worst team to make the playoffs.

  21. sasquatch Says:

    You’ve got to think they’ve already been exploring options, at least the hypotheticals. I just don’t seen Bowles retaining his job if they can’t beat the Panthers tomorrow. A playoff win will bring Bowles back, in all likelihood. A playoff loss, I’d say it’s a tossup, depends on how ugly the loss is.

    Personally, I don’t envision Bowles ever being the coach we really want.

  22. Todd Rolls Says:

    I want Chucky back

  23. Popcorn Mike Says:

    I ve watch the Glazers since they bought the Bucs and I agree with Joe about them. They want to put exciting, winning team on the field. Just look at what they did with Gruden and Arians which got them 2 Super Bowls and I think the same is going on now. I really think Bowles has to do more than just win Sunday. I think he has to win a playoff game and the team must look good doing so. This is just my opinion and opinions are like rear ends, everybody has one

  24. Cobraboy Says:

    Much depends on what coaches are available.

    One leading candidate that I would totally support is OC for a team likely to win the SB…5 weeks away at the earliest.

  25. Bucs Guy Says:

    Todd Monken or Kellen Moore for HC. New HC = New QB in my opinion. How do we get a high enough pick to get a top 4 QB? The only way I see it happening if we lose tomorrow is to trade this year’s and next year’s 1st round draft picks or this year’s pick and a quality player like Godwin. In that case, I’m assuming we are in rebuild mode and our 2nd rd pick will be a WR/TE and our 3rd rd pick will be a C. CB in the 5th, LB in 6th and WR/TE in 7th. RB, G and S through FA.

  26. Daniel Says:

    Kellen moore!??!

    That must be a joke lol. That clown was thrown out of Dallas for ineptitude and proceeded to get Staley fired and nearly run that team into the ground. We would be total frauds to hire a reject like moore

  27. Oneilbuc Says:

    Realistic. You can’t say that because that means you hate Baker Mayfield and you’re not a real bucs fan. Bro I agree with you 💯 persent I’ve been trying to get our fan base to realize that but all they do is call you a hater or try to insult you. This is why the bucs will remain a bottom rank team because a lot of people in our fan base loves medaicory as a player come with a little popularity . I say trade up to get a quarterback in this draft. That’s why I don’t want to bring Baker Mayfield back.

  28. Since79 Says:

    What no one realizes is that the Glazers don’t care
    They make their money. Either way you get all these Yahoo coming down to see their team we have more visiting fans in the stadium. I’m sick of it. I will not renew. I’ve been a season-ticket holder since that stadium opened. Bowls is the coach. I’m sick of being the only red or orange jersey in the area. I’m sick of dealing with these fans coming down thinking it’s spring break and sunny Florida, but I’m mostly sick of us not playing well you can blame, but everything starts at the top and I pray we keep Mike Evans

  29. Since79 Says:

    What no one realizes is that the Glazers don’t care
    They make their money. Either way you get all these Yahoos coming down to see their team we have more visiting fans in the stadium. I’m sick of it. I will not renew. I’ve been a season-ticket holder since that stadium opened. Bowls is the coach. I’m sick of being the only red or orange jersey in the area. I’m sick of dealing with these fans coming down thinking it’s spring break and sunny Florida, but I’m mostly sick of us not playing well. Blame coaching yesbut everything starts at the top. They have to be professional one day a week and they did not show up. I wish I had that luxury at my job and I pray we keep Mike Evans

  30. orlbucfan Says:

    Yeah, bring back Chucky. Nothing like advertising how STUPID a commenter is. The Glazers are too busy spending their time over in Europe promoting whatever sport strikes their fancy. Thank god, for Jason Licht. Go Tampa Bay, 9-8 tomorrow. Hey joes, what’s the Charlotte weather crowd saying?

  31. Tackleblockwin Says:

    It’s hard trusting this organization at times. We have 2 Super Bowls with coaches that had strong offensive resumes. Then they hire a DC to be head coach. Did they not learn anything?

  32. gotbbucs Says:

    The absolute no-show against New Orleans is concerning. This team should have come out for that game super inspired, and they appeared completely disinterested.
    If they don’t come out of the gate against Carolina playing like their hair is on fire then we have an issue.

  33. Paratrooper Buc Says:

    @ oneilbuc

    Too many fans are black/white or all/nothing. Baker is not elite but he is certainly not trash. Statistically this season he is in the top half of QBs. If we had a better OLine and more experience then Baker would have better numbers. Baker is no Mahomes but he is good enough at $4 million. We should fix our Oline before getting an “expensive/elite” qb or a top draft qb that ends up like Rodgers or Burrows because the Oline was bad. If we swapped Purdy for Baker, we would be worse off while 49ers would be the same or better. I do believe Bowles should go but fix the Oline because any qb can be bad with no pass protection or a run game or both.

  34. Cobraboy Says:

    I’d be surprised if Monken would want a new QB. Was he not the OC at CLE when Mayfield went to the playoffs?

    And didn’t Arians say he wanted the Cleveland job because of Mayfield?

    Gotta admit, though, following the GOAT is a tough task, especially with Gator sycophants sporting wood over their favorite unaccomplished giraffe…(yeah, a little good-natured trolling…;-) )

  35. Lightning Buc Says:

    SB~LV Says

    Really? You’re an NFL fan?

  36. Oneilbuc Says:

    C.J Stroud first play touchdown 75 yards!! That’s why we have to draft a quarterback in the first round. Move up to get a quarterback!!

  37. Front Four Says:

    Why would anyone want this HC job. We’re In the middle of a rebuild and ANOTHER year of cap hell in 2024. We have to give significant starting and playing time to rookies and second year guys that are still learning to play in the NFL. We don’t have a franchise caliber QB. Our “stars” are old and on the down side of their careers. Plus an idiot fan base that keeps chirping that we have “all this talent”, should be a 10-7 or an 11-6 team making a deep run in the playoffs. No thanks.

  38. Jeff Says:

    Bowles is not equipped to be a head coach with the uber conservative mindset. How many coaches have 4 straight losing seasons and get a fifth year? I get tired of the excuses and the not having the Bucs ready for a big game. If he didn’t like the staff when he was offered the job, ask to change it or politely say no.

  39. Oneilbuc Says:

    Draft a quarterback in the first round and get a new HC and we will win the division next year. No more with these average quarterbacks that you know you ain’t winning a superbowl with. Look at the Texans they didn’t settle for mediocrey and we shouldn’t either!!

  40. Allbuccedup Says:

    It doesn’t matter win or lose Bowles comes back to finish the job. The Glazers are clueless.

  41. WyomingJoe Says:

    Realistic-Optimistic and Oneilbuc: Both of you talk a lot about Baker being “trash and average.” However his stats scream something completely different since he ranks in the Top 8 in several NFL categories and in the Top 4 in TDs.

    Your ravings about Baker are steeped in hatred and to the real fans on this site laughable. Oh yeah, you can both STICK IT.” Lol…

    Keep winning Baker.

  42. Daniel Z Says:

    Oneilbuc – you keep citing the Texans as a road map for drafting a QB. But you’re cherry-picking, because for every CJ Stroud, there’s a half-dozen 1st round QBs that are not the guy – Mac Jones, Zach Wilson, Kenny Pickett, Trey Lance, Daniel Jones. Yeah, you might hit, but it’s not the slamdunk you’re painting it out to be.

  43. firethecannons Says:

    this team is mediocre–nothing more than that in fact it is worse than that most of thetime