Opening Drive Blues And A Strange Rachaad White Comment

January 3rd, 2024

Numbers can lie sometimes, but not this time.

Joe’s beloved Buccaneers have not scored a touchdown on an opening drive this season. That stat can’t be danced around. It’s no coincidence.

“Execution. Execution. It’s a different guy every time,” Todd Bowles said when asked about that Bucs reality this week on the Buccaneers Radio Network.

Well, the good news is the miserable two-win Panthers, Sunday’s opponent, haven’t scored on an opening-drive touchdown this year, either.

Bowles also talked about challenges getting Rachaad White the ball in the passing game against the slimy Saints last Sunday. His comments sort of clashed with film that shows Baker Mayfield just didn’t throw White the ball.

“They did a good job taking White away. They would never let him sit out there for a checkdown, so we couldn’t get him the football,” Bowes said.

Yeah, Joe gets the coachspeak.

Joe’s nearly ready to flush everything about that miserable Saints performance down the toilet.

29 Responses to “Opening Drive Blues And A Strange Rachaad White Comment”

  1. jimmy Says:

    An offensive coordinator who can’t figure out a gameplan well enough to score a TD on the first drive through 16 games is going to get interviews for head coaching jobs???

  2. JamesEvans24 Says:

    “Joe’s nearly ready to flush everything about that miserable Saints performance down the toilet.”

    You sound like I used to when I actually had hope. NOT…. falling for that again (the whole, “it was just one game thing”)! I will not let that game slide….EVER….just NOT happening.


  3. Usfbuc Says:

    I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again. As I watch some other games you can see the play design. Often times when watching our offense it looks like school yard football.

  4. BillyBucco Says:

    I agree. That DT jet sweep looked like the very first time they had ever run it.
    Timing was off and it didn’t fool anybody.
    If he ran across 5 or 6 times prior maybe it works.
    IMO we forecast what we ate gonna do, and then HOPE a guy makes a man miss.
    And BTW, I noticed R White open all game.
    It looked like Canales read the pre game hype and tried to throw the ball DOWN FIELD, which NEVER works against NO.
    No RB screens again.
    It really isn’t rocket science!!!!
    I wouldn’t hire a guy who can’t scheme up and opening drive TD ONCE as my HC.

  5. Panhandle Buc Says:

    Completely UNACCEPTABLE!!!! That’s down right embarrassing, geee I wonder what the record is for no opening TD’s consecutively?

    I am w/ Billy Bucco, that jet sweep was terribly executed an no pre snap motion set up from previous drives. I really question Canales ability to gameplan/call plays. All these weapons and that’s the product we get? We were def playing at mid season form!

  6. Daniel Z Says:

    The Panthers should have hope that they’ll get their first opening-drive TD this week, seeing as how the Saints did it for the first time last weekend.

  7. Mark hardt Says:

    If Mayfield can go start with a no huddle offense. Baker operates best in tbat.

  8. Lt. Dan Says:

    Dang Joe – I was trying to forget that stat. Feel like I just ate a turd sandwhich.

  9. RuKa Says:

    “ Execution. Execution. It’s a different guy every time,”
    Am I the only one fed-up of this “we need to do better” song every single week?

    We had 4 months of several training camps, pre-season, a bye-week and 16 games played and Todd and his staff still did not figured out how to make it happen instead of talking continuously about it?? Geeezzz…

  10. rashad brown Says:

    Saints didn’t score on their opening drive all season until Sunday.

  11. HC Grover Says:

    Hint…when there are 9 in the box do not run up the gut.

  12. Bojim Says:

    I thought Canales had finally got it. So Win the division and at least the first playoff game and coaches and probably Baker are back.

  13. Pewter power Says:

    So am offended with Godwin and Evans is that bad if they take away the running back check down really? So it’s that easy to shut the offense?

    We suck at running the ball so is Carolina going to double our best guys and take away the check down too? If they can’t overcome that it means we’ll take an L unless the defense decides to show up

  14. WyomingJoe Says:

    Joe: Congratulations, another non-story. Just throwing raw meat to a hungry pack of dogs to drum up business? Laughable. But from a business standpoint, a smart move.

  15. bucsfan951 Says:

    “Well, the good news is the miserable two-win Panthers, Sunday’s opponent, haven’t scored on an opening-drive touchdown this year, either.”

    and there is the jinx haha

  16. bucsfan951 Says:

    “Joe’s nearly ready to flush everything about that miserable Saints performance down the toilet.”

    Sadly, the season might be flushed down the toilet because of this horrible performance.

  17. Bosch Says:

    Joe says: Joe’s nearly ready to flush everything about that miserable Saints performance down the toilet.

    Be sure to include Bowels in that swirly.

  18. Popcorn Mike Says:

    I am a little concerned about a few of Bowles statements. At least 2 or 3 times this year Bowles has made statements about the team strategy but something different was shown on the field

  19. Larrd Says:

    Bowles doesn’t like to talk and says whatever he thinks will end the conversation, I think.

    “Different guy every time!”

  20. Proudbucsfan Says:

    Hey off topic Mike Evans is the only Bucs pro bowl player. Antione Winfield got snubbed what a joke

  21. unbelievable Says:

    Winfield prob got snubbed after his terrible game last week.

  22. Bosch Says:

    The contract negotiations with Winfield just got a little easier.

  23. Lakeland Steve Says:

    Winfield not getting the Pro Bowl. Can that be true? Can anyone name a safety that has had a more impactful season than him? Of course if he was playing in New York or LA or even Philly he would get selected easily. It seems like the Bucs never get the respect they deserve unless we are in contention for a Super Bowl l.

  24. Jason Anthony Sturgess Says:

    Am I wrong but is the offense set up to eat up time not score?

  25. de bucs fan Says:

    These fish WILL climbs the trees in front of them! It’s execution! And over hype making them flop around! Next week they will get there. Ugh. This Coach is an energy vampire. WWDITS

  26. garro Says:

    That is pathetic! You hear me? Coach Bowles?…Coach Canales?


    Go Bucs!

  27. Since76 Says:

    Everyone thinks it’s the game plan by Canales. I believe Mayfield just takes the wrong options. Also Mayfield doesn’t play well against good defenses. There isn’t any excuse for his up the gut over and over stubborness. But as far as the ball not going to the open man……..that’s all Mayfield.

  28. MikeC Says:

    Play your players to their strengths! Period! Quit forcing them into your scheme. White is a pass catching back, Godwin is a slot receiver, and Evans has decent deceptive speed and vertical ability. Quit sending White up the gut so much, leave Godwin in the slot more often and use Evans strengths. If Evans and Godwin are double teamed, like they were a bunch this last Sunday, I’m sure there is a RB or TE available to catch a pass. They can’t double team all the eligible receivers and rush the QB. C’mon Man!

  29. MikeC Says:

    Since76, I disagree. They didn’t send White between the tackles nearly as much against GB or JAX and Godwin was in the slot more often. Yes, NO has a good defense but Canales was trying to force his scheme of trying to get a run game going. TB does not have a good ground and pound RB that can do that through an entire game and they don’t have the OLine to let a RB like White make big runs up the middle. He’s a lot better on the edge of the line or the outside.