NextGen Stats Suggest There Was Something Wrong With Baker Mayfield

January 9th, 2024

Ugly stat.

NextGen Stats don’t lie.

The NFL-owned stat outfit pulls its numbers from chips in footballs and sensors embedded in players’ equipment. So their numbers are raw stats. Hard to argue against them. It’s not like some Irish dude in his Dublin dorm concocting wild calculations in the wee hours of the morning.

And per NextGen Stats tracking Baker Mayfield on Sunday, certainly something was wrong.

Yes, Joe knows Mayfield had sore ribs. And we know the Bucs admitted he was sort of hobbled. But per NextGen Stats, Mayfield was way, way off track and maybe shouldn’t have been on the field in such a critical game.

Next Gen stat of the game: Baker Mayfield did not complete a pass over 10 air yards in Week 18 (0 for 8) but did finish 20 of 23 for 137 yards under 10 air yards.

If an NFL quarterback can’t complete a pass that travels 10 yards, there has to be something wrong with the guy. Just learning this number, Mayfield was far worse than Joe thought he was on Sunday — and he was way off by the eyeball test.

That was one helluva gamble Bucs coach Todd Bowles and/or offensive coordinator Dave Canales made in having a handicapped quarterback try to win a do-or-die game.

Look, Joe thinks it is obvious that the Bucs coaching staff, or at least Bowles, doesn’t trust backup quarterback Kyle Trask.

That’s fine. That’s a coach’s prerogative. Coaches don’t warm to certain players for all kinds of reasons. That happens on every team, every season.

(Hell, Dennis Allen would rather play with a gimmick tight end stiff at quarterback than Jameis Winston.)

Was Trask really that much worse off than a quarterback who could only hand the ball off and throw glorified pitches?

Reading that Mayfield passing stat from NextGen Stats, it is a damn good thing the Bucs defense balled out.

113 Responses to “NextGen Stats Suggest There Was Something Wrong With Baker Mayfield”

  1. Leopold Stotch Says:

    Bowles is a fool. I mean seriously, 9 points? Of course hindsight is 20/20. We can only guess what could have happened, but I have a feeling if the competition was razor thin as it has been said to us all year… Kyle could have put up more points than 9

  2. Rod Munch Says:

    Baker was terrible on Sunday, and nearly cost the Bucs a spot in the playoffs.

    Problem is, he was even worse the previous Sunday vs the Saints, before they went to a prevent defense when they were up huge.

    We need the good Baker from the Packers and Jags game for MNF, if they get that, they’ll have a chance – a good chance, of getting a W.

    If the Bucs get the awful QB play from the last two weeks, they have no chance.

  3. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Leotard: Yes, I’m sure Trask would’ve lit up the scoreboard. 🙄

  4. Tb bolts Says:

    Trask spoke up about getting screwed out of the starting job and bowles is on power trip. Even when the starter is clearly hurt in all sorts of ways. Trask is being punished and humiliated while baker and bowels high five on the sideline… despite baker throwing ducks to no one against a two win team. Its a bold strategy cotton we’ll see how it works out against the iggles

  5. UKBuccaneer Says:

    Tb bolts Says:
    January 9th, 2024 at 4:47 am
    Trask spoke up about getting screwed out of the starting job and bowles is on power trip.


    And obviously you can back this up with some evidence?

  6. Tony marks Says:

    You dont need stats just like you said. The eyeball test screamed it. The guy was like the walking dead and it as obvious to any rational honest human being. Only fools try to ignore it or claim it was the same against the Saints. He passed for over 300 yeards and hit deep throws agaisnt the saints ( which unfortunatley in the case of palmer was fumbled away)

    “Look, Joe thinks it is pretty obvious that the Bucs coaching staff, or at least Bowles, doesn’t trust backup quarterback Kyle Trask.”

    NO NFl coach is going to take a risk to his job (beause lets face it – they lost that game he would have been pretty near to toast as HC) by playing a hurt Qb unless he has due cause. We’ll get the wingbat conspiracy theories of course but rationality indicates Bowles and maybe Canales have seen things they don’t like.

    Probably the same things 31 teams saw that made them pass on him in the draft TWICE

    The game plan was to win on defense and do barely enough on offene t nonot drag down the the plan. It was faaaar from pretty but the win says on some leve it worked

    Thing is you can’t have that game plan against the Eagles. SO if Baker isn’t a whole lot better than he was Sunday we should roll the dice and throw in Trask

  7. Tony marks Says:

    UKBuccaneer Says:

    And obviously you can back this up with some evidence?

    lol…..When has that crew ever needed evidence or even a brain to proess it?

  8. Tb bolts Says:

    And before anyone including joebakerfan say tHey CleArlY DoNt TrUst TrAsK, that obviously is not the case when the bucs had a 7 game L streak where they hardly averaged 18 points and half of those came from our FG kicker WHO IS HARDLY MENTIONED IF AT ALL ON HERE. So no… this isnt baker gives us the best chance to win.. coaches dont trust trask.. blah blah blah. All BS provided by the baker wagon. Trask voiced his opinion as a rookie to a veteran dinosaur HC.. and bowels said guess what.. now you sure as heII arent playing and my guy baker is going to have full choosing of when he comes out. Which is never because baker looks in the mirror and sees the second coming or brady.. even when he’s leading a 7 game slide. So to watch the last two games where you want to see clutch winning football and instead we get baker at his absolute worst.. its just sad at this point.

    By all means sign him long term to continue the trolling and click baiting. But bucs will never go far with these prideful idiots calling the shots.

  9. UKBuccaneer Says:

    In fairness to Trask (who I believe firmly is not the guy), he should just be cut and allowed to find a place somewhere else. He’s not getting his shot in Tampa.

  10. Tb bolts Says:

    UK clown, the evidence is in the bucs .500 record… 7 game losing streak.. time and time again this season where baker looked worse than most QBs in the league. Almost every team when floundering this year gave their back ups time. Trask didnt get a single series. There is more to that than saying they don’t trust him.. which has no evidence (wow look I can say it too) when Trask played great in camp and preseason. DEFINITELY better than what we saw out if baker MANY times this year including the last two games. It’s right there in front of everyones faces every sunday. Baker had two good games this year. Two. Otherwise our defense that won a SB 3 seasons ago carried.. and they’ll carry against philly too.

    You baker clowns can never admit when he sucked. Dude was carried by a kicker against the worst team in football in a win or go home game. And you all still hop on here acting arrogant. Its pretty mind blowing.

  11. UKBuccaneer Says:

    So we’ve got no evidence that Trask had a convo with Bowles and as a result Bowles has blackballed him as per your claim?

    Thanks for confirming.

  12. SirClicksAlot Says:

    Joes dead wrong. It would have been an epic gamble to start Trask. One bad handoff or missed protection call could have handed the game to the cats on a platter. Also, even with the injury, Trask is less mobile and our interior line got destroyed all game. I’d rather have a hobbled Baker out there than risk a turnover fest with a QB making his first start with weak protection in The MOST IMPORTANT GAME OF THE YEAR. Results show TB made the right call.

  13. Tb bolts Says:

    For the sake of mental health I’m no longer commenting on these click bait articles and trolling comments from people who have rode bakers chinatrap beard since he was a Sooner. The disrespect and trolling of Trask and people who want him to have his time to prove himself is pathetic. Dude lit up the SEC. Anyone who doesnt have college bias and gator hating syndrome wants to see what he’s got.

    All you sooner fans can watch as baker continues to be the mediocre journeyman he is. Btw browns and rams are both in the post season. And baker couldnt get a single tuddy or even break 150 yards against the 2 win team that released him. How sad. No one its a 24 hour effort from joebakerfans to troll Trask… its pure projection. See you all on the other side

  14. Tb bolts Says:

    No WONDER. Toodaloo baker jock washers

  15. tbc 1 Says:

    Wow we won the game-How many aliases does Trask have on this forum??? There is NO way there are this many rubes that think he is the answer-if Mayfield is hurt and he does look the part let Wolford come in has experience and looked great in pre season there is a reason we kept him.

  16. Leopold Stotch Says:

    Come on, Joe in Michigan… No need for name calling. Just think for a second. Baker was bad against NO, then he got hurt. Plays like crap against Carolina then hurts his ankle. Continues to play terribly. At what point is enough, enough? He is like the black knight in the Monty python movie. He won’t come out unless he’s knocked out. I mean Joe wrote an article how he played in Cleveland and that probably wasn’t a good idea. His grit can be detrimental to the team.

    Pretend we don’t have Kyle Trask, we have Chase Daniel or some other journeyman backup qb. When do we say, “Hey Baker, thank you for playing today, but it ain’t happening today. We need to save you for the playoffs.” it’s obvious he was bringing the play down. Eyes and stats support it. Plus defense was balling.

    Also this is the same type of cowardly coaching style that ended up getting Wirfs and Winfield Jr. Injured in the Cleveland game last year… Playing not to lose, instead of to win.

  17. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Tb bolts Says:
    January 9th, 2024 at 5:13 am
    UK clown, the evidence is in the bucs .500 record… 7 game losing streak..

    1) Bucs finished 9-8, not .500
    2) It was 6 games out of 7 lost

    Did you not know these facts, or are you just making stuff up?

  18. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Tb bolts = Trask’s Mom…If this isn’t Trask’s mother or his agent, this “Tb bolts” person should seek help.

  19. Tony marks Says:

    Tb bolts Says:
    And you all still hop on here acting arrogant. Its pretty mind blowing.


    Its prett mind blowing you missed the most obvious. WE WON THE GAME

    HOW THE SOUTH WAS WON by Tony Trask

    It was a windy day in south carolina
    the coaches saw QB1 – dead he looked more than kinda

    Bowles looked at Canales and Canales looked right back
    and together they said kyle?
    Hell to the nuh- huh,no, we aint doing that.

    Rod, David, Bonzai who? We don’t give a lick
    we’ve seen the boy in practice we don’t want no picks.

    The trainers said Bake didn’t look too good
    no ribs . one eye, ankle like broken wood

    Still Coaches and players to a man
    decided they would prefer baker even with a broken throwing hand

    BUt just then they heard Qb2s voice through the radio did cackle.
    the kid was going in! – Bowles screamed – “Lavonte make that tackle!”

    Poor kylie struggled mightily for his life
    But he was felled on the sideline by a beer bottle
    – in the hand of godwin’s wife.

    “You aint stopping my man for getting his thousand yards”
    “It he makes it I get TWO new cars.”

    and so three scores Our kicker bent
    But it was still faaaaar better than Kylie’s 30 percent.

    Back in tampa David crushed the remote in his hand
    and screamed Bakers name like in the movie Wrath of Khan

    IN the booth above the field Licht the call did take
    “okay okay ” he murmered “for trask? how about some fries
    and a day old shake?”.

    and so the Bucs in 2024 made their playoff push
    we close this ode with the sound of deep sobbing from Rod Mush.

  20. darengibo Says:

    TB Bolt – Johnny Football Manziel lit up college football too…it doesn’t always translate to NFL.

    And believe me, as lifelong A&M Aggie fan I wanted him to succeed!

  21. Tony marks Says:

    Eh NOrth Carolina. NO edit. but ya get the gist.

  22. Leopold Stotch Says:

    If my comment ever gets out of moderation… I forgot to mention I never said anything about lighting up the scoreboard, but that Trask would be more efficient than an injured Baker.

  23. Tb bolts Says:

    Brandon voters don’t like being faced with facts as seen above. If we have zero shot of winning a SB with bakner midfield at QB then wtf are we doing. But no.. our guys in.. therefore regardless of the teams outcome we win in principle. Because in our world we know best. Bakey can’t muster a TD against the panthers and we will still show up in force on the forum showing our ass. Tis the life cycle of the liberal.

    And no. .500. 3/3 Chase M and the defense went 9-8. 134 yard no touchdown baker went 8-8

  24. heyjude Says:

    We won and are in the play-offs. The Bucs were not part of the conversation early on and some sportscasters didn’t think we would have gone this far. We did, and with Baker. Yes, it wasn’t pretty and most games were nail-biters till the end. But look across the league. There are other players that haven’t come through after the hype. Not just Baker.

  25. Tony marks Says:

    Tb bolts Says:
    And no. .500. 3/3 Chase M and the defense went 9-8. 134 yard no touchdown baker went 8-8


    too dumb. Baker was the Qb so he gets the win. No one reading this thinks for a moment that if the game was lost you wouldn’t have tagged the loss on him then.

    Traskies have two unchanging qualities – silliness and intellectually dishonesty.

  26. Defense Rules Says:

    SirClicksAlot … ‘Even with the injury, Trask is less mobile and our interior line got destroyed all game.’

    Bucs ran 61 plays total & Baker got sacked 3 times. Not only was that by a very good DLine, but at least 2 of those were his own fault for holding the ball far too long. Bucs ran the ball 29 times on the day with the following results:

    o White: 19 rushes – 75 yards … 3.9 YPC
    o Edmonds: 4 rushes – 27 yards … 6.8 YPC
    o Godwin: 1 rush – 4 yards … 4.0 YPC
    o Mayfield: 2 rushes – 9 yards … 4.5 YPC plus 3 kneeldown

    Seems to me that the OLine was doing a decent job against a very good Panthers’ DLine, in both run blocking AND pass protection. The OLine wasn’t the problem. Neither were the RBs. You can point the finger for that straight at Baker Mayfield.

    Bucs were only 6-for-16 on 3rd down attempts. Wanna guess how many of those 6 successful conversions came as a result of Baker’s passing? ONE (the other 5 came off of runs). That’s the exact opposite from what anyone would expect from a team that’s relied on the pass all year for 3rd down conversions.

    So please, none of this ‘our interior line got destroyed all game.’

  27. Joe in Michigan Says:

    I wonder if the Traskies are the same goofballs that formed the “Glennon Mob” some years ago…Although Glennon completed more than 30% of his passes (unlike Trask), he was far from good.

  28. Usedtocould Says:

    Listen, Baker put up nine points and won the chip. What do you people want, something fun to watch? Get out of here.

  29. Jack Clark Says:

    Leopold Stotch Says:
    January 9th, 2024 at 3:49 am
    Bowles is a fool. I mean seriously, 9 points?

    Bowles is a genius. I mean seriously, zero points allowed? You anti-Bowles haters are hypocrites. Bowles does not run the offense. Yet you give Bowles all the blame when the offense does bad because Dave Canales sorry as calls bad plays and Baker mayfield can’t connect with open receivers but give Baker and Canales all the credit when the offense scores more than 20 points.

  30. TheBucsAnthem Says:


    Trask must be REALLY BAD if the HC doesn’t even trust him to play for an injured player!!!!!!

    Remember that report years ago????? They said it tasks Trask TIME to absorb everything……………..that’s pretty much a polite way of saying…… “Trask is kinda slow at learning in the NFL”……………………… LOL………

    This a 100% failure on the coaching staff. EVERY NFL team needs to have their #2 QB ready to play immediately in case of injuries and obviously, Trask is not ready after all these years……..what a wasted draft pick!!!!

  31. NE Fan Says:

    Ya he had crap in his pants. So what, every QB is hurt this time of the season. Strap one on Baker.

  32. NE Fan Says:

    How do you think you beat the Jags?

  33. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    “Usedtocould Says:
    January 9th, 2024 at 6:50 am
    Listen, Baker put up nine points and won the chip. What do you people want, something fun to watch? Get out of here.”

    Baker didn’t put 9 points, the kicker did!

    What game were you watching? or Did you even watch the game at all?

  34. Bucs since 76 Says:

    When the Bucs won the Superbowl with Brady they moved on pass the Saints because we loaded the box to stop Brees short passing attack because he couldn’t throw deep due to arm strength. Baker not like C J Stroud from Houston who can throw the ball 50 yards off his back foot . Baker has to get his whole body into the throw and being hurt he couldn’t do it. Sure we beat the Panthers with defense and a kicker. If we use the same system against the Eagles it’s going to be a long day.

  35. Mark hardt Says:

    Bowles dodged a bullet. The injury will be two weeks one day old by monday. Google is all over the place but 3-6 weeks is consensus. You know the saints did this on.purpose. BTW that long Evans pass looked catchable. Palmer dropped a TD.

  36. Beeej Says:

    Bowles had more to lose than anyone, and STILL chose a diminished Baker to start

  37. Tony marks Says:

    TheBucsAnthem Says:

    Baker didn’t put 9 points, the kicker did!

    What game were you watching? or Did you even watch the game at all?


    Kickers don’t move the chains or get first downs in order to get close enough to kick field goals. What Foorball you been watching? Nerf league?

  38. Usfbuc Says:

    TLDR – coaches are bad and we need to build on the roster we have. Baker isn’t bad and we don’t know what Trask is.

    We just need to come to the consensus that our team won in spite of bad coaching decisions this season. We won the game which is great and won the South. We have some areas to improve for sure but we have a lot of promising players on the team.

    Baker played beyond what anyone gave him credit for this season but we can still say that he should have been pulled in the last game. He was obviously injured. I am not going to get on board the conspiracy train but we know that Trask’s arm was clearly stronger than Baker’s in this last game. You could see Baker was in pain during the game and that his passes lacked the zip they normally have.

    For the Baker haters – all players have good and bad games. Even Brady on our way to a Super Bowl was carried at times by our defense. Every player puts up “garbage time” stats.

    For the Trask haters – just stop, you don’t know anything. Using your own logic the coaches trust Trask over Wolford based on the fact that Trask is number 2.

  39. Bosch Says:

    As always, very divergent opinions. But I think most agree that Mayfield was physically unable to play well. So we have one camp that says not only should Trask have played, but he should have been the starter all along but our inept coaching staff is incapable of seeing that. Then we have another camp that says Trask is so bad he can’t even be trusted to execute a hand off properly. So the coaching staff made the right decision. Our coaches (you can insert Bowles, Canales or both here) are not the problem.

    WRONG. Because if this is what you believe then this Bowels led coaching staff put the team in the position oh having no viable solution if Mayfield gets injured. And guess what folks? Mayfield is injured.

    So believe what you want but it all leads to the same conclusion. Bowles is unfit as a coach.

  40. Bosch Says:

    USF Buc. You are indeed a voice of reason. Well said.

  41. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Leopold Stotch Says
    “Bowles is a fool. I mean seriously, 9 points? Of course hindsight is 20/20. We can only guess what could have happened, but I have a feeling if the competition was razor thin as it has been said to us all year… Kyle could have put up more points than 9”

    Ironically, Mayfield put up zero points.

    So if Kyle scored at all, he would have been better.

    Bowles should have force Mayfield to sit, just to preserve him for the playoffs. He’s on hit away from being taken out.

    Trask has a strong chance of playing in the playoffs as a result…because Mayfield is more likely to be taken out.

    How embarrassing would it be for this staff if Trask took us to the Superbowl as a result

  42. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    I would also point out…Baker also did not put up many yards, so he had less to do with moving the chains than claimed.

  43. Tony marks Says:

    Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    How embarrassing would it be for this staff if Trask took us to the Superbowl as a result


    sigh………Stephen King couldn’t make up some of the delusions Kyle Cultist swirl around their brains.

  44. Tony marks Says:

    Buccaneer Bonzai Says:
    January 9th, 2024 at 8:08 am
    I would also point out…Baker also did not put up many yards, so he had less to do with moving the chains than claimed.

    and where wa sthis quantity claimed? the same place you are entertianing trask winning the super bowl this year?

    BTW Spotted you in the game thread on SUnday claiming you were rooting for the panhers. Don’t try to worm your way back in here like you are a real Bucs fan now..

  45. D Cone Says:

    Bucs have a Scheme of take what the defense gives you and a QB that has done well in that offense. It’s a B2tch when the Defense makes you work for a living.

    Take away the quick routes and screens, the pressure heats up, and you got a below average guy that everybody loves. Pen a big deal and see how often they hobble out and take snaps.

  46. Razor Ramone Says:

    Bolts guy, you said you would stop commenting then you had more comments. A little consistency brother.

  47. Tony marks Says:

    Usfbuc Says:
    He was obviously injured. I am not going to get on board the conspiracy train but we know that Trask’s arm was clearly stronger than Baker’s in this last game.

    I think that points to why Baker was in UB

    I get the sense that Bowls has little confidence in trasks ability to run the offense even if its NOT a pass play.

    You are right. theres no doubt trask has the stronger arm with Baker injured. Thats why you have to look ot other things for why Bowles wouldn’t go to him.

    Everybody alwasy looks to the throws but maybe Trask is a mess with running the offense and making even small adjustments.

  48. bulldog Says:

    When you’re a sub-.500 career quarterback after 7 seasons something is wrong not only with you but with those who hype you.

  49. bulldog Says:

    JOE: “Was Trask WHO OUTPLAYED MAYFIELD IN TRAINING CAMP really that much worse off than a quarterback who could only hand the ball off and throw glorified pitches?”

    There, fixed it for you.

    Once again, all facts point to Bowles promising the starting job to his man-crush from the 2018 draft.

  50. PbnJ Says:

    Baker did not complete even ONE ball over 10 air yards because Mike Evans dropped yet another huge opportunity.

    It will be difficult to replace Evans height, ability to gain separation, and red zone threat. It will not be difficult to replace his hands.

  51. JD Still Says:

    I have also noticed the same Mayfield sycophants are continuously on here to defend Mayfield and gaslight anyone that makes any comment on Mayfield’s shortcomings but never really discuss anything else concerning the Bucs , almost as if that was what they were being paid to do, it happens all the time with political figures ,it would be a sad day if it has in fact spread into sports.

  52. bulldog Says:

    Tb bolts Says: “Anyone who doesn’t have college bias and gator hating syndrome wants to see what he’s got.”

    At least one of the Joes has some sort of affiliation – alumni, dropout, or just fan – with FSU and that explains >50% of the commenters.

  53. Bucfan1988 Says:

    Good morning a Bucs fans!!

    I see the Mayfield/Trask wars are still continuing……

    To all the Mayfield fans, if Trask is soooooo bad, then why does our stubborn HC have him as the #2 QB ahead of Wolford? Ahead of the guy that has experience in this system..

    There are plenty of other backup QB’s that could have been traded for or picked up during the season, but Bucs haven’t done that. Whyyyyyyy I wonder???

    Perhaps the answer is Trask is a decent QB but Bowles is on a power trip…

    I did read somewhere that Trask spoke up.

    He was promised a “fair” QB competition in the offseason, it then you find out Bowles brings in Mayfield and promised him the starting QB job…
    Hmmmm, something smells fishy…
    Trask outperformed Mayfield in TC, and still hasn’t been given any opportunity to play and get some experience.

    Dont blame him for speaking up if this is what he was told…

  54. SB~LV Says:

    Lol .. don’t need AI Next Gen
    2 eyes tells the tale

  55. bulldog Says:

    We gotta give Baker kudos for making those 3 field goals … oh … wait.

  56. bulldog Says:

    Bucfan1988 Says: “I did read somewhere that Trask spoke up.”

    Watch the video of Trask’s press conference after he “outplayed Mayfield in training camp” (Joe’s words), then had a great game against the Jets in preseason that had Aaron Rodgers in the booth stunned at Trask’s deep throw from the end zone, and Bowles still went ahead and anointed Mayfield the starter anyway. Kyle was pissed off.

  57. Tony marks Says:

    JD Still Says:
    as if that was what they were being paid to do, it happens all the time with political figures ,it would be a sad day if it has in fact spread into sports.

    IF thtas the case then Trasks must be broke from paying you guys

    There is nto a single regular poster who has not commented on other topics besides Baker

    Thats just the lie you trot out when your points are debunked.

    Meawnhile you have to er some form of extreme dumb to think Playes or coaches give a royal rip about blog comments to pay anyone. Totally stupid proposition.

  58. Alanbucsfan Says:

    Bucs won 5 of last 6 and they’re in the playoffs- exceeding everyone’s expectations- and the QB was Baker Mayfield- not a pro bowler, not Brady.
    They probably won’t win a SB, but have a great chance to get to Divisional and maybe even NFC Championship – a tough and gritty team the Bucs are and getting younger – a good draft and some key FA acquisitions and Bucs could be contenders next year – Bowles and Canales, like their style or not, have succeeded everyone’s expectations this year and there’s no way they will be fired this year so get over it.

  59. bulldog Says:

    If I were Trask I would have my agent looking into being released or traded. The Bucs and their media apparatus – which includes the Joes and Ira – are institutionally dysfunctional when it comes to quarterbacks. Just go back and read the archived JBF articles swooning over historic draft mega-busts like Johnny Manzell, Jameis Wnston, and, yes, Baker Mayfeld. They’re hilarious.

  60. Tony marks Says:

    Bucfan1988 Says:

    To all the Mayfield fans, if Trask is soooooo bad, then why does our stubborn HC have him as the #2 QB ahead of Wolford? Ahead of the guy that has experience in this system..


    Realllly??? YOu argument is that kyle is good because he beat out a Qb with a five to one inteception to TD rate?



  61. JD Still Says:

    Tony , thanks for proving my point , I figured you would be one of the first of the , probably paid ,Mayfield sycophants to take the bait.

  62. Bucfan1988 Says:

    Bucfan1988 Says:

    To all the Mayfield fans, if Trask is soooooo bad, then why does our stubborn HC have him as the #2 QB ahead of Wolford? Ahead of the guy that has experience in this system..


    Realllly??? YOu argument is that kyle is good because he beat out a Qb with a five to one inteception to TD rate?




    No, ya goober!!! My point is if Trask is sooooo bad like you say, why haven’t the Bucs replaced him with another backup QB from another team???
    Sure as hell could have done that ANYTIME this season….

    Tony, OBVIOUSLY, Trask isn’t as bad as you hope he is…

  63. Tony marks Says:

    JD Still Says:
    January 9th, 2024 at 9:09 am
    Tony , thanks for proving my point , I figured you would be one of the first of the , probably paid ,Mayfield sycophants to take the bait.


    YOu proved squat kid. You wrote your claim after my post so it was obvious you were targeting me but were not man enough to call me by name. I’ve seen yru gutlessness all season long so it wans’t hard to see.

    Meanwhile I am riight now in a thread about Canales being interviewd by the panthers

    Multiple post on the problens with Bucs secondary

    agreeinf winfield got robbed in thep ro bowel selections
    and have talked alls season long about the run game

    Noen of which has anythingto do with Baker Mayfield

    What you ….lololol… have proven again is what a liar you are for the cause of trask

  64. bulldog Says:

    Anyone else notice how “Tony Marks” showed up here only after Mayfield became a Buc? That’s right. A Google search of this website for “Tony Marks” before Mayfield’s signing on March 17, 2023 produced ZERO results. LMAO.

  65. Tony marks Says:

    Bucfan1988 Says:

    No, ya goober!!! My point is if Trask is sooooo bad like you say,

    Th good news when you lie though your teeth is theres no facility to change your posts. this is you YES asking why Kyle out ranks WOlford.

    “To all the Mayfield fans, if Trask is soooooo bad, then why does our stubborn HC have him as the #2 QB ahead of Wolford? Ahead of the guy that has experience in this system..”

    see real goober that ws part of your argument. It s not my fault you now realize how stupid it was when I exposed it as stupid..

    as to getting another back up? what the world for? pay mor money trade another asset?

    Besides which its all a strawman – no one has ever said Trask coudn’t be a serviceable backup one day. Bowle apparently doesnt think he was one now though.

  66. Tony marks Says:

    bulldog Says:
    January 9th, 2024 at 9:28 am
    Anyone else notice how “Tony Marks” showed up here only after Mayfield became a Buc? That’s right. A Google search of this website for “Tony Marks” before Mayfield’s signing on March 17, 2023 produced ZERO results. LMAO.


    That because I wasn’t here silly . Didn t even know about the blog. ASk Joe if he doesnt have buc fans finding the site.every season If you think all bucs fans over the last twenty years hae been on this blog then – I gues it is possible

    you are even more a dufus than I thpught.

  67. Joe in Michigan Says:

    bulldog Says:
    January 9th, 2024 at 9:03 am
    If I were Trask I would have my agent looking into being released or traded. The Bucs and their media apparatus – which includes the Joes and Ira – are institutionally dysfunctional when it comes to quarterbacks. Just go back and read the archived JBF articles swooning over historic draft mega-busts like Johnny Manzell, Jameis Wnston, and, yes, Baker Mayfeld. They’re hilarious.

    Yes, I’m sure there’s a HUGE market for Trask…For some team looking for the next Mike Glennon.

    Who is “institutionally dysfunctional”? Maybe the guy hyping up a QB who has played in 3 games in 3 years, 1 of those games was a kneel down.

  68. Bucsfanman Says:

    This “argument” can be boiled down to one simple statement:

    Baker Mayfield gives the Bucs a better chance of winning.

    Period! End of story.

    It’s not “Trask is bad” or “Baker is good”. No one player is bigger than the team. Whether you like it or not, Baker is the better option.

  69. JD Still Says:

    Tony, You know what they say , a stuck pig always squeals the loudest, and you sure squeal like a pig.

  70. Craig Says:

    At the moment the team IS behind Baker, for all his faults.

    Unless he has a broken ankle or cracked ribs, he should start the playoff game. Regretfully that sounds a lot like a participation trophy to me, and I hate participation trophies.

    Enjoy this ride as much as you can, because next Monday’s game can go either way, a blowout from either side. Baker might throw another perfect game, or the Eagles might remember what they are.

    The problem is that Baker is, if anything, inconsistent, so you never know what you will get until it is over.

  71. Canabuc Says:

    Truthfully I believe we should have started Kyle Trask last week. Clearly baker was playing with hurt ribs and could not get velocity on the ball which led to multiple passes that were nearly intercepted or should have been.
    He then further injured his ankle making him even less effective.

    Given the fact we are playing the last place team I think it would have been a perfect opportunity to start Kyle Trask with Baker on the bench but knowing that if needed to he would come in if we did not take any kind of lead.

    This would have given us the opportunity to both see Kyle Trask in crucial game situation and see what we have in him but it also would have allowed Baker to get the rest he needed so that he would have an extra week to recover from his rib injuries for the playoffs.

  72. Canabuc Says:

    A healthy baker maybe gives them a better chance of winning. The baker may feel that we saw against Carolina will guarantee a loss. There is no way with an ankle injury and rib injuries that he will able to move around and avoid sacks against a very good defensive line. He will also have difficulty getting any velocity or air under the ball. It was clearly evident when he threw a bunch of under thrown balls including one that should have been a touchdown to Mike Evans. He also threw multiple balls that should have been intercepted but he was lucky.

  73. Bucfan1988 Says:

    Bucsfanman Says:
    January 9th, 2024 at 10:17 am
    This “argument” can be boiled down to one simple statement:

    Baker Mayfield gives the Bucs a better chance of winning.

    Period! End of story.

    It’s not “Trask is bad” or “Baker is good”. No one player is bigger than the team. Whether you like it or not, Baker is the better option.


    See that’s the problem, you DON’T know if Mayfield gives the Bucs a better chance to win. Bowles doesn’t actually know. He’s too chicken to make a change to a guy with no experience that outplayed his “groomed” starting QB in training camp.

    Don’t tell me Trask couldn’t have handled things in Carolina this past weekend giving Baker some time to heal. Now Mayfield has an ankle injury on top of the ribs…

    So we will agree to disagree on who the “right” QB that should be playing is.

  74. Bucfan1988 Says:

    Tony marks Says:
    January 9th, 2024 at 9:31 am
    Bucfan1988 Says:

    No, ya goober!!! My point is if Trask is sooooo bad like you say,

    Th good news when you lie though your teeth is theres no facility to change your posts. this is you YES asking why Kyle out ranks WOlford.

    “To all the Mayfield fans, if Trask is soooooo bad, then why does our stubborn HC have him as the #2 QB ahead of Wolford? Ahead of the guy that has experience in this system..”

    see real goober that ws part of your argument. It s not my fault you now realize how stupid it was when I exposed it as stupid..

    as to getting another back up? what the world for? pay mor money trade another asset?

    Besides which its all a strawman – no one has ever said Trask coudn’t be a serviceable backup one day. Bowle apparently doesnt think he was one now though.

    Tony, what the heck are you talking about me lying through my teeth???
    Trask outranked Wolford cuz he’s a better QB. Other folks posting on some of these articles asking Wolford to replace Mayfield, and I’m like what the heck are they thinking???

    As for getting a #2 QB from another team, don’t think that would require a major shift in draft capital….Hell, we could have unloaded DW45 for one if the Bucs really didn’t think Trask could handle it.

    Bottom line, although we haven’t had the chance to see it yet, Trask can obviously handle the offense.

    My question is why the heck hasn’t Bowles put him in some of these games for clean-up and experience when he could have.

    If Baker can’t go this coming Monday, now he’s FORCED to play Trask in a tough scenario…..not a smart move to have handled the QB situation like he has done.

  75. SirClicksAlot Says:

    @Defense Rules, did you watch the game??? Cody Mauch was literally on his back, star gazing. Hainsey was manhandled like one of Bobby Brown’s girlfriends. It was a tragedy. The only reason there weren’t more sacks is because of Mayfields movement in the pocket. There was no running room at all until the 4th quarter when the defense had finally been worn down. Trask might yet be good in this league, but he would have looked like the ginger giraffe against this dline.

  76. Tony marks Says:

    JD Still Says:
    January 9th, 2024 at 10:28 am
    a stuck pig always squeals the loudest, and you sure squeal like a pig.


    Glad you finally realized all your squealing all season about trask was a refllection of who you are as person. Kudos!!

    Now enjoy watching kyle play solitaire on the sideline on Mondy night.

    Do’;t pray for him to go in cause we all kow he will throw a pick

  77. orlbucfan Says:

    Speaking of Mike Glennon bashing, remember when he and the ‘lowly’ Bucs beat the Seahawks in Seattle back when Seattle was king of the NFL? I’m reading this back and forth Trask vs. BM as an amused Bucs fan. I will say that if Bowles had pulled BM (not a pejorative, BTW) when he was obviously hurt, BM would have thrown a fit on the sideline, in pain or not. Bowles is making sure Trask will be ready Monday nite. Now, Canales’ brain? That is the question.

  78. JD Still Says:

    Tony : Keep squealing, it lets everyone know where you are, if they didn’t already.

  79. BakerFan Says:

    All these SO-CALLED SELF PROCLAIMED Bucs fans are not fans at all. I will tell you straight up I only started following the Bucs because of Baker and I am a bigger Fan for the Bucs than these Turds who spout off all this BS on how they are the true Fans and wish the Bucs lose because of the the Head Coach or because of the QB.

    I follow Dallas Cowboys a lot and the coaching carousel and qb carousel brings you NOTHING for 25 years. So keep rooting for some pie in sky miracle worker and stew in the cellar for the next 25 years. But no worry you got your fantasy GM’s and Coaches on here that know all the answers. You know who you are, the ones who claim they are super fans and try to tell others that they are not true Buc Fans and wish the current staff and players nothing but failure. Yeah some real fans just because they get on a blog comment section and whine and bash. SMH

  80. Tony marks Says:

    JD Still Says:
    January 9th, 2024 at 11:09 am
    Tony : Keep squealing, it lets everyone know where you are, if they didn’t already.


    LOL Whats that LOUD squealing I keep hearing from you direction TD ?.

    I’ve watched my QB play ALLLLLL season and win a division and put up 4,000 yeards.

    Everyone knows its the Trask CUlt thats salty because their furious little posts has done nothing to get their beloved off the pine

    WHerefore art though Kylie?


  81. Weebs10 Says:

    The Mayfield/Trask squabbling is exhausting. Can the whole fanbase get behind Baker and this team now that it’s the playoffs? Can we all just go all in on supporting them and cheering for them to succeed for one week? Start the bitching if we get knocked out. For now let’s root our team on!

  82. Let em bake Says:

    Bravo, Tony👍 great poem . Love the shatner “ khan!!” Face picture image. That face says it all in terms of the emotion baker creates. When he signs soon, the borg colllective here will implode.

  83. VoiceOfReason Says:

    The Traskholes need to go back under the black hole that yall came from….
    Mayfield is the only other bucs QB in HISTORY with Brady that has…
    Thrown for 4,000 YARDS
    Thrown for 28 TD
    Thrown less than 10 INT

    Traskholes are so delusional it isnt even funny….

  84. Marky Mark Says:

    This is all really counter productive. Bowles wanted to draft Baker in 2018 but the Browns got their first. He finally got Baker and he ain’t letting him go. A win is a win. If the Rays win 1-0 people say the Rays pitcher was awesome. Just say the Kicker and D were awesome and move on. LIfe ain’t fair Kyle. Many QB’s took strange long routes to a starting slot. Look at the Seahawks QB. He sat for a bunch of years or something. Aaron Rodgers sat for a long time. The Rams 99 guy was in Arena and NFL Europe. Kyle needs to just be creative. I would play in the Spring league and put up huge numbers. Somebody will pick him up.

  85. BakerFan Says:

    Here is a question for all you Traskies that think you have a handle on the team, coaches and locker room. Why has no one within the locker room say, “Man Trask would give us a better chance to win.” I have not seen one quote from a player, even an anonymous one, especially one by a receiver. Where are they and Who are they? Crickets or are you stuttering to give an answer.

    This locker room is firmly behind Baker and the HC knows a few things about a locker room psyche. Most of you keyboard bums don’t.

  86. Bucco Bruce14 Says:

    Why does Baker insist on staying in the pocket when there is a blitz, or no one is open. He has to speed to run rather than having the line collapse in front of him. Run the freaking ball! pick up yardage. I don’t know how many times I have yelled at the TV to run when he has open grass Infront of him.

  87. EternalSon Says:

    Gritty performance by Baker.

    Hoping he gets to feeling like himself again. Keep him clean oline.

    Bucs 27
    Eagles 13

    GO BUCS!!!

  88. Marky Mark Says:

    Bucco Bruce.. Defenses are set up to keep him in the pocket precisely because he is so good running and throwing on the run.

  89. bulldog Says:

    Tony Bakie Says: “That because I wasn’t here silly. Didn’t even know about the blog.”

    Riiiiight. You’re a long time Bucs fan but didn’t know about JBF – which shows up on every google search of the Bucs – until AFTER Mayfield signed, and now you spend 24/7 on this site pining for Bakie. I buy it. /s

  90. Shane Callahan Says:

    Baker’s current and former coaches and teammates know him way better than we do. When they think an injured Mayfield gives them a better chance of winning than the back-up, that says a lot about Mayfield. Heck, the Browns let him play 16 weeks with a torn shoulder. (Then the idiot owner repaid Baker’s fortitude by going after Watson.) Anyways, there’s nothing about this particular facet that should reflect negatively on Bake. I hope he can heal up in time for Monday night. Go Bucs!

  91. RGA Says:

    What’s wrong with Baker Mayfield is that he’s just not very good. Terribly inconsistent.

  92. Tony marks Says:

    bulldog Says:

    Riiiiight. You’re a long time Bucs fan but didn’t know about JBF – which shows up on every google search of the Bucs


    LOL… NO it does not come up high on search results everywhere you nitwit. Google searches are different according ot location. Maybe in in central florida

    Take a bow for showing AGAIN how Traskies are dumb as dirt.

  93. Tony marks Says:

    BakerFan Says:
    January 9th, 2024 at 11:21 am
    I am a bigger Fan for the Bucs than these Turds who spout off all this BS on how they are the true Fans

    🙂 Some fan group can make somethng out of being real fans but not these frauds. They been rooting agains the bucs for all season just to suit their man crush on KYle Trask. If you are here for Baker you are fine .

    SHould get some more ex brown fans as long as they are Bucs fans and get them over here. Improve the low quality. Most of these don’t even know foottball..

  94. tbc 1 Says:

    Tony so sorry your stuck in your parents basement not much to do except troll this website.

  95. DBS Says:

    bulldog. What happened? You didn’t like it in Seattle or any other of the towns or cities you were using. Or how many names has it been now?

  96. DBS Says:

    bulldog you can’t make it 2 days without calling someone an FSU dropout under your new name.

  97. kaimaru Says:

    @Tb bolts

    This is the second time you created this narrative. Are you personal friends with Trask? If not, and considering your history here, that is clearly libel and I am surprised Joe let that on his site as he can get sued too

  98. BakerBucs Says:

    Tdbolts plz bolt to another site this 1 is full

  99. BakerBucs Says:

    U guys say the same stupid stuff baker is not very good good enough to run this (ship) get it ship buccaneers? but let us not forget his stats r in the 1top 10 QB stats 2023 has a winning record in Tampa got player of the week,1st QB ever (ever) to get a (perfect) passer rating in Lambeau field but he sucks r u just plain stupid or just really stupid wasn’t trask 3rd on QB list last year behind b.gabbert? so my take on that is BA did not trust trask either so u complain cut down do whatever u moronic haters do & I will b happy to take the top 10 tier QB we already have on the payroll & watch u losers say stupid stuff day in & day out

  100. unbelievable Says:

    Um, of course something was wrong with him?

    I don’t need data to tell me that. He could barely move, was limping around after every play, and couldn’t throw an accurate pass beyond the sticks.

    OF COURSE something was wrong with him – he’s injured.

  101. Proudbucsfan Says:

    Bulldog- I’ve been coming to this site for years using the same name I’ve figured after this time that it is either the Joe’s or people working for the Joes to cause division so we keep commenting and the threads get loaded with comments

  102. Captain Vic Says:

    Defense was great in the Carolina game!! Our interior o-line WAS getting destroyed the entire game, especially in pass protection, literally getting pushed back into Mayfield’s Grill. The “pocket,” we’re talking about a “pocket”?! There was no pocket, there was no where to step up, there was no room to even follow through without bonking his hand on one of his own lineman getting blown up into his face. Tristan Wirfs was the exception, and his post-game speech was epic, and correct! Go Bucs!!

  103. Jonzee Says:

    This site is one of the biggest Baker hating groups on yhe web….

  104. Randal Parmer Says:

    A whole lot of cry baby nonsense when BAKER ended up in the top 10 of NFL QB’s. I saw an article last week that was pretty glaring that BAKER’S stats vs BRADY’S STATS were awfully close with about half better than Brady’s. So stop your bashing of a QB that us top 10 in NFL and gives you a chance with a team that has NO RUNNING GAME and a top what 15 DEFENSE. STOP BEING BAWL BABIES!

  105. sasquatch Says:

    It’s hard to sling the ball very far when your ribs are severely bruised. Hopefully he’s healed enough to get the ball downfield to Evans this week.

  106. Dom Says:

    “Joes dead wrong. It would have been an epic gamble to start Trask. One bad handoff or missed protection call could have handed the game to the cats on a platter. Also, even with the injury, Trask is less mobile and our interior line got destroyed all game. I’d rather have a hobbled Baker out there than risk a turnover fest with a QB making his first start with weak protection in The MOST IMPORTANT GAME OF THE YEAR. Results show TB made the right call.”

    Lmao I never seen a fanbase hate a player that hasn’t even played yet this much. It’s really insane. Some dont even trust him to hand the ball off. I’m not even a Trask guy. I’m in the we should sign Kirk Cousins and/or draft a guy. But the arrogance and audacity of Baker supporters, like he actually did something last game, is ridiculous. Any QB in the NFL probably could have won the game. We gave up zero points guys. Baker got an A on the class project while not doing anything. If he plays like this again, which I think is a strong possibility due to his season long inconsistencies and bum ankle, it’s going to be an embarrassing home loss to a reeling Eagles team.

  107. Dom Says:

    And not to mention Baker had like 3 dropped picks. It would of been a turnover fest if the Panthers capitalized. He just got lucky they dropped them

  108. DBS Says:

    What may have happened did not. Panthers players got sloppy and did cost their team The game. We won. Games over. Their season is over. Ours is not.

  109. JustVisiting Says:

    Seems to me that Baker has done a very good job minimizing turnovers all season. Sure, there have been some close calls, but that’s just football. Bowles seems like a conservative coach who hates turnovers. I don’t think you need any conspiracy theories to do explain why he’s sticking with Baker.

  110. Dom Says:


    That’s not the point of my argument. The point was any QB could of won that game. The defense gave up 0 points. To sit here and ask like Trask would of cost them the game is absurd. AW Jr played like the all pro he is and saved the team 10 points. You’re a fan of the team? Well give the credit to the players that deserve it. The Panthers had the 3rd worst scoring defense and the offense scored 9 points the whole game. The offense was pathetic. In a close out game, season on the line, the QB that people want to burn 30+ million on didn’t show up. Tw weeks in a row he didn’t show up with the season on the line actually. The Bucs won and the season continues but it was in spite of the offense the last two weeks. Any QB in the NFL can win the game when the defense gives up 0. If the offense lit it up sure they’d get credit too, but they didn’t. Those are the facts

  111. Bflex38 Says:

    People do realize our play calling is predictable yes we have good receivers but they aren’t super fast . If you notice the dbs have played 2 high shell and just sit on routes Canales needs to adjust if we want to win even Bowels admitted that they need to adjust bc the team is predictable , and yes Baker is definitely not himself which doesn’t help

  112. bulldog Says:

    Tony Bakie Says: “NO it does not come up high on search results everywhere you nitwit. Google searches are different according to location.”

    WRONG! Your Google searches from your home state of Oklahoma of “Tampa Bay Bucs” or “Bruce Arians” or “Todd Bowles” or “any Bucs player” prior to Mayfeld’s signing would have turned up JoeBucsFan.Com because THERE ARE NO SUCH TEAMS OR COACHES OR PLAYERS IN OKLAHOMA OR IN ANY LOCATION OTHER THAN FLORIDA!

    LMAO! You’ve been exposed for being a dumb Bakie and not a Bucs fan!

  113. Ralph Cramden Says:

    Trust Joe Bucs to make a mountain out of a molehill. Joe is one of the most nervous nellies in sports media. He probably hides under the bed if he hears thunder at night.

    Yeah, Mayfield was hurt, probably more than he let on. But Joe shows no trust that he was being monitored. If his play had been so totally ineffective, then Bowles would have benched him.

    As it was, once the Bucs OL saw Baker legging out a scramble for a first down when they absolutely had to have it, they woke up and began to take control of the line of scrimmage that allowed White and Edmonds to pick up successive first downs to keep possession and eat up the clock.

    As “bad” as Mayfield played, Carolina couldn’t do diddly squat on offense. The Bucs defense came up big to be the deciding factor in the game.

    Of course, Joe Bucs believes every week a QB should rate 115 or better in the pass game and throw for 300 yards. Well, some games just don’t play out that way. A winning team takes what it can from the other team and finds a way to win. That’s what happened Sunday much to Joe Bucs’ disappointment.