Is Tony Dungy Selling Dave Canales To Carolina?

January 23rd, 2024

Sane Bucs fans don’t want Todd Bowles’ handpicked offensive coordinator to leave Tampa to become head coach of the Panthers.

That is on the table, as Dave Canales was invited for a second interview with Carolina this week.

It can’t help the Buccaneers’ cause that new Panthers general manager Dan Morgan spent eight seasons in the Seahawks front office and knows Canales extremely well. Joe has heard stories of Canales’ stellar work ethic in Seattle.

(Ira Kaufman Podcast listeners know about Canales driving a 1970s-era Chevy truck to work there regularly. Everyone in Seattle was aware of his dedication.)

So Joe wonders how close Canales is to waving good-bye. Joe also wonders if Buccaneers Ring of Honor head coach Tony Dungy, aka Father Dungy, is trying to screw the Bucs helping his good friend advance his career.

Canales said in the spring that he has been turning to Dungy with “big-picture” questions for years. And Todd Bowles acknowledged that Dungy recommended Canales to Bowles for the Bucs gig.

How ironic it would be if Tampa-based Dungy, who was just on NBC-TV doing a barber shop feature of the upstart Bucs and their impact in the community, is the guy who helps tear apart what the Bucs have built in less than a year.

The only thing more ironic Joe can think of would be Jon Gruden replacing Canales. Man, Chucky and Baker Mayfield would be great theater.

46 Responses to “Is Tony Dungy Selling Dave Canales To Carolina?”

  1. SteveK Says:

    Chucky and Baler would have no shortage of passion and cuss words. Sign me up for that.

  2. Darin Says:

    Send bowles to Carolina for a tall boy. If that’s not enough throw in a timeout. Just get him outta here

  3. Idroolpewter&red Says:

    I don’t know why Canales would take a HC position so soon, especially considering the puts who owns the Panthers. Canales needs another season or two of OC experience first. He risks being 1 and done as a HC given how quickly the Panthers owner fires his HCs.

  4. BucsMinisterFuller Says:

    uggh Dungy. is there anyone in broadcasting with less personality?

  5. Upstate NY BUC Says:

    I forgot about Morgan as GM, Canales is good as gone!! Glazers better make him H/C immediately. Ditch Bowles, no big loss…

  6. WiscoJoe Says:

    Joe’s- Florio made a great point today when talking about the Panthers and Canales. Do the Bucs fire Bowles and promote Canales? It happened before with Lovie/Koetter. Bowles made a dumb decision with the timeouts… who cares if they’ve made the playoffs two years in a row the Broncos canned John Fox after he made it to the Super Bowl.

  7. Austin Says:

    Would not be smart to leave, we’ll be more dangerous next year

  8. TomBucsFan Says:

    it’s called more money..

  9. Popcorn Mike Says:

    Don’t think the Panther will hire Canales. I like what Canales has done for the Bucs but, you have a guy who is still learning to be a coordinator and handle a offense only and now you gonna have him run an entire team, nothing against Canales but this is true facts then again this is Carolina

  10. Buc4evr Says:

    I would love to see Gruden as OC, it would be so much fun. Not that there is a chance in hell of that happening. lol. As far as Canales, not sure what everyone sees in him. The guy needs a lot more work on the OC job. Don’t think he can succeed in Carolina as a HC with an owner that tampers with everything and doesn’t have his emotions under control. But if he goes I think the Bucs can do better.

  11. Boss Says:

    the guy earned it making this offense watchable 1/2 the year under TB’s ideology.

    give the man a medal!

    He should take the gig….thing will only go downhill next year and he will not be so shiney!

    so, NC has a new HC that knows us intimately, ATL has the GOAT belixheck, and NO gets chcuky.

    for fu#ks sake man…….this division is going to go from worst to first real quick and tampa will be wearing paper bags again.

  12. Jason Says:

    Dave needs to ask himself a simple question. Can I out coach Todd Bowles? If he takes the job, he’ll have to do it twice a year.

  13. Dlavid Says:

    Canale was just getting his mojo late in the season ….. it would be a sad situation here in Tampa Bay if he leaves and we are stocked with Bowles !

  14. 2 thumbs up Says:

    Sounds like the Panther’s ownership may be getting desperate to find anyone willing to take the HC job. Why else would you offer it to a first year OC from a 9-8 football team.

  15. BucU Says:

    If Canales takes the job he’ll rue the day he did. That organization is an absolute disaster. I don’t think he’s that stupid.

  16. A Bucs Fan Says:

    I hope it’s leverage to get a raise or promotion with the Bucs and nothing more.

  17. DonutsinDFW Says:

    @Joe, Dungy turning heel to exact his revenge on the Glazer’s would be poetic. In the wake of the betrayal, Gruden emerges on the 300 level ripping Dungy’s name off the ring of honor, announcing his position as the new OC to run a reign of dominance over the NFC.

  18. Davenport Says:

    If Canales is hired in Carolina, its the perfect time to clear Bowles out. Without him, is a complete re-start of the offense to go with a bad Bowles defense.

  19. Citrus County Says:

    Joe Says; Joe also wonders if Buccaneers Ring of Honor head coach Tony Dungy, aka Father Dungy, is trying to screw the Bucs helping his good friend advance his career.

    The implications surrounding that statement are huge.

    After lengthy detail of the reasons for my theory of an Arians/Leftwich sabotage of the offense last year I was reprimanded by Joe. Quote; “There is no conspiracy here.” Joe said.

    After making the above statement you no longer have any credibility with me.

    It appears as though you feel that you are safe making such an allegation about Dungy because he is not the hand that feeds you.

  20. OlBoy Says:

    Tcarolinas owner need to be right about his choosing Bryce young as their guy. It’s plain that Bryce isn’t that guy or any other guy but they need someone to develop a QB and a new HC. Canales fits the bill but I’m not convinced he is ready to make that leap.

  21. Dave Pear Says:

    The Glazer boys need to convince Tepper that the guy they need is Bloweszo, then trade Todd to the Panthers for a stale tuna sandwich.

    Hire Harbaugh.

  22. Citrus County Says:

    Adios Joe. The Pewter Report is now my preferred site. In the many years I have followed that site their credibility has never been in question with me.

  23. sasquatch Says:

    It’s kinda hilarious to see these comments about getting rid of Bowles. You know it’s now happening, right? There is zero chance. Why not spend your time on something based in reality?

  24. Jeff Says:

    They are both religious nuts so this tracks.

  25. DonutsinDFW Says:

    Come on Joe, what’s wrong with having fun/fantasy booking Dungy’s screwjob on the Bucs? We all know it’s coming.

  26. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Since Canales is not ready to be a head coach…I would support the Panthers hiring him as one 100%.

    We can replace him at OC…he really hasn’t done THAT much.

  27. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    DonutsinDFW, Dungy is not that kind of man.

  28. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Dave Pear Says:
    “Hire Harbaugh.”


  29. Cobraboy Says:

    Dungy is still butthurt he got the apple and roadmap from the Glazers after yet another playoff meltdown.

    Go to confession, Father Dungy, and purge your soul of the hate.

  30. Mike Johnson Says:

    I’m not hatin on nobody. Buit..If the money is bigtime and Canales is feeling it? Then God Bless him off the Carolina. As a beautiful blonde once told me, Its all about the money..honey.

  31. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    Canales to the Seahawks is more believable. Tepper can throw major $, but man how miserable would it be putting up with his arrogant butt

  32. stpetebucfan Says:

    I feel about Canales just like I do Baker. I salute him for this past season.

    But BOTH of them are only worth so much. Baker has at least done it twice now with two different franchise…I guess folks give Canales credit for resurrecting Geno Smith’s career.

    BOTH Canales and Baker are certainly worth bringing back but only at the right price and if Canales leaves for a better job God bless he and his family. The Bucs can always find another OC. Just because BL sucked doesn’t mean the next OC if not Canales will be as bad.

    Hope they stay but if they go…The Bucs will have to reload. They have Trask at QB and plenty of OC candidates from which to select, some perhaps already part of the staff.

  33. adam from ny Says:

    sounds like canales is outta here…

    it’s a not for long league…

    look what happened to lefty…

    dungy’s prolly saying make the move while you’re hot, next year isn’t guaranteed…

    he will jump ship for the cash and flop out bad over there, and 3 years from now he’ll be a qb coach for the raiders – but he will have gotten a bigger bag…

    1 year’s service in tampa = no loyalty

    what did he have, 14 with carroll ?

  34. Buc4evr Says:

    Don’t think a loss of Canales is that big of a deal. We know he likes to run on first and second downs. Especially if down and distance are not favorable. The Bucs defense will be ready. lol.

  35. Nprbuc Says:

    Bowels should be cashing in all of his time out gift certificates that he has accumulated at Berns and just leave. He can eat well for years.

  36. adam from ny Says:

    a loss of canales is a big deal…!!

    essentially you are starting from scratch with a new coordinator and building new relationships and rapports from jump…

    the goal after a successful season is to build on it with continuity and by adding pieces to the puzzle…

    not dismantling a successful situation…

    it’s called building my dude

  37. Rod Munch Says:

    I have a solution, hire Arians to be the new OC.

  38. adam from ny Says:

    if canales leaves, i am guessing coach brings in an older schooled nfl type guy to call the plays…

    i think a lot more guys are inclined to join the party here after they see how the team has surprisingly progressed…

    so an older OC with a ton of league experience imho

  39. adam from ny Says:

    i’d love to see BA getting all crazed and frothy on the sidelines again…

    BA would take the bull by the horns 🙂

  40. BallinAllDay Says:

    18-19. Fire that man.

  41. Since76 Says:

    The truth of this offense is it was inconsistent. I would say that the offense had 2 unproductive games to every productive game. The defense was good enough to push the team over a .500 record. Lose defensive talent to pay Bakers paycheck and you will be under.500. remember Baker doesn’t make anyone better. Lose talent around him and you lose more games. The NFC South will also be better next season.

  42. Pickgrin Says:

    Does anyone know if Canales is considered a “minority” coach?

    Been trying to get an answer to that question but no one seems to know.

    If Canales is classified as “minority” – then the Bucs get two 3rd rd comp picks if he does take a HC job this year or in the future…

  43. Dave Pear Says:

    Adios Chitrus County Snowflake. Don’t let the door hit you in the arse on your way to the other place. Perfect for thin skinned snowflakes.

  44. garro Says:

    It’s a conspiracy I tell ya!…now where did I put my foil hat?

    Go Bucs!

  45. rickym Says:

    Panthers owner David Tepper has gone on record stating he wants a team in place at management positions including coach and GM to establish a long term plan to change the fortunes of the Panthers. Dam Morgan and Dave Canales have a long history together and if given some time can reverse the fortunes of the Panthers.

    Any well run business must know what its customers want. Canales provides the team with a personality their fanbase can embrace. If Tepper is serious and learns what the Lions have learned the Panthers have found the right management team.

  46. rickym Says:


    Like Ron Rivera, Canales would be a minority hire due his hispanic heritage.