“He’ll Be Fine”

January 2nd, 2024

Will be “ready” for Carolina.

Joe understands the following won’t be comforting news to all Bucs (?) fans.

Lost in the horror of Sunday’s groin stomp by the slimy Saints was that Bucs quarterback Baker Mayfield got banged up. Specifically, he got his ribs beat up.

(Anyone wanting to know why Aaron Stinnie wasn’t the Bucs starting left guard to open the season only need to rewatch Sunday’s game, in particular when Mayfield dropped back. But hey, Stinnie can run block and we know that skill is paramount in the Bucs’ offensive scheme in 2024.)

Yesterday, while Bucs coach Todd Bowles admitted in his day-after presser yesterday that Mayfield is in some discomfort, Bowles didn’t see any reason why he couldn’t play against the Stinking Panthers.

“His ribs are sore,” Bowles said. “He’ll be fine by Sunday.”

Later, Bowles was asked what type of tests Mayfield went through to determine the extent of his injured ribs, Bowles only replied, “He’ll be ready to go on Sunday.”

So there you have it. While Mayfield may be on this week’s injury reports, he will play on Sunday barring some freak accident or setback.

84 Responses to ““He’ll Be Fine””

  1. MerryPlankster777 Says:

    As I stated at start of this season, Bucs look like a 9-7 (or nowadays 9-8) one and done type team for playoffs. ‘

    The real question is would your rather miss playoffs totally for a new HC, OR rather get in in order to cheer like crazy for The Bucs this year!

    Or as dirty Harry would ask it “Do you feel lucky Punk? Well, do ya?” – Thankfully no ponds nearby I hope.

  2. Tb bolts Says:

    We will know very quickly whether midfield can play through his injury or if his pride will be the downfall of the bucs playoff hopes. Trask would easily beat carolina so if baker starts giving the ball away they need to fix it quick. HIGHLY UNLIKELY THOUGH and itll probably be a close game.

  3. Not Says:

    Dalvin Cook just got released so he can sign with a “contender”, does that include our suk azz team ?
    I suppose we don’t know that for one week. Maybe took late to replace RW by that time.

  4. jimmy Says:

    >>> Trask would easily beat carolina <<<

    How could you know this? By basing your conclusion on how Trask played against Oklahoma in 2020?

  5. Lt. Dan Says:

    hahaha! Very heavy on the sarcasm Joe! EXACTLY. HOW. I FEEL. TOO! What a groin stomp game! Even my guy Camarda stunk it up.

  6. It's Corn Says:

    Personally I want a new coach who is honest and smart… more than I want to see a crappy team luck into the playoffs and get obliterated at a home by a real contender.

  7. Tb bolts Says:

    Jimmy you mean the game where none of his starters from all of his games played? Or maybe him setting UFs record for yards in a season lead me to my conclusion. Either way bakey boy has shown us that he either plays great or is his usual panicky hold the ball for ten years self. A healthy midfield is one thing but an injured one is a nightmare.

  8. Boss Says:

    I wish baker well.

    but I will take losing if it gets tb gone.

    everyones job is on the line, so i bet they show up…..they should show up every week though.

    yall lovin that “non-brady” vibe now?

    no standard for excellence. NONE!

  9. Bosch Says:

    Bowles did not answer the follow up question because he didn’t know the answer. Therefore he doesn’t really know Mayfield is good to go by Sunday.

  10. DBS Says:

    Tb bolts. It’s not a team game only the goalie causes the loss.

  11. Gipper Says:

    No secret why Detroit has played well last couple of years after a nearly 40 year nap. That team has done an excellent job developing offense and defensive lines. As soon as Matthew Stafford got out of there and to the Rams he became a Super Bowl champion.

  12. Rod Munch Says:

    MerryPlankster777 Says:
    The real question is would your rather miss playoffs totally for a new HC, OR rather get in in order to cheer like crazy for The Bucs this year!


    I’m no fan of Baker or Bowles, but if they can get into the playoffs AND win a home playoff game, and Baker actually plays well in the playoff game AND wins, then they both earned a chance to return — for one year.

    Out of the two, if I had to choice, I’d keep Bowles, since he’s not going to cripple the team being a huge cap hit.

    At QB, if Baker doesn’t come through and take care of business in Carolina AND win a home playoff game – then I’m booting him and will go get Justin Fields, who should be available and not too expensive, and won’t destroy your cap. Fields has also won 4 of 5, but has been much more consistent and overall better than Baker in that same stretch of games. Plus when he runs, he actually picks up yards, unlike Baker who somehow manages to have big open holes in front of him and he takes off running, and manages to only get a yard. No idea what Baker is doing when he runs, but he thinks he’s Lamar, when in fact he’s much closer to Brady. Baker, to his credit, has good escapability, but zero speed, just seems to run in place. His offensive lineman see him take off, go downfield to block for him, and he’s so slow they’re 9 yards downfield and he’s not even at the LOS yet. It’s really amazing as his 40-time wasn’t that bad – and he’s throwing all his limbs and body around like he’s moving, but then you look at the yard markers and he’s literally moved like 3 feet when everyone else has moved 3 yards. Very odd. I know pointing that out will trigger the Baker Bois and they’ll explain how he’s actually the 2nd coming of Steve Young, but that’s not the case. Also I’m not bashing him for it, to be clear, it’s just an oddity, but having a legit running QB in this offense could be big.

    But, if Baker can get the win on Sunday, then have a big day in the playoffs, then he’ll be back and we don’t have worry about what Chicago is going to want for Fields.

  13. Since76 Says:

    Gipper …..Stafford played well year in and year out. ” Consistently” that’s why the Rams wanted him. And got that trophy. That’s why the bucs went after Brady and got that trophy. Now why do think no one went after Mayfield. Because he gives you a lot of games like we got against the saints. A lot of them.

  14. Darin Says:

    He will be who he’s always been. That much is all we know. History says…..one and done and picking outside reach of a good QB. Just as we envisioned.

  15. Popcorn Mike Says:

    I don’t think Bowles offense is all bad after all I think it’s the execution and discipline that’s killing wins. We have 2 1000 yard receivers and a RB that’s around 700 or 800 yard if not mistaken however, I don’t understand what happened to the defense Is it all on Bowles with the execution and discipline or should he replace some of his assistants If Bowles win this week and look decent in their playoff game I think he’s back next year. If he lose this week I think it’s curtains

  16. Bill in Seminole Says:

    @Popcorn Mike: a long time ago, with a Bucs team far, far away, then Coach McKay was asked, “What do you think of your team’s execution, coach?”

    He replied, “I’m for it.”

  17. DBS Says:

    “One and done “. Most people gave this team no chance of even having a winning record. Or getting to the playoffs. Most wins were predicted about 5. The Saints were the favorites to win the Division. With what was expected , no cash and young players I will take it.

  18. Ed Says:

    My response to Bowles is great that he can play but will he be able to throw the ball downfield to Evans and Godwin and get something other than rushing attempts with White.

    The Bucs are 31 out of 32 in the league in rushing average per game. Either Canales or Bowles should be charged with a felony for not going hurry up when the team was down 20-0 in the 3rd quarter. Handing off to White with 3 or 4 minutes left in the 3rd quarter was an insult to attendees of that game. They scored 30 points a game vs GB and Jax by running the offense through Evans, Godwin and White (passes, not runs).

    Why these coaches would change their game plan for New Orleans makes no sense. Bowles is so out of his league in games where adjustments need to be made. Any good coach understands the role of timeouts and speeding up the plays when your are down 3 scores. Not our team, we are proud to run the ball with one of the worst rushers in the league. Our team averages 80 yards a game! Why would you waste all the time and downs trying to come back against a good defense by running the ball.

    An average NFL team gets 4 yards per carry on average a game. The elite teams get over 4.5 per carry. The Bucs get 3.4. Every NFL announcer that gets stuck with a Bucs game cannot say it enough that they have the guys that can make the plays downfield but they keep running White.

  19. HC Grover Says:

    I hang on every word out of Bozo.

  20. Bobby Says:

    Here comes Trask, bet we see him playing sometime during the next 2 games. Get ready Trask, here is your chance to show what you got. Wouldn’t it be interesting if he played well during a playoff game.

  21. Irish Laughter Says:

    Hey Joe, Brady won the super bowl with a torn up knee that required surgery. Baker will be just fine. Go Bucs.

  22. Capt.Tim Says:

    No mention of the dirty cheap shot that got Baker Hurt?
    Every other site has mentioned it.
    But Then, When Tyrann Mathieu accused Brady of insulting him, implying a Racial insult( that he back pedaled when he found out Brady was micced the entire game), we got crickets.

    Why The Honey ahole love?

  23. Beeej Says:

    In our Superbowl season, (the first with Brady) Saints wiped their butts with us both times in the regular season, the second being a 38-3 curbstomping (thankfully Brees was hurt in the playoffs)

    In Brady’s SECOND season, (the one where we only lost 4 games) Two of those losses were to the Saints, the second being a 9-0 shutout.

    I fail to understand why a good QB didn’t win those games for us?

  24. HC Grover Says:

    We are stuck with this guy for the foreseeable future. Might as well get used to it.

  25. Capt.Tim Says:

    Also disgusted with the Bucs lack of balls.
    The Honey badgers ahole woulda gotdestroyed for a cheap hit on our QB, by Ryan Jensen or Donovan Smith.
    Our line yesterday jest stood around, looking at the ground.

    It was disgusting, and Cody Mauch isnt the New Ryan Jensen

  26. Jack Clark Says:

    He’ll be AVERAGE AT BEST***

    There, fix the title

  27. Defense Rules Says:

    Capt Tim … ‘No mention of the dirty cheap shot that got Baker Hurt?’

    Was wondering the same thing Tim. The Badger was clearly going for Baker’s left shoulder big-time.

  28. Capt. Tim Says:

    Yep. Its being talked about.
    Except on the #1 Buc site.

    Is that a second pass for that lil POS

  29. Mark hardt Says:

    I like the ? Next to Bucs fans. Yes, Bakerv is a national lightening rod for social reasons really..People line up for or against Baker for non football reasons. Football wise this is Bakers best season as a pro.

  30. Trask Cult Leader Says:

    Saints still have a bounty program in place,
    now it’s called a “soft-unofficial-bounty-program”
    Where’s the justice?

  31. Paratrooper Buc Says:

    @trask cult leader

    Bucs can get “justice” by beating the panthers for another title. Should have done it Sunday but next Sunday they can have the “justice.” Also use Winston’s stupid “win” hand sign as a “3” as in 3 straight nfc south championships. That would be justice.

  32. HC Grover Says:

    Sure Fine

  33. Drunkinybor Says:

    Turnovers cost us this game.
    Team Stats
    New Orleans Saints Tampa Bay Buccaneers
    1st Downs 20 13
    Passing 1st downs 13 10
    Rushing 1st downs 6 1
    1st downs penalties 1 2
    3rd down efficiency 8-18 2-8
    4th down efficiency 0-0 1-1
    Total Plays 70 50
    Turnovers saints 0 Buccaneers 4!!
    Total Yards 310 349
    Total Drives 12 12
    Yards per Play 4.4 7.0

  34. orlbucfan Says:

    Oh puh-lease. I am the first one to raise h3ll about the zebs. If BM got cheap shot by the Aints, not the first time that’s happened. Look what knocked out CG14 for the rest of the season, plus lowered his value on the NFL market a couple of years ago. The Bucs played a stinko game. It was against the skants at home. It happens. It won’t happen next Sunday. If BM can’t play, Trask will come in. Canales’ play calling worries me more than the QBs.

  35. ScottyMack Says:

    Since76 wrote: “why do think no one went after Mayfield”

    Uhm … both the Rams and the Ravens definitely tried to sign him (not sure which other teams, if any did).

  36. ScottyMack Says:

    Ed wrote: “but will he be able to throw the ball downfield to Evans and Godwin and get something other than rushing attempts with White.”

    Well, immediately after getting injured, he hit Godwin for a 2-point conversion that was overturned because Godwin had barely stepped out of the endzone before re-entering.

  37. Tb bolts Says:

    Scotty you failed to mention the PICK that was his third of the game but dont worry I got you

  38. m milligan Says:

    Mayfield only reason they’ve got a chance. And I say slim chance, sht the bd last wkend, foresee panthers owner throwing drinks at Mayfield, White drying about something, could be a bad wkend, fuked up so bad last wkend lost all hope…………………..

  39. BelleGladeBuc Says:

    I hate the Saints, but there was nothing dirty about the hit on Baker.

    Baker is outside of the pocket and that makes him a runner.

    Tyron hit Baker with his shoulder and delivered a shot to Baker’s upper body in a step after Baker threw it.

    It’s football. Nothing dirty about that shot at all. Every football player is fine taking a shot to the body. It’s shots to the knees and horse collar that are dirty.

    People who complain about such hits being dirty are why the league is heading towards having them wear flags and tutus.

  40. m milligan Says:

    2 picks u idiot, and 2 fumbles when trying to make a game of it, STFU

  41. m milligan Says:

    Agree, clean hit

  42. BucfaninMi Says:

    Watch all 22. They knew everything the Bucs were doing on offense, almost as if they were in the huddle.

  43. David Says:

    Baker fans says;
    “How could you know this? By basing your conclusion on how Trask played against Oklahoma in 2020?”

    Baker fans are anthropophobia and fear the Baker’s back ups no matter who might be at the time. They present false facts and abusive language to prove their fictions regarding Baker. Here is the education class for you trash Baker fans;
    To honor the school, Trask played with bench and street players in bowl game and an injured foot.
    He was projected to be a high first rounder prior to that game after he nearly defeated Alabama team with so many first rounders in the both side of the bowl in SEC Championship game against Mac Jones on a shoot out. He scored the most points on Alabam no. 2 defense at the time. He also set Florida all time passing and TD’s records in a season unitl he unfortunately was drafted by an organization that trashes their young qb’s.

  44. David Says:

    In contrast Baker is all about Baker not the team. Trash Baker will play as he had in Cleveland with the injured shoulder which required surgery. He even came back and threw a pick with an injured ribs last Sunday with the game already decided. He didn;t want any part of his back up break out game evcen during the remaining garbage time with just a few minutes on the clock. Also Toilet Bowl allowing his runaway loved son back into the game with possible additional or worsening the existing one. Toilet Bowl also hasn’t have and have no interest now to see any part of Trask on the filed to prove him wrong.

  45. Oneilbuc Says:

    Belle. That’s why I don’t give none of these players today goat status. That was a great statement because I feel the same way. It’s football and that’s why right now players don’t get developed the right way now days because they hit in enough in practice and now during the off season coaches can’t even work with their players during the off season to help them get better because of these soft rules. But I love your take!!

  46. Oneilbuc Says:

    They don’t hit enough in practice!!

  47. Bill in Seminole Says:

    Looking forward to Sunday’s game with the Panthers, two comments: (1) the Panther’s owner, David Tepper, was fined $300,000 for throwing his drink on a fan; (2) there is a video clip of Bryce Young throwing his tablet down after a 3-and-out series last Sunday.

    The Panthers are in disarray, from the top to bottom.

  48. Oneilbuc Says:

    David. I agree with both of your takes it got to be a reason why they refuse to give Trask a chance and I also think Todd Bowles rather lose than give Trask a chance. And not to mention Trask was the number one quarterback in passing yards, touchdowns, completions and yards per throw!! More than Justin Fields and Travor Lawrence. And that’s not being a Kyle Trask fan that’s just the facts!!

  49. unbelievable Says:

    @Capt Tim – 💯

    A team that has any balls whatsoever would have had Baker’s back and curbstomped the honey prancer into the ground.

    Our o-line just stood around watching and looking dumbfounded, just like their head coach does all game long.

  50. Buccos Says:

    If that was a clean hit on Baker then why was it penalized? Honey Badger was trying to take Baker out with that hit. He was trying to injure the quarterback. That is called a dirty hit. You are not allowed to try and injure any player, especially not the qb. Our offensive linemen should have ripped his head off for that hit. They should have injured the Honey Weasel. Only New Orleans plays like that. They are without a doubt the dirtiest team in the NFL

  51. Oddball Says:

    Whoa David broke out the thesaurus!

    But, it’s -phobic not phobia.

  52. BelleGladeBuc Says:


    Baker was scrambling and was outside the pocket.

    The defender was running full speed at Baker and had committed to the tackle prior to Baker throwing it.

    After Baker threw the pass milliseconds went by before the defender hit Baker in his upper body leading with his shoulder.

    That’s a bang bang play.

    Ask any player, including me, if they are fine taking a heads up hard shot to their body in a bang bang play and every player that isn’t soft as cotton will say they are okay with it.

    I don’t care what the refs call when I see it with my own eyes. The refs and their propensity to throw flags are what is ruining this game.

    I will tell you another secret (forget the body which every player is okay with taking a heads up shot to), players would much rather be hit in their heads than take shots at their knees or horse collars. I know that is taboo to say, so forget I said it.

    The shot that Baker took was no different than the shots JPP and Shaq gave to Mahomes in the Super Bowl after Mahomes threw the ball after scrambling for his life from them.

    I’m thankful that your standard of personal foul was not applied to Shaq and JPP in the Bucs Super Bowl victory where they terrorized Mahomes.

  53. Tony marks Says:

    Its Tuesday.

    Next week Monday the whole narrative on the Blog changes

    So all I need to do is sip drink and LAUGH at all these FAKE Buc fans obviously hoping with all their little hearts that the Bucs lose to the worse or at least second worse team in the NFl

    LOL…..FAKERS every single one.

  54. WyomingJoe Says:

    David: You’re such a sh*t head. Lol…

    I’ll be back to talk with you after the Bucs beat the Panthers.

  55. adam from ny Says:

    carolina had like 125 total yards last sunday vs jacksonville…

    and chubba hubbard had like 75 of those 125…

    they are pathetic…

    shut down chubba – he had a big game vs us last time…

    if we can’t destroy the carolina hubbards we do not belong in the playoffs

  56. adam from ny Says:

    that qb of theirs is hilarious…

    dude can’t even throw a nerf football 10 yards

  57. Trask Cult Leader Says:

    So this is what it’s come to?
    Next week we go beat up on the handicapped kid to secure the title of “best” (of the worst division in football….by a long shot)

    Then we play the Eagles and win or lose we get at least 1 more year of Bowles and Baker.

    Amazing the time-share sales tactics being emplyed to desperately try to sell Baker to the fans.

    Honestly Trask should just get the heck out of Dodge asap….

  58. Tony marks Says:

    David Says:
    January 2nd, 2024 at 8:50 pm

    Baker fans are anthropophobia and fear the Baker’s back ups no matter who might be at the time


    That not what anthropophobia means you nitwit…lol

    anthropophobia is a general fear of people and social situations. Baker fans can be seen in stadium srubbing up with people.

    Sheesh Traskies should be in the dictionary as a synonym for dumb.

  59. David Says:

    Toilet Bowl needs to bench Baker and don’t allow him to play with his injured ribs. You should be able to beat the worst team in NFL with any qb. Toilet Bowl needs to prepare Trask now to have him ready for his start to succeed and clinch the division. It won’t be fair to Trask to come in the middle of the game without a full week of preps and snaps.
    Shame on Toilet Bowl and Baker if they lose this game let alone losing it with a half ass injured trash Baker.

    XFL wouldn’t even take these losers if they lose this game.

  60. Trask Cult Leader Says:

    Baker and his fans are Traskophobic
    (hat’s defined as an irrational fear of Kyle Trask starting at QB for the Bucs

  61. adam from ny Says:

    saint definitely tried to hurt baker in both games this year…

    cam jordan went low and the other guy went high in game in new orleans…

    and honey badger tried to take out his shoulder for the playoffs…

    i’m not generally advocating taking players out by hurting them, but after the clear hits on godwin and others in the bucs game a couple years back, when they tried to end godwin’s career, i think the bucs should store these memories and get grimy as well during the upcoming games next season…

    they deserve a dose of their own medicine…it’s been going on steadily for years now when we play them…

    see how they like it…it’s very obvious – but they seem to be getting away with it

  62. Trask Cult Leader Says:

    Not a good time for B&B.
    Play Baker in Carolina and possibly lose….then game over.
    Play Trask in Carolina and win……even worse…..the whole charade is exposed

  63. David Says:

    Remember Trash Baker fans, it doesn’t matter who wins the Saints /Falcons game if you lose this game. One of those team will advance. We are so lucky Falcons lost to Bears.

  64. Trask Cult Leader Says:

    Saints are pure evil like Beelzebub

  65. David Says:

    Agreed. Toilet Bowl has a great chance to be exposed with his scam starting qb out of the training camp. He has no choice to start the half ass injured Baker. A loss will seal/end the fate of TB/BM in Tampa and NFL no matter who starts. However Toilet Bowl will be exposed by a loss starting the injured Baker or a win starting Trask.

  66. RGA Says:

    The Bucs might be better if mayfield had to sit.

  67. David Says:

    Great article Joe in exposing Baker’s injury and TB’s unclear respond regarding the stats of his injury.

    Question Joe;
    We barely escaped Panthers at home at 21-18. He played so badly in that game. He threw for 48% completions, 1TD, 1 INT, pass rating of 68 and qb rating of 23.6

    Do you think Bucs should start Baker after he performed Panthers at home and so poorly last week as per your previous articles ?

  68. Tony marks Says:


    Look athe traskies bobing their heads talking about replacing baker with Trask even after the coach has indicated Baker will be ready to go

    I can almsot near Matin Luther King in their furious typing

    “Keep Hope alive”

    lololol . IT s ALLLLL your fault traskies. You cheered for your team to lose sunday not thinking ( nothing new there for a traskie) – that it would ensure trask gets no time starting. Epic fail

  69. Tony marks Says:

    RGA Says:
    January 2nd, 2024 at 11:54 pm
    The Bucs might be better if mayfield had to sit.


    at securing a higher draft pick? YES. You are finally getting how much Kyle sucks.

  70. R. Strader Says:


    That was college ball!
    Let Trask go!!!!

    I’m so sick of you bringing up Trask in every other sentence.

  71. Tb bolts Says:

    R strader and the other guy is 8-8. But keep betting on a losing horse when you have a younger one rearing to get out there and sling the rock. Baker is garbonzo and all his fan gurls should accept that. Excuses excuses. Signing that dude long term is basically accepting your team will be mediocre so long as ge’s behind center. HIS TRACK RECORD SHOWS IT

  72. Tb bolts Says:

    Bakers body guards are very active in the chat because they know his career hangs by a string. Scrape by the panthers just to get destroyed in the first round… that would be one hell of a season in the bakery clubs eyes! After all mediocrity is all they know.

  73. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:


    I just became a Grandpa for the first time!

  74. BAKERSBucs says Says:

    I watched the panther game they stopped short of the next td to run the clock out to win the game that score was actually 28 to 18 u morons not only can’t add u make up stupid story too benefit u little pea brains Trask is the best bench warmer in the NFL very professional at it as a matter of fact he has special classes to show the rest of the league how to be very good at bench warming for baker when it’s time for him to sit down between offense plays.as soon as Trask popularity hits stride let us all know how the hell wants his services if he is so great according to you monkeys on Trask knowledge #p.z let us know when the phone rings for his services moron

  75. BAKERSBucs says Says:

    Those tradkites r like little mommy mommy they won’t let Kyle play what a total bunch of losers u people are OMG obviously all u haters don’t work all u do all day is spew nonsense the glazers are the owners the know what’s best after all they r the millio nailer not u monkeys and u see that the stands r full every home game 62000 + in attendance those r the true fans u monkeys on this site don’t qualify as fans change u r tampons

  76. bulldog Says:

    Trask Cult Leader Says: “Not a good time for B&B.
    Play Baker in Carolina and possibly lose….then game over.
    Play Trask in Carolina and win……even worse…..the whole charade is exposed.”

    It’s also not a good time for Joe(s) and Ira. They’ve been in on the scam since day one. Their history of atrocious quarterback prognostications cannot afford another hit. Hence their aversion to seeing Trask play in games with the starters.

  77. Hodad Says:

    To bad our defense couldn’t get close enough to Carr to return the favor. Stop crying about how hard the bully hit you. It’s football, cheap shots are part of it. Want it to stop? Cheap shot them back twice as hard! They took out Godwin, now they went after Baker. Next time you play em, take the gloves off, and come out swinging.

  78. Larrd Says:

    Ribs are a pain thing. Nothing a doctor can do. No reason for thorough examination if the patient can breathe. They’ll just wrap him up best they can and give him a shot, broken or bruised.

  79. adam from ny Says:

    so baker’s rib was sticking out his body, and staff worked on him and pushed it back in, so he could go to do the presser ???


  80. Jeremy Goins Says:

    Anyone who suggests we lose games in hopes of a better draft pick have a losers mentality. I want my team to win games. That is the name of the game. Win. Sunday was hard to watch, I yelled at the TV a lot. I really hope they stop running up the middle so much.

  81. BelleGladeBuc Says:

    -Congratulations GrandpaBuccaneerBonzai!

  82. infomeplease Says:

    BM6 will play even if he needs a knee brace, ankle taping, flack jacket, and stomach pumping!!! Let’s hope he plays like he did in Green Bay!! Only TB and DC can stop him by making him hand off the ball the first two downs. That’s not a formula for a division title!!!

  83. D Cone Says:

    Buccos Says:
    January 2nd, 2024 at 9:34 pm
    If that was a clean hit on Baker then why was it penalized?

    Why did Dallas get penalized for a Detroit Lion Player Tripping? Actually an attempted tripping.

    Simple. Bad call. Mayfield was out of the pocket and considered a runner. He was heading for the end zone and pulled up and passed at the last instant. Matheau was already in the process of tackling. Bang Bang play. Hits on QB’s when they slide late should be ignored also.

    Push by the second defender was more of a penalty than the initial hit.

    Fortunately that hit gives the Baker Bois and excuse if he chokes in the first half again this Sunday and they lose. ” Baker was a Warrior and played Hurt’.

  84. Student of the Game Says:

    Drunkinybor yes, turnovers cost the game. Mayfield bashers just continue to show they don’t even watch the game. They don’t care, just want Trask to play. Mayfield is #10 rated QB in the NFL at this moment, with the 2nd worst running game in the league. That’s next to last in rushing, yet top 10 in rating when every DC in the league knows they have to throw. Higher than Allen, Mahomes, Carr, Stafford, Hurts, Burrow, and Lawrence. If he gets no interceptions and a couple of TD throws against Carolina, it’s going to take at least 35 million to keep him. Give him the money or get beat by the team he goes to. That’s the facts.