Did Cody Mauch Hit The Rookie Wall?

January 10th, 2024

Strong start; wore down last week.

Really cool video of one of the picks nailed by Bucs AC/DC-loving general manager Jason Licht in his 2023 draft and rookie undrafted free agent class,

One thing rookies don’t like to discuss is the dreaded rookie wall. That’s when an NFL season reaches the number of games a college season lasts. Rookies are not used to playing in 17 games (not counting worthless preseason).

Plus, rookies are getting used to the violence and speed of the NFL. For example, nearly everyone is as fast or faster than the fastest guy they faced in college,

Maybe the strongest guy they faced in college, all players are that strong in the NFL.

So not only do rookies have to learn to raise their games, endurance is a factor.

Again, rookies do not like to discuss this. They consider an admission a weakness. They don’t want to let that out.

Joe has talked to rookies who will admit the rookie wall. Most won’t admit it until the following year.

Joe remembers how former Bucs guard Ali Marpet told Joe after his second season that the rookie wall hit him and hit him hard. That’s understandable since Marpet came from Division-III Hobart College.

Let’s just say a rookie wall is not a popular subject with rookies. They don’t want to make excuses for mistakes or less-than-ideal play.

In All-22 video offered up by WTSP-TV Channel 10 sports anchor Evan Closky, it sure looks like the rookie wall hammered Cody Mauch.

Early in the game, Mauch was a total beast just tossing Stinking Panthers defenders. But as the game wore down, so did Mauch. Badly.

Again, no . Mauch is coming from Division I-AA. The NFL is a very big step up.

Mauch, by the way, hasn’t missed one snap all year long. Just that right there is impressive.

Joe thinks Mauch is going to be a good one. He may already be. Joe’s looking forward to seeing Mauch after an offseason spent in an NFL weight room.


22 Responses to “Did Cody Mauch Hit The Rookie Wall?”

  1. David Says:

    The entire OL has performed well in pass plays but has failed opening lanes in the running game. He is not he only one.

  2. Proudbucsfan Says:

    I noticed he was wore out by the 4th QT, I think the kid is going to be real good. Jason licht knows how to draft trenches.

  3. August 1976 Buc Says:

    Great way to get your QB killed.

    Wall or no wall,

    you got to do better than suicide blocking, the kind of blocking gets QB;s killed.

    Baker is already banged up to say the least.

    Cody looked like a goose lost in a hail storm……

  4. Steven007 Says:

    Boy, what contrasting clips. Definitely getting handled in an ugly way in the first clip. But the second clip from earlier shows his potential. Clearly needs a productive off season gaining some strength and a bit of size. But seems like a keeper.

  5. garro Says:

    I think Mauch is the least of our worries on the O line. The overall O line performance is still not where you want it. Wirfs is hobbled Hainsey is of little help to Mauch or Stinnie. Stinnie has reverted to preseason form. Goedeke is getting it done and is perhaps our best O lineman at this point.

    Baker is not helping his guys by holding on to the ball too long and double clutching. Canales can help out by scheming some guys open. Palmer needs to work on the Jugs!

    Go Bucs!

  6. Rod Munch Says:

    It’s very possible he’s wearing down, would be natural I think considering he looks like he’s playing on the light side. Compared to other offensive lineman, he flat out looks small, which I still think will be complete non-issue next season after he’s had a year of playing against NFL talent and realizes how much he needs to bulk up in the offseason.

    But there’s no question of effort, and he’s not a guy with talent, but he might be reaching his physical limits this year. Hopefully he can hang in there a bit longer – and I think he’ll be OK.

  7. Bucfan1988 Says:

    Yeah, Cody looked wore out…
    Started having heavy feet with his movement….

    If he trains hard in the offseason, he’s gonna take a step up next year….

    Hopefully he’ll get the rest he needs and ready to roll Monday nite!!

  8. Rod Munch Says:

    *he’s not a guy withOUT talent…

    That mistake completely changed the meaning of what I meant. Ooops.

  9. dmatt Says:

    You’re right Garro,
    Palmer need to work on the jugs and jugs and more jugs. He bobbbles too many balls. He’s not a sure handed receiver. He has fumbling issues. I think it’s because he’s scared of contact. The biggest concern coming out of college was his number of dropped passes. That’s a coaching problem. He shined in preseason games but imo he’s a fluke. Also, he’s married to out of bounds. Why do we continue to bring in these Jayden “afraid of contact” Darden type players. Why is he playing ahead of veteran Dave Moore who has several years of playoff experience. I don’t understand the coaches call on that move.?

  10. Buc4evr Says:

    Matt, I don’t understand either why Dave Moore isn’t the third WR. Palmer has flashes, but drops too many balls and fails to make plays. Moore has come thru when given the chance.

  11. garro Says:

    There is an idea!!!
    Give snaps to a guy who gets open and catches the ball….Nah it will never happen…Todd ….Todd? Todd!!!

    Go Bucs!

  12. Defense Rules Says:

    dmatt … ‘Palmer need to work on the jugs and jugs and more jugs. He bobbbles too many balls. He’s not a sure handed receiver. He has fumbling issues.’

    Nailed it dmatt. He’s dropped too many balls that he should’ve caught IMO, although the stats only list him with 4 dropped balls (5.9%). And his fumbling drives me nuts (3 so far out of 42 touches).

    Still I can’t help but think that there’s more going on here. Palmer has only caught 57.4% of the balls thrown to him (39 of 68 targets). But look at our other receivers:

    o Mike Evans: 79 of 136 (58.1%)
    o Chris Godwin: 83 of 130 (63.8%)
    o Devin Thompkins: 17 of 25 (68.0%)
    o Rakim Jarrett: 4 of 9 (44.4%)
    o David Moore: 5 of 7 (71.4%)

    What is concerning is that Evans & Godwin are catching a much lower percentage of targets than they did even last year (Evans was 60.6% and Godwin was 73.2%). Those are some pretty ugly numbers for our receiving corps IMO, considering that Baker Mayfield is averaging 64.3% completions. But obviously the short stuff to White (64 of 70 for 91.4%), to Edmonds (14 of 17 for 82.4%), and somewhat to Otton (47 of 67 for 70.1%) brought his completion percentage up, as it does for all QBs I’m sure. The intermediate & deep throws? Not so much apparently. Why? I think the reasons vary game-to-game, but that’s pure speculation.

  13. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Early in the game, Mauch was a total beast just tossing Stinking Panthers defenders. But as the game wore down, so did Mauch. Badly.

    That’s not how the rookie wall works. It doesn’t happen in the middle of a game.

    Mauch was definitely hit or miss in the game. He’s been that way most of the year. Just as Joe mentioned, he needs an NFL offseason in the weightroom. I’m excited about how good his career will be.

  14. Bucs Guy Says:

    Agree with more playing time for Moore. This also allows Palmer to return punts/kicks. I believe he would be a big upgrade in that area and moved down to #4 or #5 WR. What about Gage next year? Not sure if the Bucs will cut him to save cap room or give him one more chance. I think with Moore and Palmer on low priced contracts you could try him sgain.

  15. SlyPirate Says:

    Mauch is awesome. Goedeke, too. Give these guys another offseason. We’ll have the best ROL in the league.

  16. Lord Cornelius Says:

    The interior O-line got wrecked a lot of that Carolina game

  17. Craig Says:

    Everyone on the O-line is hurting in some way. No way not to be, especially with the Bye so early.

    They do need help from the QB, and OC. Cut down to one guy going deep and have two as outlet passes. Get the ball out faster.

  18. First Name Greatest Says:

    Hopefully Licht targets some proven plug in play type linemen from the SEC or BIG 10 as hoping and praying for these small school guys to pan out is not a strong strategy every year

  19. Rob Says:

    I think Mauch could move to LG or Center (not sure how he handles the mental aspect). I would draft the best available LT or RT in the 1st round. If it’s a LT, move Wirfs back to RT and move Goedeke to RG. If it’s a RT, keep Wirfs at LT and move Goedeke to RG. Either way that allows Mauch to move to LG or Center. I think it’s easier to find another LT that can move inside to LG in rounds 2 or 3. The other option is to draft the best LT (move inside), LG or C available in rounds 2 or 3. It it’s a LT or LG, then Mauch moves to Center. That would leave Hainsey as a backup C/G.

  20. Global G Says:

    We know we have 3 guys on the Oline playing well. Finding an IOL this offseason will be very important to how well this offense progresses. I know we have spent the past couple of years drafting studs on the defensive side of the ball its time we go find some playmakers for the offensive side. A legit RB1, TE1 or a WR with speed and elite route running abilities.

  21. unbelievable Says:

    I think he hit the wall against New Orleans to be honest.

    Hopefully he can get juiced up and ready to go for MNF

  22. JeffreyLane77 Says:

    I like the kid. He will probably put on some muscle over the off-season. They need to work on his technique. He has a bull rush weakness. Cody’s play could be improved by a having a good Center next to him. Too bad Jensen couldn’t play next to Mauch this season. As far as I know. The plan was to switch to a zone blocking scheme. Mauch’s natural talents fit nicely into what they had planned before Jensen went down.