Can’t Blame This On Dave Canales

January 3rd, 2024

He was open.

An apology to Bucs offensive coordinator Dave Canales may be in order.

Look, Joe was angry after the groin stomp loss to the slimy Saints on Sunday, just like most Bucs fans were. And are.

Joe thought theoffense terribly regressed from the progress it had made the two previous games when Canales opened up the offense and the Bucs did a number on Green Bay and curb-stomped the Jags.

The decisive wins, Joe is convinced, were the direct result of Canale deciding not to pound the ball all the time and throwing on first downs and getting Chris Godwin involved.

What a difference! The Bucs looked like a team on the rise. National analysts took notice. Things were looking great. Then — wham! — Canales seemed to revert to his earlier gameplans on Sunday. Outstanding weapons rotted on the vine in order to run plays as if he had John Riggins in the backfield.

Hey, even the guy who hired Canales, Bucs coach Todd Bowles, said in his opening postgame remarks his coaches had to devise better gameplans than what they used against the slimy Saints.

Part of Joe’s railings were about why Canales didn’t find a way to get the rock to Rachaad White in the passing game if Mike Evans and Chris Godwin were both doubled, or appeared to be doubled?

Well, remember that Canales can only draw up and call plays. He cannot execute them. He cannot throw passes for his quarterback.

WTSP-TV Channel 10 sports anchor Evan Closky wondered the same thing about White. But Closky seemed to put any questions about why White’s number wasn’t called to rest by uploading All-22 videos to Twitter, currently known as X.

Let’s just say White had chances in the passing game but didn’t get the ball.

In the first video Closky posted, Baker Mayfield may have been hearing footsteps. That’s just a guess because Mayfield did have a pocket to throw from.

Mayfield, for reasons unclear, decided to dump a pass off to the right sideline to Cade Otton, which was damn near picked. You can see in the video that White was open in the left flat and the way other receivers were drawing defenders away from White, he may have had a monster lane to exploit for a huge explosive play. It looked to Joe to be a well-crafted play design.

In the second video, White popped free after initially blocking and was wide ass open. White had nothing but green grass in front of him. It may have been six points if White got the ball. Mayfield instead chose to target Evans.

It wasn’t a bad decision. Evans broke free near the right sideline and he too had all kinds of green grass in front of him had he been able to get the ball. Mayfield had a pocket, so the offensive can’t be blamed as people are quick to do (just because).

It almost looks like Evans and Mayfield were not on the same wavelength. Notice how Evans coming from the left side initially looked in when he reached the numbers and then cut to the right sideline when he saw the ball in the air?

Alas, the pass was not delivered accurately.

So, yeah, White at least on two occasions was open on passes that could have gotten major chunks of real estate had he been thrown the ball.

So Joe has to offer some apologies to Canales. He drew up plays where White was open. He just wasn’t targeted.

91 Responses to “Can’t Blame This On Dave Canales”

  1. Larry Says:

    This game had way more that QB problems. The Bucs looked like the Eagles do. Lets hope things turn against the lowly Panthers or we might not make the playoffs.

  2. David Says:

    Thanks Joe for clarifying that this loss wasn’t all on OC as the Baker fans claimed to be. This game was on incompetent plays of Baker. He had thee three turnovers including the int. in two points conversion. He played as the journeyman the Baker is when the games really matter. The two int’s. were exclusively on him throwing short on first pick and throwing off target in the second pick.
    It’s so funny how the Baker fans were promoting Dave C. /BM as the future HC/QB for Bucs for the years to come prior to last week game.

  3. Rod Munch Says:

    Uh oh, the Baker Bois aren’t going to like this… they already pinned the loss on Canales, and if you go against that, they’re going to come after you. You’ll know they’re around if you notice knocked-over trash cans, tracks, droppings, and strange sounds like mewing, whistling, and growling, so just be ready for them.

  4. David Says:

    You don’t have to wait. Baker fans have already requested that I drop dead in their posting for the past two days.

    Bake fans can’t handle the truth. You trash qb can’t defeat teams with wining record. Uh, wait, Saints had a losing record prior to facing us.

  5. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    David, the Jags had a winning record when we played them. So the Bucs beat one winning team.

    Frankly, anyone who says Kyle Trask sucks is talking out their rear quarters, because there is no way anyone could actually know that at this point.

    He may be better than Mayfield, he may not be better. Bowles has blown it at every level as head coach.

    It’s a shame because Canalas is an up-and-comer…and might be great in a few years…but if Bowles is fired, Canalas be too. Making him Head Coach would be a mistake right now. He needs a few years as a OC first.

    He has no exposure the head coaching duties, and he’s not ready for it either.

    If a new head coach comes in and is willing to keep him as OC, that might work…but that is unlikely.

    So far as Trask…unless Mayfield truly goes down to injury, it is too late to put Kyle in. Let Mayfield play the final games.

    However, if Mayfield truly goes down, I hope Track wins in the playoffs and gets us to the big game…just so we can laugh at his haters.

  6. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:


  7. unbelievable Says:

    The problem with Canales wasn’t the pass plays he was drawing up, it was the continuous run plays up the gut to nowhere over and over, even into the 4th quarter while down 20 points!!!

    When the run game has been struggling (which has been the case against anyone who isn’t terrible at run defense), we need to use the pass to open up the run and use White on screens and short passes. There were so many wasted run plays during the first 3 quarters and no adjustments.

    And yes, Baker was off his game too of course. They finally looked decent and productive in the 4th going no huddle and passing more. Which begs the question again: why wait so long?

  8. JCLV Says:

    Joe, maybe you should watch more film. Some of your recent takes border on absurd as to Baker and Canales. Last week it was Canales being the reason Baker has few ints in the red zone when 5 minutes of research would have shown that Bakers 1 red zone interception this year is more than every year of Bakers career except one.

    The pass to Evans was delivered accurately but for reasons unknown, after the ball was released, Evans decides to turn back to the inside. I’m sure whatever mythical qb you think should be playing would know that’s what Evans would do but any other qb would expect Evans to continue his route and deliver the ball where Baker did. The throw to Ottman wasn’t his best, but the reasons why he went to Ottman over White are clear if you watch the video. Completion to Ottman would be right at the sticks. White had defender 2 yards behind him and would have been short gain. That defender wasn’t going the other way til the pass was thrown.

    Bucs players deserve better.

  9. Let em Bake Says:

    Congrats Buccaneer 🙂 Welcome to a great club.

  10. David Says:

    Yes, I agreed the Bucs couldn’t establish their running game and it wasn’t all on Baker but the OC had lost his confidence in Baker to throw long balls to catch up after throwing Palmer short on his first interception and missing some of the open receivers through out the game. They should have more pass plays in the second half trailing 17-0 but it seems as they were protecting Baker from throwing more picks by their continuous run plays. The OC called pass plays towards the end with 7 minutes left when Saints were in prevent defensive mode and Bucs had nothing to lose at the time.

  11. CalBucsFan Says:

    Hey, congrats BucBonzai, you’re gonna love it!

  12. Leopold Stotch Says:

    Congratulations, Bonzai!

  13. WyomingJoe Says:

    JCLV: Joe’s not the only one who should be watching more film. Throw in the Baker Hater Bois David and Capt’n Muncher. You losers must be going nuts knowing that a win Sunday means that your favorite HC and Baker will probably be back next year to entertain you. Baker might be your QB for years to come, lol.

    You are aware that Baker is now ranked #8 in passing yards and is 4th in TDs? Don’t want to say that I told you so… BUT I TOLD YOU SO!

    Bonzai: Congrats on becoming a grandfather.

  14. Bosch Says:

    Just saw where Bucs were -5.5 at panthers. Objectively, I would tak the Bucs.

  15. WyomingJoe Says:

    Btw Baker Hater Bois: Baker would be leading the NFL in TDs if not for those dropped passes in the end zone. Just sayin’…

  16. Rod Munch Says:

    Congrats Bonzai, make sure shove some Bucs merch in the kids hands as soon as possible, start young and you’ll make sure they’re a lifelong fan.

  17. Rod Munch Says:

    WyomingJoe – Baker might also have that title if he was about to throw for more than 50-yards in the first half of half of his games.

    Also he’d be further down the list if Evans wasn’t making insane catches, like catching TD’s that Mayfield was bouncing of the helmets of other teams players.

  18. heyjude Says:

    I am still on the fence about Canales. He most likely will be here again next year and maybe we will see growth.

    Congratulations Buccaneer Bonzai!

  19. NCBuc Says:

    He would also be leading the NFL in INTERCEPTIONS if it wasn’t for the other team dropping them. That works both ways

  20. Hodad Says:

    Nobody hates Baker. Fans hate that Baker will be nothing more then a journeyman with about a .500 winning percentage. Fans like me want something better at QB that’s all. That QB ain’t on the roster yet, but the Bucs shouldn’t settle for middle of the road. Sorry Baker boys, that’s all Baker has ever been, that’s all he’ll ever be, middle of the road journeyman.

  21. garro Says:

    Wow Joe that just made me do a retake on Canales as well.

    However there are still some head scratchers in the play calls and in the game plan for me. The rollout left INT play and the Otten whiff play that we have failed on soo many times this year.

    Go Bucs!

  22. Tony marks Says:

    THis has to be one of the dumbest takes I’ve seen in awhile

    Two vidoes in which one of them shows baker CLEARLY made the right decision – Evans looking the wrong way is hardly the QBs faut and if he doesn’t then Evans has a nice chunk – the best seen on that play.

    IF Baker passes that up then you would hear he didnt go to his best weapon when open . So for that ONE video left we are supposed to ignore everything we saw even to the point of the stadium booing Canales choices.

    Too silly. However THANKFULLY the media and the joes don’t call responsibility for games . The HC coach does and has already stated the schemes and game plans need to be better for both the offense and defense.

    SO Canales calling one of his absolute worse games stands as a very viable analysis..

  23. bob in valrico Says:

    Looks to me like Evans had also broken free at our own 45 yard line. But Baker instead pump faked and held the ball longer. If the ball was released then mike
    had green grass in front of him with a well placed ball. But Baker didn’t throw it then and Mike had no way of knowing that Baker was going to hold the ball that long.

  24. Zoocomics Says:

    Sorry, there’s a elephant in the room…

    Does no one here think Baker’s height is a problem? Obviously, time in the pocket is big in order to get through his reads, but is it that much more challenging when you’re several inches shorter than you’re entire line? Meaning, Baker is doing some guess work vs actually seeing what is open. I feel like this has to count for something as a pocket passer. This could be Baker’s career problem imo. The kid can fling the rock all over the field, he’s smart as well, but this is why scouts love prototypical size QBs, I mean at the end of the day it’s simple math. Drew Brees being the rare exception of an elite pocket passer at 6ft. Anyone else like Brock Purdy surviving at a high level is because his skill players are wide open and/or the offense allows him some space to see the field better…Brock Purdy is Baker once those weapons he has falls off. Just my 2 cents on the matter.

  25. bob in valrico Says:

    Also think that is where the ball should have been thrown and Mike got open again and gave a hand signal a couple yards past the fifty that he was open .

  26. Tony marks Says:

    JCLV Says:
    The pass to Evans was delivered accurately but for reasons unknown, after the ball was released, Evans decides to turn back to the inside.


    Thats the kicker – The throw to evans was CLEARLY the right throw and the all 22s SHOW THAT IT WAS . IF Evans doesn’t look the wrong way then Evans scores six almost certainly (turning also slowed him down as well).

    Yet LOL…. its offerd as an evidence it was the wrong throw. In other words – dont believe what your eyes saw believe what we say about what you saw.

  27. Tony marks Says:

    bob in valrico Says:
    January 3rd, 2024 at 5:59 am
    Looks to me like Evans had also broken free at our own 45 yard line. But Baker instead pump faked and held the ball longer. If the ball was released then mike
    had green grass in front of him

    you are talking at the 07/mark. If the ball is thrown then theres potentially a pick as the seperation and the angle would have the ball coming in to the right shoulder of the defender.

    SO the pump was good allowing for more seperation at the 49 yard mark

  28. McBuc Says:

    We can blame the OC for running the ball up the gut all day going nowhere.

  29. Larrd Says:

    “On at least two occasions.”


    How does passing up a third option twice (and at least once for a far better option) negate running up the gut on second and ten near midfield down three scores as time is quickly dwindling away?

    I was driving and only got to hear the game. Moore said repeatedly the young OL was having a bad day in pass protection. That seems to make the most sense.

  30. bob in valrico Says:

    Just watch Baker’s footwork and the clip above. IMO Baker was trying to do too much back there, taking too long to get the ball off. His sliding forward two steps
    and pump faking clearly left him out of position to throw the ball to Mike. He then had to bring the ball down and try to adjust his position to complete the throw. I think he could have been in better position if he skipped the two step. and released the ball when Mike free at around our 45 and its just possible Mike was ad libbing from that point on.

  31. BucU Says:

    Baker sucks! Bakers great! Whatever. All I see is a team run by Bowles that loses pretty much every important game they’ve played over the last 2 yrs. This last game the entire team sucked. They were lifeless in the biggest game of the year.
    That’s on one man. Todd Bowles.

  32. Mark hardt Says:

    Can we stop with the fans and media putting together se!ective video threads to prove a point they have already decided upon? You all have no idea the damage it does. Some fan in Cincinnati put together an OBJ always open video that Odell,s Dad retweeted. It lead to OBJ being released and later Baker traded. Stop it. Palmer was open on the int it was just slightly underthrown. Than later Palmer was wide open and fumbled. So put togethet a Palmet drop the ball video. Same with White. He may have been open but he fumblez too. Where is that video? Do you see how ridiculous this video social media can get. Players have ups and downs. Overall the Bucs could have won if they put the ball in Bakefs hands in a no huddle offense in the 3Q where he is most comfortable.

  33. Joe Says:

    Tony Marks/JCLV:

    You two guys might want to learn how to read.

  34. realistic-optimistic Says:

    On the pass to Evans, Baker pulled the ball down because Zach Baun (53) was going to bat the ball. I mentioned this in a post yesterday. Pause the first video at the 8 sec mark. As soon as he pulled it down Evans turned upfield. Then Baker released the ball to the original location. Batted balls and fear of batted balls cripples this guy’s game.

  35. Mark hardt Says:

    Zoocomics the height thing is passe. The game has changed. Little Cardinals guy just clipped the Eagles. Brees, Wilson, and the Panthers guy are all Shorter. You sound like the Nuns who thought left handers were evil and forced them to be right handed. Truman is no longer President BTW.

  36. Obvious Says:

    Congratulations Bonzai!

    Like Rod Munch said, getem on Bucs merch straight away so that the little one will always know they are with friends when others show their buccaneer pride.
    Besides, everybody wants to be a Pirate/Buccaneer. He or she can’t lose..

  37. 1Gr8Buc Says:

    Just when I started to come around with the idea of Baker he has a game like this. While sitting in the south end zone Sunday there were at least half a dozen plays where Evans or Godwin were open but it either wasn’t little Baker’s first read so he panicked or he couldn’t see over the line.

    Canales is being handcuffed by his head coach who is wanting the same offensive game plan that got his last OC fired and by his QB who leads the league in batted passes at the LOS and can’t make it past his first read.

  38. Swanny Says:


    I’ve been thinking the same thing…

  39. bob in valrico Says:

    I agree on the batted balls being an issue and mentioned Saints D line would apply pressure and was also concerned about batted balls and mentioned it after the confidence poll.

  40. Tony marks Says:

    Joe Says:
    January 3rd, 2024 at 8:08 am
    Tony Marks/JCLV:

    You two guys might want to learn how to read.

    I used to teach english Joe. Nothing I have seen here impreses me you know the langauge any better. I think we just recognize click bait pretty good. I get it . Its a blog that makes money from eyeballs.

  41. Joe Says:

    Nothing I have seen here impreses me you know the langauge any better.

    One sentence suggests otherwise to Joe.

    “It wasn’t a bad decision.”

  42. realistic-optimistic Says:

    “I think we just recognize click bait pretty good.”

    No English teacher would construct that sentence.

  43. Tony marks Says:

    1Gr8Buc Says:
    January 3rd, 2024 at 8:34 am
    Just when I started to come around with the idea of Baker he has a game like this. While sitting in the south end zone Sunday there were at least half a dozen plays where Evans or Godwin were open


    everyone who says that has never showin it on the ALl 22 and the ones who have half ass tried end up proving they were not open when closing defenders were considered.

    As for batted passess – Bake mayfied has only one singular batted passes every four games than Trevor Lawrence at 6′ 6″

    IOW Its total non issue

    Batted passess has been shown mutiptle times not to correlate to height. Its mythical but Football neophytes keep claiming what has already been debunked multiple times.

  44. Tony marks Says:

    Joe Says:
    January 3rd, 2024 at 9:14 am
    Nothing I have seen here impreses me you know the langauge any better.

    One sentence suggests otherwise to Joe.

    ““It wasn’t a bad decision.”


    Its called an contraction in English

    Now my typing on my device? LOl thats an issue but you won’t get me on the English.

  45. Tony marks Says:

    realistic-optimistic Says:
    January 3rd, 2024 at 9:19 am
    “I think we just recognize click bait pretty good.”

    No English teacher would construct that sentence.


    Sure they would when just talking about sports.

    “We done good” is a vey colloqial saying thats part of our pop and sports
    culture NOT “we done well”.

    Try harder Real

    ouend to break down tothe level yua re talkign

  46. SlyPirate Says:

    Hodad Says:
    Nobody hates Baker. Fans hate that Baker will be nothing more than a journeyman with about a .500 winning percentage. Fans like me want something better at QB that’s all.


    NAILED IT!!!

  47. Craig Says:

    You can not continue to call pass plays when your QB overthrows, underthrows, just plain misses the throw, or does not see his check down receivers.

    So many runs were called because there is always a chance for one to break.

    There is no upside for an inaccurate QB. Bad throws can end up as interceptions, and a lot of Baker’s early passes almost did get intercepted.

  48. 1Gr8Buc Says:

    Tony, I would put together a well thought out response to your nonsense but the saying “don’t ever argue with an idiot, they will just bring you down to their level” comes to mind.

  49. Tony Marks Says:

    1Gr8Buc Says:
    January 3rd, 2024 at 10:05 am
    Tony, I would put together a well thought out response to your nonsense

    Those who can’t always say they could – to cover for the fact that they can’t.

  50. BelleGladeBuc Says:

    Let’s talk ball about the first clip.

    The Bucs are in 2×2 ace formation.

    The Saints are in a 2 high safety dime defense.

    The Saints have the twin set on the wide side press cover man.

    The Saints have the twin set on the short side in a soft cover 1.

    The MLB is seven yards depth and is covering the back. It is clear that the MLB is not blitzing.

    The Saints are rushing 4, meaning White has a mandatory pre snap read of a choice route vs the Mike.

    Because of the presnap reads, Baker should be automatically going to White as his #1 read as a back beats backer in space every time. That’s a matchup QB’s are taught to exploit when given the opportunity.

    The ball is snapped and White runs his choice route inside because the backer has outside leverage. White is wide open and the ball should be on his hands out of his break from Baker.

    If that happens you have green grass and space for your playmaker to work. It’s what you want on offense. Easy throw and catch for a big play.

    Unfortunately, for some unknown reason, Baker doesn’t make any of these pre snap reads and throws an incomplete pass to Cade Otten.

    Bad decision making by Baker.

    Drew Brees killed the Bucs with that exact play to Kamara many times.

    Hopefully Baker learns from it.

  51. Crickett Baker Says:

    Congratz BB! Baker is 6’1″ and tall, to me, as well as probably being the best QB in our division. I hate to think of next year with a new coach, QB, and maybe OC. Can’t these guys just learn how to be great consistently?

  52. godlovesbucs Says:

    When there are multiple issues with multiple people and areas, it comes down to coaching. Undisciplined. Allowed a weak offense to put up 23 points and move the ball consistently with no turnovers. Bad offensive play scheme. Poor play at QB. Minimal targets for top wrs. Lots of issues, comes down to head coaching.

  53. BelleGladeBuc Says:

    Let’s talk ball.

    At the Top of ME13’s route the ball is supposed to be thrown.

    ME13 is looking at Mayfield expecting to see the ball being thrown from his hand, but Baker brings the ball down as he pumps it instead of throwing it.

    When a QB pumps the ball the receivers are taught that they need to adjust their route. It’s that simple.

    Secondly, the play is the classic 3×1 shallow cross play with a switched concept for the WR on the numbers running a dig and the WR splitting the difference between hash and numbers in the 3×1 set running a skinny post. The slot in the 3×1 is running the high cross at lb depth.

    The QB is taught to read the high low cross. It is clear on this play the the high cross is covered and the low cross was picked.

    Grass was wide open on the shallow cross side and the ball should either go to the Y or the back.

    If it goes to the Y the back is going to have fun blocking the shallow chaser. That is such a fun block to make because it’s heads up violent and you get to watch your teammate sprung free by you for a big play. During film study players and coaches love the hit on the block a whole lot more than the catch and run.

    If the ball goes to the back it’s off to the races for the back with a lot of green grass in front of him.

    Great play design. Poor execution.

  54. JCLV Says:

    Joe says:

    Tony Marks/JCLV:

    You two guys might want to learn how to read.

    Joe also says:

    Notice how Evans coming from the left side initially looked in when he reached the numbers and then cut to the right sideline when he saw the ball in the air?

    Alas, the pass was not delivered accurately.

    Ball was delivered ACCURATELY. It was Evans that turns back to the inside while the ball was in the air. As you noted, Evans cut to the right sideline which was where the ball was thrown. Certainly you couldn’t have missed seeing Evans turn back inside towards the defender after the ball was released. The only purpose for the false claim that the pass wasn’t accurate was to push an absurd narrative that the OC didn’t call a horrible game and in one of your two examples you acknowledge there wasn’t anything wrong with the decision to go to Evans. So you write a story based on 2 plays, one of which clearly was played correctly and delivered accurately and the other is arguable.

    I read your story and most of your stories, including the fable last week about Canales improving Bakers red zone play. Reading comprehension isn’t the problem. As stated earlier, Bucs players deserve better.

  55. Falconrap Says:

    Just as BelleGladeBuc said, it’s all about the poor execution by the QB. In the last two weeks, Baker was ripping passes off immediately to the correct receiver. But this week he reverted to form and missed opportunities that were clearly there. The first video shows the outside corner sitting on Otton, which should have indicated a contested catch. He had a brief window where he could have hit Godwin between the numbers and hash marks around the 40, where Chris could have turned into the catch and shielded himself for a hit from the safety. He also could have kept looking to the right, then went back to hit White after breaking free, as mentioned.

    The play where his missed Evans is all on him. He pump faked when Mike was clearly expecting to be hit with the ball around the 50 at the numbers, only to find that Baker didn’t actually let the ball go and then looked around seeing the ball too late. What’s worse is he looked White’s way and should have read that he was going to be wide open as the coverage was mostly dropping or flowing to the right side of the field. I think it all boils down to Baker not being very proficient in his reads, and seems to just not have a good feel for what should be and should not be open based on what defenses are doing. Just looks too much like backyard football with him.

  56. Rod Munch Says:

    Other signs that the Bakers Bois have been around… You may also notice plants around your home have been eaten, scratches on trees, “walking” noises coming from your roof, and tracks in the mud. Baker Bois are notorious for going through trash cans and damaging yards as they look for grubs and earthworms.

    Just be sure to tie down your garbage can lids, and keep children away from windowless vans.

  57. Proudbucsfan Says:

    I’d like to ask a question to anyone that would know the answer? I’m not trying to put anyone down or push a narrative. I’d like to know if Baker Mayfield has ever been down a significant score let’s say 20 points and made a comeback win in the NFL ?

  58. JCLV Says:

    Proudbusfan, not sure about 20 but first game was down 14 when he entered the game right before the half and won. Versus Raiders last year after joining Rams 2 days before, entered down 10 and down 13 with less than 3 & 1/2 and won. Down 13 vs Browns last year in 4th quarter and took lead with 73 seconds but Panthers gave it up. Down 14 to Ravens in ‘20 and took lead with 63 seconds only for defense to give it up. Last 2 kinda sound familiar.

  59. Tony marks Says:

    Falconrap Says:
    January 3rd, 2024 at 12:13 pm
    Just as BelleGladeBuc said,


    That makes both or you verifiable tools. WHy?

    because in this case WE HAVE THE EVIDENCE RIGHT IN FRONT OF US in the
    twitter/X posted videos.

    Anyone can see your silliness looking at the video. It shows the first pump at the 08 mark which also shows that Mike is sandwhiched between two defenders. The pull back is a SOLID decision because ME needs another second to get trulyl free.

    OF course to you guys ME is incapable of making a bad decisison but when you break free you should NEVER change direction unless the route specificially calls for it. Its a dumb move because when The QB sees the separation he is thowing ahead in the direction the receiver is running in . We know that the route did not call for his inward turn around because ME makes no commited turn inward. His head looks inward but immediately corrects back outside where he should have kept running.

    You TWO do not know A LICK of basic Football and just PROVED it

  60. Tony marks Says:

    JCLV Says:

    The only purpose for the false claim that the pass wasn’t accurate was to push an absurd narrative that the OC didn’t call a horrible game and in one of your two examples you acknowledge there wasn’t anything wrong with the decision to go to Evans. So you write a story based on 2 plays, one of which clearly was played correctly and delivered accurately and the other is arguable.


    Bang onthe money.!! We werent suppose to look too cloesly at the videos. We were just supposed to beleive they support the narative. ooops.some of us did and it contradicts the narrative. The ball was thrown accurately and to the right receiver. The recever causes the incompletion by changing the direction he had broken frer in.

  61. BelleGladeBuc Says:


    You have know shown how ignorant of football you are.

    The play that I am talking about is known by everyone in football as 91/Shallow, but it has morphed into 92/Mesh a lot of times.

    These are staples of the Air Raid system.

    Hal Mumme and Mike Leach are offensive wizards and legends.

    I am talking football. You’re busy talking grammar and insulting people.

    You obviously never played.

    In the version of 91 that the Bucs ran out of a 3×1. They switched the Mills concept.

    For you, Tony, the Mills concept is a post for the numbers receiver and a dig for the receiver splitting the difference between numbers and the hash where the slot receiver is.

    Switching Tony means that the Dig route receiver switched his with the post route receiver.

    It is obvious that the called read on the 91/Shallow play is the Mills and not the shallow.

    You with me, Yony?

    Because you obviously have never played, in practice, a WR is taught to expect the ball at certain landmarks. When ME13 hits the opposite hash at the top of his skinny post route he’s expecting the ball. When he sees his quarterback pump the ball and bring it down he’s been taught in practice through numerous repetitions to adjust his route and get ready for the scramble drill. The quarterback knows this. The WR will work their route back to the QB, if he’s deep he comes short, if he’s short he goes long.

    Still with me Tony?

    When ME13 turned left to adjust his route back to Baker and saw the safety in the middle of the field he had to be thoroughly confused by Baker’s pump fake.

    The ball should have been thrown instead of pumped, continuing to lead ME13 to open grass that was there towards the sideline on his skinny post. You throw to grass, and the grass was there. With a defender trailing him, ME13 is already open. The deep safety has taken the dig instead of the post, so the Ball must go to the post.

    You stating that ME13 not open because he’s got a man behind him and that Baker’s pump freed him will get you laughed at during film sessions.

    Again, I can tell that you never played as you probably think the safety who’s near and in front of ME13 is guarding him, but he’s not. His back is to ME13 because he’s playing the flats in zone. His responsibility is the flats and he attacks the high cross receiver who fills that zone.

    Pump fakes and working up in the pocket signal a scramble drill to receivers, and that’s what happened.

    Anybody who played knows this.

  62. Falconrap Says:

    Yeah, it was pretty obvious Mike expected the ball to be in the air going to where he was separating from the defender to. Would have been a big play. But Mike starts looking around wondering where the damn ball is, but Tony thinks it was smart for Baker to pump the ball and then throw it where Mike was never expecting the ball to go. Baker was playing safe with it. He does this crap all the time, failing to make the right anticipatory throw. Windows don’t last forever in the NFL. The QB know how long he’s supposed to wait to make that pass, and knows he needs to let it go on time, anticipating the receiver to run under it at his landmark, which is where the ball should be coming to.

    It amazes me the excuses people give Baker to keep putting him on a pedestal that he hasn’t earned. He’s not that great, and why some of these people want to continue with him is beyond me. He’ll never sustain elite play. He’s not capable of it.

  63. JCLV Says:

    BelleGradeBuc, you say an awful lot in that post and sound like you’re very knowledgeable, but what you say doesn’t match the video. Maybe it’s because you don’t have access to All22 which is better than the video posted by Evan. When Evans raises his hand calling for the ball, he obviously didn’t expect it to be in the air or there wouldn’t be any reason to raise his hand. Evans then continues upfield towards the sideline LOOKING DOWNFIELD and NOT at Baker when the pump is made so he doesn’t ever see it nor does he come back to the qb as you claim he would. Watching the video, it appears that the pump was going to be a pass to Godwin and would have gone for a first down but Baker sees a better play with Evans (maybe because Evans was calling for the ball), pulls it back makes the throw. After the ball leaves the QBs hand, for reasons unknown but not because of a pump that he never saw, Evans looks back inside and takes a step to his left before looking back over his right shoulder and continuing his route but by then he has no play on the ball.

    Maybe all of that analysis you provide is what should happen under the circumstances you describe. The problem is that your claims didn’t happen. Evans wasn’t expecting the ball to be there when he hits the opposite hash because that when he raises his hand calling for the ball as he is heading upfield with his back to the qb. Evans doesn’t see the pump (which was not a fake but a change in decision where to throw the ball) because he was running upfield with his back to the qb. Finally, Evans never goes into the scramble drill nor ever comes back to the qb. No question that being knowledgeable or having played is helpful in reviewing a play, but when that knowledge and experience contradicts what’s shown by the video, one might want to trust their eyes over their knowledge and experience. Just saying.

  64. BelleGladeBuc Says:


    The Saints are in a dime single high safety and the safety is shaded heavily to the trips side.

    The SS is in the box at 8 yards depth serving as the de facto Mike, providing run support as well as defending the flats on the Y side.

    There’s a single corner covering the Y at about 4 yards depth.

    The trips side empty DE is wide 9.

    The Mike has declared man coverage as he’s covering the tailback in the empty set. If Baker were to motion him into the backfield the Mike would replace and bump the SS back into a 2 high look which would then dictate that you are reading the Shallow and not the Mills.

    Because Baker doesn’t do this the call is the Mills concept and to read the single high safety who is at the 50 yard line. If he takes the dig, then throw the post, and vice versa.

    The QB is taught to look at the single high safety and make him wrong.

    These are pre snap reads. You can see that on this video clip and you don’t need the All 22.

    Post snap the single high safety shaded to trips side at the 50 takes the dig. Baker now knows on his fifth step the ball is going to the grass of ME13’s skinny post. There’s no need for a pump. NONE.

    ME13 has beaten his man who is chasing him from behind and there is a ton of grass to throw him to for a massive play. It’s inexcusable why the ball is not on time.

    The pump tells me that he’s indecisive because he had a clean pocket to throw from. Again, the pump is inexcusable. The film shows textbook 5 5 step and ball to the Mills.

  65. Tony marks Says:

    BelleGladeBuc Says:
    January 3rd, 2024 at 6:33 pm

    You have know shown how ignorant of football you are.


    Yawn. You’ve proven oer and over again you don’t know squat but claim expertise based on the slly claim Belle Glade is reknown for football

    NO its reknown for getting high chemicals and poverty.

    IF you can’t get the basics right you aren’t worth reading another of your long book posts.

  66. BelleGladeBuc Says:


    I love talking ball with people. Thank you.

    So refreshing to talk ball with another guy on here and not get into Real Housewives of New Jersey behavior (as Bill Burr hilariously pointed out, my wife is a fan of that instead of WNBA and I have seen there crazy behavior because of her) as a couple guys look at film and talk like men do in a football film room.

    Thank you.

  67. Tony marks Says:

    JCLV Says:
    pulls it back makes the throw. After the ball leaves the QBs hand, for reasons unknown but not because of a pump that he never saw,


    PRECISELY which proves all of Bell glades crapola analysis is total rubbish. NO pump is changing anything for ME because he never sees it. ITs all gibberish nonsense of a junior high kid tying to pretend he is versed in the NFL

  68. BelleGladeBuc Says:


    You’re a person who is emboldened by anonymity.

    You would be very comfortable with your off topic personal attack style and be one of the girls in the Real Housewivez of New Jersey setting.

    You obviously were waiting and hoping for my response so you could pounce with your off topic and childish attacks. 2 minutes after I post you pounce. Sad.

    Guaranteed if you and I were having a face to face discussion with other Bucs fans at Big Storm watching a Bucs game you wouldn’t say the things that you say.

    The public reaction to your commentary would hopefully cause you to think twice.

    When you start attacking a minority community for socioeconomic and sociopolitical reasons it causes the public to judge you. You’d be on video as everyone takes out there phones and records you and post it to social media so you can be judged.

    Finally, it is true that Belle Glade is known for their crime and poverty problem, but it has produced hundreds of college players, numerous NFL players, Florida Hall of Fame Football players and an NFL Hall of Famer in Ricky Jackson.

    Florida High Schools top 3 all time for producing NFL players:

    1-St. Thomas Aquinas
    2-Belle Glade Glades Central High School
    2-Raines High School

    Those who know Florida Prep Football know and respect St. Thomas Aquinas, Belle Glade Glades Central High School and Raines High School. No knowledgeable football person would ever insult the youth/prep football from
    St. Thomas Aquinas, Belle Glade Glades Central High School and Raines High School areas. It’s sad that you don’t.

    There is good in the community of Belle Glade. Sad that you judge everyone in that community as only being known for being criminals. You might want to work on that.

    I’ll pray for you. Peace be with you brother.

  69. BelleGladeBuc Says:


    This is a repost. Hope to talk ball and not politics or personal attacks. Fingers crossed 🤞

    “The Saints are in a dime single high safety and the safety is shaded heavily to the trips side.

    The SS is in the box at 8 yards depth serving as the de facto Mike, providing run support as well as defending the flats on the Y side.

    There’s a single corner covering the Y at about 4 yards depth.

    The trips side empty DE is wide 9.

    The Mike has declared man coverage as he’s covering the tailback in the empty set. If Baker were to motion him into the backfield the Mike would replace and bump the SS back into a 2 high look which would then dictate that you are reading the Shallow and not the Mills.

    Because Baker doesn’t do this the call is the Mills concept and to read the single high safety who is at the 50 yard line. If he takes the dig, then throw the post, and vice versa.

    The QB is taught to look at the single high safety and make him wrong.

    These are pre snap reads. You can see that on this video clip and you don’t need the All 22.

    Post snap the single high safety shaded to trips side at the 50 takes the dig. Baker now knows on his fifth step the ball is going to the grass of ME13’s skinny post. There’s no need for a pump. NONE.

    ME13 has beaten his man who is chasing him from behind and there is a ton of grass to throw him to for a massive play. It’s inexcusable why the ball is not on time.

    The pump tells me that he’s indecisive because he had a clean pocket to throw from. Again, the pump is inexcusable. The film shows textbook 5 5 step and ball to the Mills.“

  70. Falconrap Says:

    Unfortunately, Belle, that’s pretty much par for the course with Tony. He clearly doesn’t know football well enough. I’m not an expert at your level, as I haven’t played the game, just watched hundreds of games and rooted for the Bucs since day one. I know enough to know that Mike was open and expecting the ball around the 50 yard number marker and then looked around wondering why it wasn’t there (it looked to me like he was the primary read for this play and expected the pass if he got leverage on the DB, which he did). I honestly don’t know why so many on here are so tied to Baker. I like the guy, as he’s got guts, but he just falls short way too often and I want better. Above average QB play during that game would have likely led to us scoring well north of 20 points.

  71. JCLV Says:

    BelleGradeBuc, this was one of very few plays where there were multiple very good options. Baker chose the best one and it was the pump that made that happen whether intentional or not. Based upon what you say was the presnap read, it was likely intentional. This BS story by Joe is about Baker ignoring a wide open White. It’s true White was wide open, but so was Godwin and ultimately so was Evans. Based upon your presnap assessment that Evans was the play, it appears you agree that Joes claim Baker incorrectly ignored White is BS.

    Whether Baker was initially going to Evans is not definitively clear from the video but may have very well been. Godwin is on a crossing route and opens up and easily has first down yardage. You say Baker should have hit Evans at the opposite hash. The problem is the safety was standing on the opposite hash as Evans crosses the first hash. The safety is the exact spot where Evans crosses the opposite hash. The ONLY reason he wasn’t there when Evans crosses it is because of the pump as it looked like Baker was throwing to Godwin. The safety doesn’t move to Godwin if the pump was to Evans. If the throw were to be made when you say it should have been and hit Evans on the opposite hash, the only way it would have had any legitimate chance to have been completed is if Evans runs a deeper route and gets behind the safety. He wasn’t running that deeper route.

    I initially thought that the pump was an intended throw to Godwin, but maybe it wasn’t and was made for the sole purpose of bringing the safety up to Godwin which it did and allowed Evans to cross the opposite hash in the exact spot where the safety had been standing. Baker did something similar in Atlanta on a throw to the end zone. Regardless, after calling for the ball as he crosses the opposite hash (the location where you say the ball should have already been at that time) Evans doesn’t see the pump and it’s not til after the ball was released that he makes the inexplicable decision to look to the inside and take a step off the line he was running. The ball was delivered to where it should have been and when it should have been. It hit the ground in the green area between the numbers and the sideline and there was a ton grass where he could have turned up and if he could outrun his man score a td and bring the Bucs within 10 on the first series of the second half. Even if he doesn’t score they have a first down and are within field goal range. Instead it was another 3 and out.

    Evans made a boneheaded move by turning to the inside and not staying on his route. All players make boneheaded moves. This one hurt almost as much as the earlier underthrow to Palmer. if you still have any doubts, just watch Evans route after he calls for the ball and then say that’s something that any qb might think would happen.

  72. BelleGladeBuc Says:


    The Strong Safety that you’re talking about has his back to Evans and is guarding the flats in front of him.

    Because the SS back is turned and he’s standing flat feet it’s impossible for him to make the play.

    Baker needs to throw the ball on time and lead ME13 to all of that glorious wide open green grass.

    He’s got a clean pocket and he’s got the shot he needs to take right now. There’s no reason for a pump fake. NONE.

    Ball should be thrown towards the numbers between the 45 or 50, and not the other side of the 50.

    I love Baker’s decision on the Mills concept to go to ME13, but he’s got to be more fearless and let it go and trust the concept and what he sees.

    That’s what I and Falconrap are saying. That’s the criticism.

  73. BelleGladeBuc Says:


    I’ll take your word for it because I don’t know how to access All 22.

    Let me know how and that’d be great to learn how to do it.

    It’s not clear on this clip in showing why Evans threw up his hands and turned his head.

    Agreed that it’s not good.

    Wish that when ME13 hit the landmark of the hash that Baker had let it rip and led him to that green grass.

    It might have gone for a touchdown because it would be a race against the Free Safety coming from the opposite side of the field and the pursuit angle he takes.

  74. JCLV Says:

    BelleGradeBuc, not sure what to say or that anything can be said. The pump is what opens this play up. The safety may be responsible for what’s in front of him but HE IS STANDING ON THE SPOT where you say the ball should be delivered. If the ball is thrown earlier to that spot, he’s definitely not moving forward no matter of how much you and falcon want to claim. He only moves up because he thinks the throw is going to Evans. Even if that is what was supposed to happen, Baker made the play better with the pump THAT EVANS NEVER SAW. A wr can’t call for the ball and then change routes, especially once the ball is in the air. You defending Evans on this is worse than any Baker fan.

  75. JCLV Says:

    BelleGradeBuc, after seeing your latest post, it sounds like you are saying the ball should be released when he hits the opposite hash which is different than what I understood your position to be that the ball should have been delivered to the opposite hash. When Evans hits the opposite hash, the safety is vacating the area to go to Godwin. That is because Baker’s pump already in motion makes the safety think that’s where the ball is going and takes him out of the play completely. Hard to think that if the throwing motion is towards Evans he doesn’t get back on the play. It might not be enough or it might be. He certainly would be in play to make a tackle before the end zone. The failure of this play was on Evans. Absolutely no reason to turn and take a step to the inside. Lateral adjustments to balls in the air don’t seem to be his strong point, but as he turns just after the ball is thrown it’s hard to think he was trying to make an adjustment.

    As to the All22, it’s a pay service on NFL Plus. Think it’s $15 a month or $99 a year. Gives access to All22, regular and condensed video.

  76. Falconrap Says:

    JCLV, I’m sorry, but you’re wrong. Number 24 had to come down to cover Godwin as it was his responsibility. All he sees is Baker getting ready to throw with Godwin coming open toward the sideline. Pausing the video shows he starts breaking toward Godwin as Baker starts to wind up the pass, not after the pump. Right at 8 seconds on the X video above you see he starts to break toward Godwin and Baker’s arm is winding back. Just a second before, he was looking to see that Evans was being “covered”, but Godwin was his responsibility and he needed to collapse down. Baker getting ready to pass just made him bite harder, but Baker just needed to let the ball go toward Evans and 24 would have been in trail along with 29. Evans has leverage on both players even if 24 tried to stay with Evans. The pass should have g one toward the 50 yard marker to a wide open Evans. Period. 29 was toast and 32 was already changing his angle to meet up with Evans much deeper down field. Likely would have gotten to at least the 25 yard line. All depends on if Evans could out run 32. It was a miss on Baker, as there have been many.

  77. JCLV Says:

    Falconrap, guessing you don’t have All22 to be able to slow it down to see a better sequence of what’s happening. Safety does glance at Evans but doesn’t move to Godwin until qb starts throwing motion in Godwins direction. If Godwin was his only responsibility, he would have moved that way much earlier cause a throw to Godwin would have minimally been a 10 to 15 yard gain and a first down.

    Regardless, what’s your explanation for Evans action calling for the ball and then doing whatever that s maneuver was during the route? Even if one were to believe your analysis, why did the play fail, qb throwing a bit late but to the spot the receiver was running or the receiver for calling for the ball and then running back and forth in some bizarre fashion?

  78. BelleGladeBuc Says:


    That’s exactly what I was saying.

    Even if the safety gets back on the play it’s still a monster reception for a massive chunk of yards and a first down. Just throw it on time.

    Or, have ME13 not break his route as you’re saying he did on the All 22.

    If one of those things happened, the Bucs might win the game and Baker certainly wouldn’t be hurt on a two point possession play and we wouldn’t be worried about a second string quarterback playing in a must win game in his first real game action of the season. Yet another mistake by Bowles. Walsh, Gibbs and Bellicheck all say that you have to give your backup real game time during the season because you don’t want their first time to be in a crucial game with no game experience.

    If ifs and buts, were candy and nuts, right?

    I’ve enjoyed talking ball with you and Falconrap.

  79. Falconrap Says:

    24 was beat no matter what he did. Evans already had vertical leverage on him (24 was facing against him and would have to pivot and start running while Evans is already going by him). I also see that at the start of his initial throwing motion, Godwin and Evans are in the same line of sight, almost directly. There’s no way 24 is making a determination at that point whether Baker is aiming for Godwin or Evans. His foot is lined up to through to either. I think Mike puts his hand up at the same time (8 seconds on the video), just has he approaches the 40 knowing he’s got both guys beat. It’s his signal to let the ball go. Then he’s wondering where it is…starts looking around and loses sight of the late thrown ball until it’s too late to get to where Baker actually ends up throwing it. Baker needed to release that ball when he saw Evans with vertical leverage splitting the DB’s. He’s open. Let the ball go to where Mike was expecting it.

  80. JCLV Says:

    Falonrap, your response is what I expected. Do you really think that the safety was reacting to a pump to Evans and not to Godwin? That he wasnt following the QBs eyes? Your capability to do that from watching a grainy video clip makes it hard to take you serious. While Evans and Godwin were on a similar line, Evans was a few lateral yards behind Godwin. From the end zone angle, you can clearly see Bakers pump is to Godwin and his setup is also for a throw to Godwin. That was the reason the safety moved, it wasn’t an “I don’t know where he’s throwing it so I will just run this way”.

    My initial beef with this BS story was with Joe. It followed a BS story from last week of which 5 minutes of researching should have caused him to put his keyboard down. I had not previously engaged with those commenting on this site because so many takes are just mindless. That play was not Evans first brain fart this year and all players have them. Don’t get the impression that Evans is a prima donna but that seems to be your defense of what happened. The ball didn’t come to him right where he expected it so he was confused and didn’t know what to do. It’s pretty simple, you call for the ball, you maintain your route. Had he done so, decent chance he would have another 70 yards and a td and the Bucs would have been back in the game.

  81. Falconrap Says:

    First, from Baker’s perspective, when he pulls the hand back, Godwin and Evans are almost in an exact line. If you think a DB a full 15 yards away can distinguish in that split instant which of the two receivers Baker was aiming for, then I really don’t know what more I can say to you. There’s simply no way to distinguish at that point. Again, it doesn’t matter as 24 is facing, flat footed, Baker and Godwin. With respect to Evans, he’s beat. There’s 0 reason to do anything other than let that ball go. If I could post a picture here, I’d post the screen shot with a line drawn from Baker to Evans. You’d see Godwin right on it at the 7-8 second mark. They then quickly diverge, but that’s after Baker had pulled his arm back. All of this happens in split second timing. It looks like Baker simply thought twice about letting it go to Evans then finally did. I highly doubt it was planned. And based on what you stated in your second paragraph it seems like you put the blame on Evans calling him a Prima Donna. I disagree. Baker has shown time and time again a propensity to hold the ball longer than he should. Canales designs the primary routes to be thrown to in under 3 seconds. He harped on the QB’s about the release time during camp. Evans hand goes up right around the 3 second mark after the ball is snapped. That ball should be in the air heading his way, and I’m quite sure Canales would tell you the same thing.

    There are a lot of mindless takes on this board. Your post isn’t one of them, I just think you are wrong on what you think is happening here. Like I said, the timing Canales likes to use supports my opinion and Belle’s.

  82. Tony marks Says:

    BelleGladeBuc Says:
    January 4th, 2024 at 10:13 am

    You’re a person who is emboldened by anonymity.

    You would be very comfortable with your off topic personal attack style and be one of the girls in the Real Housewivez of New Jersey setting.

    LOL….The fact that you openly admit to watching such garbage tells me all I need to kow about you and Belle Glades.. However thank you for putting that in the opening paragraph so It saved me from reading what was obviously going to be the same nonsense already debunked.

  83. Tony marks Says:

    BelleGladeBuc Says:

    Post snap the single high safety shaded to trips side at the 50 takes the dig. Baker now knows on his fifth step the ball is going to the grass of ME13’s skinny post. There’s no need for a pump. NONE.


    OF course there is and I have already covered it. This is where your junoir high schoo experience doesn’t translate to the NFL kid. Stop trying to fudge some expertise with me . I am not wet behind the ears like your pal Falconcrap.

    Again the video proves you wrong. THe first pump ME is at th 4P yard mark. but the defender at the top of the screen has not yet broken to cover I think it godwin but I can’t make out the humber. So at that point ME is sandwhiched between two defender. Theres a good chance if he throws it then before the defender breaks off that a play by the defense can be made.

    You see all our talk of the play called ignores like a rookie that offensive play calls cannot and DO NOt tell you where the defender wil be. Thats something an NFL Qb has to read and adjust for regardless of the play. Baker’s decision to not throw the ball then but reset is a good one by the fact that ME is wide open unlike at the 40 yeard mark.

    Welcome to the NFl rookie.

    Baker relaizes if he gives ME a seond more he will be truly open. so he holds and restarts.

  84. Tony marks Says:

    JCLV Says:
    January 4th, 2024 at 1:18 pm
    When Evans hits the opposite hash, the safety is vacating the area to go to Godwin. That is because Baker’s pump already in motion makes the safety think that’s where the ball is going and takes him out of the play completely.


    Similar to the point I just made except I don’t think Godwin was ever where baker was going. He sees ME about to get open but realizes the safety has not made his break to cover Godwin. At the point he realilzes the play needs an extra second for ME to be truly open. so he resets the throw

    and he’s right. a second later ME is wide open and the safety who has to come down to cover godwin is out of the play.

    EIther way what we are doing is looking at the video evidence and Belle and Falcon are trying to impress wth their non NFL level knowledge rathet than the facts.

  85. JCLV Says:

    Falconrap, I was done, but you hooked me one last time. If you had the end zone view, you could clearly see that Evans and Godwin were not on the same line. You would also be able to see that Bakers body was opened for a throw to the outside for Godwin. Quite certain the safety was in a much better position than even the end zone view. It is a shame that pics can’t be posted as the end zone view shows something different than the side view. If you want to actually see what happens vs arguing a point and you recorded the game, there was even footage from behind Baker. You can see him pull the ball down as Evans is waving and then immediately let it loose to Evans who is then looking back directly at the qb when the ball is thrown. For whatever reason, Evans then turns back to the center of the field. The Fox announcer calling the game said “This ball is thrown exactly where he is going” and then both announcers went on to express their confusion with what Evans did. Since you don’t believe me, listen to them.

    Also, I did not say Evans was a prima Donna. To the contrary, I said he doesn’t seem like one but that seemed to be your defense of him. As to what Canales likes, it’s hard to believe that he would have liked nothing more than for Evans to have continued his route and caught the ball for a td or a large gain. Even if the play was intended for an earlier release, that’s nothing in comparison to the receiver running the wrong way after the ball was thrown. If a receiver is going to call for the ball, he has got to run the route that’s expected. That didn’t happen and is the reason the play failed.

  86. Tony marks Says:

    JCLV Says:
    January 4th, 2024 at 8:01 pm

    It’s pretty simple, you call for the ball, you maintain your route


    Exactly right . Waving your hand to call for the ball is the closest a receiver can come to calling an audible. Its saying “here I am heading in this direction open”. You should never change course when you do that and he does that first at the 41 mark.

    which also backs our point on the safety. its betweenthe 40 and 41 yard mark the safety comed down to cover Godwin

    Case closed.

    P.S. what you are also seeing here is the over rating or ME. Great hall of fame player but for many of these locals to centralish florida fans he can do no wrong even though every receiver sometimes does wrong.

  87. BelleGladeBuc Says:


    You got me, I have seen Real Housewives. So has Joe Rogan, Dave Chappell and Bill Burr. Guess those comedians are just as bad as me. Sigh.

    It’s clear that you’re out of your depth and clearly wet behind the ears.

    By your constant references to junior high I’m willing to bet that is your highest level of ball. Mine was as an offensive lineman for a big time program in college.

    I flat out diagnosed the play to a T. I called out the coverages for the defense, told you the personnel, identified the Mike, and even told you that the DE was wide 9 technique. You don’t even know what wide 9 is. Sigh.

    You can’t even tell me what the pass pro call is for this play. Is it big on big, or full slide or half slide?

    At 0:07 mark of the video clip ME13 has beaten his man as his defender has turned his hips at that moment and ME13 takes advantage of that. He’s even and leavin.

    At the 0:07 mark the single high safety who is at the 50 on the left hash is taking #10 who is running the dig. He’s declared his coverage. The ball must go to the post that ME13 is running. Baker knows this at this time as he’s hitting his 5th step in his drop back. That’s pre pump for you Tony.

    You have to be a special kind of short bus rider to think the SS who is standing still at the left hash on the 40 is in any way covering or sandwiching ME13 on the post. He’s physically unable to cover ME13 who is sprinting full speed on the post as he’s literally standing still.

    Please tell me that you at least understand this, or do you think that SS is The Flash or Superman? The SS is unable to cover ME13, and because of that THERE IS NO REASON TO PUMP FAKE HIM.

    The pre snap read is to the Mills concept, or did you forget that? Single high when running 91 is always to the Mills. 2 high when running 91 it’s always to the Shallow.

    Because you are clueless about all of that, you go childish.

    You can’t talk ball so you ignore talking ball like a man, and behave like a junior high kid. Sigh.

    You’re out of your depth. You have been weighed and found to be wanting.

  88. BelleGladeBuc Says:


    You got me, I have seen Real Housewives. So has Joe Rogan, Dave Chappell and Bill Burr. Guess those comedians are just as bad as me. Sigh.

    It’s clear that you’re out of your depth and clearly wet behind the ears.

    By your constant references to junior high I’m willing to bet that is your highest level of ball. Mine was as an offensive lineman for a big time program in college.

    I flat out diagnosed the play to a T. I called out the coverages for the defense, told you the personnel, identified the Mike, and even told you that the DE was wide 9 technique. You don’t even know what wide 9 is. Sigh.

    You can’t even tell me what the pass pro call is for this play. Is it big on big, or full slide or half slide?

    At 0:07 mark of the video clip ME13 has beaten his man as his defender has turned his hips at that moment and ME13 takes advantage of that. He’s even and leavin.

    At the 0:07 mark the single high safety who is at the 50 on the left hash is taking #10 who is running the dig. He’s declared his coverage. The ball must go to the post that ME13 is running. Baker knows this at this time as he’s hitting his 5th step in his drop back. That’s pre pump for you Tony.

    You have to be a special kind of short bus rider to think the SS who is standing still at the RIGHT hash on the 40 is in any way covering or sandwiching ME13 on the post. He’s physically unable to cover ME13 who is sprinting full speed on the post as he’s literally standing still.

    Please tell me that you at least understand this, or do you think that SS is The Flash or Superman? The SS is unable to cover ME13, and because of that THERE IS NO REASON TO PUMP FAKE HIM.

    The pre snap read is to the Mills concept, or did you forget that? Single high when running 91 is always to the Mills. 2 high when running 91 it’s always to the Shallow.

    Because you are clueless about all of that, you go childish.

    You can’t talk ball so you ignore talking ball like a man, and behave like a junior high kid. Sigh.

    You’re out of your depth. You have been weighed and found to be wanting.

  89. Tony marks Says:

    BelleGladeBuc Says:
    You have to be a special kind of short bus rider to think the SS who is standing still at the RIGHT hash on the 40 is in any way covering or sandwiching ME13 on the post. He’s physically unable to cover ME13 who is sprinting full speed on the post as he’s literally standing still.


    LOl no you have to be some kind of dumb to not understand how physics works. Heres what you do .

    Bring back the video to when baker decides to hold the ball, Thats shortly before its at the point of normal release so generally at or a tad behind the head’s plane. ( see if you can keep up this time)

    Why before? because theres this thing called MOMENTUM . Humans being cannot stop movement instantaeneously

    ME is NOT past the safety. HE is at the 39 mark So doesn’t have to be the flash silly . Baker RIGHTLY decides if he gives Me another half asecond he will be more open AND he will pull away more from his defender further

    Heres another physics fact for you silly. 90% of the time the receiver makes a reception he slows his forward motion. Thats why A QB will always want to give his player time to gain further distance from his trailing defender. It give his receiver more space to catch and accelerate again getting away from his defender.

    GOing over your head? No surprise there.

    All of this is right there on the streamed video. From 41-45 ME as baker correctly asseses increases his space advantage and the only thing that allows the defender to catch up is ME turning around and once in the wrong driection ( as establisehd once you raise your hand calling for the ball you should ALWAYS continue the same direction. if you dispute that then you are a footbal moron).

    I can’t teach you Footballl over comments and I certainly cant make up for the fact you were aslepp in physics class. SO there no more time to waste with you. The last piece of stupidity is you claiming I am anonymous while using my name while unless your name i s Bell Glade Buc its you that can claim any nonsense for yourself. which isnt true.

    Maybe in real lfie you are not this silly. Baker hate makes people that way sometimes. Eithrr way You’ve been Debunked yet again. I have no more time for you and so you are hereby dismissed. as inadequate to the task.

  90. BelleGladeBuc Says:


    You don’t understand about throwing a player open. Sigh.

    First the SS is playing zone. On the right hash at the 40. This is football 101. His shoulders and hips are square to the line of scrimmage as he is standing still while the play is post snap.

    Zone means he’s got the grass in front of him and the grass behind him is someone else’s responsibility. The 50 is behind him. This is football 101.

    Secondly, you apparently don’t know that QB’s and WR’s are taught that when a defender turns his hips he’s beaten. We’ll get to that in a second.

    That means if Baker throws it on time to the numbers at the 50 it is impossible for the SS who is not moving at the 40 left hash to turn his hips and run diagonally and match ME13’s speed and cover him because ME13 is sprinting full speed and with about 2 yards separating him from the SS playing zone at the 40 left hash.

    The ball and ME13 are traveling at a greater speed than the SS as he stands there at the 40. That means the SS must turn his hips and be at a greater speed to match ME13’s in order to cover him for the 12 plus yards. It’s impossible.

    Junior High QB’s are taught that about throwing into windows of grass, I thought you knew that.

    Its at the 0:07 mark.

    Throw the ball on time and lead your man to the green grass.

    That’s Baker’s mistake.

    It’s obvious that you don’t understand coverages and throwing to grass. You’re the type of person who thinks there needs to be a lot of separation between defenders and receivers. Sigh.

    According to JCLV there’s no reason for ME13 to alter his route and that is his mistake.

    Your problem is that you are a hero worshiper of a grown man who is not the savior and you think he can’t do any wrong.

  91. BelleGladeBuc Says:


    We are talking about objects speed in relation to their direction and position. That’s velocity and not momentum.

    You got to be a super duper special kinda short bus rider to lecture people about being stupid about physics and you get the simple concepts of velocity and momentum completely wrong.

    BTW, I think Baker is the Bucs best chance at winning now and in the future. He’s changed my mind. Guess you missed that former English professional in my posts.