Baker Mayfield Uncertain For Sunday

January 3rd, 2024

Status in question.

Sunday will be the season’s most important game. The Bucs at Carolina will decide if the Bucs are a playoff team or if it’s time to bolt to the Dominican Republic. The Bucs may have to turn to a man who has never started an NFL game: Kyle Trask.

Baker Mayfield’s status for Sunday’s game is in jeopardy. That’s the word from Bucs coach Todd Bowles today.

On Monday, the day after the groin stomp loss to the slimy Saints, Bowles was pretty adamant that Mayfield, who suffered some sort of ribs injury, would be ready to play Sunday.

Today, Bowles left the door open that Mayfield may not be ready to go. Today the Bucs are having a walk-through type of practice. Bowles said if today was a regular, standard full practice, Mayfield would not be able to practice.

“Pretty sore,” Mayfield later said of his ribs. “It’s tender. I’ve dealt with rib injuries before. Rest always helps.”

Mayfield seemed to indicate he would have to be fully unable to throw if he can’t start on Sunday, but he admitted he doesn’t know if he can or will play.

“I haven’t tested it out,” Mayfield said. “The closer to game time, the adrenaline will be flowing.

“[It’s] normal soreness. [It will] progress during the week. I will do everything I can [to play].”

Mayfield said he had additional tests on his ribs since the groin stomp loss to the slimy Saints. He said he had no breaks or fractures.

97 Responses to “Baker Mayfield Uncertain For Sunday”

  1. Watch More All-22 Before Commenting Says:

    They need to start Wolford if Mayfield can’t go.

  2. Dewey Selmon Says:

    Bullspit. He will play Sunday.

  3. D-Rome Says:

    He took a shot toward the end of the game on their goal line push. He was holding his ribs.

  4. Buc1987 Says:

    Watch More All-22…they prolly will start Wolford.

  5. Buc1987 Says:

    How to be a troll….

  6. Onetrickpony Says:

    If, IF , he can’t, than I agree Wolford next. But I suspect Baker is the kind who will try to play even hurting

  7. TomBucsFan Says:

    oh boy here we go

  8. Zoocomics Says:

    He’s too stubborn not to play, almost to a detrement to the team imo. Call me crazy but this Carolina team may be so bad that Trask has a shot with suitable practice reps. I can’t think of a better team to play against given the Panthers will provide us the opportunity to make mistakes and yet still keep us in it.

    Who knows, maybe Trask and his size sees the field a bit better in this offense than Baker. I’m still not convinced Baker height isn’t his primary Achilles heel as a pro.

  9. gofortheface30 Says:

    I would love to see Wolford start if for nothing else to see the impending mushroom cloud on the horizon as I relax on my porch and the collective minds of trask/gator fans explode like a dying star

  10. Crickett Baker Says:

    Yeah, but he doesn’t seem to play as well when he is hurting. I would also agree on Wolford next.

  11. Beeej Says:

    Shame to see him miss his 4k yards

  12. Buc1987 Says:

    Be nice to see what they actually have in Trask for once!

  13. DungyDance Says:


  14. Craig Says:

    The Panthers are also reading this. They will key on the injury and try to drive him from the game.

    They will probably succeed. Hard to play when it hurts to breathe.

    A say to try Trask second. If he fails, then Wolford.

    It should be easy for either of them to overcome the degenerate Panthers.

  15. Allbuccedup Says:

    He will play just a smokescreen!

  16. Oz Len Says:

    Let’s see if there is a spy to tell tell us who’s running the first team in practice later this week.

  17. UKBuccaneer Says:

    No way on Earth you start Trask (essentially a rookie) against a team with a pretty good defense with the division on the line. Not unless you can help it.

  18. Bucfan1988 Says:

    Clowns here saying to start Wolford if Mayfield cant go šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøā€¦

    Yā€™all hate Trask that much huh????

    Trask is #2 backup now for a reasonā€¦ā€¦

    Tough situation but if Mayfield doesnā€™t practice this week, as inconsistent as he is WITH PRACTICE, Iā€™d feel very uneasy him starting on Sundayā€¦.

    I wanna see what Trask can do, but this is an intense sucky situation to put him in for his first ever start with all the first team offensive playersā€¦.

    Bowles could have given him a little playing time 2 games ago with 7 minutes left in the 4th against the Jagsā€¦..Great job Todd šŸ˜©

  19. go dawgs Says:

    It’ definitely has to be Wolford if Mayfield can’t go. At least Wolford has started meaningful games in the nfl. Keep Trask ready with open hands for the cups of gatorade.

  20. B.D Says:

    Here comes the excuses…….not looking good. Panthers are going to try and kill him every chance they get.and on top of this,we always make crappy quarterbacks look like all pros anyways.some no name tight end who never played football before, will come out and and have a one for the ages day.remember,ITS THE BUCS!

  21. Lord Cornelius Says:

    I’ve had bruised ribs / semi-fractured and it’s no joke. He will be in pain no matter what for this game and the playoffs unless he has like mutant genes lol

  22. BrianBucs Says:

    Baker is one tough SOB.
    If he can even walk, he will play.
    He may be an average QB but he is 100% guts

  23. Joe Says:

    Iā€™ve had bruised ribs / semi-fractured and itā€™s no joke.

    Amen. Have had bruised ribs before too. Just taking a deep breath and you’re in pain. Coughing feels like someone hit you with a baseball bat.

  24. Citrus County Says:

    Oh YES ! It is indeed HOWDY DOODY TIME !!!

  25. JD Still Says:

    Mayfield , Bowles and all their sycophants are absolutely terrified that Kyle might start and the whole nation will see what they have been trying to hide, Bucs fans on the other hand have no fear whatsoever and are looking forward to seeing Kyle where he has belonged all year.

  26. Capt.Tim Says:

    So Tyrann Mathieus dirty shot probably cost the Bucs any chance of winning a playoff game, even IF we can beat the Panthers.

    Still no outrage?
    And idiots saying it was a clean shot. Even thought it was called a penalty, and every other site is talking about the dirty shot.

  27. Marine Buc Says:

    Why do I get the feeling this team will 5h!t the bed on Sunday?

  28. BucsFan81 Says:

    I know this will not be a popular opinion and I am no Trask lover or think he is the savior some Bucs fans think he is. However if Baker is that hurt I would rather have a healthy Trask than a beat up Baker who can’t throw it more than 10 yards.

  29. Darin Says:

    You guys can’t play with bruised egos either. This game will come down to who wants it more no matter what qb plays. We’ll see if Carolina already checked out. Or maybe the Bucs did too. No telling in the bowles world

  30. K_bassuka Says:

    This is perfect for Barker, if he plays and wins he will be viewed as a hero; if he plays and loses or play bad (normal for his talents) he will have the ribs excuse. At the end of the day he is going to play cause he is not going to let another QB play and possibly look as good or better than him, Maybefield’s not going to let that happen!

  31. Citrus County Says:

    They have to tank this Sunday. I hope they DO tank against the Panthers. I hope they DO play Trask. That is the most sensible option for them. That is their ONLY WAY OUT. By “they” I mean the Glazers. THEY keep making bad decision after bad decision forcing themselves into a position to have make decisions such as what I just suggested. This gives THEM a chance to parade Jason in front of the cameras and make feeble justifications. I feel sorry for Jason Licht. It would not surprise me if he resigned. What a shame that would be. AND it can all be traced back to the Kangol Hat.

  32. Watch More All-22 Before Commenting Says:

    My assessment that Wolford should start over Trask is purely based on game-play footage and performance.

    Trask seems like a nice kid, and the third best QB to start in a vital game for playoff contention.

  33. BucU Says:

    Maybe they should’ve taken the Saints game a little more seriously?

  34. RBUC Says:

    Atleast 1 of the Florida NFL teams WILL NOT make a playoff spot!!! Hmmmm šŸ¤”

  35. ocala Says:

    I am terrified at how good Trask is.

  36. JD Still Says:

    You know , maybe history does repeat itself , when Felipe Franks was starting at Florida , ( and not doing that well, he was about a .500 QB even as it was being touted about how great he was), and when Franks got injured and they put Kyle in , many of those fans, maybe even some of you here, were sure Florida was doomed! After all Kyle had not started a game since Junior High School, and here he was coming into an SEC game having never played in one, but all he did was lead Florida to two SEC East Championships , multiple Florida passing records and himself as a Heisman finalist while making a whole lot of previous coaches look pretty silly and all with no experience! Canā€™t wait to see what he does as a pro!

  37. SB~LV Says:

    This is what is going to happen
    Trask will play and light it up ,only to fan the flames of mayhem , confusion and controversy….It;s a BucLife and there is no escaping the mental tortures

  38. Rod Munch Says:

    Getting the excuses ready…

  39. Jeff Says:

    Carolina 27 Yucs 10. And BYE BYE Bowles!

  40. Citrus County Says:

    Once again this is another example of the positions this team winds up in.

    They have to tank. Losing to Carolina gives “them” cover for their next big decision.
    We won’t win a playoff game anyway.

    HOWEVER, the decision to play Trask is crucial. If the team rallied and Trask excelled and a win resulted, great. But then they are really boxed in and decisions they make may make or break Trasks’s and Mayfield’s careers. Neither would deserve that.

  41. BakerBucs Says:

    If I was baker I wud demand another 4 million before he took another snap he is the reason they have a shot in this league he has the # to back it up Trask has 3 years of Gatorade patrol & a 3 play at the goal line remember when baker was on the 1 yard line got ankle tramped & that loser Trask came in the game missed the easiest TD throw ever & another shot to punch it in & we got a field goal after all baker mastery plan to get it to the 1 yard line what did Brady say if u get u r 1 chance to play u better shine cause uay never get another chance at it TRASK BLEW IT! PERIOD better luck on another team LOSER TRASK & we lost that game thanks to that knucklehead TRASK.the team will not forget that play by trask & WOlFORD wud start if baker cant

  42. WyomingJoe Says:

    A couple of things:

    I think that Mayfield will start. Even on the pass into the end zone that was intercepted, he threw it hard. If he throws on Friday with moderate pain, heā€™ll start on Sunday. But rib injuries are tricky.

    Trask is the #2, so if Mayfield canā€™t play, you start him. But keep Wolford ready with so much on the line. If Trask does well, thatā€™s great. However, if he doesnā€™t, his future with the Bucs (as far as a starter goes) is over. Thatā€™s not fair, but with the gang of Bucs ā€œfansā€ that we have on this site, he will be crucified.

  43. BakerBucs Says:

    Citrus country so u call u r self a bucs fan wtf says I hope they tank what a huge bunch of douche bags on this site plz remove this site from u r phone no jokers allowed only real bucs fans a true bucs fan doesn’t talk like u useless excuses on this site wtf

  44. Citrus County Says:

    Look at the big picture people. We are now likely to witness the complete disassembly of this team and possibly the front office. All the years of building, promise, and hope may have taken the circular flush. We are likely back on the Merry Go ‘Round again. But that is what the NFL business model thrives upon.

  45. kaimaru Says:


    Wolford is 100% better than Trask

  46. BakerBucs Says:

    Stationary Trask with a panther decent defense he is toast even at 6’3″ which is just mammoth according to the trolls on this site he can’t scramble only thing he can scramble are eggs with toast. I like how you guys give his stats in Florida even try to slide in there a Heisman finalist plz smoke some of that weed cause that is bs.we know our starting QB is the Heisman winner with 2 about of 3 categories he holds the record & icing on the cake was the only QB ever as opposing QB in packer stadium with a 158.3 QB rating now I’m sure Trask can do that no problem not even Brady cud pull that miracle off

  47. BakerBucs Says:

    SB~LVsays Trask will lite it up u mean the hooka pipe before he gets trampled by the Panthers Bryce young makes Trask look like he is on the JV squad now that’s bad real bad

  48. 1sparkybuc Says:

    Will Bowles let Trask even practice with the starters? Iā€™ll believe it when it happens. People on this site treat Trask like heā€™s the enemy. Thatā€™s moronic. Licht drafted him. He wears the same jersey as everyone else. Heā€™s on our side.

  49. BakerBucs Says:

    All the years of building promise & hope (what) they won the SB 3 years ago it not like it’s 30 years ago or never like many teams.this team has like 13 roomies I already thought this team was in rebuild mode .all the t.bowles haters is it my imagination or wasn’t he part of the SB winning team many of u say he can’t win schnit b I pretty sure he earned that special ring unless I delusional like all u haters or plz correct me

  50. Citrus County Says:

    BakerBucs Says:

    Stop that nonsense nincompoop.

    I’ve been a loyal fan of this team for 47 years. This teams and player’s problems will only be exasperated by a win. I don’t ever want to lose. I’ll bet you would have been OK with tanking for a #1 pick at the beginning of the season.

  51. BakerBucs Says:

    SB~LVsays Trask will lite it up u mean the hooka pipe before he gets trampled by the Panthers Bryce young makes Trask look like he is on the JV squad now that’s bad real sure Trask is at practice daily

  52. BakerBucs Says:

    Citrus guy I wud hate to say this but I don’t c this team as tanking they are in the mix alot of teams have way more team unity from several years of playing as a unit this team is doing pretty well way above expectations from training camp most of the teams wud be envious of the progress they have ade in 7 months not several years as a unit like the eagles while we r still in the learning curve i for 1 & Happy as hell were these guys are at in there 1st year as a unit as all of you shud be I for 1 wud not say a word bout trask but the trolls leave us no choice

  53. Citrus County Says:

    BakerBucs Says:

    After giving you the chance to read my post, is there any chance you may have an understanding of the point I make ? Likely not.

  54. Citrus County Says:

    BakerBucs Says: Citrus country so u call u r self a bucs fan wtf says I hope they tank what a huge bunch of douche bags on this site plz remove this site from u r phone no jokers allowed only real bucs fans a true bucs fan doesnā€™t talk like u useless excuses on this site wtf

    DUDE. I’m not on my phone nor am I held captive by my phone. I rarely use my phone. I’m not a zombie wandering around aimlessly with a phone in my hand sucking on the teat of social media. I am sitting comfortably in a chair using my computer to editorialize in between times while I educate and inform myself with the current news of the day.

  55. BUCS4LIFE Says:

    Heā€™s tuff as a junk yard dog if he can play at all he will.

  56. Citrus County Says:

    I’ve suffered rib injuries. It got worse before it got better.

  57. UKBuccaneer Says:

    If you want the team to lose out on a third straight divisional title (making bucs history) then youā€™re not a fan. End of story.

  58. Mark hardt Says:

    A Tiscuit a Traskit the Kult is in a basket.

  59. westernbuc Says:

    Watch more all-22 that is some grade a trolling. Bravo

  60. Bucfan1988 Says:

    Kaimaru, what string is Wolford again??
    Hmmmm, THIRD stringā€¦.
    Trask is #2

    Therefore by the transitive property of equality, TRASK IS BETTER THAN WOLFORD šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøā€¦ā€¦.

    You think Wolford is better because he already knew the offensive system in preseason. The whole reason they brought him inā€¦..

    Many debaters, like me, believe that Trask beat out Mayfield in preseason. Trask just lacks experience. Itā€™s definitely not a lack of talent issue.
    How do you get experience??? Coaches have to let you play with the starting offense.

    Trask will ball out if Bowles names him the startersā€¦.Heā€™s ready but I feel sorry for the timing off all this crap with playoffs on the line.
    Just my opinion šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø

  61. orlbucfan Says:

    CCo.: Iā€™ve been a diehard Bucsā€™ fan for 44-45 years. Yeah, through the miserable 1980s and early 1990s. I never stuck a bag over my head, and remained loyal to my team. I had plenty of fellow NFL fans give me sympathetic looks, but not one ever insulted me. If BM canā€™t play, Trask will. And so what? I want my team to win. I wish Devin White would drop dead but thatā€™s another story.

  62. Citrus County Says:

    There is no shortage of naivete on this site.

  63. Bucfan1988 Says:

    Baker Bucs, Trask is 6ā€™5ā€ā€¦

    And the dude can scramble nowā€¦
    Remember preseason and how much faster he now is???
    He lost like 15 lbs with his training regimen this past offseasonā€¦

  64. Citrus County Says:

    I don’t really want to lose. I’m just saying that a win make things very difficult for the politics the Glazers will have to play and the potential ramifications on certain players careers.

  65. Citrus County Says:

    A response to orlbucfan Says:

    I’m taking heat for saying we need to tank. There is a thought behind that statement. I don’t care about the careers of the coaching staff, they will be fine. The careers of Kyle Trask and Baker Mayfield are on the line. They are BOTH in a bad situation. I like both of them. The Glazers and the front office are in a bad situation. The posturing has already begun. I don’t want to see Baker and Kyle become victims of a bad situation. I also don’t want to see the continuing mediocrity and instability of this franchise continue. The upcoming decision by the Glazer family will affect many. We’ve both been fans for decades, please don’t misconstrue my logic as being a disloyal fan.

  66. Curse of Gruden Says:

    If Trask starts Bowles may not let him through the ball. Ground and pound up the middle. We might win 6-3.

  67. Citrus County Says:

    You are making my point. Unless Kyle plays Tom Brady no one will give him another look and his career may be over.

  68. Bobby Says:

    Here is an interesting thought. Letā€™s say Bucs get into playoffs and Baker canā€™t play against Eagles opening wildcard game. Would Brady come back to start for the Bucs against the Eagles in playoffs!!??? Highly unlikely but i think if Bucs asked him. Brady would consider thisā€¦fun thought lol.

  69. Steve 48 Says:

    It was done on purpose for they if they hurt him he couldn’t play that would mean that backup would have to play and they would have a chance to win division

  70. Kidfloflo Says:

    If Trask beat out Baker according to some fans in training camp, why the fear and trepidation to start him while learning offense all year and fully healthy against the worst team in the NFL!? It’s not like he’s on the road against the Ravens. So by all intent and purposes he should be a star and prove everybody including coaches wrong for not starting him! But if he loses…oh mama

  71. Bobby Says:

    Hey Tom Brady, If Baker canā€™t go in opening playoff game, are you available to start?? Lol doubtful but a fun a thought. Call Todd Bowlesā€¦

  72. Pete Says:

    If it’s not structural, they’ll shoot him up and he’ll be fine.

  73. Daddylonglegs Says:

    What about this scenario……….what do you do if Trask starts and lights it up and we win. Who do start next game?

  74. Pewter power Says:

    Oh so he hasnā€™t learned his lesson yet

    Heā€™s an average quarterback so playing injured in Cleveland got him traded and started the downward spiral. Sit baker because youā€™ve earned yourself a decent payday at this point unless heā€™s worried Trask will make a new contract pointless

  75. Citrus County Says:

    In a further effort to make my point;
    What if Trask comes in and plays well and the Bucs win. Will that change the trajectory of the Bowles situation? Will Baker come back to play in a playoff game or will Bowles sit him and go with the hot hand? Will that change the views of fans after what happened last week? What effect will that have on the Glazer family decision? What effect will that have on Baker Mayfield’s career or the career of Dave Canales? The what ifs go on and on. I suggest a win makes things more complicated and possibly harms Baker’s and Kyle’s careers. Win or lose the media will focus the spotlight on the Bucs and not likely in a positive way. We don’t need or want that. If we lose we will quietly fade away.

  76. Tony marks Says:

    gofortheface30 Says:
    January 3rd, 2024 at 12:36 pm
    I would love to see Wolford start if for nothing else to see the impending mushroom cloud on the horizon as I relax on my porch and the collective minds of trask/gator fans explode like a dying star


    LOL….. love this take on so many levels.

  77. Citrus County Says:


    Win or lose the media will focus the spotlight on the Bucs and not likely in a positive way. If we lose the spotlight will shift away and speculation will taper off. In our case the old adage ” Bad press is better than no press.” is not beneficial.

  78. brooks Says:

    Hmmm 35-10 Carolina

  79. orlbucfan Says:

    CCo.: thanks for your reply. Listen, I root for my team. I live in O-ville, and listen to Bucs Radio. Diehard fan, plus the announcers are homeboys who are 1000% better at describing a game than the boob tube jokes. I can get them on the tube at anytime. I hope the Offense has a collective club to crack Canales over his head if he starts that first down run-up-the-middle crap in the first quarter again. Also, that Panthers owner needs to be in a straitjacket. He’s an ahole. He may end up helping us win. Har-har. Go Bucs!!

  80. Tony marks Says:

    Its a pretty sad commentary on the defense that we would be pressing for Baker to start this game.

    Against the stinking Panthrs even Trask should be fine.

    F I am Trask though I am not overjoyed. Unlike what some people here think it has little upside for him.

    Ball out and it still was only the stinking panthers. You see Bowles going with basically a rookie in a playoff game on the basis of winning against a 2-14 team? – good luck with that

    Kyle Throws some picks and his career is likely over having cost the team a playoff spot.

    Lose lose scenario.

  81. D W Says:

    Smart to keep unknown. Baker too tough though he starts and wins the playoffs spot.

  82. Proudbucsfan Says:

    BakerBucs you need to shut your mouth. For one thing I like Baker Mayfield and if his ribs are broke or if his cartilage is separated the only way he would play would be to get a numbing injection which thatā€™s probably what is going to happen. Kyle Trask is the teamā€™s number two for a reason and they would not jump over Kyle for wolford. As a Bucsfan you should be supportive of Kyle but your hate is disgusting, by the way Trask is 6ā€™5ā€ you idiot and we donā€™t know how he will play until he actually does because he hasnā€™t had a chance. If there was a facility in Tampa that you could challenge someone to get into a ring and beat the daylights out of them legally and not get thrown in jail Iā€™d be challenging about 10 commenters on this site.

  83. Trask Cult Leader Says:

    Sorry I’m late! I got here as quickly as I could. Someone please direct me to the Anti-Trask comments

  84. Trask Cult Leader Says:

    Start Wofford?
    That’s obscene

  85. Tb bolts Says:

    All the gator hating trolls saying play wolf man. Hopefully Trask gets his day and all of you can reapply your clown make up.

  86. Tony marks Says:

    Proudbucsfan Says:
    If there was a facility in Tampa that you could challenge someone to get into a ring and beat the daylights out of them legally and not get thrown in jail Iā€™d be challenging about 10 commenters on this site.


    You just invalidated yourelf as having any sense. Grown men don’t bother with hypothetical fist fight challenges. Thats for litle kids pounding away on their parent’s laptop from theor bottom bunk bed

  87. Capt.Tim Says:

    You can ask about the ring we have at MacDill . . .
    Being ā€œshot upā€ helps, but wont make rib pain go away.
    If Mayfield doest play, we have no chance.
    This is a bad team.
    Cant run, cant block, cant pass rush, and cover.

    Mayfield alone is the only reason we are better than a 4-13 team.
    If you have any doubts, watch the Betting line in Vegas, if Baker is out.
    As always, its all BS, until the Money hits the felt.
    You believe In Trask- go make a huge bet. Youā€™ll have fantastic odds.

    But noone will. Because we all know the true.

  88. Col. Mike Kelley Says:

    The slimy Panthers will definitely target the injury, so Iā€™d be surprised if he makes it through the 2nd quarter. Hopefully they have prepared Trask properly as a backup, but Iā€™m hearing from a staff member they have not.
    Good luck in Dominica

  89. Wes Hall Says:

    Baker will play if Baker can play. If he can’t then it’s Trasks’ time to prove what he’s capable of. It’s supposed to be a team effort. If Tampa Bay wins they win. Either way Baker has proven to all of you non-believers that he deserves a 4 year 130 million dollar contract. Maybe It’ll be with Tampa, or somewhere else. He’s one tough sob. He can ball, end of story. Morons.

  90. Woodenman Says:

    Agree 100% Proudbucsfan well said except for the fighting.

  91. Woodenman Says:

    To say we have no chance without Baker in BS. AGIANST THE WORST TEAM IN THE LEAGUE I WILL TAKE THAT BET EVEN IF WE HAD ZACK WILSON AT QB . I hope Baker plays and is healthy to play. But there are other people on this team besides the QB and some are pretty good players regardless what Capt. Tim tells you.

  92. Robbie Says:

    Lol, coach said after he gave faker [That’s not very nice. — Joe] qb1 that if he went down then Trask was our guy, so if yall want faker to risk his ribs going into the playoffs then can’t play in post season that’s pretty darn crazy

  93. Duane in Sanford Says:

    He should take the week off and rest those ribs. If this team cant beat Carolina, then you can lay the blame clearly at Todd Bowles feet. Baker needs to be healthier for a possible playoff appearance.

  94. Oneilbuc Says:

    Bakerbucs. You got to be the only guy that believes Baker Mayfield is great quarterback. Lol šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Baker Mayfield has the bucs at a 8-8 season in a the worse division in football. He threw a pick and lost the game against the Falcons. He sucked against the Bills and Eagles and the defense did give him a chance to score multiple times until they got burned out. The only thing Baker does is wait until the game is pretty much over and defenses start playing off coverage and giving him them trash yards. He should of have 5 picks against the 49ers . He sucked against the Lions and even against the Texans he had 11yards passing in the 3rd quarter. Every thing I just started is facts.

  95. Toad Bowels Says:

    I’m starting Kyle Trask and I expect 6TDs and 475 yds against the Pathetic Panthers as follows:

    Mike Evans 2 TDs 175 yds
    Chris Godwin 2 TDs 150 yds
    Rashad White 25 carries 75 yds +1 TD 100 yds rec
    Speedy Palmer 1 TD 100 yds
    Ko Kieft 30 yds
    David Moore 20 yds
    Chase McLaughlin 2 FG + 6 PAT

    Final Score Bucs 51, Panthers 35
    You Can Mortgage The Farm On It!

    (But not really, if you bet, only bet Monopoly $)

    Toad Bowels
    Coach of the Year


  96. ATLBuc Says:

    Capt.Tim Says:
    January 3rd, 2024 at 1:15 pm
    So Tyrann Mathieus dirty shot probably cost the Bucs any chance of winning a playoff game, even IF we can beat the Panthers.

    No, Bakerā€™s horrible performances is why we wonā€™t have a chance. If Trask starts we have a chance to go deeper into the playoffs.

  97. Capt.Tim Says:

    Im a prophet on this Web site.
    Our only chance to win, is if Baker can play.

    If ypu watched Trask AT ALL, since hes been with the Bucs, you already know that.

    And the People defending Tyrann the Aholeā€™s cheap shot on Baker- just because of your disgusting bromance with Trash,
    Absolutely nauseating me.
    You arent Buc fans. You should be on a Gay porn site, not a Football site.
    Dont respond to my post anymore