Antoine Winfield, Sr. Is Outraged How His Son Got Shafted By Pro Bowl Selection Process

January 5th, 2024

Dad is furious.

“This Joe” wrote yesterday how he’s done with the Pro Bowl after seeing so many Bucs get the shaft this year.

In particular, Joe was unhinged that in the fan vote, future Hall of Famer and the guy who leads the league in touchdown catches, Mike Evans, wasn’t even in the top-10 in votes. What a joke!

“This Joe” wrote then, and types now, that whoever voted and didn’t vote for Mike Evans needs to be institutionalized or lobotomized.

As bad as that was — and it’s real bad — what may be worse was how Antoine Winfield got the sh!t end of the stick. He was stepped over by Arizona safety Budda Baker, who basically has no stats.

Yet Winfield is putting up stats this year for the ages.

This got Winfield’s dad, a former Pro Bowl corner himself, Antoine Winfield, Sr., to take to Instagram and fully unload on the selection process.

WE DEMAND A RECOUNT,” Winfield Sr. said. “@NFL somebody has some explaining to do!!! Aint’ NO WAY in HELL Buddha Baker goes to the ProBowl ahead of My lil man with NO STATS. I know how important ProBowls are on the Resume & it just so happens to be his Contract year. We ain’t going for the Bullsh!t. Somebody Need to Holla at me.

Winfield, Sr. Wasn’t done. He had a follow-up post where he tagged, among other people, NFL strongman Roger Goodell. Winfield, Sr. demanded the selection process be overhauled as the current system appears corrupted.

Antoine Winfield: @nfl @roger_goodell_nfl_commish @pro_bowl_ This has to Change NOW!!! EVERYONE SHARE THIS POST NOW!
I played 14yrs made 3 ProBowls so I know how the system works. The SH!T FLAWED & all y’all know it. I’m all for the fans voting but the Players/Coaches Collusion voting NEEDS to end ASAP. U mean to tell me NFL Players/Coaches voted Baker in over Winfield Jr? Stevie Wonder😎see this SH!T ain’t right. The NFL has no problem changing rules every season WHY haven’t u done anything to stop this I can’t call it a Snub this ARMED ROBBERY🤬 look at the STATS. This Legacy voting method is what players do to vote one of their Homeboys in so he can string multiple Probowl seasons together. ProBowls All-Pro & Championships are required to make it to the Hall Of Fame u would think u all would take this more serious. I know the teams do when it’s time to Renegotiate those contracts💰. I have All-Day & my Number hasn’t changed. Get at me🤬

And if you do some Googling, you will notice very worthy players were also shafted by the Pro Bowl selection process.

This game/exhibition/made-for-TV nonsense is totally broken. And it is an insult to thinking football fans and, most importantly, an insult to the players.

Shut it down!

37 Responses to “Antoine Winfield, Sr. Is Outraged How His Son Got Shafted By Pro Bowl Selection Process”

  1. Rob Says:

    And he’s completely right.

  2. Eric Says:


  3. Trask Cult Leader Says:

    Baker: 0 INT, 0 FF, 0 FR, 0 sacks
    Winfield: 3 INT, 5 FF, 4 FR, 5 sacks


  4. Proudbucsfan Says:

    The Glazers need to stand up and do something, Antoine Winfield is representing there franchise they can change this process along with all the other owners

  5. ModHairKen Says:

    Who cares? Pay the man. He only cares about winning. That’s why he’s the best. He does not need adulation from fans in other cities.

  6. snookman9 Says:

    i said it before and I will say it again…………Tampa sports does not get the recognition like other larger market sports towns. Its a fact. we are a small market non traditional sports town. Its a fact. Mike Evans would be on every billboard and tv ad if he played in NY, Dallas, Chicago, etc..

    Its a fact we do not get the love. We got a small sample of it with Tom Brady but that was because it was Tom Brady.

  7. Paratrooper Buc Says:

    Winfield SR is totally right. His son got hosed. Honestly he is our best defensive player and is a joy to watch. I still loved how he robbed that colts receiver last year and for the INT. Thing of beauty. He should easily be paid $15 million and likely $18-20 million. He is worth it.

  8. August 1976 Buc Says:

    In the real world, making millions puts this into perspective. Winfield is a gifted ahtlete that makes more than millions of people on the earth. Big flippin deal. I can take you to many people now that wish they had the opportunity Winfield has. Winfield will be just fine. I live in the Philippines, and many of my nieghbors make anywhere from 2-10 dollars a day, thats right, I said 2 to 10 dollars a day. Reality check, Winfield is doing just fine.

  9. garro Says:

    Roger?…hey Roger…..Roger!!!!

    You finally have something legit to “fix”!

    Stop F ing the game up people!

    Go Bucs!

  10. BucfaninMi Says:

    Happens to Bucs players every year!

  11. SteveK Says:

    I hope someone sues the NFL for this blatant bs. It’s stupid as hell. Shameful.

  12. Bucs Fan since 1996 Says:

    Winfield Sr nailed it. Great rant from him.

    And as he pointed out, this is NOT just about money. It can make the difference between getting into the NFL Hall of Fame or not for some players. The system is broken and should be fixed to make it more fair.

  13. Boss Says:

    Sucks….and it’s not like Winfield can just double down and do twice as good. Dud is playing lights out!

  14. BucsFan81 Says:

    They need to just stop with the damn voting process. The NFL just needs to select based strictly on stats. I don’t even know how you can determine Hall of Fame based on pro bowl’s anymore because the Pro Bowl has been a joke for years. I just hope the Bucs don’t mess around when it comes to re signing Winfield. Pay that man his money and lock him up long term.

  15. Show Me the TDs Says:

    Thanks for the screenshot, Joe. Captured it and posted on FB.

  16. Lt. Dan Says:

    I was through with the Pro Bowl and everything about it 10 years ago. I can’t even think of a word to describe how completely lame it is.

  17. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    It’s not about how you play, it’s where you play. That started 47 years ago. Lee Roy should have made 9 pro bowls, I think he made 4 or 5.

  18. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    And I haven’t watched a pro bowl since the early 80s.

  19. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    As Tom Brady once said to Devin white, when Devin had a clear all pro season, and was snubbed.‘Devin don’t worry about that pro bowl, we got bigger fish to fry, and it starts in the playoffs’; to paraphrase the greatest of all time.

  20. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    Antoine, just keep on keeping on, as lavonte david always did and does. Take the high road, and the rest will take care of itself.

  21. gotbbucs Says:

    If Budda Baker has any pride he’ll pull his name off the roster.

  22. Mark hardt Says:

    Enough with the Moms and Dads meddling. If your son is ever going to grow up he has to fight his own battles. Odell,s Dad got his son released and Baker traded. Claudio Reyna,s Mom nearly ended Greg Berhalter,s Soccer coaching career and delayed the USMNT from having a full time coach for 6 months. Thus delaying valuable training time in the run up to this summers Copa America Futbol Tourney. Yes i follow World Football.

  23. No Mercy Says:

    He’s playing better than every other safety this season and the statistics prove it. If he doesn’t make it this year he never will, this is a one in a lifetime season from a statistic standpoint, seeing how the last person to do this well at his position statistically was before the 2000’s!!!! His dad is right about everything

  24. dbbuc711 Says:

    Can remember when this same thing would happen to Rhonde

  25. Razor Ramone Says:

    Be pretty cool if he’s voted all pro.

  26. Bojim Says:


  27. Joshua porter Says:

    B . Baker should do the right thing and say he shouldn’t be there and give Winfield what he earned…

  28. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    Wow! Only two “get off my lawn!” internet tough guy responses, I’m shocked

  29. BillyBucco Says:

    What makes this worse for AWJ is that now they actually use pro bowls to figure out salary when using the Franchise Tag which he could possibly get next year.
    It’s literally taking money out of his pocket!!!!!

  30. Lord Cornelius Says:

    It’s been really bad for a really long time

  31. ReillyThe Rock Says:

    has Ira commented on this?

  32. Lokog Says:

    A new contract would be better

  33. Rayjay1122 Says:

    I wish ME13 the best of he plays in the probowl but I don’t think I will watch it. When the best players are not included then I have no interest.

  34. Boge Says:

    Wild he can be a legitimate DPOY candidate and not make the pro bowl. Some of the best stats for the position EVER, and probably more to come on Sunday.

    He’s still going to get paid but who doesn’t like recognition for a job well done?? Shameful.

  35. ChiBuc Says:

    “Tampa sports does not get the recognition like other larger market sports towns.”

    I don’t necessarily disagree, but the fact remains that markets smaller than Tampa proper (and metro area, except maybe KC: GB, Pittsburgh, KC… don’t seem to suffer the same small man complex being projected in that comment. Granted those storied NFL franchises have history but the big difference seems to be the fan base. So before we start pointing fingers and looking for someone to blame, we may be just as culpable as those you wish to transfer blame to.

    With that said… Winfield not getting in is BS. Did you vote?

  36. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    Yeah it’s divorced from reality. Seen it over and over again, some dud that’s past his prime gets voted in for name recognition. Or this year, Mahomes is selected and he just isn’t that special in 23. We all know that Winfield had a kick ass year and lifted that D up. He’s an All-Pro and pretty damn special. To H with the rest of the world, wouldn’t trade that guy for anyone else

  37. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    Without him this would be a lost season