YaYa Diaby Up; Joe Tyron-Shoyinka Down

December 6th, 2023

Needed on the field sooner.

YaYa Diaby is one of Joe’s favorite new Bucs players. So much so it makes Joe want to eat flame-broiled chicken.

As much as Joe likes Diaby, the rookie from Louisville is Exhibit-A why the Bucs are on the outside looking in for a playoff berth and maybe why the Bucs on-field leadership should be questioned.

There was just no doubt about it, Diaby was better rushing the passer than veteran outside linebacker Joe Tryon-Shoyinka, who midway through this season went into a deep freeze and went sackless for five straight games.

But Bucs coach Todd Bowles refused to start Diaby until the game at Indianapolis. Why? Joe isn’t sure why. Diaby even had two sacks against San Francisco but Bowles held him out for nearly an entire half.

Why? Well, there was no logical reason why.

Bowles when pressed would scoff and say Diaby had some splash plays. Well yeah, splash plays help win games. (This may explain why Bowles won’t order Bucs offensive coordinator to find a way to get Chris Godwin the ball — that may result in splash plays, heaven forbid.)

Jeff Kerr of CBS typed this week while the Bucs’ season has been depressing, one bright spot is the development of Diaby.

Yaya Diaby growing as a pass rusher: The Buccaneers may have found something in Diaby, as he has elevated into a starting role. Diaby has five sacks in his last six games, including one on Sunday to go with two pressures. The Buccaneers’ third-round rookie leads all outside edge rushers on the team in sacks (five), earning his uptick in playing time. With Shaquil Barrett on the other side, Diaby has the opportunity to get after the quarterback.

There is no way around it, Diaby should have started much sooner than Indianapolis. Look, Joe gets that in Bowles’ world a player must be well-rounded to earn more playing time. Perhaps Bowles didn’t like the way Diaby covered receivers.

But dang, the Bucs pass defense, specifically the secondary, was getting lit up. The best and quickest way to help resolve that is to get a pass rush. And that didn’t mean JTS.

So in Joe’s eyes, it was sinful that Bowles neglected to play Diaby more. Neglect. Plain and simple, neglect.

While Joe is thinking about it, whatever happened to Markees Watts? Too many splash plays against Tennessee? Can’t have that!

22 Responses to “YaYa Diaby Up; Joe Tyron-Shoyinka Down”

  1. Bojim Says:

    Bowles stubbornness will get him fired.

  2. Upstate NY BUC Says:

    Licht needs to step in and get these guys valuable snaps!! which will help now and for the future. Please Mr. Licht we need this win badly Sunday start chewing out some butts… Go Bucs

  3. Capt.Tim Says:

    Yaya is gonna be aplayer we can rebuild this defense around.
    So will SirVoncea Deis.

    Bowles Stuborness caused the Jets to have a worse record, every year he coached there. Its killing him here to.

    Getting Godwin the Ball?
    Godwin and Evans are both avoidiing running slants and crossing patterns.
    Have been since week 3. Often they WONT run those patterns.
    They arent gonna get hurt, and spend the summer rehabbing, for a lame duck coach.
    Hard to blame them

  4. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Sack 6&7 coming Sunday.

  5. Marine Buc Says:

    It will be interesting to see how the Bucs address the OLB position this off-season.

    Do they cut the under-performing Barrett after June 1st and save some much needed salary cap dollars? OR do the Bucs keep him and hope for the best?

    Do they spend another high draft pick to find another young gun to pair with Diaby?

    OR maybe find another free agent steal like they did when Shaq was signed?

    We will still have:

    – Diaby
    – JTS
    – Nelson
    – Barrett
    – Watts

    Are all under contract still in 2024. Is this a good enough crew to roll with at OLB?

    Personally – I would like to see Barrett cut after June 1st and the Bucs spend another 1st or 2nd round pick to upgrade the position.

    Like Todd Bowles said – “You can’t have enough pass rushers”

  6. StormyInFl Says:

    I beginning to think Bowles worries about hurting feelings. That somehow he owed JTS all of the rope. That’s one of the huge differences between Bowles and Arians – Arians wasn’t afraid to tell a player he sucks when he’s consistently underperforming. Same goes with his fondness for Devin White. Or his refusal to replace Matt Feiler. Or the insistence on not demoting Keshawn Vaughn.

    It’s one of the reasons he isn’t a good head coach.

  7. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Bowles deserves to be fired, for several reasons, the biggest being how he’s enabled Devin White to become a WORTHLESS football player with ZERO accountability.

  8. Since76 Says:

    Tryon keeps his job while not performing. Mayfield keeps his job too. Who else is keeping their jobs while not performing. Maybe with Bowles it’s about who he likes better. Kinda like what Arians did to get his buddy the job as head coach.

  9. Bobby M. Says:

    I hope Bowles keeps doing what he’s doing….it gets us one step closer to getting rid of him.

  10. Nprbuc Says:

    Bowels has to go!

  11. stpetebucfan Says:

    Yeah blame it on Mayfield. LMAO He’s currently the 17th ranked QB in the NFL, middle of the pack, higher than any other QB in the division including Carr, while he plays saddled with horrid offensive plan and playcalling. BTW the defense is ranked ten spots lower and the offense not much higher than the D.

    Let’s see Carr ranked lower than Mayfield…with Kamara in the backfield and Carr is earning freaking 37 million a year including a 28 million signing bonus. Mayfield 4 million. Yep he’s outperforming a guy who makes SEVEN times what he’s earning.

    I realize many guys here do not care for John Romano but he wrote an objective piece this morning pointing out that Mayfield has resurrected his career. The Bucs will probably lose him next year anyway because other teams will want him and even backups like Brissett and Trubisky make TWICE that at 8 million with Taylor Heinicke making almost twice as much at 7.7 million.

    The rest of the league could care less about whether Trask is getting a raw deal or the opinions of JBF posters.

    I like to keep up with POTENTIAL…when I worked Commercial R.E. it’s important to try to stay ahead but I only want to pay for PERFORMANCE.

  12. Allen Lofton Says:

    If Bowles wants to keep his job, he needs to hold everyone accountable 9no exceptions). Failure to do so will lead to mediocrity and the Bucs looking for a new football staff. I can envision an entire new staff in 2024.

    We need an offensive Coach leading the Bucs that has a personality and not a Dead Man Walking like Bowles. He’s inspires no one.

  13. Lakeland Steve Says:

    Let’s face it. Depending on who starts or plays Sunday on defense versus the Falcons will have a huge impact on the game. The Falcons watch tape too and saw a sorry Carolina team almost run at will against us. I guarantee there won’t be a 3’rd and 1 and then a 4’th and 1 where the Falcons don’t run the ball. We need a healthy Lavonte David which is probably wishful thinking. I could care less if Devin White plays just to see him get blocked out of every run play or take bad angles. We have to stop their run game or we will get mauled.

  14. HC Grover Says:

    Bowles is not stubborn…he is a Box O Rocks. This mess is on the owners for hiring him.

  15. BucU Says:

    That’s only Bowles’ 283,845,082 F up since the Rams debacle in the playoffs a couple years ago.

  16. Nprbuc Says:

    Joe. You have to stop saying that you can’t understand what Bowles is thinking and how it is a mystery to you, etc. Let me help. Bowles is the most stubborn man on the planet and not the smartest either. Remember- this is the guy who doesn’t like to play man coverage cuz he doesn’t thinkthe entire back side is good at it. (Plays a soft zone that has been ripped by every team he has used it against.) Keeps running up the gut because he knows we will bust one eventually and he can say I told you so. Ya Ya rode the pine in favor of JTS for half the season.JJ Russell filled in for White and outplayed him, therefore it’s back to the bench for JJ ala Watts.Could write a book on reasons the you should not be confused or mystified. Remember This is the coach that hordes time outs in his back pocket like they are gift certificates to Bern Steakhouse! He needs to go. Period.

  17. Buc1987 Says:

    I thought Bowles was some kind of defensive genius….guess not.

  18. teacherman777 Says:

    And why hasn’t Vita Vea played DE for the last two games!

    I swear some coaches won’t do things to just to spite fans.

    Imagine if the Trask 2nd round had been a guard/center prospect as I called for?

    Maybe Jensen would have had a legit backup. Marpet too.

  19. MelvinJunior Says:

    The only thing being was it was OBVIOUS to EVERYONE, that he was a DAWG, all throughout the entire Preseason… You could see it IMMEDIATELY, that this dude was going to be a Playmaker and make an impact. He needed to be on the field. Mind-blowing that he hasn’t been. These “coaches” are just DUMB and they all just need to go ASAP. And, it’s prob why they CAN’T go to Trask now, at this point, because if he comes in & KILLS-IT and they WIN… Then, it’ll just make them all look even more incompetent and incapable than they already ARE!!!!

  20. 1#bucsfan Says:

    Really starting to question Bowles as a DC. Never liked him as a HC but his DC got us a SB. Now he’s making some really boneheaded calls on D. Tired of it. Player to your players strengths for crying out loud. Also his conservativeness drives me bonkers. Play to win not to lose

  21. Mike in LOL Says:

    SPBF I get that ratings mean something… but in my opinion our defense sucks as a result of our poor offense. I don’t have the stats to back this up, but it felt like to me the defense was the only reason we were in games/competitive for the first several games of the year. Meanwhile our offense was atrocious every week… until eventually the defense lost hope because they realized how bad our offense is. I know the defense has sucked for a while now, but I think it’s because the offense sucked so bad at the start/mid point of the year that everyone gave up hope. This team isn’t beating any winning teams, even if we find our way into the playoffs. Our offense is really boring to watch, what with the lack of production and penalties.

  22. Mike Johnson Says:

    Diaby needs to see a lot of action against the falcons. Because we know Joe Tryon will be out lunch as usual.