When Coughing Up 20 Points …

December 13th, 2023

Sad stat.

This just makes Joe want to vomit.

Can you imagine playing a dozen games in an NFL season and whenever your opponent puts just 20 points on the scoreboard you lose?

You have to have a damn bad offense to lose all seven games when your opponent scores 20 or more.

Yup, that was the Bucs. Keyword “was.”

Sunday in Atlanta was the first time all year that the Bucs won a game when the defense coughed up 20 points, documents Eric Edholm of NFL.com.

This fried Joe’s mind. This is the NFL in 2023, guys, not 1973.

One of the worst, most boring offenses Joe has ever seen was the Trent Dilfer-led Bucs of 1998. That team was 2-7 when opponents scored 20 or more points.

And Joe can promise you the Bucs have much better weapons in the passing game now than in 1998.

Reidel Anthony and Hurt Emanuel, really?

21 Responses to “When Coughing Up 20 Points …”

  1. Lt. Dan Says:

    Enough already regarding Bowles being a defensive genius. He’s not. Results always speak louder than words. Start with that whole episode of JTS v. Ya Ya playing time. Then move on to the ineptitude of Davis and Dean. Devin White’s “stellar” play anyone? Enough of the BS already. Past time to move on.

  2. BucsFanSince76 Says:

    Emanuel made that catch against the Rams in the playoffs

  3. Beeej Says:

    We’re gonna have a TON of spare cap money next year–not likely re-signing DW, Brady/Jensen money gone, my bet is either CD3 or Dean gone, probably Gage too, and people on rookie contracts starting in those positions

  4. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    We are not using our TEs & RBs enough in the passing game…..

    Like Palmer but he’s not a #3 receiver yet…..we truly miss Russell Gage.

  5. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    I have been the biggest critic of those 2 inglorious starting corner backs on the Bucs roster, and they have earned that recognition. Having said that, when Davis isn’t giving up tuddies, he’s starting to make some big plays.
    I don’t know if that ‘ lawnchair’ ineptitude dean has can be coached out of him; but there appears to be a glimmer of hope showing itself recently with Davis that something is up. Perhaps an epiphany? Is Carlton Davis turning over a new leaf? I certainly hope so.. As for dean, riding the pines looks to be his future staple imo.

  6. orlbucfan Says:

    ME13, CG14, White, and Otton can all catch the ball. So, like DR keeps saying, balance the run/play calls. Only get CREATIVE with it, Canales!! They’re all going to be playing. Hey joes, didn’t you guys post a postgame locker room video from Sunday’s game? It was a great one! It showed Bowles and Wirfs leading the cheers in the locker room> The entire team was psyched. You could feel the energy, and this was postgame. I get on several Bucs sites so I’m trying to track it down. Thanks.

  7. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    Yeah Emanuel made the catch, but don’t give the ref a decision to make. Make sure all he has to do is spot the ball.

  8. Colonel Angus Says:

    98’ was when we had the Rhino package! Lorenzo Neal blocking for Alstott was a thing of beauty. Giving the 15-1 Vikings their only regular season loss was definitely the highlight of that season. Vikings totally choked vs ATL in the NFC championship game, which was a shame. Broncos vs Vikings in that SB would have been epic.

  9. Fred Says:

    Joe, you don’t really think the Bucs will win next Sunday do you?

  10. ATLBuc Says:

    This is why I don’t understand why you guys keep pumping up Baker because he makes a couple of plays at the end of the game when his incompetence for 3 1/2 quarters hold the offense back

  11. Bobby M. Says:

    Bowles philosophy is super simple…..he uses the offense to burn clock and limit the opponents time of possession. In theory it should keep the games more low scoring and statistically makes his defense seem capable.

    In reality, our best shot at winning is opening up the offense but doing so exposes the defense, particularly in the 4th qtr. If you don’t win those end of game shoot outs, the defense looks like absolute trash which being a defensive coach is his fear. Think about it….why would a team stick with a defensive coach if his defense can’t stop anyone when it counts. By keeping the scoring low, it in some ways makes the offense look incapable which for Bowles is job security.

  12. Couch Fan Says:

    Again, we are trying to turn pass first team into a run first team without a running game. We are misusing are stud receivers. We are misusing our RB who is much better receiving out of the back field than he is getting handoffs. We need to pass more, a lot more. Problem is our QB is so terribly inaccurate down field that passing more wouldn’t help us all that much either. Its just all around bad.

  13. Buddha Says:

    Hey Joe, look at the data. Scoring is way down this year throughout the l
    League. If you had wagered on the under in every game all year you would have won 64+percent!!!

  14. unbelievable Says:

    It’s almost like Todd Bowles is a bad head coach or something… imagine that.

  15. German Buc Says:

    We never had Russel Gage, so it is hard to miss him ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯

  16. ChiBuc Says:

    “…..we truly miss Russell Gage.”

    It’s hard to miss someone who had hardly been around. Besides Mayberry [sic] barely gets past his 1st read to start longing for a 3rd viable option, like say a TE outside of the red zone

  17. Tony marks Says:

    FIrst half of the Atlanta game was reaaaalllly bad play calling

    NO one is even talking about the 4th down play Canales called

    One ofthe worst play vall I have ever seem in my life under the circumstance.

  18. WyomingJoe Says:

    Keep winning Baker. It’s making the crazies even crazier! Lol…

  19. Dave Pear Says:



    Next Bucs head coach, I’m guessing the Glazers are just as sick watching the Toddster make Dungy look like an offensive zealot. No way the next HC is a defensive guy without a proven McDaniels-like OC. But Belechik.and McDaniela would be hard to say no to.

  20. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    At the center of this offensive mediocrity is the most important, the qb who can’t see over the line, can’t throw to his right even though he’s a right handed thrower, has difficulty hitting open receivers, has happy feet and runs slower than Tom Brady but hey he’s plucky and has spunk and moxie so we’re good

  21. Day1BucFan Says:

    Joe needs to find BA and ask wtf was he thinking recommending Leftwich and Bowles?