“We Can Go As For As We Want To Go”

December 24th, 2023

Baker Mayfield is a true believer.

That was his clear message to ESPN TV after today’s Bucs-Jaguars clash. Sensing a big game, ESPN sent Pro Football Hall of Fame voter and 1990s and 2000s media celebrity Salvatore Anthony Nicholas Paolantonio to Tampa to cover the game. Some people call him “Sal Pal.”

Sal Pal interviewed Mayfield on the field of The Licht House after the Bucs’ blowout victory. “Where can this team go right now, Baker?” he asked.

“We can go as far as we want to go but it’s one week at a time for us right now,” Mayfield said after giving a  we’re-just-worried-about-next-Sunday speech.

Mayfield also told the nation that Mike Evans is so darn reliable, which allows Mayfield to trust him completely and throw to Evans before he’s open.

Mayfield also talked about sticking to the offensive plan all season and seeing the rewards now. He added what’s been a recurring talking point when Mayfield references the Bucs’ mindset — “singular focus.”

Can the Bucs go as far as they want to go? Former NFL quarterback Tim Hasselbeck seemed to think that’s possible when he talked on an ESPN postgame show about how Mayfield is very dangerous if he continues to avoid turnovers.

33 Responses to ““We Can Go As For As We Want To Go””

  1. Tbbucs3 Says:

    The Bucs offense is gelling at the right time…..few seem to remember that in 2020 it took awhile for the Bucs offense to get going the 1st half of the year then got extremely hot late in the year….looks like a similar thing may be happening.

    December football is a good indicator of who you are and this looks like a legitimate playoff team, not a phoney one like last year.

  2. Capt.Tim Says:

    We have an average defense. A sub par running game.
    An inferior Oline.
    Worst backup QB in the history of football.

    We can go as Far as Baker Mayfield takes us.
    We are playing over our heads already.

  3. Tye Says:

    It all makes the next game, OH SO SWEET!
    Bucs can win the NFCS by beating the Saints….

  4. Mayt Says:

    You should consider changing your name to Pvt. Tim. That’s not very Captain like

  5. David Says:

    Here is one of those five Baker fans that I was mentioning in my last post calling Trask as ” worst back up qb”. What did this article or game has to do with Trask who hasn’t started a single regular game ? Why are you so feared of Baker’s back up as Baker himself ?
    I am so glad trash Baker has such fans. Baker defeated a lousy team for the first time this season with the wining record that had lost their three previous games in a row. This team with their defense has carried Baker 75% of this season not the other way. LOL

  6. Thisisouryear!! Says:

    I’m hoping the defense is starting to feel the momentum and coming to play. We have the dogs on defense. It’s if they can stay healthy and get their minds right.

  7. Tony marks Says:

    Capt.Tim Says:

    Worst backup QB in the history of football.

    Lets not try to defeat haters by become ones ourselves

  8. David Says:

    We are so fortunate to have a chance to win the lousy NFC south division let alone going to super bowl with Toilet Bowl and trash Baker.

  9. Tbbucs3 Says:

    David, credit where credits due, your still out front wearing the clown nose while all the other Trask lovers scurried back in hiding.

  10. PSL Bob Says:

    Like the positive spin Capt.Tim.

  11. David Says:

    Some of five trash Baker’s fans are showing the truth face as usual attacking Bucs back up. Toilet Bowl and Trash Baker himself didn’t want to come out of the game during a blow out game when all his starters were pulled wining by multiple scores to pad his stats or giving his back up any meaningful regular season snaps experience.

    That is called “Phobophobia, an intense fear of being afraid”.

  12. David Says:

    Meant to say all his starting receivers were pulled during the end of the fourth quarter except Baker himself.

  13. Ricki Says:

    Trask fans forget this is about Bucs, not Trask, not Mayfield or whomever the QB will be in the future. Lets go Bucs, always.

  14. Saskbucs Says:

    We can only hope this is sustainable momentum and the Bucs don’t get high on themselves now. Bring your best game each week now or grab the clubs and fishing gear.

  15. Glass Half Full Guy Says:

    Not quite sure what Capt. Tim is saying here.

    “We have an average defense”. Who is this “we”? I’m assuming you’re a Bucs fan and the defense I’ve seen the past two weeks with the young guys and today with an allegedly healthy and motivated D. White have been very good. So good today that all the other guys got in on the fun and we only heard Vita Vea’s name called once and that was for an encroachment penalty.

    The o-line may be inferior to some.others we’ve had but they’re getting better by the day.

    “Worst backup QB in the history if football”??? I guess you’re talking about Trask or what’s-his name at 3rd string. Those are the backups so…..lol

    One more win and we lock up the division and the playoffs. Anything can happen in post season. I still remember 2007 when the Patriots went undefeated in the regular season, winning most games by double digits. They were a juggernaut and better than any team this season to be sure. The Giants limped into the playoffs that year and ended up beating them in the Super Bowl.

  16. Sooner44 Says:

    I really don’t understand the “fan base” that comments on hear sometimes. You have a team on the verge of winning the division, making the playoff, and playing their best football in December when they need to. You have a qb that most people seemed to have not believed in, playing some really good games. Maybe you should get behind them, or get out of the way.

  17. Buddha Says:

    NFL quarterbacks with 25+ touchdowns and fewer than 10 interceptions this year:
    Dak Prescott
    Brock Purdy
    Baker Mayfield

    Which will win MVP?

  18. Tbbucs3 Says:


    This is what happens when the Bucs draft a QB from a (lesser) in state rival….

    If Trask has a different logo on his helmet in college, nobody would say a word

  19. Gerald Says:

    I’m happy that Baker has ruined your season David 😆 🤣 Go Baker Go Bucs ☠️ 🏴‍☠️

  20. D Cone Says:

    Sooner44 Says:
    December 24th, 2023 at 11:09 pm
    I really don’t understand the “fan base” that comments on hear sometimes. You have a team on the verge of winning the division, making the playoff

    It’s like a parent telling their child ‘you are beautiful’ when clearly they are not.
    Sure I understand your excitement Pops but she ain’t that Purdy. Today’s win was total domination on a downward spiraling team and the week before Bucs put up 34 on a team that gave up 30 to the Panthers.
    One win away from a tee shirt and a hat for the NFC South.
    Bucaneers has the nicest house on Skid Row.

  21. Sooner44 Says:

    D Cone, thanks for illustrating my point! You may not get all the way there this year, but it’s better than anyone apparently thought.

  22. Rick Brooks Says:

    Can we please just stop with the Baker and Trask BS and instead actually appreciate and celebrate what our team has accomplished this season?

    The present is far better than many expected, and the future is looking bright. Go Bucs!

  23. Daniel Dream Says:

    Before this season began, I predicted the Bucs vs the Browns in the Superbowl, and I’m sticking with that…

  24. Mark hardt Says:

    David learn how to spell. It is winning not wining. Seriously.

  25. steele Says:

    Bravado aside, they will go as far as the Bowles coaching and playcalling will go, and the ceiling of Baker Jeff Garcia Mayfield and Co., and there is a limit.

    Really they will go as far as their opponents fail, and lately that has been obvious. Two weeks now, they have maintained a level while their opponents have underperformed. They beat a Jags team on a disastrous death spiral, T. Lawrence virtually giving the game away today. Last week, Jordan Love sucked also, coming way down from a hot win vs. KC.

    All teams in the division are below average, and those games are almost a wash. They are barely over .500 in a bad division.

    Give them credit for maintaining a level. Give Mayfield credit for playing above his level, for the moment. See if luck and circumstances continue to break in their favor.

    Longer-term, the problem is that this shiny little streak hides the basic Todd Bowles problem, which they will now be cocky enough to believe that nothing is wrong or needs to change.

  26. ScottyMack Says:

    Nobody knows what the future holds. What I DO know is that this team has been really fun to watch this year – much more exciting than last year’s team.

    The Bucs have been blown out three times, have won 5 games by more than 10 and have played in 7 one score games (3-4).

    They are not a trash team. They are not a great team. They are definitely a team worth watching and rooting for every week!

  27. Oneilbuc Says:

    David. I get where you coming from bro but you have to give Baker his credit at the same time. Baker Mayfield has earned my respect yesterday and I’m all in on bringing him back next year. But Winfield, Wirs, David and Evans must be snig first.

  28. garro Says:

    I will say that is a true statement.

    When we show up with the A-game? We have proven hard to beat. Even when the refs tried to steal it we prevailed!

    Go Bucs!

  29. Jmarkbuc Says:

    I don’t know whether Im a “ Trask guy” or not, how could anyone? The guy has played in one game. He’s a Buc so that’s really all there is to it.

    The “ Us vs. Them” rhetoric is ridiculous, and it permeates our entire society. That’s a shame, and dangerous.

    Baker is playing well and that’s great. Hope he continues to do so.

    Go Bucs.

  30. Gofortheface30 Says:

    Tony Marks – I will admit that’s noble and I agree. Ride above it, let bygones be bygones etc etc. But, the devil side of me is petty. Would they give others the benefit of the doubt? Doubt it. They can also suck it, and choke on that giant L. I hope the cult of Trask has an absolutely miserable Christmas

  31. orlbucfan Says:

    Mebbe I’m missing something/ Is this a Tampa Bay Bucs fan site? Or is it Trask vs. Mayfield? It’s supposed to be about the TEAM, you boobs! I am glad we’ve got both QBs. Bucs lead the Division with an 8-7 record? They’ve won 4 in a row. How many other clubs have done that? They’re in solid position to get a home playoff game. Even with a few missing pieces, they are much better than the 10-6 one Washington creamed at RJS. They’re not SB ready, but they’re getting there. BTW, it’s Christmas Day. Go Bucs!!

  32. Beeej Says:

    Baker has been looking Brady-esque the last couple games. I was pretty much convinced he WAS largely inaccurate, but all of a sudden, he’s NOT, threading one needle after another. I’m wondering if he had an undisclosed injury before

  33. Capt.Tim Says:

    Sorry, my earlier post read harsh.
    My point being that this team has alot of holes, yet despite that- Mayfield is winning.

    We can gonas far as Mayfield carries us.
    That might be pretty far.