Todd Bowles Seems To Suggest He’ll Take His Chances Facing A Rookie

December 2nd, 2023

Carolina QB Bryce Young.

On paper, Joe can fully understand where Bucs coach Todd Bowles is coming from.

The Bucs on Sunday host the worst team in the NFL that just ran its head coach. Additionally, the Stinking Panthers’ rookie quarterback, Bryce Young, is taking his lumps learning that there is no Mississippi State or Vanderbilt on an NFL schedule.

So Bowles, a stop-the-run guy through and through, said in so many words he’s most worried about shutting down Carolina’s ground attack.

“I think you’ve got to stop the run game,” Bowles said yesterday. “The quarterback does a heck of a job in the pocket – he’s very elusive.

“He’s been sacked a lot, but he’s gotten away from way more. I think he’s been sacked 40-something times, but he’s gotten away about 60-something times. That’s going to be a problem within itself.

“When he has time to throw, he’s very accurate and can throw the football. We think they’re dangerous. This is a division rivalry – the records are out the window.”

Well, Bowles and the Bucs should be worried. The Bucs, the last five times they have faced a starting rookie quarterback, are 1-4. The lone win came this year when the Bucs slapped around the lowly Titans.

This is a dangerous game for the Bucs. Joe was listening to “Press Coverage” this morning, heard exclusively on SiriusXM NFL Radio with co-hosts Vic Carucci and Dan Leberfeld. They briefly discussed the Stinking Panthers-Bucs game and both firmly believe there is a one-game bump for any team that runs its coach midseason.

(Despite this, both Carucci and Leberfeld think the Bucs have too much talent for the Stinking Panthers to overcome.)

This is why Joe believes this game tomorrow is dangerous. It seems no team plays down to its opponent the past two years better than the Bucs.

The Bucs like to play keep-it-close, which invariably means keep the other team in the game. Letting a team like the Stinking Panthers hang around only allows them to build confidence.

The wagering public seems to agree with Joe, Carucci and Leberfeld. The moment meddling Carolina owner David Tepper fired Frank Reich, the point spread for the game was Bucs -5.5. As of Saturday afternoon, the line is down to Bucs -3.5.

If the Bucs lose, Joe fears wide-ranging ramifications are coming to the Bucs that will be felt throughout the offseason.

76 Responses to “Todd Bowles Seems To Suggest He’ll Take His Chances Facing A Rookie”

  1. BucsBeast Says:

    Todd loses, he better be fired.

  2. Rican Says:

    Bryce Young will have his best game of the season against us.

  3. Rod Munch Says:

    I just checked the line yesterday and it still showed Bucs -5.5, and sure enough, today, on the same site, it’s Bucs -3.5.


    To move the line that much means some big money come in against Bowles and Baker to move the line that much.

  4. Rod Munch Says:

    I actually think the Bucs win this game pretty easily – just a gut feeling, but so far I’ve been pretty good with those picks. I’m thinking it’s like the Titans game, which should have been a complete blowout, except for Todd Bowles being a coward and the moment he gets a lead, he sits on it, which always allows other teams to come back or maker closer than it should have been.

    So I’d probably take the Bucs -3.5, but who knows, Bowles might have a 14 point lead in the 4th quarter, then start punting on 3rd down, just incase they got a bad snap, they’d have another crack at it.

  5. Mike Johnson Says:

    We do not fare well against Rookies historically. And with 3 key pieces missing on Defense? I cannot go with my Bucs. This is a very critical game for Bowles. Injuries or not. Glazers might have to show us they got a pair if Bowles loses and do the Hari-Kari.

  6. SteveK Says:

    This is a referendum game, a truly defining, career game for
    Coach Bowles and his staff. Time to open up a can of whoop ass.

  7. SteveK Says:


    I agree with you.

    I’m also stoked we don’t have to face CJ Stroud twice a year bc ownership meddled. Team positive! Love it!

  8. TampaBayBucsFanSince1976 Says:

    Home field advantage is widely regarded as being worth 3 points on the line, so currently a team vs team line is Bucs +0.5-Almost even there sheesh.

  9. Buc4evr Says:

    Todd will be a dead man walking tomorrow night if he isn’t already.

  10. Lombardi Lenny Says:

    I almost want the Bucs to lose just to seal Bowles fate as head coach. Would also like to see Coach “please like me everybody I need your acceptance” Canalas get a pink slip too. That dude is such beta

  11. Tye Says:

    TB needs to declare this a ‘lose and I’ll retire there on the field’ game!

  12. Georgia Redneck Says:

    Rod Munch Says: Your comment on 3rd down punting reminded me of coach Bob Woodruff of the Florida Gators in the late fifties. His theory on third down was to drop back 10 and punt. They did it often enough to be a joke.

  13. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    I believe the panthers and the handicappers in Vegas have figured out the panthers ‘Mississippi state’ comes to them tomorrow proudly in the colors of pewter and red, with bozo the clown cleanly pressed on the side of the helmets. Boy, that’ image will have them quaking in their collective boots! I just hope that their rookie QB is gracious after he puts up 500 on us like his brethren in Houston did. May I suggest to that rookie QB. Simply target the cornerbacks repeatedly, they’ll oblige again and again and again. It’s as easy as doe Rey me, 123, abc!

  14. Tony marks Says:

    Press misidrection

    Bowles is going to bring the heat with blitzs

  15. Marine Buc Says:

    @ Rod

    Wow. A 2 point move overnight is a pretty big deal…

    Must be a ton of money coming in against the Bucs.

    I would have taken Carolina plus 5.5 all day long.

  16. DoooshLaRue Says:

    Tune up game

  17. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    I expect some new plays from the Panthers. Some RPO’s

    I read Frank Reich was fired for his refusal to run RPO when the GM asked, trying to help the QB. They said Bryce Young did RPO in college.

    I really don’t have a clue what he did in college. I don’t even know what college he went to, and I ain’t gonna look, lol

  18. CAbucsfan Says:

    Administration office just needs to replace Bowles to Monkin

  19. Beeej Says:

    Cue up third and 20 defense for EVERY.SINGLE.PLAY.

  20. adam from ny Says:

    this rookie qb is like doug flutie on crack…

    and meth…

    he’s one rook that will not light up our defense

  21. HC Grover Says:

    Bucs win by more than 30. EZ.Panters are in shambles. Mayfield may set passing records and White running records. This will be a game of NFL records for the Bucs. Total wipeout. Bet the ranch onucs minus the pitiful spread.

  22. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    Todd Bowles has a plan.

  23. adam from ny Says:

    biggest joke of a draft pick is this carolina quarterback…

    he would be back up to the back up, of the back up, that backed that azz up…

    did you get that !


  24. HC Grover Says:

    The gamblers have this wrong wrong wrong…..Bucks by more than 30. Do they realize how bad the Panters are?

  25. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    There is no way the Bucs screw this one up.

  26. A Bucs Fan Says:

    I think for the long term health of the organization the Bucs should lose tomorrow. That way they can focus on the draft. QB, OG/C, TE WR are top needs on offense. The defense needs players on all levels. Edge and LB top needs. A pass rush will help any DB group.

  27. HC Grover Says:

    How can the Las Vegas Morons get this so wrong. Buc -3.5? Taking candy from a baby. We win by 30. The Panters are tattered and shattered. Finally the Bucs overpower and blow them out of Ray Jay. Celebration Time Come On!

  28. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    The cannons will fire !!!

  29. D Cone Says:

    HC Grover Says:
    December 2nd, 2023 at 4:38 pm
    The gamblers have this wrong wrong wrong…..Bucks by more than 30. Do they realize how bad the Panters are?

    Lions beat them by 18 and the Cowboys by 23. Bucs by 30? Question is do you realize how bad they are?

    Predictions are all ver the place and anywhere from 2 scores to a field goal. Seen one saying the Bucs will score 30 but the name of the site had Bucs in it.

    Home field is usually good for 3 points and I doubt the sports books think it’s basically a pick um.

    Lot of money went down on the Panthers at 5 1/2 and they dropped the odds to get it back to as much of a 50/50 split as possible. Money line has stayed the same at -240.

    I imagine if someone knows how bad the Panthers are would be willing to risk 240 bucks to make $100 on the Panthers losing. As far as that bet on the Bucs to win which is the same thing. NFW

  30. D-Rok Says:

    If there was EVER a game the Bucs should “easily” win, it’s this one.

    Let’s see what happens, but I don’t have much confidence they will win.

    Go Bucs ! ! !

  31. adam from ny Says:

    if the panthers manhandle the bucs tomorrow, is there an in season firing for the first time by the glazers?

  32. JBBUCS_06 Says:

    Tough to stop a running game when you’re missing 3 of your top 4 LBs. Who the h$ll is playing LB for us tomorrow? And then who’s playing special teams since most backup LBs are on there as well. concerned.

  33. HC Grover Says:

    Whe the Music is over.

  34. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    The Bucs fire Bowles if he does a ‘smitty’ tomorrow and looses 56-3.

  35. David Says:

    Toilet Bowl needs to sit Baker if they do not score a TD in first quarter. He needs to pull all the tricks out of his bag to win this game. They can’t afford to go into the half with single digit or low double digits score as they have. Bucs will lose if they let this rookie qb hangs around. They have new coach.You can’t allow Baker to play with his inured ankle unless he is 100% injury free. Panthers have excellent pass rush. Baker has to scramble in and out of pocket to avoid getting sacks. He is worthless throwing out of pocket specially with deep throws. The defense should be able to sack and pressure Young. They gave practice squad OL. Baker has been good beating bad teams in his career but he has reached his trash playing level in the past few games losing to Falcons, Colts and Texans and nearly defeated Chicago.

  36. HC Grover Says:

    D Cone bet thr Ranch. Panters are total shambles.

  37. Fansince76 Says:

    If they lose on Sunday, Todd should be fired on Monday!

  38. David Says:

    Baker will seek a revenge against Panthers for cutting him loose to prove them wrong. That might not be a good thing for Bucs offense. It could works for better or worst for Bucs. This is the last audition for Baker this season.

    Bucs lose =The end of Baker & his loving daddy, Toilet Bowl in NFL as the starter and HC.

  39. HC Grover Says:

    Bucs will destroy the Pathetic Panters

  40. David Says:

    “Well, Bowles and the Bucs should be worried. The Bucs, the last five times they have faced a starting rookie quarterback, are 1-4. The lone win came this year when the Bucs slapped around the lowly Titans.

    That tells you how bad Toilet Bowl has been with Baker this season. LOL

  41. BucsFan81 Says:

    Bowles is an idiot and will even be out coached by the panthers who have no coach. Can’t wait to read Joe post Sunday night about how all this is about to be blown up. We will need the new draft order and what pick we will have article by 730pm Sunday night.

  42. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Bucs elevated two WR so Godwin is likely out tomorrow. Carolina get Chinn Horn and a starting edge rusher back tomorrow. Rachaad White will need a 200 yard game to win.

  43. optimisticbucsfan Says:

    SteveK Says:
    December 2nd, 2023 at 3:21 pm
    This is a referendum game, a truly defining, career game for
    Coach Bowles and his staff. Time to open up a can of whoop ass.

    Bowles career is already defined. He’s a loser as HC.

    This game won’t change that fact one way or another.

    It will only hurry the inevitable.

  44. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Rod Munch Says:
    December 2nd, 2023 at 3:18 pm
    I actually think the Bucs win this game pretty easily – just a gut feeling, but so far I’ve been pretty good with those picks.
    Didn’t you say a while back that Carolina and Arizona would get hot and start winning games? The Bucs have more wins than both of those teams combined, and are terrible. I wouldn’t go tooting your own horn about predictions.

  45. adam from ny Says:

    if the bucs lose tomorrow, during bowles postgame podium doldrums, the glazers should walk up to the podium, rip the mic out of socket, so to stop coach from blabbering his zombie based redundant rhetoric…and can him right there on the spot…live…and have two hulk-ish sized dudes whisk him away, and roughly escort him out the building


  46. Lakeland Steve Says:

    We have a tendency to make rookie quarterbacks look like a combination of Joe Namath and Joe Montana.

  47. adam from ny Says:

    now with that being said, i think we win about 30-20

  48. adam from ny Says:

    also 30-20 is a weird score…

    because if they score a late td on us, we will have dominated them at 30-13 at one point late in the game…

    but if we score late to open it up to a 2 score game, then we were in a dogfight to that point, in a 23-20 game

  49. adam from ny Says:

    what if the bucs blitz like crazy and sirvocea dennis has 19 sacks


  50. adam from ny Says:


  51. adam from ny Says:

    we’ve had problems all year with big chunk plays in the middle of the field…

    and with both lavonte and DW out, i can see the panthers, even tho a crappy offensive team, scoring 20 and having enough decent completions to score a couple tds and fgs…

    but baker is gonna be jacked, juiced and frothy vs his old squad

  52. Lets bring the Hammer! Says:

    We are CAROLINA READY!!!!!

  53. Rod Munch Says:

    Joe in Michigan Says:
    Didn’t you say a while back that Carolina and Arizona would get hot and start winning games?


    I literally picked the Bucs to start out 3-1, before finishing 5-12. I literally had them 4-7 right now in my game by game picks.

    As for the other picks, I was talking about the Bucs not being out of it to get the top pick. I said with Kyler Murray coming back, they’d win some games – and they’re 1-2 since then. As for the Panthers, I said they still get to play the Bucs twice, and they have no reason to tank since they don’t own their top pick.

    As for yourself, weren’t you one of the Baker Bois, and when the team was 3-1 you were talking about playoff seeding and getting a bye week and how we need to wrap up Baker to a new deal?

  54. realistic-optimisti Says:

    Rest assured, the Bucs have the ultimate X-factor: Bowles. We may be more talented, but Bowles is very skilled at securing the L. Talent be damned.

  55. Since76 Says:

    The bucs will trot out Mayfield. The fear that must run through the Panthers defense must be fearsome to behold indeed.

  56. WyomingJoe Says:

    Joe In Michigan: You’re so right about Capt’n Munch. He’s all over the place with his fake picks to the point where he’s lost all credibility. Don’t take him seriously, no one else does.

  57. HC Grover Says:

    Todd Bowlws is a BOZO

  58. Fred Says:

    I was there for 0-26. The Bucs can easily lose this game. The paper bags need to come back in the stands.

  59. HC Grover Says:

    You people do not realize how pathetic the Panters are.

  60. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Rod Munch: Wrong again. If you can pull up me saying that, then you’ll have a leg to stand on.

  61. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Rod: you most certainly did not predict the Bucs to start off 3-1.

  62. orlbucfan Says:

    HC Grover is a BOZO and a fake fan.

  63. HC Grover Says:

    OFLBUCFAN IS A TOTAL MORON WITH NO BRAIN. A perfect idiot. No woner you live in that disaqster zone….orlbucfan…go back to Gatorland at feeding time.d You moronic brainless nobody.

  64. HC Grover Says:

    orlbucfan is a pathetic poster with nothing to say. Total waste of space.

  65. HC Grover Says:

    Hey Joe in Michigan. Get yer Ya Yas out you imbecile. You have no spunk and no relevence.

  66. FortMyersDave Says:

    I think the Bucs win but it will not be easy. I just listened to Todd Wright and have come to realize he is a pretty good handicapper. He says the Bucs should win but he would not use them in a suicide pool. He mentioned a name, Miles Sanders, he was good for Philly last year. As Bowels will gear up shutting down Bryce Younfg and Thiellen, watch Sanders have a good day and keep the game close. 16-13 Bucs. Carolina covers.

  67. HC Grover Says:

    I am no longrr to tolerate the posters who will not mind their own biz…any attacks will be blasted by the Grover….I do not attack unless attacked…but i shall have no mercy.

  68. HC Grover Says:

    Grover guarntee..Panters are much worse than the Bowles Bucs….Even Bowles can not blow this game… the BUCS.

  69. NE Fan Says:

    All I can say is Bowels track record isn’t very good.

  70. steele Says:

    As long as the opponent is a fellow bad team from the pitiful NFC South, chances are 50/50! All are losing. It’s a bottom feeders mud wrestling match that won’t prove anything if they win, and look really bad if they lose (perhaps finally prompting the necessary rebuild that should have happened long ago).

    A 1-10 team behind a rookie QB. I mean, come on.

  71. RGA Says:

    Baker Mayfield is the best QB ever Wyomingjoe, he can rarely completes a pass beyond 10 yards but he’s the best.

  72. RGA Says:

    Can we please see what the other guy can do?

  73. D Cone Says:

    Panthers held the Texans, Bears, and Titans to 17 or less.
    Panthers put up at least 3 TD’s on the Vikings, Lions, and Dolphins.
    If their Offense and Defense show up to play on the same day. Look Out.

    Only Grover I have ever heard of lived in a garbage can and should know if the Panthers are garbage.Wouldn’t take his advice on a bet but if he could point me in the direction of his blue friend I could sure go for a COOOKIE.

  74. unbelievable Says:

    No David
    No White
    No Dean
    Even Dennis is out

    Young is about to have the best day of his rookie season

  75. Joe in Michigan Says:

    HC Grover Says:
    December 2nd, 2023 at 8:56 pm
    I am no longrr to tolerate the posters who will not mind their own biz…any attacks will be blasted by the Grover….I do not attack unless attacked…but i shall have no mercy.
    Hahaha, we’re VERY scared! 😂😂😂😂😂

  76. NE Fan Says:

    HC Grover you clown, there is absolutely NO guarantee the Bucs can win any game. Where have you been the since 2022?