Todd Bowles And The Bucs Defense

December 1st, 2023

Ugly numbers.

Devin White isn’t the only guy who sorely needs a dose of his 2020 magic back.

A fan told Joe this year’s defense under Bucs coach Todd Bowles is the worst in his career as a head coach.

So Joe decided to do a bit of research. Sure enough, this year’s defense is the worst in Bowles’ six-year career as a head coach.

Here is what Joe came up with using BSPN NFL team stats.

The numbers listed below are in the following order: total-yards-per-game rank, total yards per game, passing-yards-per-game rank, passing yards per game.

Tampa Bay 2023: 26, 363.7, 31, 267.8.
Tampa Bay 2022: 9, 324.3, 9, 203.6.
New York Jets 2018: 25, 380.4, 24, 254.1.
New York Jets 2017: 25, 352.3, 21, 234.3.
New York Jets 2016: 22, 342.4, 17, 243.6.
New York Jets 2015: 4, 318.6, 13, 235.2.

So yeah, Bowles is overseeing the worst defense in his six seasons as an NFL head coach with six games to play. That’s not good. Especially when Bowles has as many as eight defensive players at one time on the field who were drafted in the second round or higher (Joe Tryon-Shoyinka, Calijah Kancey, Vita Vea, Logan Hall, Lavonte David, Devin White, Carlton Davis and Antoine Winfield).

That’s a whole lot of investment and draft capital for the 26th-ranked defense in the NFL in 2023.

Joe firmly believes the further it gets from the Bucs’ 2020 defensive game of the ages, when Bowles’ defense kept Pat Mahomes and the mighty Chiefs out of the end zone in a 31-9 Bucs Super Bowl win, the more that game will be recognized as a defensive masterpiece by Bowles.

He needs to recapture some of that pixie dust. In a hurry.

48 Responses to “Todd Bowles And The Bucs Defense”

  1. Rod Munch Says:

    I think it’s pretty clear he’s not head coaching material.

    While I hate him as a head coach and think he sucks at that job, I absolutely would love to have him back as defensive coordinator – so long as he signs a pledge that he will never, ever, ever, never ever ever, ever, never, ever, talk to any offensive player on the team or give any thoughts on offense in general.

    Of course in the NFL you can never be demoted on the same team, even though he’ll go somewhere else and get a DC job pretty much instantly.

  2. Tye Says:

    The only thing TB is a guru or expert at is LOSING!

  3. Derek Says:

    Where are the podcasts this week? Not even a game reaction podcast yet. You guys are falling behind…it’s 2023 and you have other channels putting out daily videos on the Bucs

  4. Joe Says:

    you have other channels putting out daily videos on the Bucs

    You do not want videos of Joe. Trust Joe on this.

  5. Bobby Says:

    Jon Gruden could get another job with an NFL team in a little over a month from now. Quite a few on this platform have mentioned Jon Gruden in there comments previously. Many on this platform talk about needing an offensive head coach next season. Well there is Jon Gruden sitting out there right now. Jon won a SB here. He ysed to have his name on the dang stadium. Jon Gruden’s dad worked under John McKay back in what 1982. Jon grew up a Bucs fan. He worked for the Packers under Mike Holmgren i think amd the Eagles back in the 90s. Jon Gruden’s resume is offensive success. Sounds like the guy the Bucs need at this moment. I know that may not be a popular view here. But if Gruden goes on to success elsewhere where because we here can’t put our differences behind us then. We get what we deserve next season

  6. Joe Says:

    Sounds like the guy the Bucs need at this moment.

    You really believe the Glazers would hire Chucky (who wasn’t very good in Vegas)?

    You really believe Chucky would work (again) for the Glazers?

  7. Bobby Says:

    It’s just dumb to me that a good offensive head coach in Jon Gruden who won a Super Bowl here in Tampa and by the way our offense was pretty good that year. And had his name on the dang stadium. And his dad worked under John McKay and there are pictures online of Gruden as a childhood Bucs fan. It’s just dumb we can’t find a way to mend the relationships with the Glazers and get him here so we can get back on track here in Tampa. I bet he is humbled after all this negative experiences he gas had over recent years. I bet he comes back next season motivated and with a vengeance. Why not us Bucs reap from that vengeance energy and get Gruden back here as our 2024 head coach and go kick some butt!!

  8. Bobby Says:

    Joe, no I don’t believe they would hire him back. But I believe the reasons wouldn’t be because of tenure in Vegas. It would be because of personal reasons related to the that stupid email scandal. Regardless Joe, I stand by what I’m saying many on this comment and at other outlets say we need an offensive coach. Jon Gruden’s resume is still nice and his history with the team is still ok in my book. Chucky maybe just what the doctor ordered at this moment in Bucs franchise history going into 2024. Just consider it. Go Bucs!!

  9. Bobby Says:

    Last thing Joe, if The Glazers offered Jon Gruden a head coach position next season and no other team did. Do you really believe Jon Gruden would turn down any Head Coach opportunity considering what he has gone through in recent years. He is desperately trying to get back into the coaching ranks in the NFL above being the Saints offensive consultant.

  10. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    Gruden’s offense was figured out by DC’s and was ineffective fifteen years ago. He sucked dealing with players the last two seasons he was here and he was a complete failure when he came back to the Raiders. I get it that Gruden is charismatic but he’s washed as head coach. How did that consultant job in New Orleans last offseason work out ? The Saints offense sucks just as bad as ours.
    He should be on Monday Night Football again. He was amazing as a commentator.

  11. Joe Says:

    Do you really believe Jon Gruden would turn down any Head Coach opportunity considering what he has gone through in recent years. He is desperately trying to get back into the coaching ranks in the NFL above being the Saints offensive consultant.

    Joe doesn’t think you realize how much Chucky despises the Glazers. Tensions thawed about the time they inducted Chucky into the Ring of Honor. But now? Oh, boy. Probably worse than it was before.

    Chucky turned them down in 2014, in part, because he was still PO’ed about getting fired.

  12. Hopein1hand hand… Says:

    Bowles is a Parcells disciple and as ol’Bill said, “You are what your record says you are.” Stay close and eek it out with the couple plays he complains about “distracted” or “shy” players not making isn’t doing anything but losing games and getting Bowles fired and rightfully so. I stuck with Dungy, Rah and Schiano unflinchingly at the “fire fast and hard” fan squeaks until their last day in the facilities but I’m done believing in Bowles. He is not a leader. He has no fire to light under this team. He has no innovation nor the traction to implement it expediently. His defense consistently performs beneath the league median and mean. Cherish the Superb Owl where the Bucs gave up no TDs but KC’s OL was grievously decimated coming into that game. Just like White’s beastly day in Germany, that performance was an outlier. It has no place in the long, deep data set Bowles has provided that realistically define his abilities. He will be hired as a DC but I don’t fear facing him in the future at all. I don’t see a savior out in the coaching world to turn the Bucs around either given their talent and cap situation. Shaq Barrett will hang on for another year and do nothing worthy of note or his contract. So may Bowles. Then they will move on to do nothing somewhere else for cheap but not for very long. I’ll appreciate the good times we all had forever but this current permutation of the Buccaneers is like on old blind,deaf but beloved dog who stinks to high heaven and just loafs and pisses all over the house. Regrettably the Glazers and Licht must put this stinking, old mess of a team to a dignified rest and start anew. The Bucs have a good GM, decent QB, maybe two, two tackles and two or three young studs on defense. It’s properly sad as things stand but I’m excited for the future.

  13. FlBoy84 Says:

    Can hear the conversation now “You know we were just joking when we ripped your name off the stadium, right?…right??”

  14. Bobby Says:

    Joe, I didn’t know Gruden despised the Glazers that much. I also didn’t know he was offered in 2014. That’s interesting, considering Lovie ended up being our head coach in 2014 and that was a disaster. And that’s the time Jason Licht took over as GM too. So Jason was considering Gruden too? Or was Gruden a consideration before Jason came…All very interesting questions looking back on the “Lost decade” Either way I wonder what the “Lost Decade” would have been if Gruden would have came back. Well he we are now. I’m saying if Chucky wants a HC position and both sides can come to an agreement. I highly doubt that considering this information I know now. But if both sides can say to heck with it and lets go forward.Then Jon Gruden sounds like the coach the Buccaneers need at this moment. But that’s hyperbole and wishful thinking. Anyway, Let’s Go Bucs and Todd Monken is available after this season folks lol.

  15. FlBoy84 Says:

    Gruden’s not walking back through that door, and that’s probably a good thing. Need to move forward, not back. A fresh, innovative mind like Monken, Johnson, etc. will probably be the choice, as the Glazers have historically rotated between a Def HC and Off HC when making coaching changes.

  16. Bucs2023 Says:

    You do realize this “masterpiece” came at the expense of a team without their 2 best offensive linemen (starting right and left tackles) and they had a guard trying to play tackle against JPP and Shaq? Masterpiece? No. Being fortunate to play against a weak offensive line? Hello! Lol.

    This ultra difficult defense of Bowles is nothing but a copy of Dick LaBeau’s zone blitz scheme (where A gap pressure was the main theme). One difference is, he believes playing man to man on the backend is more effective. LaBeau preferred zone to limit big plays. Another difference is that LaBeau had a pass rush, specifically off the edge, which brings it all back to why it did take 14 weeks for Diaby to take the starting spot…and WHY HAS MARKEES WATTS ONLY SEEN 3 SNAPS SINCE THE TITANA GAME?!!!

    I know I’m reaching here, but I think Bowles is too prideful to admit an undrafted rookie free agent has come in and understood his “complex” defense and played well when he’s seen the field. Watts doesn’t have the draft pedigree (1st or 2nd rounder) to supposedly handle the scheme. So…Bowles punishes him by not giving him meaningful snaps.

    I hope the coach they’re hiring come January, has a brain and unleashes the kid. Everyone here, including you Joe, loves what they’ve seen of Watts. Unfortunately, Bowles does not…adding to the long list of reasons it should all end in January.

  17. Bucs2023 Says:

    Meant to say, Titans. Excuse the spelling error. Typing while being annoyed is difficult. Lol.

  18. Joe Says:

    So Jason was considering Gruden too?

    Not Jason. Lovie was hired first, after Chucky turned the Bucs down (so Joe was told). Joe heard the negotiations with Lovie began in October 2014. That’s why Joe tells people not to freak out because Bowles is still here. If the Glazers have decided to move on, it’s quite likely they’ve already started moving the wheels behind the scenes. *If* they plan to move on.

    Lovie wanted someone from the Cowboys to be the GM (can’t remember his name). He didn’t win over the Glazers in the interview process. Then Lovie suggested Licht and he nailed the interview with the Glazers.

  19. Joe Says:

    Meant to say, Titans. Excuse the spelling error. Typing while being annoyed is difficult. Lol.


  20. Joe Says:

    You do realize this “masterpiece” came at the expense of a team without their 2 best offensive linemen (starting right and left tackles) and they had a guard trying to play tackle against JPP and Shaq? Masterpiece? No. Being fortunate to play against a weak offensive line? Hello! Lol.

    Care to take a stab at how the Chiefs rang up 38 points on Buffalo in the AFC title game that winter with such a disaster of an offensive line?

  21. Jack Clark Says:

    What’s the solution Joe? Complain? Tee hee 🤭 you tell me? Our team loses because our coaches keep making BAD decisions

  22. Dave Pear Says:

    Were it not for the potent offense of 2020 putting pressure on the opponents, these numbers change.

    In other words, Bowles defensive prowess is a mirage.

    Taylor Heinekens almost beat him in the playoffs. Brees had a numb arm, LeFleur choked and then Mahomes had no pass protection and his guys decided to let at least 5 throws hit them in the face mask instead of catching them.

    Yes this is the era Todd wanted. Score fewer points so your defense can flourish. Oops. 3 and out happens fast even if two plays for two yards were run before the incomplete 3rd and 8. Todd was a defensive genius when BA’s offense was scoring more than his defense, and — PLAYING WITH A LEAD! (Sorry I yelled)

    Bowles is either the most intelligent idiot or the most stupid genius the Bucs have ever had as head coach.

  23. Buc4evr Says:

    Can’t recapture the pixie dust when: 1. Offenses know what your defense is going to do every play. 2. You never seem to adjust and 3, you have players that are starting that should not be in the NFL. The defense needs to be rebuilt.

  24. Defense Rules Says:

    Jack Clark … ‘What’s the solution Joe? Complain? Tee hee 🤭 you tell me? Our team loses because our coaches keep making BAD decisions’.

    No question there have been BAD coaching decisions made throughout this season Jack, but it’s not all on coaching.

    We’ve got some very talented players, just not enough of them to be anything other than a middle-of-the-pack team (NFL offenses & defenses are experts at attacking the weak links?).

    Right now we have a bunch of players who are injured (just on defense LVD, White, Dennis, Davis, Dean, Vea, Diaby, Greene) and yet some of them will end up playing, albeit not at 100%).

    Our lack of depth is now coming back to bite us (just look at ILB where JJ Russell, pulled up from the PS, MAY end up starting Sunday, along with KJ Britt … what could possibly go wrong there).

    Even when healthy, our lack of a CONSISTENT pass rush has been woefully evident. It all starts upfront, and we haven’t been able to consistently stop the run or pressure the QB. Yes our pass defense obviously sucks, but it’s not alone by any means. We’ve got a LOT of rebuilding to do.

  25. garro Says:

    The hard part for me in all of this is that defense and the high draft pics on it were supposed to be carrying the Bucs this year while the offense “adjusted” and Canales got his feet wet. It has been the defense not holding up for an entire game and some high draft pick/high payed players just not showing up at all.

    Add to that that Bowles has really refused to make any real change in players or scheme to correct anything.

    JTS is finally not listed as a starter and is lauded for a sack that fell into his lap on a stunt? Game 12? Watts is still not getting snaps? Diva White needs to be on the practice squad because Sunday proved he is a fraud. Yet Todd tells us he is his best player? 10 yard cushions is still the norm even when we have proven unable to cover anyone in this Zone scheme? Secondary refusing to tackle RBs?

    No real change and that is a problem for me.

    Go Bucs!

  26. Smashsquatch Says:

    That masterpiece was against a swiss cheese oline. Your research reveals a trend of getting gashed by the pass. Bowles simply has to go. His supposed strength is actually a weakness.

  27. stpetebucfan Says:

    BA’s Red Pen

    Excellent review of Jon Gruden! And as the old fart here his strength, getting up at 3AM to outwork everybody has probably dissapated. He’s 60, lots of bad blood as pointed out, and not just the Glazers. Chucky’s act wears thin. I was over him for sure by the time he left.


    I agree with you that depth is a MAJOR issue on this team. Ironically the position everybody kvetches about here is perhaps not the problem. Bakers is not the reason this team has lost, and I give Trask the benefit of the doubt.
    Just like Baker I do not expect him to carry the team and I think like Baker he has enough talent to compete on a GOOD team. The Bucs are not a good team right now and depth is a major issue, but not so much at QB.

    The solution? Here is where guys get to weigh in and play armchair GM

    I would stay the course and not throw the baby out with the bath water. It might be a problem that can be fixed with a new coach. Another draft like the last one and the Bucs pick up some depth.

    Lots to replace though…LVD is getting older but London Fletcher played well until his late 30′. Same with ME13. Those are the hard decisions because the Bucs are thin at LB, and ME13 is a true warrior.

    The Bucs can repair cap damage somewhat as well…guys who I like will be forced to walk the plank…Jensen…love him but he may never play anywhere again and certainly the Bucs can’t afford him. Shaq.,,.BOTH of the overpriced if talented but frequently injured CB’s. Build the back seven around Winfield, Build the rush with Kancey, Vita, YaYa, and perhaps…JTS…and others are at least capable depth.

    I do not wish to throw darts at the board in the first round and HOPE that a QB change will help. I’d rather load up on talent across the board…I would like another draft like this past year. Build a great team and then find a QB.

  28. ModHairKen Says:

    Bobby, you are right. Forget the past. Kiss and make up.

    CM Punk returned to WWE. So …


  29. ModHairKen Says:

    Also, the so-called Chiefs masterpiece, wasn’t Mahomes toe messed up so bad he could not run?

  30. BucU Says:

    Glazers if you want ANY fans to return next year you better do the right thing.
    I can’t imagine ANYONE renewing their season tickets if the epic disaster aka as Todd Bowles is retained. He’s an epic failure as a HC and now as a DC as well.
    What a clown show this franchise has become again.

  31. TonySoprano Says:

    Can help but notice the pattern that every year, Toad’s defense gets worse. So if we keep him for 2024 we can expect to be ranked 32.

    Gotta flush this turd.

  32. Defense Rules Says:

    StPete … Draft a QB in Rnd 1 & you get to keep him (at a BIG discount) for at least 5 years (possibly longer if you play the Franchise Tag card). Yes he may have to suffer through a couple of losing seasons while the team gets rebuilt, but that’s still experience gained.

    No Rnd 1 pick (QB or otherwise) is a sure thing, but historically it’s a SURER THING than Rnd 6 or 7 picks. Yes QBs like Brady come along once in awhile, but that’s a rarity. The biggest problem that I see is that whichever QB is taken in Rnd 1, he has to ‘fit’ the system (Hurts is a good example of that IMO). But in our case, THAT’S where the problem historically has come in … we play musical coaches & thus the ‘system’ is constantly in flux. Players who fit one system may be like ducks out of water in another system (Jameis didn’t ‘fit’ BA’s Bombs Away offensive system very well it appears in retrospect).

  33. Bucsfanman Says:

    Defense, a supposed Bowles “strong suit”, is going to be his undoing, IMO. Great points above by D.R. regarding injuries but, the defense was struggling when healthy. In my view it’s technique. DEs aren’t maintaining contain. LBs are whiffing on what should be textbook tackles and over pursuing ending up out of position. DBs are lined up 10 yds deep and still getting blown by. The blitzes are ill-timed and not getting home.

    Other than that, Kancey and Diaby are playing pretty good. That’s reassuring.

  34. Defense Rules Says:

    Bucsfanman … ‘In my view it’s technique. DEs aren’t maintaining contain. LBs are whiffing on what should be textbook tackles and over pursuing ending up out of position. DBs are lined up 10 yds deep and still getting blown by. The blitzes are ill-timed and not getting home.’

    Every one of those us spot on. I think there’s also another related to all of them in some ways: guys aren’t getting off blocks & are thus compromising their gaps AND the pass rush. Hard for someone like White to blitz effectively if the interior DLine isn’t opening a channel for him to attack through (of course he does some of that to himself by not getting off blocks post-haste).

  35. GumboIsForWinner Says:

    I rewatched the Super Bowl vs Chiefs. Their OL was putrid. We were rushing 4 guys and 3 of them routinely went almost untouched. I think we give Bowles too much credit for that one.

  36. Defense Rules Says:

    Bucsfanman … Agree that Kancy & Diaby are ‘playing pretty good’. Vea’s actually doing better this season in terms of getting more def snaps (thus far he’s got 412 or 56%, which is not fantastic but still better than past years). Hall seems to be improving somewhat too, although I would’ve like him a lot more as a 4th or 5th Rnd pick.

    Beyond those 4, and Antoine Winfield, hard to see much to build around on this defense. I’m convinced that Shaq will probably be released after this season to save money, and Gaines won’t be re-signed. Personally think that Davis will also be released early to save money, and Neal won’t be re-signed either. Neitehr will Devin White, and LVD may or may not be back (he took a BIG pay cut to play this year & may feel that it just wasn’t worth it).

    IOW our defense could POTENTIALLY be looking at 5-6 new starters next season, plus several new key rotational players on defense. With limited salary CAP $$$, the big question in my mind is how talented will those replacements be.

  37. unbelievable Says:

    In both his head coaching spots, his defense progressively got worse and worse with each year.

    Good coordinator, terrible head coach… and apparently terrible talent Evaluator as well.

  38. Bucsfanman Says:

    Defense Rules- That’s a good point about the lack of block-shedding. It’s contributing greatly to the unsuccessful blitzes. And your assessment regarding the players is spot on. There’s not much there. I would also argue that we need to move on from a number of “starters”.

    JTS and Hall do not look like good picks and Shaq just doesn’t seem to have the burst. That’s 3 JAGS on the defensive front right there. Don’t get me started on the secondary!

  39. Bucsfanman Says:

    unbelievable- This defense has regressed, you are 100%.

  40. UKBuccaneer Says:

    Bobby Says:
    Jon Gruden could get another job with an NFL team in a little over a month from now. Quite a few on this platform have mentioned Jon Gruden in their comments previously. Many on this platform talk about needing an offensive head coach next season. Well there is Jon Gruden sitting out there right now. Jon won a SB here. He ysed to have his name on the dang stadium. Jon Gruden’s dad worked under John McKay back in what 1982. Jon grew up a Bucs fan. He worked for the Packers under Mike Holmgren i think amd the Eagles back in the 90s. Jon Gruden’s resume is offensive success. Sounds like the guy the Bucs need at this moment. I know that may not be a popular view here. But if Gruden goes on to success elsewhere where because we here can’t put our differences behind us then. We get what we deserve next season


    Gruden is a career .500 coach who’s demonstrated that he can’t build a team.

  41. Defense Rules Says:

    Bucsfanman … ‘JTS and Hall do not look like good picks and Shaq just doesn’t seem to have the burst. That’s 3 JAGS on the defensive front right there. Don’t get me started on the secondary!’.

    And yet so many JBFers keep touting how TALENTED we are. I keep thinking that IF we were really THAT talented, we’d be at least 7-4 instead of 4-7 right now.

    There’s an interesting piece of scripture that says ‘Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment’. Maybe it’s just human nature to think of our favorite sports teams as being better than they really are? Or maybe it’s just the ‘sober’ part that gets us.

  42. Kurt Westbrook Says:

    This defense hasn’t recovered from the Rams missed assignment playoff loss. Where we didn’t cover their best receiver. Seem to be regressing steadily every since.

  43. matthew a veal Says:

    i’ve been a bowles supporter, and the season isn’t over yet, but this is the most damning article i have read so far.
    Defense is his thing, and this one has more talent than performance.
    Winning really is the only thing in the end, it has the payoff. sounds like the ideas and concepts need to get creative.
    Jason is doing hi job of bringing in talent. he brought in bruce, so he is more than good enough to get us a coach.

  44. NE Fan Says:

    It appears from Joe’s chart once Bowles is handed the reigns he destroys the previous D handed to him in one season. Not only can he destroy an offense apparently this wannabe guru destroys defenses as well.

  45. Jvato24 Says:

    Regression each year after year 1 with a team

  46. Rod Munch Says:

    Bobby Says:
    December 1st, 2023 at 12:43 am
    It’s just dumb to me that a good offensive head coach in Jon Gruden who won a Super Bowl here in Tampa


    Yeah, that’s not what happened at all. Gruden, who the Glazers didn’t allow to touch anything on defense that first year, won a SB with Dungy’s team, as his crappy offense did almost nothing.

    The idea that Gruden was a good offensive coach in Tampa is pure fake news. All he did was take a SB winning team that he was handed, and not screw it up. Then in year two he throws a hissy fit and gets Rich McKay fired so Gruden can be the defacto GM, and then promptly cuts Lynch, tells Sapp to take a hike, so he can sign Charlie Garner and Tim Brown and flush what should have beena dynasty down the tubes.

    Now, is Gruden better than Bowles? Of course, but who isn’t.

  47. Thugster Says:

    You got Rooney ruled Tampa, an identity hiring vs qualified candidate. 10 years of incompetence to follow, congrats

  48. matthew a veal Says:

    this is totally a wild shot in the dark, but if kirby smart ever wanted to try the nfl, this is the perfect place. easy division, good gm, plenty of talent, a high pick for his qb, owners have delivered 2 super bowls and ran one of the most iconic franchises in all sports (manchester united).

    Swinging for the fences is how the glazers have done it. this is one way.