Sneak Vaughn Is Gone

December 15th, 2023


Joe drives up from Milwaukee to his Green Bay hotel and geez, what can happen in two hours.

Per Jenna Laine of ESPN the Bucs waived running back Ke’Shawn “Sneak” Vaughn today.

This isn’t a huge surprise since Sneak hadn’t touched a football since the loss to Houston. First drafted by the Bucs in 2020, Sneak hadn’t seen 10 carries in a game this season. And it’s not like Bucs running backs were tearing up the field.

So Vaughn had more than ample opportunity not just to stay with the team, but to take over the RB1 position. He couldn’t. And he was never good on special teams. As a result, Vaughn is out of work.

Vaughn is a good dude and Joe enjoyed working with him. But this is the NFL. It’s a production league, as Dirk Koetter liked to say. Produce or make room for someone who can.

69 Responses to “Sneak Vaughn Is Gone”

  1. Marine Buc Says:


    Sorry but he is not an NFL running back and he has wasted a roster spot for 4 seasons…

    If he wasn’t one of our GMs higher draft picks he would have never made the team to begin with.

    I’m glad Licht was finally able to put his EGO in check and do the right thing for the team.

  2. unbelievable Says:

    I think Tristan Wirfs and Antoine Winfield would negate the 2020 draft class from being a “complete washout”…

    But yes, we didn’t get anything much after those 2 potential perennial all-pros

  3. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Amazing how Jason Licht had an entire off season to find someone better than Keyshaun Vaughn and failed to do so.

  4. unbelievable Says:

    Actually I stand corrected…

    Without Tyler Johnson selling that DPI, we don’t get that 1st down and Green Bay has anther chance to score and possibly win the 2020 NFC Championship game…

  5. DoooshLaRue Says:

    What took so long?

  6. Leopold Stotch Says:

    Hey Joe, off topic, but if you want a good burger, head over to Milwaukee Burger Co. 421 N Casaloma Dr
    Appleton, WI 54913 is the address, it’s really good. I got a burger called The Defibrillator. It’s delicious and their cheese curds are top notch.

  7. Boge Says:

    That’s ok, we need a better complimentary RB to pair with White. Someone that can pound the rock, we don’t really have that guy on the roster.

  8. Danny Says:

    We drafted Wirfs & Winfield in the 2020 draft class. I’d give that draft class an A or A-. Calling it a washout is just wrong.

  9. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    Why don’t the Bucs sign fournette off buffalo’s practice squad? I mean the dude knows the system, and buffalo refuses to use him.

  10. Bucsfan951 Says:

    Dude got to play in the nfl and has a super bowl ring to wear. That ain’t too shabby. Good luck to him.

  11. TonySoprano Says:

    Such an awful draft pick from the start. You should be able to find some high quality RBs in the 3rd and Licht picked some nobody from Vanderbilt. Licht has to stop “outsmarting the room” and just pick guys from good schools with high production. What was Vaughn’s career average per rush in the NFL? Was it even 2 yards?

  12. Rayjay1122 Says:

    We should have used that 3rd round pick in the 2020 draft for Zack Moss RB. I thought he was going to be the pick but what do I know.

  13. Marine Buc Says:

    @ Boge

    The Bucs will probably draft another RB in round 3 or 4.

    Plus we will add another veteran as always. I hope it’s not Chase Edmonds – too injury prone.

    There will be a ton of decent free agent RBs available in 2024.

  14. Roadsoda Says:


    Re: Leapold Stotch…I’ll also vouch for Milwaukee Burger Co. and you’re probably taking I-43 back to MKE. But if you have the time to take the I-41 route, the best burger in all of Wisco is at Pete’s Garage in Oshkosh. To quote Simeon in the fall of 2003: “Undisputed”.

  15. unbelievable Says:

    His career average was 3.7 YPC

    2023 season average was 1.8 YPC (on 24 total attempts)

  16. Tbbucs3 Says:

    This is one of Jason Lichts main flaws as a GM, keeping players around that have no business being the league for way too long.

    Ko Keift, your next on the chopping block.

  17. orlbucfan Says:

    Are fullbacks still around? Bucs need to draft one. I wish Vaughn the best of luck. Now, Tbb, what’s your beef with Kieft?

  18. Joshua porter Says:

    Was surprised he even made the team. What’s up with the podcast? Hope all is good.

  19. dmatt Says:

    Yeah,Tbbucs3 what’s ur beef with Kieft?
    Bucs just don’t know how to use him to maximize his skills set. Put Kieft with Rams,Vikings,49ers,Ravens,or losing Patriots and he becomes a house hold name.
    Also, Bucs should’ve shipped Vaughn out last year with his to toxic attitude. We have a bigger concern regarding the team,n it starts with the coaches.

  20. Marine Buc Says:

    @ Tbbucs3

    I like Keift as a special teams player but on offense he is a one trick pony.

    Remember the very first series of the season? 1….2….3…. passes to Keift.

    Three incomplete passes.

    The dude blew it. That was his chance to show the world he is more than a blocker.

    How many passes more passes have been thrown to Keift since?

    I would be surprised to see Ko make the team in 2024.

  21. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    Lawn chair, Fournette does not know the system. Different coordinators.

  22. HC Grover Says:

    But Plan 9 is still here.

  23. HC Grover Says:

    The Pack run defense is awful. Keep an eye on White to have a good game rushing.

  24. Dewey Selmon Says:

    Cock and Bull is a good watering hole up in GB. Saw Vinny beat Lynn dickey in the 89 opener. Only orange in s sea of Green and Gold lol

  25. D Cone Says:

    With Lenny for two seasons and then White getting the RB1 there wasn’t much work for him. Had there been injuries he may have gotten more carries and done well. Never know unless he’s picked up and down the road Bucs are saying Wow. Trask may go the same way. He’s seen the formula to win QB completions. .Just need to provide a better sample than 3-9 or 6-7 when the shot comes along.

    Young back from the Packers might just get his shot this weekend. Only 20 carries but averaging 5 yards a pop. Nothing like putting 150+yards on film that tells other teams to look over here.

    Vaughn getting dropped clears up a spot on the roster for one more defender.

  26. gotbbucs Says:

    Honestly forgot all about him.

  27. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Like Darden last year, I can’t believe he lasted as long as he did on the Bucs.

  28. Tbbucs3 Says:

    I must be missing something w Ko Keift, what in the world do the Bucs see in him?

    All I see is slow stocky guy w questionable hands….I can think of way more bad plays Ko Keift has made than good ones.

    Id rather have OJ Howard than Keift.

  29. Buccos Says:

    Sneak had a good game against the Eagles in the playoffs a couple years ago

  30. Buc4evr Says:

    Didn’t think he was that bad and was a hard runner. Problem is that he had a miserable O line to run behind. Should also get rid of JTS and Hall at season end.

  31. DoooshLaRue Says:

    Try Ko as FB full the rest of the season?

  32. Jack Clark Says:

    Average runner, terrible pass catcher, below average pass blocker. Good riddance

  33. DonutsinDFW Says:

    Joe if you don’t write about smuggling back a few cases of Spotted Cow, I’ll be a little bit disappointed.

  34. Stanglassman Says:

    Bucs were hoping Dobbins or Cam Aikers were gonna drop to them.
    They scrambled to pick the position over the player. That’s never a good idea.

  35. firethecannons Says:

    Good! He was not even good when Tom Brady called the shots. see waht Stan Glassman said above–agree 100% Licht panic picks half the time.

  36. Tony Marks Says:

    I’m just happy he isn’t dead. I wasn’t 100% sure with that title.

  37. moo Says:

    thats a shame

  38. Jack Clark Says:

    We need a between the tackles running back who can also pass black and catch to complement Rachaad white. Once we fix our run blocking our running game will be perfect

  39. Beeej Says:

    I love Keift, got to have guys like him on your team. THAT being said, he needs to buy some kind of machine to fire footballs at him the entire offseason to improve his catching abilities

  40. Conner50 Says:

    Great now let’s cut Bowles

  41. Fishhawkbuc Says:

    We gonna cut some cheese this weekend. Off with the cheeseheads.

  42. ModHairKen Says:

    Strange moment to waive a RB. Not good for morale. Or is it?

  43. Joe Says:

    Joe if you don’t write about smuggling back a few cases of Spotted Cow, I’ll be a little bit disappointed.

    Not sure how to pull that off on a Southwest Flight.

    Since there is no Bromosa here, yes, plan on reuniting with Spotted Cow.

  44. RC Says:

    Yeah, Sneak didn’t do much and was never going to be a 1K rusher. For all those wondering why we didn’t go get 1K runner from free agency…. There wasn’t one out there. Cam Akers – 138 yards, Dalvin Cook – 210 yards, Ezekiel Elliot – 497 yards. Rashad White 745. Not great but better than the big available free agents. So we didn’t need to waste cap money for backs that are done. Now, you can blame them for not drafting a back. Not sure anyone other Bijan Robinson is tearing it up. Let’s see if we draft one this year….

  45. Drunkinybor Says:

    Knew he was horrible when he skipped a meeting or practice cuz he was butthurt. Blows should have cut him on the spot. Instead he said he was aww aww. Awwpset. Things didn’t go his way

  46. Craig Says:

    It is a shame. A few games ago I saw him make some decent runs before he went back to the bench.

    Rachaad came after him and seemed to be watching. After those runs by Sneak, Rachaad changed his running philosophy and started to get yards.

    I think he is going to come back and haunt us.

  47. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    You are all acting like his career is over, lol.

    Watch him go somewhere else and excel. Wouldn’t that be a kick in the teeth!

  48. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Buccaneer Bonzai Says:
    December 15th, 2023 at 10:10 pm
    You are all acting like his career is over, lol.

    Watch him go somewhere else and excel. Wouldn’t that be a kick in the teeth!
    Some of you guys act like NFL teams don’t scout other NFL teams. Tampa Bay probably has the worst RB room in the NFL, and Vaughn STILL couldn’t get carries.

  49. Pewter power Says:

    Wasted roster spot all these years

  50. Tbbucs3 Says:

    “Watch him go somewhere else and excel. Wouldn’t that be a kick in the teeth!”

    Look out CFL!

  51. T. McGee Says:

    Where is the rookie RB?

  52. adam from ny Says:

    if he’s invited in for a look see somewhere else, he’s gonna have to impress the f out of them…

    he’s gonna have to look a lot better than he did with us…

    he really was a sneaky guy – snuck his way onto the roster for what…?…4 years………..or was it 3

  53. adam from ny Says:

    so who’s coming in to fill the roster spot…?

    sean tucker is busy on laundry duty, or painting the hallways at one buc

  54. adam from ny Says:

    4 years…i just checked

    remember that nice 55 yard run he had a few years ago where he bolted wide left thru the defense, or sorta turned the corner and was gone…

    i think it was vs carolina…………highlight of his career

  55. Since76 Says:

    Bucs drafted 2nd rd QB. This 3rd rd rb. And they never really saw action. Is it the coaches or licht that failed. Some one needs to be held accountable. But oh wait two seasons under .500 and by all the posters here we need to keep the coaches and Mayfield because we are so close to being average at .500. meh. Try to be #1 just being another average Joe doesn’t cut it. Average is for losers. That’s what we have right now.

  56. PassingThru Says:

    The 2020 draft haul was excellent overall, but Vaughn was a head scrather. He seemed so meh… while RoJo was flawed, Vaughn lacked standout attributes that would make him successful at this level.

  57. BucsFan Says:

    Now just sign ROJO and upgrade roster.

  58. m Says:

    we need 😃tb to come back at the end of the first half and throw a bomb to scotty miller for the win, one of the greatest plays in buc history and what it takes to beat the pack in gb…

  59. garro Says:

    That is a curious fail with Vaughn. I wonder if the kids heart just wasn’t in it, or if it was something else.

    Go Bucs!

  60. Joe in Michigan Says:

    BucsFan Says:
    December 16th, 2023 at 6:50 am
    Now just sign ROJO and upgrade roster.
    Vaughn was Rojo 2.0, there is a reason both of them are on the street. Of all the RB’s in the world to sign, you want the head case known as Rojo? 🙄

  61. Glass (almost) Half Full Guy Says:

    Sneak is a pretty average back at best and below average catching the ball. Easily replaceable in other words.

    There’s a reason that good o-linemen make twice as much or more than a good RB. It starts with them. True star RBs like Barry Sandrs, Walter Peyton, Bo Jackson, etc are rare.

    Emmett Smith’s grandma could have ridden her Rascal scooter through the holes he had back in Dallas in the 90s and scooted all the way to the HOF.

    Look at guys like Eckler, Josh Jacob’s and others who tore up the league in recent years and now look average. O-line? Coaching? Even Derrick Henry who can sometimes create his own holes is struggling.

    You don’t fix a problem without going to the root of it. Start with coaching and a better o-line because I don’t see another Adrian Peterson out there for the taking

  62. SlyPirate Says:

    Drunkinybor Says:
    Knew he was [done] when he skipped a meeting or practice cuz he was butthurt. Should have cut him on the spot.


    I was shocked by the Bucs didn’t cut him at that moment, too. Why drag it on?

  63. Glass (almost) Half Full Guy Says:

    FWIW, I think our o-line is getting there, but until it “gets there” we need a different “philosophy” better schemes and rely on our strength which is our receivers.

    Then again, our pass routes are as predictable as our running plays.

    *Side note: still waiting for Vita Vea to tote the rock at the goal line and for a Camarda fake punt and run the ball if it’s open. Yeah, “trick plays”. Entertain me!!! Lol

  64. Cobraboy Says:

    We hardly noticed.

    Dude made one play his entire NFL stint.

  65. Cobraboy Says:

    Keift is more an H-back than TE.

  66. Swampy Says:

    This was one of the consequences of the salary cap problem Brady’s contract created. Signing a decent free agent running back was off the table. I record all the games and have spent a while looking at run blocking. There just ain’t many holes being created. But Mauch has gone from being overpowered early in the season to doing an adequate job recently. Looking forward to see how he does against the weak Packers DL. I know people aren’t high on Mayfield but if all the top tier QBs are off the board, using our first pick on the best RB available could help get to a winning season with him next year. White could be a super third down RB.

  67. Roadsoda Says:

    @JOe & Joe, at MKE you can buy a twelver of Spotted Cow cans after you go through security. Just don’t open it or else you can’t take it on the plane.

    Stay thirsty my friends.

  68. Joe Says:

    @JOe & Joe, at MKE you can buy a twelver of Spotted Cow cans after you go through security. Just don’t open it or else you can’t take it on the plane.

    Stay thirsty my friends.

    Outstanding advice. Not have to figure out how to stash a couple of cans in the briefcase. Might be dicey. Almost cheaper to fly roundtrip to Milwaukee with just a backpack than take a chance in ruiniing a $1200 laptop over a good beer. 🙂

  69. DonutsinDFW Says:

    Don’t forget the poutine at title town brewing. Always a soul warmer.