Report: Chris Godwin “Likely” To Suit Up Today

December 3rd, 2023

Gametime decision.

The Bucs yesterday elevated two receivers from the practice squad. A move like that often means someone at receiver may not play.

That receiver could be Chris Godwin. The Bucs’ star has a neck injury of some sort and officially is listed as questionable today against the Stinking Panthers.

After midnight, Adam Schefter of BSPN reported Godwin “likely” will play but the Bucs won’t formally activate him until they speak with Godwin before kickoff.

Even though the Stinking Panthers are really bad, Joe believes the Bucs need all the help they can get.

20 Responses to “Report: Chris Godwin “Likely” To Suit Up Today”

  1. Rusty Shackleford Says:

    It sure would be nice if the Bucs could get a third receiver that can actually catch the ball. Looking at you, Trey Palmer.

  2. MadMax Says:

    Lose out, its over. Thats why ive been quiet until now…..

    GLAZERS, Licht, go after Harbaugh, draft Nix, keep Baker…let go of the other weight (they know, no dis, never, go get paid my friends)…

  3. adam from ny Says:

    good, gonna need him today…

    carolina’s gonna score some points with our defense having so many injuries and guys sitting it out…

    we are gonna have to score points…

    i’m going 30-20 bucs………..for the win…

    i can see the offense scoring 2 tds and a few field goals, and the defense coming up with a score – somehow, someway

    actually vita might just pick little brice young up at the 25 yard line and carry him backwards into the endzone for a score …that’s your defensive touchdown…

    picture it, vita scoops him up and cradles him like a newborn baby drinking a bottle, and jogs into the endzone

  4. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    It is going to be a defensive slugfest. Boring, sloppy and, at times, stupid. But I think we win.

  5. Tim Says:

    It’s great that he’s available, but imagine how good it would be if they actually used him?

  6. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Just sit him to rest and get well. CG’s starting to get nicked up too much in his career. He’s still not as explosive as he was pre-ACL tear. Neck injuries aren’t to be messed around with. It’s a down season any way. No need to risk further injury for a team that isn’t going to win a championship.

  7. TampaBayBucsFanSince1976 Says:


  8. D-Rok Says:


    That’s really funny! But, wouldn’t that be a safety? Not sure it’s ever happened, but it would be the highlight of this season. Actually, the play would be ruled down almost immediately – gotta protect the QB. It’d be ruled a sack.

    Good imagery, though! LOL

  9. Gofortheface30 Says:

    Public service announcement for FSU fans: no one wants to watch you get pumped by Michigan. Benefit of the doubt is EARNED. Harbaugh is infinitely (and I stress infinitely) more compelling, exciting, and competitive. And would be a much higher draw. Otherwise why have a committee if the only criteria is to pick the best records? Riot all you want, just be careful not to burn your own school down while you’re doing it

  10. Gofortheface30 Says:

    -*Harbaugh vs Saban. If you think the networks is going to pass that up then have your bottle of Jack ready, because it’s going to be a long day

  11. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    Mike is going over 1000 yards on the season today.

  12. Mark hardt Says:

    Baker is no Brady for sure but even last year in a passing offense designed to take advantage of Tom,s quick reads and releases the Bucs were only 8-9 and got blown out in the playoffs. There are three things Baker does better than Brady which he can use in a pass offense which might put him closer to Brady: 1. Run, 2. Scramble, 3. Throw on the run.

  13. Obvious Says:

    There it is Red Pen. The only thing worth it today besides limping across the finish line and by a barely score isn’t worth much. So the Real Story, Mike… and just a little closer to Canton.

    Hmm. Licht’s first draft pick Ever of which Licht went Against the Grain of “it’s GOT TO BE” a QB.. Not too shabby!

    In fact some were ready to riot. Right Joe.

    And the next shot at drafting NO MATTER THE CHOICES Licht HAD TO pick a QB whether he liked it or not. Many blame Licht for a failed pick of Jameis BUT IT IS NOT THE TRUTH! The TRUTH is that Jameis was BY FAR the BEST QB available in that entire draft season. That IS the truth!!! And ANYBODY who knows anything about that draft Realizes that Indeed THAT IS THE TRUTH…

    To be fair, can someone help me out with WHO WAS THE BEST QB POSSIBLE DRAFTED THAT YEAR??? Well, that would be Winston. And I DON’T really believe Licht truly wanted him. Licht WAS trying out All the possibilities and of course there were only two to choose from in the end and WE ALL KNOW THAT MARIOTA was NOTHING SPECIAL. In fact if you’re new to football, YOU’VE NEVER EVEN HEARD OF HIM. Then again, you probably wouldn’t know who Winston is either… 🤪

    STILL, the point being, Licht didn’t have an option “not to take a qb” and he IN FACT picked the best player available in that draft. Licht did not fail.

    Then again if there was a better choice that year, WHO WAS IT THEN?

  14. Popcorn Mike Says:

    They should rest Godwin today let him heal a bit more, Mayfield doesn’t throw to him anyway so just let him rest.

  15. Bojim Says:

    Don’t take chances with Chris.

  16. Since76 Says:

    Popcorn that’s what I was going to say. Why risk Godwin aggravating it when Mayfield ignores the fact he’s in the game anyways. Rest him.

  17. T. McGee Says:

    Godwin is questionable and so is Baker’s decision making.

  18. danang Says:

    I hope he practiced placing his two feet inbounds with 2 yards to spare after the catch nyuk-nyuk-nyuk.

  19. Dewey Selmon Says:

    I would try to keep Godwin healthy for the playoffs.

  20. D Cone Says:

    D-Rok Says:
    December 3rd, 2023 at 7:36 am

    That’s really funny! But, wouldn’t that be a safety? Not sure it’s ever happened, but it would be the highlight of this season

    Yes you are correct it would be whistled dead because of forward progress. Now if Vea were to strip the ball and run for a score with Young’s arm still attached it would even have Gene Salvatore scratching his head in the booth. TD or Safety?

    Might have to cut away to him at another game for the response. I don’t see him being in the booth between 1-10 and 4-7.