Luke Goedeke Has Plenty Of Room To Grow

December 29th, 2023

Right tackle Luke Goedeke.

So yesterday it was Luke Goedeke’s turn to get cornered by the local pen and mic club.

A right tackle at Central Michigan in his college days, Goedeke tried to flip to left guard as a Bucs rookie and basically was gifted the position as a second-round pick.

Let’s just say it didn’t work out. So much so that the Bucs decided to flip All-Pro right tackle Tristan Wirfs to left tackle and plugged Goedeke in at right tackle this season.

Has it been perfect? Goedeke sure has played better at right tackle than at left guard. So after 15 starts, Goedeke was asked to give a breakdown of himself as an NFL right tackle.

“I feel great,” Goedeke said. “I feel like I have grown over the year, and I’ll continue to grow.

“There is stuff I’m really trying to continue to improve. Going into practice each and every day, I like to try to pick one or two things to really emphasize on in the week, and really try to improve on those things.”

One thing Goedeke has down pat is trash talk. It’s something he not only enjoys, but Goedeke says he uses it strategically.

“I definitely try to get under guys’ skin and everything,” Goedeke said. “I mean at the end of the day, it gets me going as well, it’s fun, it’s all part of the game, and everything.

“I’m out there with my brothers, we’re out there battling, it all just adds to the experience, and the fun of the game.”

Well, that’s ok as long as Goedeke doesn’t focus too much on running smack and fail to meet expectations of his job. You know, blocking? If Goedeke needs this to motivate himself and help keep Baker Mayfield’s jersey clean, fine. Whatever you need to do.

28 Responses to “Luke Goedeke Has Plenty Of Room To Grow”

  1. Easy The Great Says:

    Would love to hear his trash talk against Cam Jordan!

  2. Lord Cornelius Says:

    lmao hell yeah

  3. adam from ny Says:

    some new nasty on the OL


  4. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    I want him on my side in a bar fight………love his meanness.

  5. RustyRhinos Says:

    Yes, that entire mic-up reel was awesome. Fun to hear him tell other players he is coming for them and then go out and hit them in the play.

  6. orlbucfan Says:

    As long as he contributes to the OLine, he can talk all the smack he wants especially to the skanky Cajuns. Let’s beat them by 100, too, Luke. 🙂

  7. Crickett Baker Says:

    What’s a smelly?

  8. Usfbuc Says:

    Hope he continues to improve and I really hope we start to just let players play their natural position more.

  9. Todd Says:

    Hey, so what’s the deal with Jensen?

    Does he have a shot at coming back next year?

    Or can we get out from underneath his massive hit to our cap?

    Would appreciate any insight folks have.

  10. SB~LV Says:

    Cody Mauch does too !
    Can already see the difference between this year and last in Godeke size

  11. SB~LV Says:

    Oh !
    the Bucs need a bigger stronger CENTER , not a reflection on Hainseys effort and dedication but he is simply not big and strong enough, he would be a great backup interior lineman

  12. Joe Says:

    What’s a smelly?

    Smelling salts.

  13. Joe Says:

    Hey, so what’s the deal with Jensen?

    His knee was destroyed by Logan Hall in August 2022.

    Does he have a shot at coming back next year?

    A shot? Sure. A microscopic shot.

    The Ryan Jensen pre-injury is gone for good.

  14. adam from ny Says:

    looks like goedeke is slotting himself in as “that guy” on the OL to replace jensen’s tude…

    this video will circulate and one cam jordan will most likely see it before he touches down in tampa

  15. adam from ny Says:

    i might be immature for an old guy…

    but this video makes very happy when i watch it ! 🙂

  16. 74 Bucs Fan Says:

    Mauch has gotten bigger and stronger through the year by the looks of his arms and his play. Love the attitude of GoDonkey and Mauch! The right side is set for years to come! Get a nasty center and find a nasty FA LG – and we are golden. Do it Licht!!

    GoDonkey is not meant to be disrespectful. Ever seen a Donkey kick some ass? They are mean and tough as hell!

  17. BelleGladeBuc Says:


    Agree about the right side of the line, but Stinnie is good at LG if we get a stud center like Georgia’s Van Pran or Alabama’s McLaughlin.

  18. JBBUCS_06 Says:

    Go on YouTube and watch Luke Goedecke mic’d up against the Jaguars. Thank me later. Dude is funny and as Joe mentioned should be mic’d up more often. He’s definitely having fun out there as it should be.

  19. BelleGladeBuc Says:


    Joe forgot to mention that Logan “Underwear Football Pro Bowler” destroyed Ryan Jensen’s knee on the second day of camp when they were only in helmets and it was a non contact practice.

    Going low in the trenches when you’re not in pads is a major no no. In my day, if you did that the repercussions would be immediate from the entire line. That would continue off of the field in various ways until we felt the guy had learned his lesson.

    Logan “Underwear Football Pro Bowler” Hall almost blew out TB12’s knee as he was diving after he had blown up Jensen’s knee. TB12 was in gun and had just planted and thrown the ball.

    Logan Hall is such a bust, and the biggest play of his Buc’s career was taking out one of his actual Pro Bowl teammates.

  20. Crickett Baker Says:

    TYVM for the answer, Joe. Also I see a lot of improvement in Goedeke!

  21. Jokers Paradigm Says:



  22. Capt. Tim Says:

    How a guy can be so much better at Rt than guard is an anomaly!
    Looks like Goedeke was born a Right Tackle! He sure is fun to watch.
    With Goedeke, Mauch and Wirfs, we have the foundation for a very good line.
    Hainsey and Stennie are really dragging the line play down right now.

  23. Dave Pear Says:

    I’d rather see Goedonkey just bully Jordan with his blocking instead of hacking while doing his matador imitation. I don’t believe for a second that Cam Jordan is going to show up and be “washed out.” Guarantee he’s found some fountain of youth potion this week. He probably realizes if he can’t dominate Goedonkey he’s truly done. So Canales better plan to put a sixth O-lineman over there on the right to help. Could be a homicide on Sunday otherwise.

  24. Bucs Guy Says:


  25. Cobraboy Says:

    Not surprised.

    The day he was drafted he called himself a “glass eater.”

    IMO, his baptism of fire at LG made him a better RT.

  26. Kidfloflo Says:

    I like this dude so much more after listening to him mic’ed up Sunday!

  27. Leopold Stotch Says:

    Valders, WI legend Luke Goedeke

  28. garro Says:

    I think Jensen has been “coaching up” his old line mate on the intrcacies of getting under an opponents skin. That “mic’ed up” from the Jags game is a must watch for all Buc fans! This dude loves playing football!

    Not a big fan of all the trash talk these days but I loved all the extra little shoves “at the whistle”….Jensen?

    Go Bucs!