Ian Beckles: Baker Mayfield Is Not The Answer

December 2nd, 2023

QB chatter from Ian Beckles.

Former Bucs starting guard and current podcast personality Ian Beckles seems like a lot of Bucs fans.

Beckles, as the Bucs sank to 4-7 last week, has seen enough. Taking to his podcast “In the Trenches” Beckles said he does not want to see Baker Mayfield line up next year in Tampa.

While quick to point out the Bucs have way worse problems than Mayfield, Beckles said the Bucs must get better play from their quarterback.

Unless the Bucs hope to lose more.

“There are times when people are talking, ‘You know, Baker Mayfield is playing pretty good,'” Beckles began. “I’ll look and say, ‘They have seven points. It’s in the third quarter. Why is that good?’

“Our expectations of Baker Mayfield are so darn low that when he just doesn’t stink, we think he played well. I think that is the issue.

“I don’t want my quarterback to be gritty. I want my quarterback to make the throws, to make the right decisions and to lead. We got a guy off the trash heap that didn’t win and is still not winning.

“Baker Mayfield is not the answer. Why would you want him to be the answer if you are a Buccaneer fan? [If Mayfield starts next year] we’re going to be sitting in the same spot.”

That doesn’t mean Beckles wants backup quarterback Kyle Trask. Beckles scoffed at folks who thought Trask’s first pass of the year was a good throw to Chris Godwin in the back of the end zone.

“A good pass is thrown inbounds where the receiver has a chance to catch it,” Beckles sniffed.

As for Mayfield getting pulled for Trask, Beckles asked, “What message are you sending the team?”

Beckles also can’t believe a team playing as poorly as the Bucs could be tied for first place in the horrid NFC South by tomorrow night.

“I don’t know how it is possible for me to be sitting up here at 4-7 and the Buccaneers are still in the playoff run but it is a possibility which is crazy,” Beckles laughed. “This team is not good. It’s not a good football team. It’s not a well-constructed football team. It’s not constructed to be good in the near future. We’re not very talented. I don’t know what other way to say it.

“Defensively, we are not good defensively. We’re worse defensively than we are offensively whether you know it or not. We don’t have a lot of good football players. We just don’t. Where are they? Where are they?

“I don’t see this team making a run where they win two or three games in a row. I just don’t see it. If the Bucs mess around and beat a team they should beat, they may mess around and be in first place.”

Beckles now believes the problems with the Bucs begin at coaching. He doesn’t see the team improving.

“Are they improving?” Beckles asked. “I mean, the Glazers have to be looking at this like, ‘What’s going to happen going forward?’ They are probably looking and saying, ‘We’re probably not making the playoffs this year.’ They know what it looks like. And [a playoff team] ain’t what it looks like.

“Are the Bucs improving? Are the Bucs making progress? And what are we getting accomplished?

“We’re not improving. … Are we making progress? I don’t know where. I really don’t. What are we getting accomplished this year? We’re not going to win many games. Our quarterback is not locked in to me.”

While Beckles didn’t say Todd Bowles won’t return in 2024, he did say fans may not recognize the 2024 Bucs.

“This Buccaneer team is going to look so much different next year,” Beckles said. “We used to be able to pencil in guys and not have to worry. … We can’t pencil in too many guys right now.”

Other Beckles thoughts:

* On Tristan Wirfs: “Tristan Wirfs hasn’t been playing that great. And that’s to his standards. Tristan Wirfs has set the standard. At the end of the game with the game still on the line, I’m not expecting Tristan Wirfs to get beat by whatever the hell that guy’s name is. He’s not even a big-time rusher. T.J. Watt or someone like that, OK. If we have to start worrying about Tristan Wirfs at left tackle, we are in big, big, big, big trouble.”

* On letting Gardner Minshew order Chinese takeout from the pocket because he has so much time: “We literally only hit the quarterback three times all game. He was very, very comfortable.”

* Beckles sort of believes Bucs’ defensive backs are getting hung out to dry. Beckles said that as much as the Bucs blitz and don’t get home to the quarterback sets the defense up to fail. “That’s putting a whole lot of stress on your defensive backfield.”

* On Caliah Kancey: “I kind of like this young kid. I like some of the things he is doing. He’s not quite there yet, but I like some of the things he is doing.”

* On the lack of a pass rush against the Colts: “You think that is condusive to winning? Hitting the quarterback three times when they have 400 yards of offense? There is just not enough pressure. Period.”

* On the Bucs offense: “It is so unexplosive to me. It is so vanilla. It just doesn’t scare anybody.”

* On coaching: “You have got to start looking at the coaches. When you are on the one-yard line, and you have illegal motion, for God’s sake line up and make it vanilla and just try to pound it at somebody. Why are you trying to be cute with this? Make it as simple as you can.”

* On Devin White: “He just gets blocked a lot. That’s it. Devin White, to me, you are just talking. That’s it. He ain’t doin’ nothing. You were asking for $20 million a year? You’re lucky to get $5 million next year, playboy. You ain’t doin’ nothing that is impressing me. I mean nothing. I just see you get blocked and get washed and sometimes mopped. What are you going to do with him? You’ve got to let him go [after the season]. And he’s going to have a rude awakening when he finds out nobody is going to give him no $20 million.”

Beckles ended his podcast saying if the Bucs don’t beat the Stinking Panthers tomorrow, “The bags are coming out.”

67 Responses to “Ian Beckles: Baker Mayfield Is Not The Answer”

  1. Beeej Says:

    Bowels WANTS a vanilla offense, it would appear. I don’t see how many possessions can turn into 6 points when literally EVERY series gets to third down

  2. #99 the big fella Says:

    Well it starts and ends with coaching! We still have to much talent to have the record we have.. Baker is not the answer next year.we have to draft a franchise quarterback and get a real offensive coach to lead him..we have the worst head coach in the NFL !!!!

  3. Hodad Says:

    When the bags do come out use paper, not plastic! We don’t want to lose any Buc fans. Haven’t heard, or seen anything from Ronde Barber? Seems he’s been silent on the Bucs lately, wonder why?

  4. Pelsbuc61 Says:

    The man is spot on. This team needs a total makeover from top to bottom. Need to draft QB in 1st round and then plenty of beef on Oline and Dline. Bucs should let DWhite, JTS, Davis, Evans, Neal, Feiler, and Vaugh all walk. New GM needs to bring in some alpha dogs.

  5. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Bowles and Devin White both need to be fired from their jobs, for dereliction of duties.

  6. csidedave Says:

    Gosh you lose 6 out of 7 games and people get so negative.

  7. MadMax Says:

    Baker is not the problem, a little bit here and there, but not all on him…..lots of blame to go around to a lot of others…especially starting with Bowles!!

  8. danang Says:

    Beckles – “A good pass is thrown inbounds where the receiver has a chance to catch it.”

    The video clearly shows Godwin catching the pass 2 yards from the right sideline. A good receiver gets his 2 feet in.

  9. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Can’t disagree much….but I think it’s much more coaches than talent

  10. Texasbucsfan Says:

    Beckles is spot on!!

  11. danang Says:

    When a team is playing a quarterback who it has been determined is not the future and the team has a second-round quarterback who has not yet played, that second round quarterback plays. Every time. It’s as simple as that.

    The real reason former-offensive-lineman-turned-quarterback-guru Beckles does not want Trask to play is because earlier Beckles said Trask sucks: “This ain’t the time for Trask, yo. No way. He don’t know football.” Like quarterback gurus Bowles, Joe, Ira, and Shaun King, Beckles is afraid of Trask making him look like a fool. Which Trask will very likely do. Whether in Tampa Bay or elswehere.

  12. Texasbucsfan Says:

    Beckles is spot on!! It will take years to rebuild this team.

  13. Razor Ramone Says:

    Soooooo….Chris Godwin isn’t a good receiver? You’re kidding right?

  14. WyomingJoe Says:

    Who cares about what Ian Beckles thinks since he was the poster boy for mediocrity when he played in the NFL. This is simply his opinion of Mayfield and, in my opinion, he should shut up and keep eating pizza. Baker will end up with over 4,000 passing yards and at least 30 TDs. What team wouldn’t take those numbers? He SHOULD have at least 20 TDs now if they weren’t dropped! As a fan I hope that Baker plays well these last six games and the Bucs make the playoffs. Anyone else who doesn’t hope that is not a true Bucs fan.

  15. stpetebucfan Says:

    ‘They have seven points. It’s in the third quarter. Why is that good?’

    It’s horrible but it is a TEAM sport. If the OL doesn’t block, if there is no running game, if the receivers including the star drop easily catched passes some of them for TD’s…that stat does not mean it was ALL the QB’s fault.

    I’m with TBBF….”Can’t disagree much….but I think it’s much more coaches than talent”

    So who do you guys trust to mortgage our future with a first round QB pick.
    Licht…how have his 2 QB’s fared although one was only a 2nd rounder.

    First things first! There is NOBODY at OBP I trust to select a position where the results since the rookie cap made QB’s an affordable gamble the picks have LOST OR TIED more than they’ve won!!!

    Yes many star QB’s come from the draft, many do not.

    Simply find the next coach, an OFFENSIVE MIND…and let him make the decision. Baker may not be the answer going forward. But he’s far from the major problem right now.

    D.R. You are the poster I respect most here. If you’re for a first round pick of a QB I’d love to know your reasoning and most of all please tell me who you TRUST in the organization to make that HUGE gamble.

    Even if they exceed the team is not ready to win just yet. Bring in a rookie QB to develop and even if he great..Trevor Lawrence…3-14…9-8…finally breaking out backed by a good team at last 8-3. I’m too freaking old to wait on another long term project simply because of ONE draft mistake. I suspect you’re not far behind LMAO.

  16. HC Grover Says:

    The Bags!!! Oh Noooo not The Bags. That would hit one of my better predictions. But they will beat these awful Panters easy. Panters are the worst in NFL by a mile. Show em the Bags that might get em going.

  17. UKBuccaneer Says:

    Mayfield isn’t the long term answer – correct. He is, however, a better prospect than his backup. If he wasn’t, then the backup would have been named starter and Mayfield would never have been brought in.

  18. Bosch Says:

    Let the bags come out if they hey must, but please, no billboards.

  19. Kgh4life Says:

    Most Bucs fan knew Baker wasn’t the answer, however, with a supposedly improved run game, Baker would thrive in the offense, it hasn’t worked out. We now know that Baker can’t carry the offense, too many missed throws, missed reads, and batted balls at the LOS.

  20. Boss Says:

    This coach managed to lose with the GOAT and you think baker has a chance. Pffft.

    I always say start Trask……because at this point we have nothing to lose….and a little ray of hope would be nice.

  21. SlyPirate Says:

    I don’t agree with, “(The Bucs) are not constructed to be good in the near future.”

    Bucs are a QB, TE, LG, MLB, RB, S away from relevance. It’s not that much. Licht can fill all those holes in one draft and FA.

  22. SB~LV Says:

    Yep !
    and OBP is full of the same

  23. danang Says:

    UKBuccaneer Says: “Mayfield is a better prospect than his backup. If he wasn’t, then the backup would have been named starter.”

    By your logic, starter Drew Bledsoe was a better prospect than Tom Brady, and starter Don Majkowski was a better prospect than Brett Favre, and Trey Lance was a better prospect than Brock Purdy, on and on. Please do tell us more!

  24. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    Wow, only two occult of Trask members with hurt butts today? The number is usually astronomically higher.

  25. Oneilbuc Says:

    Ukbucneer. I see you bought in to the lie that they wanted you to believe. In training camp every one knew including Joe that Kyle Trask out played Baker Mayfield. Baker Mayfield is a name and football is a business so put 2 and 2 together. They lied about a quarterback competition because they thought because of Baker Mayfield experience he would play better than Kyle Trask. But it didn’t work out the way they wanted it to. So made Baker Mayfield the starter even when IRA said that his sorce told him Baker Mayfield will be the starter. And at the time Baker Mayfield had 7 picks to Kyle Trask 1 pick. So they brought Baker Mayfield in to sale tickets. That’s why no matter what bucs podcast you go on and it’s a national or maybe local their being paid by the Glazers and they never criticize Baker Mayfield regardless how he plays it’s always the team fault and Baker always played well or ok to them at least that’s what they tell us . Why do think no other team wanted Baker as a starter for their team but the bucs ? Ask your self that question ❓

  26. Alanbucsfan Says:

    Beckles’ glass 1/2 empty rant is mostly BS.
    He knows darn well that Wirfs and D White are injured
    The Bucs’ 7 losses are against teams currently qualifying for the playoffs or on the bubble for playoff spot.
    Explosive plays happen when receivers catch the ball or when the QB makes better decisions – both coachable
    Kancey just won rookie of the month – is Beckles kidding?
    Are they a SB team? of course not. But there are areas of improvement and it’s unfair to blow it up when the team was cap strapped before the season started and you have alot of 1st year coaches and players

  27. Buc4evr Says:

    Baker is a journeyman QB that could help win games if the rest of the offense and defense wasn’t so bad. Even Brady couldn’t win last year with this pathetic team.

  28. Mark hardt Says:

    He may be right. Let the season play out. Even if the Bucs make the playoffs and win one or two playoff games you still fire Bowles and let Baker go. Michigan Harbaugh will Come back to the NFL as he
    Is poisoned in the NCAA with the sign stealing scandal. He will bring his undefeated or one loss QB with him. Baker,s best bet is to rejoin the Rams as a backup with a coach who understands him. The starting Rams QB is aging and injury prone. Bakes will play and take classes to be a comedic actor. His progressive commercials were hilarious. He may be a better actor than QB. tHe Glazers are trying to offload Manchester United and will focus on the Bucs. Maybe buy an MLS team and build a soccer specific stadium.

  29. WyomingJoe Says:

    California Dreaming: Keep dreaming because Baker is MUCH BETTER than Trask.

  30. Sal Says:

    Todd Bowles isn’t the answer #!! Dave Canales isn’t the answer #!!

  31. Beeej Says:

    Then why do you suppose the Bucs braintrust prefers Mayfield start?

  32. Buc1987 Says:

    WyomingJoe…everyone who takes the time out of their day to come on JBF and make comments are true Bucs fans. Big ones!

  33. stpetebucfan Says:

    ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

    AMEN 1987!

  34. Jerseybuc Says:

    He’s wrong on the talent part more than enough to be better than 4 wins. Is there holes absolutely but it’s a better team than what they are showing!

    Radio shows he can’t coach week after week

  35. WyomingJoe Says:

    Please stop with the BE that Trask was better than Mayfield in training camp. That’s just wrong and a lame excuse. For example, when the Bucs were scrimmaging with the Jets, the Jet’s coaches and management said that Trask was good, but that Baker had the “ELITE ARM.” They didn’t mean just arm strength, they also meant touch and accuracy. Also, if the Bucs don’t re-sign Baker good luck over the next 4-5 years as the team “develops.” But, of course, that will just give you loser fans something new to b*itch about.

  36. WyomingJoe Says:

    Buc1987: Sorry, I haven’t seen too many true fans on this site, just whiners. Big ones!

  37. Buc1987 Says:

    WyomingJoe…Not everyone’s a cheerleader like you.

  38. WyomingJoe Says:

    Buc1987: Most “fans” on this site seem to be your type of cheerleader. Who are you kidding?

  39. TonySoprano Says:

    WyomingJoe – have you ever made a post where to don’t bi**h about other Bucs fans? Every single post is you complaining about other complaining.

  40. TonySoprano Says:

    Penix looked impressive last night. He looks like an NFL QB. Bring him back to Tampa.

  41. D Cone Says:

    I’m pretty sure the Bucs knew Mayfield was not the answer when they signed him.
    Mayfield was given the starting job because he gave the team the ‘best chance to win’. I’ve seen a few games where the Bucs were favored/ best chance to win and did not. Maybe even tomorrow. Mayfield didn’t lose the 7 games but he didn’t do anything special and win them either.

    Some people claim Mayfield can make all the throws. I will concede that. He can but he doesn’t. He throws an awful lot of Bad Balls. Throws to the guy that is blanketed with defenders. My main issue with him is when the pocket starts to shrink he has not the stature to make all the throws but only a few if any. Balls get batted and if he does throw it has to be arced to get over the defenders. Instead of making those throws, getting picked, and eventually benched he pulls it down makes a few runs and looks like a hero. That is something he certainly is not. A hero would have pulled ut a couple extra wins and definitely would not be less than 1 of 5 scoring touchdowns in the RedZone on his own field.Give me a guy that can stand in there and deliver the ball to anywhere on the field over the top of the Giant Linemen until the last possible second. Even if he can only make 90% of the throws.

  42. Red86 Says:

    So, Beckles basically said what I been saying this whole time. 7 points in the 3rd and 4th quarter for majority of the season don’t win games huh? Great qb play would potentially cover up this team’s flaws with a win. The great qb elevate their game when they need to step up. Mayfield talk big but don’t show it. Every team has drops and penalties. No excuses for mediocrity.

    None of us know what Trask or Wolford will be. Making definitive statements about them isn’t credible. They should get a chance before the draft.

  43. Defense Rules Says:

    Beckles … ‘This team is not good. It’s not a good football team. It’s not a well-constructed football team. It’s not constructed to be good in the near future. We’re not very talented. We don’t have a lot of good football players. We just don’t. This Buccaneer team is going to look so much different next year’.

    Just a little cherry-picking of what Ian Beckles said, but he pretty well outlined where we’re at. What he didn’t mention is that Todd Bowles didn’t get this team here by himself. I’m sure that he, like probably all NFL HCs, had input into the team ‘construction’, but he certainly doesn’t have total control by any means. There are others responsible for this mess.

    It’s now been 10 years since hiring Lovie & Licht in 2014. Bucs have had THREE winning years in those 10, the best TWO of them with Bruce Arians as the HC AND Tom Brady as the starting QB. BOTH of those featured some of the best star-studded talent that money could buy. Arians is gone, Brady is gone, the star-studded talent is gone, the money is gone. Welcome to the future.

  44. WyomingJoe Says:

    D Cone: Man are you cherry picking! As I said earlier, Baker should have at LEAST 3-5 more TDs, Think those dropped TDs wouldn’t have won a couple of games? If not you’re delusional! And what about the first down passes that were also dropped! How many QBs are there in the League that can carry a team on on their own? The answer is that there AREN’T ANY. Look at Josh Allen this year. He had 6 losses! Mahomes without Kelcey looks good but not great. Same goes for Burrows without Chase. Hey, Baker has no running game, and a suspect O-line yet he’s still putting up good numbers. So, go pull somebody else’s chain.

  45. Defense Rules Says:

    StPete … We’ve already started the rebuild IMO, in that we’ve drafted some decent talent over the past 2 years. But I don’t think we’re setting the right priorities, and yes that has to involve drafting a very talented QB with some excellent leadership skills.

    Let me use the Cincinnati Bengals as the case in point. Marvin Lewis coached the Bengals forever it seemed, but had 3 consecutive losing seasons in 2016-2018, with Andy Dalton as his QB. So the Bengals hierarchy brought in Zac Taylor as his replacement. Taylor’s background? Only 1 year as an interim OC (with the Dolphins), but several years as a QB coach. IOW a young (only 35 back in 2019) offensive mind capable of developing a QB. To help him, they brought in 2 very experienced coordinators: Brian Callahan (OC) and Lou Anarumo (DC), plus several other experienced coaches to support them. All 3 of them are still there today BTW.

    The results?

    o 2019: 2-14 with Andy Dalton as their QB, but they had a decent draft (4 of their picks are still with them today).

    o 2020: 4-11-1 with Joe Burrow as their newly-drafted QB; had another quality draft (5 of their picks are still with them).

    o 2021: 10-7 and they made it to the Super Bowl but lost to the Rams; had yet another quality draft (8 of their picks are still with them).

    o 2022: 12-4 and lost in the AFC Championship to the eventual SB Champion Chiefs 23-20; still another quality draft (6 of their picks still with them).

    o 2023: 5-6 and struggling, largely because they lost Joe Burrow for the season; 8 of their 2023 draft picks made the team though.

    That means that 31 of their draft picks starting in 2019 are still on the team. Bengals built their team primarily through the draft, but started the rebuild with a young coach with a background in developing QBs (in their case). First 2 years were ball-busters (6-25-1) but they obviously felt that they had a good plan and stayed the course. Ultimately it paid off.

  46. ModHairKen Says:

    Well, hell has frozen over. I agree with Horse Abuser. I like Baker. Hard worker. Good energy. Good teammate. But he is not the answer.

    I watched the Washington QB last night. He looked great. I see Deion’s son. He has a great arm. The USC kid ain’t my favorite, but he’s talented.

    Point is: draft a QB. Keep Baker to transition. Just need a HC who develops QBs.

  47. Defense Rules Says:

    ModHairKen … Washington, Oregon, USC, LSU, Michigan … there’s 5 QBs right there with the talent to potentially become franchise QBs. And there are others who’ll be available. Spend the 1st Rnd pick on a QB this year since we’ll almost surely be drafting in the Top-10.

  48. UKBuccaneer Says:

    danang Says:

    By your logic, starter Drew Bledsoe was a better prospect than Tom Brady, and starter Don Majkowski was a better prospect than Brett Favre, and Trey Lance was a better prospect than Brock Purdy, on and on. Please do tell us more!

    How many of those guys sat for 3 years before having another QB brought in to start before them?

    You think the bucs haven’t evaluated Trask in 3 years?

  49. UKBuccaneer Says:

    California Dreaming Says:

    Oneilbuc is the smartest dude on JBF (other than me of course 😂). He is absolutely spot on that Trask outplayed Mayfield in training camp – as confirmed by Joe – which is why UKBuc has no facts supporting his biased claim that Mayfield “is the better prospect”.


    The nonsense about Joe saying that Trask outplaying Baker in training camp has been debunked here so many times, with quotes and dates to prove it.

  50. UKBuccaneer Says:

    Once again for the cheap seats, if you genuinely believe that the coaching staff are keeping baker in the game to save face, you’re literally arguing that they’re placing their feelings above their jobs.

    ‘Trask mught save the season and stop me getting fired, but I can’t do that because I might look foolish’

    That’s your argument? Ok dudes.

  51. Mike Johnson Says:

    Beckles is spot on with one of his comments for sure…..We are better offensively than we are Defensively. Which does not say a lot or anything good at all. Keep Baker at the minimum and bring in a rookie QB whom we can groom. If Trask was any good, we would have played him by now. If Bowles loses on Sunday? Fire him right after his post-game interview.

  52. BelleGladeBuc Says:

    It’s hilarious that people are trusting Todd Bowles and his staff’s professional judgement on players.

    How long did it take for him to admit JTS was no good?

    How many times has he told us how great Dean and Davis are as they get torched?

    Todd Bowles has repeatedly told us how great Devin White is.

    If those players were as great as Bowles tells us, then why do quarterbacks such as Riddler and Minshew beat us?

    Yeah, I sure do trust a guy’s evaluation of talent such as his judgement on the above mentioned players and that includes Baker Mayfield, just about as much as I trust him and his staff’s ability to stop Cooper Kupp on a critical play in an NFL playoff game.

  53. stpetebucfan Says:


    Well said. Logic is not always the forte of sports fans. LOL Sometimes distance gives one better perspective.

    I wouldn’t waste much draft capital at all on a QB in this draft. Neither Mayfield nor Trask have been the major issue this year. I agree with Ian if the D had simply played decent the Bucs would have two more wins…Houston was a total D CHOKE!

    Get another OL at C or G who is as good as Wirfs or close and pick a second who is better than Hainsey in later rounds. Load up on some big uglies.

    At RB take a serious look at Blake Corum from Michigan. I would love Harbaugh, not so much his QB unless HE demands to bring him…he obviously knows more than me.

    Harbaugh is a pipe dream…but Corum is a real possiblity at 5-8 214 with 4.4 40 speed he’s a little bowling ball. He has scored 22 TD’s rushed for 3500 yards 4.8ypc his longest a 54 yard run after last years outstanding 18TD’s 5.8 yard average with a longest of 61 yards. He has true breakaway speed and balance and he’s smart..a 4.0 GPA

    Then take a flier on the new MAC Champs Miami of Ohio’s running back Rashad Amos who may end up an FA but looks like at least a 2nd day pick. He’s 6-2 234 and has some thump.

    Those two moves provide an offense to draft or trade or sign an FA QB NEXT year if both Mayfield and Trask show they can’t cut it behind a dominant OL with a trio of good running backs. The WR’s even if ME bolts will still be talented.

    Put all of the rest of the draft capital into the D…LB’s and CB’s! I think Calijah and YaYa will boost the pass rush next season.

    Don’t tank…don’t blow it up…simply find the right coach!!!!!

  54. Tb bolts Says:

    Trask gets to make one throw so far this season and its subject of scrutiny by the baker boys lmfao. The copium from joe and all the other haters is real. Dont worry guys big game from bake tomorrow against 1-10 carolina when he gets his 20 points we’ll be talking about how utterly fantastic midfield is behind center!

  55. JBBUCS_06 Says:

    Can’t argue w/ Ian here. I mentioned a few weeks back, or maybe a week or so ago. Shake N Bake has some winnable games (ATL, CarX2, IND, GB) and some games we’re not supposed to win (SF, JAGs) and some “we’ll see” (Saints).

    Whelp…..lost the SF, Baker didn’t do anything special to get us the upset.
    IND – we lost, again, he didn’t do anything that picked UP the team to overcome where we were (down some players but definitely with a chance to win).

    So we’ll see if he can be more than solid and put the Panters away.

    If we can finish 10-7 (highly unlikely) or 9-8, then I’d keep Shake N Bake at the right price. But if we stink against the Panthers, I’m starting Trask for the remainder of the season. EVEN with backup LBs. Just saying.

  56. Oneilbuc Says:

    Wyoming. And Baker should have had 5 picks against the 49ers !!

  57. orlbucfan Says:

    Logic on this site? More like a bunch of stupes who are fake fans. And I have to read crap slung at someone like Wyoming who happens to be a genuine fan. Not sure why as west central FL is a long way from the northwest. The offense holds the key to these final 6 games. I’m feeling like I did with Koetter in his final 2 years here. Frustrated cos the talent was not being used properly. I sure hope that changes tomorrow. Ian Beckles was a competent player for the Bucs, but he’s sure no Einstein.

  58. Oneilbuc Says:

    Orlando. Wyoming is not a real bucs fan he’s a Baker Mayfield fan and he also said he will follow Baker Mayfield to his next team. So most of these Baker Mayfield lovers are not real bucs fans . And yes the truth is the truth Baker is showing every one why he’s on his 4th team in 6 years and I’m just a guy who’s who wants better than a average quarterback like Baker Mayfield not to mention Baker didn’t earn the starting job he was gifted the starting job to sale tickets. We all know if you’re honest Kyle Trask beat Baker out according to Joe and every other bucs site who were out there during training camp. And I don’t care what college a quarterback comes from rather it’s UF or FSU or any other college in America.

  59. garro Says:

    Can we fire Beckles?….Please!

    Go Bucs!

  60. Falconrap Says:

    The Baker nut sack huggers are hillarious. Hey, WyomingJoe, we all know you’re actually Baker’s wife. I mean, only she would believe that crap about Baker. Your rants, especially about his “elite arm” with the better touch and accuracy are absurd. Baker is statistically the worst starting QB in deep ball accuracy. He’s in the bottom third in both yards per attempt and yards per reception. He’s getting a whopping 1.5 tuddies a game and has had one or more passes deflected in all but one game with multiples in several games. All I have to do is look at the Trask highlight video for the Jets game and you can see Trask actually consistently hitting some of the passes that Baker is either missing or outright not throwing. We also saw the same pattern of failing to sustain drives in the preseason that we are seeing now with Baker at the helm. It’s pretty sad when only 20% of 1st and 2nd down plays are resulting in a new set of downs. In the preseason, Trask was getting those plays more consistently keeping drives going longer more often.

    Mayfield sucks. Plain and simple. If Trask ever gets his chance, he’ll show you and the other Baker lovers just how wrong you are.

  61. Richard Says:

    As I’ve said many times, the Bucs will go nowhere with Baker Mayfield.

  62. Richard Says:

    It’s saddening that the Bucs brain trust will run Mayfield out there again. Talk about losing season ticket holder interest.

  63. Zoocomics Says:

    Every so often I like to listen to Beckles, because I EXPECT better contextual observations from him, and every other episode he manages to speak like an arm chair QB and disappoints me despite all his knowledgeable years in the league. The guy can talk, and he has playing cred, so it’s enough for Joe to stick him on here. I miss Steve White RIP, there’s a guy that knew football, could speak it, and could write it.

    That being said, I think there is room to cut out and lot of money that isn’t pulling their weight on this team. Shaq… sorry, I always thought this guy was under sized, underbuilt, he benefitted from a more talented defensive line around him and a few seasons ago, it was a his youth and moves that carried him on the def edge to a couple of nice statistically seasons, but he’s NEVER had the physical attributes that help aging players continuing to be productive… and he’s costing the Bucs a lot of coin. One of the strengths going into this season, at least by contracts, was our Corners, and they haven’t lived up to their contract, perhaps we are re-working them in the offseason. I think we figure out a way to keep Evans around. Honestly, I don’t know how we let White walk. Perhaps this scheme isn’t really built for him, his talent has gotten him by all these years, again like Shaq, he came into this league on a better def line, and now he’s expose…perhaps if Bowles is gone next season maybe the scheme acquire is more to his strengths. If David doesn’t play next season and we don’t re-sign White, we’re rebuilding in those 2 positions!? That seems problematic without spending some coin on a free agent.

  64. danang Says:

    UKBuccaneer Says: “The nonsense about Joe saying that Trask outplaying Baker in training camp has been debunked here so many times, with quotes and dates to prove it.”

    Joe indeed said Trask “outplayed” Mayfield in training camp in JBF articles dated August 13 and August 15 2023, after training camp had ended, those articles have been cited and quoted here several times, Joe has not retracted what he wrote, and you have nothing but your lies to go on.

  65. Joe Says:

    Joe indeed said Trask “outplayed” Mayfield in training camp in JBF articles dated August 13 and August 15 2023,

    Joe doesn’t remember that. Once in a while he had a better training camp practice. As far as head-to-head over the course of training camp and worthless preseason, it was close. Some days Trask practiced better. Some days Mayfield practiced better.

    What Joe very much remembers is typing the following almost daily since Baker Mayfield was signed: There was no way Todd Bowles was going to risk his career on a guy who had nine total pass attempts. (And given the fact Bowles’ defense went up against Trask in practices for three years Joe is sure was influential). If Bowles was convinced Trask was the guy, the Bucs never would have signed Mayfield.

    Joe also remembers typing that if Trask and Mayfield were so close, it reinforced Joe’s rigid belief the Bucs needed to draft a quarterback in the first round in April 2024 if the Bucs had the right coach.

    People can search and read the daily practice reports Joe typed in the free archives.

  66. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    Well, Beckles understands mediocre. How many winning seasons was he part of?

  67. Dallas Stackhouse Says:

    I think mayfield has been about the only bright spot for this team. Sometimes even the greatest qbs cant elevate trash. Brady couldnt elevate a pathetic pats team his last year then went on to win another super bowl with the Bucs. Mayfield obviously isnt brady or mahomes but hes definately better than 50% of the playoff qbs. Also if wr can catch how is thst bakers fault. Or if coach is drawing up stupid plays…. kind of like in buffalo. You telling me josh allen isnt a great qb. Basically same situation. They fired offensive coordinator n sure enuff bills offense looks different n is SUCCEEDING. Fire offensive coordinator n then lets see.