Embracing Devin White’s New Role

December 23rd, 2023

All kinds of chatter is out there surrounding the saga of Devin White. Did he bench/deactivate himself last Sunday?

Is he pouting because Todd Bowles plans to make him a rotational player with surging inside linebacker K.J. Britt?

Joe has had enough of the drama. White won’t be a Buccaneer next season — that’s obvious — so Joe just wants to know how White can help the Bucs in their final three regular season games, and in the postseason.

Joe is excited about White’s new role. Might he line up at times as an edge rusher on passing downs? That could be a speed nightmare for a Jaguars left or right tackle on Sunday.

Will he be used as a blitzing situational pass rusher? If White is only playing part-time, his fresh legs might improve his ability to get home on blitzes, which has been a challenge this season. The Bucs’ rank tied for 11th in the NFL in sacks this season, but the pass rush overall has been very inconsistent.

Most interesting to Joe is whether White will come out Sunday playing with his hair on fire. Will his attitude (good attitude) show up on film, as Rondé Barber likes to say? It’s been a while.

White can’t be counted on down the stretch and his foot injury might be holding him back. Still, Joe hasn’t abandoned hope of White getting healthy and making a big play or two in a big game.

At 25 years old, he certainly shouldn’t be washed out.

59 Responses to “Embracing Devin White’s New Role”

  1. Bucsfan951 Says:

    25 years old and we should be excited to resign him but instead, he has approximately 3 weeks left in a buccaneers uniform.

    IMO, the thing that holds white back from being really really good is his head. Dude seems like a head case. Mentally weak. Again, just my opinion.

  2. T. McGee Says:

    If White excels as a 25 year old edge rusher, resign him. Very hard to find pass rushers. I think that’s a great idea – take all the coverage responsibility away. Just run towards the ball. Worked for LT.

  3. NE Fan Says:

    It took defense guru 4 years to figure this out. White will be very motivated playing for a contract elsewhere. We all saw him in 2020 playoffs when he is motivated.

  4. Dew Says:

    I think White will be a force tomorrow if used to rush the passer. And playoff Lenny is active tonight for the Bills. Peacock is $5.99/month & you can cancel anytime.

  5. Ufcguy32 Says:

    Watch 49ers will grab him. Use him as a edge Blitzer and dude will have 17 sacks next year. And all of us will be left wondering wtf is wrong with our staff. Clue. They can’t put guys in position to win. Or play to strengths

  6. Beeej Says:

    JPP was released by the Fins yesterday

  7. Destinjohnny Says:

    Punt team

  8. HC Grover Says:

    Get him out. Who Cares. He has Super Bowl $ in his eyes. Phooey.

  9. HomerSimpsonRocks Says:

    I heard he refused to play a rotational/non-starter role, which apparently meant he’d be the guy covering kicks. Can’t see him doing that, since he thinks that’s beneath him. My guess is TB caved and is going to let him come in when he feels like it to rush the passer. I can’t wait until he and his Diva drama is off the Bucs and on another team.

  10. Vanessa Anne Says:

    I mentioned this before in another post here on JBF, and I’ll mention it again.

    It’s time for Devin White to go. I personally would prefer not to see him on the field again in a Bucs uniform. Ever.

    No doubt, he’d make an outstanding blitzer or edge rusher.

    My only question (and biggest concern) is how much of an effort he’s actually going to make, presuming he shows up on the field tomorrow?

    We have too much at stake in these last three games to take a chance on him. Also, there are too many other players on the team who are giving 110% or more from the opening kickoff to the final whistle… every game, every week. It isn’t fair to them, and if we actually make it into the playoffs it’s because those other players worked their butts of for it.

    I want them to succeed, and I want to see them reap the benefits of their hard work all season long. I want to stand in my living room with the t.v. on, screaming and cheering for them, when they earn what they’ve worked so hard for.

    I’m not willing to give that up for Devin White.

    Bench him.

    For good.

  11. Davenport Says:

    If his head is right, out of loyalty to his teammates, I’d like to see him as a pass-down edge rusher.

    Rather have him out there than giving reps to JTS or Nelson.

    That said, there’s no place for him here in 2024

  12. Schwiti Says:

    Having a hard time getting my head around some of these comments… I can see him finding success as a rotational ILB in blitz packages (assuming KJ gets the start), but thinking about him as an edge rusher makes no sense to me. Interesting in theory I guess, but how many times have we seen him line up on the edge and go 1:1 vs a tackle?

  13. Creamsicle Says:

    NE fan:

    You are exactly right. White is a very very effective LB WHEN he wants to be. Look at his college tapes he is a superior LB with unmatched speed. His mentality is what is bringing him down. I bet he never study’s film or does any homework. You need to do that in the nfl. His athletic ability is top shelf. He needs to channel his ability. We will regret trading white if it comes down to that make my words

  14. Creamsicle Says:

    White has multiple reasons to still play with passion. 1. His next contract is depending on it, regardless with bucs or another team. 2. If you are truly a bucs fan you see he is still respected on the defense, and still a captain which carry’s a lot of weight. 3. He’s an elite athlete. These people plan to win and want to win

  15. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    For anyone who’s ever had a serious foot injury (I have) ……will know for a fact that anykind of weight on it is just pure hell. Fans wanna paint these professional athletes like they’re somehow impervious to pain and they magically heal in 6 days which is obviously 100% untrue.

    He’s obviously hurt doesn’t want to disclose the true nature of injury in order to not jepordize him signing with his new team this coming off-season because it’s 100% clear the Bucs will not resign him because he doesn’t want to be here in the first place.

    Devin White is clearly a very gifted athlete, but he just doesn’t want to mentally be in Tampa anymore for whatever reason that is. If he never plays another down for the bucs again….then so be it, but it’s ashame he’s not gonna be another Brooks or LVD for this Franchise for a decade or more ☹️ because I think this organization and the Fans thought that when he was drafted in the first round.

  16. Eckwood Says:

    Oh jeez , midget arms can’t get off 200 lb rb blocks and he really shows no fluid skill set at all !! Never has !! He may have a chance to run by a D end but he isn’t fluid enough to even turn a corner or dip under blocks ……… The guy is fast is a straight line and that is IT !!! He is NOT an athletic talent at all !! He can run but that is it , that is all his game has !!

  17. Bradley Brown Says:

    All you clowns who are hating on Devin White seem to fail to realize he’s playing for a contract next year either with the Buccaneers or another team. If he mails it in what do you think that’s going to do to his value? 🙄

  18. BucU Says:

    We don’t give a rip what his value is gonna be. It won’t be with us so who cares if his value takes a hit.
    You his brother? Sister?

  19. Cover deuce Says:

    “ZOMG WOW WHAT JF HE RUN FAST AT BALL FROM SIDES WHAT THEN,” -What passes as sports journalism to all of you apparently

  20. Natron Says:

    KWON 2: Electric Boogaloo

  21. Buc4evr Says:

    Probably should look at Sebastian-Day as a backup DT to get this team through the season and possibly the playoffs.

  22. 1#bucsfan Says:

    He should deff switch his position to outside LB. Hr can rush we all know that is a strength of his but coverage and sometimes run stopping in the fact he takes bad angles but man he could be dinomite in pass rushing

  23. Tucker Says:

    Devin is going to be a terrible olb he can’t shed blocks but somehow he is going to be a revelation at outside linebacker hmm OK he is too small and not disciplined in his assignments chasing the big play instead of letting g it come to him within the scheme such a shame has all the athletic tools to be dominate but his ego gets in his way.

  24. optimisticbucsfan Says:

    His value is at it lowest point…right now.

    Not only poor effort on the field but now drama off of it.

    He really hurt his brand this year.

  25. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    “White won’t be a Buccaneer next season — that’s obvious” – Joe

    Maybe not so obvious. They’ll probably have to replace Lavante David due to retirement.

    If they find a way to re-sign White (big if at what he wants), then we could see him playing in Lavante’s place.

  26. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    optimisticbucsfan Says
    “His value is at it lowest point…right now.”

    Which will lower his asking price hopefully.

  27. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    I personally like White. I don’t believe he demanded a trade…that was media speak. I think he stated that if they could not afford him, he was willing to be traded.

    Big difference.

    No doubt, his injury has hampered him.

    But even though he was not credited with a lot of plays, he was all over the place and involved in plays that were influenced by him.

    He has 3 games to prove himself if he is healed.

    If he has a crap attitude, the staff can always do the Meshawn Johnson thing and deactivate him…and that would kill his value.

  28. Dewey Selmon Says:

    Bonz, David is not retiring. hw has 2 more years in him but we’ll go 1 year at a time.

  29. Popcorn Mike Says:

    I think White is still a very good LB however, I think he has wore out his welcome in Tampa. What I hope happens and pretty sure it will is, trade White and get decent draft pick

  30. Defense Rules Says:

    Popcorn Mike … Can’t trade a player who only has a couple of games to go until he’s a free agent (no team will do a trade like that). Got a hunch that Bowles doesn’t trust White any longer to ‘play within the system’ (and that’s huge to Bowles apparently)’ thus the rotational role that allows him to keep White on a leash.

    And yes Dewey, LVD is not retiring. I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see him play until he’s 38 or thereabouts. He loves football too much.

  31. c-spann Says:

    He will probably be used as a situational pass rusher. The only problem I see with this is that he is not good a shedding blocks. Most of his sacks came when blitzing untouched. I he has to shed blocks, might as well leave him inactive imo.

  32. c-spann Says:


  33. orlbucfan Says:

    LVD is the HOF captain of the Defense. He’s been like that ever since he was drafted back in 2012. He took DWhite under his wing, and player/coached the sorry whatever. LVD is my favorite Buc. He .could have left this sorryassed team years ago. He had plenty of offers. We’re talking $$$$$$$$. He did not. You can bet the D will show up, and they’re hurt. Plus joes, I just read RJS is sold out. 🏈🙂🏈🙂 Yeow whoooo! Go Bucs!

  34. Popcorn Mike Says:

    True defense rules, White is a free agent this year, my bad. Pretty sure though his relationship In Tampa has soured so I am not looking for him back next year

  35. Beej Says:

    PFF: 39

  36. Beej Says:

    A ufa from East Bugtustle state would be more effective

  37. Duane in Sanford Says:

    45 has not been right for a couple of seasons. This isnt something that came out of nowhere. I think Bowles has ruined him. 45 doesnt play fast at all anymore. He is likely to either do jumping jacks shirtless in the end zone, or completely ball out with easier defensive assignments. Bowles always puts him in bad angles and situations to cover the schemes, and this guy just needs to be let loose and get after it.

  38. Pickgrin Says:

    If he is active, make White play special teams! And ONLY special teams…..

    I’m sure he would be a hell of a gunner if his pouting doesn’t slow him down….

  39. Defense Rules Says:

    Duane in Sanford … ’45 has not been right for a couple of seasons. This isn’t something that came out of nowhere. I think Bowles has ruined him.’

    More likely that White ruined himself Duane. Guys like Suh & Shaq signed with the Bucs BECAUSE of Todd Bowles & the opportunity to play in this defense. They’ve both said as much. Bowles is regarded as a DC who can put players in position to be able to make plays (doesn’t mean they’ll actually make them however). I always got the feeling though that the key to succeeding in his defense was to focus on YOUR responsibilities (gaps, contain, etc). Also have gotten the feeling that ad-libbing was frowned upon by Bowles if it compromised meeting YOUR responsibilities.

    On watching White this season, he looks different than in earlier years IMO. Doesn’t appear to be playing as fast, and seems to be having problems getting caught or driven out of position. Might be because of injuries, or maybe just attitude; don’t know. The Devin White we’ve been watching this season is not a very dominant player IMO. Maybe a change of scenery will do him a world of good, even if it costs him a few mil this coming year.

  40. Pelsbuc61 Says:

    I don’t think DW is unselfish enough to make a positive difference in the game. He freelances a lot and isn’t that good anyway. I hope Britt plays the entire game. This is December football. Not time for drama.

  41. Hunter Says:

    Just because the media and fans don’t want him back doesn’t mean it’s “obvious” he won’t be re-signed lol. We know about White and Bowles connection. If Bowles stays, Bowles would most likely want to keep him..

  42. Sacker58 Says:

    Seems he learned a thing or two from Antonio Brown.

  43. stpetebucfan Says:


    I agree completely about LVD. He’s got a few more years left if he wants them.

    London Fletcher was playing at a high level for the Redskins well into his late 30’s.

  44. creamsicle Says:

    We don’t give a rip what his value is gonna be. It won’t be with us so who cares if his value takes a hit.
    You his brother? Sister?

    your missing the point, which is if he wants to have any “value” he has to play well and prove that value. Which ripples into him being effective for the bucs.

  45. creamsicle Says:

    i call it today before the jags game, white shows up and he shows up like the linebacker he was is 2021 and he carries that momentum through the playoffs.

  46. creamsicle Says:

    Duane i don’t completely disagree, i thinks whites lack of effectiveness has been a failure of where he’s been lined up and if youve read up on the bucs lately youve taken note that white is going to be their starting nickel and britt will be their starting base, at least from what i understand. Ill be very interested to see the verdict of that tomrrow.

  47. Woodenman Says:

    No you are missing the point Creamsicle we the fans don’t want him here . What do think once he gets his money garintee he will play better?

  48. BAKERSBucs says Says:

    Finally a complete post segment without trashing baker u guess stayed on point this time I for 1 am impressed

  49. BAKERSBucs says Says:

    Oh yes I forgot I just love a real Creamsicle remember orange & white ice cream stick

  50. Hammerhead Says:

    Unleash Bucs linebacker core upon Lawrence. Perfect time for Devon White.

  51. Bucs Fan From Philly Says:

    Can this be equivalent to him catching covid during our late season/postseason run of 2020. Maybe the games off will help him be a beast. Especially with his performance against the saints in that playoff game, and you know who we play next week. I’m just saying, one final push wouldn’t hurt

  52. BillyBucco Says:

    Everyone saying use D White as a pass rusher doesn’t understand football.
    He is not big enough to be an OLB or DE.
    His rushing ability as an ILB doesn’t translate.
    That’s like saying Rachaad White is a misplaced receiver, just because he has good hands as a RB.
    There is a LOT more to running routes than White KNOWS to be an NFL receiver, and there ate severe limitations to D White being an EDGE rusher.
    D White is an ILB through and through.
    When he did FOCUS on being better in coverage in the SB year, we saw improvements.
    I do suspect the injury was untimely for White, but his effort hasn’t made us FORGET about his subpar play. He still raked in huge stats against the Vikings before disappearing, I assume from injury.
    Im not ready to say Good Riddance to a Top 5 draft pick who still plays for our team, and, who can still be a HERO for this team down the stretch.
    I do agree with his mentality being a detriment to his play. His passion for the game of football is being trumped by his desire to get paid.
    It’s a shame, and it happens ALL THE TIME in the NFL when young guys can make millions and millions of dollars.
    Give me the Alex Anzalone’s of the world with less athletic ability and money and more heart, every day of the week, and literally twice on Sundays.

  53. teacherman777 Says:

    He gets sacks because he sprints at the QB with a running start!

    He’s not an edge rusher! He doesn’t have edge rusher moves!

    Are you guys nuts?

    He’s a downhill LB with RB speed.

    He is never going to be an edge rusher.

    Vita Vea on the other hand should be getting reps at DE every game!!

  54. Front Four Says:

    No denying D White’s talents, just his ability to use them. I can see him having flash moments for the Bucs if he suits up, just to prove himself to anyone that’s still interested. It would be a good way for him to go out.

  55. Andrew Fish Says:

    I think he could be a force at OLB

  56. Rod Munch Says:

    “surging inside linebacker K.J. Britt?”


    What exactly has this defense been doing the last few weeks other than giving up tons of points and yards?

  57. Natron Says:

    White’s agent should call the 49ers and see if they would offer a Kwon type deal for White……Kwon 2!!!

  58. Tap-Outtakes Says:

    D45W hair is on fire today! …..you find a way to keep your GREAT players!

  59. toad bowels Says:

    keep him as an edge rusher if he can play like he did today