Bucs’ Projected Draft Slot Plummets; Playoff Chances Spike

December 11th, 2023

Bucs GM Jason Licht.

Two weeks ago the Bucs’ projected 2024 draft slot in the first round was a prime position.

After losing to the Colts, the Bucs were in at the No. 7 slot. Perfect opportunity to grab a highly-coveted quarterback or trade up for one.

That proposition took a hit last week when the Bucs beat the Stinking Panthers. The Bucs slipped to No. 10. Not really terrible but not great.

Now? Well, it appears the folks at Tankathon.com think the Bucs will make the playoffs. The first place Bucs currently are projected to pick at No. 19. That’s the best spot a playoff team can draft in the first round short of trading up.

With the win yesterday over the Dixie Chicks, the Bucs are in the driver’s seat to win the NFC South. But if the Bucs win the division and still want a quarterback, they may have to settle for mediocre J.J. McCarthy.

As for playoff projections, the New York Times has the Bucs with a 55 percent chance of making the playoffs and a 45 percent shot of winning the NFC South.

PlayoffStatus.com has the Bucs with a 57 percent shot of making the playoffs.

30 Responses to “Bucs’ Projected Draft Slot Plummets; Playoff Chances Spike”

  1. Sly Pirate Says:

    Bucs: @GB, Jax, Nola, @Car
    Falcons: @Car, Ind, @Chi, @Nola
    Saints: NYG, @Rams, @Tampa, Atl

    IDK. Bucs play 2x playoff teams. Atlanta has the most road games. Saints have the most favorable schedule. Comes down to those NFCS matchups.

  2. sasquatch Says:

    Not to worry. This team is terrible and will manage to blow the division and miss the playoffs. At this point, making the playoffs isn’t worth it.

  3. Canabuc Says:

    Think saints have easiest schedule then Falcons then us.

  4. Tbbucs3 Says:

    The Saints are terrible, were the best of a trash division.

    Also, at this point could absolutely care less about draft order. The guy making the pick is way more import than draft position.

  5. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Some fans seem to be longing for another lost decade. Who in the world would still be in favor of a tank with 0 shot at a top 5 pick? Go for the playoffs!

    Some y’all pro tankers just need to come back once every 10 years when we have a legitimate shot at a SB.

  6. MadMax Says:

    Hey LETS GO…f the draft….we’ll fall where we fall mfr’s… you feel me?

  7. Daniel Dream Says:

    What you’ve always got to do in life is do your absolute best and let the chips fall where they will. Tomorrow may never come: live and play each day as if it’s the only.

    Tomorrow is never guaranteed. You can bet fans in Carolina and NY and whatnot all thought they had it made when they got their QBs high in the draft… how’s that working out? Meanwhile a QB picked last in the draft is leading the league, and QBs that everyone gave up on have their teams leading the division in Seattle, in Detroit, in Denver, and oh yeah- in Tampa Bay as well.

    They thing about giving it your all is- sometimes you look up and realize, you’ve won. Nobody ever won anything by trying to lose. Think about that the next time you start dreaming of a high spot in the draft order.

  8. MadMax Says:

    Bo Nix will go somewhere in the teens or 20;s….all good, we can still draft him there or wherever

  9. sasquatch Says:

    I’m not suggesting they try to lose. I just think it’ll happen, and I won’t shed tears if it guarantees Bowles won’t be back as head coach. I mean, with Todd, even wins feel like losses and they have no chance in the playoffs. He needs to go.

  10. HC Grover Says:

    A big thanks to Yoo Hoo and Ridder

  11. HomerSimpsonRocks Says:

    7th to 19th in 8 days. They need to lose more.

  12. Proudbucsfan Says:

    Daniel Dream, I agree with everything you said. Absolutely the truth. I also agree with Sasquatch about winning with Todd Bowles feels like losing it’s been a long time since the fan base has been this disappointed in a head coach and I think it because we went from having a top 5 offense and scoring 30 points a game to struggling to score touchdowns at all, in one season. As a Bucsfan it was nice to have teams winning and in contention for 2 seasons it was every fans dream for there team and we had it ripped away from us by a stubborn coach who doesn’t care to win at all cost.

  13. MadMax Says:

    yeah go f yourself….youre the only anti nix person here!!!!

  14. Jason Anthony Sturgess Says:

    Why exactly would you want to use a first round pick to draft a Nix & not a stud Lineman? You’ve drafted QB’s in the first round before & they didn’t pan out so why would you draft one this time when you need a lineman?

  15. NYbucsfan Says:

    No, what is happening is Todd Bowles continuing to screw this team. We will not make the playoffs, we’ll have a terrible draft pick all around lose lose. Anyone who watches this team is excited after the game is over doesn’t know what they’re watching. Baker is playing terribly 50% completion percentage in 144 yards seriously?

  16. Joseph Hagerty IV Says:

    Pick 19…. Gotta be a replacement for Evans, one of the LSU wideouts. Bring back Baker. Don’t burn this to the ground.

  17. darengibo Says:

    Screw drafting a QB! Go back to signing veteran QBs who are proven winners and build around them so you can repeat the process following years. Don’t always need it to be the Brady level… look at Flacco taking overt for Watson and winning!

  18. Oneilbuc Says:

    Darengibo and you think Cleveland is going to win with Joe Flaco ? Come on man. They ain’t winning nothing with Joe Flaco and we ain’t winning nothing with Baker Mayfield.

  19. Bosch Says:

    Do these projections take strength of remaining schedule into account?

  20. Nicholas Carlson Says:

    Let’s run the table! Let’s go the playoffs and fight. If we lose, let’s use the increased cap room to build around a solid core, including Baker.

  21. realistic-optimistic Says:

    One small step for Todd Bowles, one giant leap (backward) for Tampa Bay.

  22. Zoocomics Says:

    I’m haven’t been a fire Bowles kind of guy but Sasquatch is right, even in victory against a bad football team and let’s be honest, Atlanta really isn’t a good football team, it’s still such an ugly win, I mean how this team who doesn’t have a brand new players coming off the street to fill their rosters somehow can play so porous as a unit is infuriating. Even Winfield had mix results last night…he looked like the guy who gave up that broken coverage on Pitt’s TD… just seems like these is a weekly occurrence… and our offense? Healthiest of all units and we couldn’t complete a pass in the first half… Atlanta’s secondary has to be elite! Amazing.

    If Bowles ends up going, I say everyone goes… Licht too.

  23. orlbucfan Says:

    We’ve got some real whopping whiners on here. You bozos would have never survived the 1980s and early 1990s Bucs teams.

  24. Mediocre Mayfield Says:

    Hell no to Bo Nix MadMax lol

  25. realistic-optimistic Says:

    I did survive the 80s and 90s teams. That’s precisely the reason I’m not accepting this horrible play. No doubt ATL played strong defense, but not 49 passing yards in the first half strong. Only backup QBs put up numbers like that. One solid pass at the end does not erase that embarrassing display.

  26. Since76 Says:

    If we keep Baker and Bowles for what ever reason we will be last in the division next year and then get our QB. The other nfcs teams will get better we will continue to play this below average garbage.

  27. Hammerhead Says:

    Hey I’ve got an idea. Instead of drafting a mediocre qb at #19 let’s give Trask a chance. The forgotten 2nd round pick we’ve already given up on. With the limited actual playing time he’s had in real games we have no idea whether or not he’d be better than a 19th pick qb.

  28. RustyRhinos Says:

    MADMAX “Bo Nix will go somewhere in the teens or 20;s….all good, we can still draft him there or wherever”

    I am right there with you!

  29. UKBuccaneer Says:

    Who’s the best Center or guard in the draft? Go out and get them. That’s the difference between 7-8 wins and 10-11.

  30. lanshark Says:

    Resign the ‘must keep’ free agents, keep Baker, draft a center and an RB early, find a bit of depth for defense, and take a flyer on a 2nd tier QB late. Continue to try to develop Trask, and the rookie.

    This is the recipe for success in 24/25.