Buccaneers-Panthers, Open Thread

December 3rd, 2023

Baker Mayfield will face his old team.

Big, big, big game at The Licht House. It’s a must-win for the Bucs and the Todd Bowles regime against a sorry and sucky Panthers team.


Play nice. Love your fellow Bucs fan.

1,452 Responses to “Buccaneers-Panthers, Open Thread”

  1. 02,20,2022 Says:

    Let’s open up the playbook today Dave. nothing to loose. ME13 touchdown pass to Palmer. I want to see it ALL!! Go BUCS. Fire Dem Cannons!!!

  2. ElioT Says:

    One step closer to a new HC!

    Let’s go!

  3. DoooshLaRue Says:

    Early congratulations to Bryce Young for his stunning, albeit expected, dismantling of our super talented Gravegiggers’ secondary.

  4. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Are the Lions that good, or the Saints that bad?

  5. Delabucs Says:

    Why no podcast this week we all really look forward to it especially after a loss?

  6. SB~LV Says:

    Here is Tampa Bay’s inactives list:

    LB Lavonte David
    CB Jamel Dean
    LB SirVocea Dennis
    RB Ke’Shawn Vaughn
    T Brandon Walton
    LB Devin White
    QB John Wolford

  7. DoooshLaRue Says:

    No Dean and no Vaughn.

    We’re totally screwed.

  8. HC Grover Says:

    Season on line in New York need Jets to beat Falcons. Stainks losing. Bucs will blow out the worst team in NFL. Battle of the Bums soon.

  9. UKBuccaneer Says:

    The lions are that good. Ok their day they’re capable of beating anyone.

  10. BucsFan81 Says:

    Ready to get that top 5 draft pick and a new coach Go Bucs!!!

  11. Dewey Selmon Says:

    The beer is cold and the joints are rolled. Go Bucs!!!

  12. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Irvin just drove Carr into the ground. Jameis time!

  13. Brian Cawood Says:

    No game on TV for us today here in the Pan handle of Florida. I guess I will pay attention to this here corner of the interwebs. Also check NFL network at some level. I am dreading this ball game. So very Tampa Bay to choke this away. Go lLons and Jets! Oh, go Bucs!

  14. DoooshLaRue Says:

    Carr down.

    JayMiss to the rescue!

  15. Bucs 95 Says:

    Can they start already this miami game boring

  16. Buc50 Says:

    If we lose this game, please lose them all. There’s no way we will win the division so blow it up.

  17. Rod Munch Says:

    Dramaqueen Derek Carr once again faking an injury so he can come out of a game that’s out of reach, hoping Winston will throw an INT when they’re down by two scores with seconds left, so all the idiots can then harp on the int rather than the fact he was once again awful.

  18. HC Grover Says:

    Falcons 13 Jets 8 12 min left….Go Jets.

  19. Rod Munch Says:

    Speaking of dramaqueens, the NFL keeps delaying the Steelers game because it’s raining. What a bunch of cupcakes. Play the G-D game.

  20. HC Grover Says:

    Fish flushed Washington Commodes.

  21. Alvin Scissors Harper Says:

    The announcers refer to it as the “Jay Miss Winston Experience.” Perfect description of Jay Miss. Jay Miss has thrown for just over 200 yards all season with 3 pics and two TDs.

  22. Alvin Scissors Harper Says:

    This is not a big game Joe. This is two awful teams playing each other.

  23. HC Grover Says:

    Bucs will blow em out so bad we may get to see Trask play.

  24. HC Grover Says:

    Rain right on schedule

  25. Bucs 95 Says:

    Bonus coverage saints game

  26. Rod Munch Says:

    Winston came into the Vikings game with the Saints down 24-0 with 5 minutes left in the 3rd quarter, scored 16 points and the game came down to the last play.

    Winston comes into this game, Saints down by 11, and they get a TD couple of plays later, now it’s a one score game.

    But the Todd Bowles crowd thinks the job of a QB is first and foremost to protect the ball — not to score points, which is why they’re celebrating 13 point loses to the 49ers, and think 18 points a game is good enough.

  27. HC Grover Says:

    Hey watching Stainks now .

  28. Alvin Scissors Harper Says:

    Munch, you did see his throw that was tipped and would have been intercepted otherwise. Why isn’t Jay Miss a starter in this league? Cause he is inconsistent and his downside is greater than his upside.

  29. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Car went down…Jameis and Hill in the game now. 🙂

  30. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Had to switch to Bucs game, but the Saints game is close.

  31. Defense Rules Says:

    So apparently with 5 LBs on the roster and 3 of them inactive today due to injury, we’re playing the game with only 2 ILBs suited up. Brilliant. Why didn’t they at least bring up the new LB (Vi Jones) just for insurance? Instead we’re keeping 6 WRs on today’s roster, plus 6 OLBs. Better hope no one gets injured.

  32. BucsFan2520 Says:

    Rod Much – thanks for commenting to remind me of how insufferable you are. You are always right.

  33. Rod Munch Says:

    You see that drop by the Saints WR.

    Well that game is over, you can’t win if a WR drops a ball.

    Right Baker Bois?

  34. Alvin Scissors Harper Says:

    How is the Bucs game on CBS when it’s 2 NFC teams? Why aren’t they on Fox???? Someone please “splain” to me……

  35. HC Grover Says:

    Hahaha Winston blows game for Staiks…He stinks.

  36. Rod Munch Says:

    Two drops!

    Winston is doing his job, heck would be an all-pro without the drops.

    Right Baker Bois?

  37. Rod Munch Says:

    THREE drops!


  38. realistic-optimistic Says:

    I just noticed (thanks to Joe’s photo) that Mayfield was a captain for CAR last year. That’s funny. There’s no way he earned it, he wasn’t there long enough. CAR traded for him AFTER training camp. That makes two consecutive seasons a team just gave him the C for optics.

  39. mark2001 Says:

    Jameis just showed the NO fans why he is like the bad gumbo that we were happy to have finally pass through our system… wide open receivers that were 10 yards down the field that he couldn’t hit. Good riddance.

  40. Rod Munch Says:

    The garbage Saints WR’s literally just had the ball hit them in the hands three times in a row.

    That loss is 100% not on Winston.

    Right Baker Bois!

  41. Tony Marks Says:

    Shake and bake baby

  42. donuts Says:

    Winston was off with that last throw…when they look at the tape Olave had no chance.

  43. shak Says:

    Will feel good to blow a team out!

  44. Alvin Scissors Harper Says:

    Jay Miss flat out blows, always has, always will.

  45. HC Grover Says:

    Battle of the Bums is on

  46. Bucs 95 Says:

    1st down tampa bay

  47. mark2001 Says:

    Rod… those passes were low or behind the receivers. Rice couldn’t have caught them. But Jameis sack holders still can’t see that he doesn’t even look like a competent college QB.

  48. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Squeeze the ball, Godwin

  49. HC Grover Says:

    White Bulldozes up the gut

  50. HC Grover Says:

    Mayfield miss

  51. Rod Munch Says:

    Man, Winston got screwed, he’s basically league MVP, but his WR’s kept dropping the ball. He did everything perfect, they would have blown out the Lions if he was starting, but everyone around him betrayed him, and they dropped the ball. They should all be cut, while he should be given a new contract.

    Right Baker Bois.

  52. Jeagan1999 Says:

    Let’s go Baker!

  53. NE Fan Says:

    DR, are you trying to decipher Bowles coaching philosophy? Good luck with that.

  54. UKBuccaneer Says:

    Rod, you’re the one who usually defends Winston despite his career stats being essentially the same as Baker (except for ints, which JW leads significantly)

  55. HC Grover Says:

    Trick play works like a charm this is going to be a wipeout

  56. Bucs 95 Says:

    Always a pentalty when we get a nice gain

  57. Buc4evr Says:


  58. Bucs 95 Says:

    Here comes a punt

  59. Buc4evr Says:

    2nd and 19. Run up the middle. lol

  60. mark2001 Says:

    Alvin…because some mistakenly think the Lions are a good team. In reality, they aren’t close to Philly when things are clicking. But it is all about the eyes.

  61. ElioT Says:

    This offense is awesome.

  62. optimisticbucsfan Says:

    Playcalling is a freaking joke

  63. HC Grover Says:

    Staiks lose Stainks lose!!!

  64. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Baker sucks

  65. donuts Says:

    Great punt… so depressing.

  66. Rick Says:

    Who’s calling an 85 yard drive for TD?

  67. Tony Marks Says:

    Kyle sucks

  68. mark2001 Says:

    So we have Detroit NFC North, San Fran NFC West, Philly NFC East, and ? in the NFC sheet division.

  69. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Stalling out against the worst team in the league. Off to a great start.

  70. HC Grover Says:

    We were sposed to march down and score 7 against these Bums…what happen?

  71. BucsFan81 Says:

    The blow out is about to start. We won’t see Bowles fired though until January so get used to this garbage for another month.

  72. Buc4evr Says:

    Canales is a moron to run a draw on 2nd and 19.

  73. unbelievable Says:

    Know how anyone can defend Baker anymore.

    He’s can’t see the field at all. Offense is hot garbage.

  74. Rusty Shackleford Says:

    When/if the Bucs lose this game, then Joe the Dope Fan needs to shut this website down.

  75. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    But not what you suck Tonya Marks

  76. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    How about them Noles getting screwed?

  77. mark2001 Says:

    Falcons might lose to the Jets? NFC Sheet division.

  78. Rick Says:

    Ummm – ‘we’ may be the worst team in the league guys. Who can we ‘surely’ beat?

  79. Rod Munch Says:





  80. TampaBayRudy Says:

    Settle in for more runs up the gut on 2nd and 24. We have to play conservative because the season is on the line, and we need to establish the run early. I sure hope we also make it to half time without spending any timeouts 💯

  81. Tony Marks Says:

    you only wish you could DavidBigBucsFan99

  82. BucsBeast Says:

    No BS!
    Bowles better be fired by tonight, if Bucs lose.

  83. Since76 Says:

    Mayfield Making poor decisions on who to throw to. Or is Canales dialing up bad plays. Which is it. Or is it a combination of the Two…….

  84. Defense Rules Says:

    I can’t believe folks keep saying our offense is the problem. And thse announcers telling everyone that the Bucs haven’t scored on the 1st drive all season. Wow, talk about poisoning the well. We’re only 12 games into the season. Give em a break.

  85. Rusty Shackleford Says:

    South Florida left out of a bowl game, lol.

  86. Rick Says:

    Excellent defense? Aren’t we ranked 29th?

  87. HeavyE Says:

    Not one pass to M1K3, thanks baker , you are the dwarf!!!!

  88. realistic-optimistic Says:

    That looked like a catch

  89. Rick Says:

    Of course it’s complete…lol

  90. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    No Tonya I don’t wish to suck what you suck and it’s stuck on Baker

  91. Tony Marks Says:

    kyle continues to suck

  92. HC Grover Says:

    Jets on the march

  93. Cobraboy Says:

    KEK @ DR.

    The well was poisoned when Bowles was retained.

  94. Rod Munch Says:

    Rusty Shackleford Says:
    December 3rd, 2023 at 4:16 pm
    South Florida left out of a bowl game, lol.


    Wow, really? Their game was closer with Alabama than the Bucs were with the 49ers, Eagles and Lions.

    Seriously, doesn’t every team get a bowl game anymore? That’s remarkable not even the Beef o Brady lawnmower bowl couldn’t fit them in.

  95. mark2001 Says:

    But of course, the Jets have Rodgers, so I guess it isn’t surprising they may punk the Falcons. What? Never mind.

  96. Alvin Scissors Harper Says:

    As soon as Reich was fired, I thought Carolina would win this game. I still believe that. Let’s flush the Bowels Movement.

  97. UKBuccaneer Says:

    I don’t think anyone is labouring under the illusion that this offense is great, or even good.

    It’s just that some of us understand that a new QB isn’t the shiny answer that will solve the team problems overnight.

    I-line and secondary are greater priorities.

  98. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Maybe we’ll see Bowles escorted off the field during the game. Glazers sure do like their “splash” moves.

  99. Tony Marks Says:

    DavidBigBucsFan99 if yours is stuck on see a doctor!!

    but Kyle…….still sucks

  100. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Bad ruling. That was a catch

  101. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Short nervous qb vs tall rookie qb who you thinks come out on top?

  102. HC Grover Says:

    It is over Falcons win……No chance for Bucs now

  103. mark2001 Says:

    Still think USF should be in the Gus Polinski and the Kenosha Kickers Sauerkraut Bowl.

  104. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Nice Thompkins

  105. Rusty Shackleford Says:

    Ucf and Duke in the Gasparilla Bowl. Not a bad matchup, per se, but these teams played each other last year in the Military Industrial Complex Bowl. Then again, USF’s stadium is UCF’s second home.

  106. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Offense better go thru Evans

  107. DBS Says:

    Play for the draft and new HC.

  108. BucThis Says:


  109. UKBuccaneer Says:

    Short QB’s can’t play football.

    Except Drew Brees, Russell Wilson. Michael Vick.

    And of course tall QB’s like Jameis and Glennon are guaranteed success stories.

  110. donuts Says:

    Trask would have made that pass. Bear poke….

  111. Rick Says:

    It’s been a looong time since I’ve cared so little about a Bucs game….sad!

    Baker is horrible!

  112. Jack Clark Says:

    Saints lost, falcons won, but we still have a chance to get back into first place if we beat the panthers this week and the falcons next week! #TEAMPOSITIVE

  113. TampaBayRudy Says:

    In all fairness, White’s run yardage is only being counted by how far the ball advances forward, not how many steps he takes

  114. donuts Says:

    Baker telegraphing again

  115. Alvin Scissors Harper Says:

    That is heartbreaking if USF really isn’t in a bowl. Complete BS. They have been awful for several years and Golesh seems like the real deal.

  116. DBS Says:

    2 Team’s in Tallahassee win Conference Championship. A Gainesville?

  117. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Something Buc dbs know nothing about pb

  118. HC Grover Says:

    These plays look stupid

  119. donuts Says:

    Baker hitting Evans in stride

  120. HeavyE Says:

    We need Trash! Now !!! Baker SUCKS!!!!

  121. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Finally a pass that hit Mike in stride.

  122. Jack Clark Says:

    Thankfully we’re playing a team where Baker Mayfield’s measly two touchdown passes a game will be enough for us to win 17-13

  123. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    No holding on defense called

  124. HC Grover Says:

    Hahaha the slaughter is on an Joe collects!!!

  125. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Only a motion keeps calling the weakness on offense runs up the gut

  126. TampaBayRudy Says:

    Great. That run game is a farce. I mean fierce

  127. DBS Says:


  128. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Gift call there

  129. HeavyE Says:

    Can we throw the damn ball! We need 7 not 3

  130. donuts Says:

    Evans is the savvy vet

  131. shak Says:


  132. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Even the broadcast crew is calling for more outside runs and fewer inside runs. C’mon, Canales!

  133. HC Grover Says:


  134. Bleeky Says:

    You people saying USF isn’t in a bowl game, do some research please..literally confirmed been confirmed for an hour they are playing Syracuse in the Boca bowl

  135. Jeagan1999 Says:


  136. donuts Says:

    White btwn tackles td. love it

  137. Tony Marks Says:

    Shake the bake

    Pine the Kyle

  138. Jack Clark Says:

    Absolutely NO PUSH from our weak as interior lineman but Rachaad White still powered through to get the touchdown. Let’s go Bucs!

  139. Faspro Says:

    TD in first quarter…nice

  140. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    If I believe we could make it to the superbowl…

  141. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Shoulda been done last week

  142. Ricki Says:

    Mauch should keep pushing instead of putting his arms up and stop playing.

  143. HC Grover Says:

    Fans love to see Tampa finally clobber somebody!

  144. realistic-optimistic Says:

    The boat race is on

  145. Rusty Shackleford Says:

    Wouldn’t surprise me if we end up in a lightning delay soon. Shades of the 2016 game against the Broncos.

  146. Crickett Baker Says:

    Go BUCS!

  147. A Bucs Fan Says:

    The way the panthers are playing Mike right now he should have 200 yards today

  148. HC Grover Says:

    This is just the start of the slaughter.

  149. Since76 Says:

    Now can the bucs run out the clock and win this thing???????

  150. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Tonya Smurff Fakerboi not giving you enough attention?

  151. Pewter power Says:

    White runs like he does not want to get hit

  152. realistic-optimistic Says:

    We’re leading, boys! Time to squat on that lead.

  153. orlbucfan Says:

    Hey BB, you blitzed or what?

  154. HC Grover Says:

    A win today will make us the 2nd worst team in the NFL!

  155. SteveK Says:

    Fire the cannons!

    Hoping Kancey has a rookie moment against Bryce today and the Bucs get a turnover! Go Bucs! Get me a pick 6.

  156. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    I had now idea it was even cloudy today. Been working since I go up.

  157. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Ok, Bowles. Sell out for the run and milk this clock! You got this

  158. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Defense better not give anything up here

  159. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    Mike Evans, the most productive Buc…. ever.

  160. HC Grover Says:

    Wow lookit the lights on the ship!

  161. Crickett Baker Says:

    No penalties no drops on that

  162. Rusty Shackleford Says:

    Lightning delay incoming. At least. I can take a nap for a while and not miss anything.

  163. orlbucfan Says:

    It’s Canales who has to win this one. The D and ST have done their jobs.

  164. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    About to be a lot of runs

  165. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Yeah they called it

  166. HC Grover Says:

    HAHAHA they SUCK

  167. Rusty Shackleford Says:

    Am I the only one to find it ironic that we never had weather delays at the Old Sombrero, yet we had metal bleachers in that place ?

  168. unbelievable Says:

    Run defense looking suspect af again

  169. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    How is it not 1&20

  170. Bucsfan2520 Says:

    Block Rod Munch. Adds nothing of value. Guys a clown

  171. orlbucfan Says:

    Panthers will score on this drive. offense has to win this one.

  172. unbelievable Says:

    Do we even have any linebackers left lol?

  173. NE Fan Says:

    Bunting Murphy just gave up the winning pass to Indy in OT.

  174. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Wow not even close to him

  175. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Now Britt is down? Wow. Who can fill in at ILB?

  176. orlbucfan Says:

    Bucs are rebuilding and it shows.

  177. SteveK Says:

    Come on pass rush! Win up front and get a sack.

  178. BucsFan81 Says:

    Bowles going to have to go in and play LB not like he can coach.

  179. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Vita at ILB

  180. HC Grover Says:

    Squall has arrived

  181. TampaBayRudy Says:

    Uhp, started raining. Bowles should go hide out in the locker room and just let the team play this out. We certainly cannot do any worse. Let Snoop coach. Hell, let Snoopy coach. My dog cookie could go pittle on the field and make a more comprehensive contribution to the Bucs than our HC has to this stank offense and even this brittle defense he has personally driven into the ground for the last three seasons

  182. SteveK Says:

    Put another safety at LB. Or move Kancey there on run downs.

  183. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Rusty Shackleford, I remember a couple, bit they were rare.

    Also, as I recall…those seats were mostly empty.

  184. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Bucs2653555 what do you offer other than Fakerboi banter?

  185. Louie Says:

    Bowles famous prevent defense allowing rookie QB’s all the time they need

  186. Buc4evr Says:

    That’s a big issue with Britt going down, doesn’t he call defense plays?

  187. Alvin Scissors Harper Says:

    Sure wish we got some of that rain here in Tarpon Springs. Barely tinkled from the sky at my house.

  188. Rusty Shackleford Says:

    Colts win. Texans win.

  189. SB~LV Says:

    The dissection of the defense begins

  190. HC Grover Says:

    Bowles in prevent mode now

  191. UKBuccaneer Says:

    Wonder if Trask can play LB?

  192. Buc4evr Says:

    Defense can not stop the run.

  193. Jerseybuc Says:

    Even feely said whites a off tackle running back but they keep running him inside 😂😂 what a joke of a coaching staff

  194. Tony Marks Says:

    DavidBigBucsFan99 add something productive. Get kyle a cushion.

  195. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Defense tired already

  196. UKBuccaneer Says:

    The defense isn’t tired. It’s just that bad.

  197. Alvin Scissors Harper Says:

    I think I’ll tell my Amazon driver this afternoon that he should head over to the stadium, suit up and play linebacker.

  198. Jugheadfla Says:

    DLine getting pushed around like usual

  199. HC Grover Says:

    Get Plan 9 in there

  200. Buc4evr Says:

    Defense is just horrible. Only thing they can do is try to blitz. Can not stop the run at all

  201. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Tonya take Fakers strap off your face!

  202. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Clear loaf from Carlton Davis…

  203. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Davis not even running hard

  204. HeavyE Says:

    Davis Burnt Again………

  205. Tony Marks Says:

    Theres the defense we love

  206. SteveK Says:

    defense smells like b!tch out there.

  207. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    This defense seems to have quit on Bowles.

  208. Buc4evr Says:


  209. Jack Sparrow Says:

    This is such a bad defense by the bucs.

  210. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Untouched till he fell

  211. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Oh no, Bowles put Neal in at ILB! WTF

  212. Buc4evr Says:

    Unnecessary roughness

  213. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    12 yard run coming up

  214. Louie Says:

    Dumb penalty

  215. ElioT Says:

    Carlton is such a pro.

  216. Jugheadfla Says:

    Stupid a hole CD3

  217. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    I will say this: David and White are being missed.

  218. HC Grover Says:

    HAHA Carolina is awful

  219. Buc4evr Says:

    This defense is worse than our offense.

  220. SteveK Says:

    Carlton Davis sucks.

  221. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Davis dummy

  222. Couch Fan Says:

    Very stupid penalty

  223. Rod Munch Says:




  224. Rusty Shackleford Says:

    Bucs need to draft Jared Verse in the first round and a corner in the second.

  225. HeavyE Says:

    Davis is a DumbA$$!!!!

  226. Jack Sparrow Says:

    Dumb penalty is due to having dumb players!

  227. SteveK Says:

    Dumb ass play, Carlton, let me see you make up for it. Ass clown.

  228. SB~LV Says:

    Wheels are falling off

  229. Bucsfan2520 Says:

    DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:
    December 3rd, 2023 at 4:37 pm
    Bucs2653555 what do you offer other than Fakerboi banter?

    Posting under at least two names, rod munch… pathetic human

  230. Bucco2 Says:

    Davis needs to go. Too much money for a part time CB that doesn’t get turnovers.

  231. Buc4evr Says:

    Simply cannot believe how this defense has imploded. Thanks Bowles. Real men of genius.

  232. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    realistic-optimistic Says:
    December 3rd, 2023 at 4:41 pm
    “Oh no, Bowles put Neal in at ILB! WTF”

    Injuries limiting options, I think?

  233. Rod Munch Says:

    So he got a penalty for playing football.

    Just put a dress on these mo’s already.

  234. RuKa Says:

    If you don’t know why C. Davis is a second tier corner, this dumb penalty is everything you ever need to watch to understand…

  235. Alvin Scissors Harper Says:

    Well, Carlton Davis finally made a tackle!

  236. Buc4evr Says:

    Carolina is going to score on a run to the left side.

  237. HC Grover Says:

    At least Joe will collect. What happen to the Buc Blowout of the NFL worst team?

  238. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Davis with a loaf on the crosser to Thielen, then acts like Hulk Hogan 2 plays later and draws a 15-yarder. We need to send him packing.

  239. captk Says:

    If the Buc lose today, and the defense is looking pretty weak, Coach Bowles needs to pack his bags and get the hell out of town.

  240. Ben the GA Buc Says:

    Carlton Davis is low IQ.

  241. rrsrq Says:

    It is so exhilarating to root for the smartest team in the league. A team that loves 3rd downs and a team that says they make no excuse, but a defense that says excuse me

  242. Defense Rules Says:

    Dumb players? I keep reading about all the talent that we’ve got. Maybe they’re just dumb talented players who keep shooting themselves and the team in the foot.

  243. Billy Perez Says:

    I can’t figure out Carlton Davis

  244. QBKilla Says:

    Dumb play by a dumb player

  245. Hunter Says:

    “THANK YOU, Davis, FINALLY”….proceeds to get penalty .1 seconds later. Love him

  246. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Dumb Players Buccaneers

  247. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:


  248. orlbucfan Says:

    Canales has to get as smart as his offense. He is pissing them off. I don’t know why Bowles doesn’t let him have it.

  249. Since76 Says:

    Team already losing poise. This is due to a lack of coaching and being held accountable for your boneheaded actions.

  250. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    Pittsburgh had the “Steel Curtain”
    Bucs have the “Lace Curtain”

  251. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Kenny Brittle

  252. SteveK Says:

    Come on D!!!

  253. Coquiro Says:

    Davis is a POS…dumb as hell.

  254. Jack Sparrow Says:

    bucs defense Sucks big time!

  255. Jugheadfla Says:

    Yea, just stand there with that stupid smirk on your face Bowels

  256. MegaFailure Says:

    Davis is trash, there i figured it out for ya

  257. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Offense finally scored td and look what defense does

  258. UKBuccaneer Says:

    Can’t wait to solve all these defensive problems with a rookie QB next year.

  259. ElioT Says:

    Don’t worry, the offense will save the day.

  260. HC Grover Says:

    Do not worry fans…no chance Bucs can lose to the worst team in NFL history

  261. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Td coming up

  262. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Finally blitz works

  263. Alvin Scissors Harper Says:

    OMG, Ryan Freaking Neal made a play!!!

  264. Rusty Shackleford Says:


  265. Jack Clark Says:

    Thank the football gods we’re playing a bad team

  266. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Wow. Held the to a FG…

  267. BucfaninMi Says:

    Rookie QB. We got no chance.

  268. HC Grover Says:

    LOL this is why they are the worst.

  269. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    We never try to block fgs

  270. Jugheadfla Says:

    We have no more LBs why would they not just run, run, run?

  271. Alvin Scissors Harper Says:

    Lots of fans masquerading as empty seats.

  272. HeavyE Says:

    Neal, made a tackle, first one of the year?????

  273. Hunter Says:

    Let’s see if Baker can throw a wet ball with those smallish hands of his.

    I placed a wager on at least 1 INT after I saw the rain. Don’t necessarily want to be right, but it will hurt a little less if it happens.

  274. Bucsfantim Says:

    Do my eyes deceive me?? Did Ryan Neal just *MAKE A PLAY* :O

  275. Alvin Scissors Harper Says:

    Jughead, the game is young. The Panthers are going to catch on and run it down our throats with Hubbard.

  276. Bobby M. Says:

    Bowles: Got to shut down the run

    Reality: Panthers run right down our throats

  277. ShilohSteve Says:

    Time for 3 runs up the middle!

  278. HC Grover Says:

    We should have a couple quick TDs here now. No worries

  279. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    Baker is happy. He’s playing a QB worse than him.

  280. Rusty Shackleford Says:

    NM: USF Bulls to face Syracuse in Boca Raton Bowl

  281. Statistically Insignificant Reader Says:

    The Beer Whisperer Says:
    December 3rd, 2023 at 4:45 pm
    Pittsburgh had the “Steel Curtain”
    Bucs have the “Lace Curtain”

    more like panty hose

  282. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Come on Bakie. Time to earn that $8 Mil

  283. HC Grover Says:

    21 to 3 by the half no doubt.

  284. Rod Munch Says:

    Alvin Scissors Harper Says:
    December 3rd, 2023 at 4:48 pm
    Lots of fans masquerading as empty seats.


    The crowd looked better earlier, I think that was people leaving their seats because of the rain.

    Remember, the team made people buy two years of season tickets to see Brady last year, so the stadium is mostly legit sold out – at least in terms of tickets purchased.

  285. Bucsfantim Says:

    Are any healthy lb’s left?

  286. HC Grover Says:

    Empty stadium

  287. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Wasn’t that grounding?

  288. ATrain Says:

    I bet the Bucs keep Bowles since so many Defensive players are out ..

    Wonder if players are trying to keep their easy coach
    Don’t want a coach that will make them work

  289. HeavyE Says:

    Can we give the ball to Tucker, just once today?

  290. Rick Says:

    Nice play calling!

  291. BucsGnome Says:

    Not sure who will win the division, but it was clear the Bucs did not deserve to still have a shot at it. So much wrong, too little right with our team.

  292. Bucs 95 Says:

    Its raining thats why

  293. Statistically Insignificant Reader Says:

    awsome playcalling Canales

  294. Jugheadfla Says:


  295. donuts Says:

    its raining…thats the play call???

  296. Alvin Scissors Harper Says:

    Thank you Rusty Shackleford. Glad to hear USF is going bowling!

  297. Defense Rules Says:

    That quick throw to the outside almost never works, probably because we never vary it.

  298. Rusty Shackleford Says:

    Dave Canales has no imagination.

  299. realistic-optimistic Says:

    3 and out. Big fun

  300. Bucs 95 Says:

    Canales learning on the fly lol

  301. Rod Munch Says:

    A one yard pass on 3rd and long.

    Classic Mayfield!

  302. HC Grover Says:

    Darth Bowles on sideline

  303. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Wack Fakerboi scared

  304. HeavyE Says:

    Baker has to go, He is scared to Death!!!!

  305. rrsrq Says:

    It’s official, the tank is on. Not even trying to get first downs

  306. Rusty Shackleford Says:

    Dave Canales reminds me of Clyde Christensen, circa 2001.

  307. Sc bucs fan Says:

    It’s almost like the Bucs don’t want to win with these play calls

  308. Bucsfantim Says:

    Awful 3 & out

  309. Jugheadfla Says:

    Your blaming Canales but obviously Baker audibled to that

  310. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    Lotta Bucs fans dressed like empty seats.

  311. QBKilla Says:

    I’m offended by our offense

  312. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Still struggling to move the ball against a 1-10 team. At home.

  313. Hunter Says:

    “Rod Munch Says:
    December 3rd, 2023 at 4:53 pm
    A one yard pass on 3rd and long.

    Classic Mayfield!”

    Lol how is that on Baker?

  314. SteveK Says:

    Let’s go D! Create a turnover, baby

  315. Since76 Says:

    Gottaway with grounding only to throw a worthless completion. Lfg

  316. Defense Rules Says:

    At some point prior to the last play of the season it’d be nice to see what Kyle Trask could do with this offense. MIGHT even be able to get it to Mike Evans once in awhile?

  317. Faspro Says:

    Boring team, fans took off already…

  318. Bucsfantim Says:

    I don’t understand. What in the world was that 2nd down playcall

  319. ShilohSteve Says:

    Such inspired play calling by our dynamic OC that said he would play to our players strengths? Leftwich is laughing somewhere.

  320. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Did the Saints win or lose?

  321. Rod Munch Says:

    Canales knew that Baker would just dump it off anyways, so he was trying to give the dump off guy a chance by giving them a blocker.

  322. Bucsfantim Says:

    Rod Munch Says:
    December 3rd, 2023 at 4:53 pm
    A one yard pass on 3rd and long.

    Classic Mayfield!

    Is team positive dead?

  323. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    A good QB would help the Bucs tremendously.

  324. HC Grover Says:

    Battle of the Bums living up to the billing. This is The Bum Bowl

  325. Whyarewelikethis Says:

    Chris Godwin needs to be gone next season too. Lack of effort/performance from him hasn’t been talked about enough. Like White, I appreciate his past performance, he’s not good anymore though

  326. SteveK Says:

    We need to make a play on D, let’s go Bucs! Hoping Vita does something magical.

  327. realistic-optimistic Says:

    This crapshow is still better than what Lefty was cooking up. More entertaining at least

  328. TonySoprano Says:

    Calling this offense vanilla is giving it too much credit. This offense is like lactose-free powdered milk

  329. danang Says:

    6th season in the NFL and all Baker can do is hand off and dink and dunk. I have no doubt Kyle can do better. Why are we wasting a season on Baker who won’t even be here next season?

  330. ElioT Says:

    Offense is awesome!

    Killing it!!!

    Go Bucs!!!

  331. Defense Rules Says:

    Rusty … ‘Dave Canales reminds me of Clyde Christensen, circa 2001.’

    Uhhh, that team went 9-7 and the offense scored 324 points & ranked #15. You think this offense will do that well?

  332. Alvin Scissors Harper Says:

    Bonzai, they lost.

  333. Crickett Baker Says:

    Ya Chris had 15 catches in a game a few years ago. Saints lost btw

  334. UKBuccaneer Says:

    If Trask comes in, he’ll make rookie mistakes, lose as many or more games than mayfield, and leave us no better off.

    Sure, it’s an option. And it would at least end the ‘debate’ on here, but besides confirming that our QB isn’t on the roster at present, I’m not sure what it achieves.

  335. Bucsfantim Says:

    Hold on. I think Chris’s lack of production is coming from the QB spot.

    Baker doesn’t know how to find him

  336. Rod Munch Says:

    Bucsfantim Says:
    Is team positive dead?






  337. Alvin Scissors Harper Says:

    At some point, I agree. We need to see what we have in Trask in a real game situation. He needs to start a game sometime this season.

  338. SteveK Says:

    Good job D!

  339. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    That’s because Brady was still here

  340. NE Fan Says:

    Chris Godwin is a studd with the right QB, like TB12

  341. HC Grover Says:

    Bring on the air freshner. The odor coming from Ray Jay is causing alerts on Dale Mabry

  342. Bucsfantim Says:

    UKBuccaneer Says:
    December 3rd, 2023 at 4:58 pm
    If Trask comes in, he’ll make rookie mistakes, lose as many or more games than mayfield, and leave us no better off.

    Sure, it’s an option. And it would at least end the ‘debate’ on here, but besides confirming that our QB isn’t on the roster at present, I’m not sure what it achieves.

    I think just the fact we’d finally find out what we have in him so we can move on would be a good thing. Might as well find out.

  343. SteveK Says:

    Go Rod! Go Team positive!

    Me likey the bomb to Evans!

  344. Rusty Shackleford Says:

    NC State to play Kansas State in the Pop-Tarts Bowl. The Pop-Tarts Bowl. Sigh.

  345. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    Pro tip: if the DB’s are in your backfield, don’t hand off the football.

  346. Faspro Says:

    49ers have -7 total yards end of 1st quarter…

  347. realistic-optimistic Says:

    I would love to see Trask making rookie mistakes. Better than watching a 6-year vet making rookie mistakes.

  348. Bucsfantim Says:

    Rod Munch Says:





    Lmao there we go. That’s what I wanna see from you.

  349. danang Says:

    Right now Bryce Young has a higher RTG than Baker Mayfield are you serious?

  350. Delabucs Says:

    Why does Tompkins keep signaling fair catch then run like he didn’t wave his hand? Strange…..

  351. Rusty Shackleford Says:

    Cardinals blowing the Squeelers.

  352. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Ha ha Defense Rules!

  353. Bucsfantim Says:

    realistic-optimistic Says:
    December 3rd, 2023 at 5:00 pm
    I would love to see Trask making rookie mistakes. Better than watching a 6-year vet making rookie mistakes.

    Same. TBH

  354. Rusty Shackleford Says:

    Cardinals blowing OUT the Squeelers.

  355. Jack Clark Says:

    We’re not a bad team because we can beat bad teams, we’re not a good team because we can not beat average teams, therefore we are a below average team

  356. Tony Marks Says:

    PUT IN TRASK! He will be able to deal with the water

    since he’s already washed up

  357. SteveK Says:

    Hoping Kancey gets a break through the line for a bit time sack/fumble. He’s got such burst.

    Can we call Vita Vea “Dr. Evil” and Kancey, “mini me”? They are a great duo. Gotta get another dude on the DE. Diaby looking ok.

  358. Bucsfantim Says:

    Rusty Shackleford Says:
    December 3rd, 2023 at 5:01 pm
    Cardinals blowing the Squeelers.

    Hopefully not literally 😮

  359. ShilohSteve Says:

    Punt coming

  360. Rick Says:

    Love this playcalling!

  361. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Wow white woulda been hit soon as he got ball

  362. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Wow hit at line

  363. danang Says:

    realistic-optimistic Says: “I would love to see Trask making rookie mistakes. Better than watching a 6-year vet making rookie mistakes.”

    Or, avoiding mistakes by handing off and dinking and dunking.

  364. realistic-optimistic Says:

    2nd and 10? Up the gut! Of course

  365. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    I always signal fair catch, then run like a Banshee.

  366. Rod Munch Says:



  367. TampaBayRudy Says:

    2nd and 10: “call a run up the gut”

  368. TonySoprano Says:

    3rd and long? I’m predicting a 2 yard pass

  369. Rick Says:

    Damn refs!

    If a few calls went out way – everything would be different! LOL

  370. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    UKBuccaneer Says:
    December 3rd, 2023 at 4:58 pm
    If Trask comes in, he’ll make rookie mistakes, lose as many or more games than mayfield, and leave us no better off.

    “Sure, it’s an option. And it would at least end the ‘debate’ on here, but besides confirming that our QB isn’t on the roster at present, I’m not sure what it achieves.”

    Rookie mistakes yes…lose? We don’t know that.


    …playing Trask let’s us see if he is a worthy starter or a worthy backup.

  371. HomerSimpsonRocks Says:

    Tank baby, tank.

  372. UKBuccaneer Says:

    realistic-optimistic Says:

    I would love to see Trask making rookie mistakes. Better than watching a 6-year vet making rookie mistakes.


    Result is the same, no? So what’s the point?

    The bucs long-term QB is not on this roster. All we can do is try to win now.

  373. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Wow non call

  374. Coquiro Says:

    For the love of God, STOP running up the middle

  375. ElioT Says:

    What a game

  376. Rusty Shackleford Says:

    I hate these Christmas Commercials!

  377. Jugheadfla Says:

    Wtf just happened?

  378. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:


  379. Alvin Scissors Harper Says:

    Jack Clark. Does your stance change when the Panthers win this game?

  380. Rusty Shackleford Says:

    Refs suck!

  381. Bucs 95 Says:

    This game boring

  382. SteveK Says:

    Come on O! Get cooking next drive. Hopefully the defense can make a big time play here. Get me a sack!

  383. QBKilla Says:

    Run behind Hainsey, our stud Center.

  384. Yacksareback Says:

    Gross. Boring . Worthless product on the field.

  385. unbelievable Says:

    1. Playing the refs again and today.

    2. They gotta stop throwing so many passes 4 – 6 yards behind the LOS.

    3. Evans should be targeted 1 out of every 3 plays. Every drive.

  386. danang Says:

    Young 70.3 RTG
    Mayfield 52.5 RTG

    What a f’n joke. PUT IN TRASK!

  387. 808bucfan Says:

    Should’ve had a sack by now, even 2

  388. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    There is a reason to run after signaling a fair catch.

  389. Bucsfantim Says:

    The bucs long-term QB is not on this roster. All we can do is try to win now.

    We don’t know that for sure if we don’t let Trask play.

  390. Rusty Shackleford Says:

    Officiating has been sub-par at all levels of football for a few years now. College, NFL, Indoor, etc…

  391. D Cone Says:

    Keep throwing it up for grabs it’s going to get ugly.

  392. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Ukbuccaneer he needs to make his mistakes so he can get better. Your boy is still making the same ones he always has. Green Bays Jordan Love getting better

  393. TampaBayRudy Says:

    Refs: 🙈🙉🙊

  394. realistic-optimistic Says:

    UKBuc ans Bucsfantim, Nice try. Can’t evaluate a player that doesn’t play.

  395. danang Says:

    Hey Tony Marks suck on this –

    Young 70.3 RTG
    Mayfield 52.5 RTG

  396. TonySoprano Says:

    A low-scoring dreary slopfest. Todd must be at midnight right now

  397. Bucco2 Says:

    The refs picking up the flag is bad. Professional football announcers saying the defender has a right to stay where he is in the way of the receiver is so dumb it boarders on ridiculous. If that was the case, defenders could just run in front of routes all the time and stop like a defender taking a charge in basketball.

  398. Rod Munch Says:



  399. Mike Johnson Says:

    Sorry guys, But our Bucs team is not exciting., We look like the walking dead. No Pizazz or zap. This mud bowl is 50/50. Anybody can win. Looks like the Panthers are better runners though. We, as usual cannot stop anybody

  400. Tony Marks Says:

    WOw Kyle is suiting up

    With a rain coat

    because the pine is slippery when wet

  401. UKBuccaneer Says:

    realistic-optimistic Says:

    UKBuc ans Bucsfantim, Nice try. Can’t evaluate a player that doesn’t play.


    You don’t think players get evaluated every day in practice?

  402. unbelievable Says:

    I don’t understand – when our olineman lay on top of a defender, we get a penalty.

    Yet I see them do that to our defenders almost every play and there no flags

  403. TampaBayRudy Says:

    3 business days to hand off…..Bucs D: 3 business days to decipher

  404. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Hubbard running like a real rb

  405. Tony Marks Says:

    HE Danang suck on this

    Young 70.3 RTG
    Mayfield 52.5 RTG
    Trask 0.0 RTG

  406. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Davis needs help to tackle

  407. UKBuccaneer Says:

    Baker is not ‘my boy’

    When Trask came in last week I wanted him to succeed, because I’m a bucs fan. Unlike those who want to pull Baker out because ‘their boy’ isn’t getting snaps.

  408. Bucco2 Says:

    Who got screwed harder, FSU by the CFP Committee or Bucs fans getting stuck with Bowles?

  409. realistic-optimistic Says:

    If the Bucs had zero faith in Trask he would have been cut/traded by now. Nobody knows what he has until he takes the field and plays in a real game.

  410. ElioT Says:

    Challenge or did this dummy call a TO?

  411. Jugheadfla Says:

    Backwards back for f’s sake

  412. Couch Fan Says:

    Baker fan boys are basically saying because we “might” lose with Trask we should stick with the guy who we are losing with. LMAO

  413. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Tonya he didn’t mention Trask buffoon

  414. 808bucfan Says:

    Who in the world thought this guy would be a good OC, and who would keep paying him for doing it. He sucks

  415. UKBuccaneer Says:

    That’s a lateral

  416. danang Says:

    Baker and Bryce are duking it out for the worst quarterback in the NFL!

    B. Young
    5-9, 31 YDS

    B. Mayfield
    4-11, 53 YDS

  417. Rusty Shackleford Says:

    backwards pass aka a fumble. needs to be challenged and he’ll win it.

  418. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Thank you

  419. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    Big news: Bowles uses a time-out.

  420. danang Says:

    Couch Fan Says: “Baker fan boys are basically saying because we “might” lose with Trask we should stick with the guy who we are losing with. LMAO”

    LMAO x 2

  421. adam from ny Says:

    coach almost used a time out lol

  422. Jack Sparrow Says:

    2 lousy teams! but i hope the bucs comes up on top.

  423. HeavyE Says:

    @Bucco2! BOTH!!!!

  424. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Keystone cops

  425. Jugheadfla Says:

    @Beer actually he didn’t

  426. Rick Says:

    Inside our 10 yard line. Time for Baker to Bake!

    I’d be happy punting NOW!

  427. ElioT Says:

    What a game!

    Go offense!!!

  428. Bucs 95 Says:

    Run run run run run

  429. TonySoprano Says:

    So instead of challenging the play, Toad decides to use a timeout instead? This dope is beyond hopeless

  430. Rick Says:

    Can we just punt now?

  431. UKBuccaneer Says:

    danang Says:

    B. Mayfield
    4-11, 53 YDS


    That’s basically Trask’s career numbers 🙂

  432. adam from ny Says:

    coach cancelled his time out lol

  433. Jack Clark Says:

    Baker Mayfield gives us stability. We can rely on him to give us two touchdowns and one maybe two turnovers a game. We’re only losing games because our defense is not holding teams to single digit points

  434. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    The Offensive output is offensive

  435. unbelievable Says:

    Stop running.

    You can’t run. Stop it.

    Throw screens and play action

  436. Bucs 95 Says:

    Were getting bood lolllll

  437. Tony Marks Says:

    DavidBigBucsFan99 – change of plans. Get trask a water resistant cushion instead

  438. QBKilla Says:

    Running behind Hainsey…….YEAH!!!

  439. Rod Munch Says:



  440. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    67 beat before the snap

  441. realistic-optimistic Says:

    LOL All that motion with Thompkins only to run up the gut. smh

  442. unbelievable Says:

    The offense blooooooooooows

  443. ShilohSteve Says:

    Middle, middle, ?

  444. NE Fan Says:

    Stop watching this game and watch a real one SF/Philly

  445. TampaBayRudy Says:

    Yay! Run up the gut and we still have all three timeouts 🔥

  446. Faspro Says:

    Stupid playcall…

  447. A Bucs Fan Says:

    This offense stinks.

  448. Jugheadfla Says:

    Literally we have 1 run play….that’s it

  449. BucsFan81 Says:

    Just keep running up the middle for no gain

  450. realistic-optimistic Says:

    2 straight runs up the gut!

  451. Bucsfantim Says:

    can we at least try running it to the outside or something??

  452. Jack Clark Says:

    Dave Canales ran the ball on second down to setup another third and long 😂 “turrible!”

  453. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Bowles has instructed the team to sit on their lead. He really needs this win.

  454. Rod Munch Says:



  455. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    Only thing worse than watching bad football teams: Watching bad football teams in the rain.

  456. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Nice one Colales NOT!

  457. ShilohSteve Says:

    Love for Mike!

  458. LongSeason Says:

    Up the middle
    Up the middle
    Up the middle
    Freakin’ broken record play calling

  459. TonySoprano Says:

    1 yard gained on 2 runs up the gut. Again. Smfh

  460. Bucs 95 Says:

    They booing everytime we run the ball lol

  461. HeavyE Says:


  462. ShilohSteve Says:

    Middle? Fans not happy with it

  463. Sc bucs fan Says:

    When do you stop running White up the middle

  464. Show Me the TDs Says:

    Just throw it to Mike on EVERY play!!!

  465. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Damn Evans is a beast. Baker lead him right into the defender and he still made the catch.

  466. Jugheadfla Says:

    The run plays are so innovative

  467. Rod Munch Says:



  468. rrsrq Says:

    So are we really trying to average 1.1 yards per carry

  469. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Such stupidity!!!

  470. HC Grover Says:

    Joe is cleaning up the dough

  471. Bucsfantim Says:

    Mike evans playing without gloves. Old school. I love him so much

  472. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Wana know when a run is coming? Watch Chris Godwin. He has a lazy stance every time.

  473. realistic-optimistic Says:

    We’ve had the ball for like 6 plays on this drive, yet we’re only up to the 25.

  474. Jugheadfla Says:

    Nice punt

  475. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Accidental outside run to White and it works

  476. TampaBayRudy Says:

    Okay, I figured it out before the opposing DCs have: Bucs motion = run up the gut for one yard. Now let’s make sure we keep that secret 🤫

  477. ShilohSteve Says:

    Guess Mike needed the gloves

  478. Couch Fan Says:

    Tell us again how hes a top 10 QB….

  479. Coquiro Says:

    .STOP IT

  480. UKBuccaneer Says:

    White hurdled maybe 8 inches there.

  481. realistic-optimistic Says:


  482. ElioT Says:


    Tell me the Bucs aren’t one of the worst teams in the league.

  483. Bucsfantim Says:

    Stop with this up the middle NONSENSE

  484. donuts Says:

    does trask have bigger hands?

  485. Bucs 95 Says:

    4th straight game with an interception

  486. Jack Sparrow Says:

    sucks to be bucs !

  487. unbelievable Says:

    Run game stinks.

    Mayfield stinks.

    Evans wide open for walk in TD on a better throw

  488. Show Me the TDs Says:

    Yay Baker.. POS!

  489. Jack Clark Says:

    Baker Mayfield is sorry af 😂

  490. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Go, Baker!

    No, really…go…away.

  491. rrsrq Says:

    Is Baker pissed enough now

  492. SB~LV Says:

    That was a TD
    opps !

  493. Coquiro Says:

    Way to fight for the ball Evans

  494. Rod Munch Says:



  495. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Nice Fakerboi with the Shawn King hands

  496. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    LOL Baker

  497. ATrain Says:

    Yea keep this bum in the game


  498. Bucsfantim Says:

    Baker sucks. Seriously. You might as well have Trask in the game if the QB is going to play like that.

  499. TonySoprano Says:

    Lol this team is comically awful

  500. Jugheadfla Says:

    Water logged ball……water just flying off his hand

  501. ShilohSteve Says:

    Nobody on the sideline is mad! Where is the passion?

  502. TampaBayRudy Says:

    ME13 with another lazy play. We need to get Mayfield some better receivers than this

  503. HC Grover Says:

    LOL Mayfield

  504. Rusty Shackleford Says:

    I’ve seen enough. Put in Kyle Trash.

  505. TonySoprano Says:

    Yeah at this point, put in Trask

  506. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Bucs always cube teams their 1st

  507. HeavyE Says:

    I hope all of these Baker fans leave, when he does, he is TERRIBLE!!!!

  508. LongSeason Says:

    I hope the Panzer beat us like Foghorn Leghorn beats that ol’ dog.

  509. Bucsfantim Says:

    How can you blame Evans?? He’s wide open and that’s an absolute duck of a pass

  510. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    It’s a good thing this Carolina is as bad as they are lol.

  511. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Bench Baker immediately.

  512. Tony Marks Says:

    Couch Fan Says:
    December 3rd, 2023 at 5:17 pm
    Tell us again how hes a top 10 QB….

    Okay – He’s top ten QBs ( although we say top 15 because he is). they all throw ints

  513. Show Me the TDs Says:

    Put Trask in. What could it hurt? BM is not winner.

  514. UKBuccaneer Says:

    That was ugly!

  515. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    Mayfield throwing an air-ball. Another signature Baker turnover.

  516. Jack Sparrow Says:

    i thought Baker is good 🤬

  517. Couch Fan Says:

    LMAO at the announcers thinking Bowles would use a time out…. LMAO

  518. Bucsfantim Says:

    Nice play by Kancey

  519. Rusty Shackleford Says:

    Cards whip the Steelers.

  520. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Hey hey, Watts in the game!

  521. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Still got almost 4 yards

  522. Jugheadfla Says:

    Bowels hoping his TO’s roll over to the second half

  523. rrsrq Says:

    He said Todd Bowles should’ve called time out, does he really want to see the offense with the ball

  524. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    Thank God the Panthers are so bad.

  525. unbelievable Says:

    How many timeouts will Todd Bowles save and keep in his pocket today?

    Find out soon Bucs fans

  526. UKBuccaneer Says:

    HeavyE Says:

    I hope all of these Baker fans leave, when he does, he is TERRIBLE!!!!


    Baker fans are bucs fans.

  527. HC Grover Says:

    The Battle of the Bums continues

  528. Rusty Shackleford Says:

    Is it too late to find where Kyle Griffin is ?

  529. ShilohSteve Says:

    Gotta save those timeouts for the second half…wait a minute?

  530. Eric Says:

    Joe Ira Bucs Organization Baker is Garbage pure Garbage with a Capital G!

  531. RuKa Says:

    This is brutal… enduring this game after watching the Falcons at the Jets…

  532. Shiftlessjunglebum Says:

    Altleast Canales will be a head coach somewhere else next year

  533. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Quality clock management from Bowles again

  534. Falconrap Says:

    How’s that Baker playin’ for ya folks? Jeez he SUCKS!! Audibles to “safe” plays. Fails to set properly for the deep throw and throws it way short to the wrong team. Awesome sauce!!

  535. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Asking Bowles to use a time out is like asking a leopard to change its spots

  536. HC Grover Says:

    Bozo saves his time outs up again.

  537. Rusty Shackleford Says:

    Is it too late to find where RYAN Griffin is ?

  538. Arn platz Says:

    Bucs have accumulated a whopping 119 yards of offense against the 1-9 panthers. Take a bow canales

  539. Mike Johnson Says:

    Carolina is saying, Here take the game. And we cannot do it. PITYFUL

  540. HeavyE Says:

    UK, My A$$

  541. Hunter Says:

    “Hunter Says:
    December 3rd, 2023 at 4:49 pm
    Let’s see if Baker can throw a wet ball with those smallish hands of his.

    I placed a wager on at least 1 INT after I saw the rain. Don’t necessarily want to be right, but it will hurt a little less if it happens.”

    He lasted longer than I expected tbh…

  542. JA Says:

    At least Bowles loves Baker. He’s the only one, but the only one who matters.

  543. TampaBayRudy Says:

    Keep Mayfield in lest we lose this insurmountable lead. Trask just needs to sit and marvel at the brilliance and gain experience by odmosis

  544. Couch Fan Says:

    Mayfield is not even top 20. He’s nothing more than a garbage time stat hero.

  545. adam from ny Says:

    coach is seriously saving the time outs for a special occassion 🙂

  546. Bobby M. Says:

    Our offense is less innovative than when Leftwich was calling plays……common denominator = Bowles

  547. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    WhinonaJoelie is not a Bucs Fan get it straight Uk

  548. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Bowles call TO? Nah. We’re up 7-3 and coasting to victory.

  549. Tony Marks Says:

    Couch Fan Says:
    December 3rd, 2023 at 5:21 pm
    Mayfield is not even top 20. He’s nothing more than a garbage time stat hero.


    Unlike Traskies Stats don’t lie

  550. Rod Munch Says:



  551. HC Grover Says:

    Will Bowles get the ball back and try to run the clock?

  552. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Didn’t Shack see the rb run past him?

  553. TampaBayRudy Says:

    “Don’t worry Bucs D, we’ll tackle ourselves” — Carolina O

  554. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Oh wow, he called TO. Time for 3 straight inside runs.

  555. Jugheadfla Says:

    Thompkins literally has no idea what he is doing……geezus

  556. BomTrady Says:

    All you people crapping all over Mayfield, stop it, blame Todd Bowels and Jason Licht, it is their fault that Baker Mayfield is the best QB on the Bucs roster.

  557. Yacksareback Says:

    Watching this team is a weekly self abuse. Coach is all smiles after whispering time out and no one heard him. Tomkins is a moron.

  558. TampaBayRudy Says:

    Oh no, Todd Bowles lost one of his three timeouts. Is he going to challenge that?

  559. Couch Fan Says:

    Stats dont tell the whole truth either….

  560. rrsrq Says:

    Only the Bucs, call a fair catch and run, does not call fair catch and just stands there

  561. Bucs 95 Says:

    Is godwin on the team ?

  562. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Refs didn’t know Bowles called a timeout go figure!

  563. UKBuccaneer Says:

    If you’re a bucs fan, you want the QB to succeed no matter who it is.

    If you’re butthurt because baker is starting, you’re a Trask fan, not a bucs fan.

  564. HC Grover Says:

    Bucs call TO….Bucs call TO!!!!

  565. Falconrap Says:

    Enough time for Baker to chuck another pick.

  566. Drunkinybor Says:

    Ok it’s time to bring in trask. Bakers mini hands could not throw to a wide open Evans..rain or not just terrible. Cowardly Todd Blows didn’t call a timeout before the two min. Warning. It’s just scared cowardly hope I don’t football. I hope I don’t turn it over. I hope I don’t make a mistake. I wouldn’t be surprised at all to see a run on first down. Then hurry up with another run. Because running on first to get to second and 9 is awesome

  567. HeavyE Says:


  568. Jack Clark Says:

    Baker Mayfield has not improved all season. He already hit his ceiling, two touchdown passes and one or more turnovers a game. We need to start Kyle Trask to see if he can throw enough touchdowns for us to win more games.

  569. HC Grover Says:

    Heeeerres Baker!!! Get ready for 7

  570. Hunter Says:

    Stop. Throwing. Late. Baker. Please!

  571. Falconrap Says:

    Almost chucked another. That was fast.

  572. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    They better be aggressive cuz Carolina gets ball 1st

  573. realistic-optimistic Says:

    3 straigh 15-yard outs. DBs are gonna be camping on that route soon.

  574. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Fakerboi late on pass

  575. ElioT Says:

    The horror…

  576. TonySoprano Says:

    Man Baker has such an awful wind-up and delivery. So slow

  577. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:


  578. Pewter power Says:

    There’s no zip on that ball baker

  579. Louie Says:


  580. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    67 with holding

  581. Sc bucs fan Says:

    This team is so bad

  582. Jugheadfla Says:

    Azz clowns

  583. Rusty Shackleford Says:

    This team fraking sucks.

  584. NE Fan Says:

    Turn this crap off and watch SF/Philly a real game.

  585. unbelievable Says:

    They’re so bad.

    Blow it all up

  586. ElioT Says:

    Really, the Bucs are one of the worst teams in the league.

    Total incompetence all around.

  587. Jack Sparrow Says:

    OMG ! The Bucs are a bunch of dumb players

  588. Hunter Says:

    For all that are complaining about Baker’s throwing motion…just be grateful he is able to throw the wet ball at all. I am personally surprised only 1 or 2 have really slipped out so far

  589. HC Grover Says:

    Oh Noooo Mr Bowles

  590. Bucs 95 Says:

    Nice checkdown🥱

  591. rrsrq Says:

    You can’t tell me the tank is on.

  592. Rusty Shackleford Says:

    This is why everyone hates USF.

  593. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Faked out by Fakerboi

  594. Bucsfantim Says:

    Jesus christ….

  595. rrsrq Says:

    You can’t tell me the tank is not on

  596. Sc bucs fan Says:

    I remember when we had Chris Godwin. Man he was good.

  597. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Carolina has a fair defense, but boy oh boy the offense is terrible.

    Bucs are sooo lucky they are this bad.

  598. HeavyE Says:


  599. Alvin Scissors Harper Says:

    Looks like most fans left for a bar or to go home. This is really almost unwatchable, especially after a great college slate this weekend.

  600. UKBuccaneer Says:

    Trask wouldn’t have suffered those penalties.

  601. Rick Says:

    Most boring half of football I can remember. Two evenly matched horrible teams.

  602. ElioT Says:

    So pathetic

  603. LongSeason Says:

    False Starts. Ref always pick on O-linemen. When will they recognize them for True Starts?

  604. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Worthless Canoles offense

  605. HC Grover Says:


  606. HeavyE Says:

    Baker with the 3rd Pass! He is so Statistical!!!!

  607. Bobby M. Says:

    This team would be .500 with any coach that could instill discipline. Absolutely pathetic how much we kill ourselves with mental lapses.

  608. Tony Marks Says:

    Kyle still on the bench


    He sucks

  609. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    Great 4 yard pass by Baker. He’s a stud.

  610. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Time for this defense to shine

  611. Rod Munch Says:



  612. Buc4evr Says:

    Both teams are evenly matched. lol. What a total disgrace.

  613. adam from ny Says:

    tank dell ????????????

  614. HeavyE Says:


  615. Rusty Shackleford Says:

    Chris Godwin and Devin White have regressed. Godwin can be salvaged, but Devin White needs to be kicked to the curb.

  616. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    If kitties get aat least a fg Ima lose it

  617. Falconrap Says:

    UKBuccaneer Says:
    December 3rd, 2023 at 5:29 pm
    Trask wouldn’t have suffered those penalties.


    Dude, this is shear stupid crap. Your boy sucks. Deal with it.

  618. ElioT Says:

    I hope the Panthers score a TD.

    Sick of these Bucs

  619. Bucsfantim Says:

    So do we think the defense can get a stop?

  620. Couch Fan Says:

    I want the Bucs to succeed. Bucs are not succeeding with Mr 3 and out. That is the only fact there is so far. 89 yards 0 TDs, 1 int. against the worst team in the league through 2 qrts. Mayfield sucks.

  621. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Running down our throats

  622. Jugheadfla Says:

    Can we trade for Chubba? At least he runs hard and falls forward

  623. Bucsfantim Says:

    I think Godwin is still fine. I just think Baker can’t find him

  624. BomTrady Says:

    The bottom line is, under the watch of Jason Licht and Todd Bowels, the Bucs have very little talent.

  625. Coquiro Says:

    And Bowles just standing on the sidelines looking calm as hell. No passion, no drive, no anger. You will loose your job…stay calm and enjoy your failure.

  626. Defense Rules Says:

    This game is even duller than I feared it’d be. B-O-R-I-N-G

  627. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Not enough pressure

  628. HC Grover Says:


  629. Buc4evr Says:

    Canales play calling is moronic.

  630. Rusty Shackleford Says:

    Tom Brady saved Jason Licht’s legacy. Prior to Brady, he was about to get run out of town.

  631. Buc1987 Says:

    THEY SUCK!!!

  632. Bucs 95 Says:

    Bryce young the same height a the refs

  633. UKBuccaneer Says:

    Secondary is a bigger priority than QB.

    You can pretend it isn’t, but that’s because you don’t know football.

  634. McBucky Says:


  635. Pewter power Says:

    You mean the Bucs didn’t put up 50 yet? Carolina isn’t very good but leave it to the Bucs to let a team like this hang around and feel like they can win

  636. Jugheadfla Says:

    Blitz here Bowlzo!

  637. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    So far only one of our pregame prognostications is correct and that is mine. Thus I quote “It is going to be a defensive slugfest. Boring, sloppy and, at times, stupid. But I think we win.” Changed my mind on that last bit.

  638. Rick Says:

    Look at the fire in Baker’s eyes… lol

  639. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Without the holding he woulda got it sad

  640. Rick Says:

    Even he looks bored!

  641. Bucsfantim Says:

    UKBuccaneer Says:
    December 3rd, 2023 at 5:32 pm
    Secondary is a bigger priority than QB.

    You can pretend it isn’t, but that’s because you don’t know football.

    I agree, But I also think Mayfield is clearly not the answer. We could at least find out what Trask is this season before trying to address it next season.

  642. DBS Says:

    I hope they score too. There is only one way to put an end to to B S. Everyone knows what it is.

  643. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    UKBuc: Agreed

  644. Sam Says:

    There is a real football game on fox right now.

  645. Couch Fan Says:

    That is called spinning the conversation. You do that when you have nothing else. THe defense is another topic. We are talking about the QB play. Lets stay on point unless thats to hard since your QB is terrible….

  646. HC Grover Says:

    They are equity, As bad as the Bucs,

  647. Jack Clark Says:

    Our edge rushers are useless as usual

  648. Defense Rules Says:

    Great shot of Baker there on the bench staring into space. Not much difference than his look this game behind center.

  649. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Rusty so true

  650. Pewter power Says:

    Who says the Bucs have no talent? Nonsense the Bucs have no coaching.

  651. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Can we see Trask already?

    Unreal how bad this team is.

  652. Buc4evr Says:

    Hall is a total waste. Can’t get to the QB and then can’t tackle him when he runs close by.

  653. Tony Marks Says:

    Couch Fan Says:
    89 yards 0 TDs, 1 int. against the worst team in the league through 2 qrts. Mayfield suck

    I’m Telling you. I know for a fact he made it rain. Its his fault. It NEVER rains In tampa


  654. Bucs 95 Says:

    Baker was zoned out on the bench lol hes done with the bucs

  655. Defense Rules Says:

    Danged, they just said it was halftime. I was so hoping that the game was over.

  656. HeavyE Says:

    Baker, on the sidelines saying to Himself, “I SUCK”!!!!

  657. HC Grover Says:

    Is this what playing down to opponent means?

  658. Rod Munch Says:



  659. Rusty Shackleford Says:

    Hey Bryce – you’re supposed to throw a hail mary INTO the end zone. Ok ?

  660. UKBuccaneer Says:

    Couch Fan Says:

    That is called spinning the conversation. You do that when you have nothing else. THe defense is another topic. We are talking about the QB play. Lets stay on point unless thats to hard since your QB is terrible….


    This is the gameday thread, right?

  661. Pewter power Says:

    7-3 this is a Todd Bowles type game so he’s the happy the score is so low, it means the offense isn’t taking to many risks

  662. Buc4evr Says:

    Canales is worse than Leftwich. Leftwich has to be laughing his arse off watching this disaster of a coach.

  663. RGA Says:

    Listen to the guy from the UK telling people they don’t know football.

  664. realistic-optimistic Says:

    The Panthers are definitely playing down to their opponent.

  665. Mike Johnson Says:

    This is one of the sorriest most boring games I have ever seen. I fell to sleep for about 10 minutes. Carolina sucks and we suck even worse.

  666. Cobraboy Says:

    What a pile of stinky football.

  667. UKBuccaneer Says:

    Bucsfantim Says:

    I agree, But I also think Mayfield is clearly not the answer. We could at least find out what Trask is this season before trying to address it next season.


    Definitely. Once we’re eliminated from playoff contention, we should definitely start Trask and see what he’s got.

  668. Couch Fan Says:

    The cheerleaders seem to be avoiding answering anything about Mayfields pathetic play. Ahh It’s all the defenses fault, and the coaches and everyone but Mayfield. LMAO I love it

  669. Rusty Shackleford Says:

    Has anyone heard what bowl game the Miami Hurricanes are going to ?

  670. BucsBeast Says:

    Dog Sh(p)it!

    Describes coaching perfectly!

  671. JA Says:

    Hard to tell if this game is a defensive power show or a story about two badly coached offenses with two quarterbacks who define ineptness.
    I’ll go with the latter …

  672. adam from ny Says:

    todd bowles is actually holding a waffle house menu

  673. HC Grover Says:

    No worries Bozo will give a halftime Pep Talk an the Bucs will score 30 in the second half…37-3 they are the worst team in NFL history Bucs will clobber them.

  674. FairMinded Says:

    “Comment all game” – I have to be at work by Monday morning bro….how interminable is this game??

  675. Usfbuc Says:

    Man the look on Mayfields face tells me he knows his time in the NFL is over.

  676. Tony Marks Says:

    Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:
    December 3rd, 2023 at 5:35 pm
    Can we see Trask already?


    Sure. Look to the gator aid jug. Ok and just a lttile to the right….. now lower your line of sight so you can see the bench

    The guy with the super glue stain on his pants – Thats KYLE!

    Ya got it? Great . happy to assist!

  677. UKBuccaneer Says:

    RGA Says:

    Listen to the guy from the UK telling people they don’t know football.


    Been watching the NFL since the days of Jim Kelly’s bills. I’ll put my knowledge up against the average fan, thanks.

  678. Couch Fan Says:

    Yea lets give up on the season before we actually try something different to win. RIde or die with Mayfield!! Who cares about wins when he tries real hard!!

  679. Let em bake Says:

    Bucs have had 3rd an eternity all day . Obviously the weather factors in. Pretty football not on the menu in that weather . Was that int a slipped ball? I think so. An ugly win is still a win. Let’s see a defensive score👍

  680. Alvin Scissors Harper Says:

    I should be paid by both the Bucs and Panthers organizations to watch this drivel.

  681. Drunkinybor Says:

    Just read a report Tampa is expected to keep Todd Blows for next season. I guess that’s our way of building for the future in ensuring we get a premium first rounder 2 years in a row. This guy is coaching to LOSE period. The calls are baffling. The timeout usage. The overall garbage on display is sickening. Nobody is listening to Todd Blows anymore.

  682. Crickett Baker Says:

    Fans on here? Where? There have been some good plays but you wouldn’t know it by the posts on here.

  683. adam from ny Says:

    bowles is thinking grits and a triple order of hash…maybe some eggs

  684. Buc4evr Says:

    We need a real coaching staff next year and on D to get rid of JTS, White,Hall, Dean, Davis. On the O time for a real QB, LG, C, RBs and a #1 TE. I would also consider getting rid of Jason.

  685. BucsGnome Says:

    Baker was much better at the beginning of the season, but like most of the players is in a serious funk. He had another shot at starting QB at least but can’t see that happening for him again in Tampa or anywhere else. Those fans in the stadium today deserve free 2024 season tickets.

  686. Rod Munch Says:




  687. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Ritter got 120 yards passing 1td means he’ll have 240 yds and 2 tds against us next week

  688. TonySoprano Says:

    Well at least we didn’t have to mortgage the future to obtain our talentless midget QB. Poor Carolina

  689. BomTrady Says:

    Bucs have no pass rush, can’t stop the run, can’t defend the pass but other than that, they have an awesome defense.

  690. BomTrady Says:

    Is the Carolina QB really short?

  691. adam from ny Says:

    what exactly is the britt injury?

  692. HC Grover Says:

    Yes Bozo has kept it close for a sure win….that will not matter cuz the Falcons will win this disaster division anyways.
    I would fire Bozo at halftime… right now for this pathetic play.

  693. adam from ny Says:

    the carolina quarterback is 145 soaking wet and 5 foot 9

  694. UKBuccaneer Says:

    I wanna see this team invest in the trenches heavily this offseason. No point having a great rookie QB if you’re not gonna protect him.

  695. SB~LV Says:

    The best thing that could happen is to lose the rest of the games!

  696. D Cone Says:

    Only 6 TDS and 2 FGs to put up that 55 that was predicted today. Maybe they will kick 16 FGs.

  697. Bobby M. Says:

    Only a Todd Bowles led team would make the worst team in the league look capable. He’s an absolute clown of a HC.

  698. George R Says:

    I would love seeing a 300 yards passing. Not going to happen this season.

  699. Jugheadfla Says:

    I think Joe had a post earlier this week asking if the 100yrd game by White was a mirage…….yes, yes it was

  700. Louie Says:

    Mayfield looks bewildered

  701. A Bucs Fan Says:

    @Drunkinbor – I think you had too much to drink. The reports were they will let him finish the season. Not next year.

  702. Buc4evr Says:

    HC Grover, nobody would take the job if Bozo gets fired….

  703. Alvin Scissors Harper Says:

    Yep, Toad must go!!! Our team is exceptionally inept. I still think the Panthers win this game.

  704. Breadwinnerbob Says:

    Clean House Draft Daniels from Lsu at all cost run rpo like all other good teams

  705. George R Says:

    This is a tough game to watch

  706. adam from ny Says:

    coach told the team if they win today he is treating them all to waffle house…

    and he’s gathering the order in the second half off the menu he carries all game

  707. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Fakerbois maybe he’ll sprinkle some ferry dust on you

  708. adam from ny Says:

    bowles X waffle house

  709. SB~LV Says:

    I feel bad for the announcers

  710. adam from ny Says:

    todd must go!!………………….to waffle house

  711. Rod Munch Says:



  712. UKBuccaneer Says:

    Joe Flacco is a free agent next year. Could be worth a look, sit a rookie behind him and ditch Trask and Mayfield both.

  713. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    Can’t believe the Panthers traded up to get this QB

  714. RGA Says:

    89 passing yards for Mayfield

  715. Breadwinnerbob Says:

    I’ll be happy for 100 yards from evans or a touchdown

  716. BucsBeast Says:

    It’s all the same play calling.
    Every 1st down it’s a run targeting the middle
    2nd is a screen/run
    3rd is desperation


  717. adam from ny Says:

    there will be no adjustments at halftime…

    other than flipping the waffle house menu over to the other side

  718. Rod Munch Says:

    D Cone Says:
    December 3rd, 2023 at 5:44 pm
    Only 6 TDS and 2 FGs to put up that 55 that was predicted today.




  719. Breadwinnerbob Says:

    If we trade up it’s maye or Williams so the ate bigger than young at least

  720. BucsBeast Says:

    Jay Feely is sounds more like an HC then Bolwes!

  721. adam from ny Says:

    carolina’s qb is the biggest joke i have ever seen

  722. McBucky Says:

    Same ole – same ole.

  723. Breadwinnerbob Says:

    Logan hall a tfl omg

  724. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    I would rather see Trask play and lose than 6 year qb Faker play and lose. 6 feet is Fakers ceiling

  725. Bowels Blows Says:

    Why are so many hoping for a playoff game? You want to see the Bucs get arse reamed two seasons in a row. Bowles loses wherever he goes and baby hands Baker can’t throw in the rain. It’s Trask time but you won’t see him because Bowels is watching a real game SF & Philly.

  726. Rusty Shackleford Says:

    I wouldn’t draft anyone other than JJ McCarthy and not until the 2nd round. Bo Nix will also be available in the 3rd round.

  727. Texasbucsfan Says:

    Mayfield is not the answer. Coaching is a sad spectacle. They all should be fired. Start a rebuild with draft picks. Get rid of ME, DW , LD & all high paid players. This team will take years to rebuild. Get used to a long dry spell before the Bucs are competing again. It’s a sad day for the bucs.

  728. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Hall finally made a play

  729. Ed Says:

    Curtis Mayfield was a great in the day but Baker couldn’t hold Curtis’ Strat!

  730. Since76 Says:

    We should ride Mayfield to a really good draft pick. He is consistently below average. Which is working out well this season so far.

  731. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Dang, refs could have easily thrown a flag on Davis. He was draped on the WR.

  732. Bucsfantim Says:

    Am I the only one that likes Michael Penix Jr.?

  733. UKBuccaneer Says:

    You’re looking at a great reason not to tank. He plays QB for the panthers.

  734. Jugheadfla Says:

    Geezus…..go up and catch the ball you fool!

  735. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Too bad it takes bad weather for our defense to get a 3&out

  736. Jmarkbuc Says:

    Carlton’s little celebrations when he manages to make a play are so very Vernon Hargreaves…

  737. BucaneroJim Says:

    This game is slow and dull, seems like 8 hours long (yawn)… perhaps go to the Waffle House at midnight when its finished.

  738. Jugheadfla Says:

    No I would take Penix if he’s available!

  739. unbelievable Says:

    Crickett Baker Says:
    December 3rd, 2023 at 5:40 pm
    Fans on here? Where? There have been some good plays but you wouldn’t know it by the posts on here.


    We’ve got a 4 point lead and are still in single digits of scoring against the worst team in the league, why isn’t everyone celebrating!?!

  740. realistic-optimistic Says:

    CAR didn’t tank. They fired their HC, won more games than they deserved, then traded the house to move up. That’s what they did.

  741. adam from ny Says:

    bowles is happy with his defense because they have smothered and covered…

    just like smothered and covered hash browns

  742. Bucsfantim Says:

    $1000 on 2 runs up the middle to start?

  743. Breadwinnerbob Says:

    Penix mobility and injuries will drag him down Kid from lsu about to be the Heisman

  744. unbelievable Says:

    100% nailed it Jmark

    Put your pretend sword away bro

  745. Hunter Says:

    “Jmarkbuc Says:
    December 3rd, 2023 at 5:52 pm
    Carlton’s little celebrations when he manages to make a play are so very Vernon Hargreaves…”

    Similar but different. Hargreaves celebrated when he had a horrible play or got lucky from a drop or overthrow. He was an absolute bum all the way around

  746. A Bucs Fan Says:

    @UkBuccaneer- bad take. The coach and GM wanted CJ Stroud. Owner meddled for Bryce Young. The report was released 5 days ago.

  747. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Only thing UK said we can agree with

  748. Jugheadfla Says:

    Baker….hot garbage

  749. Rick Says:


  750. Rusty Shackleford Says:

    Quit running the ball. Use slants to Evans.

  751. Bucsfantim Says:

    I’m suprised we didn’t claim Marcus Peters. He’s not that bad of CB and we could use him

  752. Jugheadfla Says:

    Yes….panicked is the proper term for Baker

  753. Rick Says:

    Excellent play call!

  754. HC Grover Says:

    Keep putting Mayfield in there Bozo he will keep it close. Joe clean up on Evans nother big gain coming

  755. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Faker so sssllowwww!!!

  756. Rick Says:

    This is a joke!

  757. Rod Munch Says:



  758. Bucsfantim Says:

    Otton wide open but Baker can’t see him.

  759. Jugheadfla Says:

    Trask please

  760. realistic-optimistic Says:

    UKBuc, if CAR had tanked (as you say), they wouldn’t have had to trade away their future to secure the #1 pick.

  761. Couch Fan Says:

    Another great throw by Baker, yes lets keep him in for more of this garbage.

  762. Breadwinnerbob Says:

    Wide open mike evans for at least 15 fml

  763. unbelievable Says:

    Yea baby! Keep wasting plays on runs to nowhere.

    The announcer had watched 1 Bucs game and already sees to stop running up the middle everytime, but our moron coaches insist on running to nowhere.

    And there’s classic Baker missing wide open receivers yet again

  764. Show Me the TDs Says:

    Baker sucks. TRASK TRASK! TRASK!

  765. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Baker is objectively terrible

  766. Eric Says:

    How much more do you need to see Bowles this guy doesn’t have it!

  767. ElioT Says:

    What a horrible team.

    What a horrible game.

  768. Rod Munch Says:



  769. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Dreadful underthrow to Evans. So effing tired.

  770. TonySoprano Says:

    Dude Baker blows. Get him off the field

  771. Bucsfantim Says:

    Baker sucks so bad

  772. HeavyE Says:

    Even the commentators know that Baker Sucks!!! LMAO!!!

  773. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Terribly underthrown pass to Evans.

  774. Crickett Baker Says:

    We got more yards than they did. We held them to a field goal. I agree with UK. Panthers QB 1st round pick.

  775. Rick Says:

    I think it’s now time for Trask. First time I’ve said it…today it’s time.

  776. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Short pass = Fakerboi

  777. HC Grover Says:

    If Bozo does not pull Mayfield fire him on the spot

  778. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Awful throw.

  779. Since76 Says:

    Wow just wow. Baker is garbage.

  780. HeavyE Says:

    What a HORRIBLE QB, that We Have…….

  781. Alvin Scissors Harper Says:

    Adam, we are fine with Bowels paying for Awful House, but we don’t want him fine dining with us!

  782. adam from ny Says:

    is it me or has the game slowly turned into a game of nothingness

  783. Arn platz Says:

    Less than 150 yards of offense against the 1-10 panthers. Just pathetic

  784. DoooshLaRue Says:

    Baker loves to panic.

    Please put Trask in for the rest of the season.

  785. HC Grover Says:

    Joe already made his money I think…hope

  786. Rick Says:

    I want this game to end! Win or lose – please just end it!

  787. Falconrap Says:

    Baker continues to absolutely suck. Dudes are open and he’s either not throwing it or missing terribly.

    And UK, seriously dude, how about we actually put Trask in with the starters and see what he can or can’t do before giving up on the pick? Glad you’re not running the team, because your judgement clearly sucks.

  788. Bucsfan2520 Says:

    A lot of bad offensive football across the nfl and we are top of the list

  789. SB~LV Says:

    Lose out!
    Should have fired Bowles after the bye week in 2022

  790. TonySoprano Says:

    We should definitely resign Baker for $20M+ next season. His grit factor is off the charts!

  791. ShilohSteve Says:

    Are we really this bad? This is so painful to watch. Not one play to try to make something happen.

  792. rrsrq Says:

    Game highlights, that’s funny

  793. DoooshLaRue Says:

    It’s not just you Adam

  794. UKBuccaneer Says:

    realistic-optimistic Says:
    UKBuc, if CAR had tanked (as you say), they wouldn’t have had to trade away their future to secure the #1 pick.


    The point which you appear to have missed, is that the draft is a crapshoot and little more – especially at the QB position.

    Those who think we should tank should probably compile a list of 1st round QB’s who led their team to a championship vs those who were busts.

  795. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Hey Faker fangoils…. who’s fault was it on that TURRIBLY under thrown pass from Faker to Evans???

  796. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    Baker throws like a wet noodle.

  797. CleanHouse Says:

    Most miserable game I’ve seen- brutal football day after FSU getting the shaft.

  798. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Guys, calm down. The Bucs are imposing their will. Baker has them right where he wants them.

  799. Coquiro Says:

    Even the TV commentators are saying how stupid we are playing. They are seeing everything we are doing wrong.. t’s so obvious to everyone except to those idiots coaching our team. Clean house.

  800. Alvin Scissors Harper Says:

    Toad Bowels:
    “Well, we were feeling pretty good offensively with a 7-3 lead at the half. Can’t believe the second half shook out like it did and we lost that big 4 point lead. We gotta coach em better and we gotta play better.”

  801. HC Grover Says:

    Mayfield is scrappy…Scrappy the bottom of the barrel.

  802. JA Says:

    And Baker sucks again!
    This team is going nowhere. They can’t score points and have an average defense.
    Time to see what we have in Trask before the draft.
    He can’t be worse!
    Well, maybe. But it’s long overdue to find out.

  803. SB~LV Says:

    This is the last chapter of Bruce Arians..
    must be nice cashing those checks with no responsibility other than the mess he left in coaches

  804. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Dude. Crapshoot or not, you still keep drafting QBs until you hit one. This is not difficult logic.

  805. HC Grover Says:

    HAHAHA what pathetic teams.

  806. TonySoprano Says:

    If I’m the Glazers, I’m making that rare call to put in Trask. Baker is a proven dud. We don’t have Trask under contact forever, time is running out, see if he’s even worthy of a back-up contract.

  807. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Davis so scared to tackle

  808. Rod Munch Says:

    realistic-optimistic Says:
    December 3rd, 2023 at 5:59 pm
    Guys, calm down. The Bucs are imposing their will. Baker has them right where he wants them.




  809. HC Grover Says:

    This game should end in a tie.

  810. UKBuccaneer Says:

    Winfield is starting to look very expensive. Great problem to have.

  811. Bucs911 Says:

    Two worst teams in the NFL hands down.

  812. Bucsfan2520 Says:

    DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:
    December 3rd, 2023 at 5:59 pm
    Hey Faker fangoils…. who’s fault was it on that TURRIBLY under thrown pass from Faker to Evans???


    Have another one

  813. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    A 5 second sack

  814. Rick Says:

    Do the Bucs realize Carolina has won ONE game? They are celebrating a bit too much..

  815. Havenbuc Says:

    Defense is still leaps & bounds better than the offense, argue with the wall man.

  816. Swanee22 Says:

    Don’t waste your day sitting in your recliner watching this circus.

  817. HC Grover Says:

    Bozo just ordered Ham and eggs.

  818. Jugheadfla Says:

    I think its time for Shaq to retire….he’s an undersized LB….

  819. Bucsfantim Says:

    Beautiful from Winfield. Great play D

  820. Tony Marks Says:

    One thing is certain watching this game

    Kyle sucks

  821. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    No blocking for Thompkins

  822. HeavyE Says:

    We have to Pay Winfield!!! Please!!!

  823. HC Grover Says:

    OK Joe here comes Evans for the big bucks. U called it

  824. Alvin Scissors Harper Says:

    I always thought Stroud was gonna be the better pro. But, I sure thought Bryce Young would be better than this. He clearly has ZERO confidence.

  825. Ed Says:

    Ray Perkins or Sam Wyche would have put up more points with the players the Bucs have on offense. How in the world can Mayfield be allowed to run this offense.

    It is total crap!

  826. BucsBeast Says:

    Hey run run pass

  827. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    It takes a sucker to recognize a sucker Tonya Marks everything she sees her reflection

  828. Rusty Shackleford Says:

    UCF to play in the Gasparilla Bowl. Again. RJS is the Knights second home, it seems.

  829. Rusty Shackleford Says:

    Who is Tonya Marks ?

  830. Wow Says:


  831. Couch Fan Says:

    Another beautiful pass from Baker…. LMAO

  832. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Another bad ball by Baker

  833. Rick Says:

    Awesome pass

  834. Jugheadfla Says:

    Where the heck was the pass going?

  835. donuts Says:

    can we see trask already…..geez

  836. Wow Says:

    Fire those Cannons. Gotta Run to Win

  837. adam from ny Says:

    since when is the board waaaaay more exciting than the actual game…!!

  838. HeavyE Says:

    You have to be kidding Me!!!

  839. unbelievable Says:

    Another great throw from Baker.

  840. Rod Munch Says:



  841. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Faker couldn’t see over the line

  842. Bucsfantim Says:

    Mayfield SUCKS

  843. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Even if you think Trask sucks (who really knows?) you still need to bench Baker. I’d rather run a wishbone with no QB than watch this kruft.

  844. TonySoprano Says:

    It’s like Baker isn’t even aiming on these long throws. Just a wing and a prayer

  845. Defense Rules Says:

    PLEASE get Mayfield outta there.

  846. HC Grover Says:

    What a pass!

  847. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Baker takes a sack

  848. Jugheadfla Says:

    3 and out…….again….and again…..and again

  849. HeavyE Says:

    Baker with another 3yrd pass!!!

  850. BelleGladeBuc Says:

    3 quarters against the worst team in the league and all the Baker led offense has managed is 1 score for 7 points.

  851. unbelievable Says:

    More great play from our o-line.

    Wirfs beat again

  852. Rick Says:


  853. BomTrady Says:

    I suppose that sack by an unblocked Carolina defender was Mayfield’s fault….

  854. Tony Marks Says:

    Rusty Shackleford Says:
    December 3rd, 2023 at 6:04 pm
    Who is Tonya Marks ?

    HE is the guy that wanted Kyle to start this game but

    Kyles sucks

    So badly that he didn’t

  855. Since76 Says:

    Nice pass again Mayfield. Man.

  856. Rick Says:

    Will this end 7-3

  857. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Everybody is covered when it comes to Faker

  858. Rusty Shackleford Says:

    San Fran beating up on the Eagles.

  859. HC Grover Says:


  860. Wow Says:


  861. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    What’s up with Wirfs?

  862. donuts Says:

    Baker has been played average/poor again…lets see Trask. WTF we got to lose?

  863. UKBuccaneer Says:

    Clean pocket with a dumbass throw, followed by no blocking at all

  864. HeavyE Says:

    Does Baker realize, that He SUCKED for both of these Organizations?? That’s Pitiful!!!!!

  865. Bucsfantim Says:

    ANOTHER 3 & OUT. I’m done with this Baker / Canales combo. Wouldn’t have been an issue if he can git literally any open guy

  866. Jugheadfla Says:

    Doesn’t matter, when Baker gets time to throw he over throws by 10 yards anyway

  867. Lakeland Steve Says:

    Baker can’t throw a wet ball. Tiny Jazz hands

  868. TampaBayBob Says:

    At this point in the season, it should be apparent to everyone that Baker Mayfield isn’t the answer at QB and Dave Canales isn’t a competent OC.

  869. Wow Says:


  870. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    TonyaMarks is a tryhard Fakerboi fan masquerading as a male

  871. Bucsfantim Says:

    Rick Says:
    December 3rd, 2023 at 6:07 pm
    Will this end 7-3

    This is gonna end 9-7 or 10 – 7. Watch

  872. Wow Says:


  873. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Remember, Baker was dissed by CAR. This was his revenge game.

  874. Coquiro Says:

    Man, we BLOW

  875. ShilohSteve Says:

    Crazy that our OC can’t find a play that works. Same routes and same runs.

  876. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Not too much he can do on the sack. The throw to Godwin was awful again though.

    If the back up isn’t better than Baker than Bucs really are a bad team.

  877. Defense Rules Says:

    Rick I hope it doesn’t end 7-3. No way that we deserve to win this game. Neitehr do the Panthers. Maybe it’ll end in a 10-10 tie?

  878. Wow Says:

    We got them right where we want them

  879. Bobby Says:

    We are disgusting. How in the world did we get this awful after a 3-1 start?? Absolutely terrible.

  880. adam from ny Says:

    wirfs doesn’t look right…

    and no one wants the ball, they both just keep giving it back to the other team

  881. Bbro Says:

    It’s obvious Tampa doesn’t want to win any more games

  882. Rusty Shackleford Says:

    What QB’s are free agents in 2024 ? Any way we can sign a Gardner Minshew type diamond in the rough ?

  883. McBucky Says:

    They just…. get….. worse.

  884. Joseph Gaspar Says:

    This game is brutal. It’s like watching the Bucs play themselves. 😂😂

  885. HC Grover Says:

    We should enjoy the Battle of the Bums by the Bay. They are playing off for the worst team in NFL honors…May the worst team lose.

  886. dbbuc711 Says:

    Falcons are going to kill them next week

  887. Tony Marks Says:

    BomTrady Says:
    December 3rd, 2023 at 6:07 pm
    I suppose that sack by an unblocked Carolina defender was Mayfield’s fault….

    Yes Good QBs do not have to hold ball to make passes

    Kyle can throw footballs with his telepathic ability which intimidates Bowles

  888. Brandon Jeff Says:

    Bowles has mastered the art of sleeping with his eyes open!

  889. Alvin Scissors Harper Says:

    In case you haven’t realized it, this 2023 incarnation of our Bucs is awful. In any other division, this team would be so out of it. We would be guaranteed a top 5 draft pick in any other division, where we would be curb stomped.

  890. Greg Says:

    For the love of God make a coaching decision! At this point, I don’t care what it is…. Change the flavor of Gatorade. Do something. Why did you pay Godwin only to ignore him? Baker is normally fine but the last two weeks he’s been bad. I could list all of it but it’s not like it’s not obvious. Do something.

  891. Rick Says:

    I can’t see either of these teams getting another first down.

  892. Wow Says:

    These announcers are useless

  893. Bbro Says:

    Defense says we’re not giving up

  894. orlbucfan Says:

    Canales is blowing this one big-time. How can he be so stupid about his Offense?

  895. Defense Rules Says:

    In deference to Joe, I’m kinda wishing now that CBS had opted to replay our first preseason game instead of covering this game.

  896. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Fakerboi playing for both teams

  897. Rick Says:

    I spoke too soon! Carolina will take the lead now.

  898. BomTrady Says:

    The Panthers are clearly better than the Bucs

  899. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    LOL Canales is blowing it


  900. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Here come 1st points since 1st qtr

  901. UKBuccaneer Says:

    Are we allowed to discuss the secondary yet?

  902. HC Grover Says:


  903. adam from ny Says:

    we’re letting this team hang around…DANGEROUS

  904. Breadwinnerbob Says:

    Fire todd today

  905. realistic-optimistic Says:

    “coverage bust”

  906. BucsGnome Says:

    On a positive note, Mike Evans needs to stay a Buc! The Glazers need to make whatever deal is necessary to keep hm. He’s one of the few bright spots for me, at least. I had high hopes for this season after the agonizing 2022 season. My Jet fan relatives railed against Bowles but I tried the team positive with him as HC. No more. He doesn’t seem to have the needed skills to be HC.

  907. Rick Says:

    Game over!

  908. DoooshLaRue Says:

    Gravediggers baby!

  909. Wow Says:

    The Bowles defense is starting to show

  910. HC Grover Says:

    They get 7 then we get 3 for the tie

  911. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    We’re not letting him hang around we’re about to let them take the lead

  912. BomTrady Says:

    Soon we will be one more game closer to the Bucs realizing their social experiment is not working and getting rid of Todd Bowels.

  913. ElioT Says:

    Panthers want it more.

    The Bucs are lifeless and gutless, just like Todd.

  914. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Like I said. Fakerboi would’ve under thrown that

  915. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    We can’t easily handle THE worst team in the league…shows how bad the Bucs really are

  916. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:


  917. Tony Marks Says:

    Baker is really messing up today. He should be covering the receivers better.

  918. SOGGY Says:

    Wow Unreal..

  919. Rick Says:

    I’d take the loss if they just ended this punishment now.

  920. Couch Fan Says:

    And now we are losing….

  921. Wow Says:

    Fire the Cannons!

    Moving up the draft board.

    Put in backup.

    Track Time

  922. dbbuc711 Says:

    Game ovet

  923. QBKilla Says:

    One week closer to black Monday

  924. rrsrq Says:

    And with the 5th pick in the NFL draft, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers select…

  925. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    No defense push

  926. Buc4evr Says:

    Bucs lose. Will they fire the coaching staff tomorrow?

  927. D-Rome Says:

    That Bucs mom telling her son who’s a Panthers fan to “stop” was very funny!

  928. Bucsfantim Says:

    That’s the end. TD Panthers. It’s 10-7. We won win.

  929. Steven Says:

    I’m just hoping they lose get rid of Todd Bowles he’s garbage, I get it team ain’t great but this coaching is garbage. No attempt to change anything up, no adjustments…..

  930. Wow Says:

    Trask Time

  931. HeavyE Says:

    Wow, are really going to lose to the Panthers at Home????

  932. UKBuccaneer Says:

    Bucs defense allow the panthers to waltz through them with ease.

    Fans: “Baker sucks”

  933. Texasbucsfan Says:

    Where is the Bucs vaulted defense.

  934. Rick Says:

    Baker can’t put up more than 17 pts a game. He has given up! Look at him on the sidelines!

  935. Couch Fan Says:

    Yea because the whole 7 points the Baker led offense should easily be enough to win this game.

  936. Bucsfantim Says:

    If this drive is a 3 & out you have to put Trask in the game

  937. Bobby Says:

    I’ve been a fan of Baker but we need to see what we have in Trask. Obviously Baker is NOT the answer. Love his heart but he lacks the skill.

  938. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    A team that shouldn’t have scored a td today

  939. LongSeason Says:

    Looks like we are going to rescue defeat from victory again.

  940. Wow Says:

    Time to run it up the middle

  941. Hunter Says:

    Caleb Williams falls to Tampa

    Tampa selects Caleb Williams

    Caleb Williams goes back to college because his stupid demands aren’t met

  942. HC Grover Says:

    Perfect. Now we can get 3 for the tie

  943. Havenbuc Says:

    Tony they’ve got 123 yards through 3 quarters try again bro

  944. orlbucfan Says:

    Now, Canales has to win this game. Hope the yahoo does.

  945. Rick Says:

    Baker’s personality has been Bowled over. He’s now a zombie like the coach!

  946. A Bucs Fan Says:

    @Tony Marks- Baker is the only reason the Bucs aren’t up by 14 right now. Mike Evans should have 180 yards and 2 TDs if Baker could reach him.

  947. Ref Says:

    The Bucs need to change something up to get a spark. Try anything, at least make an effort. Otherwise, maybe the Panthers will put them out of their misery’s This team is lame.

  948. Rick Says:

    Are these announcers high? Win the division?

  949. Wow Says:

    Fire the cannons, movin up the draft board

  950. LongSeason Says:

    I really hope Baker retires after today with about half the team.

  951. Breadwinnerbob Says:

    Daniles Lsu at 5 is about right he had 1100 on the ground in the sec oh and 4000 40 td

  952. BucsFan81 Says:

    Fire Bowles!!!! Fire him now. Start the rebuild

  953. TonySoprano Says:

    Todd Bowles has the body shape of E.T.

  954. Show Me the TDs Says:

    Baker is back

  955. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Speak the truth Bobby to the fangoils

  956. Tony Marks Says:

    UKBuccaneer Says:
    December 3rd, 2023 at 6:13 pm
    Are we allowed to discuss the secondary yet?


    yes we can. Baker is really screwing up at corner. we should move him to safety.

  957. Rod Munch Says:



  958. BucsBeast Says:


    Na na naaa na
    Na na naaaa na
    Hey Hey hEEEEEey

  959. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Ugh, Baker trotting out again…

  960. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    What can Canales do with Baker as QB?… Run the ball?

  961. HomerSimpsonRocks Says:

    Yeah. Higher draft position is looking auspicious. Keep doing your part Bucs.

  962. Rick Says:

    Tie game

  963. Faspro Says:

    That was a TD….

  964. Marine Buc Says:

    Go Bucs!

  965. BomTrady Says:

    Mayfield’s fault that Mike Evans ran out of gas at the end of that run, clearly.

  966. UKBuccaneer Says:

    That’s a TD

  967. BamaNBucs Says:

    Mike Evans!!

  968. HC Grover Says:

    We have to get 3 for the tie!

  969. orlbucfan Says:

    Canales better let the O score.

  970. Bucs 95 Says:

    Mike evans

  971. HeavyE Says:

    We will only get 3 now!!!

  972. Rick Says:


  973. realistic-optimistic Says:

    That’s a TD. Bowles gonna challenge?

  974. Couch Fan Says:

    Baker finally connected on a deep ball. Its a miracle!!

  975. Rod Munch Says:



  976. HeavyE Says:


  977. Rick Says:

    I hope it’s a td or we get 3

  978. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Dang no td oh no! Inside the pylon!

  979. Bucsfantim Says:

    We could have been doing that all game

  980. Wow Says:

    Should runned it.

  981. D Cone Says:

    That’s how ya play like sheet and get the stats up.

  982. Hunter Says:

    That ref is horrible…

  983. HC Grover Says:

    Joe collects BIG….boy did Joe have tis one.

  984. Bucsfantim Says:

    Challenge it Bowles!

  985. Jack Clark Says:

    OMG Todd Bowles finally challenged a play 😱

  986. BuccoDav Says:


  987. HeavyE Says:

    Yes M1K3!!! TD!!!!

  988. realistic-optimistic Says:

    @Couch Fan, that wasn’t even a “deep throw.” What was it 25 air yards? The rest is Mike.

  989. ElioT Says:

    Big Mike, our only stud!

  990. Couch Fan Says:

    And people want to trade Evans. LMAO

  991. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Superman that td!!!

  992. Wow Says:

    Evans HOF. seriously

  993. LongSeason Says:

    Evans needs 6 yards for 1K now

  994. Bucsfantim Says:

    How many of y’all think we should have traded Mike though?

  995. HC Grover Says:

    This will make it hard to tie.

  996. orlbucfan Says:

    A touchdown. For real? 14-0. I am in shock.

  997. BuccoDav Says:

    Love Evans!

  998. A Bucs Fan Says:

    I really hope Bucs resign him.

  999. Duane in Sanford Says:

    Lets Go Mike!

  1000. BomTrady Says:


  1001. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Mikey almost at that 1000 yard season!

  1002. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    That was all Mike Evans.

  1003. Show Me the TDs Says:

    Like I wrote earlier. Throw it to Mike every play. It couldn’t hurt.

  1004. Rod Munch Says:



  1005. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Might lose Evans after this year. I’m gonna enjoy everything he puts on the field this year. Please lock him up, Licht.

  1006. BomTrady Says:

    Maker Bayfield

  1007. Bucsfantim Says:

    He’s 6 yards from 1K now!

  1008. orlbucfan Says:

    14-10, my bad.

  1009. Tony Marks Says:

    Couch Fan Says:
    December 3rd, 2023 at 6:18 pm
    Baker finally connected on a deep ball. Its a miracle!!

    I Feeeeel your Pain CF. Where can we chip in for your therapy?

  1010. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    What better team to get it than the Stankin Panthers?

  1011. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Holy sh!t some life and Evans finally got to complete the long bomb while being chased!! Where are the ME13 whiners????

  1012. Crickett Baker Says:

    74 yard gain!

  1013. Let em bake Says:

    Big mike! ( not the other one…😊)

  1014. Wow Says:

    Bowles D gunna choke

  1015. HC Grover Says:

    144 for Evans Joe you got it

  1016. Bucsfantim Says:

    Mike Evans will singlehandedly win this game for us if we let him. Future HOFer

  1017. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Tonya Marks you and Fakers marriage counselor

  1018. JA Says:

    Baker threw a perfect ten yard pass to a wide open Mike Evans.
    I take back all the negativity.
    Few, if any NFL quarterbacks, could have thrown with that precision!

  1019. DFW Buc Says:

    Naples…. Totally agree.

  1020. Hunter Says:

    You punched a rookie, what a bum!!

  1021. Rick Says:

    This is where are D usually steps up and shuts down the other team. OR – here’s where we quickly give up the go-ahead score. Let’s see….

  1022. LongSeason Says:

    Boxing is not allowed? Rocky Balboa is sad.

  1023. Rick Says:


  1024. Show Me the TDs Says:

    Cody got in Burns head. Love it!

  1025. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    We get so close to Baker finally getting buried so we can move from that mistake and he does just enough to continue to barely hang on.

  1026. unbelievable Says:

    Can all the morons who have said we should trade Evans cuz he’s washed, please stand up and identity yourselves for your ridiculing.

    Go ahead:

  1027. Jack Clark Says:

    Bakers only good for two touchdowns a game, lets hope our defense can hold the panthers to under 20 points

  1028. Rod Munch Says:



  1029. LongSeason Says:

    Let’s see if our D follows form and snatches defeat from the jaws of victory, again.

  1030. Bucsfantim Says:

    LongSeason Says:
    December 3rd, 2023 at 6:22 pm
    Boxing is not allowed? Rocky Balboa is sad.

  1031. Wow Says:

    We’ll. Watch out Dallas, here we come

  1032. Jugheadfla Says:

    Cd3 with his patented 15 yd cushion

  1033. HC Grover Says:

    Well if they get 7 and we get 3 it could still be a tie

  1034. BomTrady Says:

    Nice play by Winfield there

  1035. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Who said Mikey is slow?

  1036. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Let’s see if we can display some killer instinct and put this game away

  1037. Jugheadfla Says:

    Chark was open just a bad pass

  1038. Defense Rules Says:

    Mayfield is 10-of-22 for 168 yards, with Evans having 5 of those catches for 144 yards.

  1039. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    Am I old? I see 51 on the field and I think “Hey, good to see Dana Nafziger still making plays.”

  1040. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Think I saw Tonya Mark’s on TV. I little child with curly locks

  1041. Rod Munch Says:




  1042. Defense Rules Says:

    Aahh yes, we’re back to running the ball on 1st down.

  1043. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Get Mike 1K!

  1044. Bucsfantim Says:

    Okay come on now. Just throw it to Evans. He’ll get 1K and probably be wide tf open

  1045. HeavyE Says:

    White, keep your head up and look for the hole!!!

  1046. orlbucfan Says:

    The Panthers unis are like ugly beyond belief.What asshole sports ‘fashion’ bought that one off?

  1047. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Hey old guy Jack Burton!🤣

  1048. realistic-optimistic Says:

    The OL was flagged for holding and the defenders were still 3 yards in the backfield. smh

  1049. Bucs 95 Says:

    Mayfield wobbled

  1050. unbelievable Says:

    There we go baby! Back to wasting entire drives with worthless run plays.

    The Todd Bowles Way!

    Why go for the kill when you can let your opponents hang around and eventually beat you?

  1051. Bucsfantim Says:

    Jesus christ Canales dial up a play for MIKE you idiot!

  1052. HeavyE Says:

    Throw the Ball!!!!

  1053. Jack Clark Says:

    Rachaad White can’t even get to the line of scrimmage before getting hit and Joe thinks it’s all White’s fault 🙄

  1054. Coquiro Says:

    Dammit, STOP giving it to White. He is horrible.

  1055. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Only name you never heard called Tristan Wirfs

  1056. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    Borderline late hit.

  1057. donuts Says:

    I like Mauch but he is clearly overmatched at NFL level

  1058. Jugheadfla Says:

    Man our Oline is terrible

  1059. Tony Marks Says:

    DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:
    December 3rd, 2023 at 6:26 pm
    Think I saw Tonya Mark’s on TV. I little child with curly locks


    Your mom and I meant to tell you. Seriously we really did.

  1060. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Well I guess we are just a flash in the pan team…should have known. We just happen to have a couple of very good players but not a good team at all.

  1061. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Late hit on Faker no call is bogus

  1062. realistic-optimistic Says:

    First play should have been a 10 yard out/in to Mike. Instead, 3 and out.

  1063. Bucsfantim Says:

    Gosh that playcalling was pure garbage.

  1064. HC Grover Says:

    Joes bets are like taking candy from baby. What a call.

  1065. Wow Says:


  1066. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Finally an open field tackle on ST

  1067. unbelievable Says:

    The Bucs offense as a whole actually has less yards this half than Mike Evans did on that single Touchdown play.

    That’s how bad the run game is. JFC

  1068. donuts Says:

    This OL gives up way too much penetration. I hope and trust Licht to find his second Marpet.

  1069. orlbucfan Says:

    Why are we at 14-10 in the third? Canales still doesn’t quite get it.

  1070. Bucsfantim Says:

    These coaches can’t see if we throw the ball we will destroy the Panthers. SMH

  1071. Defense Rules Says:

    Our DLine is getting shoved aside all to often … by the Panthers OLine of all teams.

  1072. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Best tackle of the game

  1073. Coquiro Says:

    Take White out of the Game. Let someone else run. He’s a Bust, admit it and move on. Every RB in the NFL is so.much better than him.

  1074. Rod Munch Says:




  1075. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    No lbs making a difference now

  1076. donuts Says:

    Our DL needs more hogs…pushed around when Vea absent. Vea cant play 85% plays

  1077. Sacker58 Says:

    I have been keeping up with the niners,philly game.
    The disparity of quality football play between the nines, Philly and the Bucs is wide.
    At this point I as a lifelong fan don’t want the Bucs to win the division ,just to be embarrassed on national TV in the playoffs. SMH

  1078. Bucsfantim Says:

    Notice how the Panthers INTERIM head coach knows how to attack our weakness on Defense…..

    Canales should IDK…. Take notes?

  1079. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Young is not a good QB

  1080. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Still a sack

  1081. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Bryce Young is terrible. The only reason they can’t sustain drives is his bad passes.

  1082. donuts Says:

    coverage sack

  1083. TonySoprano Says:

    Man there is just nothing wrong moressive about Bryce Young. Doesn’t elevate those around him. Not a difference-maker at all.

  1084. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    Nafziger with the sack!

  1085. Defense Rules Says:

    That’s clearly Russell’s sack

  1086. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Fakerboi playing on both teams

  1087. Jugheadfla Says:

    Deebo is insane

  1088. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Seriously how can you miss on a QB this bad.

    Young is really a bad QB

  1089. Bucsfantim Says:

    Nice job D. Now can the offense get its head out of its ass?

  1090. donuts Says:

    wow Deebo with the statement play

  1091. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    High scoring game!

  1092. Georgia Redneck Says:

    Baker is average at best. The Bucs are just not very good. There is some talent but we don’t have the ability to take advantage of the talent.

  1093. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    All that room he had to inside Thompkins runs out of bounds

  1094. Bucs 95 Says:

    Wirfs got a donk

  1095. BuccoDav Says:

    White is not a bust… pay attention!

  1096. Bucsfantim Says:

    If we don’t score another TD we could still lose this game. Come on Canales dial up a pass play.

  1097. HC Grover Says:

    Time for another Evans Bomb!

  1098. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Wirfs down

  1099. donuts Says:

    Warrior Wirfs!

  1100. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    That’s what he’s good at. Ohb no Wirfs

  1101. HeavyE Says:

    Angry Run!!!

  1102. Bucsfantim Says:

    Look how much better throwing the ball is!

  1103. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Really bad teams cause injuries. Panthers have us dropping like flies.

  1104. Rick Says:

    They should shut down Wirfs for the year –

  1105. Colonel Angus Says:

    Need to shut Wirfs down for the season. Let them canckles heal up.

  1106. Bucsfantim Says:

    I hope Wirfs is okay

  1107. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Get Evans 1K

  1108. DFW Buc Says:

    Rushing Yards
    C. Hubbard CAR 19 CAR, 82 YDS, 1 TD

    R. White TB 15 CAR, 34 YDS, 1 TD

    Do the Bucs ever suck running the ball?

  1109. realistic-optimistic Says:

    What a Bowles move. Let the qtr run out. Don’t run a play, it could fail.

  1110. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Georgia redneck don’t say that Fakerfangoils can’t handle the truth

  1111. HC Grover Says:

    Baker is Scrappin

  1112. Jack Clark Says:

    Our offense SUCKS!!!!!!

  1113. Bucsfantim Says:

    Chewing clock in the 3rd quarter with a 4 point lead? That’s Bowles ball.. Loser mentality

  1114. adam from ny Says:

    that 3rd quarter seemed so long

  1115. Rod Munch Says:



  1116. Tony Marks Says:

    DavidBigBucsFan99 whats happening dude? Kyle is still waiting for the cushion

  1117. HeavyE Says:

    Get M1K3, the ball and go get this Win!

  1118. HC Grover Says:

    We are due for 3

  1119. Georgia Redneck Says:

    Both QB’s are below 50% completions. Both are wasted.

  1120. ShilohSteve Says:

    How about a game sealing drive!

  1121. Jugheadfla Says:

    I believe in Skule…..:/

  1122. Bucsfantim Says:

    Get Mike to 1K here and go win this game with a score

  1123. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Threw into double coverage

  1124. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Why would he throw that to ME with double coverage there????

  1125. I remember 21 Says:

    Without a 75 yard bomb TD we would be losing to the worst team in the league going into the fourth quarter. Tompkins second most targets on the team. God help us all. Coaching is atrocious.

    #FIREbowlesNOW #NOconfidence

  1126. ElioT Says:

    So deep shots to Evans is the offense

  1127. Rod Munch Says:



  1128. Bucsfantim Says:

    Baker SUCKS

  1129. Jugheadfla Says:

    Godwin playing today?

  1130. Jmarkbuc Says:


    But Mayfield just isn’t good.

    He’d be a good career backup. Good for a spark and a game or two, but he isn’t top tier talent.

  1131. Rick Says:

    God I hope this is the last season of Baker. I can’t do another season w him!

  1132. HeavyE Says:

    Baker is a BUM, double coverage, really????

  1133. TampaBayRudy Says:

    I am a sado-masochist. I have watched this game, and kept my close loved ones watching with my witty banter and hilarious commentary. Well, I’ll admit: the comedy does write itself here though 💯

  1134. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Free first down!

  1135. Georgia Redneck Says:

    ElioT Says:
    December 3rd, 2023 at 6:39 pm

    “So deep shots to Evans is the offense”- Baker can’t throw accurately enough to accomplish twice.

  1136. George R Says:

    get Mike his !K

  1137. Wow Says:

    Get Mikey 6yds and retire him for the season

  1138. realistic-optimistic Says:

    What’s this? An outside run yields 10 yards? Huh

  1139. HC Grover Says:

    Baker is scrappin hard

  1140. Bucsfantim Says:

    outside run works? Huh. Shock

  1141. HeavyE Says:

    Wow, a run to the outside for positive yardage!!! Who would have thunk????

  1142. Bucsfantim Says:

    Get mike his 1k!

  1143. HC Grover Says:

    We will get 3

  1144. Bucsfantim Says:

    At least that was creative

  1145. HeavyE Says:

    Where’s Tucker????

  1146. Jack Clark Says:

    Let’s go Bucs!

  1147. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Godwin IS playing!!

  1148. Faspro Says:

    Panthers D is worn out…GO BUCS!!!

  1149. Rick Says:

    Godwin is a player. Sad we don’t use him.

  1150. BuccoDav Says:

    what are you bitchin’ about?

  1151. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Wow lol

    They’re going to crow now about how the division is still in play etc…

  1152. Georgia Redneck Says:

    I was wondering if Godwin was still playing.

  1153. realistic-optimistic Says:

    If your QB refuses to throw to Godwin, just call a handoff to Godwin. Problem solved.

  1154. Rod Munch Says:



  1155. Bucsfantim Says:

    Godwin is out best RB this game lmao

  1156. LongSeason Says:

    That is creative play calling

  1157. HC Grover Says:

    LOL a resurected play.

  1158. Jack Clark Says:

    Our clueless offensive coordinator has finally realized we’re better at running outside the tackles than straight up the middle, thanks the football gods!

  1159. Bucsfantim Says:

    Okay. That might seal the game.. but can we get Mike his 1K now?

  1160. Jugheadfla Says:

    Please don’t go into prevent mode Bowels……continue to blitz

  1161. rrsrq Says:

    Messing up that draft position but Bowles is safe for another week

  1162. Duane in Sanford Says:

    Otton is getting a hair better at getting the way for the seal block just in time. That kid is improving.

  1163. orlbucfan Says:

    Well, just mebbe Canales is waking up. Great TD sweep to Godliia14.

  1164. HC Grover Says:

    We win the Battle of the Bums!!!! Whoop de Dooooo!

  1165. Bobby Says:

    Finally they start playing ball. Guess you have to talk about them like they have a tail to get results. 😁

  1166. Jack Clark Says:

    😂 Baker Mayfield is good at handing the ball off for someone else to do all the work

  1167. TampaBayRudy Says:

    I’ll give it to them: the Bucs had been REALLY trying to not win today, but that pesky clock exposed them. Anybody but the Panthers would have buried us under 21 points, forcing Todd Bowles to roll out his running and punt game

  1168. shak Says:

    Still alive baby!!!!!

  1169. orlbucfan Says:

    You negative phony fans can stick it.

  1170. Georgia Redneck Says:

    The Bucs need two more TD’s. They need to prove they can bury their opposition.

  1171. adam from ny Says:

    ok lookin good…

    bowles can retire the waffle house menu now

  1172. Tony Marks Says:

    Can the defense give the traskies some hope as time begins to dwindle?

  1173. HC Grover Says:

    I figgered Bucs by 30 could still happen. These Panters are just beyond awful.

  1174. Rick Says:

    Does Jax get to face our potent D next week? Should be interesting –

  1175. Rod Munch Says:




  1176. Let em bake Says:

    Rods cap button still holding up! Teampissative😊

  1177. HeavyE Says:

    JTS, make the tackle!!!

  1178. Bucsfantim Says:

    Double digit lead? Bowles says prevent time

  1179. HC Grover Says:

    The Panters actually drafted that little feller QB

  1180. orlbucfan Says:

    Hate to point this fact out but JTS has been a big part of this crippled defense as in young well.

  1181. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Tonya Smurfette with a snappy come back about Trask. So impressive

  1182. donuts Says:

    forward progress there seems like robbery

  1183. DBS Says:

    Iggles getting pounded

  1184. HC Grover Says:

    Can Bowles still keep it close?

  1185. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Kancy has been better than expected in run D

  1186. Crickett Baker Says:

    orlbucfan Says:
    December 3rd, 2023 at 6:46 pm
    You negative phony fans can stick it.

  1187. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Everything the offense does is iffy because Fakerboi is qb

  1188. Rick Says:

    Is Davis crazy? He did nothing yet celebrates?

  1189. Eric Says:

    Do the Bucs have anyone who understands historical context ME13 has 8 170 plus receiving games this is the second time this year where he is 140 plus and the Bucs aren’t even throwing him the ball! The MFL record is 12 by Lance Altworth Mike would be top 3 if the Bucs get him the damn balll!

  1190. Bucs 95 Says:

    Lol first and goal panthers

  1191. Alstott40 Says:

    Why do our corners never turn around and look for thr ball?

  1192. TonySoprano Says:

    Baker reminds me of that lovable scallywag mutt from Lady and the Tramp. Too bad real life isn’t a Disney movie.

  1193. Jugheadfla Says:

    Burn the III

  1194. HeavyE Says:

    CD is a joke!!!

  1195. Tony Marks Says:

    DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:
    December 3rd, 2023 at 6:50 pm
    Tonya Smurfette with a snappy come back about Trask. So impressive

    we talked about that too. She’s not keeping your family surname.

  1196. UKBuccaneer Says:

    Man how about that secondary!

  1197. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    This defense sucks

  1198. ElioT Says:

    Carlton Davis is so bad

  1199. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Davis giving up the booty again.

  1200. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Freaking td coming up

  1201. TonySoprano Says:

    Keep wanting that $16M a year, Carlton.

  1202. HC Grover Says:

    That littl QB is just awful

  1203. Rick Says:

    Hmmmmm still not over.

  1204. Alvin Scissors Harper Says:

    Carlton Davis do what Carlton Davis do!

  1205. Bucsfantim Says:

    If Davis turn around….

  1206. HeavyE Says:

    Dean & Davis Has to Go!!!!

  1207. rrsrq Says:


  1208. Bucsfantim Says:

    So is this were we give up 2 TD’s and lose?

  1209. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Still put away The worst team in the NFL

  1210. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    Davis stinks.

  1211. donuts Says:

    Front 7 like swiss cheese

  1212. Bucs 95 Says:

    Going life and death with the worst team in the nfl

  1213. Rick Says:

    That was surprising! I didn’t expect our D to give it up!

    Oh wait – I did.

  1214. Jugheadfla Says:

    Hope Baker doesn’t panic again

  1215. Jugheadfla Says:

    Plan 9…..you dummy

  1216. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Tanya Mark’s yawn. I know I’m the only one giving you attention making you feel wanted since Fakerboi doesn’t

  1217. ElioT Says:

    JTS can screw up a wet dream.

  1218. Sunken Ship Says:

    If I have to watch Todd Bowles grimace one more time. Fire this POS. We are laughable.

  1219. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Man, this defense is really bad the last 5-6 games

  1220. Tony Marks Says:

    In a surprise to no one . The defense has risen to the challenge of giving traskies hope.

  1221. Rick Says:

    Awww JTS – my most hated Buc since Geraldini

  1222. realistic-optimistic Says:

    JTS facemask. lol

  1223. HeavyE Says:

    Throw the ball to M1K3, get the win! Let’s Go BUCS!!!

  1224. Sunken Ship Says:

    Bowles is worse than Biden

  1225. Bucsfantim Says:

    There’s that Todd Bowles defense..

  1226. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:


  1227. Hunter Says:

    At least it’s a more interesting game now?

  1228. BucsBeast Says:

    Todd’s D play calling!

  1229. HeavyE Says:

    Only JTS!!! Lol

  1230. HC Grover Says:

    Now for 2 then tie possible

  1231. Colonel Angus Says:

    Come on Panthers, ya’ll can do it! Put this sh!t show of a season out of its misery.

  1232. BelleGladeBuc Says:

    The Bucs are struggling against the worst team in the league at home.

    It’s a one score game with 5 minutes to go.

    This is not okay.

  1233. Jmarkbuc Says:

    How dumb is Ryan Neal?

  1234. ElioT Says:

    Ryan Neal – beautiful play.

  1235. Sunken Ship Says:

    Morons. Like their coach.

  1236. Show Me the TDs Says:

    That was easy.

  1237. TonySoprano Says:

    Keep up the good work, JTS!

    On a related note, is Logan Hall playing today?

  1238. Rick Says:

    The tie may still happen!

    Baker has yet to fumble – remember….

  1239. Coquiro Says:

    I repeat..Davis POS stealing money from us. He gets beat over and over. DUMB as hell

  1240. SOGGY Says:

    Me Thinks Wow

  1241. UKBuccaneer Says:

    Anyone fancy tackling him? No? Ok.

  1242. Faspro Says:

    What? He walked in…

  1243. LongSeason Says:

    Dung Butts. Rescue defeat from the jaws of victory.

  1244. BomTrady Says:

    Todd BOWELS might get fired yet…hold on, this ain’t over yet.

  1245. HC Grover Says:

    Oh No not Plan 9

  1246. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    It’s bad that we make crappy offenses look good week after week

  1247. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Was Devin White playing that play?

  1248. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    They lose this game it’s season over

  1249. Jack Clark Says:

    Just like I said, the defense needs to hold the panthers to under 20 points because Baker Mayfield sorry as is only good for two touchdowns a game 😂

  1250. 40Forever Says:

    Canales can’t be this stupid. Hass to be Bull’s insisting on these ridiculous wasteful running place and not targeting Godwin and Evans more.

  1251. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Tie is in back in play!

  1252. Bucsfantim Says:

    Ryan Neal sucks as usual

  1253. Jmarkbuc Says:

    Sunken ship

    Spare us the BS..

  1254. D Cone Says:

    One score game in the 4th quarter against the wires team in football. Looks like 55-10 is out of play.

  1255. unbelievable Says:

    This team is so pathetic it’s embarrassing

  1256. HeavyE Says:

    Baker looking Nervous!!!!

  1257. UKBuccaneer Says:

    A new QB will definitely solve the defense.

  1258. Bucsfantim Says:

    Will there be boos if we decide to run up the middle on the first play?

  1259. DFW Buc Says:

    Most points Carolina has scored in over 6 weeks. Pitiful defense

  1260. Bobby Says:

    If we lose this game they need to clean house tomorrow. No sense in finishing the season with Bowles.

  1261. Alvin Scissors Harper Says:

    Man, how could you all believe the game was over with an 11 point lead. Not Alvin. I called for a Panthers victory and I still believe that will happen. Can you imaging being swept by the Panthers???

  1262. Rod Munch Says:



  1263. HC Grover Says:

    Uh Oh tie in the picture now

  1264. BucsFan81 Says:

    It shouldn’t be this hard to beat a team who has won 1 game all season. Unless your Bowles.

  1265. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Please Canales do not run on and 1st and second up the middle. Also Baker please do not short arm a throw and make good decisions. The season rides on it.

  1266. unbelievable Says:

    Will never happen Bobby. The Glazers don’t fire people mid season.

  1267. LongSeason Says:

    Baker is the second coming of Gary Huff or Randy Hedberg.

  1268. Bucsfantim Says:

    Get mike his 1K and we win

  1269. orlbucfan Says:

    Devin White didn’t play. Canales better win this game.

  1270. Sunken Ship Says:

    Loser squad. Sorry. We suck. Flush it. Devin White can ride out. Peace.

  1271. Louie Says:

    Let’s keep our comments on football and not politics otherwise we’ll end up in the gutter!

  1272. Rick Says:

    Baker’s fumble in 3….2….1….watch.

  1273. Jugheadfla Says:

    Anyone feeling confident in this offense running the clock out?……me neither

  1274. Tony Marks Says:

    DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:
    December 3rd, 2023 at 6:55 pm
    Tanya Mark’s yawn. I know I’m the only one giving you attention making you feel wanted

    In that case you should try and give Traskie some attention. Maybe it will make Bowles want him.

    Its worth a try at least..

  1275. unbelievable Says:

    Is there any doubt the Bucs will go as conservative as possible and play not to lose, giving the ball back to Carolina?

  1276. Bobby Says:

    It truly is embarrassing. Worse team in football is within 3 pts. These are the type of games we lose.

  1277. ShilohSteve Says:

    Time for runs up the middle

  1278. TonySoprano Says:

    What’s weird is how Jason Licht pounds his chest about drafting ‘captains’ and ‘leaders’ and ‘guys that love football’ yet this is a team full of dumb, lazy betas.

  1279. DoooshLaRue Says:

    3 and out

  1280. UKBuccaneer Says:

    1K for Mike!!!

  1281. DoooshLaRue Says:

    Oh my

  1282. HC Grover Says:

    If they hold Bucs then get FG we are looking at possible tie

  1283. orlbucfan Says:

    It’s starting to rain here in Orlando.

  1284. Alvin Scissors Harper Says:

    I need some of Dewey’s joints!

  1285. rrsrq Says:

    The problem is Dean and Davis goes, what’s your first round pick, pass rush, QB, LB, CB, Safety

  1286. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Tanya did you like that….Yeah Evans got it!

  1287. realistic-optimistic Says:

    MIKE 1K!!!! 10 straight times. Congrats big guy!!

  1288. Bucsfantim Says:

    Field goal is not good enough here unless it’s as time expires. Have to put the game away on this drive…. I smell a 3&out

  1289. LongSeason Says:

    Mike of 1K!!!

  1290. HeavyE Says:

    M1K3!!!! 1k!!! HOF!!!!

  1291. Bucsfantim Says:

    Future HOFer

  1292. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    One hit and white goes down

  1293. TampaBayRudy Says:

    Lone bright spot: ME13 gets another record. Another bright spot:

  1294. Jack Clark Says:

    Congratulations Mike Evans! 10 straight years with over 1,000 yards each. A testament to his ability to stay healthy, availability, and consistency

  1295. HC Grover Says:

    Haha Joe shoots Joe scores….he knows this game.

  1296. donuts Says:


  1297. Jugheadfla Says:

    Wtf was that play call…..puke

  1298. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Tanya Marks the non Bucs fan says nothing good for Evans

  1299. Faspro Says:

    Stupid playcall

  1300. UKBuccaneer Says:

    Mike has 10 straight seasons of 1K despite only 3 of them being with a genuinely top-notch QB.

  1301. Bucs 95 Says:

    Canales looks zesty

  1302. unbelievable Says:

    I hate Bowles and Canales with a deep passion

  1303. Rick Says:

    It’s ok – our D will hold Carolina…….or not.

  1304. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    White just curled up and falls down

  1305. Sunken Ship Says:

    Playing not to lose instead of playing to win.

  1306. HeavyE Says:


  1307. Defense Rules Says:

    That’s the story of Mayfield’s season in a nutshell … throw it behind the LOS to White for a completion and get him killed.

  1308. orlbucfan Says:

    Is BM capable of changing calls at the line of scrimmage?

  1309. TampaBayRudy Says:

    Glitching rn. Can’t understand why Bowles is not running up the gut

  1310. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    I think Evans has more TDs than any other year as well.

  1311. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Draw play coming up

  1312. Rick Says:

    Uh oh

  1313. Jmarkbuc Says:

    Baker slow as sh!t

  1314. Bucco2 Says:

    We gon lose

  1315. Jack Clark Says:

    Once again our defense will have to bail us out because Baker Mayfield sorry as couldn’t close out this game 😂

  1316. UKBuccaneer Says:

    Ballgame on the line with this secondary tasked with stopping it.


  1317. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Faker with the late pass again w

  1318. orlbucfan Says:

    Canales is throttling the offense.

  1319. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Stare him down, Baker.

  1320. HeavyE Says:

    Great Throw!!!

  1321. Jugheadfla Says:

    Blitz nonstop

  1322. HC Grover Says:

    canalas orders French Toast

  1323. unbelievable Says:

    There’s the Baker we know and love

  1324. Alvin Scissors Harper Says:

    I like Carolina to go right down the field and win this one 25-21.

  1325. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Blowels depending on defense we’re doomed

  1326. LongSeason Says:

    We will lose 25-21

  1327. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Mike Evans was WIDE open!!! WHY!?

  1328. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Defense gives up the booty?
    Reply Yay or Nay

  1329. BomTrady Says:

    Countdown to Todd BOWELS being canned……..

  1330. Defense Rules Says:

    A FG for a tie would be appropriate

  1331. Jack Clark Says:


  1332. Bucsfantim Says:

    Mike evans wide open again but Baker didn’t look his way.

  1333. Show Me the TDs Says:

    Time to give up the booty.

  1334. Rick Says:

    JTS will step up am sure!

  1335. Jmarkbuc Says:


    Agreed, but Bud Licht has to go too. This weakness is the culture he has propagated.

  1336. RuKa Says:

    Even if we win today…. Does this look like a team turning around?!? Getting better?!?! On the move up?!?!?!…

  1337. HC Grover Says:

    This could still be the TIE

  1338. Rick Says:

    Davis won’t give up a big pass…no way!

  1339. HeavyE Says:

    25-21, it better not happen! Let’s Go Bucs!!!!

  1340. Colonel Angus Says:

    Bowles has to be fired after this incoming loss.

  1341. BomTrady Says:

    Bucs lose 25-21, I called it here and now…..

  1342. Tony Marks Says:

    the coaching staff is always late to reality. You can’t play call to have your defense keep your lead when you have no defense.

  1343. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Carolina gonna run clock out then score

  1344. Bucsfantim Says:

    Watching all the plays with Mike wide open reminds me of how OBJ’s dad complained about Baker in Cleveland… not a coincidence

  1345. Rick Says:

    Grover….u called it!!! Two even horrible teams should tie!

  1346. Bucsfantim Says:

    We’re gonna let them score. Look at all that cushion

  1347. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    RuKa…the only thing this team can do is win the division…they an it win in gin the playoffs against a good team
    Improvement don’t matter it’s a week to week situation

  1348. Bobby M. Says:

    News flash….Carolina runs it straight down the field

  1349. Rick Says:

    OBJ’s dad was right!

  1350. UKBuccaneer Says:

    Teams that’s I’m confident we’d beat right now:

    New England.

    End of list.

  1351. shak Says:


  1352. Bucsfantim Says:

    NaplesBucsFan Says:
    December 3rd, 2023 at 7:04 pm
    Defense gives up the booty?
    Reply Yay or Nay

    Almost certainly yes

  1353. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Same as a punt

  1354. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    This defense? Easy decision

  1355. BomTrady Says:

    WOW, I am shocked, actually.

  1356. Rick Says:

    It’s still not over – watch

  1357. Bucs 95 Says:

    Barely beating a 1-10 team lol

  1358. Jack Clark Says:

    Antoine Winfield Jr the GOAT!

  1359. LongSeason Says:

    Winfield is our defensive MVP

  1360. Bucco2 Says:

    Winfield is still our best defensive player!

  1361. Hunter Says:

    Big players. Make. Big. Plays.

  1362. Defense Rules Says:

    Panthers play-calling is even dumber than ours

  1363. Rick Says:

    Young is a young Baker…

  1364. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:


  1365. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Can’t believe they made a stop…gotta blame bad play calling as much as good D play

  1366. Since76 Says:

    Remember we are the the absolute worst team in football.

  1367. Jmarkbuc Says:

    Looks like Winfield saved Carlton’s bacon..

  1368. BuccoDav Says:


  1369. Bucsfantim Says:

    Winfield saves us!

  1370. Bobby Says:

    That’s game Bucs win

  1371. Colonel Angus Says:

    3 runs and a punt.

  1372. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Glad Davis didn’t knock that out of his hands

  1373. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    YES…1 yard on the run up the f@@king gut

  1374. BomTrady Says:

    It ain’t over, especially with White only gaining 1 yard per rush

  1375. DoooshLaRue Says:

    CD24 lost in space again

  1376. realistic-optimistic Says:

    3 runs up the gut

  1377. HeavyE Says:

    Yes! Bucs Win! Winfield You are a Bad Man!!!

  1378. Bucsfantim Says:

    Lucky we were playing the only QB worse than Baker.

  1379. Duane in Sanford Says:

    31 and 13. Where would this team be without these two? Gotta pay both of them.

  1380. BuccoDav Says:

    No. not quite the worst team in the NFL.

  1381. unbelievable Says:

    Have to pass it

  1382. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Bobby…have you not watched the games all year…this game is far from over

  1383. BucsFan81 Says:

    Winfield, Wirfs and Evans better be resigned

  1384. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    3&coming up Canoles & Blowels specialty

  1385. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Bowles is more predictible than Mike Smith. Pretty sad reality.

  1386. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Looooong 1 yard coming up

  1387. Tony Marks Says:

    DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:
    December 3rd, 2023 at 7:05 pm
    Carolina gonna run clock out then score

    your record is complete.

    You are aways wrong.

  1388. rrsrq Says:


  1389. orlbucfan Says:

    Well, turnover but the usual BS from Canales. 1st down down the middle. I am over it!

  1390. HC Grover Says:

    LOL the worst team lost. Pathetic. But fun.

  1391. BomTrady Says:

    HUGE 3rd down and 1 coming up, this will determine the game and indeed, the season.

    What do you call here?

  1392. Crickett Baker Says:

    Come on Bucs get the BALL

  1393. Bucsfantim Says:

    Wait they have 2 timeouts. The game isn’t over yet.

  1394. HeavyE Says:

    Get a 1st down!!!!

  1395. unbelievable Says:

    Can the midget sneak for 1 yard ?

    Or will we lose yardage and punt it away?

  1396. ShilohSteve Says:

    Make a yard or lose 1? We tend to get stuffed on these. I hope we don’t

  1397. Crickett Baker Says:


  1398. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Until they get this 1 yard…the game ain’t over…Texans anybody??

  1399. HeavyE Says:

    Run the ball to the outside, for the 1st, Easy Call here……

  1400. BomTrady Says:

    If they try to run it up the middle they will not get it.

    Run a sweep like they did to Godwin earlier…

  1401. Hunter Says:

    “BomTrady Says:
    December 3rd, 2023 at 7:09 pm
    HUGE 3rd down and 1 coming up, this will determine the game and indeed, the season.

    What do you call here?”

    QB Sneak to give Mayfield redemption and if we don’t get it, I wouldn’t mind going for it on 4th down.

  1402. UKBuccaneer Says:

    3rd and 1.

    Time for big Vita

  1403. Bucsfantim Says:

    Massive 3rd & 1 here. Job on the line…

  1404. unbelievable Says:

    They should honestly just a run a bootleg and have baker run for the 1st to the edge

  1405. Tony Marks Says:

    Bucsfantim Says:
    December 3rd, 2023 at 7:08 pm
    Lucky we were playing the only QB worse than Baker.

    Oh No. They picked up Trask on Waivers?

  1406. TonySoprano Says:

    Congrats Bowles and Licht. You’re beating the worst team in the league by the skin of your teeth.

  1407. realistic-optimistic Says:

    I predict a 30 yard jump ball to Evans.

  1408. unbelievable Says:

    Yup, anything but a run up the middle.

    Please please please no

  1409. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Spread it out…hand to White flea flicker to Baker and long TD to close out the game

  1410. BomTrady Says:

    I agree, fake up the middle with a bootleg or wide run here

  1411. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    One can dream right????

  1412. HC Grover Says:

    In The Battle of the Bums the Bucs win!!! Panters are barely worse than the Bucs.

  1413. Bucsfantim Says:

    realistic-optimistic Says:
    December 3rd, 2023 at 7:11 pm
    I predict a 30 yard jump ball to Evans.

    is it complete though?

  1414. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    QB Sneak

  1415. Faspro Says:

    Why did he slow down?

  1416. unbelievable Says:

    Holy chit a run up the middle!

  1417. UKBuccaneer Says:

    Sorry guys, but Americans can’t pronounce ‘Nissan’

  1418. BomTrady Says:

    Shocking…just shocking….I was wrong….I stand corrected….they pulled it off.

  1419. Jack Clark Says:

    Joe better put some respect on Rachaad White’s name! 😤

  1420. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Well tickle my balls…that is unbelievable to see

  1421. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Wow, inside run worked!

  1422. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    He shoulda punished them before going down

  1423. Defense Rules Says:

    BucsFan81 … Wirfs & Winfield will both be re-signed and cost a bundle. Evans won’t be, more-so because he’ll opt to move on. Bucs can’t afford to pay all 3 AND afford to being in a quality experienced QB. Doubt that Mike wants to break in another rookie QB.

  1424. HeavyE Says:

    Score the TD, Dummy!!!

  1425. Jugheadfla Says:

    Pitiful…..but a dub is a dub

  1426. I remember 21 Says:

    Last 2 minutes, bowles still sitting on 3 timeouts. Some things never change. He doesn’t need to call them because we play like such a well oiled machine you see.

  1427. Jugheadfla Says:

    Lol….HeavyE had money on this one

  1428. UKBuccaneer Says:

    An ugly win is a win. We’ll take it.

  1429. D Cone Says:

    Woo Hoo Bucs move to 2 games under .500.
    Beat the Panthers by 3. 55-52

  1430. Alvin Scissors Harper Says:

    If you think this team is worth a spit, you are sorely mistaken. This team is freaking AWFUL~

  1431. Bucsfantim Says:

    Defense Rules Says:
    December 3rd, 2023 at 7:12 pm
    BucsFan81 … Wirfs & Winfield will both be re-signed and cost a bundle. Evans won’t be, more-so because he’ll opt to move on. Bucs can’t afford to pay all 3 AND afford to being in a quality experienced QB. Doubt that Mike wants to break in another rookie QB.

    What experienced QB would they bring in? They tried this with Mayfield and he sucks. I think Evans will want to retire a buc regardless of who is back there.

  1432. LVMYBUCS Says:

    O fun o wow we beat the Panthers

  1433. Rod Munch Says:



  1434. Defense Rules Says:

    Baker was 14-of-29 today for 202 yards … 162 of those to Mike Evans.

  1435. HC Grover Says:

    Yes!!! The Panters are worse than the Bucs. Cant wait to see the hype after theis ‘VICTORY” it was Glorious!

  1436. Bobby Says:

    Bucs beat a a 1-10 mediocre football team tonight. And the final score is 21-18. Bucs barely beat a 1-10 football team who just fired there HC . Coaching staff still needs to be relieved of the duties. Now we are going to have a later draft pick for next season. Hope everyone is happy. We aren’t anywhere close to a SB contender right now and going into next season. The Bucs are a mediocre team now as well. Regardless im still a fan and glad they won. Go Bucs.

  1437. Jack Clark Says:

    Rachaad White 20 carries, 84 yards, 1 touchdown, 4.2 YPC

  1438. UKBuccaneer Says:

    Later draft pick doesn’t mean squat.

  1439. Jack Clark Says:

    Defense Rules Says:
    December 3rd, 2023 at 7:14 pm
    Baker was 14-of-29 today for 202 yards … 162 of those to Mike Evans.


  1440. Jugheadfla Says:

    Tank for Penix Jr

  1441. SufferingSince76 Says:

    Peeeee Uuuuuuu! Both sides of the ball should be ashamed, but you have to care first.

  1442. Since76 Says:

    Bucs win a statement game! They are marginally better than the basement dwellers!!

  1443. Jack Clark Says:

    80% of Baker Mayfield’s passing yards went to Mike Evans! 🤣

  1444. realistic-optimistic Says:

    So Baker had 40 yards that did not go to Evans. Geez

  1445. TampaBayRudy Says:


  1446. DBS Says:

    CBS station in Tallahassee chose to show The Pro Bass Fishing Championship Tournament.
    That was how bad They thought nobody wanted to see this carp show.

  1447. Show Me the TDs Says:

    Yeah, Baker still sucks. He seems to always be late on his throws. TRASK!!!!!!!

  1448. Tony Marks Says:

    I’m still willing to pass the hat so that all traskies can get therapy after this bitter disappointment

  1449. Turbomax22 Says:

    #1 needs to be more macho. More 360 when hitting a wall, quit running out of bounds and hit someone quit freezing like a deer in headlights when it’s not there.. Maybe his balls will drop next year.
    Defense put some hits on people jeez
    Mike put the team on his back and that’s why bucs won.

  1450. Tom Says:

    That was bad horrible terrible football! Outside of Mike Evans balling the F out!!! Team shows Bowles lifeless, mundane, mediocrity. Dropping my season tickets after 14 yrs if they keep that losing, bad, poor, horrible coach!

  1451. Daniel Dream Says:

    ME13 + BM6 = Superbowl! Just you watch…

  1452. Drunkinybor Says:

    We suck bad… Barely beating a 1 win team. Without Evans we would probably be winless. Howamy yards would Evans have if he had a real q.b throwing to him. Hes had Mike Glennon, Mcown, Jamie’s, just crap q.b.s must be hard when he looks back on his career to realize he could have been considered one of the best ever..ever. he will make the hall of fame which is awesome. Remember when it was only Lee Roy.