Buccaneers 21, Panthers 18

December 3rd, 2023

How bout those Buccaneers! Down go the hapless Panthers, though they made the game far too close.

Now Joe has the answer to your most important question.

Yes, if the Bucs beat the Falcons next week in Atlanta they will own first place in the NFC South, courtesy of a better conference record than Atlanta or New Orleans.

Currently, the Bucs are 5-7, tied with New Orleans a game behind Atlanta (6-6). If the Bucs win next week, they’ll have a 3-1 record in the division, tied with Atlanta, so the Bucs would then edge Atlanta in the conference tiebreaker. The Saints are currently 1-2 in the division.

Did the Bucs play well today? No. But their steady fight was good enough against a terrible Panthers team.

Mike Evans? What can Joe say. As Joe advised readers, when Evans is in striking distance of 1,000 yards, he’s going to have a big day. That’s exactly what happened. And Evans racked up 162 yards to eclipse 1,000 yards for the 10th consecutive season.

The defense was good enough. Carlton Davis and Antoine Winfield, Jr. made their share of plays, and the pass rush rattled Panthers rookie Bryce Young all day.

Joe can’t do a bunch of jumping jacks and cartwheels cheering much else. Baker Mayfield was meh and the run defense didn’t have it.

Still, a win is always a great thing, and maybe, just maybe, the Bucs will pick up some much needed confidence after previously losing six of their past seven games.

99 Responses to “Buccaneers 21, Panthers 18”

  1. Jack Clark Says:

    Go Bucs! Mike Evans accounted for 80% of Baker Mayfield’s passing yards today 🤣 Mike Evans the GOAT!

  2. Since76 Says:

    Statement made bucs are not the worst team!!!!!!

  3. ModHairKen Says:

    The Bucs have no chance next week. None. They will get humiliated.

  4. Jaybuc Says:

    I wonder what our draft position is now

  5. Irishmist Says:


  6. realistic-optimistic Says:

    What plays did Carlton Davis make? There were a few. Obviously, not against Chark late in the fourth quarter.–Joe

    Congrats, Mike!

  7. tampabuscsbro Says:


  8. Jugheadfla Says:

    CDIII is terrible…..period

  9. shak Says:

    M1K3!!! LOVE YOU!

  10. HC Grover Says:

    Glorious…what a win. we beat the NFL JV team with a teenie weenie QB and substitute coaches, Lay on the hype now. I wonder why Carolina drafted that little feller? He is a joke.

  11. NYbucsfan Says:

    We suck!!! That was embracing, and Baker stinks, Todd should be fired today.

  12. Zzbucs Says:

    Carlton Davis played good???He Just made one good play thats all.
    In Winfield int CDIII lost his player, same as Panthers TD.

    He is a mediocre corner!!!

  13. 74 Bucs Fan Says:

    Was to go Mike! The rest – meh. A win is a win and sets up a huge game next week. At least we have that.

  14. HC Grover Says:

    WE WON the Battle of the BUMS by the Bay!!!

  15. Kgh4life Says:

    Lackluster win, a BA coached team would’ve stomp the panthers into the dirt. Mike Evans is first ballet hall of famer.

  16. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Congrats Mike! This is the high point of the season. Take it in Bucs fans.

  17. Rod Munch Says:

    Enjoy the huge statement win – because according to my preseason game by game picks, that have the Bucs 5-7 right now, this is the last win of the year.

    However, I’ve been flip flopping on that 6th win, and I still think it’s possible if the Bucs are completely out of it on Christmas Eve, and Jacksonville wins all their games, that the Bucs will beat the Jags.

    But probably not, the Bucs couldn’t even cover a -3.5 line vs the worst team in football at home.

  18. Jmarkbuc Says:

    On the bright side.


  19. Davenport Says:

    Doing their best to screw up the next few years. We were sitting pretty with a shot at s top 5 pick.

    Winning the division get you a wild card blow-out, the 19th pick, and a first place schedule in 2024.

    Someone in the front office needs to stop this madness!!

  20. Winny Testaverde Says:

    I prefer the positive Hot Rod…not the revisionist historian and his after the fact picks. Have another wine cooler…loosen back up!

  21. Bucsmarley Says:

    Painful to watch truly. Baker sucks how many missed opportunities does he have in this game lol. He just isn’t capable of throwing a deep ball accurately. I’ll be at next weeks came and I expect more of the same lousy football

  22. Rod Munch Says:

    Can you believe all the morons that called me an idiot because I said before the season, if it comes down to being a cap issue, that you get rid of Godwin and keep Evans (if you have to, I want both to be sure).

    Also said if they always planned on bringing back Evans, they just wanted to make him mad, because Mad Mike is the best Mike, then that’s a brilliant plan, because Evans has look amazing this year.

    Give Mike whatever he wants. I still think you got three more ALL-PRO level years left him in, and then probably another year where he’s average. So if he wants 5-years, then give it to him and eat the last year of the deal if you have to.

  23. D-Rome Says:

    Carlton Davis had a bad day. Even Godwin looked like he was lost out there on a couple of plays.

  24. Tye Says:

    NOT a good showing……
    comes down to the wire against the worst team… PITIFUL!

  25. Dlavid Says:

    As a fan since ‘76 I am disappointed in the win ! This team sucks !

  26. David Says:

    Trash Baker now down in the toile Bowl. He was bad completeing only 48% of his passes against the worst team in NFL. He had less than 100 yard in three quarters again. Panthers could have easily won or tie this game with an interim coach who called two stupid pass plays on 2ed and one in their last drive.

    Baker now has thrown 8 turnovers in the last three games with consecutive picks.
    Toile Bowl survives for another week for now.

  27. Bobby M. Says:

    We beat the worst team in the NFL…..hooray!

  28. Rod Munch Says:

    Winfield gets more and more expensive to sign to a new deal every week. Another fantastic week from him – leads the team in tackles, plus a sack and an INT.

    Reminds me of Barber on those awful Bucs teams that had no QB, and Barber would go out and single handedly keep the Bucs in it, if not flat out win the game if it was the Eagles.

  29. bob in valrico Says:

    Mike Evans really took the team on his back and and carried them
    when it was looking like Bowles cautious decisions and Canales play calling were conspiring to lose this game.

  30. Craig Says:

    Bucs tried hard to give this game away, luckily the Panthers are so bad they couldn’t even catch a gift.

  31. Barbosa Says:

    Repus bowl champions

  32. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Evans deserves 20+ mil per. Not only is he the best offensive player in team history, he’s great in the community, and he makes terrible QBs better.

  33. 74 Bucs Fan Says:

    Happy for Mike, and looked like White did well. Otherwise, not good enough to beat a decent team.

  34. orlbucfan Says:

    Defense was hurt. So, guess who had to carry the team? The offense starting with Canales. I hope ME13 had a few words with Canales throughout this game. I had it on 2 media sources :radio and the boob tube. Now is the negative HS gonna not be around this week?

  35. Architek Says:

    When’s the draft again??

  36. HC Grover Says:

    Joe congrats on you pickin…..You had the sure thing.

  37. dmatt Says:

    I agree Baker sucks! He is inconsistent n continue to over throw, under throw or throw to the defender on the opposing team. He don’t present as being a team player. He comes off as arrogant, selfish, n nonchalant. A bad panthers team with a rookie qb n no receivers gave us a fit. Baker plays timid n scared. He has no velocity on his passes. At this point, Id rather see what Kyle Trask brings to the table.

  38. orlbucfan Says:

    Just did a scan, What a bunch of joke Bucs fans,

  39. ocala Says:

    We really suck. We just don’t suck to the level the Panthers suck.

  40. HC Grover Says:

    3 point spread….how do they do it?

  41. Rod Munch Says:

    I love that Bowles talked about how they needed to get the ball to Godwin, then he has zero catches.

    But when you have a middling QB who struggles to get you 200 yards a week, there’s not much to go around if Mike has a big week.

    Man, remember when the Bucs had QB’s getting 5000 yards a year and scored 30 points a game.

    Now if they get to 21 vs the worst team in football, people think that’s good and the QB needs a huge new deal. How quickly the Bucs have fallen.

  42. Davenport Says:

    Dropped from the 7th to the 10th pick — going to be very difficult to get a QB if this continues.

    Mayfield isn’t the answer for 2024.

  43. David Says:

    Toilet Bowl/Baker fans are saying because we lose with Trask therefore they should stick with the guy who we are losing respectfully with.
    Bench Trash Baker. Bucs would have easily got blown away against any other team but Panthers today. Start Trask before losing to Atlanta next week. This team sucks man.

    We had two trash busted no.1 overall picks today.Young is another trash.

  44. orlbucfan Says:

    The so-called fan/trolls on here SUCK! Guess you Joe make a bunch of coin off them, huh?

  45. NE Fam Says:

    Congrats Baker went toe to toe with the 28th ranked QB in the league and came out with the W. Now there’s something to cheer about!!!

  46. danang Says:

    Great game by Baker and Bryce competing for the worst quarterback in the NFL!

    It was close, but in the end Bryce beat out Baker:
    Bryce 52.9 RTG
    Baker 68.5 RTG

    But let’s give props to Baker, as during most of the game he was winning with a lower RTG than Bryce!

  47. TonySoprano Says:

    Gotta give credit to Russell at LB. The last man standing, and while he didn’t tear it up, held his own. No discernible difference compared to $20M man DWhite.

  48. 1#bucsfan Says:

    Well the baker that everyone Said will eventually show it has. Just way to inconsistent. That was a terrible int to a wide open ME13 and then he missed a wide open ME13 again bad throw to CG14 that was almost picked. Baker has bin playing bad for several games now. It’s time for a change

  49. Nosetackle Says:

    The short sh$t Bowl. Truly Evans was the only reason I kept it on. Congratulations Mike.

  50. David Says:

    Defense is playing good but the offense is limited with a midget qb. He can’t hit the explosive plays/deep balls. He missed so many of open receivers to keep the sorry Panthers team around. This wasn’t a win. It proved that that Bucs are the next worst team in NFL.

  51. Rod Munch Says:

    BTW, all the people ‘dunking’ on Young for being awful all game – you guys need to slow down. He has complete trash at WR, and nowhere to throw the ball most of the time. While I’m hoping he’s a huge bust that screws up the Panthers for years to come – I wouldn’t bet on it completely, not yet anyways. If anything, he reminds me a lot of Tua, who everyone said was awful, and sucked, when he also didn’t have any good WRs. But once they got him some top flight WR’s, and a coach who runs a modern passing offense, suddenly, he looks dramatically different.

    Meanwhile, Baker has top flight WRs, and can barely get to 200 yards.

    Play today’s game, but switch the QBs, and the Bucs win 34-6.

  52. Mark hardt Says:

    The rain hurt the passing game. People were complaining about the long ball. That long TD won the game. They can beat Atlanta next week.

  53. DBS Says:

    LMAO. After listening to Oralbucfan all last season . Now you want to come here and preach negativity? GTFOH.

  54. BucsFanSince1996 Says:

    Rod Munch Says:
    Give Mike whatever he wants. I still think you got three more ALL-PRO level years left him in, and then probably another year where he’s average. So if he wants 5-years, then give it to him and eat the last year of the deal if you have to.
    As long as Mike avoids serious injury I agree, he’s got several more great years left in him. I’m sure he picked Brady’s brain on how to take care of his body so he can keep playing at a high level.

  55. President Canales Says:

    Our mini QB and their mini QB almost had the same numbers!

  56. bucs107 Says:

    These people can’t enjoy the win
    They miserable
    Plays were made
    Evan’s is HOF
    Defense faced a tough sled with 3 LB out

  57. BUCS4LIFE Says:

    Unbelievable achievement of an unbelievable master of his craft. Congratulations Mike Evans ! We absolutely love you brother.

  58. Mike C Says:

    Fans really surprised me after the 2nd quarter down poor, thought a whole lot more would leave, stayed loud and proud Tampa!!!! LFG get thar division lead next week!!!! Eff the rest!

  59. Tony Marks Says:

    dmatt Says:
    December 3rd, 2023 at 7:31 pm
    . He don’t present as being a team player. He comes off as arrogant, selfish, n nonchalant. +


    Thats what i Love about traskies. They always end upmaking some perfectly dumb statement that makes you know they are just traskies

    Mayfield and nonchalant in the same sentence …..lololol

    “A bad panthers team with a rookie qb n no receivers gave us a fit. ”

    You heard it here first Qbs are responsible for defending against other QBs. Only in the NNFL (NIt National Football League)

    As joe said and I agree Baker had a meh game today and that int was one of the worse I have seen him ever throw. It might have slipped a bit coming out but the throw was just all bad as he was not balanced or set to throw.

  60. Bucsfantim Says:

    Glad we got the W.

    I’d wager Mayfield was one bad drive away from getting benched for Trask

  61. Mark hardt Says:

    If you are going to trash Baker for being 6’1 and that is why he sucks at least be consistent and trash Kyler Murray and Bryce Young who are both shorter than Baker at 5’10. If Baker sucks it is something else such as poor decision making.

  62. StickinUp4Centers Says:

    “Great game by Baker and Bryce competing for the worst quarterback in the NFL!”

    I guess you haven’t watched any Jets or Patriots games this year.

  63. Rod Munch Says:

    Mark hardt Says:
    If you are going to trash Baker for being 6’1


    5′ 6″ without the lifts.

  64. D-Rok Says:

    They won? Wowsers. As Irish so eloquently stated above: Huzzah! LOL

  65. Tony Marks Says:

    The numbers said long ago that Mike was going to hit the numbers SO nothing surprising. I’m rooting for him to hit at least 1250.

  66. danang Says:

    All you who doubted Baker Mayfield hopefully now understand why he was brought here – to beat the worst team in the NFL at home by 3!

  67. Oneilbuc Says:

    Baker Mayfield is trash lol 🤣🤣 no more excuses this is the reason why he’s on his 4th team in 6 years. All you Faker Mayfield fans can leave with him in about 2 months.

  68. Rod Munch Says:

    StickinUp4Centers Says:
    December 3rd, 2023 at 7:48 pm
    “Great game by Baker and Bryce competing for the worst quarterback in the NFL!”

    I guess you haven’t watched any Jets or Patriots games this year.


    This is a very fair statement.

    It’s too bad the NFL doesn’t have a later trade deadline, because they could have got a legit high pick out of the Jets in exchange for the Mayfield – I’d have held out for a 1st.

    Then on top of that, all the Baker Bois would have left town with him.

    With as mid as Baker is, he’d still be a huge upgrade in NY, without question.

  69. Rod Munch Says:

    Tony Marks Says:
    December 3rd, 2023 at 7:51 pm
    The numbers said long ago that Mike was going to hit the numbers SO nothing surprising. I’m rooting for him to hit at least 1250.


    I’m hoping 1500 yards – he’s got 5 games left, and he’s never actually played in 17 games in a year, so it would be uncharted terrority.

  70. Alvin Scissors Harper Says:

    Yep, they beat the Panthers, barely, at home. They will lose to the Panthers in Charlotte. If somehow, they win one more, it’s a 6-11 season in by far the worst division in football. Congratulations! We suck again!

  71. HC Grover Says:

    He was …scrappy…ROFL

  72. Chad Says:

    Everyone bagging on baker give it a rest already trask is not playing this, and everyone can agree that the Texans are better than the Bucs but this Carolina team beat the Texans. On top of that rain ruined the passing game in the first half, baker didn’t look the best it will be fine a win is a win, whining and crying over mayfield and wanting trask is just pointless and pathetic at this point. Cheer the Bucs or quit watching that simple.

  73. Bakerfan Says:

    Bucs fans stop hating, the experts said you would be last in your division. Trask was better then he would be playing. Baker is not having great games, but he is not the only player on the field. Stop gripping, with the comments I’m reading, glad you guys aren’t in charge of the team. You are not GMs or Coach’s, so glad for that.

  74. UKBuccaneer Says:

    A win is a win. Play the game to win – tanking is a curse, which affects the whole organisation, stops guys coming in as free agents, and turns fans away.

    Tanking hurts you more, in the long run. Especially since your prized QB that you tank for is more likely to bust than succeed.

  75. maccafan Says:

    This is not college football everyone where you get style points for beating quality opponent and running up the score. A win is a win even if it is freaking ugly. A win over the Falcons next week and Bucs are on top of a lousy division. Is anybody really scared of the Falcons especially their offense. In other words, it is a winnable game. Game was played today in heavy rain at times and Mayfield did not play well but they still won, Evans is a “beast”.

    Baker Mayfield is not trash. He is mediocre QB who the Buccaneers are paying under 10 million this year and that is with incentives. Trash is Daniel Jones, Zach Wilson, Mac Jones, Justin Fields to name a few. Play Trask if you get eliminated from the post season, not now.

    I live in Charlotte NC and I will tell you the stadium will be empty (1/7) and if Buccaneers want good seats travel to Charlotte for the game. If the game means anything at that time, Buccaneers will win.

  76. IrishTony Says:

    The entire division sucks. Atlanta is inept, the Aints have no defense and Carr is repeatedly injured. So are you supposed fans suggesting we shouldn’t try to win the division? What the f**#! There’s no reason this team can’t beat the dirty birds next week.

  77. DJB Says:

    Kinda strange that almost always you see Mayfield on the very end of the bench with whoever that coach is that he may or may not converse with.

  78. Daniel Dream Says:

    Holy crap, no wonder FAs don’t want to sign up with the Bucs! What is up with all these crybaby ‘fans’? You don’t show up at the games and you complain when your team wins… possibly the team would have a better record at home if anyone actually SHOWED UP AT THE STADIUM AND CHEERED ON THE TEAM?!? Pretty disgusted by all these pathetic comments by people who obviously have no issues making fools of themselves. I came here to read about a developing team who finds themselves in the thick of the playoff race, and this is what I get. Look in the mirror and check yourself, people: this is disgraceful.

  79. orlbucfan Says:

    DBS Says:
    December 3rd, 2023 at 7:43 pm
    LMAO. After listening to Oralbucfan all last season . Now you want to come here and preach negativity? GTFOH.
    Yeah, you fake fan/troll. Go jump into the polluted lake and drown.

  80. Falconrap Says:

    This should have been a blow out win with how often we had guys open. Baker was Baker and continues to suck. Luckily we made some big plays, mostly by Evans, but also a few big plays by White and the running TD for Godwin. The defense made this closer than it should be, but, considering the LB situation, they did enough to keep the Panthers from winning.

    Now do us all a favor and put Baker on the bench where he belongs.

  81. NE Fam Says:

    Oneilsuckyall weren’t you saying the same about Brady? I guess after watching this season so far it was a miracle Bucs won 8 last season, sorry would have been 9 if Bowles didn’t want to rest his D for their arse whipping against Dallas.

  82. orlbucfan Says:

    These fakers/trolls obviously make Joe Money, Otherwise they would not be around.

  83. Daniel Dream Says:

    Ok, the last 4 comments above me seem to have sense. I agree with Chad, Bakerfan, UKBuccaneer and maccafan about this. There are no easy games and there are no easy teams in the NFL. About 90% of games in the NFL are decided by 1 score and there is a reason for that. How many 1 score games have we blown this season, frankly? Let’s be happy we got this one abd hope this starts a run of winning the one score games. He’ll, if we win every one score game from now until February, we could win another Superbowl- that’s the NFL.

    Teams like the Giants, the Pats, the Panthers, the Browns, for example- those are teams that have issues at QB: a ton of the team’s resources invested in a player not getting it done. Tampa Bay is not in that situation. At worst Baker is a mediocre QB whose contract is a bargain at the position and after the season the Team can decide what to do from there. He hasn’t been playing his best lately and I think injuries might play a part in that, but if he gets back to playing his best and the defense cam do the same, this team can do something. The season is not over! It’s go time!!! Next week we play for FIRST PLACE in the division! If you can’t pull for your teak now, they ain’t really your team. Me, I’m going to be pulling for the Bucs all the way and I think the D will be good, Baker will find Evans early and often White will continue to show spark out of the backfield and we’ll be heading towards the playoffs! Go Bucs!

  84. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Daniel Dream 3 words for you. SHUT ER UP! Who’s the one crying now? Coming up here for your 1st post crying about fans. It’s called freedom of speech. You ever hear of that or only the 2nd Amendment??? We say what we want because this is a Bucs fan site and we ain’t sheeple like you are. We call it like we see it and we’re happy they won but there is no improvement on this team open your eyes more. You are the TEAM POSITIVE that no one likes. Go to poohter report if you want sheeple fans and TEAM POSITIVE!

  85. Let ‘em bake Says:

    No way evans has 1000 yards already. That would mean somebody had to throw to him . It must’ve been Trask. When did become in ? Did Trask throw that dart that mike took to the house? When did he change his number to 6? You mouth-breathers think mike got those on his own. How about the bomb he caught in the first quarter that was nearly a td? Trask should be fined for playing with bakers jersey, because everyone knows baker doesn’t have that throw in him. A gamer finds a way to win, even on his worst ( statistically) game of the year. 3 years , 120 million. 60 signing bonus.

  86. Falconrap Says:

    Let ’em bake in the other team’s hands, you do realize that if Baker could actually play worth a crap, Evans would have hit 100 yards 3 games ago. Further, some guy named Chris Godwin would actually have more receptions, and the Bucs would be able to score more than 7 points in the first halves of games, maybe even scoring a TD on the first drive (still hasn’t). We had what seems like a dozen 3 and outs with Bak’em Mayfield chucking it. Pretty pathetic if you ask me.

  87. Falconrap Says:

    1000 yards not 100. Whoops.

  88. Conner50 Says:

    This offense needs a change desperately, put Trask in and see what he can do with Evans an Godwin. Baker clearly don’t know Godwin is on the roster, I know Canales is not great at play calling but gotta find Godwin. Trask needs to start already

  89. ScottyMack Says:

    Bucs have scored 233 points through 12 games this season. Last year, they had 217 points through 12 games. Clearly, the problem is 100% the QBs fault [insert eye roll here].

  90. Conner50 Says:

    Our offense with Brady last year was horrible, matter of fact every game was stressful to watch like this year has been. Only game last year our offense put it together was against Carolina. Comparing this year and last year ain’t much to be happy about, and yes the qb is not playing all that well if you’ve watched the game. His oline is not that great and play calling is suspect, but you gotta find your weapons.

  91. Bucs'n'Bucks Says:

    Thanks for the win!! Thanks for the great day Mike!!

    My only problem is that I counted 7 possessions of 4 or fewer plays. That’s just not cutting it anymore. 12 games and they still haven’t figured out the “system?” I don’t know if it’s Canales or if Bowels is forcing these conservative play calls. Barely winning gives the opponents too many chances.

    One win doesn’t mean your plan is working. Open things up!!

  92. Falconrap Says:

    Brady was down 12 pounds and fully distracted by the drama his ex put him through. Further, Leftwhich couldn’t call a good game to save his butt. Canales, has, generally, been calling a better offensive game plan than Byron did, but Mayfield is leaving a ton more points on the field and we are struggling to win games because of it.

  93. gp Says:

    We beat the worst team in the league and didn’t even manage to cover the spread… sounds like Vegas is hurting tonight.

  94. Debbie Says:

    Congrats to you Mike Evans! Congrats to our team for a really wet win. Always a safety risk playing in the rain. We have a chance to be #1 in the NFC South next week. It takes a team. Go Bucs! All of you complainers try to remember that we are paying for our Lombardy this year.

  95. adam from ny Says:

    realistically if evans had 162 yards receiving, there’s no reason baker shouldn’t have been teetering with the 300 yard benchmark passing number for a game…

    there is something seriously wrong with the offense right there…

    also it looked like rb1 possibly could have ran his big run in for a touchdown at the end there, but chose to safely stay in bounds, sit, and then run out the clock…

    so maybe the bucs could have finned out with a 28-18 win….maybe???
    (i’d have to watch it again to be sure)

    i say it because my game prediction was 30-20 bucs, and i wanna be feeling good about my pregame prediction……lol

    all in all not the most impressive win at all…but you also have to factor in the heavy rain in the first half…and things did pick up a bit as it began to dry out later in the game

  96. adam from ny Says:

    reading thru the thread………i say:

    no baker is not trash…

    he’s a midlevel qb doing midlevel things…

    a great choice for this “let’s figure things out” type season…with personnel and cap…perfect guy to bring in …

    i think he’s like a minshew sorta, and they even look like they can be brothers…related…lol

    baker would be like the best back up qb in the league moving forward, or a mediocre starter for the entirety of a season…

    a very healthy, eager, sitting on the bench baker could be very dangerous coming in for any team as a back up…

    yet a midseason beaten down, and banged up baker, is a mediocre qb in the bunch

  97. Falconrap Says:

    If he was at least midlevel we would have had 2 more scores, because they were there for the taking.

  98. Zakk K. Says:

    Ok, I’ve read some pretty dumb things on here. Let’s take a moment to soak this up. All you folks who are bashing the Bucs for only beating the Panthers by 3, think about this. I would imagine if next week’s game is won by the Bucs by 3 points, we would all be ecstatic? A win is a win, period. As far as beating up on Baker, I think us fans are feeling the TB12 hangover because no one, not Baker or Trask is going to fill his shoes! I knew when TB12 was gone we were back to sub par. I am happy I am a Bucs fan win or lose. I am an over the road truck driver and I proudly wear my Buccaneers garb and have a big Bucs decal on my semi and also proudly represent all over the U.S.. Let’s hope for a win next week and first place. Win or lose, they are my team hands down…..hopefully win!!!

  99. Falconrap Says:

    Zakk, you must not be a long time Bucs’ fan. I’m older than the team and grew up here, so I’ve been through every QB they’ve had. This isn’t about a TB12 hangover. No…it’s about recognizing a bad QB when you see one. We’ve had a slew of mediocre to almost average QB’s over the years and one thing is quite clear, that doesn’t generally get you to the Super Bowl unless the QB gets on a great roll, or you have an all time elite defense. Most of us have seen this movie and want a new one. Baker’s inability to consistently hit or throw to the open guys kept the 1-11 Panthers in the game.