Baker Mayfield Tells Mike Florio He Wants To Stay With The Bucs In 2024

December 11th, 2023

Joe had a private chat with Baker Mayfield at his locker after the game yesterday.

Joe floated a nickname past Mayfield to get his opinion. It’s one that’s been in Joe’s head for a while and Joe wanted Mayfield’s take.

The Bucs’ starting quarterback paused, thought about it and said he was “iffy” on the nickname. Mayfield then asked whether that was a new idea or something Joe’s been sitting on for weeks. Joe confessed to pondering the nickname for a long time and wanting to see whether Mayfield was going to stick as the Bucs’ starter before rolling it out.

(No, Joe’s not revealing the nickname here tonight.)

And that brings Joe to NBC Sports and insider Mike Florio. He had a chat last night with Mayfield and Florio and shared on air that Mayfield said he “loves it there” in Tampa and wants to return to the Bucs next season.

So what should the Bucs do?

Tom Brady threw 25 touchdown passes last season in a pass-happy Bucs offense while knowing the playbook and the pass catchers inside and out. Mayfield is on pace to throw as many TDs this year while stepping into a completely new environment.

What does that say? And Mayfield, like Brady was last year, is the best quarterback in the NFC South. Mayfield is 6-7 as a starter, the same record Brady had at this time last season.

Of course, the Bucs first must establish who their 2024 head coach will be before making a decision on Mayfield. If Mayfield finishes this season strong, Joe suspects he’ll have a job offer or two next season outside Tampa.

Joe wonders what the Falcons’ record would be with Mayfield, 8-5?

144 Responses to “Baker Mayfield Tells Mike Florio He Wants To Stay With The Bucs In 2024”

  1. Sc bucs fan Says:

    Of course. He wants a job.

  2. HC Grover Says:

    OK beat The Pack and Jags.

  3. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Good to see Joe’s been planning for a Mayfield return for a while now. Explains the softball articles about him.

    At least the other Bucs outlets are calling Mayfield on his terrible play. Not here.

  4. Jmarkbuc Says:

    If he’d like to be a backup. A low cost backup.

  5. Lakeland Steve Says:

    Of course he wants to stay in Tampa. It’s a beautiful place to live and raise a family. Of course the Mayfields have an addition on the way. Hopefully things work out for him and the Bucs and he gets his wish.

  6. K_bassuka Says:

    If you want the Bucs to struggle to beat mediocre teams, then you bring him back.

  7. DS Says:

    Win then

  8. Buccos Says:

    It seems to me that the Bucs have dropped a lot of passes this year. Another year in the system and working with these receivers would help also

  9. Bee Says:

    What is he supposed to say, I want to be unemployed?

  10. snookman Says:

    Baker Mayfield was a smart decision by the bucs. He is what he is. He is a capable qb with the ability to play the position.

    if you build a good team around Baker he will be good and help. If you expect him to win you games and to Patrick Mahommes/Tom Brady/Drew Brees/Lamar Jackson/Peyton Manning type heroics………….no.

    The Bucs needed value at the QB position for 2023 due to cap sitouation.

    Derek Carr is being paid 37.5 million per year. Baker is being paid 8 million per year.

    The bucs need to fill the other holes on this roster. our pass defense is atrocious. Our run game is terrible. we need to fix those holes before going all in on a qb.

    This team has talent and should fininsh with 7-8 wins. That is above expectations.

  11. Mike S Says:

    48% and 144 yards.

    What a joke.

  12. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    Mayfield with a 20/8 td/int ratio will get 30+ per year from somebody next year. Falcons, Vegas, giants, Indy, to name a few potentials. The Bucs would be wise to fire up those contract talks early imo.

  13. Dave Pear Says:

    There should be a nickname contest for Todd Bowles.

    Meanwhile, I like Baker, he’s good enough to have the Bucs at 8-5 or 9-4.

    Todd’s inability to teach his players what their assignments are on a weekly bases while hamstringing Canales and the offense with his “philosophy” is crippling. The zone bust defense makes a one armed cripple look like Joe Montana. Bucs might win one more game this year.

    Todd could lose with the 1995 Bears or the 2002 Bucs.

  14. Marine Buc Says:

    If Todd Bowles is the head coach in 2024 – Baker Mayfield will probably still be the starting QB and the Bucs will be running the same offense as today.

    Only question is how much will the Bucs need to pay him?

    I don’t see a huge demand for Baker this off-season. There are only 5-6 teams looking for a new QB and at least 4-5 of them will come via the draft in the spring…

    Plus – there will be several decent QBs looking for a job –

    – K. Cousins
    – Dobbs
    – Tannehill
    – Brissett
    – Mariotta
    – D. Lock
    – G. Minshew
    – Winston

    Will Baker be OK playing on another one year deal? Maybe worth @ $15M? Todd Bowles will still be on the hot seat next season. I really don’t think the Bucs would be wise giving Mayfield a longer term deal…

  15. Architek Says:


  16. David Says:

    Joe are you kidding comparing him to Tom Brady. Baker is trash a back up qb at best. Baker had less than of 50% completions for the second game with 144 passing yards. He already lost once and nearly lost again to another trash qb, Desmond Ridder. Bucs got so many breaks yesterday by Falcons missing two FG’s and Ridder throwing a pick deep in their side of the field.

    Tampa will not win the division at 6-7 with two games against Green Bay and Jags. Send this bag of turd packing his way as soon as possible with his daddy, Toilet Bowl.

  17. ModHairKen Says:

    People need to look at this franchise’s history with QBs. Don’t act like they’ve had a lot of great ones. They haven’t.

    Look around. How many elite QBs are there? How many bad QBs?

    So all of you who are so smug on this, tell me who is available next year with a better track record?

  18. ModHairKen Says:

    Not better:

    – K. Cousins
    – Dobbs
    – Tannehill
    – Brissett
    – Mariotta
    – D. Lock
    – G. Minshew
    – Winston

  19. optimisticbucsfan Says:


    If Jason Licht resigns Baker he will solidify himself as a loser GM

  20. Marine Buc Says:

    SportTrac was Baker Mayfield currently ranked as the #20 QB in the NFL.

    The suggested annual salary for Baker is $16.7M per season based on comparative data…

    So maybe sign him to a two year deal worth $33M with @ $16M guaranteed.

    He may not like that deal but go ahead and let him test the FA market if he wants more.

  21. shak Says:


  22. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Mayfield has certainly made his case to be resigned regardless of what the Traskies say….the Traskies think that someone whos done nothing but wear street clothes and hold clipboards for 3 years is a better option.

    The Bucs still need to draft a QB but should absolutely resign Mayfield as a bridge QB for the next guy. That leaves Trask out of the equation whos closer to getting traded for a 6th round pick than he is to being Bucs starting quarterback.

  23. August 1976 Buc Says:

    We see what Baker is. a gritty QB, that is just not that accurate. Hence the up and down results. Time and again he just misses the recievers. This team will middle of the road with Baker for as long as he is leading this offense. Some of you here remember Joe Kapp, the Vikings scrappy QB back when they went to Super Bowl 4. Ol fighting Joe Kapp, played with passion, but not the most accurate passer, lol this is the QB that comes to mind when thinking about Baker. I like Baker, good teamate, gritty, but his accuracy issues will always be there, and so will the 50-50 results.

    GO BUCS!!!!!!

  24. Marine Buc Says:

    @ Mod

    You’re probably correct.

    Except Gardner Minshew did beat the Bucs a few weeks ago and looked pretty decent doing it…

    But I would rather have Baker over Minshew anyways.

  25. cmurda Says:

    It wouldn’t be the worst move to keep Baker as you most definitely draft a QB. Obviously, there is no confidence in Trask. Pencil him out. I trust the plethora of coaches that did not see Trask as a starter. Baker either holds it down for a year while the new Qb soaks it in. If the plan is for the new QB to start right away, Baker shouldn’t come back or he would do so on a deal more suited for a backup.

  26. Marine Buc Says:

    @ Mod

    I think Cousins might be better than BM but I’m not sure about his AH injury.

  27. David Says:

    Toilet Bowl and Baker escaped and somehow survived for another week. Why ? Toilet Bowl knowas his days are numbered at Tampa. Why? Just watch the replay of Toilet Bowl after Desmond Ridder late go ahead TD. He almost fell to the ground.

  28. cmurda Says:


    Yup. We just basically said the same thing at almost the same time.

  29. Fansince76 Says:

    Buc’s should definitely sign Baker for a few years, the guy is the best QB in the NFC South. I love the dude’s competitiveness.

  30. StickinUp4Centers Says:

    @ Lawn chair:

    Giants already have top dollar to D. Jones, no way they are giving 30 mil to Baker. Indy has A. Richardson, again, no way they give Baker 30 large.

  31. Fansince76 Says:

    Having Baker as the starter and Trask as a capable backup next year makes our QB position in good shape. Then add a QB in the draft if one falls to where they are picking.

  32. WyomingJoe Says:

    Many of the Bucs “fans” on this site are slugs. Yeah, I was being kind with that description. Give Baker a better O-line (center & guard) and the Bucs would be 9-4. I’m amazed how much time Purdy has to throw! I’d also draft a burner at RB to spell White and a play-making TE. Otten has potential, but I’d like someone with more speed and pass-catching ability to complement him. But, of course, the slugs on this site will be more than happy to mortgage the future in order to have a slim chance of getting another GOAT.

    Keep winning Baker.

  33. Popcorn Mike Says:

    HC Grover I agree beat the Packers and Jags. Baker need to get better with his passing. On that hell of a catch to Evans he just lead Evans too far In that last drive he missed at least 2 open receivers or under threw them. All game long the same thing was happening I know others maybe sold on Baker, I am just not at this time. Not saying he’s not the QB of the future but, I just haven’t seen that yet

  34. BucsFan81 Says:

    No he can walk along with Bowles. This is the problem with this fan base they are ok with average to below average results. Baker is not winning anyone a Super Bowl. To compare him to Brady lol. Brady was in the last year of his career at age like 45 while going through a divorce.

  35. David Says:

    Baker fans go away and stop the crap talk of Baker early signing. He is done as the starter in NFL. Why ? Toilet Bowl is done as HC.

    Just imagine when Viking went NFC championship with Case Keenum and still dump him for Cousins. Do you really thunk Bucs will resign Baker even if they win the garbage NFC followed by getting trashed in first round of playoffs.

  36. Marine Buc Says:

    Teams who will be looking for a new QB in 2024:

    – New England
    – Pittsburgh
    – Las Vegas
    – Washington (maybe)
    – Minnesota
    – Atlanta
    – LA Rams (maybe)

  37. David Says:

    It is so weird all of sudden Baker is able to target Chris G. and he is so open after his wife publicly complained. That is why I call Toilet Bowl/Baker as the cancer of NFL.

  38. Hodad Says:

    Reminds me of a line in an Officer and a Gentleman where Richard Gere crys ” I got no where else to go!”

  39. godlovesbucs Says:

    To be anti baker Mayfield does not mean to be pro Kyle Trask. Maybe, just maybe we try to find someone not on the roster…

  40. sasquatch Says:

    I don’t see any problem signing him, so long as there’s no expectation that they won’t draft a QB. We need to draft one. Mayfield can play until the rookie beats him out.

  41. WyomingJoe Says:

    August 1976: Check out tape on Baker during his rookie season in 2018 and his playoff season in 2021. He was very accurate then both on intermediate passes and on the long ball. But I think he needs a couple of upgrades in the O-line now. In 2021, he had two major injuries (labrum tear and fracture) to his non- throwing shoulder. Unfortunately, he chose to play through the pain.

  42. Buccos Says:

    Baker is a decent QB. He is definitely a starter in the NFL. I would resign Baker for 3 years and $60 million

  43. optimisticbucsfan Says:

    No one cares about tape from 2018


    Our fanbase is just used to losing. Awful.

    No trask or Baked Midgets

  44. ATLBuc Says:

    How many identities does Wyoming Joe have??

  45. Marine Buc Says:

    @ Buccos

    “I would resign Baker for 3 years and $60 million”

    How much guaranteed money?

    That is all that really matters…

  46. Pewter power Says:

    What else was he supposed to say I wanna go to a team who has the cap space to break the bank! Of course he wants to stay with the team that gave him a starting job. Anywhere rose he’ll have to compete again or be a backup

  47. Bucsmarley Says:

    Baker has never been the same since his injuries. He’s a journeyman qb aka Ryan Fitzpatrick whom ide actually still rather have. If he’s willing to be a backup (not sure his ego would Allow it though) I have no issues with a resign as backup. Curious what our new coach will want

  48. NYbucsfan Says:

    I’m sure he does cuz currently, we have the only head coach dumb enough to resign a guy who completes 50% of his passes for 144 yards.

  49. Erik Hesson - Fine Artist and Founder of Says:

    You blind Mayfield haters can’t see that Baker is one of the main reasons we won yesterday, and he executed like Brady in the clutch moments yesterday.

    Sign Mayfield, trade for Justin Fields and let’s go with Trask for our 3rd QB and let Mayfield and Fields compete for the starting job next training camp. (Because Trask already got beat out by Mayfield, If Mayfield stays, Trask is below him on the depth chart)

  50. dmatt Says:

    No, No, n multiple Nos. He’s reached his ceiling point. He cost us games that were winnable. He does the cha cha in the pocket outta fear like a rookie then tries to scramble when it’s too late. He cause his own sacks. We need someone who’s accurate with the ball. He’s just too inconsistent. He’s lost his touch. Baker is toast.

  51. Couch Fan Says:

    I agree that it all comes down to ReTodd. If he’s back next season, Mr 3 and out Baker will be back also.

  52. All_da_way Says:

    More likely another team overpays Mayfield and the Bucs obtain a nice comp pick in 2025.

    For players like White and Mayfield to receive contract offers from the Bucs they need to play lights out from here on out.

    Bucs would be wise to let players that want to be overpaid to walk and collect comb picks in 2025.

  53. Faspro Says:

    Baker’s mediocre, at best…

  54. Ricki Says:

    The thing is not if we want him to stay, the issue is what are our options at the time.

  55. JD Still Says:

    Let us reason together, If Baker returns , in all probability , it will be as a career,( 7 year), sub-500 win quarterback, who will want starters pay for the next three years, which will be a big hit on on our cap, and is he really worth that kind of investment? What will it mean for the guys We have , our core proven players who will want raises themselves? And what about drafting for the future ? We have more that a few getting older that we need to bring guys in to work into the rotation, and lastly there is Kyle Trask , who has been waiting patiently even when he outplayed Mayfield and should have started, if he isn’t started soon , he will be in the last year of his rookie contract and I have never seen a player that has ever been so mismanaged by a coaching staff, I would be willing to bet , if you do that to him again , he will walk , no matter what you offer him and probably when you will need him the most , this is beginning to look like an old Sam Peckinpaw movie, a bloody disaster , filmed in slow motion, that you know what’s coming but You can’t take your eyes away and there’s nothing you can do to stop it.

  56. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Baker’s numbers are virtually the same as his best season in Cleveland. They flashed the graphic during the Atlanta game. With how frustrating the offense is it is not exciting as a fan. I just can’t see Baker turning Tampa into a perennial contender or winner.

    That said I’d rather the Bucs have another QB in 24. If Trask never gets his shot and the Bucs draft a QB I’d be thrilled with Penix Jr at the helm. He’s the most nfl ready passer of the football and the best at reading/processing defenses. He’ll probably drop a little because he’s not a dynamic athlete and his injury history too.

    Now if they HAVE to bring Baker back and draft a QB Jayden Daniels learning on the bench for a year to improve mechanics is the second best option.

  57. stpetebucfan Says:

    I’m open minded. I agree with Bucfan1988 that IF the Bucs could somehow afford Cousins I’d take him over Mayfield. NONE of the others though and so at the end of the day it still comes down to Cap woes. Which one can they afford.


    This is how the football bounces. Again the Bucs had no luck and some of it was their fault some was not. Baker threw a fantastic pass to ME13 in the end zone that was literally inches from being incomplete. Think the next time ME will resist breaking his fall? It was NOT his fault though it was almost an incredible catch on a very good throw!

    Here is where the Bucs MIGHT have controlled some of that luck which involved Field position to start the second half nursing a two point lead.

    After holding the Falcons the Bucs ended up with the ball on the 7 yard line!
    Again the Falcons pay their players and Pinion is a decent punter. Neither Todd nor most NFL coaches in that position are going to free Baker, Trask or most NFL QB’s to do anything risky. 3 and out. Punt from 10 and Dee Alford returns it 18 yards! Bucs kickers played well but ST was mediocre at best.

    Next possession starting at the Bucs 10!!! Almost disaster when Hainsey made his first horrid shotgun snap of the season, Baker saves disaster by at least leaping high enough to keep it out of the Bucs end zone and the Bucs got their best break of the game, it’s recovered by White. Still another punt

    Despite starting trapped in their own ten yard line the Bucs still survive.

    The Bucs actually had 3 1/2 more minutes TOP thanks to that grinding run game that emerged in the 3Q and a lead that forced Ridder to pass more than the Falcons, a strong running team wanted to do.

    Bottom line is one can argue till the Cows come home about how Bowles and Canales managed that game but when the final whistle blew…BUCS WIN.


  58. Dom>Licht Says:

    Joe freaking Flacco rolls out of bed after being out of the league and throws for 350 and 3tds. OC is garbage and Baker misses to many wide open throws.

  59. Craig Says:

    He wants to come back because he has the best chance at bigger bucks here.

    It has nothing to do with the team, it is about making his wife happy and comfortable.

    How much does he want and how much will it take to get Jake Browning out of Cincinnati?

    If Browning costs a little more, find it.

  60. stpetebucfan Says:

    BTW can the Traskers who are still calling for him to start after yesterday’s win point me to some NFL examples where a healthy NFL QB got benched after a two game win streak which btw moved the Bucs into First place?

    That’s the ticket. They play the game to win. What a stroke of genius to bench the QB who won two in a row to gain FIRST FREAKING PLACE!!!

    Cmon guys you can do better!

  61. Eckwood Says:

    Bring back the lawn chairs ,, please share what you had for happy hour ,, lol,,,,,,, He’s not getting 30 mil ……. Maybe if he has 3 , 100 qtr games in a row and that’s hard when you keep getting passes batted down . Bakers basically a good karaoke singer .

  62. Buc4evr Says:

    Hard to say about whether or not to keep Baker. Play calling is so bad that the OC does nothing to change pass routes when other teams are in tight coverages. Just seems like Canales just has scripted plays and doesn’t deviate much. Constantly getting in third and long due to run plays that get one or two yards a carry. I think Baker could do better in an offense that didn’t have such a bad OC.

  63. Let ‘em bake Says:

    Let’s not forget Justin fields…. Bears are not going to pass on Caleb Williams.

  64. Couch Fan Says:

    Winning 2 games against bad teams after losing 6 of 8 means you cant change the QB? Context. Context. he had less than a 100 yards at halftime. He rountinely has less than a 100 yards at halftime. Stop acting like this guy is on fire. He’s terrible. Our offensive play calls are terrible but when the the passes need to be made that are further than 5 yards… He is terrible. How can you defend such a bad QB? Because he plays with heart? Big deal. I rather win. We are only winning the division because WE ARE ALL TERRIBLE. Its ok to be a homer. But at least make some sense.

  65. D Cone Says:

    Lot of teams in playoff position or within striking distance playing Rookies, Guys still on their Rookie Deals, Back Ups, and even a Senior Citizen that gets Ensure and not Gatorade on the sidelines.

    QB is only worth 16 million if someone is willing to pay it in the market.

    People drive from the suburbs where the brats are selling the Cush for 50 bucks and go to the Hood to get it from the kid on the corner selling for 5.

  66. BelleGladeBuc Says:

    Tristan Wirfs as a two time All Pro and now playing the $$$ position of OLINE at LT will be asking for a contract greater than Tunsil’s $25 million as that is what agents do.

    Winfield as a Pro Bowl safety be asking for a contract greater than James’ $19 million as that is what agents do.

    ME13 as a future HOF WR will be looking to secure his final big contract of his career for his family.

    Godwin as a Pro Bowl receiver going into his final season on contract that will count $27 million against the cap next year and he will want to be paid.

    Baker after playing on a franchise friendly contract and if he leads us to the playoffs he will want to be paid $25-30 million a year at least.

    After next year Hainsey, LVD, Feller, White, Leveritt, Gill, Stinnie, Gaines, Gholston are free agents.

    The Bucs are projected to have $46 million cap space next season.

    Tough decisions ahead.

  67. Greg Says:

    First of all, let’s not get carried away comparing Brady and Mayfield. That’s like comparing the gas mileage on a brand new 911 and an 2004 Miata. You can…but it’s ridiculous.

    They should keep him and either draft a QB or pick one up in free agency. Regardless, I am still hopeful the offense will NOT be the same next year along with Bowles.

  68. Pelsbuc61 Says:

    Bucs will lose 3 of the next 4 and make the decision to clean house very easy for the Glazers. They’ve probably already made up their minds on replacing Bowles.

  69. Tb bolts Says:

    Lol this explains the D riding going on since the beginning of the season. Joe is in love with midfield. Hey theres a nickname for you Joe. Midfield, middy mediocre mayfield. Comparing this dude who cant get more than 50 yards in a half to to Tom Brady is a stellar take. Keepem coming. Like like you do every day for this trash QB

  70. Conner50 Says:

    Don’t matter if he wants to come back or not, what matters if Bowles and canales come back. Hope they don’t but if they do why not bring mayfield back he’s not great just like there coaching methods. If Bowles gets fired (which he should even if they make playoffs) they should draft a qb for the next head coach and oc. Wouldn’t hurt to see Trask play but that won’t happen under Bowles anyhow.

  71. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    Baker mayfield is a heck of a lot closer to drew brees than many realize. Give him Time to progress with Canales and look out sally.

  72. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Mayfield is playing better than Brady was last season and its not even close….dont forget how bad the offense was in 2022, it was a punt fest every game that struggled to get to 10 points.

  73. Bucsmarley Says:

    For those comparing baker to Brady numbers we all know the answer. The main culprit is our coach and oc. Under Arians Brady threw 40 tds. Along came Todd and it’s 25 lol. Still disagree with mayfield being anything more than a great backup. Goodness guys look at his track record and seriously you want to settle for mediocrity. I would rather have 20 other qbs that are playing now

  74. Larrd Says:

    Baker is on the verge of leading a team that many thought would win only four games to the playoffs and as many as 10 wins. Or, he could lose all four and never start in the NFL again. It is hard to say what he might be worth, but we will see what he is made of down the stretch!

  75. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Half of Bradys stats last year came in meaningless garbage time

  76. Mr.Objective Says:

    Kirk Cousins “MAY” be better than Mayfield? Then, did another dolt say Mayfield is on his way to being a Drew Brees????? Wtf is wrong with you people. He got severely outplayed by Desmond Ridder after getting outplayed by him the first time. So the plan is to not sign one of our better free agents, bypass a more talented rookie and hope the division sucks for a 3rd straight year. And maybe our overmatched, limited QB can lead us to a division title .Sounds like a great plan to me! Oh, we will be drafting a QB in 2025.

  77. DAB Says:

    Baker will be back.
    This is his first year with a new head coach, new receivers, new offensive line, new facilities etc. He is also working with a new OC who is also beginning his first stint calling plays. If anybody on this blog knows anything about sports in general, you know that team chemistry is the hardest thing to obtain in the NFL, NBA, MLB etc. It does appear that the running game is showing some positive signs the last two games. I do believe the passing game will also show some good signs in the next several weeks.

    In the beginning of this season all of these players (OL, RB, WR, QB and a new OC) were thrown into a blender and expected to develop into a mediocre team and that is exactly what they are. Actually they are now a possible conference winning team. It usually takes a year for the players to feel each other out and know what their tendencies are and that is exactly what is happening here. They will get better as the year moves on. Baker, Mike and Chris will begin to click. By the end of this year they will be a descent ball team.

    Remember what Dave Canales said in the beginning of this year. We have to have patience in the new offense. The wheels are turning but there is no such thing as instant gratification in the NFL.

  78. Beeej Says:

    If there’s 1 minute 23 seconds left, 1 timeout, we’re down 4 points….Baker is one of the FEW QB’s I’d trust to bring us home

  79. Since76 Says:

    This team is under .500. most wins including Sunday was because of defense. 9 points because of the D sunday. Mayfield will leave us an under performing team again next year. You people talking proudly about being in first place proudly are funny. This team is under .500. your all swimming in coolaid. It’s great we are in playoff contention . But that first playoff game will be embarrassing unless the defense comes to play.

  80. Buddha Says:

    None of the free agents available are better than Baker who still has a promising upside. What he did in Carolina and LA has no relevance. The fact he won 11 games AND a playoff game in Cleveland IS relevant. Other than Maholmes, no other QB THIS would have won more games than has Baker. He had us to ahead of Houston and ahead of Atlanta with less than one minute to go only to have the defense blow it. The Buccaneers should be 8-5 not 6-7. And this with a rookie OC who is learning on the job. Yes, Baker has accuracy issues but he makes few bonehead plays. Have you forgotten Jamie’s? Atlanta’s QB threw with accuracy and well over 300 yards, but he made two mistakes, bonehead plays that cost his team 9 points.

  81. stpetebucfan Says:

    Mayfield certainly had his share of bad throws. The Bucs started inside their own ten their first two possessions of the 2nd half nursing a 2 point lead. Two series almost guaranteed 3 and out.

    Baker made a great throw to CG14 in the come from behind drive..and then a beauty to Cade Otton. He made another excellent throw to ME13 that was almost a TD…literally a split second before the 2nd toe touched down. Great throw from Baker and great effort by ME13

    Baker has 10 4th Q come from behind wins…should be 11 if the Bucs D didn’t choke in Houston. Everybody here loves to talk about the D bailing out Baker but ignore when they didn’t. If the D had played even decently in two of the Bucs losses Baker would be 8-5 and virtually in the playoffs already.

    I do not read people here venting Hyperbole about Baker being the greatest thing since slice toast. But I read a lot about Baker’s every mistake…NONE of his successes. Not exactly open minded or fair thinking.

    I think the most positive posts for Baker simply say he can win with the right team. NOBODY is calling him the next GOAT…the next Trent Dilfer…maybe..the next Jeff Garcia..yep.

  82. Tony marks Says:


    See how it plays out. The amounts are going to depend on how well he plays in the last 4 anyway.

    However. as much as I have enjoyed ( and will continue to enjoy) ticking off the Traskies with putdowns of Kyle, If you are drafting QB and signing Baker as a bridge then fair is fair

    Trask deserves his shot. You “redshirt” the new QB and see in the offseason if Kyle improves again. The day dreams some of you have at top names even Penix are just that – daydreams – the hype is too great to not see several qbs taken in the top ten. We maybe even see a record broke in that regard.

    Who we are likely to draft will likely need the time to develop. Now slipping back to taskie crushing mode

    KYLE SUCKS AND WILL LOSE TO BOTH QBS – and even Wolford.


  83. David Says:

    The toilet bowl with Baker came within two minutes before they were finished for now and Baker fans wants to resign at the cost of destroying another season next year.

  84. Glass (almost) Half Full Guy Says:

    A lot of griping about Mayfield and most of it is fair I suppose but….

    One of the league’s “Golden Boys”, Justin Herbert has roughly the same stats as Mayfield, has been with his team for 3 seasons and the Chargers are sitting at 5-8 and we’re at 6-7.

    Yes, we’re in a lousy division but as of now, the top 4 teams “in the hunt” for a Wildcard spot in the NFC are all 6-7 also.

    Just something to think about.

    And that list above of “decent” FA quarterbacks….only Cousins would be an upgrade and that’s as long as he heals up. The rest are either has-beens or scrubs.

  85. Duane in Sanford Says:

    Still too early to commit. He is a bit banged up, and regardless of the season outcome, he could be damaged goods. Let Licht work his magic when the time comes. This franchise has had much worse at the helm than Baker, and rarely much better. He does have a ceiling, but his play should improve with a Running Game. Draft a QB, Inside Lineman, and Rb with the premium picks and let the chips fall where they may. Also worth the $4million to find out Kyle Trask doesnt have what it takes to compete in this league.

  86. Tony marks Says:

    stpetebucfan Says:
    I think the most positive posts for Baker simply say he can win with the right team.


    Yep. I see him as possibly slightly better than the 14 he has ranked most of the season but not top 7. Probably aound 12. I dont go as far for ANYONE in their 20s saying stupid nonsense like ” we know the ceiling” ( no you don’t )but thats about what i have seen him as potentially being – top 12

    Can you win with that ? You most definitely can especially if the running game keeps coming along. Yes you need an uptempo passing game to sell seats BUT the game has NOT changd to the point where you can’t win even the super bowl with a very good defense, a running game and a top 12 QB

  87. Tony marks Says:

    David Says:
    December 11th, 2023 at 10:35 pm
    The toilet bowl with Baker came within two minutes before they were finished for now

    Dude I feel can your pain with every key stroke. Baker really torched your Kylie hope papers. Don’t worry man – remember Annie’s famous song in regard to the sun.

  88. Tb bolts Says:

    Tony miss the marks: 48% 144 yards. Keep celebrating a god awful QB. Makes you look really smart. You and wyoming joe can watch in horror as the last four games continue to show how terrible baker is.

  89. Capt2fish Says:

    He is saying the right thing but will jump ship early in free agency. He has had enough bad coaches in his career. Even if they fire bowles…he won’t want to roll the dice with a new coach. He will head for a team with an established coach and gm (Pat’s, Pit, Rams) and avoid train wreck organizations that resemble the browns (Chi, NYG, Wash). NFL execs don’t suffer from myopia or Trask fever like they do on this forum. They see what baker has done with the worst coach, offensive scheme and run game in the league….and they will pay him $30M per year.

  90. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    The QB carousel will be interesting this offseason, especially if the Bears move on from Fields and the Vikings don’t re-sign Cousins. Those two, Brissett and Mayfield will generate a lot of interest. There are at least 6 teams that need an upgrade and not every QB that tears up college can make the jump to the pros.

  91. adam from ny Says:

    i would take baker for 2 years at 40 mil with incentives…maybe…

    that could bump it to 50 mil…

    maybe…i’d have to think about it more – but it’s a thought…

    i guess the next 4 games will tell the tale…

    remember that last game for jameis vs atlanta sealed his fate, and then in came tommy b

  92. Larrd Says:

    Florio’s question was a lot better than Joe’s, lol.

  93. sdm5821 Says:

    Baker is what he is, a solid serviceable quarterback, who plays well within a system. Canales is still figuring out play calling and what exactly his system is. Baker is also smart like Tom Brady and knows that if he takes a little less, it allows for money to be spent elsewhere, which benefits him in the long run. 50/50 as to whether he could be a long term answer, but if he can be signed for a team friendly 2-3 year deal, the Bucs should go ahead and sign him. They can still draft a quarterback and maybe at some point that QB will be able to beat Baker out.

    As for Trask, if he is as good as everyone thinks, why be Baker’s backup for another year, especially if the Bucs are going to draft a QB in whatever round. He should demand a trade or an outright release after this year and bet on himself so he can be a starter. Quarterbacks do it all the time, well I know of one that did and his name is Baker Mayfield.

  94. Beeej Says:

    “Glass (almost) Half Full Guy Says:
    December 11th, 2023 at 10:36 pm
    A lot of griping about Mayfield and most of it is fair I suppose but….

    One of the league’s “Golden Boys”, Justin Herbert has roughly the same stats as Mayfield, has been with his team for 3 seasons and the Chargers are sitting at 5-8 and we’re at 6-7.

    Yes, we’re in a lousy division but as of now, the top 4 teams “in the hunt” for a Wildcard spot in the NFC are all 6-7 also.

    Just something to think about.

    And that list above of “decent” FA quarterbacks….only Cousins would be an upgrade and that’s as long as he heals up. The rest are either has-beens or scrubs.”

    You could ad Mahomes to that list

  95. SlyPirate Says:

    You seriously just compared TB12 to Baker and suggested they are in some way equals?


    Every year the Bucs return Baker or Bowles, they’ll lose +10% of their fan base.

  96. Larrd Says:

    They should offer Baker decent money but not hesitate to go with Trask if Baker gets lots of interest and wants more.

  97. adam from ny Says:

    in 4 more games baker will be known as either:

    bleaker mayfield or baker moxiefield

  98. adam from ny Says:

    if they think baker isn’t the answer, they’ll probably try a trial run year with trask…

    and if it doesn’t work out, they’ll spend to fix the qb situation for the following season

  99. Onetrickpony Says:

    Waaaa waaaa waaaa.
    It gets old

  100. SlyPirate Says:

    Is the nickname:

    “Baker Sucks”

    144 yards passing with less than 50% passing. Seems to fit.

  101. Glass (almost) Half Full Guy Says:

    Since the 2000 draft (23 years) there have been 69 quarterbacks taken in the first round.

    Only 6 of them have won at least one Super Bowl. Ben Roethlisberger (2), Eli Manning (2), Aaron Rodgers (1), Joe Flacco (1), Patrick Mahomes (2) and Matthew Stafford (1). for a total of 9 SB wins out of 22 years.

    13 have been won by QBs not chosen in the first round.

    Of course you have Brady’s 7 but that still leaves 6 other QBs taken later than round one who won SBs. There a more but I stopped at the year 2000.

    The other 63 first round QB picks? A whole lot of busts and no-names. That’s a lot of guys who were “highly touted” by the pro scouts and draft pros. A few had decent careers but even a Heisman doesn’t guarantee quality. (Not a great track record on the Heisman list either).

    Bottom line, don’t get too hung up on where we pick if we go for a QB. It really is a crap shoot. One thing virtually every SB winner had was a very good coaching staff. Hopefully the Glazers play toward that philosophy instead of mortgaging the future trying to build around a QB based on “draft position”. Finding a truly good HC should be job #1. Build around the HC.

  102. Emcee Says:

    I’m ok with giving Baker a 1 year deal with a mutual option for year 2.. with $5 million base and $15 signing bonus. Then still draft a QB in round 1 and let them sit a year and learn the offense. Hopefully with more continuity and maturity from the kids, MK13 returns along with Gage, and maybe some FAs on the line. Maybe he’s better in year 2 of the offense, ala Brady with BAs offense in ‘21.

    Pay him forward for what he did this year and give the org. enough leeway to bail out if he craps the bed next year. And if he balls out, pick up the 2025 option. If he doesn’t wanna play ball and/or Bowles gets blown out. All bets are off and be ready for Trask/Drafted QB to start week 1 next year.

  103. Elite Vita Says:

    Good deep QB draft in 2024. Not so much in 2025. It depends which QB will be available this year. That being said, Baker is so darn likable. Like his effort, positiveness, as QB. He’s about 3 inches short of making a great difference for a team. GO BUCS!

  104. BAKERSBucs Says:

    Davidsays mikesays & the rest of u ahokes r just that what a bunch of dirtbags 1st class dirtbags I feel sorry u people can’t really be humans I mean ain’t no way

  105. BAKERSBucs Says:

    I mean really wtf us really wrong with u people u r not humans u must b from that movie robots wtf

  106. sdm5821 Says:

    Bucfan1988 Says:

    Bucs own Trask’s rights.
    They got him one more season as well for cheap….

    We all know Trask beat out Mayfield in preseason, but Bowles hitched his wagon to Mayfield, so Trask never had the shot.

    Bucs SHOULD be drafting a QB in this draft in 1st round, but why pay Mayfield some crazy 2-3 year contract when you have a QB on your bench that played better??

    Bucfan1988, you and the others crying for Trask are the only ones that cannot accept that Trask has had three years to prove himself and failed. You can give him a pass on his rookie year, but he couldn’t even beat out Blaine Gabbert. Bowles knew from day one that he was coaching for his job this year. He couldn’t care less if it was Mayfield or Trask, just who gave him the best chance to win games. Same as when the Bucs lost 6 out of 7 after the bye week. If anyone at One Buccaneer Place thought Trask was better and would give a chance to win more games he would be playing. As for his rights being owned by the Bucs, Trask can still ask to be traded or released, he just needs to have the guts to bet on himself and do it.

  107. adam from ny Says:


    i hear ya…

    what you are saying sounds correct…

    but didn’t we just draft a qb in trask and groom him under the best ever in brady…???

    they just might want to take a shot and see what he’s made of for a season, if they don’t go the baker route…

    who knows…

    i’m cool with drafting a qb…but we just did that with jameis and look where it got us…

    thank God i’m not the gm and crew, trying to figure it all out, and swerve around draft busts

  108. garro Says:

    I try to be objective about the Bucs and I am not trying to stir the anti Baker pot or for that matter all the anti Trask folks either.

    However, of course he wants to come back to Tampa. He can play ball control offense and throw safe passes to some elite receivers and get to stay in the league as a starter while doing so. I’m not sure he can do that elsewhere.

    Go Bucs!

  109. adam from ny Says:

    hey lets say there are about 7 good qbs coming out this year…

    it would be considered a good nfl draft on the whole if:

    – you get 1 superb franchise qb
    – you get 1 decent to good nfl quarterback
    – you get 2 eventual backup qbs that last in the league with 2nd contracts
    – and 3 guys flame out and work at best buy, marshalls and bob’s big boy

    so if 4 out of 7 make it, and 2 become starters, and one is a superstar………then it was a success

  110. UKBuccaneer Says:

    I maintain that we use the first pick on o-line. That’s where great teams are made. Once the trenches are built, you find pieces to fit around them.

    A rookie QB in this offense is being setup to fail.

  111. Onetrickpony Says:

    Groom a quarterback for the future?
    And how has that turned out for Trask?
    This Bunch couldn’t groom a puppy.
    They couldn’t get Winston to slow down with his interceptions, and he was touted to be NFL ready, the most coming out. Not all of these college quarterbacks can cut it in the NFL, so it’s like a pig in a poke, just a roll of the dice.
    If you really think Trask is the answer, and is not playing, don’t blame it on Mayfield. Blame it all on the coaches and nobody else along with the scouting Department

  112. Onetrickpony Says:

    Exactly UKBuccaaner

  113. Defense Rules Says:

    Have collected cartoons for many years (top cartoonists are also great satirists IMO), and my favorite ends with the bottom line ‘Sometimes we tend to over look the obvious’. We all tend to look at the world through our own set of experiences & hopes, and as a result ‘sometimes we overlook the obvious’.

    In the Bucs’ case, there are a lot of things going on that should be ‘obvious’. Far too many to list. Our salary CAP situation for 2024 for example is not the greatest, and it’ll impose some severe limitations on what we would LIKE to look like this coming year. For another, we have zero clue at this point who’ll coach the Bucs next season. Surely he’ll have a major input on who his QB will be.

    Bottom line I guess is that considering Mayfield as the Bucs’ QB for 2024 is WAAAY PREMATURE. Baker gave the only answer he could … ‘Of course, I love it here’. What else would anyone expect him to say?

  114. Don'tBmad Says:

    Dump them Baker ..these ignorant fans deserve the doldrums. Some of them actually think Kyle (the eternal backup) is a better QB when he’s not even good enough to be trade bait.

  115. Tony marks Says:

    Tb bolts Says:
    December 11th, 2023 at 11:10 pm
    Tony miss the marks: 48% 144 yards. Keep celebrating a god awful QB. Makes you look really smart. You and wyoming joe can watch in horror as the last four games continue to show how terrible baker is.


    I’ll hold you to that TB dolt. and if we make the playoffs I’ll be laughing even louder


  116. Obvious Says:

    I’ve never seen someone as insecure about another man as Tony Mark’s is concerning Kyle Trask. The fear is very real for him. Marks WILL NOT stop talking about Kyle Trask!

    I’m not sure what Trask did to him but at the obsessive level this goes on and on and on, it’s Got To Be personal. And usually when a dude talks that much about another man obsessively, he’s either had his woman many times and left someone like Mark’s for a better man or in another view or world, Mark’s affections have been rejected and publicly laughed at in an Extremely Embarrassing Moment.

    Why else would one man obsess over another ALL DAY LONG EVERY FREAKING DAY? Half the time the subject of conversation has Nothing to Do with the QB position AND STILL Tony Marks MAKES SURE to include Kyle Trask in the conversation…. What’s Really Weird is that it’s Not Hyperbole, IT’S A FACT!

    Honestly Tony, talk about something else. ANYTHING ELSE!


  117. Tony marks Says:

    Onetrickpony Says:

    If you really think Trask is the answer, and is not playing, don’t blame it on Mayfield. Blame it all on the coaches and nobody else along with the scouting Department


    NO one believes that except the Kyle Cult. Coud he develop? Yes I write no one off so young. People are all in on – “we used a valuable 2nd round pick he deserves a shot”

    second round pick means ALL NFL teams passed on him in the first round. He was picked 64 overall so almost all teams passed TWICE and he was nearly a third rounder

    What that shows CONCLUSIVELY is that the narrative from the Kye Cult is garbage. Its one thing to think he can develop but at least half of them all season long claim that what he did in college translates to what he will do the NFL . OVer a hundred experts that analyze drafts from 32 teams said

    Nuh -huh or he would have been drafted higher

    Frankly kyle probably needs another offseason. His fans aren’t thinking what happens if he isn’t ready and starts throwing some picks. His entire careerr would likely be over.

    My personal best case scenario would be he gets traded. I’d root for him like a cheerleader. its his bucs fans I can’t stand. So without them in the mix I would have no reservations.

  118. Obvious Says:

    Maybe Tony’s been hired by Mayfield’s promoter? I don’t know. I’ve never seen anything like it. Seriously.

  119. Oneilbuc Says:

    The production we get from Baker Mayfield you can get that kind of production from a rookie quarterback. The rookie might play better than what Baker is playing now. Baker Mayfield looks like a rookie quarterback and people at like he’s balling. He’s average against bad teams and trash against good teams but the bucs love average. They must move on from Baker and Todd Bowles if not next year will be worse than this year. They need to draft a quarterback in the first round.

  120. Tony marks Says:

    Obvious Says:

    Half the time the subject of conversation has Nothing to Do with the QB position AND STILL Tony Marks MAKES SURE to include Kyle Trask in the conversation


    LOLOLOL…..Pinochio’s nose aint got nothing on you Oh High priest of Trask. Anyone thats been on here from the beginning of training camp knows the truth . Its Your cult that hasn’t been able to see a thread they could not relate to trask


    Bowles knws who won

    bench Baker now. ( so Kyle can start)




    GO thorugh these blog entires and you will RARELY ever see me bring up Kyle unless as always its baker sucks chants so you can see the UF NFL reject.

    Dont want peopel to talka bout trask?.Here a thought _ STOP BRINGING HIM UP IN EVERY OTHER THREAD.

    He lost the QB competition IN EARLY SEPTEMBER . Time to give it up but you never will.

  121. Oneilbuc Says:

    SDM . Baker Mayfield had 5 years to show what he can do and he is showing you why he’s on his 6 team in 6 years.

  122. Tony marks Says:

    Oneilbuc Says:
    December 12th, 2023 at 5:59 am
    SDM . Baker Mayfield had 5 years to show what he can do and he is showing you why he’s on his 6 team in 6 years.


    See why all this Kyle Cult obsession is bad for America’s youth?

    This one can’t even do basic maths like counting.

    Make Tampa Great again

    Trade Trask.

  123. Oneilbuc Says:

    Tony. You must be apart of Baker Mayfield family are something. Look you can try to act like Baker Mayfield is a good quarterback all you want but facts are facts. It’s a reason why Baker Mayfield is on his 4th team in 6 years you ain’t winning nothing with Baker Mayfield. Baker Mayfield is not a franchise quarterback regardless how much you pretend he is. And just to remind you Baker Mayfield had more picks than Trask in training camp and we all know Baker Mayfield was gifted the starting job he didn’t earn nothing. We are under 500 and that’s a good thing record to you and the rest of you Baker children? Lol 🤣🤣

  124. Tony marks Says:

    Oneilbuc Says:
    . It’s a reason why Baker Mayfield is on his 4th team in 6 years you ain’t winning nothing with Baker Mayfield.


    See? My posts on Baker and Kyle are already paying off. You are already improving in maths.

    “We are under 500 and that’s a good thing record to you”

    we are one game off (it s okay you can catch up on subtraction in the next class)

    much better than four game below with Trask.

  125. eric Says:

    people in hell want ice water, please no go sucker another franchise!

  126. Davenport Says:

    Alot of people are missing the point here.

    If Bowles stays, Mayfield stays
    Bowles won’t risk his job with a new QB

    If Bowles goes, Mayfield goes
    A new coach wont want him

  127. orlbucfan Says:

    SlyPirate Says:
    December 12th, 2023 at 12:01 am
    You seriously just compared TB12 to Baker and suggested they are in some way equals?


    Every year the Bucs return Baker or Bowles, they’ll lose +10% of their fan base.
    Well, got the moronic comments going today. This site always stays entertaining. Yeah, BM has the same record as a wrinkled old QB who should have retired: Methuselah12. Yeah, the oldie goldie who has won every NFL record known to god and man including the HOF. He sure doesn’t get old age. Fan base? Oh here? Where? You mean all the whiners, frauds, trolls, and chronic complainers?

  128. Ken Browns fan ..Baker Bro Says:

    Why wouldn’t you want Baker Mayfield, improve your running backs and improve your defense…..draft a QB to learn from Baker..but losing Baker isn’t a smart move

  129. Oneilbuc Says:

    Bringing Baker Mayfield back will get us the same results or worse next year!! Baker Mayfield looks like a rookie quarterback and what can he teach any young quarterback when he’s on his 4th team in 6 years. Lol 😂😂

  130. Obvious Says:

    Tony Mark’s,

    You’re an idiot and a Lier. You have No Clue what you’re talking about. You are a TRUE BABOON’S ARSE!

    Buddy, you why Don’t you do just a little bit of RESEARCH before you CONTINUE to show what a MORON You ARE!

    I’m what? “Priest of Trask”? Tony Marks is an IDIOT!

    Many know better than to be as short sight as you’re claims… Sorry BUFFOON, THAT’S NOT MY STANCE… Not going to tell you either. LAZY,LAZY Tony Marks

    It’s pleasurable that you just showed the biggest Chinks in your armor.

    Stunningly, I guess I was right about you being rejected and your, we’ll call them preferences.

    And since you won’t shut up about the meager, back up QB that we could afford this year and claiming he’s better than all the rest, you’re a target of your own blind arrogance which is an OBVIOUS ignorance. You asked for it.

    I SURE HOPE you’re getting paid for your efforts because otherwise you honey, are a sad individual. Btw, why are you hiding behind a males name? Is it actually “Toni” or “Tonisha”?
    Either way, you’re BEGGING for it…

  131. Conner50 Says:

    Need to get Jayden daniels in the draft even if it’s to move up a few spots. Then obviously get a center,rb,wr,lb,db or safety. Mayfield ain’t the guy, but he can be the guy till daniels is ready. Mayfield is not gonna win us playoff games or a Super Bowl but could help us while we build this team up

  132. Buc1987 Says:

    Time for a Baker poll huh Joe?

  133. lanshark Says:

    August 1976:

    Historically, at Oklahoma, BM was over 70% completions, and known for throwing an accurate long ball. He didn’t just magically lose that ability. In his time at Cleveland, he completed many long passes, and at times had a better offensive line, and a good running game. What’s the big difference between those teams and TB this year?

    Baker consistently get’s less than 2.75 seconds in the pocket, and MOST of the time he does not have a “clean” pocket. Hard to be accurate when you’re either moving to avoid a sack, or can’t step into a throw because your center (looking at you, Hainsley) got blasted back into the front of the pocket.

    Fix the Interior line issues, and Baker’s accuracy will greatly improve.

    Cleveland’s issues other than in 2020 were enough to keep them bad.. Baker was actually fairly successful there – unfortunately, too many people believe that a “franchise QB” would be able to magically raise their mediocre team to the SB.

    Let’s see, last year the GOAT QB had a similar team (except they had a bit better run game) and they ended up 8-9 or something like that. So, even the GREATEST OF ALL TIME cannot lift a poor/bad team much above ‘mediocre’.

    Whether you like it or not – it’s still a 22 player game, and the other 21 players make a big difference.

  134. Larrd Says:

    There’s no reasoning with them, Ian. I suspect they get their sports analyses from NPR.

  135. Capt.Tim Says:

    Sure, he said it.
    But hes not under any obligatio to play here next year.
    The Falcons and Saints are both fundamentally better teams.

    My guess. He leaves the Bucs and their bad lines, bad salary cap. And horrible coach,
    And goes to a better team.

    And we are much worse next year. With no NFL caliber QB on the team., or on the horizon.

  136. BelleGladeBuc Says:

    Father Time got the GOAT TB12.

    Father Time is the ultimate GOAT.

    Everybody saw that TB12 afraid to take the hits, throwing the ball away, throwing it in the dirt, etc… last year.

    All of us at the stadium were saying this last year.

    If you are pro Baker, then it’s not that wise to compare him to TB12’s last year.

  137. Rob Says:

    So what you’re saying is: Baker with a new team is just as good as Brady going through divorce… We’re winning this division. 💯

  138. T. McGee Says:

    I have a nickname for Baker. See how he likes Jeff Garcia II.

  139. Bkyrdbob Says:

    Baker kinda reminds me of Trent Dilfer.

  140. Pappabill Says:

    He better stay….I’ve invested my whole image defending one of the most underrated and underappreciated QB s ever…He’s the reason we are where we are …not the only reason but come on now …if the defense was real and as good as they should be we’d be 9-4 easily

    K E E P. B A K E R. M A Y F I E L D. P L E A S E

  141. optimisticbucsfan Says:

    Wow. This thread totally delivers.


    Forget Trask AND Baker.

    Both losers. Trust JL. He has another Brady…right?

  142. BAKERSBucs Says:

    So elite vita u have to b 6’5″ to be a qb wtf r u talking bout most every qb in NFL is e exactly baker size they move quick & has 1 of the best arms in the league its like constant schooling of all u dumbells on this site how dumb can u people b I guess pretty dumb I wud wager u all voted Biden guaranteed

  143. Fred Says:

    Bowles needs to go and he can take Dean with him.

  144. BAKERSBucs Says:

    Obviously take Trask & shove him where ever you live u 2 shud start u r own team baker is better than 90 % of NFL qb rite now I wud wager they absolutely keep BM for obvious reasons u were lucky he is such an entertainer that is for sure bakermania pal