Yes, Bucs Are “Spiraling”

November 28th, 2023

Bucs coach Todd Bowles.

Yesterday, Bucs coach Todd Bowles pushed back when a reporter at his day-after presser said the Bucs’ sinking pirate ship is “snowballing.”

I don’t think it’s snowballing,” Bowles said.

When Joe sees that the Bucs have lost six of their last seven games, can’t get out of their own way every week, big time players giving up sacks and get clowned by Gardner Minshew inside the Bucs-5 for a score, plus dudes committing penalties on the Colts-1 on the Bucs’ best opening drive of the season — the list goes on — just to be polite Joe termed it “spiraling.”

And with just six games left in the regular season, a loss on Sunday and Joe will say the Bucs are “circling the drain.”

John Breech of CBS dsseems to think Joe is onto something here. He too referred to the Bucs as “spiraling,” Despite this, he gave the Bucs a “C” grade for the loss to the Colts.

The Buccaneers season is officially spiraling out of control. The Bucs have now lost six of their past seven games and a big reason it’s happening is because their offense is struggling. Those struggles continued in Indy on a day where the Colts defense beat up on Baker Mayfield (He was sacked six times). With the offensive line struggling, Mayfield never seemed really comfortable and that might be why he turned the ball over twice, including a lost fumble with under two minutes left that killed any chance of a comeback win. With the offense playing like this, it’s hard to see the Bucs staying in the division title race over the final six weeks of the season.

A “C” grade is rather generous in Joe’s eyes.

Week after week lately the Bucs play down to their opponents. Now add a suddenly porous offensive line (Tristan Wirfs must be hurt), Joe would not be surprised one bit if Bucs fans are standing as one at The Licht House Sunday night, holding their collective breath as the Bucs try one futile drive in the waning moments to kick a field goal to tie or win.

The script is the same every week: No offense early allowing an opponent to lead, and when the Bucs have to play catch-up, they draw cards in the huddle to see whose turn it is to make a dumb mistake (penalty/fumble/sack/dropped pass/missed tackle/blown coverage).

30 Responses to “Yes, Bucs Are “Spiraling””

  1. David Says:

    The Panthers have only scored over 17 points 3 times this year. They haven’t scored more than 15 in their last 5 games. If the Buccaneers do not win this game, they should fire Bowles and most the coaches that night.

    Hire Eric Bienemy and draft Jayden Daniels.

  2. Derek Says:

    If the Buccaneers do not win this game, they should fire Bowles and most the coaches that night.

  3. Tony Marks Says:

    its not like they have a good oline themselves. Worse it appears. The defense can still rush if they can’t pass cover so provided they get after The Qb early it would be stunning if they can’t win.

    Really with Baker banged up this really should be the spot to give Trask a start with little risk . It should be a gimme but at this point nothing is.

  4. Boge Says:

    Why do we seem to be every teams “get right” game?

    We lose to the the Panthers and it’s more like circling the toilet bowles. Time to flush.

  5. FortMyersDave Says:

    It’s the Bucs’ life in that the Bucs gat the Panther right after they launch their head coach. The Panthers will introduce some new wrinkles on both offense and defense which will likely catch Bowles and Canaris off guard so I would not be surprised if the Panthers jump to an early lead in the game like the Colts did. The first half line on the game ought to be interesting, if Vegas paid close attention to how Bowles teams tend to come out flat, the Panthers would be favored in the first half of this one. If the Bucs win this upcoming game, which is a coin flip IMHO, then it will likely be a comeback.

  6. Crickett Baker Says:

    I thought this sentence would go like this ” Joe would not be surprised one bit if Bucs fans are standing as one at the Licht House Sunday night, holding their” pitchforks.

  7. Rod Munch Says:




  8. I remember 21 Says:

    I have to agree about Wirfs being injured. In fact I hope that’s the case. Because while he’s not in my top 20 concerns/ issues with this team, unlike some of those, he is expected & needed to be a building block for the future and he’s been playing, uh, not great these past few games. If he’s not injured, we’re going to have to reevaluate the move to LT IMO. Sure he’s been “ok” lately, but if my choice is between a top 5-8 LT and the best RT in the game… I’m gonna have to think a little harder than I’d like on that one. I think he’s just toughing it out because he’s a stud and we have no other options, but he’s already had ankle issues and I’d hate for it to get worse or be a long term issue just for us to lose anyway the rest of this lost season.

    And to that point, what is with our f-ery with reporting injuries? First Brady’s hidden MCL all season, then WHATEVER the F has been going on with the status of Jensen’s knee, Wirfs’ ankle and on and on. I understand the desire to hide minor injuries, but we’re truly bordering on the absurd. I’d say we’re second to the Pats with secrecy on this stuff. I don’t even gamble, but in 2023 it shouldn’t be some CIA level coverup that a guy got his ankle rolled up on, geez. Hopefully the shenanigans they pulled with Burrow will lead to the league cracking down on this stuff and we, as usual, would be one of the most penalized teams.

  9. Duane in Sanford Says:

    When he said no snowballing he meant he doesnt have a snowball’s chance. Flat start, flirt with success, coming just short enough for the rest of us to realize what the true problem is. Accountability must be a lost term at OBP under the Bowles regime. 45 has been avoiding it for a few years now, and Bowles lets him wear that C, and covers for him every week. We saw what happens when LVD isnt there to cover for him on the field. Very difficult to change that culture now, considering he has enabled it since the start of last season.

  10. Dave Pear Says:

    Todd. Bowles.

    Expect win? He couldn’t win with the 72 Dolphins

  11. Crazyhorse54 Says:

    Denial of reality will destroy any person’s career. TB needs a reality check in the worst way. Sir, look at your body of work as a head coach. You say all the mistakes your team makes are fixable. You haven’t fixed them. Your record screams that fact. Head coaching is NOT what you ere born to do. After you get fired I you will have time to think. Self deluding will keep you on the same path. Invest your life somewhere where you can succeed. This ain’t it.

  12. BrianBucs Says:

    The Bucs only saving grace for the rest of the season is that they get to play Caroline twice.
    If you can’t beat the league’s worst team twice then it’s time to fire everybody and start all over.
    Hopefully a couple of wins over the Panthers won’t save Bowles’ job for next season.

  13. steele Says:

    This team, led by this coaching regime, is doing exactly what was predicted and expected by armies of us who have watched this demise since the night the Super Bowl was won. A post-championship malaise and dissension, followed by veteran exits, talent erosion, bad personnel decisions, and bad coaching. A steady dumpster fire that keeps burning slowly.

  14. Defense Rules Says:

    Considering how they’ve been playing, on offense AND defense, AND the mounting injuries, I seriously doubt this team can beat the Packers or the Jaguars. Probably couldn’t beat the Falcons or the Saints at this point. So even IF we win our 2 games against the Panthers, that’d give us a 6-11 season. Whoopee.

    Last season the team with 6 wins (Raiders) picked 7th. With 6 wins this year, Bucs could pick as high as 5th (Panthers, Patriots, Cardinals & Bears almost surely picking above that). Several other teams currently have 4 wins like we do (Jets, Titans, Chargers, Giants, Commanders) so we’ll have to duke it out with them for 5th place. Hope springs eternal.

    Right now the Bucs don’t have a 5th Rnd pick in 2024, but we still have our other 6 picks. I could easily see us taking a QB in Rnd 1, a DE/OLB in Rnd 2, a RB in Rnd 3, a ILB in Rnd 4 then grabbing a Safety & TE in Rnds 6 & 7. That ASSUMES that Mayfield won’t be re-signed, Shaq will be released to save money, White won’t be re-signed but LVD will. Licht’s gonna have a LOT of work to do in free agency to field a team that even as competitive as THIS year’s team. I’m sure that top-tier HC prospects & coordinators will line up 10 deep to coach something like that.

  15. Hodad Says:

    I thought last weeks presser was hard to watch. Bowles is completely lost. The team has tuned him out, like the fans did. He has no anawers. He hasn’t benched poor play, or even fired some staff. Should’ve fired his D.C. after the Texans game, but he didn’t. Oh that’s right we don’t have a D.C.. Bowles knows no one could do a better job then him calling plays. So how did Cox make the Bucs look like fools on 4th down? Thank god Bowles was on top of it. Black Monday can’t get here fast enough.

  16. Onetrickpony Says:

    Spiraling ? = Crashed
    Fixed it for you

  17. ModHairKen Says:

    How bad is this team? How bad is this collapse?

    Gruden lost 4 in a row to go from 9-3 to 9-7 and was fired.

    The only remaining conversation is: who are the new HC candidates? What free agents to sign and to pursue and draft position.

    The new coach will draft a QB. The question is who? Nix sucked before this year. Don’t want him.

  18. Aceofaerospace Says:

    Just checking in to see if Toilet Bowels is fired yet. I’ll check back in again later.

  19. LongSeason Says:

    Bucs have already landed the Wile E. Coyote Cartoon Splat Award. They stuck that crash at the bottom of the Grand Canyon.
    Do we get our coaches from ACME?

  20. Irish Laughter Says:

    Bowles will win the Panthers game and his confidence level will be rated between 65-75 %. That is how desperate us Bucs fans are for a win. It sure feels like the Bad old Days (Groundhog Day) all over again. You don’t know what you got until its gone. Go Bucs. Start the roll this week. Keeping it real in Ireland.

  21. WisconsinBucsFan Says:

    Mayfield just doesn’t have “IT” .. He can not do what needs to be done when the chips are down. Has proved it to 3 other teams … Bucs not smart about this.. Trask should start the rest of the way. Baker dug hole can Kyle get out of it. Need to know what Trask has. Bench Baker!

  22. Tardis Feathered Says:

    At least wing girl never fails us…

  23. Bosch Says:

    Boge says:
    We lose to the the Panthers and it’s more like circling the toilet bowles. Time to flush.

    Well said. Like a Bosch!

  24. 1#bucsfan Says:

    Hard to watch this team yet I still do on sundays. It’s one thing to be competitive play good fundamental ball and lose a close game but that’s not what is happening. I spent a lot of money on YouTube TV to watch these games as I have moved out of the Bay Area. Honestly a complete waste of money. Someone please bring BA back or get someone close to him or better.

  25. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Between the Minnesota and NO games Bucs should have lost one – but they won both.

    Outside of that season pretty much has gone as predicted.

    They go 3-3 to finish 7-10. A notch above the over.

    Vegas 6.5 looking prescient.

  26. stpetebucfan Says:


    Thanks for a rational look.

  27. TampaBayRudy Says:

    Why is everyone here rooting for a win at this point? Any “win” this season is a major loss. We need two things that compounded losses would grant us immediately: higher draft position; and a new coaching staff. We need those two things desperately.

  28. Tony Marks Says:

    SLNITiwitiest Says:
    November 28th, 2023 at 7:33 am
    Even if Trask goes 2-4 (.333) it would be comparable to Mayfeld’s .363. Hell, if Trask goes 1-5 it would be better than Mayfield’s current run of 1-6.


    LOLOL and the trend continues. As the possibility of Trask getting some playing time comes the traskies one after another are furiously trying to walk back their earlier claims. The only one with some guts ( for now…watch when the games get played ) is David still projecting 6-0).

    Nope….Your boy is going to have to show he is MINIMUM a top ten QB with all the smack you’ve collectively been saying all season. Panthers is just a first good game for him because they stink so badly. He should be fine agaisnt such a low bar and then we don’t get to hear excuses of no experience in the remaining games.

  29. Conner50 Says:

    Start Trask and see what we have in him.

  30. DBS Says:

    SLUbuc you are so easy. Really? Tony the FSU dropout? Just like asking Tbbucs3 what year he dropped out of FSU. How many more names are you going to lose?